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# AVFoundation
## We only bind "finished" as we cannot use [Bind] here as it would break compatibility with iOS 6.x
## `isFinished` was only added in iOS 7.0 SDK and cannot be called in earlier versions
!missing-selector! AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest::isFinished not bound
## it's already defined in the base class, it's fine even if it returns mutable tracks in this case
!missing-selector! AVMutableComposition::tracks not bound
## AVVideoCompositionInstruction is both a class and a protocol - so we have duplicate entries
## and right now only implement the type (protocol can't have the same name anyway)
!missing-selector! AVVideoCompositionInstruction::enablePostProcessing not bound
!missing-selector! AVVideoCompositionInstruction::passthroughTrackID not bound
!missing-selector! AVVideoCompositionInstruction::requiredSourceTrackIDs not bound
!missing-selector! AVVideoCompositionInstruction::timeRange not bound
### deprecated in iOS8
!missing-protocol-member! AVAudioPlayerDelegate::audioPlayerEndInterruption:withFlags: not found
### deprecated in iOS6, replaced by above
!missing-protocol-member! AVAudioPlayerDelegate::audioPlayerEndInterruption:withOptions: not found
## deprecated in iOS8
!missing-protocol-member! AVAudioRecorderDelegate::audioRecorderEndInterruption:withOptions: not found
# CoreGraphics
## deprecated (as the name indicates) and not exposed
!missing-enum! CGGlyphDeprecatedEnum not bound
# CoreSpotlight
## low value (should use OS version for any checks)
!missing-field! CoreSpotlightVersionNumber not bound
!missing-field! CoreSpotlightVersionString not bound
# Foundation
## native long is same size as int (.net long is long long)
!missing-selector! NSNumber::initWithLong: not bound
!missing-selector! NSNumber::initWithUnsignedLong: not bound
# GameKit
## All GKSessionError values were deprecated in iOS7 and we never bound then (no point in adding it now)
!missing-field! GKSessionErrorDomain not bound
# Intents
## not exposed by our API (better use the OS version)
!missing-field! IntentsVersionNumber not bound
!missing-field! IntentsVersionString not bound
# CloudKit
## default init does not work, there's no init in base types, so it's a defacto designated initializer
!extra-designated-initializer! CKMarkNotificationsReadOperation::initWithNotificationIDsToMarkRead: is incorrectly decorated with an [DesignatedInitializer] attribute
## we offer a better managed API using another selector
!missing-selector! CKRecord::objectForKeyedSubscript: not bound
!missing-selector! CKRecord::setObject:forKeyedSubscript: not bound
# Metal
## New @required (abstract) methods in existing types (breaking changes)
!incorrect-protocol-member! MTLBlitCommandEncoder::updateFence: is REQUIRED and should be abstract
!incorrect-protocol-member! MTLBlitCommandEncoder::waitForFence: is REQUIRED and should be abstract
!incorrect-protocol-member! MTLComputeCommandEncoder::updateFence: is REQUIRED and should be abstract
!incorrect-protocol-member! MTLComputeCommandEncoder::waitForFence: is REQUIRED and should be abstract
!incorrect-protocol-member! MTLDevice::heapBufferSizeAndAlignWithLength:options: is REQUIRED and should be abstract
!incorrect-protocol-member! MTLDevice::heapTextureSizeAndAlignWithDescriptor: is REQUIRED and should be abstract
!incorrect-protocol-member! MTLDevice::newFence is REQUIRED and should be abstract
!incorrect-protocol-member! MTLDevice::newHeapWithDescriptor: is REQUIRED and should be abstract
!incorrect-protocol-member! MTLRenderCommandEncoder::updateFence:afterStages: is REQUIRED and should be abstract
!incorrect-protocol-member! MTLRenderCommandEncoder::waitForFence:beforeStages: is REQUIRED and should be abstract
!incorrect-protocol-member! MTLResource::heap is REQUIRED and should be abstract
!incorrect-protocol-member! MTLResource::isAliasable is REQUIRED and should be abstract
!incorrect-protocol-member! MTLResource::makeAliasable is REQUIRED and should be abstract
# ModelIO
## we only export the overload that expose an NSError
!missing-selector! MDLAsset::exportAssetToURL: not bound
# SpriteKit
## both introduced and deprecated in Xcode8
!missing-selector! SKView::preferredFrameRate not bound
!missing-selector! SKView::setPreferredFrameRate: not bound
# UIKit
## no point in having p/invoke calls that can be implement with a type cast (byte vs nint)
!missing-pinvoke! NSTextAlignmentFromCTTextAlignment is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! NSTextAlignmentToCTTextAlignment is not bound
## this was (pre iOS10) a required member that was deprecated and made optional
!incorrect-protocol-member! UIFocusEnvironment::preferredFocusedView is OPTIONAL and should NOT be abstract
# non-imported headers
## objc runtime
!unknown-pinvoke! class_addProperty bound