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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Xamarin.Bundler;
namespace Xamarin.Utils
public class CompilerFlags
public Application Application { get { return Target.App; } }
public Target Target;
public HashSet<string> Frameworks; // if a file, "-F /path/to/X --framework X" and added to Inputs, otherwise "--framework X".
public HashSet<string> WeakFrameworks;
public HashSet<string> LinkWithLibraries; // X, added to Inputs
public HashSet<string> ForceLoadLibraries; // -force_load X, added to Inputs
public HashSet<string[]> OtherFlags; // X
public List<string> InitialOtherFlags; // same as OtherFlags, only that they're the first argument(s) to clang (because order matters!). This is a list to preserve order (fifo).
public HashSet<string> Defines; // -DX
public HashSet<string> UnresolvedSymbols; // -u X
public HashSet<string> SourceFiles; // X, added to Inputs
// Here we store a list of all the file-system based inputs
// to the compiler. This is used when determining if the
// compiler needs to be called in the first place (dependency
// tracking).
public List<string> Inputs;
public CompilerFlags (Target target)
if (target == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (target));
this.Target = target;
public HashSet<string> AllLibraries {
get {
var rv = new HashSet<string> ();
if (LinkWithLibraries != null)
rv.UnionWith (LinkWithLibraries);
if (ForceLoadLibraries != null)
rv.UnionWith (ForceLoadLibraries);
return rv;
public void ReferenceSymbols (IEnumerable<Symbol> symbols)
if (UnresolvedSymbols == null)
UnresolvedSymbols = new HashSet<string> ();
foreach (var symbol in symbols)
UnresolvedSymbols.Add (symbol.Prefix + symbol.Name);
public void AddDefine (string define)
if (Defines == null)
Defines = new HashSet<string> ();
Defines.Add (define);
public void AddLinkWith (string library, bool force_load = false)
if (LinkWithLibraries == null)
LinkWithLibraries = new HashSet<string> ();
if (ForceLoadLibraries == null)
ForceLoadLibraries = new HashSet<string> ();
if (force_load) {
ForceLoadLibraries.Add (library);
} else {
LinkWithLibraries.Add (library);
public void AddLinkWith (IEnumerable<string> libraries, bool force_load = false)
if (libraries == null)
foreach (var lib in libraries)
AddLinkWith (lib, force_load);
public void AddSourceFile (string file)
if (SourceFiles == null)
SourceFiles = new HashSet<string> ();
SourceFiles.Add (file);
public void AddStandardCppLibrary ()
if (Driver.XcodeVersion.Major < 10)
// Xcode 10 doesn't ship with libstdc++, so use libc++ instead.
AddOtherFlag ("-stdlib=libc++");
public void AddOtherInitialFlag (string flag)
if (InitialOtherFlags == null)
InitialOtherFlags = new List<string> ();
InitialOtherFlags.Add (flag);
public void AddOtherFlag (IList<string> flags)
if (flags == null)
AddOtherFlag ((string []) flags.ToArray ());
public void AddOtherFlag (params string [] flags)
if (flags == null || flags.Length == 0)
if (OtherFlags == null)
OtherFlags = new HashSet<string[]> ();
OtherFlags.Add (flags);
public void LinkWithMono ()
var mode = Target.App.LibMonoLinkMode;
switch (mode) {
case AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary:
case AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject:
AddLinkWith (Application.GetLibMono (mode));
case AssemblyBuildTarget.Framework:
AddFramework (Application.GetLibMono (mode));
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (100, Errors.MT0100, mode);
AddOtherFlag ("-lz");
AddOtherFlag ("-liconv");
public void LinkWithXamarin ()
var mode = Target.App.LibXamarinLinkMode;
switch (mode) {
case AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary:
case AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject:
AddLinkWith (Application.GetLibXamarin (mode));
case AssemblyBuildTarget.Framework:
AddFramework (Application.GetLibXamarin (mode));
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (100, Errors.MT0100, mode);
AddFramework ("Foundation");
AddOtherFlag ("-lz");
if (Application.Platform != ApplePlatform.WatchOS && Application.Platform != ApplePlatform.TVOS)
AddFramework ("CFNetwork"); // required by xamarin_start_wwan
public void AddFramework (string framework)
if (Frameworks == null)
Frameworks = new HashSet<string> ();
Frameworks.Add (framework);
public void AddFrameworks (IEnumerable<string> frameworks, IEnumerable<string> weak_frameworks)
if (frameworks != null) {
if (Frameworks == null)
Frameworks = new HashSet<string> ();
Frameworks.UnionWith (frameworks);
if (weak_frameworks != null) {
if (WeakFrameworks == null)
WeakFrameworks = new HashSet<string> ();
WeakFrameworks.UnionWith (weak_frameworks);
public void Prepare ()
// Check for system frameworks that are only available in newer iOS versions,
// (newer than the deployment target), in which case those need to be weakly linked.
if (Frameworks != null) {
if (WeakFrameworks == null)
WeakFrameworks = new HashSet<string> ();
foreach (var fwk in Frameworks) {
if (!fwk.EndsWith (".framework", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
var add_to = WeakFrameworks;
var framework = Driver.GetFrameworks (Application).Find (fwk);
if (framework != null) {
if (framework.Version > Application.SdkVersion)
add_to = Application.DeploymentTarget >= framework.Version ? Frameworks : WeakFrameworks;
add_to.Add (fwk);
} else {
// believe what we got about user frameworks.
// Make sure frameworks aren't duplicated, favoring any weak frameworks.
Frameworks.ExceptWith (WeakFrameworks);
// force_load libraries take precedence, so remove the libraries
// we need to force load from the list of libraries we just load.
if (LinkWithLibraries != null)
LinkWithLibraries.ExceptWith (ForceLoadLibraries);
void AddInput (string file)
if (Inputs == null)
Inputs.Add (file);
public void WriteArguments (IList<string> args)
Prepare ();
if (InitialOtherFlags != null) {
var idx = 0;
foreach (var flag in InitialOtherFlags) {
args.Insert (idx, flag);
ProcessFrameworksForArguments (args);
if (LinkWithLibraries != null) {
foreach (var lib in LinkWithLibraries) {
args.Add (lib);
AddInput (lib);
if (ForceLoadLibraries != null) {
foreach (var lib in ForceLoadLibraries) {
args.Add ("-force_load");
args.Add (lib);
AddInput (lib);
if (OtherFlags != null) {
foreach (var flags in OtherFlags) {
foreach (var flag in flags)
args.Add (flag);
if (Defines != null) {
foreach (var define in Defines) {
args.Add ("-D");
args.Add (define);
if (UnresolvedSymbols != null) {
foreach (var symbol in UnresolvedSymbols) {
args.Add ("-u");
args.Add (symbol);
if (SourceFiles != null) {
foreach (var src in SourceFiles) {
args.Add (src);
AddInput (src);
void ProcessFrameworksForArguments (IList<string> args)
bool any_user_framework = false;
if (Frameworks != null) {
foreach (var fw in Frameworks)
ProcessFrameworkForArguments (args, fw, false, ref any_user_framework);
if (WeakFrameworks != null) {
foreach (var fw in WeakFrameworks)
ProcessFrameworkForArguments (args, fw, true, ref any_user_framework);
if (any_user_framework) {
args.Add ("-Xlinker");
args.Add ("-rpath");
args.Add ("-Xlinker");
switch (Application.Platform) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
args.Add ("@executable_path/Frameworks");
case ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst:
case ApplePlatform.MacOSX:
args.Add ("@executable_path/../Frameworks");
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (71, Errors.MX0071, Application.Platform, Application.ProductName);
if (Application.IsExtension) {
args.Add ("-Xlinker");
args.Add ("-rpath");
args.Add ("-Xlinker");
args.Add ("@executable_path/../../Frameworks");
if (Application.HasAnyDynamicLibraries) {
args.Add ("-Xlinker");
args.Add ("-rpath");
args.Add ("-Xlinker");
args.Add ("@executable_path/");
if (Application.IsExtension) {
args.Add ("-Xlinker");
args.Add ("-rpath");
args.Add ("-Xlinker");
args.Add ("@executable_path/../..");
void ProcessFrameworkForArguments (IList<string> args, string fw, bool is_weak, ref bool any_user_framework)
var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (fw);
if (fw.EndsWith (".framework", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
// user framework, we need to pass -F to the linker so that the linker finds the user framework.
any_user_framework = true;
AddInput (Path.Combine (fw, name));
args.Add ("-F");
args.Add (Path.GetDirectoryName (fw));
args.Add (is_weak ? "-weak_framework" : "-framework");
args.Add (name);
public string[] ToArray ()
var args = new List<string> ();
WriteArguments (args);
return args.ToArray ();
public override string ToString ()
return string.Join (" ", ToArray ());
public void PopulateInputs ()
var args = new List<string> ();
Inputs = new List<string> ();
WriteArguments (args);