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using System;
using System.Linq;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Mono.Linker;
using Xamarin.Bundler;
using Xamarin.Linker;
#if !NET
using Mono.Linker.Steps;
using Mono.Tuner;
using Xamarin.Tuner;
namespace MonoTouch.Tuner {
#if NET
public class RegistrarRemovalTrackingStep : ConfigurationAwareStep {
protected override string Name { get; } = "RegistrarRemovalTracking";
protected override int ErrorCode { get; } = 2380;
int WarnCode => ErrorCode + 7;
Profile Profile => new Profile (Configuration);
Optimizations Optimizations => Configuration.Application.Optimizations;
string PlatformAssemblyName => Configuration.PlatformAssembly;
protected override void TryProcessAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
Process (assembly);
public class RegistrarRemovalTrackingStep : BaseStep {
Optimizations Optimizations => ((DerivedLinkContext) Context).App.Optimizations;
string PlatformAssemblyName => ((MobileProfile) Profile.Current).ProductAssembly;
int WarnCode => 2107; // for compatibility
protected override void ProcessAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
Process (assembly);
base.ProcessAssembly (assembly);
AssemblyDefinition PlatformAssembly;
bool dynamic_registration_support_required;
void Process (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
if (Optimizations.RemoveDynamicRegistrar != false)
dynamic_registration_support_required |= RequiresDynamicRegistrar (assembly, Optimizations.RemoveDynamicRegistrar == true);
// If certain conditions are met, we can optimize away the code for the dynamic registrar.
bool RequiresDynamicRegistrar (AssemblyDefinition assembly, bool warnIfRequired)
// We know that the SDK assemblies we ship don't use the methods we're looking for.
if (Profile.IsSdkAssembly (assembly))
return false;
// The product assembly itself is safe as long as it's linked
if (Profile.IsProductAssembly (assembly)) {
if (Annotations.GetAction (assembly) != AssemblyAction.Link)
return false;
PlatformAssembly = assembly;
// Can't touch the forbidden fruit in the product assembly unless there's a reference to it
var hasProductReference = false;
foreach (var ar in assembly.MainModule.AssemblyReferences) {
if (!Profile.IsProductAssembly (ar.Name))
hasProductReference = true;
if (!hasProductReference)
return false;
// Check if the assembly references any methods that require the dynamic registrar
var productAssemblyName = PlatformAssemblyName;
var requires = false;
foreach (var mr in assembly.MainModule.GetMemberReferences ()) {
if (mr.DeclaringType == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty (mr.DeclaringType.Namespace))
var scope = mr.DeclaringType.Scope;
var name = string.Empty;
switch (scope.MetadataScopeType) {
case MetadataScopeType.ModuleDefinition:
name = ((ModuleDefinition) scope).Assembly.Name.Name;
name = scope.Name;
if (name != productAssemblyName)
switch (mr.DeclaringType.Namespace) {
case "ObjCRuntime":
switch (mr.DeclaringType.Name) {
case "Runtime":
switch (mr.Name) {
case "ConnectMethod":
// Req 1: Nobody must call Runtime.ConnectMethod.
if (warnIfRequired)
Warn (assembly, mr);
requires = true;
case "RegisterAssembly":
// Req 3: Nobody must call Runtime.RegisterAssembly
if (warnIfRequired)
Warn (assembly, mr);
requires = true;
case "BlockLiteral":
switch (mr.Name) {
case "SetupBlock":
case "SetupBlockUnsafe":
// Req 2: Nobody must call BlockLiteral.SetupBlock[Unsafe].
// Fortunately the linker is able to rewrite calls to SetupBlock[Unsafe] to call
// SetupBlockImpl (which doesn't need the dynamic registrar), which means we only have
// to look in assemblies that aren't linked.
if (Annotations.GetAction (assembly) == AssemblyAction.Link && Optimizations.OptimizeBlockLiteralSetupBlock == true)
if (warnIfRequired)
Warn (assembly, mr);
requires = true;
case "TypeConverter":
switch (mr.Name) {
case "ToManaged":
// Req 4: Nobody must call TypeConverter.ToManaged
if (warnIfRequired)
Warn (assembly, mr);
requires = true;
return requires;
void Warn (AssemblyDefinition assembly, MemberReference mr)
ErrorHelper.Warning (WarnCode, Errors.MM2107, assembly.Name.Name, mr.DeclaringType.FullName, mr.Name, string.Join (", ", ((MethodReference) mr).Parameters.Select ((v) => v.ParameterType.FullName)));
#if NET
protected override void TryEndProcess ()
protected override void EndProcess ()
base.EndProcess ();
if (!Optimizations.RemoveDynamicRegistrar.HasValue) {
// If dynamic registration is not required, and removal of the dynamic registrar hasn't already
// been disabled, then we can remove it!
Optimizations.RemoveDynamicRegistrar = !dynamic_registration_support_required;
Driver.Log (4, "Optimization dynamic registrar removal: {0}", Optimizations.RemoveDynamicRegistrar.Value ? "enabled" : "disabled");
if (Optimizations.RemoveDynamicRegistrar.Value) {
// ILLink will optimize `Runtime.Initialize` based on `DynamicRegistrationSupported` returning a constant (`true`)
// and this will runs before we have the chance to set it to `false` in `CoreOptimizedGeneratedCode` so we instead
// do the change here so the linker can do this without further ado
// note: it does not matter for _legacy_ so we apply the change (to earlier) to minimize the difference between them
if (PlatformAssembly != null) {
var method = PlatformAssembly.MainModule.GetType ("ObjCRuntime.Runtime").Methods.First ((n) => n.Name == "get_DynamicRegistrationSupported");
// Rewrite to return 'false'
var instr = method.Body.Instructions;
instr.Clear ();
instr.Add (Instruction.Create (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0));
instr.Add (Instruction.Create (OpCodes.Ret));
var app = (Context as DerivedLinkContext).App;
if (app.IsCodeShared) {
foreach (var appex in app.AppExtensions) {
if (!appex.IsCodeShared)
appex.Optimizations.RemoveDynamicRegistrar = app.Optimizations.RemoveDynamicRegistrar;