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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Xamarin.Utils;
using Xamarin.Tests;
#nullable enable
namespace Cecil.Tests {
public class AttributeTest {
// https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/10170
// Every binding class that has net6 availability attributes on a method/property
// must have one matching every platform listed on the availabilities of the class
// Example:
// [SupportedOSPlatform("ios1.0")]
// [SupportedOSPlatform("maccatalyst1.0")]
// class TestType
// {
// public static void Original () { }
// [SupportedOSPlatform(""ios2.0"")]
// public static void Extension () { }
// }
// In this example, Extension is _not_ considered part of maccatalyst1.0
// Because having _any_ SupportedOSPlatform implies only the set explicitly set on that member
// This test should find Extension, note that it has an ios attribute,
// and insist that some maccatalyst must also be set.
[TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.NetPlatformAssemblyDefinitions))]
public void ChildElementsListAvailabilityForAllPlatformsOnParent (AssemblyInfo info)
var assembly = info.Assembly;
HashSet<string> found = new HashSet<string> ();
foreach (var prop in assembly.EnumerateProperties (a => HasAnyAvailabilityAttribute (a))) {
CheckAllPlatformsOnParent (prop, prop.FullName, prop.DeclaringType, found);
foreach (var meth in assembly.EnumerateMethods (a => HasAnyAvailabilityAttribute (a))) {
CheckAllPlatformsOnParent (meth, meth.FullName, meth.DeclaringType, found);
foreach (var field in assembly.EnumerateFields (a => HasAnyAvailabilityAttribute (a))) {
CheckAllPlatformsOnParent (field, field.FullName, field.DeclaringType, found);
Assert.That (found, Is.Empty, $"{found.Count} issues found");
bool IgnoreAllPlatformsOnParent (string fullName)
switch (fullName) {
// Generator Bug - Obsolete does not imply introduced but prevents unlisted from created one
case "AudioUnit.AudioUnitParameterType AudioUnit.AudioUnitParameterType::AUDCFilterDecayTime":
case "AppKit.NSBoxType AppKit.NSBoxType::NSBoxSecondary":
case "AppKit.NSBoxType AppKit.NSBoxType::NSBoxOldStyle":
return true;
return false;
// Look for classes/struct that have double attributes, either because of partial classes or binding errors
// Example:
// TestType.cs
// [SupportedOSPlatform("maccatalyst1.0")]
// public partial class TestType { }
// TestType.g.cs
// [SupportedOSPlatform("maccatalyst1.0")]
// public partial class TestType { }
// Example #2:
// [Watch (5,0), NoTV, NoMac, iOS (12,0), NoTV]
// interface Type { }
[TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.NetPlatformAssemblyDefinitions))]
public void DoubleAttributedElements (AssemblyInfo info)
var assembly = info.Assembly;
var doubleAttributed = new List<string> ();
foreach (var type in assembly.EnumerateTypes (a => HasAnyAvailabilityAttribute (a))) {
var platformCount = new Dictionary<string, int> ();
foreach (var attribute in type.CustomAttributes.Where (a => IsAvailabilityAttribute (a))) {
var kind = FindAvailabilityKind (attribute);
if (kind is not null) {
string key = $"{attribute.AttributeType.Name}-{kind}";
if (platformCount.ContainsKey (key)) {
platformCount [key] += 1;
} else {
platformCount [key] = 1;
foreach (var (kind, count) in platformCount) {
// AVFoundation.AVMetadataIdentifiers uses an old pattern of a parent
// class and many child classes with constants.
if (type.ToString () == "AVFoundation.AVMetadataIdentifiers") {
if (count != 1) {
doubleAttributed.Add ($"{kind} on {type} had a count of {count}");
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"{kind} on {type} had a count of {count}");
Assert.That (doubleAttributed, Is.Empty, $"{doubleAttributed.Count} issues found");
void CheckAllPlatformsOnParent (ICustomAttributeProvider item, string fullName, TypeDefinition parent, HashSet<string> found)
if (IgnoreAllPlatformsOnParent (fullName)) {
var parentAvailability = GetAvailabilityAttributes (parent).ToList ();
var myAvailability = GetAvailabilityAttributes (item);
if (!FirstContainsAllOfSecond (myAvailability, parentAvailability)) {
DebugPrint (fullName, parentAvailability, myAvailability);
found.Add (fullName);
public class PlatformClaimInfo {
public HashSet<string> MentionedPlatforms { get; set; } // Mentioned in both Supported and Unsupported contexts
public HashSet<string> ClaimedPlatforms { get; set; } // Mentioned only in Supported contexts
public IMemberDefinition Member { get; set; }
public PlatformClaimInfo (List<string> mentionedPlatforms, List<string> claimedPlatforms, IMemberDefinition member)
MentionedPlatforms = new HashSet<string> (mentionedPlatforms);
ClaimedPlatforms = new HashSet<string> (claimedPlatforms);
Member = member;
public void UnionWith (PlatformClaimInfo other)
MentionedPlatforms.UnionWith (other.MentionedPlatforms);
ClaimedPlatforms.UnionWith (other.ClaimedPlatforms);
public override string ToString ()
var str = new StringBuilder ();
str.Append ($"Mentioned: ({String.Join (", ", MentionedPlatforms)})");
str.Append ($" Claimed: ({String.Join (", ", ClaimedPlatforms)})");
return str.ToString ();
// Due to binding and conversion mistakes, sometimes attributes like `[SupportedOSPlatform ("macos")]`
// might be documented on elements that are removed from the build with conditional compilation
// This test detects these by loading every NET platform assembly, and
// comparing reality (what types/members actually exist) with the attributes
// We can not do this against a single assembly at a time, as the attributes saying "this is supported on mac" aren't
// in the mac assembly, that's the bug.
public void FindSupportedOnElementsThatDoNotExistInThatAssembly ()
Configuration.IgnoreIfAnyIgnoredPlatforms ();
// Dictionary of (FullName of Member) -> (Dictionary of (Actual Platform) -> Platform Claim Info)
var harvestedInfo = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, PlatformClaimInfo>> ();
// Load each platform assembly
foreach (var info in Helper.NetPlatformAssemblyDefinitions) {
var assembly = info.Assembly;
string currentPlatform = AssemblyToAttributeName (assembly);
// Walk every class/struct/enum/property/method/enum value/pinvoke/event
foreach (var module in assembly.Modules) {
foreach (var type in module.Types) {
if (!type.IsPubliclyVisible ())
switch (type.Namespace) {
case "AppKit":
case "UIKit":
// The availability attributes between AppKit and UIKit are quite inconsistent:
// https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/17292
// So let's just skip these two namespaces for now.
foreach (var member in GetAllTypeMembers (type)) {
// If a member is hidden, it's probably because it's broken in some way, so don't consider it.
if (ObsoleteTest.HasEditorBrowseableNeverAttribute (member))
var mentionedPlatforms = GetAvailabilityAttributes (member).ToList ();
if (mentionedPlatforms.Any ()) {
var claimedPlatforms = GetSupportedAvailabilityAttributes (member).ToList ();
string key = GetMemberLookupKey (member);
if (!harvestedInfo.ContainsKey (key)) {
harvestedInfo [key] = new Dictionary<string, PlatformClaimInfo> ();
var claimInfo = new PlatformClaimInfo (mentionedPlatforms, claimedPlatforms, member);
if (harvestedInfo [key].TryGetValue (currentPlatform, out var existingClaim))
throw new InvalidOperationException ($"The key {key} was computed for two different members:\n\tMember 1: {existingClaim.Member.FullName}\n\tMember 2: {member.FullName}\n\tKey: {key}");
harvestedInfo [key] [currentPlatform] = claimInfo;
// Now walk every item found above and check two things:
var failures = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
foreach (var (member, info) in harvestedInfo) {
// 1. All platforms match in count of mentioned (we did not conditionally compile out attributes)
int expectedPlatformCount = info.First ().Value.MentionedPlatforms.Count ();
if (info.Any (i => i.Value.MentionedPlatforms.Count () != expectedPlatformCount)) {
var detailedPlatformBreakdown = string.Join ("\n\t", info.Select (x => ($"Assembly {x.Key} => {x.Value}")));
var errorMessage = $"{member} did not have the same number of SupportedOSPlatformAttribute in every assembly:\n\t{detailedPlatformBreakdown}";
if (failures.TryGetValue (member, out var existingFailure)) {
failures [member] = existingFailure + "\n" + errorMessage;
} else {
failures [member] = errorMessage;
// 2. For each supported attribute claim exist, that it exists on that platform
// Since we know each platform claims are now equal, just use the first one
var claimedPlatforms = info.First ().Value.ClaimedPlatforms;
foreach (var platform in claimedPlatforms) {
if (!info.ContainsKey (platform)) {
var detailedPlatformBreakdown = string.Join ("\n\t", info.Select (x => ($"Assembly {x.Key} => Declares ({string.Join (" ", x.Value)})")));
var errorMessage = $"{member} was not found on {platform} despite being declared supported there:\n\t{detailedPlatformBreakdown}";
if (failures.TryGetValue (member, out var existingFailure)) {
failures [member] = existingFailure + "\n" + errorMessage;
} else {
failures [member] = errorMessage;
Helper.AssertFailures (failures, IgnoreElementsThatDoNotExistInThatAssembly, nameof (IgnoreElementsThatDoNotExistInThatAssembly), "Supported inconsistencies");
static HashSet<string> IgnoreElementsThatDoNotExistInThatAssembly {
get {
return new HashSet<string> {
// This is from the NSItemProviderWriting protocol: NSUserActivity does not implement NSItemProviderWriting on tvOS and macOS.
"Foundation.NSUserActivity.GetItemProviderVisibilityForTypeIdentifier (System.String)",
"Foundation.NSUserActivity.LoadData (System.String, System.Action`2<Foundation.NSData, Foundation.NSError>)",
"Foundation.NSUserActivity.LoadDataAsync (System.String)",
"Foundation.NSUserActivity.LoadDataAsync (System.String, Foundation.NSProgress&)",
"Foundation.NSUserActivity.get_WritableTypeIdentifiers ()",
"Foundation.NSUserActivity.get_WritableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider ()",
// This is from the NSItemProviderReading protocol: NSUserActivity does not implement NSItemProviderReading on tvOS and macOS.
"Foundation.NSUserActivity.GetObject (Foundation.NSData, System.String, Foundation.NSError&)",
"Foundation.NSUserActivity.get_ReadableTypeIdentifiers ()",
// This is from the NSItemProviderWriting protocol: MKMapItem does not implement NSItemProviderWriting on tvOS and macOS.
"MapKit.MKMapItem.GetItemProviderVisibilityForTypeIdentifier (System.String)",
"MapKit.MKMapItem.LoadData (System.String, System.Action`2<Foundation.NSData, Foundation.NSError>)",
"MapKit.MKMapItem.LoadDataAsync (System.String)",
"MapKit.MKMapItem.LoadDataAsync (System.String, Foundation.NSProgress&)",
"MapKit.MKMapItem.get_WritableTypeIdentifiers ()",
"MapKit.MKMapItem.get_WritableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider ()",
// This is from the NSItemProviderReading protocol: MKMapItem does not implement NSItemProviderReading on tvOS and macOS.
"MapKit.MKMapItem.GetObject (Foundation.NSData, System.String, Foundation.NSError&)",
"MapKit.MKMapItem.get_ReadableTypeIdentifiers ()",
// This is from the NSItemProviderReading protocol: PHLivePhoto does not implement NSItemProviderReading on tvOS and macOS.
"Photos.PHLivePhoto.GetObject (Foundation.NSData, System.String, Foundation.NSError&)",
"Photos.PHLivePhoto.get_ReadableTypeIdentifiers ()",
// This is from the NSSecureCoding protocol: SKView only implements NSSecureCoding on macOS.
"SpriteKit.SKView.EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder)",
// These methods have different optional/required semantics between platforms.
"PassKit.PKPaymentAuthorizationControllerDelegate_Extensions.GetPresentationWindow (PassKit.IPKPaymentAuthorizationControllerDelegate, PassKit.PKPaymentAuthorizationController)",
// HKSeriesBuilder doesn't implement the ISNCopying protocol on all platforms (and shouldn't on any according to the headers, so removed for XAMCORE_5_0).
"HealthKit.HKSeriesBuilder.EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder)",
// The signature is slightly different between platforms for this member, this is expected
"SceneKit.SCNRenderer.FromContext (OpenGLES.EAGLContext, Foundation.NSDictionary)",
"SceneKit.SCNRenderer.FromContext (OpenGL.CGLContext, Foundation.NSDictionary)",
// For historical reasons, MPMediaItem and MPMediaEntity are wildly different between platforms (https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/17291).
"MediaPlayer.MPMediaEntity.EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder)",
"MediaPlayer.MPMediaEntity.get_PropertyPersistentID ()",
"MediaPlayer.MPMediaEntity.GetObject (Foundation.NSObject)",
"MediaPlayer.MPMediaItem.get_PropertyPersistentID ()",
"MediaPlayer.MPMediaItem.GetObject (Foundation.NSObject)",
// Despite what headers say, NSAttributedString only implements NSItemProviderReading and NSItemProviderWriting on iOS (headers say tvOS and watchOS as well).
// Ref: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/pull/17306
"Foundation.NSAttributedString.GetItemProviderVisibilityForTypeIdentifier (System.String)",
"Foundation.NSAttributedString.GetObject (Foundation.NSData, System.String, Foundation.NSError&)",
"Foundation.NSAttributedString.LoadData (System.String, System.Action`2<Foundation.NSData, Foundation.NSError>)",
"Foundation.NSAttributedString.LoadDataAsync (System.String)",
"Foundation.NSAttributedString.LoadDataAsync (System.String, Foundation.NSProgress&)",
// Same method, but different arguments due to platform differences. We should treat this as the same method, so ignore this failure.
"StoreKit.AppStore.RequestReview (XKit.XWindowScene)", // iOS, MacCatalyst
"StoreKit.AppStore.RequestReview (XKit.XViewController)", // macOS
static string GetTypeReferenceLookupKey (TypeReference tr)
if (tr is ArrayType at) {
var sb = new StringBuilder (GetTypeReferenceLookupKey (at.ElementType));
for (var i = 0; i < at.Rank; i++)
sb.Append ("[]");
return sb.ToString ();
if (tr is ByReferenceType rt)
return GetTypeReferenceLookupKey (rt.ElementType) + "&";
if (tr is GenericInstanceType git) {
var sb = new StringBuilder (GetTypeReferenceLookupKey (git.ElementType));
sb.Append ('<');
for (var i = 0; i < git.GenericArguments.Count; i++) {
if (i > 0)
sb.Append (", ");
sb.Append (GetTypeReferenceLookupKey (git.GenericArguments [i]));
sb.Append ('>');
return sb.ToString ();
var td = tr.Resolve ();
if (td is not null)
return GetMemberLookupKeyInternal ((IMemberDefinition) td);
return string.IsNullOrEmpty (tr.FullName) ? tr.Name : tr.FullName;
static string GetMemberLookupKey (IMemberDefinition member)
var key = GetMemberLookupKeyInternal (member);
// The availability attributes between AppKit and UIKit are quite inconsistent:
// https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/17292
key = key
.Replace ("AppKit.NS", "XKit.X")
.Replace ("UIKit.NS", "XKit.X")
.Replace ("UIKit.UI", "XKit.X")
.Replace ("AppKit.INS", "XKit.IX")
.Replace ("UIKit.IUI", "XKit.IX")
.Replace ("AppKit", "XKit")
.Replace ("UIKit", "XKit");
return key;
static string GetMemberLookupKeyInternal (IMemberDefinition member)
if (member is FieldDefinition fd)
return $"{GetMemberLookupKeyInternal (fd.DeclaringType)}.{fd.Name}";
if (member is MethodDefinition md) {
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
if (md.IsSpecialName && md.Name.StartsWith ("op_", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
// operators are overloaded on return type, so the return type must be in the key
sb.Append (GetTypeReferenceLookupKey (md.ReturnType));
sb.Append (' ');
sb.Append (GetMemberLookupKeyInternal (md.DeclaringType));
sb.Append ('.');
sb.Append (md.Name);
if (md.ContainsGenericParameter) {
sb.Append ('`');
sb.Append (md.GenericParameters.Count.ToString ());
sb.Append (" (");
for (var i = 0; i < md.Parameters.Count; i++) {
if (i > 0)
sb.Append (", ");
sb.Append (GetTypeReferenceLookupKey (md.Parameters [i].ParameterType));
sb.Append (")");
return sb.ToString ();
if (member is PropertyDefinition pd)
return $"{GetMemberLookupKeyInternal (pd.DeclaringType)}.{pd.Name}";
if (member is TypeDefinition td)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty (td.FullName) ? td.Name : td.FullName;
if (member is EventDefinition ed)
return "event: " + GetMemberLookupKeyInternal (ed.DeclaringType) + "." + ed.Name;
throw new NotImplementedException (member.GetType ().FullName);
IEnumerable<IMemberDefinition> GetAllTypeMembers (TypeDefinition type)
foreach (var method in type.Methods.Where (m => m.IsPublic)) {
yield return method;
foreach (var field in type.Fields.Where (f => f.IsPublic)) {
yield return field;
foreach (var prop in type.Properties.Where (p => p.GetMethod?.IsPublic == true || p.SetMethod?.IsPublic == true)) {
yield return prop;
foreach (var e in type.Events) {
yield return e;
// https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/10170
// Every binding class that has net6 any availability attributes on a method/property
// must have an introduced for the current platform.
// Example:
// class TestType
// {
// public static void Original () { }
// [SupportedOSPlatform(""ios2.0"")]
// public static void Extension () { }
// }
// Special case: it's allowed to not have an introduced if the only other attribute is an
// UnsupportedOSPlatform with no version.
// When run against mac, this fails as Extension does not include a mac supported of any kind attribute
[TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.NetPlatformAssemblyDefinitions))]
public void AllAttributedItemsMustIncludeCurrentPlatform (AssemblyInfo info)
var assembly = info.Assembly;
string platformName = AssemblyToAttributeName (assembly);
HashSet<string> found = new HashSet<string> ();
foreach (var type in assembly.EnumerateTypes (a => HasAnyAvailabilityAttribute (a))) {
CheckCurrentPlatformIncludedIfAny (type, platformName, type.FullName, type.DeclaringType, found);
foreach (var prop in assembly.EnumerateProperties (a => HasAnyAvailabilityAttribute (a))) {
CheckCurrentPlatformIncludedIfAny (prop, platformName, prop.FullName, prop.DeclaringType, found);
foreach (var meth in assembly.EnumerateMethods (a => HasAnyAvailabilityAttribute (a))) {
CheckCurrentPlatformIncludedIfAny (meth, platformName, meth.FullName, meth.DeclaringType, found);
foreach (var field in assembly.EnumerateFields (a => HasAnyAvailabilityAttribute (a))) {
CheckCurrentPlatformIncludedIfAny (field, platformName, field.FullName, field.DeclaringType, found);
Assert.That (found, Is.Empty, $"{found.Count} issues found");
void CheckCurrentPlatformIncludedIfAny (ICustomAttributeProvider item, string platformName, string fullName, TypeDefinition parent, HashSet<string> found)
if (HasAnyAvailabilityAttribute (item, onlyUnsupportedWithVersion: true)) {
if (IgnoreCurrentPlatform (fullName)) {
var supportedAttributes = item.CustomAttributes.Where (a => IsAvailabilityAttribute (a));
if (!supportedAttributes.Any (a => FindAvailabilityKind (a) == platformName)) {
Console.WriteLine (fullName);
Console.WriteLine (String.Join (" ", supportedAttributes.Select (x => FindAvailabilityKind (x))));
Console.WriteLine (platformName);
found.Add (fullName);
bool IgnoreCurrentPlatform (string fullName)
switch (fullName) {
// Generator Bug - Obsolete does not imply introduced but prevents unlisted from created one
case "AudioUnit.AudioUnitParameterType AudioUnit.AudioUnitParameterType::AUDCFilterDecayTime":
case "AppKit.NSBoxType AppKit.NSBoxType::NSBoxSecondary":
case "AppKit.NSBoxType AppKit.NSBoxType::NSBoxOldStyle":
return true;
return false;
string AssemblyToAttributeName (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
var baseName = assembly.Name.Name + ".dll";
if (Configuration.GetBaseLibraryName (TargetFramework.DotNet_iOS.Platform, true) == baseName)
return "ios";
if (Configuration.GetBaseLibraryName (TargetFramework.DotNet_tvOS.Platform, true) == baseName)
return "tvos";
if (Configuration.GetBaseLibraryName (TargetFramework.DotNet_macOS.Platform, true) == baseName)
return "macos";
if (Configuration.GetBaseLibraryName (TargetFramework.DotNet_MacCatalyst.Platform, true) == baseName)
return "maccatalyst";
throw new NotImplementedException ();
[Conditional ("DEBUG")]
void DebugPrint (string fullName, IEnumerable<string> parentAvailability, IEnumerable<string> myAvailability)
Console.WriteLine (fullName);
Console.WriteLine ("Parent: " + string.Join (" ", parentAvailability));
Console.WriteLine ("Mine: " + string.Join (" ", myAvailability));
Console.WriteLine ();
bool FirstContainsAllOfSecond<T> (IEnumerable<T> first, IEnumerable<T> second)
var firstSet = new HashSet<T> (first);
return second.All (s => firstSet.Contains (s));
IEnumerable<string> GetAvailabilityAttributes (ICustomAttributeProvider provider) => GetAvailabilityAttributes (provider.CustomAttributes);
IEnumerable<string> GetAvailabilityAttributes (IEnumerable<CustomAttribute> attributes) => GetAvailabilityAttributesCore (attributes, IsAvailabilityAttribute);
IEnumerable<string> GetSupportedAvailabilityAttributes (ICustomAttributeProvider provider) => GetSupportedAvailabilityAttributes (provider.CustomAttributes);
IEnumerable<string> GetSupportedAvailabilityAttributes (IEnumerable<CustomAttribute> attributes) => GetAvailabilityAttributesCore (attributes, IsSupportedAttribute);
IEnumerable<string> GetAvailabilityAttributesCore (IEnumerable<CustomAttribute> attributes, Func<CustomAttribute, bool> filter)
var availability = new HashSet<string> ();
foreach (var attribute in attributes.Where (a => filter (a))) {
var kind = FindAvailabilityKind (attribute);
if (kind is not null) {
availability.Add (kind);
return availability;
string? FindAvailabilityKind (CustomAttribute attribute)
if (attribute.ConstructorArguments.Count == 1 && attribute.ConstructorArguments [0].Type.Name == "String") {
string full = (string) attribute.ConstructorArguments [0].Value;
switch (full) {
case string s when full.StartsWith ("ios", StringComparison.Ordinal):
return "ios";
case string s when full.StartsWith ("tvos", StringComparison.Ordinal):
return "tvos";
case string s when full.StartsWith ("macos", StringComparison.Ordinal):
return "macos";
case string s when full.StartsWith ("maccatalyst", StringComparison.Ordinal):
return "maccatalyst";
case string s when full.StartsWith ("watchos", StringComparison.Ordinal):
return null; // WatchOS is ignored for comparision
throw new System.NotImplementedException ($"Unknown platform kind: {full}");
return null;
bool HasAnyAvailabilityAttribute (ICustomAttributeProvider provider, bool onlyUnsupportedWithVersion = false)
return provider.CustomAttributes.Any (a => IsAvailabilityAttribute (a, onlyUnsupportedWithVersion));
bool HasAnySupportedAttribute (ICustomAttributeProvider provider) => provider.CustomAttributes.Any (a => IsSupportedAttribute (a));
bool IsAvailabilityAttribute (CustomAttribute attribute) => IsAvailabilityAttribute (attribute, false);
bool IsAvailabilityAttribute (CustomAttribute attribute, bool onlyUnsupportedWithVersion)
if (IsSupportedAttribute (attribute))
return true;
return IsUnsupportedAttribute (attribute, onlyUnsupportedWithVersion);
bool IsSupportedAttribute (CustomAttribute attribute) => attribute.AttributeType.Name == "SupportedOSPlatformAttribute";
static char [] versionCharacters = new char [] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.' };
bool IsUnsupportedAttribute (CustomAttribute attribute, bool onlyWithVersion = false)
if (attribute.AttributeType.Name != "UnsupportedOSPlatformAttribute")
return false;
if (onlyWithVersion) {
var hasVersion = ((string) attribute.ConstructorArguments [0].Value).IndexOfAny (versionCharacters) > -1;
return hasVersion;
return true;
[TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.NetPlatformAssemblyDefinitions))]
public void ModelMustBeProtocol (AssemblyInfo info)
// Verify that all types with a [Model] attribute must also have a [Protocol] attribute.
// Exception: If the type in question has a [Register] attribute with IsWrapper = false, then that's OK.
var failures = new HashSet<string> ();
var typesWithModelAttribute = 0;
var typesWithProtocolAttribute = 0;
var assembly = info.Assembly;
foreach (var type in assembly.EnumerateTypes ()) {
if (!type.HasCustomAttributes)
var attributes = type.CustomAttributes;
if (!attributes.Any (v => v.AttributeType.Is ("Foundation", "ModelAttribute")))
if (attributes.Any (v => v.AttributeType.Is ("Foundation", "ProtocolAttribute"))) {
var registerAttribute = attributes.SingleOrDefault (v => v.AttributeType.Is ("Foundation", "RegisterAttribute"));
if (registerAttribute is not null && !GetIsWrapper (registerAttribute))
failures.Add ($"The type {type.FullName} has a [Model] attribute, but no [Protocol] attribute.");
Assert.That (failures, Is.Empty, "Failures");
Assert.That (typesWithModelAttribute, Is.GreaterThan (0), "No types with the [Model] attribute?");
Assert.That (typesWithProtocolAttribute, Is.GreaterThan (0), "No types with the [Protocol] attribute?");
static bool GetIsWrapper (CustomAttribute attrib)
// .ctor (string name, bool isWrapper)
if (attrib.ConstructorArguments.Count == 2)
return (bool) attrib.ConstructorArguments [1].Value;
// public bool IsWrapper { get; set; }
foreach (var field in attrib.Fields) {
if (field.Name == "IsWrapper")
return (bool) field.Argument.Value;
return false;