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// Tests are common to both mtouch and mmp
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Xamarin.Tests;
using BundlerTool = Xamarin.MTouchTool;
using BundlerTool = Xamarin.MmpTool;
namespace Xamarin
public class BundlerTests
#if __MACOS__
[TestCase (Profile.macOSMobile)]
[TestCase (Profile.iOS)]
public void RegisterProtocolOptimization (Profile profile)
using (var bundler = new BundlerTool ()) {
bundler.Profile = profile;
bundler.CreateTemporaryCacheDirectory ();
bundler.CreateTemporaryApp (profile);
bundler.Linker = LinkerOption.LinkAll;
bundler.Registrar = RegistrarOption.Static;
bundler.Optimize = new string [] { "register-protocols" };
bundler.AssertExecute ();
bundler.AssertWarningCount (0);
AssemblyDefinition ad = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly (bundler.GetPlatformAssemblyInApp ());
var failures = new List<string> ();
foreach (var attrib in ad.MainModule.GetCustomAttributes ()) {
switch (attrib.AttributeType.Name) {
case "ProtocolAttribute":
case "ProtocolMemberAttribute":
case "AdoptsAttribute":
// Unfortunately the CustomAttribute doesn't know its owner, so we can't show that in the test failure message :(
failures.Add ($"Found an unexpected attribute: {attrib.AttributeType.FullName}");
Assert.That (failures, Is.Empty, "all these attributes should have been linked away");
#if __MACOS__
[TestCase (Profile.macOSMobile)]
[TestCase (Profile.iOS)]
public void MX2106 (Profile profile)
using (var bundler = new BundlerTool ()) {
var code = @"
using System;
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
class T {
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
void SetupBlockOptimized_Delegate (Action callback, Delegate block_callback)
BlockLiteral block = new BlockLiteral ();
block.SetupBlock (block_callback, callback);
// don't need anything here, since this won't be executed
block.CleanupBlock ();
[BindingImpl (BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
void SetupBlockOptimized_MulticastDelegate (Action callback, MulticastDelegate block_callback)
BlockLiteral block = new BlockLiteral ();
block.SetupBlock (block_callback, callback);
// don't need anything here, since this won't be executed
block.CleanupBlock ();
static void Main ()
Console.WriteLine (typeof (NSObject));
bundler.Profile = profile;
bundler.CreateTemporaryCacheDirectory ();
bundler.CreateTemporaryApp (profile, code: code, extraArg: "/debug:full");
bundler.Linker = LinkerOption.LinkAll;
bundler.Optimize = new string [] { "blockliteral-setupblock" };
bundler.AssertExecute ();
bundler.AssertWarning (2106, "Could not optimize the call to BlockLiteral.SetupBlock in System.Void T::SetupBlockOptimized_Delegate(System.Action,System.Delegate) because the type of the value passed as the first argument (the trampoline) is System.Delegate, which makes it impossible to compute the block signature.", "testApp.cs", 10);
bundler.AssertWarning (2106, "Could not optimize the call to BlockLiteral.SetupBlock in System.Void T::SetupBlockOptimized_MulticastDelegate(System.Action,System.MulticastDelegate) because the type of the value passed as the first argument (the trampoline) is System.MulticastDelegate, which makes it impossible to compute the block signature.", "testApp.cs", 19);
bundler.AssertWarningCount (2);
#if __MACOS__
// XM doesn't support removing the dynamic registrar yet.
//[TestCase (Profile.macOSMobile)]
[TestCase (Profile.iOS)]
public void MX2107 (Profile profile)
using (var bundler = new BundlerTool ()) {
var code = @"
using System;
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
class T {
static void Main ()
TypeConverter.ToManaged (""@"");
Runtime.ConnectMethod (typeof (NSObject), typeof (T).GetMethod (""Main""), new Selector (""sel""));
Runtime.ConnectMethod (typeof (NSObject), typeof (T).GetMethod (""Main""), new ExportAttribute (""sel""));
Runtime.ConnectMethod (typeof (T).GetMethod (""Main""), new Selector (""sel""));
Runtime.RegisterAssembly (null);
BlockLiteral bl = default (BlockLiteral);
Action action = null;
bl.SetupBlock (action, action);
bl.SetupBlockUnsafe (action, action);
bundler.Profile = profile;
bundler.CreateTemporaryCacheDirectory ();
bundler.CreateTemporaryApp (profile, code: code, extraArg: "/debug:full");
bundler.Linker = LinkerOption.LinkSdk;
bundler.Registrar = RegistrarOption.Static;
bundler.Optimize = new string [] { "remove-dynamic-registrar" };
bundler.AssertExecute ();
bundler.AssertWarning (2107, "It's not safe to remove the dynamic registrar, because testApp references 'ObjCRuntime.TypeConverter.ToManaged (System.String)'.");
bundler.AssertWarning (2107, "It's not safe to remove the dynamic registrar, because testApp references 'ObjCRuntime.Runtime.ConnectMethod (System.Type, System.Reflection.MethodInfo, ObjCRuntime.Selector)'.");
bundler.AssertWarning (2107, "It's not safe to remove the dynamic registrar, because testApp references 'ObjCRuntime.Runtime.ConnectMethod (System.Type, System.Reflection.MethodInfo, Foundation.ExportAttribute)'.");
bundler.AssertWarning (2107, "It's not safe to remove the dynamic registrar, because testApp references 'ObjCRuntime.Runtime.ConnectMethod (System.Reflection.MethodInfo, ObjCRuntime.Selector)'.");
bundler.AssertWarning (2107, "It's not safe to remove the dynamic registrar, because testApp references 'ObjCRuntime.Runtime.RegisterAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly)'.");
bundler.AssertWarning (2107, "It's not safe to remove the dynamic registrar, because testApp references 'ObjCRuntime.BlockLiteral.SetupBlock (System.Delegate, System.Delegate)'.");
bundler.AssertWarning (2107, "It's not safe to remove the dynamic registrar, because testApp references 'ObjCRuntime.BlockLiteral.SetupBlockUnsafe (System.Delegate, System.Delegate)'.");
bundler.AssertWarningCount (7);
// try again with link all, now the warnings about SetupBlock[Unsafe] should be gone
bundler.Linker = LinkerOption.LinkAll;
bundler.AssertExecute ();
bundler.AssertWarning (2107, "It's not safe to remove the dynamic registrar, because testApp references 'ObjCRuntime.TypeConverter.ToManaged (System.String)'.");
bundler.AssertWarning (2107, "It's not safe to remove the dynamic registrar, because testApp references 'ObjCRuntime.Runtime.ConnectMethod (System.Type, System.Reflection.MethodInfo, ObjCRuntime.Selector)'.");
bundler.AssertWarning (2107, "It's not safe to remove the dynamic registrar, because testApp references 'ObjCRuntime.Runtime.ConnectMethod (System.Type, System.Reflection.MethodInfo, Foundation.ExportAttribute)'.");
bundler.AssertWarning (2107, "It's not safe to remove the dynamic registrar, because testApp references 'ObjCRuntime.Runtime.ConnectMethod (System.Reflection.MethodInfo, ObjCRuntime.Selector)'.");
bundler.AssertWarning (2107, "It's not safe to remove the dynamic registrar, because testApp references 'ObjCRuntime.Runtime.RegisterAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly)'.");
bundler.AssertWarningCount (5);
#if __MACOS__
[TestCase (Profile.macOSMobile)]
[TestCase (Profile.iOS)]
public void MX4105 (Profile profile)
using (var bundler = new BundlerTool ()) {
var code = @"
using System;
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
class D : NSObject {
[Export (""d1:"")]
public void D1 (Delegate d)
[Export (""d2:"")]
public void D2 (MulticastDelegate d)
[Export (""d3:"")]
public void D3 (Action d)
// This should not show errors
[Export (""d4"")]
public Delegate D4 ()
return null;
[Export (""d5"")]
public MulticastDelegate D5 ()
return null;
[Export (""d6"")]
public Action D6 ()
return null;
static void Main ()
Console.WriteLine (typeof (NSObject));
bundler.Profile = profile;
bundler.CreateTemporaryCacheDirectory ();
bundler.CreateTemporaryApp (profile, code: code, extraArg: "/debug:full");
bundler.Optimize = new string [] { "blockliteral-setupblock" };
bundler.Registrar = RegistrarOption.Static;
bundler.AssertExecuteFailure ();
bundler.AssertError (4105, "The registrar cannot marshal the parameter of type `System.Delegate` in signature for method `D.D1`.");
bundler.AssertError (4105, "The registrar cannot marshal the parameter of type `System.MulticastDelegate` in signature for method `D.D2`.");
bundler.AssertWarning (4173, "The registrar can't compute the block signature for the delegate of type System.Delegate in the method D.D4 because System.Delegate doesn't have a specific signature.", "testApp.cs", 24);
bundler.AssertWarning (4173, "The registrar can't compute the block signature for the delegate of type System.MulticastDelegate in the method D.D5 because System.MulticastDelegate doesn't have a specific signature.", "testApp.cs", 30);
bundler.AssertErrorCount (2);
bundler.AssertWarningCount (2);