
276 строки
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#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.DotNet.XHarness.Common.Execution;
using Microsoft.DotNet.XHarness.Common.Logging;
using Microsoft.DotNet.XHarness.iOS.Shared.Utilities;
using Xamarin;
using Xharness.Jenkins.TestTasks;
namespace Xharness {
public class TestProject {
XmlDocument? xml;
bool generate_variations = true;
public TestPlatform TestPlatform;
public string Label;
public string Path;
public string? SolutionPath;
public string? Name;
public bool IsExecutableProject;
public bool IsNUnitProject;
public bool IsDotNetProject;
public string []? Configurations;
public Func<Task>? Dependency;
public string? FailureMessage;
public bool RestoreNugetsInProject = true;
public string? MTouchExtraArgs;
public double TimeoutMultiplier = 1;
public bool? Ignore;
public IEnumerable<TestProject>? ProjectReferences;
// Optional
public MonoNativeInfo? MonoNativeInfo { get; set; }
public TestProject (string label, string path, bool isExecutableProject = true)
Label = label;
Path = path;
IsExecutableProject = isExecutableProject;
public virtual bool GenerateVariations { get => generate_variations; set => generate_variations = value; }
public XmlDocument Xml {
get {
if (xml == null) {
xml = new XmlDocument ();
xml.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess (Path);
return xml;
public virtual TestProject Clone ()
return CompleteClone (new TestProject (Label, Path, IsExecutableProject));
protected virtual TestProject CompleteClone (TestProject rv)
rv.Path = Path;
rv.IsExecutableProject = IsExecutableProject;
rv.IsDotNetProject = IsDotNetProject;
rv.RestoreNugetsInProject = RestoreNugetsInProject;
rv.Name = Name;
rv.MTouchExtraArgs = MTouchExtraArgs;
rv.TimeoutMultiplier = TimeoutMultiplier;
rv.Ignore = Ignore;
rv.TestPlatform = TestPlatform;
return rv;
public Task CreateCopyAsync (ILog log, IProcessManager processManager, ITestTask test, string rootDirectory)
var pr = new Dictionary<string, TestProject> ();
return CreateCopyAsync (log, processManager, test, rootDirectory, pr);
static SemaphoreSlim ls_files_semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim (1);
async Task<string[]> ListFilesAsync (ILog log, string test_dir, IProcessManager processManager)
var acquired = await ls_files_semaphore.WaitAsync (TimeSpan.FromMinutes (5));
try {
if (!acquired)
log.WriteLine ($"Unable to acquire lock to run 'git ls-files {test_dir}' in 5 minutes; will try to run anyway.");
using var process = new Process ();
process.StartInfo.FileName = "git";
process.StartInfo.Arguments = "ls-files";
process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = test_dir;
var stdout = new MemoryLog () { Timestamp = false };
var result = await processManager.RunAsync (process, stdout, stdout, stdout, timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds (60));
if (!result.Succeeded)
throw new Exception ($"Failed to list the files in the directory {test_dir} (TimedOut: {result.TimedOut} ExitCode: {result.ExitCode}):\n{stdout}");
return stdout.ToString ().Split ('\n');
} finally {
if (acquired)
ls_files_semaphore.Release ();
async Task CreateCopyAsync (ILog log, IProcessManager processManager, ITestTask test, string rootDirectory, Dictionary<string, TestProject> allProjectReferences)
var directory = Cache.CreateTemporaryDirectory (test.TestName ?? System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (Path));
Directory.CreateDirectory (directory);
var original_path = Path;
Path = System.IO.Path.Combine (directory, System.IO.Path.GetFileName (Path));
await Task.Yield ();
XmlDocument doc;
doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess (original_path);
var variableSubstitution = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
variableSubstitution.Add ("RootTestsDirectory", rootDirectory);
lock (GetType ()) {
InlineSharedImports (doc, original_path, variableSubstitution, rootDirectory);
doc.ResolveAllPaths (original_path, variableSubstitution);
// Replace RootTestsDirectory with a constant value, so that any relative paths don't end up wrong.
var rootTestsDirectoryNode = doc.SelectSingleNode ("/Project/PropertyGroup/RootTestsDirectory");
if (rootTestsDirectoryNode != null)
rootTestsDirectoryNode.InnerText = rootDirectory;
if (doc.IsDotNetProject ()) {
if (test.ProjectPlatform == "iPhone") {
switch (test.Platform) {
case TestPlatform.iOS:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified64:
case TestPlatform.iOS_TodayExtension64:
doc.SetTopLevelPropertyGroupValue ("RuntimeIdentifier", "ios-arm64");
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified32:
doc.SetTopLevelPropertyGroupValue ("RuntimeIdentifier", "ios-arm");
case TestPlatform.tvOS:
doc.SetTopLevelPropertyGroupValue ("RuntimeIdentifier", "tvos-arm64");
case TestPlatform.watchOS:
case TestPlatform.watchOS_32:
case TestPlatform.watchOS_64_32:
doc.SetTopLevelPropertyGroupValue ("RuntimeIdentifier", "watchos-arm");
if (doc.GetEnableDefaultItems () != false) {
// Many types of files below the csproj directory are included by default,
// which means that we have to include them manually in the cloned csproj,
// because the cloned project is stored in a very different directory.
var test_dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (original_path);
var files = await ListFilesAsync (log, test_dir, processManager);
foreach (var file in files) {
var ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension (file);
var full_path = System.IO.Path.Combine (test_dir, file);
var windows_file = full_path.Replace ('/', '\\');
if (file.Contains (".xcasset")) {
doc.AddInclude ("ImageAsset", file, windows_file, true);
switch (ext.ToLowerInvariant ()) {
case ".cs":
doc.AddInclude ("Compile", file, windows_file, true);
case ".plist":
doc.AddInclude ("None", file, windows_file, true);
case ".storyboard":
doc.AddInclude ("InterfaceDefinition", file, windows_file, true);
case ".gitignore":
case ".csproj":
case ".fsproj":
case ".props": // Directory.Build.props
case "": // Makefile
break; // ignore these files
Console.WriteLine ($"Unknown file: {file} (extension: {ext}). There might be a default inclusion behavior for this file.");
// The global.json and NuGet.config files make sure we use the locally built packages.
var dotnet_test_dir = System.IO.Path.Combine (test.RootDirectory, "dotnet");
var global_json = System.IO.Path.Combine (dotnet_test_dir, "global.json");
var nuget_config = System.IO.Path.Combine (dotnet_test_dir, "NuGet.config");
var target_directory = directory;
File.Copy (global_json, System.IO.Path.Combine (target_directory, System.IO.Path.GetFileName (global_json)), true);
File.Copy (nuget_config, System.IO.Path.Combine (target_directory, System.IO.Path.GetFileName (nuget_config)), true);
var projectReferences = new List<TestProject> ();
foreach (var pr in doc.GetProjectReferences ()) {
var prPath = pr.Replace ('\\', '/');
if (!allProjectReferences.TryGetValue (prPath, out var tp)) {
tp = new TestProject (Label, pr.Replace ('\\', '/'));
tp.TestPlatform = TestPlatform;
await tp.CreateCopyAsync (log, processManager, test, rootDirectory, allProjectReferences);
allProjectReferences.Add (prPath, tp);
doc.SetProjectReferenceInclude (pr, tp.Path.Replace ('/', '\\'));
projectReferences.Add (tp);
this.ProjectReferences = projectReferences;
doc.Save (Path);
void InlineSharedImports (XmlDocument doc, string original_path, Dictionary<string, string> variableSubstitution, string rootDirectory)
// Find Import nodes that point to a shared code file, load that shared file and inject it here.
var nodes = doc.SelectNodes ("//*[local-name() = 'Import']");
foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) {
if (node is null)
var project = node.Attributes ["Project"].Value.Replace ('\\', '/');
var projectName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName (project);
if (projectName != "shared.csproj" && projectName != "shared.fsproj" && projectName != "shared-dotnet.csproj")
if (TestPlatform == TestPlatform.None)
throw new InvalidOperationException ($"The project '{original_path}' did not set the TestPlatform property.");
project = project.Replace ("$(RootTestsDirectory)", rootDirectory);
var sharedProjectPath = System.IO.Path.Combine (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (original_path), project);
// Check for variables that won't work correctly if the shared code is moved to a different file
var xml = File.ReadAllText (sharedProjectPath);
xml = xml.Replace ("$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)", System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (sharedProjectPath));
if (xml.Contains ("$(MSBuildThis"))
throw new InvalidOperationException ($"Can't use MSBuildThis* variables in shared MSBuild test code: {sharedProjectPath}");
var import = new XmlDocument ();
import.LoadXmlWithoutNetworkAccess (xml);
// Inline any shared imports in the inlined shared import too
InlineSharedImports (import, sharedProjectPath, variableSubstitution, rootDirectory);
var importNodes = import.SelectSingleNode ("/Project").ChildNodes;
var previousNode = node;
foreach (XmlNode importNode in importNodes) {
var importedNode = doc.ImportNode (importNode, true);
previousNode.ParentNode.InsertAfter (importedNode, previousNode);
previousNode = importedNode;
node.ParentNode.RemoveChild (node);
variableSubstitution ["_PlatformName"] = TestPlatform.ToPlatformName ();
variableSubstitution = doc.CollectAndEvaluateTopLevelProperties (variableSubstitution);
public override string ToString ()
return Name ?? base.ToString ();