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WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY this file unless you are knowledgeable about MSBuild and have
created a backup copy. Incorrect changes to this file will make it
impossible to load or build your projects from the command-line or the IDE.
This file imports the version- and platform-specific targets for the project importing
this file. This file also defines targets to produce an error if the specified targets
file does not exist, but the project is built anyway (command-line or IDE build).
Copyright (C) 2020 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
<!-- This is shared between Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac -->
<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)$(MSBuildThisFileName).Before.targets"
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == ''">
<_PlatformName Condition="'$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == 'Xamarin.iOS'">iOS</_PlatformName>
<_PlatformName Condition="'$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == 'Xamarin.TVOS'">tvOS</_PlatformName>
<_PlatformName Condition="'$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == 'Xamarin.WatchOS'">watchOS</_PlatformName>
<_PlatformName Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == ''">macOS</_PlatformName> <!-- detecting Xamarin.Mac is a bit more complicated, so just fall back to macOS if none of the others match -->
We don't want to use the Platform variable for conditional logic.
Switching to a new property allows us to potentially switch from
device to simulator builds dynamically based on the user's
selection when starting the project. This allows us to eventually
even (optionally) switch back to AnyCPU platform in the IDE,
therefore fixing a key pain point in managing solution
Additionally, we cannot use $(Platform) in conditions on props,
because VS interprets them as valid platforms for the current
project and makes them available for solution configurations,
which fails miserably for iOS class library projects. By using
another property name, we "opt out" of this "smart" behavior
<ComputedPlatform Condition="'$(ComputedPlatform)' == ''">$(Platform)</ComputedPlatform>
<ComputedPlatform Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS' And '$(ComputedPlatform)' == 'AnyCPU'">iPhone</ComputedPlatform>
<!-- Sometimes we've used different variable names for the same thing for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac projects. Here we try to unify those variables -->
<!-- ResourcePrefix -->
<MonoMacResourcePrefix Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(MonoMacResourcePrefix)' == ''">Resources</MonoMacResourcePrefix>
<XamMacResourcePrefix Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(XamMacResourcePrefix)' == ''">$(MonoMacResourcePrefix)</XamMacResourcePrefix>
<XamMacResourcePrefix Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(XamMacResourcePrefix)' == ''">Resources</XamMacResourcePrefix>
<IPhoneResourcePrefix Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS' And '$(IPhoneResourcePrefix)' == ''">Resources</IPhoneResourcePrefix>
<_ResourcePrefix Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS'">$(XamMacResourcePrefix)</_ResourcePrefix>
<_ResourcePrefix Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS'">$(IPhoneResourcePrefix)</_ResourcePrefix>
<!-- SdkVersion -->
<_SdkVersion Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS'">$(MacOSXSdkVersion)</_SdkVersion>
<_SdkVersion Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS'">$(MtouchSdkVersion)</_SdkVersion>
<!-- LinkMode -->
<_LinkMode Condition="'$(_LinkMode)' == '' And '$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS'">$(LinkMode)</_LinkMode>
<_LinkMode Condition="'$(_LinkMode)' == '' And '$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS'">$(MtouchLink)</_LinkMode>
<_LinkMode Condition="'$(_LinkMode)' == '' And '$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS'">None</_LinkMode> <!-- Linking is off by default for macOS apps -->
<_LinkMode Condition="'$(_LinkMode)' == '' And '$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS'">SdkOnly</_LinkMode> <!-- Default linking is SdkOnly for iOS/tvOS/watchOS apps -->
<!-- RequireCodeSigning -->
<!-- iOS/watchOS/tvOS is simple: device builds require code signing, simulator builds do not. This is a big lie, for some simulator builds need to be signed, but the _DetectCodeSigning task handles those cases. -->
<_RequireCodeSigning Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS' And '$(_RequireCodeSigning)' == ''">false</_RequireCodeSigning> <!-- Xamarin.iOS builds are not signed by default -->
<_RequireCodeSigning Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS' And '$(ComputedPlatform)' == 'iPhone'">true</_RequireCodeSigning> <!-- except that device builds must be signed -->
<!-- macOS is a bit more complicated:
* 'EnableCodeSigning' specifies whether the app is signed or not, and this defaults to false if it's not set.
* Extensions are special, because they must be signed. However, due to historical reasons, extension projects will have set EnableCodeSigning=false. So we do the following:
* If we're an extension, and code signing is disabled: enable code signing, set the code signing key (_CodeSigningKey) to '-', and pass this value to the _DetectCodeSigning task.
<_RequireCodeSigning Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(_RequireCodeSigning)' == ''">$(EnableCodeSigning)</_RequireCodeSigning> <!-- Xamarin.Mac projects use the 'EnableCodeSigning' variable to enable code signing -->
<_RequireCodeSigning Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(_RequireCodeSigning)' == ''">false</_RequireCodeSigning> <!-- Xamarin.Mac projects: disable by default -->
<_CodeSigningKey Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(IsAppExtension)' == 'true' And '$(_CodeSigningKey)' == '' And '$(_RequireCodeSigning)' == 'false'">-</_CodeSigningKey> <!-- Set _CodeSigningKey to '-' if we're an extension where code signing is not requested -->
<_RequireCodeSigning Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(IsAppExtension)' == 'true'">true</_RequireCodeSigning> <!-- But extensions must be signed, so make sure they are -->
<!-- SpecifiedCodeSigningKey -->
<_SpecifiedCodesignKey Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS'">$(CodeSigningKey)</_SpecifiedCodesignKey> <!-- Xamarin.Mac projects use 'CodeSigningKey' -->
<_SpecifiedCodesignKey Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS'">$(CodesignKey)</_SpecifiedCodesignKey> <!-- Xamarin.iOS projects use 'CodesignKey' -->
<!-- TargetArchitectures -->
<TargetArchitectures Condition="'$(TargetArchitectures)' == '' And '$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS'">$(XamMacArch)</TargetArchitectures>
<TargetArchitectures Condition="'$(TargetArchitectures)' == '' And '$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS'">$(MtouchArch)</TargetArchitectures>
<!-- The default architecture for Xamarin.Mac is x86_64 -->
<TargetArchitectures Condition="'$(TargetArchitectures)' == '' And '$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS'">x86_64</TargetArchitectures>
<!-- There should always be an MtouchArch value in newer projects, but for older projects default to old values -->
<TargetArchitectures Condition="'$(TargetArchitectures)' == '' And '$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS' And '$(ComputedPlatform)' == 'iPhoneSimulator'">i386</TargetArchitectures>
<TargetArchitectures Condition="'$(TargetArchitectures)' == '' And '$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS' And '$(ComputedPlatform)' == 'iPhone' And '$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == 'Xamarin.WatchOS'">ARMv7k</TargetArchitectures>
<TargetArchitectures Condition="'$(TargetArchitectures)' == '' And '$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS' And '$(ComputedPlatform)' == 'iPhone' And '$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == 'Xamarin.TVOS'">ARM64</TargetArchitectures>
<TargetArchitectures Condition="'$(TargetArchitectures)' == '' And '$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS' And '$(ComputedPlatform)' == 'iPhone'">ARMv7</TargetArchitectures>
<!-- Debug -->
<!-- Xamarin.Mac: use MmpDebug, but if that isn't set, use DebugSymbols -->
<_BundlerDebug Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS'">$(MmpDebug)</_BundlerDebug>
<_BundlerDebug Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(_BundlerDebug)' == ''">$(DebugSymbols)</_BundlerDebug>
<!-- Xamarin.iOS: Use MtouchDebug -->
<_BundlerDebug Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS'">$(MtouchDebug)</_BundlerDebug>
<!-- The default is false for all platforms -->
<_BundlerDebug Condition="'$(_BundlerDebug)' == ''">false</_BundlerDebug>
<!-- DeviceSpecificIntermediateOutputPath -->
We don't need this value for Xamarin.Mac, but many of the targets
that can be shared need to use this for Xamarin.iOS, so set this
value for Xamarin.Mac as well. It will always be the default
IntermediateOutputPath for Xamarin.Mac, while for Xamarin.iOS it
might be changed in _ComputeTargetArchitectures.
<!-- Make sure DeviceSpecificOutputPath is a relative path, we depend
on this elsewhere (we prepend the project's directory). When
using dotnet IntermediateOutputPath (and thus
DeviceSpecificIntermediateOutputPath) might be a full path, so
handle this by calculating the corresponding relative path for
DeviceSpecificOutputPath. -->
<DeviceSpecificOutputPath Condition="$([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted ('$(DeviceSpecificOutputPath)')) == 'true'">$([MSBuild]::MakeRelative ('$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)','$(OutputPath)'))</DeviceSpecificOutputPath>
<!-- OptimizePNGs:
default to false if a binding project (both XI and XM)
otherwise default to false if a Xamarin.Mac project
otherwise default to true for Xamarin.iOS
<OptimizePNGs Condition="'$(IsBindingProject)' == 'true' And '$(OptimizePNGs)' == ''">false</OptimizePNGs>
<OptimizePNGs Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(OptimizePNGs)' == ''">false</OptimizePNGs>
<OptimizePNGs Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS' And '$(OptimizePNGs)' == ''">true</OptimizePNGs>
<!-- OptimizePropertyLists:
default to false if a binding project (both XI and XM)
otherwise default to false if a Xamarin.Mac project
otherwise default to true for Xamarin.iOS
<OptimizePropertyLists Condition="'$(IsBindingProject)' == 'true' And '$(OptimizePropertyLists)' == ''">false</OptimizePropertyLists>
<OptimizePropertyLists Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(OptimizePropertyLists)' == ''">false</OptimizePropertyLists>
<OptimizePropertyLists Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS' And '$(OptimizePropertyLists)' == ''">true</OptimizePropertyLists>
<!-- EnableOnDemandResources: default to true for Xamarin.iOS and false for Xamarin.Mac -->
<EnableOnDemandResources Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(EnableOnDemandResources)' == ''">false</EnableOnDemandResources>
<EnableOnDemandResources Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' != 'macOS' And '$(EnableOnDemandResources)' == ''">true</EnableOnDemandResources>
<Target Name="_ComputeTargetFrameworkMoniker" Condition="'$(_ComputedTargetFrameworkMoniker)' == ''">
<!-- Get the TargetFrameworkMoniker and store it in our own variable so that it's overridable while only affecting the parts of the build that we care about.
This is overridability is a workaround while we wait for .NET 5 to be able to give us the TFM we're supposed to get during the build. -->
<!-- Detect the Mobile condition and set the computed Mobile TFM our tooling expects -->
<_ComputedTargetFrameworkMoniker Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(_ComputedTargetFrameworkMoniker)' == 'Xamarin.Mac,Version=v2.0'">Xamarin.Mac,Version=v2.0,Profile=Mobile</_ComputedTargetFrameworkMoniker>
<!-- Detect the Full condition and set the computed TFM our tooling expects -->
<_ComputedTargetFrameworkMoniker Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(UseXamMacFullFramework)' == 'true' And $([MSBuild]::ValueOrDefault('$(_ComputedTargetFrameworkMoniker),', '').StartsWith('.NETFramework,', StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))">Xamarin.Mac,Version=v4.5,Profile=Full</_ComputedTargetFrameworkMoniker>
<!-- Detect the System condition and set the computed TFM our tooling expects -->
<_ComputedTargetFrameworkMoniker Condition="'$(_PlatformName)' == 'macOS' And '$(UseXamMacFullFramework)' != 'true' And $([MSBuild]::ValueOrDefault('$(_ComputedTargetFrameworkMoniker),', '').StartsWith('.NETFramework,', StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))">Xamarin.Mac,Version=v4.5,Profile=System</_ComputedTargetFrameworkMoniker>
<Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)$(MSBuildThisFileName).After.targets"