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// Copyright 2011-2013 Xamarin Inc., All rights reserved.
// adapted from MonoTouchMarkStep.cs, itself
// adapted from xtouch/tools/mtouch/Touch.Tuner/ManualMarkStep.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Mono.Linker;
using Mono.Tuner;
using Registrar;
namespace Xamarin.Linker.Steps {
// Generated backend fields inside <product>.dll are also removed if only used (i.e. set to null)
// inside the Dispose method
public abstract class CoreMarkStep : MobileMarkStep {
readonly List<MethodDefinition> dispose_methods = new List<MethodDefinition> ();
protected string ProductAssembly { get; private set; }
bool RegisterProtocols {
get { return LinkContext.App.Optimizations.RegisterProtocols == true; }
public override void Process (LinkContext context)
ProductAssembly = (Profile.Current as BaseProfile).ProductAssembly;
base.Process (context);
// adjust IL inside generated Dispose methods (overriding NSObject)
// to remove references to fields that were not marked
TypeDefinition nsobject = GetType (ProductAssembly, Namespaces.Foundation + ".NSObject");
if (nsobject is not null) {
foreach (MethodDefinition d in nsobject.Methods) {
if (d.Name == "Dispose" && d.HasParameters) {
ProcessDispose (d, d);
dispose_methods.Clear ();
void ProcessDispose (MethodDefinition bd, MethodDefinition cd)
bool skip = false;
// did we detect some fields that could be removed ?
if (dispose_methods.Contains (cd)) {
// removed unmarked fields
skip = FilterDispose (cd);
// return value tells us if the Dispose method is now "empty" and could be skipped to the next
// (non-empty) base.Dispose
if (skip) {
// if it does nothing then it should not be part of the final binary
//cd.DeclaringType.Methods.Remove (cd);
var overrides = Annotations.GetOverrides (cd);
if (overrides is null)
// every subclass-Dispose should be calling base-Dispose
foreach (var overrideInfo in overrides) {
var od = overrideInfo.Override;
// we do not need to process unmarked code (it won't be part of the final binary)
if (!Annotations.IsMarked (od))
// we do NOT process non-generated code - we could break user code
if (!od.IsOptimizableCode (LinkContext))
ProcessDispose (skip ? bd : cd, od);
// check if we need to replace the base.Dipose call
if (bd == cd)
// replace "base.Dispose". In C# this always looks fine - but in IL it's the base type that's
// used (and needs to change to remove the "empty" Dispose methods)
foreach (Instruction ins in od.Body.Instructions) {
if (ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Call)
// we can cross the assembly borders and the Dispose method might not be
// part of the existing member references so we import it in such cases
if (od.Module != bd.Module)
ins.Operand = od.Module.ImportReference (bd);
ins.Operand = bd;
bool FilterDispose (MethodDefinition m)
var sp = m.DebugInformation.GetSequencePoint (m.Body.Instructions [0]);
if (sp is not null) {
string source = sp.Document.Url;
if (!source.EndsWith (".g.cs", StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw new InvalidProgramException (String.Format ("Attempt at modifying non-generated code for {0} : {1}", m, source));
bool remove_all_fields = true;
var il = m.Body.Instructions;
for (int i = il.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Instruction ins = il [i];
if (ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Stfld)
// if the field is not marked elsewhere (since we skipped Dispose)
if (!Annotations.IsMarked (ins.Operand as FieldReference)) {
// remove stfld, the previous ldnull and ldarg.0 instructions
ins.OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
ins.Operand = null;
ins = ins.Previous;
if (ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldnull)
throw new InvalidProgramException (String.Format ("Attempt at modifying wrong code pattern for {0}", m));
ins.OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
ins.Operand = null;
ins = ins.Previous;
if (ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldarg_0)
throw new InvalidProgramException (String.Format ("Attempt at modifying wrong code pattern for {0}", m));
ins.OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
ins.Operand = null;
i -= 2;
} else
remove_all_fields = false;
return remove_all_fields;
bool processing_generated_dispose;
int skipped_fields;
// looking for 'protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)' with generated code
bool IsGeneratedDispose (MethodDefinition method)
if (!method.IsFamily || !method.IsVirtual || method.IsNewSlot || !method.HasParameters || !method.HasBody)
return false;
return ((method.Name == "Dispose") && method.IsOptimizableCode (LinkContext));
protected override TypeDefinition MarkType (TypeReference reference)
try {
var td = base.MarkType (reference);
if (td is null)
return null;
// We're removing the Protocol attribute, which points to its wrapper type.
// But we need the wrapper type if the protocol interface is marked, so manually mark it.
if (td.IsInterface) {
var proto = LinkContext.StaticRegistrar.GetProtocolAttribute (td);
if (proto?.WrapperType is not null)
MarkType (proto.WrapperType);
// older generated bindings did not preserve the `Handler` field and
// newer (mono 2019-02) linker can optimize them (enabled by default)
// so we make sure our old bindings remains linker-safe
if (td.IsAbstract && td.IsSealed && td.IsNested && td.HasFields) {
var dt = td.DeclaringType;
if (dt.Is ("ObjCRuntime", "Trampolines")) {
var f = td.Fields [0];
if (f.IsInitOnly && td.Fields.Count == 1 && f.Name == "Handler")
MarkField (f);
return td;
} catch (Exception e) {
// we need a way to know where (not just what) went wrong (e.g. debugging symbols being incorrect)
e.Data ["TypeReference"] = reference.ToString ();
e.Data ["AssemblyDefinition"] = reference.Module.Assembly.ToString ();
protected override bool AlwaysMarkTypeAsInstantiated (TypeDefinition td)
// if we mark a type then it should *always* keep it's `INativeObject` implementation
// since it's required at build time (e.g. static registrar) and at runtime - even if the instantiation is not marked
// as we have some special cases, e.g. `MTAudioProcessingTap.FromHandle`
// ref: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/6711
if (td.HasInterfaces && td.Implements ("ObjCRuntime.INativeObject"))
return true;
return base.AlwaysMarkTypeAsInstantiated (td);
protected override void ProcessMethod (MethodDefinition method)
// check for generated Dispose methods inside monotouch.dll
processing_generated_dispose = IsGeneratedDispose (method);
int skip = skipped_fields;
try {
base.ProcessMethod (method);
} catch (Exception e) {
// we need a way to know where (not just what) went wrong (e.g. debugging symbols being incorrect)
e.Data ["MethodDefinition"] = method.ToString ();
e.Data ["AssemblyDefinition"] = method.DeclaringType.Module.Assembly.ToString ();
if (processing_generated_dispose) {
// if some fields were skipped (i.e. only used inside Dispose)
if (skip < skipped_fields)
dispose_methods.Add (method);
processing_generated_dispose = false;
bool SkipField (FieldDefinition f)
if (f is null)
return false;
if (f.Name.StartsWith ("__mt_", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
Console.WriteLine ("SkipField {0}::{1} ({2})", f.DeclaringType.FullName, f.Name, skipped_fields);
return true;
return false;
// we don't want to mark fields are only used in generated Dispose
protected override void MarkInstruction (Instruction instruction)
if (processing_generated_dispose) {
switch (instruction.OpCode.OperandType) {
case OperandType.InlineField:
case OperandType.InlineTok:
if (SkipField (instruction.Operand as FieldDefinition))
base.MarkInstruction (instruction);
protected override MethodDefinition MarkMethod (MethodReference reference)
var method = base.MarkMethod (reference);
if (method is null)
return null;
var t = method.DeclaringType;
// We have special processing that prevents protocol interfaces from being marked if they're
// only used by being implemented by a class, but the linker will not mark interfaces if a method implemented by an interface
// is marked: this means we need special processing to preserve a protocol interface whose methods have been implemented.
if (RegisterProtocols && t.HasInterfaces && method.IsVirtual) {
foreach (var r in t.Interfaces) {
var i = r.InterfaceType.Resolve ();
if (i is null)
if (Annotations.IsMarked (i))
if (!LinkContext.StaticRegistrar.HasAttribute (i, Namespaces.Foundation, "ProtocolAttribute"))
var isProtocolImplementation = false;
// Are there any explicit overrides?
foreach (var @override in method.Overrides) {
if (!i.Methods.Contains (@override.Resolve ()))
isProtocolImplementation = true;
if (!isProtocolImplementation) {
// Are there any implicit overrides (identical name and signature)?
foreach (var imethod in i.Methods) {
if (!StaticRegistrar.MethodMatch (imethod, method))
isProtocolImplementation = true;
if (isProtocolImplementation) {
MarkType (r.InterfaceType);
Bundler.Driver.Log (9, "Marking {0} because the method {1} implements one of its methods.", r.InterfaceType, method.FullName);
// special processing to find [BlockProxy] attributes in _Extensions types
// ref: https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=23540
if (LinkContext.Target.StaticRegistrar.MapProtocolMember (method, out var extensionMethod)) {
// one cannot simply mark the `ca.ConstructorArguments [0].Value` type,
// e.g. Trampolines.NIDActionArity1V26
// as the relation to *_Extensions will be reflected at runtime
MarkMethod (extensionMethod);
return method;
protected override bool ShouldMarkInterfaceImplementation (TypeDefinition type, InterfaceImplementation iface, TypeDefinition resolvedInterfaceType)
if (RegisterProtocols) {
// If we're registering protocols, we can remove interfaces that represent protocols.
// The linker will automatically mark interfaces a class implements, but we have to
// override the linker behavior for interfaces that represent protocols for those
// interfaces to be removed.
var isProtocol = type.IsNSObject (LinkContext) && resolvedInterfaceType.HasCustomAttribute (LinkContext, Namespaces.Foundation, "ProtocolAttribute");
// We're not linking the current assembly, which means the interface should be marked.
if (isProtocol && !IgnoreScope (type.Scope)) {
LinkContext.StoreProtocolMethods (resolvedInterfaceType);
} else if (LinkContext.App.Registrar == Bundler.RegistrarMode.Dynamic) {
// If we're using the dynamic registrar, we need to mark interfaces that represent protocols
// even if it doesn't look like the interfaces are used, since we need them at runtime.
var isProtocol = type.IsNSObject (LinkContext) && resolvedInterfaceType.HasCustomAttribute (LinkContext, Namespaces.Foundation, "ProtocolAttribute");
if (isProtocol) {
// return true only if not already marked (same check as `base` would do)
// otherwise we can enqueue something everytime and never get an empty queue
return !Annotations.IsMarked (iface);
return base.ShouldMarkInterfaceImplementation (type, iface, resolvedInterfaceType);