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// ApiPInvokeTest.cs: enforce P/Invoke signatures
// Authors:
// Aaron Bockover <abock@xamarin.com>
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2013-2014 Xamarin, Inc.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Xamarin.Tests;
using NUnit.Framework;
using ObjCRuntime;
using Foundation;
namespace Introspection {
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
public abstract class ApiPInvokeTest : ApiBaseTest {
IEnumerable pinvokeQuery;
public ApiPInvokeTest ()
ContinueOnFailure = true;
LogProgress = false;
pinvokeQuery = from type in Assembly.GetTypes ()
where !Skip (type)
from mi in type.GetMethods (
BindingFlags.NonPublic |
BindingFlags.Public |
let attr = mi.GetCustomAttribute<DllImportAttribute> ()
where attr is not null && !Skip (mi)
select mi;
protected virtual bool Skip (Type type)
return SkipDueToAttribute (type);
protected virtual bool Skip (MethodInfo methodInfo)
return SkipDueToAttribute (methodInfo);
public void Signatures ()
int totalPInvokes = 0;
Errors = 0;
foreach (MethodInfo mi in pinvokeQuery) {
if (!CheckSignature (mi)) {
if (!ContinueOnFailure)
AssertIfErrors (
"{0} errors found in {1} P/Invoke signatures validated",
Errors, totalPInvokes);
protected virtual bool CheckSignature (MethodInfo mi)
var success = true;
if (!CheckReturnParameter (mi, mi.ReturnParameter))
success = false;
foreach (var pi in mi.GetParameters ()) {
if (!CheckParameter (mi, pi))
success = false;
return success;
protected virtual bool CheckReturnParameter (MethodInfo mi, ParameterInfo pi)
return CheckParameter (mi, pi);
protected virtual bool CheckParameter (MethodInfo mi, ParameterInfo pi)
bool result = true;
// `ref` is fine but it can hide the droids we're looking for
var pt = pi.ParameterType;
if (pt.IsByRef)
pt = pt.GetElementType ();
// we don't want generics in p/invokes except for delegates like Func<> and Action<> which we know how to deal with
// ref: https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=42699
if (pt.IsGenericType && !pt.IsSubclassOf (typeof (Delegate))) {
AddErrorLine ("[FAIL] {0}.{1} has a generic parameter in its signature: {2} {3}",
mi.DeclaringType.FullName, mi.Name, pt, pi.Name);
result = false;
result &= CheckForEnumParameter (mi, pi);
return result;
protected virtual bool CheckForEnumParameter (MethodInfo mi, ParameterInfo pi)
if (pi.ParameterType.IsEnum && pi.ParameterType.GetCustomAttribute<NativeAttribute> () is not null) {
AddErrorLine ("[FAIL] {0}.{1} has a [Native] enum parameter in its signature: {2} {3}",
mi.DeclaringType.FullName, mi.Name, pi.ParameterType, pi.Name);
return false;
return true;
protected virtual bool Skip (string symbolName)
switch (symbolName) {
// it's not needed for ARM64/ARM64_32 and Apple does not have stubs for them in libobjc.dylib
// also the linker normally removes them (unreachable due to other optimizations)
case "objc_msgSend_stret":
case "objc_msgSendSuper_stret":
return true;
return false;
protected virtual bool SkipLibrary (string libraryName)
return false;
public void SymbolExists ()
var failed_api = new HashSet<string> ();
Errors = 0;
int c = 0, n = 0;
foreach (MethodInfo mi in pinvokeQuery) {
if (LogProgress)
Console.WriteLine ("{0}. {1}", c++, mi);
var dllimport = mi.GetCustomAttribute<DllImportAttribute> ();
string libname = dllimport.Value;
switch (libname) {
case "__Internal":
case "System.Native":
case "System.Security.Cryptography.Native.Apple":
case "System.Net.Security.Native":
if (MonoNativeConfig.LinkMode == MonoNativeLinkMode.None)
#if __IOS__
libname = MonoNativeConfig.GetPInvokeLibraryName (MonoNativeFlavor.Unified, MonoNativeConfig.LinkMode);
libname = null;
if (SkipLibrary (libname))
string path = FindLibrary (libname, requiresFullPath: true);
string name = dllimport.EntryPoint ?? mi.Name;
if (Skip (name))
IntPtr lib = Dlfcn.dlopen (path, 0);
if (Dlfcn.GetIndirect (lib, name) == IntPtr.Zero && !failed_api.Contains (name)) {
ReportError ("Could not find the field '{0}' in {1}", name, path);
failed_api.Add (name);
Dlfcn.dlclose (lib);
Assert.AreEqual (0, Errors, "{0} errors found in {1} functions validated: {2}", Errors, n, string.Join (", ", failed_api));
// we just want to confirm the symbol exists so `dlsym` can be disabled
protected void Check (Assembly a)
Errors = 0;
ErrorData.Clear ();
int n = 0;
foreach (var t in a.GetTypes ()) {
foreach (var m in t.GetMethods (BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)) {
if ((m.Attributes & MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl) == 0)
var dllimport = m.GetCustomAttribute<DllImportAttribute> ();
string name = dllimport.EntryPoint ?? m.Name;
switch (name) {
// known not to be present in ARM64
case "objc_msgSend_stret":
case "objc_msgSendSuper_stret":
// the linker normally removes them (IntPtr.Size optimization)
string path = dllimport.Value;
switch (path) {
case "__Internal":
// load from executable
path = null;
#if NET
case "libSystem.Globalization.Native":
// load from executable (like __Internal above since it's part of the static library)
path = null;
case "libSystem.Native":
var staticallyLinked = false;
// always statically linked
staticallyLinked = true;
#elif __IOS__ || __TVOS__
// statically linked on device
staticallyLinked = Runtime.Arch == Arch.DEVICE;
#elif __MACOS__
// never statically linked (by default)
#error Unknown platform
if (staticallyLinked) {
path = null;
} else {
path += ".dylib";
case "libc":
// we still have some rogue/not-fully-qualified DllImport
path = "/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib";
case "System.Native":
case "System.Security.Cryptography.Native.Apple":
case "System.Net.Security.Native":
if (MonoNativeConfig.LinkMode == MonoNativeLinkMode.None)
#if __IOS__
path = MonoNativeConfig.GetPInvokeLibraryName (MonoNativeFlavor.Unified, MonoNativeConfig.LinkMode);
path = null;
var lib = Dlfcn.dlopen (path, 0);
var h = Dlfcn.dlsym (lib, name);
if (h == IntPtr.Zero) {
ReportError ("Could not find the symbol '{0}' in {1} for the P/Invoke {2}.{3} in {4}", name, path, t.FullName, m.Name, a.GetName ().Name);
} else if (path is not null) {
// Verify that the P/Invoke points to the right library.
Dl_info info = default (Dl_info);
var found = dladdr (h, out info);
if (found != 0) {
// Resolve symlinks in both cases
var dllImportPath = ResolveLibrarySymlinks (path);
var foundLibrary = ResolveLibrarySymlinks (Marshal.PtrToStringAuto (info.dli_fname));
if (Skip (name, ref dllImportPath, ref foundLibrary)) {
// Skipped
} else if (foundLibrary != dllImportPath) {
ReportError ($"Found the symbol '{name}' in the library '{foundLibrary}', but the P/Invoke {t.FullName}.{m.Name} in {a.GetName ().Name} claims it's in '{dllimport.Value}'.");
} else {
Console.WriteLine ($"Unable to find the library for the symbol '{name}' claimed to be in {path} for the P/Invoke {t.FullName}.{m.Name} in {a.GetName ().Name} (rv: {found})");
Dlfcn.dlclose (lib);
Assert.AreEqual (0, Errors, "{0} errors found in {1} symbol lookups{2}", Errors, n, Errors == 0 ? string.Empty : ":\n" + ErrorData.ToString () + "\n");
protected string ResolveLibrarySymlinks (string path)
var resolved = ((NSString) path).ResolveSymlinksInPath ().ToString ();
// ResolveSymlinksInPath will return the input if something goes wrong.
// Something usually goes wrong with system libraries: they don't actually exist on disk :/
// So add some custom logic to handle those cases.
resolved = resolved.Replace ("/Versions/A/", "/");
resolved = resolved.Replace ("/Versions/C/", "/");
resolved = resolved.Replace (".A.dylib", ".dylib");
return resolved;
protected virtual bool Skip (string symbol, ref string dllImportLibrary, ref string nativeLibrary)
// We only care about system libraries for this test.
if (!nativeLibrary.StartsWith ("/System", StringComparison.Ordinal))
return true;
// Assume that if the symbol is in a private framework, then the DllImport is pointing
// to the corresponding public/official location, and that we're just running into an
// implementation detail.
if (nativeLibrary.Contains ("/PrivateFrameworks/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
return true;
// System libraries in /usr/lib/system/ have public/official entry points in other
// libraries, so skip those too.
if (nativeLibrary.StartsWith ("/usr/lib/system/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
return true;
switch (nativeLibrary) {
case "/usr/lib/libnetwork.dylib":
return dllImportLibrary == "/System/Library/Frameworks/Network.framework/Network";
case "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/LaunchServices":
switch (dllImportLibrary) {
case "/System/Library/Frameworks/MobileCoreServices.framework/MobileCoreServices":
case "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/CoreServices":
return true;
case "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/FSEvents.framework/FSEvents":
return dllImportLibrary == "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/CoreServices";
#if __MACOS__
case "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/CoreGraphics":
// Years ago, CoreGraphics was somewhere else on macOS
return dllImportLibrary == "/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/CoreGraphics";
case "/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries/libGL.dylib":
return dllImportLibrary == "/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/OpenGL";
case "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/CarbonCore":
return dllImportLibrary == "/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon";
case "/System/Library/Frameworks/MetalPerformanceShaders.framework/Frameworks/MPSCore.framework/MPSCore":
// Check the umbrella framework
nativeLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/MetalPerformanceShaders.framework/MetalPerformanceShaders";
return false;
if (nativeLibrary.StartsWith ("/System/iOSSupport/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
nativeLibrary = nativeLibrary.Substring ("/System/iOSSupport".Length);
return false;
[DllImport (Constants.libcLibrary)]
static extern int dladdr (IntPtr addr, out Dl_info info);
struct Dl_info {
internal IntPtr dli_fname; /* Pathname of shared object */
internal IntPtr dli_fbase; /* Base address of shared object */
internal IntPtr dli_sname; /* Name of nearest symbol */
internal IntPtr dli_saddr; /* Address of nearest symbol */
protected abstract bool SkipAssembly (Assembly a);
// Note: this looks very similar to the "SymbolExists" test above (and it is)
// except that we never skip based on availability attributes or __Internal...
// since this is a test to ensure things will work at native link time (e.g.
// for devices) when dlsym is disabled
public void Product ()
var a = typeof (NSObject).Assembly;
if (!SkipAssembly (a))
Check (a);
// since we already have non-linked version of the most common assemblies available here
// we can use them to check for missing symbols (from DllImport)
// it's not complete (there's many more SDK assemblies) but we cannot add all of them into a single project anyway
public void Corlib ()
var a = typeof (int).Assembly;
if (!SkipAssembly (a))
Check (a);
public void System ()
var a = typeof (System.Net.WebClient).Assembly;
if (!SkipAssembly (a))
Check (a);
public void SystemCore ()
var a = typeof (Enumerable).Assembly;
if (!SkipAssembly (a))
Check (a);
#if !NET
public void SystemData ()
var a = typeof (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential).Assembly;
if (!SkipAssembly (a))
Check (a);