
18716 строки
583 KiB

// This file describes the API that the generator will produce
// Authors:
// Geoff Norton
// Miguel de Icaza
// Aaron Bockover
// Copyright 2009, Novell, Inc.
// Copyright 2010, Novell, Inc.
// Copyright 2011-2013 Xamarin Inc.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using ObjCRuntime;
using CloudKit;
using CoreData;
using CoreFoundation;
using Foundation;
using CoreGraphics;
using UniformTypeIdentifiers;
using AppClip;
#if IOS
using QuickLook;
#if !TVOS
using Contacts;
#if !WATCH
using CoreAnimation;
using CoreSpotlight;
using CoreMedia;
using SceneKit;
using Security;
using FileProvider;
using INSFileProviderItem = Foundation.NSObject;
using AppKit;
using QuickLookUI;
using CoreLocation;
using UIKit;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
// In Apple headers, this is a typedef to a pointer to a private struct
using NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionID = System.IntPtr;
// These two are both four char codes i.e. defined on a uint with constant like 'xxxx'
using AEKeyword = System.UInt32;
using OSType = System.UInt32;
// typedef double NSTimeInterval;
using NSTimeInterval = System.Double;
// dummy usings to make code compile without having the actual types available (for [NoMac] to work)
using NSDirectionalEdgeInsets = Foundation.NSObject;
using UIEdgeInsets = Foundation.NSObject;
using UIOffset = Foundation.NSObject;
using UIPreferredPresentationStyle = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSPasteboard = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSWorkspaceAuthorization = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSStringAttributes = UIKit.UIStringAttributes;
using NSAppleEventSendOptions = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSBezierPath = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSImage = Foundation.NSObject;
#if TVOS
using NSAppleEventSendOptions = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSBezierPath = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSImage = Foundation.NSObject;
// dummy usings to make code compile without having the actual types available (for [NoWatch] to work)
using NSAppleEventSendOptions = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSBezierPath = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSImage = Foundation.NSObject;
using CSSearchableItemAttributeSet = Foundation.NSObject;
using CIBarcodeDescriptor = Foundation.NSObject;
using CoreImage;
#if !IOS
using APActivationPayload = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSAppleEventSendOptions = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSBezierPath = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSImage = Foundation.NSObject;
#if IOS || WATCH || TVOS
using NSNotificationSuspensionBehavior = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSNotificationFlags = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSTextBlock = Foundation.NSObject;
using NSTextTable = Foundation.NSString; // Different frmo NSTextBlock, because some methods overload on these two types.
#if !NET
using NativeHandle = System.IntPtr;
namespace Foundation {
delegate void NSFilePresenterReacquirer ([BlockCallback] Action reacquirer);
namespace Foundation {
delegate NSComparisonResult NSComparator (NSObject obj1, NSObject obj2);
delegate void NSAttributedRangeCallback (NSDictionary attrs, NSRange range, ref bool stop);
delegate void NSAttributedStringCallback (NSObject value, NSRange range, ref bool stop);
delegate bool NSEnumerateErrorHandler (NSUrl url, NSError error);
delegate void NSMetadataQueryEnumerationCallback (NSObject result, nuint idx, ref bool stop);
#if NET
delegate void NSItemProviderCompletionHandler (INSSecureCoding itemBeingLoaded, NSError error);
delegate void NSItemProviderCompletionHandler (NSObject itemBeingLoaded, NSError error);
delegate void NSItemProviderLoadHandler ([BlockCallback] NSItemProviderCompletionHandler completionHandler, Class expectedValueClass, NSDictionary options);
delegate void EnumerateDatesCallback (NSDate date, bool exactMatch, ref bool stop);
delegate void EnumerateIndexSetCallback (nuint idx, ref bool stop);
delegate void CloudKitRegistrationPreparationAction ([BlockCallback] CloudKitRegistrationPreparationHandler handler);
delegate void CloudKitRegistrationPreparationHandler (CKShare share, CKContainer container, NSError error);
#if NET
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSAutoreleasePool {
interface NSArray<TValue> : NSArray { }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSArray : NSSecureCoding, NSMutableCopying, INSFastEnumeration, CKRecordValue {
[Export ("count")]
nuint Count { get; }
[Export ("objectAtIndex:")]
NativeHandle ValueAt (nuint idx);
[Export ("arrayWithObjects:count:")]
IntPtr FromObjects (IntPtr array, nint count);
[Export ("valueForKey:")]
NSObject ValueForKey (NSString key);
[Export ("setValue:forKey:")]
void SetValueForKey (NSObject value, NSString key);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'Write (NSUrl, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Write (NSUrl, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'Write (NSUrl, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Write (NSUrl, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'Write (NSUrl, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("writeToFile:atomically:")]
bool WriteToFile (string path, bool useAuxiliaryFile);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'NSMutableArray.FromFile' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableArray.FromFile' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableArray.FromFile' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableArray.FromFile' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSMutableArray.FromFile' instead.")]
[Export ("arrayWithContentsOfFile:")]
NSArray FromFile (string path);
[Export ("sortedArrayUsingComparator:")]
NSArray Sort (NSComparator cmptr);
[Export ("filteredArrayUsingPredicate:")]
NSArray Filter (NSPredicate predicate);
[Export ("containsObject:")]
bool _Contains (NativeHandle anObject);
[Export ("containsObject:")]
bool Contains (NSObject anObject);
[Export ("indexOfObject:")]
nuint _IndexOf (NativeHandle anObject);
[Export ("indexOfObject:")]
nuint IndexOf (NSObject anObject);
[Export ("addObserver:toObjectsAtIndexes:forKeyPath:options:context:")]
void AddObserver (NSObject observer, NSIndexSet indexes, string keyPath, NSKeyValueObservingOptions options, IntPtr context);
[Export ("removeObserver:fromObjectsAtIndexes:forKeyPath:context:")]
void RemoveObserver (NSObject observer, NSIndexSet indexes, string keyPath, IntPtr context);
[Export ("removeObserver:fromObjectsAtIndexes:forKeyPath:")]
void RemoveObserver (NSObject observer, NSIndexSet indexes, string keyPath);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("writeToURL:error:")]
bool Write (NSUrl url, out NSError error);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("arrayWithContentsOfURL:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSArray FromUrl (NSUrl url, out NSError error);
#if false // https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/15577
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("differenceFromArray:withOptions:")]
NativeHandle _GetDifference (NSArray other, NSOrderedCollectionDifferenceCalculationOptions options);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Wrap ("Runtime.GetNSObject <NSOrderedCollectionDifference> (_GetDifference (NSArray.FromNSObjects (other), options))")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSOrderedCollectionDifference GetDifference (NSObject[] other, NSOrderedCollectionDifferenceCalculationOptions options);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("differenceFromArray:")]
NativeHandle _GetDifference (NSArray other);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Wrap ("Runtime.GetNSObject <NSOrderedCollectionDifference> (_GetDifference(NSArray.FromNSObjects (other)))")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSOrderedCollectionDifference GetDifference (NSObject[] other);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("arrayByApplyingDifference:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NativeHandle _GetArrayByApplyingDifference (NSOrderedCollectionDifference difference);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Wrap ("NSArray.ArrayFromHandle<NSObject> (_GetArrayByApplyingDifference (difference))")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject[] GetArrayByApplyingDifference (NSOrderedCollectionDifference difference);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("differenceFromArray:withOptions:usingEquivalenceTest:")]
NativeHandle _GetDifferenceFromArray (NSArray other, NSOrderedCollectionDifferenceCalculationOptions options, /* Func<NSObject, NSObject, bool> block */ ref BlockLiteral block);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
partial interface NSAttributedString : NSCoding, NSMutableCopying, NSSecureCoding
, NSPasteboardReading, NSPasteboardWriting
#if IOS
, NSItemProviderReading, NSItemProviderWriting
#if !WATCH
[Static, Export ("attributedStringWithAttachment:")]
NSAttributedString FromAttachment (NSTextAttachment attachment);
[Export ("string")]
IntPtr LowLevelValue { get; }
[Export ("attributesAtIndex:effectiveRange:")]
#if NET
IntPtr LowLevelGetAttributes (nint location, IntPtr effectiveRange);
IntPtr LowLevelGetAttributes (nint location, out NSRange effectiveRange);
[Export ("length")]
nint Length { get; }
// TODO: figure out the type, this deserves to be strongly typed if possble
[Export ("attribute:atIndex:effectiveRange:")]
NSObject GetAttribute (string attribute, nint location, out NSRange effectiveRange);
[Export ("attributedSubstringFromRange:"), Internal]
NSAttributedString Substring (NSRange range);
[Export ("attributesAtIndex:longestEffectiveRange:inRange:")]
NSDictionary GetAttributes (nint location, out NSRange longestEffectiveRange, NSRange rangeLimit);
[Export ("attribute:atIndex:longestEffectiveRange:inRange:")]
NSObject GetAttribute (string attribute, nint location, out NSRange longestEffectiveRange, NSRange rangeLimit);
[Export ("isEqualToAttributedString:")]
bool IsEqual (NSAttributedString other);
[Export ("initWithString:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string str);
[Export ("initWithString:attributes:")]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
NativeHandle Constructor (string str, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary attributes);
[Export ("initWithAttributedString:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSAttributedString other);
[Export ("enumerateAttributesInRange:options:usingBlock:")]
void EnumerateAttributes (NSRange range, NSAttributedStringEnumeration options, NSAttributedRangeCallback callback);
[Export ("enumerateAttribute:inRange:options:usingBlock:")]
void EnumerateAttribute (NSString attributeName, NSRange inRange, NSAttributedStringEnumeration options, NSAttributedStringCallback callback);
[Export ("initWithURL:options:documentAttributes:error:")]
#if !(__MACOS__ || XAMCORE_5_0)
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, NSDictionary options, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes, ref NSError error);
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, NSDictionary options, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes, out NSError error);
[Export ("initWithData:options:documentAttributes:error:")]
#if XAMCORE_5_0
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData data, NSDictionary options, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes, out NSError error);
#elif __MACOS__
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData data, NSDictionary options, out NSDictionary docAttributes, out NSError error);
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData data, NSDictionary options, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes, ref NSError error);
#if __MACOS__ || XAMCORE_5_0
[Wrap ("this (url, options.GetDictionary ()!, out resultDocumentAttributes, out error)")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes, out NSError error);
[Wrap ("this (url, options.GetDictionary ()!, out resultDocumentAttributes, ref error)")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes, ref NSError error);
#if __MACOS__ || XAMCORE_5_0
[Wrap ("this (data, options.GetDictionary ()!, out resultDocumentAttributes, out error)")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData data, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes, out NSError error);
[Wrap ("this (data, options.GetDictionary ()!, out resultDocumentAttributes, ref error)")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData data, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes, ref NSError error);
[Export ("initWithDocFormat:documentAttributes:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData wordDocFormat, out NSDictionary docAttributes);
[Export ("initWithHTML:baseURL:documentAttributes:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData htmlData, NSUrl baseUrl, out NSDictionary docAttributes);
[Export ("drawWithRect:options:")]
void DrawString (CGRect rect, NSStringDrawingOptions options);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11, message: "Use 'NSAttributedString (NSUrl, NSDictionary, out NSDictionary, ref NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("initWithPath:documentAttributes:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string path, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11, message: "Use 'NSAttributedString (NSUrl, NSDictionary, out NSDictionary, ref NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("initWithURL:documentAttributes:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes);
[Internal, Export ("initWithRTF:documentAttributes:")]
IntPtr InitWithRtf (NSData data, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes);
[Internal, Export ("initWithRTFD:documentAttributes:")]
IntPtr InitWithRtfd (NSData data, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes);
[Internal, Export ("initWithHTML:documentAttributes:")]
IntPtr InitWithHTML (NSData data, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes);
[Export ("initWithHTML:options:documentAttributes:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData data, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes);
[Wrap ("this (data, options.GetDictionary (), out resultDocumentAttributes)")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData data, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes);
[Export ("initWithRTFDFileWrapper:documentAttributes:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSFileWrapper wrapper, out NSDictionary resultDocumentAttributes);
[Export ("containsAttachments")]
bool ContainsAttachments { get; }
[Export ("fontAttributesInRange:")]
NSDictionary GetFontAttributes (NSRange range);
[Export ("rulerAttributesInRange:")]
NSDictionary GetRulerAttributes (NSRange range);
[Export ("lineBreakBeforeIndex:withinRange:")]
nuint GetLineBreak (nuint beforeIndex, NSRange aRange);
[Export ("lineBreakByHyphenatingBeforeIndex:withinRange:")]
nuint GetLineBreakByHyphenating (nuint beforeIndex, NSRange aRange);
[Export ("doubleClickAtIndex:")]
NSRange DoubleClick (nuint index);
[Export ("nextWordFromIndex:forward:")]
nuint GetNextWord (nuint fromIndex, bool isForward);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11, message: "Use 'NSDataDetector' instead.")]
[Export ("URLAtIndex:effectiveRange:")]
NSUrl GetUrl (nuint index, out NSRange effectiveRange);
[Export ("rangeOfTextBlock:atIndex:")]
NSRange GetRange (NSTextBlock textBlock, nuint index);
[Export ("rangeOfTextTable:atIndex:")]
NSRange GetRange (NSTextTable textTable, nuint index);
[Export ("rangeOfTextList:atIndex:")]
NSRange GetRange (NSTextList textList, nuint index);
[Export ("itemNumberInTextList:atIndex:")]
nint GetItemNumber (NSTextList textList, nuint index);
#if !(MONOMAC || XAMCORE_5_0)
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("dataFromRange:documentAttributes:error:")]
NSData GetData (NSRange range, NSDictionary options, out NSError error);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Wrap ("this.GetData (range, options.GetDictionary ()!, out error)")]
NSData GetData (NSRange range, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, out NSError error);
#if !(MONOMAC || XAMCORE_5_0)
[return: NullAllowed]
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetData' instead.")]
[Export ("dataFromRange:documentAttributes:error:")]
NSData GetDataFromRange (NSRange range, NSDictionary attributes, ref NSError error);
#if !(MONOMAC || XAMCORE_5_0)
[return: NullAllowed]
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetData' instead.")]
[Wrap ("GetDataFromRange (range, documentAttributes.GetDictionary ()!, ref error)")]
NSData GetDataFromRange (NSRange range, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes documentAttributes, ref NSError error);
#if !(MONOMAC || XAMCORE_5_0)
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("fileWrapperFromRange:documentAttributes:error:")]
NSFileWrapper GetFileWrapper (NSRange range, NSDictionary options, out NSError error);
#if !(MONOMAC || XAMCORE_5_0)
[return: NullAllowed]
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetFileWrapper' instead.")]
[Export ("fileWrapperFromRange:documentAttributes:error:")]
NSFileWrapper GetFileWrapperFromRange (NSRange range, NSDictionary attributes, ref NSError error);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Wrap ("this.GetFileWrapper (range, options.GetDictionary ()!, out error)")]
NSFileWrapper GetFileWrapper (NSRange range, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, out NSError error);
#if !(MONOMAC || XAMCORE_5_0)
[return: NullAllowed]
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetFileWrapper' instead.")]
[Wrap ("GetFileWrapperFromRange (range, documentAttributes.GetDictionary ()!, ref error)")]
NSFileWrapper GetFileWrapperFromRange (NSRange range, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes documentAttributes, ref NSError error);
[Export ("RTFFromRange:documentAttributes:")]
NSData GetRtf (NSRange range, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options);
[Wrap ("this.GetRtf (range, options.GetDictionary ())")]
NSData GetRtf (NSRange range, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options);
[Export ("RTFDFromRange:documentAttributes:")]
NSData GetRtfd (NSRange range, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options);
[Wrap ("this.GetRtfd (range, options.GetDictionary ())")]
NSData GetRtfd (NSRange range, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options);
[Export ("RTFDFileWrapperFromRange:documentAttributes:")]
NSFileWrapper GetRtfdFileWrapper (NSRange range, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options);
[Wrap ("this.GetRtfdFileWrapper (range, options.GetDictionary ())")]
NSFileWrapper GetRtfdFileWrapper (NSRange range, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options);
[Export ("docFormatFromRange:documentAttributes:")]
NSData GetDocFormat (NSRange range, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options);
[Wrap ("this.GetDocFormat (range, options.GetDictionary ())")]
NSData GetDocFormat (NSRange range, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("drawWithRect:options:context:")]
void DrawString (CGRect rect, NSStringDrawingOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSStringDrawingContext context);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("boundingRectWithSize:options:context:")]
CGRect GetBoundingRect (CGSize size, NSStringDrawingOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSStringDrawingContext context);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("size")]
CGSize Size { get; }
[Export ("drawAtPoint:")]
void DrawString (CGPoint point);
[Export ("drawInRect:")]
void DrawString (CGRect rect);
// -(BOOL)containsAttachmentsInRange:(NSRange)range __attribute__((availability(macosx, introduced=10.11)));
[Mac (10, 11)]
[iOS (9, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("containsAttachmentsInRange:")]
bool ContainsAttachmentsInRange (NSRange range);
// inlined from NSAttributedStringWebKitAdditions category (since they are all static members)
[NoTV] // really inside WebKit
[Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("loadFromHTMLWithRequest:options:completionHandler:")]
[PreSnippet ("GC.KeepAlive (WebKit.WKContentMode.Recommended); // no-op to ensure WebKit.framework is loaded into memory", Optimizable = true)]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSLoadFromHtmlResult")]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
void LoadFromHtml (NSUrlRequest request, NSDictionary options, NSAttributedStringCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[NoTV] // really inside WebKit
[Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSLoadFromHtmlResult")]
[Wrap ("LoadFromHtml (request, options.GetDictionary ()!, completionHandler)")]
void LoadFromHtml (NSUrlRequest request, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, NSAttributedStringCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[NoTV] // really inside WebKit
[Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("loadFromHTMLWithFileURL:options:completionHandler:")]
[PreSnippet ("GC.KeepAlive (WebKit.WKContentMode.Recommended); // no-op to ensure WebKit.framework is loaded into memory", Optimizable = true)]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSLoadFromHtmlResult")]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
void LoadFromHtml (NSUrl fileUrl, NSDictionary options, NSAttributedStringCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[NoTV] // really inside WebKit
[Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSLoadFromHtmlResult")]
[Wrap ("LoadFromHtml (fileUrl, options.GetDictionary ()!, completionHandler)")]
void LoadFromHtml (NSUrl fileUrl, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, NSAttributedStringCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[NoTV] // really inside WebKit
[Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("loadFromHTMLWithString:options:completionHandler:")]
[PreSnippet ("GC.KeepAlive (WebKit.WKContentMode.Recommended); // no-op to ensure WebKit.framework is loaded into memory", Optimizable = true)]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSLoadFromHtmlResult")]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
void LoadFromHtml (string @string, NSDictionary options, NSAttributedStringCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[NoTV] // really inside WebKit
[Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSLoadFromHtmlResult")]
[Wrap ("LoadFromHtml (@string, options.GetDictionary ()!, completionHandler)")]
void LoadFromHtml (string @string, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, NSAttributedStringCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[NoTV] // really inside WebKit
[Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("loadFromHTMLWithData:options:completionHandler:")]
[PreSnippet ("GC.KeepAlive (WebKit.WKContentMode.Recommended); // no-op to ensure WebKit.framework is loaded into memory", Optimizable = true)]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSLoadFromHtmlResult")]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
void LoadFromHtml (NSData data, NSDictionary options, NSAttributedStringCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[NoTV] // really inside WebKit
[Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSLoadFromHtmlResult")]
[Wrap ("LoadFromHtml (data, options.GetDictionary ()!, completionHandler)")]
void LoadFromHtml (NSData data, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, NSAttributedStringCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("initWithContentsOfMarkdownFileAtURL:options:baseURL:error:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl markdownFile, [NullAllowed] NSAttributedStringMarkdownParsingOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSUrl baseUrl, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("initWithMarkdown:options:baseURL:error:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData markdown, [NullAllowed] NSAttributedStringMarkdownParsingOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSUrl baseUrl, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("initWithMarkdownString:options:baseURL:error:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string markdownString, [NullAllowed] NSAttributedStringMarkdownParsingOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSUrl baseUrl, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("attributedStringByInflectingString")]
NSAttributedString AttributedStringByInflectingString { get; }
[Export ("boundingRectWithSize:options:")]
CGRect BoundingRectWithSize (CGSize size, NSStringDrawingOptions options);
[Field ("NSTextLayoutSectionOrientation", "AppKit")]
[Field ("NSTextLayoutSectionOrientation", "UIKit")]
NSString TextLayoutSectionOrientation { get; }
[Field ("NSTextLayoutSectionRange", "AppKit")]
[Field ("NSTextLayoutSectionRange", "UIKit")]
NSString TextLayoutSectionRange { get; }
#if !XAMCORE_5_0
[Field ("NSTextLayoutSectionsAttribute", "AppKit")]
[Field ("NSTextLayoutSectionsAttribute", "UIKit")]
NSString TextLayoutSectionsAttribute { get; }
#endif // !XAMCORE_5_0
[NoiOS, NoWatch, NoTV]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11)]
[Field ("NSUnderlineByWordMask", "AppKit")]
nint UnderlineByWordMaskAttributeName { get; }
#if !XAMCORE_5_0
[Field ("NSTextScalingDocumentAttribute", "AppKit")]
[Field ("NSTextScalingDocumentAttribute", "UIKit")]
[Mac (10, 15)]
[iOS (13, 0), TV (13, 0), Watch (6, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSString TextScalingDocumentAttribute { get; }
#endif // !XAMCORE_5_0
#if !XAMCORE_5_0
[Field ("NSSourceTextScalingDocumentAttribute", "AppKit")]
[Field ("NSSourceTextScalingDocumentAttribute", "UIKit")]
[Mac (10, 15)]
[iOS (13, 0), TV (13, 0), Watch (6, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSString SourceTextScalingDocumentAttribute { get; }
#endif // !XAMCORE_5_0
#if !XAMCORE_5_0
[Field ("NSCocoaVersionDocumentAttribute", "AppKit")]
[Field ("NSCocoaVersionDocumentAttribute", "UIKit")]
[Mac (10, 15)]
[iOS (13, 0), TV (13, 0), Watch (6, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSString CocoaVersionDocumentAttribute { get; }
#endif // !XAMCORE_5_0
// we follow the API found in swift
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
public enum NSAttributedStringNameKey {
[Field ("NSAlternateDescriptionAttributeName")]
[Field ("NSImageURLAttributeName")]
[Field ("NSInflectionRuleAttributeName")]
[Field ("NSInflectionAlternativeAttributeName")]
[Field ("NSInlinePresentationIntentAttributeName")]
[Field ("NSLanguageIdentifierAttributeName")]
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Field ("NSMarkdownSourcePositionAttributeName")]
[Field ("NSMorphologyAttributeName")]
[Field ("NSPresentationIntentAttributeName")]
[Field ("NSReplacementIndexAttributeName")]
[NoTV] // really inside WebKit
[Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
delegate void NSAttributedStringCompletionHandler ([NullAllowed] NSAttributedString attributedString, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> attributes, [NullAllowed] NSError error);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject),
Delegates = new string [] { "WeakDelegate" },
Events = new Type [] { typeof (NSCacheDelegate) })]
interface NSCache {
[Export ("objectForKey:")]
NSObject ObjectForKey (NSObject key);
[Export ("setObject:forKey:")]
void SetObjectforKey (NSObject obj, NSObject key);
[Export ("setObject:forKey:cost:")]
void SetCost (NSObject obj, NSObject key, nuint cost);
[Export ("removeObjectForKey:")]
void RemoveObjectForKey (NSObject key);
[Export ("removeAllObjects")]
void RemoveAllObjects ();
//Detected properties
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; set; }
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
NSCacheDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("totalCostLimit")]
nuint TotalCostLimit { get; set; }
[Export ("countLimit")]
nuint CountLimit { get; set; }
[Export ("evictsObjectsWithDiscardedContent")]
bool EvictsObjectsWithDiscardedContent { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSCacheDelegate {
[Export ("cache:willEvictObject:"), EventArgs ("NSObject")]
void WillEvictObject (NSCache cache, NSObject obj);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSCachedURLResponse")]
// instance created with 'init' will crash when Dispose is called
interface NSCachedUrlResponse : NSCoding, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithResponse:data:userInfo:storagePolicy:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrlResponse response, NSData data, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary userInfo, NSUrlCacheStoragePolicy storagePolicy);
[Export ("initWithResponse:data:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrlResponse response, NSData data);
[Export ("response")]
NSUrlResponse Response { get; }
[Export ("data")]
NSData Data { get; }
[Export ("userInfo")]
NSDictionary UserInfo { get; }
[Export ("storagePolicy")]
NSUrlCacheStoragePolicy StoragePolicy { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
// 'init' returns NIL - `init` now marked as NS_UNAVAILABLE
interface NSCalendar : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithCalendarIdentifier:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSString identifier);
[Export ("calendarIdentifier")]
string Identifier { get; }
[Export ("currentCalendar")]
NSCalendar CurrentCalendar { get; }
[Export ("locale", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSLocale Locale { get; set; }
[Export ("timeZone", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSTimeZone TimeZone { get; set; }
[Export ("firstWeekday")]
nuint FirstWeekDay { get; set; }
[Export ("minimumDaysInFirstWeek")]
nuint MinimumDaysInFirstWeek { get; set; }
[Export ("components:fromDate:")]
NSDateComponents Components (NSCalendarUnit unitFlags, NSDate fromDate);
[Export ("components:fromDate:toDate:options:")]
NSDateComponents Components (NSCalendarUnit unitFlags, NSDate fromDate, NSDate toDate, NSCalendarOptions opts);
#if !NET
[Obsolete ("Use the overload with a 'NSCalendarOptions' parameter.")]
[Wrap ("Components (unitFlags, fromDate, toDate, (NSCalendarOptions) opts)")]
NSDateComponents Components (NSCalendarUnit unitFlags, NSDate fromDate, NSDate toDate, NSDateComponentsWrappingBehavior opts);
[Export ("dateByAddingComponents:toDate:options:")]
NSDate DateByAddingComponents (NSDateComponents comps, NSDate date, NSCalendarOptions opts);
#if !NET
[Obsolete ("Use the overload with a 'NSCalendarOptions' parameter.")]
[Wrap ("DateByAddingComponents (comps, date, (NSCalendarOptions) opts)")]
NSDate DateByAddingComponents (NSDateComponents comps, NSDate date, NSDateComponentsWrappingBehavior opts);
[Export ("dateFromComponents:")]
NSDate DateFromComponents (NSDateComponents comps);
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian"), Internal]
NSString NSGregorianCalendar { get; }
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierBuddhist"), Internal]
NSString NSBuddhistCalendar { get; }
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierChinese"), Internal]
NSString NSChineseCalendar { get; }
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierHebrew"), Internal]
NSString NSHebrewCalendar { get; }
[Field ("NSIslamicCalendar"), Internal]
NSString NSIslamicCalendar { get; }
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierIslamicCivil"), Internal]
NSString NSIslamicCivilCalendar { get; }
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierJapanese"), Internal]
NSString NSJapaneseCalendar { get; }
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierRepublicOfChina"), Internal]
NSString NSRepublicOfChinaCalendar { get; }
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierPersian"), Internal]
NSString NSPersianCalendar { get; }
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierIndian"), Internal]
NSString NSIndianCalendar { get; }
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierISO8601"), Internal]
NSString NSISO8601Calendar { get; }
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierCoptic"), Internal]
NSString CopticCalendar { get; }
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierEthiopicAmeteAlem"), Internal]
NSString EthiopicAmeteAlemCalendar { get; }
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierEthiopicAmeteMihret"), Internal]
NSString EthiopicAmeteMihretCalendar { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierIslamicTabular"), Internal]
NSString IslamicTabularCalendar { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSCalendarIdentifierIslamicUmmAlQura"), Internal]
NSString IslamicUmmAlQuraCalendar { get; }
[Export ("eraSymbols")]
string [] EraSymbols { get; }
[Export ("longEraSymbols")]
string [] LongEraSymbols { get; }
[Export ("monthSymbols")]
string [] MonthSymbols { get; }
[Export ("shortMonthSymbols")]
string [] ShortMonthSymbols { get; }
[Export ("veryShortMonthSymbols")]
string [] VeryShortMonthSymbols { get; }
[Export ("standaloneMonthSymbols")]
string [] StandaloneMonthSymbols { get; }
[Export ("shortStandaloneMonthSymbols")]
string [] ShortStandaloneMonthSymbols { get; }
[Export ("veryShortStandaloneMonthSymbols")]
string [] VeryShortStandaloneMonthSymbols { get; }
[Export ("weekdaySymbols")]
string [] WeekdaySymbols { get; }
[Export ("shortWeekdaySymbols")]
string [] ShortWeekdaySymbols { get; }
[Export ("veryShortWeekdaySymbols")]
string [] VeryShortWeekdaySymbols { get; }
[Export ("standaloneWeekdaySymbols")]
string [] StandaloneWeekdaySymbols { get; }
[Export ("shortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols")]
string [] ShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols { get; }
[Export ("veryShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols")]
string [] VeryShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols { get; }
[Export ("quarterSymbols")]
string [] QuarterSymbols { get; }
[Export ("shortQuarterSymbols")]
string [] ShortQuarterSymbols { get; }
[Export ("standaloneQuarterSymbols")]
string [] StandaloneQuarterSymbols { get; }
[Export ("shortStandaloneQuarterSymbols")]
string [] ShortStandaloneQuarterSymbols { get; }
[Export ("AMSymbol")]
string AMSymbol { get; }
[Export ("PMSymbol")]
string PMSymbol { get; }
[Export ("compareDate:toDate:toUnitGranularity:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSComparisonResult CompareDate (NSDate date1, NSDate date2, NSCalendarUnit granularity);
[Export ("component:fromDate:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
nint GetComponentFromDate (NSCalendarUnit unit, NSDate date);
[Export ("components:fromDateComponents:toDateComponents:options:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSDateComponents ComponentsFromDateToDate (NSCalendarUnit unitFlags, NSDateComponents startingDate, NSDateComponents resultDate, NSCalendarOptions options);
[Export ("componentsInTimeZone:fromDate:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSDateComponents ComponentsInTimeZone (NSTimeZone timezone, NSDate date);
[Export ("date:matchesComponents:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
bool Matches (NSDate date, NSDateComponents components);
[Export ("dateByAddingUnit:value:toDate:options:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSDate DateByAddingUnit (NSCalendarUnit unit, nint value, NSDate date, NSCalendarOptions options);
[Export ("dateBySettingHour:minute:second:ofDate:options:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSDate DateBySettingsHour (nint hour, nint minute, nint second, NSDate date, NSCalendarOptions options);
[Export ("dateBySettingUnit:value:ofDate:options:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSDate DateBySettingUnit (NSCalendarUnit unit, nint value, NSDate date, NSCalendarOptions options);
[Export ("dateWithEra:year:month:day:hour:minute:second:nanosecond:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSDate Date (nint era, nint year, nint month, nint date, nint hour, nint minute, nint second, nint nanosecond);
[Export ("dateWithEra:yearForWeekOfYear:weekOfYear:weekday:hour:minute:second:nanosecond:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSDate DateForWeekOfYear (nint era, nint year, nint week, nint weekday, nint hour, nint minute, nint second, nint nanosecond);
[Export ("enumerateDatesStartingAfterDate:matchingComponents:options:usingBlock:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
void EnumerateDatesStartingAfterDate (NSDate start, NSDateComponents matchingComponents, NSCalendarOptions options, [BlockCallback] EnumerateDatesCallback callback);
[Export ("getEra:year:month:day:fromDate:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
void GetComponentsFromDate (out nint era, out nint year, out nint month, out nint day, NSDate date);
[Export ("getEra:yearForWeekOfYear:weekOfYear:weekday:fromDate:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
void GetComponentsFromDateForWeekOfYear (out nint era, out nint year, out nint weekOfYear, out nint weekday, NSDate date);
[Export ("getHour:minute:second:nanosecond:fromDate:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
void GetHourComponentsFromDate (out nint hour, out nint minute, out nint second, out nint nanosecond, NSDate date);
[Export ("isDate:equalToDate:toUnitGranularity:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
bool IsEqualToUnitGranularity (NSDate date1, NSDate date2, NSCalendarUnit unit);
[Export ("isDate:inSameDayAsDate:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
bool IsInSameDay (NSDate date1, NSDate date2);
[Export ("isDateInToday:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
bool IsDateInToday (NSDate date);
[Export ("isDateInTomorrow:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
bool IsDateInTomorrow (NSDate date);
[Export ("isDateInWeekend:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
bool IsDateInWeekend (NSDate date);
[Export ("isDateInYesterday:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
bool IsDateInYesterday (NSDate date);
[Export ("nextDateAfterDate:matchingComponents:options:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSDate FindNextDateAfterDateMatching (NSDate date, NSDateComponents components, NSCalendarOptions options);
[Export ("nextDateAfterDate:matchingHour:minute:second:options:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSDate FindNextDateAfterDateMatching (NSDate date, nint hour, nint minute, nint second, NSCalendarOptions options);
[Export ("nextDateAfterDate:matchingUnit:value:options:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSDate FindNextDateAfterDateMatching (NSDate date, NSCalendarUnit unit, nint value, NSCalendarOptions options);
[Export ("nextWeekendStartDate:interval:options:afterDate:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
bool FindNextWeekend (out NSDate date, out double /* NSTimeInterval */ interval, NSCalendarOptions options, NSDate afterDate);
[Export ("rangeOfWeekendStartDate:interval:containingDate:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
bool RangeOfWeekendContainingDate (out NSDate weekendStartDate, out double /* NSTimeInterval */ interval, NSDate date);
// although the ideal would be to use GetRange, we already have the method
// RangeOfWeekendContainingDate and for the sake of consistency we are
// going to use the same name pattern.
[Export ("minimumRangeOfUnit:")]
NSRange MinimumRange (NSCalendarUnit unit);
[Export ("maximumRangeOfUnit:")]
NSRange MaximumRange (NSCalendarUnit unit);
[Export ("rangeOfUnit:inUnit:forDate:")]
NSRange Range (NSCalendarUnit smaller, NSCalendarUnit larger, NSDate date);
[Export ("ordinalityOfUnit:inUnit:forDate:")]
nuint Ordinality (NSCalendarUnit smaller, NSCalendarUnit larger, NSDate date);
[Export ("rangeOfUnit:startDate:interval:forDate:")]
bool Range (NSCalendarUnit unit, [NullAllowed] out NSDate datep, out double /* NSTimeInterval */ interval, NSDate date);
[Export ("startOfDayForDate:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSDate StartOfDayForDate (NSDate date);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSCalendarDayChangedNotification")]
NSString DayChangedNotification { get; }
// Obsolete, but the only API surfaced by WebKit.WebHistory.
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 1, message: "Use NSCalendar and NSDateComponents.")]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDate))]
interface NSCalendarDate {
[Export ("initWithString:calendarFormat:locale:")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
NativeHandle Constructor (string description, string calendarFormat, [NullAllowed] NSObject locale);
[Export ("initWithString:calendarFormat:")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
NativeHandle Constructor (string description, string calendarFormat);
[Export ("initWithString:")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
NativeHandle Constructor (string description);
[Export ("initWithYear:month:day:hour:minute:second:timeZone:")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
NativeHandle Constructor (nint year, nuint month, nuint day, nuint hour, nuint minute, nuint second, [NullAllowed] NSTimeZone aTimeZone);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("dateByAddingYears:months:days:hours:minutes:seconds:")]
NSCalendarDate DateByAddingYears (nint year, nint month, nint day, nint hour, nint minute, nint second);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("dayOfCommonEra")]
nint DayOfCommonEra { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("dayOfMonth")]
nint DayOfMonth { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("dayOfWeek")]
nint DayOfWeek { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("dayOfYear")]
nint DayOfYear { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("hourOfDay")]
nint HourOfDay { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("minuteOfHour")]
nint MinuteOfHour { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("monthOfYear")]
nint MonthOfYear { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("secondOfMinute")]
nint SecondOfMinute { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("yearOfCommonEra")]
nint YearOfCommonEra { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("calendarFormat")]
string CalendarFormat { get; set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("descriptionWithCalendarFormat:locale:")]
string GetDescription (string calendarFormat, [NullAllowed] NSObject locale);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("descriptionWithCalendarFormat:")]
string GetDescription (string calendarFormat);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("descriptionWithLocale:")]
string GetDescription ([NullAllowed] NSLocale locale);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 0)]
[Export ("timeZone")]
NSTimeZone TimeZone { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSCharacterSet : NSSecureCoding, NSMutableCopying {
[Static, Export ("alphanumericCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet Alphanumerics { get; }
[Static, Export ("capitalizedLetterCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet Capitalized { get; }
// TODO/FIXME: constructor?
[Static, Export ("characterSetWithBitmapRepresentation:")]
NSCharacterSet FromBitmap (NSData data);
// TODO/FIXME: constructor?
[Static, Export ("characterSetWithCharactersInString:")]
NSCharacterSet FromString (string aString);
[Static, Export ("characterSetWithContentsOfFile:")]
NSCharacterSet FromFile (string path);
[Static, Export ("characterSetWithRange:")]
NSCharacterSet FromRange (NSRange aRange);
[Static, Export ("controlCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet Controls { get; }
[Static, Export ("decimalDigitCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet DecimalDigits { get; }
[Static, Export ("decomposableCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet Decomposables { get; }
[Static, Export ("illegalCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet Illegals { get; }
[Static, Export ("letterCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet Letters { get; }
[Static, Export ("lowercaseLetterCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet LowercaseLetters { get; }
[Static, Export ("newlineCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet Newlines { get; }
[Static, Export ("nonBaseCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet Marks { get; }
[Static, Export ("punctuationCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet Punctuation { get; }
[Static, Export ("symbolCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet Symbols { get; }
[Static, Export ("uppercaseLetterCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet UppercaseLetters { get; }
[Static, Export ("whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet WhitespaceAndNewlines { get; }
[Static, Export ("whitespaceCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet Whitespaces { get; }
[Export ("bitmapRepresentation")]
NSData GetBitmapRepresentation ();
[Export ("characterIsMember:")]
bool Contains (char aCharacter);
[Export ("hasMemberInPlane:")]
bool HasMemberInPlane (byte thePlane);
[Export ("invertedSet")]
NSCharacterSet InvertedSet { get; }
[Export ("isSupersetOfSet:")]
bool IsSupersetOf (NSCharacterSet theOtherSet);
[Export ("longCharacterIsMember:")]
bool Contains (uint /* UTF32Char = UInt32 */ theLongChar);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter))]
interface NSMassFormatter {
[Export ("numberFormatter", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSNumberFormatter NumberFormatter { get; set; }
[Export ("unitStyle")]
NSFormattingUnitStyle UnitStyle { get; set; }
[Export ("forPersonMassUse")]
bool ForPersonMassUse { [Bind ("isForPersonMassUse")] get; set; }
[Export ("stringFromValue:unit:")]
string StringFromValue (double value, NSMassFormatterUnit unit);
[Export ("stringFromKilograms:")]
string StringFromKilograms (double numberInKilograms);
[Export ("unitStringFromValue:unit:")]
string UnitStringFromValue (double value, NSMassFormatterUnit unit);
[Export ("unitStringFromKilograms:usedUnit:")]
string UnitStringFromKilograms (double numberInKilograms, ref NSMassFormatterUnit unitp);
[Export ("getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription:")]
bool GetObjectValue (out NSObject obj, string str, out string error);
[BaseType (typeof (NSCharacterSet))]
interface NSMutableCharacterSet {
[Export ("addCharactersInRange:")]
void AddCharacters (NSRange aRange);
[Export ("removeCharactersInRange:")]
void RemoveCharacters (NSRange aRange);
[Export ("addCharactersInString:")]
void AddCharacters (string str);
void AddCharacters (NSString str);
[Export ("removeCharactersInString:")]
void RemoveCharacters (string str);
void RemoveCharacters (NSString str);
[Export ("formUnionWithCharacterSet:")]
void UnionWith (NSCharacterSet otherSet);
[Export ("formIntersectionWithCharacterSet:")]
void IntersectWith (NSCharacterSet otherSet);
[Export ("invert")]
void Invert ();
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("alphanumericCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet Alphanumerics { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("capitalizedLetterCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet Capitalized { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("characterSetWithBitmapRepresentation:")]
NSCharacterSet FromBitmapRepresentation (NSData data);
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("characterSetWithCharactersInString:")]
NSCharacterSet FromString (string aString);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("characterSetWithContentsOfFile:")]
NSCharacterSet FromFile (string path);
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("characterSetWithRange:")]
NSCharacterSet FromRange (NSRange aRange);
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("controlCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet Controls { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("decimalDigitCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet DecimalDigits { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("decomposableCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet Decomposables { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("illegalCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet Illegals { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("letterCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet Letters { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("lowercaseLetterCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet LowercaseLetters { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("newlineCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet Newlines { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("nonBaseCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet Marks { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("punctuationCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet Punctuation { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("symbolCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet Symbols { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("uppercaseLetterCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet UppercaseLetters { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet WhitespaceAndNewlines { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("whitespaceCharacterSet")]
NSCharacterSet Whitespaces { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSCoder {
// Encoding and decoding
[Export ("encodeObject:")]
void Encode ([NullAllowed] NSObject obj);
[Export ("encodeRootObject:")]
void EncodeRoot ([NullAllowed] NSObject obj);
[Export ("decodeObject")]
NSObject DecodeObject ();
// Encoding and decoding with keys
[Export ("encodeConditionalObject:forKey:")]
void EncodeConditionalObject ([NullAllowed] NSObject val, string key);
[Export ("encodeObject:forKey:")]
void Encode ([NullAllowed] NSObject val, string key);
[Export ("encodeBool:forKey:")]
void Encode (bool val, string key);
[Export ("encodeDouble:forKey:")]
void Encode (double val, string key);
[Export ("encodeFloat:forKey:")]
void Encode (float /* float, not CGFloat */ val, string key);
[Export ("encodeInt32:forKey:")]
void Encode (int /* int32 */ val, string key);
[Export ("encodeInt64:forKey:")]
void Encode (long val, string key);
[Export ("encodeInteger:forKey:")]
void Encode (nint val, string key);
[Export ("encodeBytes:length:forKey:")]
void EncodeBlock (IntPtr bytes, nint length, string key);
[Export ("containsValueForKey:")]
bool ContainsKey (string key);
[Export ("decodeBoolForKey:")]
bool DecodeBool (string key);
[Export ("decodeDoubleForKey:")]
double DecodeDouble (string key);
[Export ("decodeFloatForKey:")]
float DecodeFloat (string key); /* float, not CGFloat */
[Export ("decodeInt32ForKey:")]
int DecodeInt (string key); /* int, not NSInteger */
[Export ("decodeInt64ForKey:")]
long DecodeLong (string key);
[Export ("decodeIntegerForKey:")]
nint DecodeNInt (string key);
[Export ("decodeObjectForKey:")]
NSObject DecodeObject (string key);
[Export ("decodeBytesForKey:returnedLength:")]
IntPtr DecodeBytes (string key, out nuint length);
[Export ("decodeBytesWithReturnedLength:")]
IntPtr DecodeBytes (out nuint length);
[Export ("allowedClasses")]
NSSet AllowedClasses { get; }
[Export ("requiresSecureCoding")]
bool RequiresSecureCoding ();
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("decodeTopLevelObjectAndReturnError:")]
NSObject DecodeTopLevelObject (out NSError error);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("decodeTopLevelObjectForKey:error:")]
NSObject DecodeTopLevelObject (string key, out NSError error);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("decodeTopLevelObjectOfClass:forKey:error:")]
NSObject DecodeTopLevelObject (Class klass, string key, out NSError error);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("decodeTopLevelObjectOfClasses:forKey:error:")]
NSObject DecodeTopLevelObject ([NullAllowed] NSSet<Class> setOfClasses, string key, out NSError error);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("failWithError:")]
void Fail (NSError error);
[Export ("systemVersion")]
uint SystemVersion { get; }
[iOS (9, 0)]
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("decodingFailurePolicy")]
NSDecodingFailurePolicy DecodingFailurePolicy { get; }
[iOS (9, 0)]
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("error", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSError Error { get; }
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("decodeArrayOfObjectsOfClass:forKey:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject [] DecodeArrayOfObjects (Class @class, string key);
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("decodeArrayOfObjectsOfClasses:forKey:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject [] DecodeArrayOfObjects (NSSet<Class> classes, string key);
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("decodeDictionaryWithKeysOfClass:objectsOfClass:forKey:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSDictionary DecodeDictionary (Class keyClass, Class objectClass, string key);
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("decodeDictionaryWithKeysOfClasses:objectsOfClasses:forKey:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSDictionary DecodeDictionary (NSSet<Class> keyClasses, NSSet<Class> objectClasses, string key);
[BaseType (typeof (NSPredicate))]
interface NSComparisonPredicate : NSSecureCoding {
[Static, Export ("predicateWithLeftExpression:rightExpression:modifier:type:options:")]
NSComparisonPredicate Create (NSExpression leftExpression, NSExpression rightExpression, NSComparisonPredicateModifier comparisonModifier, NSPredicateOperatorType operatorType, NSComparisonPredicateOptions comparisonOptions);
[Static, Export ("predicateWithLeftExpression:rightExpression:customSelector:")]
NSComparisonPredicate FromSelector (NSExpression leftExpression, NSExpression rightExpression, Selector selector);
[Export ("initWithLeftExpression:rightExpression:modifier:type:options:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSExpression leftExpression, NSExpression rightExpression, NSComparisonPredicateModifier comparisonModifier, NSPredicateOperatorType operatorType, NSComparisonPredicateOptions comparisonOptions);
[Export ("initWithLeftExpression:rightExpression:customSelector:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSExpression leftExpression, NSExpression rightExpression, Selector selector);
[Export ("predicateOperatorType")]
NSPredicateOperatorType PredicateOperatorType { get; }
[Export ("comparisonPredicateModifier")]
NSComparisonPredicateModifier ComparisonPredicateModifier { get; }
[Export ("leftExpression")]
NSExpression LeftExpression { get; }
[Export ("rightExpression")]
NSExpression RightExpression { get; }
[Export ("customSelector")]
Selector CustomSelector { get; }
[Export ("options")]
NSComparisonPredicateOptions Options { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSPredicate))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // An uncaught exception was raised: Can't have a NOT predicate with no subpredicate.
interface NSCompoundPredicate : NSCoding {
[Export ("initWithType:subpredicates:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSCompoundPredicateType type, NSPredicate [] subpredicates);
[Export ("compoundPredicateType")]
NSCompoundPredicateType Type { get; }
[Export ("subpredicates")]
NSPredicate [] Subpredicates { get; }
[Export ("andPredicateWithSubpredicates:")]
NSCompoundPredicate CreateAndPredicate (NSPredicate [] subpredicates);
[Export ("orPredicateWithSubpredicates:")]
NSCompoundPredicate CreateOrPredicate (NSPredicate [] subpredicates);
[Export ("notPredicateWithSubpredicate:")]
NSCompoundPredicate CreateNotPredicate (NSPredicate predicate);
delegate void NSDataByteRangeEnumerator (IntPtr bytes, NSRange range, ref bool stop);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSData : NSSecureCoding, NSMutableCopying, CKRecordValue {
[Export ("dataWithContentsOfURL:")]
NSData FromUrl (NSUrl url);
[Export ("dataWithContentsOfURL:options:error:")]
NSData FromUrl (NSUrl url, NSDataReadingOptions mask, out NSError error);
[Export ("dataWithContentsOfFile:")]
NSData FromFile (string path);
[Export ("dataWithContentsOfFile:options:error:")]
NSData FromFile (string path, NSDataReadingOptions mask, out NSError error);
[Export ("dataWithData:")]
NSData FromData (NSData source);
[Export ("dataWithBytes:length:"), Static]
NSData FromBytes (IntPtr bytes, nuint size);
[Export ("dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:"), Static]
NSData FromBytesNoCopy (IntPtr bytes, nuint size);
[Export ("dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:"), Static]
NSData FromBytesNoCopy (IntPtr bytes, nuint size, bool freeWhenDone);
[Export ("bytes")]
IntPtr Bytes { get; }
[Export ("length")]
nuint Length { get; [NotImplemented ("Not available on NSData, only available on NSMutableData")] set; }
[Export ("writeToFile:options:error:")]
bool _Save (string file, nint options, IntPtr addr);
[Export ("writeToURL:options:error:")]
bool _Save (NSUrl url, nint options, IntPtr addr);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'Save (NSUrl,bool)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Save (NSUrl,bool)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'Save (NSUrl,bool)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Save (NSUrl,bool)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'Save (NSUrl,bool)' instead.")]
[Export ("writeToFile:atomically:")]
bool Save (string path, bool atomically);
[Export ("writeToURL:atomically:")]
bool Save (NSUrl url, bool atomically);
[Export ("subdataWithRange:")]
NSData Subdata (NSRange range);
[Export ("getBytes:length:")]
void GetBytes (IntPtr buffer, nuint length);
[Export ("getBytes:range:")]
void GetBytes (IntPtr buffer, NSRange range);
[Export ("rangeOfData:options:range:")]
NSRange Find (NSData dataToFind, NSDataSearchOptions searchOptions, NSRange searchRange);
[Mac (10, 9)] // 10.9
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initWithBase64EncodedString:options:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string base64String, NSDataBase64DecodingOptions options);
[Mac (10, 9)] // 10.9
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initWithBase64EncodedData:options:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData base64Data, NSDataBase64DecodingOptions options);
[Mac (10, 9)] // 10.9
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("base64EncodedDataWithOptions:")]
NSData GetBase64EncodedData (NSDataBase64EncodingOptions options);
[Mac (10, 9)] // 10.9
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("base64EncodedStringWithOptions:")]
string GetBase64EncodedString (NSDataBase64EncodingOptions options);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("enumerateByteRangesUsingBlock:")]
void EnumerateByteRange (NSDataByteRangeEnumerator enumerator);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initWithBytesNoCopy:length:deallocator:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (IntPtr bytes, nuint length, [NullAllowed] Action<IntPtr, nuint> deallocator);
// NSDataCompression (NSData)
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("decompressedDataUsingAlgorithm:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSData Decompress (NSDataCompressionAlgorithm algorithm, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("compressedDataUsingAlgorithm:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSData Compress (NSDataCompressionAlgorithm algorithm, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[BaseType (typeof (NSRegularExpression))]
interface NSDataDetector : NSCopying, NSCoding {
[Export ("initWithTypes:error:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSTextCheckingTypes options, out NSError error);
[Wrap ("this ((NSTextCheckingTypes) options, out error)")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSTextCheckingType options, out NSError error);
[Export ("dataDetectorWithTypes:error:"), Static]
NSDataDetector Create (NSTextCheckingTypes checkingTypes, out NSError error);
[Wrap ("Create ((NSTextCheckingTypes) checkingTypes, out error)")]
NSDataDetector Create (NSTextCheckingType checkingTypes, out NSError error);
[Export ("checkingTypes")]
NSTextCheckingTypes CheckingTypes { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSDateComponents : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying, INSCopying, INSSecureCoding, INativeObject {
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("timeZone", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSTimeZone TimeZone { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("calendar", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCalendar Calendar { get; set; }
[Export ("quarter")]
nint Quarter { get; set; }
[Export ("date")]
NSDate Date { get; }
//Detected properties
[Export ("era")]
nint Era { get; set; }
[Export ("year")]
nint Year { get; set; }
[Export ("month")]
nint Month { get; set; }
[Export ("day")]
nint Day { get; set; }
[Export ("hour")]
nint Hour { get; set; }
[Export ("minute")]
nint Minute { get; set; }
[Export ("second")]
nint Second { get; set; }
[Export ("nanosecond")]
nint Nanosecond { get; set; }
[Export ("week")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 9, message: "Use 'WeekOfMonth' or 'WeekOfYear' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0, message: "Use 'WeekOfMonth' or 'WeekOfYear' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'WeekOfMonth' or 'WeekOfYear' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'WeekOfMonth' or 'WeekOfYear' instead.")]
nint Week { get; set; }
[Export ("weekday")]
nint Weekday { get; set; }
[Export ("weekdayOrdinal")]
nint WeekdayOrdinal { get; set; }
[Export ("weekOfMonth")]
nint WeekOfMonth { get; set; }
[Export ("weekOfYear")]
nint WeekOfYear { get; set; }
[Export ("yearForWeekOfYear")]
nint YearForWeekOfYear { get; set; }
[Export ("leapMonth")]
bool IsLeapMonth { [Bind ("isLeapMonth")] get; set; }
[Export ("isValidDate")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
bool IsValidDate { get; }
[Export ("isValidDateInCalendar:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
bool IsValidDateInCalendar (NSCalendar calendar);
[Export ("setValue:forComponent:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
void SetValueForComponent (nint value, NSCalendarUnit unit);
[Export ("valueForComponent:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
nint GetValueForComponent (NSCalendarUnit unit);
[BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter))]
interface NSByteCountFormatter {
[Export ("allowsNonnumericFormatting")]
bool AllowsNonnumericFormatting { get; set; }
[Export ("includesUnit")]
bool IncludesUnit { get; set; }
[Export ("includesCount")]
bool IncludesCount { get; set; }
[Export ("includesActualByteCount")]
bool IncludesActualByteCount { get; set; }
[Export ("adaptive")]
bool Adaptive { [Bind ("isAdaptive")] get; set; }
[Export ("zeroPadsFractionDigits")]
bool ZeroPadsFractionDigits { get; set; }
[Export ("stringFromByteCount:countStyle:")]
string Format (long byteCount, NSByteCountFormatterCountStyle countStyle);
[Export ("stringFromByteCount:")]
string Format (long byteCount);
[Export ("allowedUnits")]
NSByteCountFormatterUnits AllowedUnits { get; set; }
[Export ("countStyle")]
NSByteCountFormatterCountStyle CountStyle { get; set; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("formattingContext")]
NSFormattingContext FormattingContext { get; set; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("stringForObjectValue:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
string GetString ([NullAllowed] NSObject obj);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("stringFromMeasurement:countStyle:")]
string Create (NSUnitInformationStorage measurement, NSByteCountFormatterCountStyle countStyle);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("stringFromMeasurement:")]
string Create (NSUnitInformationStorage measurement);
[BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter))]
interface NSDateFormatter {
[Export ("stringFromDate:")]
string ToString (NSDate date);
[Export ("dateFromString:")]
NSDate Parse (string date);
[Export ("dateFormat")]
string DateFormat { get; set; }
[Export ("dateStyle")]
NSDateFormatterStyle DateStyle { get; set; }
[Export ("timeStyle")]
NSDateFormatterStyle TimeStyle { get; set; }
[Export ("locale", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSLocale Locale { get; set; }
[Export ("generatesCalendarDates")]
bool GeneratesCalendarDates { get; set; }
[Export ("formatterBehavior")]
NSDateFormatterBehavior Behavior { get; set; }
[Export ("defaultFormatterBehavior"), Static]
NSDateFormatterBehavior DefaultBehavior { get; set; }
[Export ("timeZone", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSTimeZone TimeZone { get; set; }
[Export ("calendar", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCalendar Calendar { get; set; }
// not exposed as a property in documentation
[Export ("isLenient")]
bool IsLenient { get; [Bind ("setLenient:")] set; }
[Export ("twoDigitStartDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate TwoDigitStartDate { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("defaultDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate DefaultDate { get; set; }
[Export ("eraSymbols")]
string [] EraSymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("monthSymbols")]
string [] MonthSymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("shortMonthSymbols")]
string [] ShortMonthSymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("weekdaySymbols")]
string [] WeekdaySymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("shortWeekdaySymbols")]
string [] ShortWeekdaySymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("AMSymbol")]
string AMSymbol { get; set; }
[Export ("PMSymbol")]
string PMSymbol { get; set; }
[Export ("longEraSymbols")]
string [] LongEraSymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("veryShortMonthSymbols")]
string [] VeryShortMonthSymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("standaloneMonthSymbols")]
string [] StandaloneMonthSymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("shortStandaloneMonthSymbols")]
string [] ShortStandaloneMonthSymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("veryShortStandaloneMonthSymbols")]
string [] VeryShortStandaloneMonthSymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("veryShortWeekdaySymbols")]
string [] VeryShortWeekdaySymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("standaloneWeekdaySymbols")]
string [] StandaloneWeekdaySymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("shortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols")]
string [] ShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("veryShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols")]
string [] VeryShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("quarterSymbols")]
string [] QuarterSymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("shortQuarterSymbols")]
string [] ShortQuarterSymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("standaloneQuarterSymbols")]
string [] StandaloneQuarterSymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("shortStandaloneQuarterSymbols")]
string [] ShortStandaloneQuarterSymbols { get; set; }
[Export ("gregorianStartDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate GregorianStartDate { get; set; }
[Export ("localizedStringFromDate:dateStyle:timeStyle:")]
string ToLocalizedString (NSDate date, NSDateFormatterStyle dateStyle, NSDateFormatterStyle timeStyle);
[Export ("dateFormatFromTemplate:options:locale:")]
string GetDateFormatFromTemplate (string template, nuint options, [NullAllowed] NSLocale locale);
[Export ("doesRelativeDateFormatting")]
bool DoesRelativeDateFormatting { get; set; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("setLocalizedDateFormatFromTemplate:")]
void SetLocalizedDateFormatFromTemplate (string dateFormatTemplate);
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("formattingContext", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSFormattingContext FormattingContext { get; set; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter))]
interface NSDateComponentsFormatter {
[Export ("unitsStyle")]
NSDateComponentsFormatterUnitsStyle UnitsStyle { get; set; }
[Export ("allowedUnits")]
NSCalendarUnit AllowedUnits { get; set; }
[Export ("zeroFormattingBehavior")]
NSDateComponentsFormatterZeroFormattingBehavior ZeroFormattingBehavior { get; set; }
[Export ("calendar", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCalendar Calendar { get; set; }
[Export ("allowsFractionalUnits")]
bool AllowsFractionalUnits { get; set; }
[Export ("maximumUnitCount")]
nint MaximumUnitCount { get; set; }
[Export ("collapsesLargestUnit")]
bool CollapsesLargestUnit { get; set; }
[Export ("includesApproximationPhrase")]
bool IncludesApproximationPhrase { get; set; }
[Export ("includesTimeRemainingPhrase")]
bool IncludesTimeRemainingPhrase { get; set; }
[Export ("formattingContext")]
NSFormattingContext FormattingContext { get; set; }
[Export ("stringForObjectValue:")]
string StringForObjectValue ([NullAllowed] NSObject obj);
[Export ("stringFromDateComponents:")]
string StringFromDateComponents (NSDateComponents components);
[Export ("stringFromDate:toDate:")]
string StringFromDate (NSDate startDate, NSDate endDate);
[Export ("stringFromTimeInterval:")]
string StringFromTimeInterval (double ti);
[Static, Export ("localizedStringFromDateComponents:unitsStyle:")]
string LocalizedStringFromDateComponents (NSDateComponents components, NSDateComponentsFormatterUnitsStyle unitsStyle);
[Export ("getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription:")]
bool GetObjectValue (out NSObject obj, string str, out string error);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("referenceDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate ReferenceDate { get; set; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter))]
interface NSDateIntervalFormatter {
[Export ("locale", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSLocale Locale { get; set; }
[Export ("calendar", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCalendar Calendar { get; set; }
[Export ("timeZone", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSTimeZone TimeZone { get; set; }
[Export ("dateTemplate")]
string DateTemplate { get; set; }
[Export ("dateStyle")]
NSDateIntervalFormatterStyle DateStyle { get; set; }
[Export ("timeStyle")]
NSDateIntervalFormatterStyle TimeStyle { get; set; }
[Export ("stringFromDate:toDate:")]
string StringFromDate (NSDate fromDate, NSDate toDate);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("stringFromDateInterval:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
string ToString (NSDateInterval dateInterval);
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter))]
interface NSEnergyFormatter {
[Export ("numberFormatter", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSNumberFormatter NumberFormatter { get; set; }
[Export ("unitStyle")]
NSFormattingUnitStyle UnitStyle { get; set; }
[Export ("forFoodEnergyUse")]
bool ForFoodEnergyUse { [Bind ("isForFoodEnergyUse")] get; set; }
[Export ("stringFromValue:unit:")]
string StringFromValue (double value, NSEnergyFormatterUnit unit);
[Export ("stringFromJoules:")]
string StringFromJoules (double numberInJoules);
[Export ("unitStringFromValue:unit:")]
string UnitStringFromValue (double value, NSEnergyFormatterUnit unit);
[Export ("unitStringFromJoules:usedUnit:")]
string UnitStringFromJoules (double numberInJoules, out NSEnergyFormatterUnit unitp);
[Export ("getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription:")]
bool GetObjectValue (out NSObject obj, string str, out string error);
interface NSFileHandleReadEventArgs {
[Export ("NSFileHandleNotificationDataItem")]
NSData AvailableData { get; }
[Export ("NSFileHandleError", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nint UnixErrorCode { get; }
interface NSFileHandleConnectionAcceptedEventArgs {
[Export ("NSFileHandleNotificationFileHandleItem")]
NSFileHandle NearSocketConnection { get; }
[Export ("NSFileHandleError", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nint UnixErrorCode { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // return invalid handle
interface NSFileHandle : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("availableData")]
NSData AvailableData ();
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'ReadToEnd (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'ReadToEnd (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'ReadToEnd (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'ReadToEnd (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'ReadToEnd (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("readDataToEndOfFile")]
NSData ReadDataToEndOfFile ();
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("readDataToEndOfFileAndReturnError:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSData ReadToEnd ([NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'Read (nuint, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Read (nuint, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'Read (nuint, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Read (nuint, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'Read (nuint, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("readDataOfLength:")]
NSData ReadDataOfLength (nuint length);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("readDataUpToLength:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSData Read (nuint length, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'Write (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Write (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'Write (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Write (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'Write (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("writeData:")]
void WriteData (NSData data);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("writeData:error:")]
bool Write (NSData data, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'GetOffset (out ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'GetOffset (out ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'GetOffset (out ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'GetOffset (out ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'GetOffset (out ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("offsetInFile")]
ulong OffsetInFile ();
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("getOffset:error:")]
bool GetOffset (out ulong offsetInFile, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'SeekToEnd (out ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'SeekToEnd (out ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'SeekToEnd (out ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'SeekToEnd (out ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'SeekToEnd (out ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("seekToEndOfFile")]
ulong SeekToEndOfFile ();
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("seekToEndReturningOffset:error:")]
bool SeekToEnd ([NullAllowed] out ulong offsetInFile, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'Seek (ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Seek (ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'Seek (ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Seek (ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'Seek (ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("seekToFileOffset:")]
void SeekToFileOffset (ulong offset);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("seekToOffset:error:")]
bool Seek (ulong offset, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'Truncate (ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Truncate (ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'Truncate (ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Truncate (ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'Truncate (ulong, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("truncateFileAtOffset:")]
void TruncateFileAtOffset (ulong offset);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("truncateAtOffset:error:")]
bool Truncate (ulong offset, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'Synchronize (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Synchronize (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'Synchronize (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Synchronize (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'Synchronize (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("synchronizeFile")]
void SynchronizeFile ();
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("synchronizeAndReturnError:")]
bool Synchronize ([NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'Close (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Close (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'Close (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'Close (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'Close (out NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("closeFile")]
void CloseFile ();
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("closeAndReturnError:")]
bool Close ([NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Export ("fileHandleWithStandardInput")]
NSFileHandle FromStandardInput ();
[Export ("fileHandleWithStandardOutput")]
NSFileHandle FromStandardOutput ();
[Export ("fileHandleWithStandardError")]
NSFileHandle FromStandardError ();
[Export ("fileHandleWithNullDevice")]
NSFileHandle FromNullDevice ();
[Export ("fileHandleForReadingAtPath:")]
NSFileHandle OpenRead (string path);
[Export ("fileHandleForWritingAtPath:")]
NSFileHandle OpenWrite (string path);
[Export ("fileHandleForUpdatingAtPath:")]
NSFileHandle OpenUpdate (string path);
[Export ("fileHandleForReadingFromURL:error:")]
NSFileHandle OpenReadUrl (NSUrl url, out NSError error);
[Export ("fileHandleForWritingToURL:error:")]
NSFileHandle OpenWriteUrl (NSUrl url, out NSError error);
[Export ("fileHandleForUpdatingURL:error:")]
NSFileHandle OpenUpdateUrl (NSUrl url, out NSError error);
[Export ("readInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:")]
void ReadInBackground (NSString [] notifyRunLoopModes);
[Wrap ("ReadInBackground (notifyRunLoopModes.GetConstants ())")]
void ReadInBackground (NSRunLoopMode [] notifyRunLoopModes);
[Export ("readInBackgroundAndNotify")]
void ReadInBackground ();
[Export ("readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:")]
void ReadToEndOfFileInBackground (NSString [] notifyRunLoopModes);
[Wrap ("ReadToEndOfFileInBackground (notifyRunLoopModes.GetConstants ())")]
void ReadToEndOfFileInBackground (NSRunLoopMode [] notifyRunLoopModes);
[Export ("readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify")]
void ReadToEndOfFileInBackground ();
[Export ("acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:")]
void AcceptConnectionInBackground (NSString [] notifyRunLoopModes);
[Wrap ("AcceptConnectionInBackground (notifyRunLoopModes.GetConstants ())")]
void AcceptConnectionInBackground (NSRunLoopMode [] notifyRunLoopModes);
[Export ("acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify")]
void AcceptConnectionInBackground ();
[Export ("waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:")]
void WaitForDataInBackground (NSString [] notifyRunLoopModes);
[Wrap ("WaitForDataInBackground (notifyRunLoopModes.GetConstants ())")]
void WaitForDataInBackground (NSRunLoopMode [] notifyRunLoopModes);
[Export ("waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify")]
void WaitForDataInBackground ();
[Export ("initWithFileDescriptor:closeOnDealloc:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (int /* int, not NSInteger */ fd, bool closeOnDealloc);
[Export ("initWithFileDescriptor:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (int /* int, not NSInteger */ fd);
[Export ("fileDescriptor")]
int FileDescriptor { get; } /* int, not NSInteger */
[Export ("setReadabilityHandler:")]
void SetReadabilityHandler ([NullAllowed] Action<NSFileHandle> readCallback);
[Export ("setWriteabilityHandler:")]
void SetWriteabilityHandle ([NullAllowed] Action<NSFileHandle> writeCallback);
[Field ("NSFileHandleOperationException")]
NSString OperationException { get; }
[Field ("NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification")]
[Notification (typeof (NSFileHandleReadEventArgs))]
NSString ReadCompletionNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSFileHandleReadToEndOfFileCompletionNotification")]
[Notification (typeof (NSFileHandleReadEventArgs))]
NSString ReadToEndOfFileCompletionNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSFileHandleConnectionAcceptedNotification")]
[Notification (typeof (NSFileHandleConnectionAcceptedEventArgs))]
NSString ConnectionAcceptedNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification")]
NSString DataAvailableNotification { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
interface NSPersonNameComponent {
[Field ("NSPersonNameComponentKey")]
NSString ComponentKey { get; }
[Field ("NSPersonNameComponentGivenName")]
NSString GivenName { get; }
[Field ("NSPersonNameComponentFamilyName")]
NSString FamilyName { get; }
[Field ("NSPersonNameComponentMiddleName")]
NSString MiddleName { get; }
[Field ("NSPersonNameComponentPrefix")]
NSString Prefix { get; }
[Field ("NSPersonNameComponentSuffix")]
NSString Suffix { get; }
[Field ("NSPersonNameComponentNickname")]
NSString Nickname { get; }
[Field ("NSPersonNameComponentDelimiter")]
NSString Delimiter { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSPersonNameComponents : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[NullAllowed, Export ("namePrefix")]
string NamePrefix { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("givenName")]
string GivenName { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("middleName")]
string MiddleName { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("familyName")]
string FamilyName { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("nameSuffix")]
string NameSuffix { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("nickname")]
string Nickname { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("phoneticRepresentation", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSPersonNameComponents PhoneticRepresentation { get; set; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter))]
interface NSPersonNameComponentsFormatter {
[Export ("style", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSPersonNameComponentsFormatterStyle Style { get; set; }
[Export ("phonetic")]
bool Phonetic { [Bind ("isPhonetic")] get; set; }
[Export ("localizedStringFromPersonNameComponents:style:options:")]
string GetLocalizedString (NSPersonNameComponents components, NSPersonNameComponentsFormatterStyle nameFormatStyle, NSPersonNameComponentsFormatterOptions nameOptions);
[Export ("stringFromPersonNameComponents:")]
string GetString (NSPersonNameComponents components);
[Export ("annotatedStringFromPersonNameComponents:")]
NSAttributedString GetAnnotatedString (NSPersonNameComponents components);
[Export ("getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription:")]
bool GetObjectValue (out NSObject result, string str, out string errorDescription);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("personNameComponentsFromString:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSPersonNameComponents GetComponents (string @string);
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("locale", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSLocale Locale { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSPipe {
[Export ("fileHandleForReading")]
NSFileHandle ReadHandle { get; }
[Export ("fileHandleForWriting")]
NSFileHandle WriteHandle { get; }
[Export ("pipe")]
NSPipe Create ();
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSFormatter : NSCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("stringForObjectValue:")]
string StringFor ([NullAllowed] NSObject value);
// - (NSAttributedString *)attributedStringForObjectValue:(id)obj withDefaultAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attrs;
[Export ("editingStringForObjectValue:")]
string EditingStringFor (NSObject value);
[Export ("attributedStringForObjectValue:withDefaultAttributes:")]
NSAttributedString GetAttributedString (NSObject obj, NSDictionary defaultAttributes);
// -(NSAttributedString *)attributedStringForObjectValue:(id)obj withDefaultAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attrs;
[Export ("attributedStringForObjectValue:withDefaultAttributes:")]
NSAttributedString GetAttributedString (NSObject obj, NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> defaultAttributes);
[Wrap ("GetAttributedString (obj, defaultAttributes.GetDictionary ()!)")]
NSAttributedString GetAttributedString (NSObject obj, NSStringAttributes defaultAttributes);
NSAttributedString GetAttributedString (NSObject obj, UIStringAttributes defaultAttributes);
[Export ("getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription:")]
bool GetObjectValue (out NSObject obj, string str, out NSString error);
[Export ("isPartialStringValid:newEditingString:errorDescription:")]
bool IsPartialStringValid (string partialString, [NullAllowed] out string newString, [NullAllowed] out NSString error);
[Export ("isPartialStringValid:proposedSelectedRange:originalString:originalSelectedRange:errorDescription:")]
bool IsPartialStringValid (ref string partialString, out NSRange proposedSelRange, string origString, NSRange origSelRange, [NullAllowed] out string error);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSCoding {
// [Abstract]
[Export ("initWithCoder:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSCoder decoder);
[Export ("encodeWithCoder:")]
void EncodeTo (NSCoder encoder);
interface NSSecureCoding : NSCoding {
// note: +supportsSecureCoding being static it is not a good "generated" binding candidate
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSCopying {
[return: Release]
[Export ("copyWithZone:")]
NSObject Copy ([NullAllowed] NSZone zone);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSMutableCopying : NSCopying {
[Export ("mutableCopyWithZone:")]
[return: Release ()]
NSObject MutableCopy ([NullAllowed] NSZone zone);
interface INSMutableCopying { }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSKeyedArchiverDelegate {
[Export ("archiver:didEncodeObject:"), EventArgs ("NSObject")]
void EncodedObject (NSKeyedArchiver archiver, NSObject obj);
[Export ("archiverDidFinish:")]
void Finished (NSKeyedArchiver archiver);
[Export ("archiver:willEncodeObject:"), DelegateName ("NSEncodeHook"), DefaultValue (null)]
NSObject WillEncode (NSKeyedArchiver archiver, NSObject obj);
[Export ("archiverWillFinish:")]
void Finishing (NSKeyedArchiver archiver);
[Export ("archiver:willReplaceObject:withObject:"), EventArgs ("NSArchiveReplace")]
void ReplacingObject (NSKeyedArchiver archiver, NSObject oldObject, NSObject newObject);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate {
[Export ("unarchiver:didDecodeObject:"), DelegateName ("NSDecoderCallback"), DefaultValue (null)]
NSObject DecodedObject (NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver, NSObject obj);
[Export ("unarchiverDidFinish:")]
void Finished (NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver);
[Export ("unarchiver:cannotDecodeObjectOfClassName:originalClasses:"), DelegateName ("NSDecoderHandler"), DefaultValue (null)]
Class CannotDecodeClass (NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver, string klass, string [] classes);
[Export ("unarchiverWillFinish:")]
void Finishing (NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver);
[Export ("unarchiver:willReplaceObject:withObject:"), EventArgs ("NSArchiveReplace")]
void ReplacingObject (NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver, NSObject oldObject, NSObject newObject);
[BaseType (typeof (NSCoder),
Delegates = new string [] { "WeakDelegate" },
Events = new Type [] { typeof (NSKeyedArchiverDelegate) })]
// Objective-C exception thrown. Name: NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: *** -[NSKeyedArchiver init]: cannot use -init for initialization
interface NSKeyedArchiver {
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initRequiringSecureCoding:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (bool requiresSecureCoding);
// hack so we can decorate the default .ctor with availability attributes
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'NSKeyedArchiver (bool)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 5, 0, message: "Use 'NSKeyedArchiver (bool)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'NSKeyedArchiver (bool)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 14, message: "Use 'NSKeyedArchiver (bool)' instead.")]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSKeyedArchiver (bool)' instead.")]
[Export ("init")]
NativeHandle Constructor ();
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'NSKeyedArchiver (bool)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 5, 0, message: "Use 'NSKeyedArchiver (bool)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'NSKeyedArchiver (bool)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 14, message: "Use 'NSKeyedArchiver (bool)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSKeyedArchiver (bool)' instead.")]
[Export ("initForWritingWithMutableData:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSMutableData data);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("archivedDataWithRootObject:requiringSecureCoding:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
#if NET
NSData GetArchivedData (NSObject @object, bool requiresSecureCoding, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
NSData ArchivedDataWithRootObject (NSObject @object, bool requiresSecureCoding, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'ArchivedDataWithRootObject (NSObject, bool, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 5, 0, message: "Use 'ArchivedDataWithRootObject (NSObject, bool, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'ArchivedDataWithRootObject (NSObject, bool, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 14, message: "Use 'ArchivedDataWithRootObject (NSObject, bool, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'ArchivedDataWithRootObject (NSObject, bool, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("archivedDataWithRootObject:")]
#if NET
NSData GetArchivedData (NSObject root);
NSData ArchivedDataWithRootObject (NSObject root);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'ArchivedDataWithRootObject (NSObject, bool, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 5, 0, message: "Use 'ArchivedDataWithRootObject (NSObject, bool, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'ArchivedDataWithRootObject (NSObject, bool, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 14, message: "Use 'ArchivedDataWithRootObject (NSObject, bool, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'ArchivedDataWithRootObject (NSObject, bool, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Export ("archiveRootObject:toFile:")]
bool ArchiveRootObjectToFile (NSObject root, string file);
[Export ("finishEncoding")]
void FinishEncoding ();
[Export ("outputFormat")]
NSPropertyListFormat PropertyListFormat { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
NSKeyedArchiverDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Export ("setClassName:forClass:")]
void SetClassName (string name, Class kls);
[Export ("classNameForClass:")]
string GetClassName (Class kls);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey")]
NSString RootObjectKey { get; }
#if NET
[Export ("requiresSecureCoding")]
bool RequiresSecureCoding { get; set; }
[Export ("setRequiresSecureCoding:")]
void SetRequiresSecureCoding (bool requireSecureEncoding);
[Export ("requiresSecureCoding")]
bool GetRequiresSecureCoding ();
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("encodedData", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSData EncodedData { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSCoder),
Delegates = new string [] { "WeakDelegate" },
Events = new Type [] { typeof (NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate) })]
// Objective-C exception thrown. Name: NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: *** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver init]: cannot use -init for initialization
interface NSKeyedUnarchiver {
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initForReadingFromData:error:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData data, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("unarchivedObjectOfClass:fromData:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject GetUnarchivedObject (Class cls, NSData data, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Wrap ("GetUnarchivedObject (new Class (type), data, out error)")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject GetUnarchivedObject (Type type, NSData data, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("unarchivedObjectOfClasses:fromData:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject GetUnarchivedObject (NSSet<Class> classes, NSData data, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Wrap ("GetUnarchivedObject (new NSSet<Class> (Array.ConvertAll (types, t => new Class (t))), data, out error)")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject GetUnarchivedObject (Type [] types, NSData data, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Export ("initForReadingWithData:")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'NSKeyedUnarchiver (NSData, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 5, 0, message: "Use 'NSKeyedUnarchiver (NSData, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'NSKeyedUnarchiver (NSData, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 14, message: "Use 'NSKeyedUnarchiver (NSData, out NSError)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSKeyedUnarchiver (NSData, out NSError)' instead.")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData data);
[Static, Export ("unarchiveObjectWithData:")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 5, 0, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 14, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
NSObject UnarchiveObject (NSData data);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 5, 0, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 14, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
[Static, Export ("unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData:error:")]
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
// FIXME: [MarshalNativeExceptions]
NSObject UnarchiveTopLevelObject (NSData data, out NSError error);
[Static, Export ("unarchiveObjectWithFile:")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 5, 0, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 14, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'GetUnarchivedObject ()' instead.")]
NSObject UnarchiveFile (string file);
[Export ("finishDecoding")]
void FinishDecoding ();
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Export ("setClass:forClassName:")]
void SetClass (Class kls, string codedName);
[Export ("classForClassName:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
Class GetClass (string codedName);
#if NET
[Export ("requiresSecureCoding")]
bool RequiresSecureCoding { get; set; }
[Export ("setRequiresSecureCoding:")]
void SetRequiresSecureCoding (bool requireSecureEncoding);
[Export ("requiresSecureCoding")]
bool GetRequiresSecureCoding ();
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("unarchivedArrayOfObjectsOfClass:fromData:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject [] GetUnarchivedArray (Class @class, NSData data, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("unarchivedArrayOfObjectsOfClasses:fromData:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject [] GetUnarchivedArray (NSSet<Class> classes, NSData data, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("unarchivedDictionaryWithKeysOfClass:objectsOfClass:fromData:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSDictionary GetUnarchivedDictionary (Class keyClass, Class valueClass, NSData data, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("unarchivedDictionaryWithKeysOfClasses:objectsOfClasses:fromData:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSDictionary GetUnarchivedDictionary (NSSet<Class> keyClasses, NSSet<Class> valueClasses, NSData data, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Delegates = new string [] { "Delegate" }, Events = new Type [] { typeof (NSMetadataQueryDelegate) })]
interface NSMetadataQuery {
[Export ("startQuery")]
bool StartQuery ();
[Export ("stopQuery")]
void StopQuery ();
[Export ("isStarted")]
bool IsStarted { get; }
[Export ("isGathering")]
bool IsGathering { get; }
[Export ("isStopped")]
bool IsStopped { get; }
[Export ("disableUpdates")]
void DisableUpdates ();
[Export ("enableUpdates")]
void EnableUpdates ();
[Export ("resultCount")]
nint ResultCount { get; }
[Export ("resultAtIndex:")]
NSObject ResultAtIndex (nint idx);
[Export ("results")]
NSMetadataItem [] Results { get; }
[Export ("indexOfResult:")]
nint IndexOfResult (NSObject result);
[Export ("valueLists")]
NSDictionary ValueLists { get; }
[Export ("groupedResults")]
NSObject [] GroupedResults { get; }
[Export ("valueOfAttribute:forResultAtIndex:")]
NSObject ValueOfAttribute (string attribyteName, nint atIndex);
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign), NullAllowed]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
NSMetadataQueryDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("predicate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
NSPredicate Predicate { get; set; }
[Export ("sortDescriptors", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSSortDescriptor [] SortDescriptors { get; set; }
[Export ("valueListAttributes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSObject [] ValueListAttributes { get; set; }
[Export ("groupingAttributes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSArray GroupingAttributes { get; set; }
[Export ("notificationBatchingInterval")]
double NotificationBatchingInterval { get; set; }
[Export ("searchScopes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSObject [] SearchScopes { get; set; }
// There is no info associated with these notifications
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryDidStartGatheringNotification")]
NSString DidStartGatheringNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryGatheringProgressNotification")]
NSString GatheringProgressNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGatheringNotification")]
NSString DidFinishGatheringNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryDidUpdateNotification")]
NSString DidUpdateNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryResultContentRelevanceAttribute")]
NSString ResultContentRelevanceAttribute { get; }
// Scope constants for defined search locations
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryUserHomeScope")]
NSString UserHomeScope { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryLocalComputerScope")]
NSString LocalComputerScope { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryLocalDocumentsScope")]
NSString LocalDocumentsScope { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryNetworkScope")]
NSString NetworkScope { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryUbiquitousDocumentsScope")]
NSString UbiquitousDocumentsScope { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryUbiquitousDataScope")]
NSString UbiquitousDataScope { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryAccessibleUbiquitousExternalDocumentsScope")]
NSString AccessibleUbiquitousExternalDocumentsScope { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataItemFSNameKey")]
NSString ItemFSNameKey { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataItemDisplayNameKey")]
NSString ItemDisplayNameKey { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataItemURLKey")]
NSString ItemURLKey { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataItemPathKey")]
NSString ItemPathKey { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataItemFSSizeKey")]
NSString ItemFSSizeKey { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataItemFSCreationDateKey")]
NSString ItemFSCreationDateKey { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataItemFSContentChangeDateKey")]
NSString ItemFSContentChangeDateKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemContentTypeKey")]
NSString ContentTypeKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemContentTypeTreeKey")]
NSString ContentTypeTreeKey { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataItemIsUbiquitousKey")]
NSString ItemIsUbiquitousKey { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemHasUnresolvedConflictsKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemHasUnresolvedConflictsKey { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0, message: "Use 'UbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'UbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 9, message: "Use 'UbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'UbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey' instead.")]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemIsDownloadedKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemIsDownloadedKey { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemIsDownloadingKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemIsDownloadingKey { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemIsUploadedKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemIsUploadedKey { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemIsUploadingKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemIsUploadingKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemDownloadingErrorKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemDownloadingErrorKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemUploadingErrorKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemUploadingErrorKey { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemPercentDownloadedKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemPercentDownloadedKey { get; }
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemPercentUploadedKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemPercentUploadedKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemDownloadRequestedKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemDownloadRequestedKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemIsExternalDocumentKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemIsExternalDocumentKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemContainerDisplayNameKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemContainerDisplayNameKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemURLInLocalContainerKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemURLInLocalContainerKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemKeywordsKey")]
NSString KeywordsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemTitleKey")]
NSString TitleKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAuthorsKey")]
NSString AuthorsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemEditorsKey")]
NSString EditorsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemParticipantsKey")]
NSString ParticipantsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemProjectsKey")]
NSString ProjectsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemDownloadedDateKey")]
NSString DownloadedDateKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemWhereFromsKey")]
NSString WhereFromsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemCommentKey")]
NSString CommentKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemCopyrightKey")]
NSString CopyrightKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemLastUsedDateKey")]
NSString LastUsedDateKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemContentCreationDateKey")]
NSString ContentCreationDateKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemContentModificationDateKey")]
NSString ContentModificationDateKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemDateAddedKey")]
NSString DateAddedKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemDurationSecondsKey")]
NSString DurationSecondsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemContactKeywordsKey")]
NSString ContactKeywordsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemVersionKey")]
NSString VersionKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemPixelHeightKey")]
NSString PixelHeightKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemPixelWidthKey")]
NSString PixelWidthKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemPixelCountKey")]
NSString PixelCountKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemColorSpaceKey")]
NSString ColorSpaceKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemBitsPerSampleKey")]
NSString BitsPerSampleKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemFlashOnOffKey")]
NSString FlashOnOffKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemFocalLengthKey")]
NSString FocalLengthKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAcquisitionMakeKey")]
NSString AcquisitionMakeKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAcquisitionModelKey")]
NSString AcquisitionModelKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemISOSpeedKey")]
NSString IsoSpeedKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemOrientationKey")]
NSString OrientationKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemLayerNamesKey")]
NSString LayerNamesKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemWhiteBalanceKey")]
NSString WhiteBalanceKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemApertureKey")]
NSString ApertureKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemProfileNameKey")]
NSString ProfileNameKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemResolutionWidthDPIKey")]
NSString ResolutionWidthDpiKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemResolutionHeightDPIKey")]
NSString ResolutionHeightDpiKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemExposureModeKey")]
NSString ExposureModeKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemExposureTimeSecondsKey")]
NSString ExposureTimeSecondsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemEXIFVersionKey")]
NSString ExifVersionKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemCameraOwnerKey")]
NSString CameraOwnerKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemFocalLength35mmKey")]
NSString FocalLength35mmKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemLensModelKey")]
NSString LensModelKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemEXIFGPSVersionKey")]
NSString ExifGpsVersionKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAltitudeKey")]
NSString AltitudeKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemLatitudeKey")]
NSString LatitudeKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemLongitudeKey")]
NSString LongitudeKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemSpeedKey")]
NSString SpeedKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemTimestampKey")]
NSString TimestampKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGPSTrackKey")]
NSString GpsTrackKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemImageDirectionKey")]
NSString ImageDirectionKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemNamedLocationKey")]
NSString NamedLocationKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGPSStatusKey")]
NSString GpsStatusKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGPSMeasureModeKey")]
NSString GpsMeasureModeKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGPSDOPKey")]
NSString GpsDopKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGPSMapDatumKey")]
NSString GpsMapDatumKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGPSDestLatitudeKey")]
NSString GpsDestLatitudeKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGPSDestLongitudeKey")]
NSString GpsDestLongitudeKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGPSDestBearingKey")]
NSString GpsDestBearingKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGPSDestDistanceKey")]
NSString GpsDestDistanceKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGPSProcessingMethodKey")]
NSString GpsProcessingMethodKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGPSAreaInformationKey")]
NSString GpsAreaInformationKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGPSDateStampKey")]
NSString GpsDateStampKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGPSDifferentalKey")]
NSString GpsDifferentalKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemCodecsKey")]
NSString CodecsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemMediaTypesKey")]
NSString MediaTypesKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemStreamableKey")]
NSString StreamableKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemTotalBitRateKey")]
NSString TotalBitRateKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemVideoBitRateKey")]
NSString VideoBitRateKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAudioBitRateKey")]
NSString AudioBitRateKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemDeliveryTypeKey")]
NSString DeliveryTypeKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAlbumKey")]
NSString AlbumKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemHasAlphaChannelKey")]
NSString HasAlphaChannelKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemRedEyeOnOffKey")]
NSString RedEyeOnOffKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemMeteringModeKey")]
NSString MeteringModeKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemMaxApertureKey")]
NSString MaxApertureKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemFNumberKey")]
NSString FNumberKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemExposureProgramKey")]
NSString ExposureProgramKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemExposureTimeStringKey")]
NSString ExposureTimeStringKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemHeadlineKey")]
NSString HeadlineKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemInstructionsKey")]
NSString InstructionsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemCityKey")]
NSString CityKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemStateOrProvinceKey")]
NSString StateOrProvinceKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemCountryKey")]
NSString CountryKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemTextContentKey")]
NSString TextContentKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAudioSampleRateKey")]
NSString AudioSampleRateKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAudioChannelCountKey")]
NSString AudioChannelCountKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemTempoKey")]
NSString TempoKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemKeySignatureKey")]
NSString KeySignatureKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemTimeSignatureKey")]
NSString TimeSignatureKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAudioEncodingApplicationKey")]
NSString AudioEncodingApplicationKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemComposerKey")]
NSString ComposerKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemLyricistKey")]
NSString LyricistKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAudioTrackNumberKey")]
NSString AudioTrackNumberKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemRecordingDateKey")]
NSString RecordingDateKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemMusicalGenreKey")]
NSString MusicalGenreKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemIsGeneralMIDISequenceKey")]
NSString IsGeneralMidiSequenceKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemRecordingYearKey")]
NSString RecordingYearKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemOrganizationsKey")]
NSString OrganizationsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemLanguagesKey")]
NSString LanguagesKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemRightsKey")]
NSString RightsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemPublishersKey")]
NSString PublishersKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemContributorsKey")]
NSString ContributorsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemCoverageKey")]
NSString CoverageKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemSubjectKey")]
NSString SubjectKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemThemeKey")]
NSString ThemeKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemDescriptionKey")]
NSString DescriptionKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemIdentifierKey")]
NSString IdentifierKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAudiencesKey")]
NSString AudiencesKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemNumberOfPagesKey")]
NSString NumberOfPagesKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemPageWidthKey")]
NSString PageWidthKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemPageHeightKey")]
NSString PageHeightKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemSecurityMethodKey")]
NSString SecurityMethodKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemCreatorKey")]
NSString CreatorKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemEncodingApplicationsKey")]
NSString EncodingApplicationsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemDueDateKey")]
NSString DueDateKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemStarRatingKey")]
NSString StarRatingKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemPhoneNumbersKey")]
NSString PhoneNumbersKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemEmailAddressesKey")]
NSString EmailAddressesKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemInstantMessageAddressesKey")]
NSString InstantMessageAddressesKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemKindKey")]
NSString KindKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemRecipientsKey")]
NSString RecipientsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemFinderCommentKey")]
NSString FinderCommentKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemFontsKey")]
NSString FontsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAppleLoopsRootKeyKey")]
NSString AppleLoopsRootKeyKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAppleLoopsKeyFilterTypeKey")]
NSString AppleLoopsKeyFilterTypeKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAppleLoopsLoopModeKey")]
NSString AppleLoopsLoopModeKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAppleLoopDescriptorsKey")]
NSString AppleLoopDescriptorsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemMusicalInstrumentCategoryKey")]
NSString MusicalInstrumentCategoryKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemMusicalInstrumentNameKey")]
NSString MusicalInstrumentNameKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemCFBundleIdentifierKey")]
NSString CFBundleIdentifierKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemInformationKey")]
NSString InformationKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemDirectorKey")]
NSString DirectorKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemProducerKey")]
NSString ProducerKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemGenreKey")]
NSString GenreKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemPerformersKey")]
NSString PerformersKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemOriginalFormatKey")]
NSString OriginalFormatKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemOriginalSourceKey")]
NSString OriginalSourceKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAuthorEmailAddressesKey")]
NSString AuthorEmailAddressesKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemRecipientEmailAddressesKey")]
NSString RecipientEmailAddressesKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemAuthorAddressesKey")]
NSString AuthorAddressesKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemRecipientAddressesKey")]
NSString RecipientAddressesKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemIsLikelyJunkKey")]
NSString IsLikelyJunkKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemExecutableArchitecturesKey")]
NSString ExecutableArchitecturesKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemExecutablePlatformKey")]
NSString ExecutablePlatformKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemApplicationCategoriesKey")]
NSString ApplicationCategoriesKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 9), NoMacCatalyst]
[Field ("NSMetadataItemIsApplicationManagedKey")]
NSString IsApplicationManagedKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousItemIsSharedKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemIsSharedKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserRoleKey")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserRoleKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserPermissionsKey")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserPermissionsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousSharedItemOwnerNameComponentsKey")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemOwnerNameComponentsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousSharedItemMostRecentEditorNameComponentsKey")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemMostRecentEditorNameComponentsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousSharedItemRoleOwner")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemRoleOwner { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousSharedItemRoleParticipant")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemRoleParticipant { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadOnly")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadOnly { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataUbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadWrite")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadWrite { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("searchItems", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
// DOC: object is a mixture of NSString, NSMetadataItem, NSUrl
NSObject [] SearchItems { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("operationQueue", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSOperationQueue OperationQueue { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("enumerateResultsUsingBlock:")]
void EnumerateResultsUsingBlock (NSMetadataQueryEnumerationCallback callback);
[Mac (10, 9), Export ("enumerateResultsWithOptions:usingBlock:")]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
void EnumerateResultsWithOptions (NSEnumerationOptions opts, NSMetadataQueryEnumerationCallback block);
// These are for NSMetadataQueryDidUpdateNotification
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryUpdateAddedItemsKey")]
NSString QueryUpdateAddedItemsKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryUpdateChangedItemsKey")]
NSString QueryUpdateChangedItemsKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSMetadataQueryUpdateRemovedItemsKey")]
NSString QueryUpdateRemovedItemsKey { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSMetadataQueryDelegate {
[Export ("metadataQuery:replacementObjectForResultObject:"), DelegateName ("NSMetadataQueryObject"), DefaultValue (null)]
NSObject ReplacementObjectForResultObject (NSMetadataQuery query, NSMetadataItem result);
[Export ("metadataQuery:replacementValueForAttribute:value:"), DelegateName ("NSMetadataQueryValue"), DefaultValue (null)]
NSObject ReplacementValueForAttributevalue (NSMetadataQuery query, string attributeName, NSObject value);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
#if NET
[DisableDefaultCtor] // points to nothing so access properties crash the apps
interface NSMetadataItem {
[Mac (10, 9)]
[Export ("initWithURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url);
[Export ("valueForAttribute:")]
NSObject ValueForAttribute (string key);
[Export ("valueForAttribute:")]
IntPtr GetHandle (NSString key);
[Export ("valuesForAttributes:")]
NSDictionary ValuesForAttributes (NSArray keys);
[Export ("attributes")]
NSObject [] Attributes { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSMetadataQueryAttributeValueTuple {
[Export ("attribute")]
string Attribute { get; }
[Export ("value")]
NSObject Value { get; }
[Export ("count")]
nint Count { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSMetadataQueryResultGroup {
[Export ("attribute")]
string Attribute { get; }
[Export ("value")]
NSObject Value { get; }
[Export ("subgroups")]
NSObject [] Subgroups { get; }
[Export ("resultCount")]
nint ResultCount { get; }
[Export ("resultAtIndex:")]
NSObject ResultAtIndex (nuint idx);
[Export ("results")]
NSObject [] Results { get; }
// Sadly, while this API is a poor API and we should in general not use it
// Apple has now surfaced it on a few methods. So we need to take the Obsolete
// out, and we will have to fully support it.
[BaseType (typeof (NSArray))]
interface NSMutableArray {
[Export ("initWithCapacity:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nuint capacity);
[Export ("addObject:")]
void _Add (IntPtr obj);
[Export ("addObject:")]
void Add (NSObject obj);
[Export ("insertObject:atIndex:")]
void _Insert (IntPtr obj, nint index);
[Export ("insertObject:atIndex:")]
void Insert (NSObject obj, nint index);
[Export ("removeLastObject")]
void RemoveLastObject ();
[Export ("removeObjectAtIndex:")]
void RemoveObject (nint index);
[Export ("replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject:")]
void _ReplaceObject (nint index, IntPtr withObject);
[Export ("replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject:")]
void ReplaceObject (nint index, NSObject withObject);
[Export ("removeAllObjects")]
void RemoveAllObjects ();
[Export ("addObjectsFromArray:")]
void AddObjects (NSObject [] source);
[Export ("insertObjects:atIndexes:")]
void _InsertObjects (IntPtr objects, NSIndexSet atIndexes);
[Export ("insertObjects:atIndexes:")]
void InsertObjects (NSObject [] objects, NSIndexSet atIndexes);
[Export ("removeObjectsAtIndexes:")]
void RemoveObjectsAtIndexes (NSIndexSet indexSet);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("arrayWithContentsOfFile:")]
NSMutableArray FromFile (string path);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("arrayWithContentsOfURL:")]
NSMutableArray FromUrl (NSUrl url);
#if false // https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/15577
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("applyDifference:")]
void ApplyDifference (NSOrderedCollectionDifference difference);
interface NSMutableArray<TValue> : NSMutableArray { }
[BaseType (typeof (NSAttributedString))]
interface NSMutableAttributedString {
[Export ("initWithString:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string str);
[Export ("initWithString:attributes:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string str, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary attributes);
[Export ("initWithAttributedString:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSAttributedString other);
[Export ("replaceCharactersInRange:withString:")]
void Replace (NSRange range, string newValue);
[Export ("setAttributes:range:")]
void LowLevelSetAttributes (IntPtr dictionaryAttrsHandle, NSRange range);
[Export ("mutableString", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSMutableString MutableString { get; }
[Export ("addAttribute:value:range:")]
void AddAttribute (NSString attributeName, NSObject value, NSRange range);
[Export ("addAttributes:range:")]
void AddAttributes (NSDictionary attrs, NSRange range);
[Wrap ("AddAttributes (attributes.GetDictionary ()!, range)")]
void AddAttributes (NSStringAttributes attributes, NSRange range);
[Export ("removeAttribute:range:")]
void RemoveAttribute (string name, NSRange range);
[Export ("replaceCharactersInRange:withAttributedString:")]
void Replace (NSRange range, NSAttributedString value);
[Export ("insertAttributedString:atIndex:")]
void Insert (NSAttributedString attrString, nint location);
[Export ("appendAttributedString:")]
void Append (NSAttributedString attrString);
[Export ("deleteCharactersInRange:")]
void DeleteRange (NSRange range);
[Export ("setAttributedString:")]
void SetString (NSAttributedString attrString);
[Export ("beginEditing")]
void BeginEditing ();
[Export ("endEditing")]
void EndEditing ();
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'ReadFromUrl' instead.")]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'ReadFromUrl' instead.")]
[Export ("readFromFileURL:options:documentAttributes:error:")]
bool ReadFromFile (NSUrl url, NSDictionary options, ref NSDictionary returnOptions, ref NSError error);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'ReadFromUrl' instead.")]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'ReadFromUrl' instead.")]
[Wrap ("ReadFromFile (url, options.GetDictionary ()!, ref returnOptions, ref error)")]
bool ReadFromFile (NSUrl url, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, ref NSDictionary returnOptions, ref NSError error);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("readFromData:options:documentAttributes:error:")]
bool ReadFromData (NSData data, NSDictionary options, ref NSDictionary returnOptions, ref NSError error);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Wrap ("ReadFromData (data, options.GetDictionary ()!, ref returnOptions, ref error)")]
bool ReadFromData (NSData data, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, ref NSDictionary returnOptions, ref NSError error);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("readFromURL:options:documentAttributes:error:")]
bool ReadFromUrl (NSUrl url, NSDictionary options, ref NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> returnOptions, ref NSError error);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("readFromURL:options:documentAttributes:error:")]
bool ReadFromUrl (NSUrl url, NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> options, ref NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> returnOptions, ref NSError error);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Wrap ("ReadFromUrl (url, options.GetDictionary ()!, ref returnOptions, ref error)")]
bool ReadFromUrl (NSUrl url, NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes options, ref NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> returnOptions, ref NSError error);
[BaseType (typeof (NSData))]
interface NSMutableData {
[Static, Export ("dataWithCapacity:")]
[PreSnippet ("if (capacity < 0 || capacity > nint.MaxValue) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ();", Optimizable = true)]
NSMutableData FromCapacity (nint capacity);
[Static, Export ("dataWithLength:")]
[PreSnippet ("if (length < 0 || length > nint.MaxValue) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ();", Optimizable = true)]
NSMutableData FromLength (nint length);
[Static, Export ("data")]
NSMutableData Create ();
[Export ("mutableBytes")]
IntPtr MutableBytes { get; }
[Export ("initWithCapacity:")]
[PreSnippet ("if (capacity > (ulong) nint.MaxValue) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ();", Optimizable = true)]
NativeHandle Constructor (nuint capacity);
[Export ("appendData:")]
void AppendData (NSData other);
[Export ("appendBytes:length:")]
void AppendBytes (IntPtr bytes, nuint len);
[Export ("setData:")]
void SetData (NSData data);
[Export ("length")]
nuint Length { get; set; }
[Export ("replaceBytesInRange:withBytes:")]
void ReplaceBytes (NSRange range, IntPtr buffer);
[Export ("resetBytesInRange:")]
void ResetBytes (NSRange range);
[Export ("replaceBytesInRange:withBytes:length:")]
void ReplaceBytes (NSRange range, IntPtr buffer, nuint length);
// NSMutableDataCompression (NSMutableData)
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("decompressUsingAlgorithm:error:")]
bool Decompress (NSDataCompressionAlgorithm algorithm, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("compressUsingAlgorithm:error:")]
bool Compress (NSDataCompressionAlgorithm algorithm, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
enum NSDataCompressionAlgorithm : long {
Lzfse = 0,
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSDate : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying, CKRecordValue {
[Export ("timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate")]
double SecondsSinceReferenceDate { get; }
[Export ("timeIntervalSinceDate:")]
double GetSecondsSince (NSDate anotherDate);
[Export ("timeIntervalSinceNow")]
double SecondsSinceNow { get; }
[Export ("timeIntervalSince1970")]
double SecondsSince1970 { get; }
[Export ("dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:")]
NSDate FromTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate (double secs);
[Static, Export ("dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:")]
NSDate FromTimeIntervalSince1970 (double secs);
[Export ("date")]
NSDate Now { get; }
[Export ("distantPast")]
NSDate DistantPast { get; }
[Export ("distantFuture")]
NSDate DistantFuture { get; }
[Export ("dateByAddingTimeInterval:")]
NSDate AddSeconds (double seconds);
[Export ("dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:")]
NSDate FromTimeIntervalSinceNow (double secs);
[Export ("descriptionWithLocale:")]
string DescriptionWithLocale (NSLocale locale);
[Export ("earlierDate:")]
NSDate EarlierDate (NSDate anotherDate);
[Export ("laterDate:")]
NSDate LaterDate (NSDate anotherDate);
[Export ("compare:")]
NSComparisonResult Compare (NSDate other);
[Export ("isEqualToDate:")]
bool IsEqualToDate (NSDate other);
// NSDate_SensorKit
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("dateWithSRAbsoluteTime:")]
NSDate CreateFromSRAbsoluteTime (double time);
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("initWithSRAbsoluteTime:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (double srAbsoluteTime);
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("srAbsoluteTime")]
double SrAbsoluteTime { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSDictionary : NSSecureCoding, NSMutableCopying, NSFetchRequestResult, INSFastEnumeration {
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary.FromFile' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary.FromFile' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary.FromFile' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary.FromFile' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary.FromFile' instead.")]
[Export ("dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:")]
NSDictionary FromFile (string path);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary.FromUrl' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary.FromUrl' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary.FromUrl' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary.FromUrl' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary.FromUrl' instead.")]
[Export ("dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:")]
NSDictionary FromUrl (NSUrl url);
[Export ("dictionaryWithObject:forKey:")]
NSDictionary FromObjectAndKey (NSObject obj, NSObject key);
[Export ("dictionaryWithDictionary:")]
NSDictionary FromDictionary (NSDictionary source);
[Export ("dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count:")]
[Static, Internal]
IntPtr _FromObjectsAndKeysInternal (IntPtr objects, IntPtr keys, nint count);
[Export ("dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count:")]
[Static, Internal]
NSDictionary FromObjectsAndKeysInternal ([NullAllowed] NSArray objects, [NullAllowed] NSArray keys, nint count);
[Export ("dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:")]
[Static, Internal]
IntPtr _FromObjectsAndKeysInternal (IntPtr objects, IntPtr keys);
[Export ("dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:")]
[Static, Internal]
NSDictionary FromObjectsAndKeysInternal ([NullAllowed] NSArray objects, [NullAllowed] NSArray keys);
[Export ("initWithDictionary:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSDictionary other);
[Export ("initWithDictionary:copyItems:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSDictionary other, bool copyItems);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary(string)' constructor instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary(string)' constructor instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary(string)' constructor instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary(string)' constructor instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary(string)' constructor instead.")]
[Export ("initWithContentsOfFile:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string fileName);
[Export ("initWithObjects:forKeys:"), Internal]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSArray objects, NSArray keys);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary(NSUrl)' constructor instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary(NSUrl)' constructor instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary(NSUrl)' constructor instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary(NSUrl)' constructor instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSMutableDictionary(NSUrl)' constructor instead.")]
[Export ("initWithContentsOfURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initWithContentsOfURL:error:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, out NSError error);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> FromUrl (NSUrl url, out NSError error);
[Export ("count")]
nuint Count { get; }
[Export ("objectForKey:")]
IntPtr _ObjectForKey (IntPtr key);
[Export ("objectForKey:")]
NSObject ObjectForKey (NSObject key);
[Export ("allKeys")]
IntPtr _AllKeys ();
[Export ("allKeys")]
NSObject [] Keys { get; }
[Export ("allKeysForObject:")]
IntPtr _AllKeysForObject (IntPtr obj);
[Export ("allKeysForObject:")]
NSObject [] KeysForObject (NSObject obj);
[Export ("allValues")]
IntPtr _AllValues ();
[Export ("allValues")]
NSObject [] Values { get; }
[Export ("descriptionInStringsFileFormat")]
string DescriptionInStringsFileFormat { get; }
[Export ("isEqualToDictionary:")]
bool IsEqualToDictionary (NSDictionary other);
[Export ("objectEnumerator")]
NSEnumerator ObjectEnumerator { get; }
[Export ("objectsForKeys:notFoundMarker:")]
IntPtr _ObjectsForKeys (IntPtr keys, IntPtr marker);
[Export ("objectsForKeys:notFoundMarker:")]
NSObject [] ObjectsForKeys (NSArray keys, NSObject marker);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1)]
[Export ("writeToFile:atomically:")]
bool WriteToFile (string path, bool useAuxiliaryFile);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1)]
[Export ("writeToURL:atomically:")]
bool WriteToUrl (NSUrl url, bool atomically);
[Export ("sharedKeySetForKeys:")]
NSObject GetSharedKeySetForKeys (NSObject [] keys);
interface NSDictionary<K, V> : NSDictionary { }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSEnumerator {
[Export ("nextObject")]
NSObject NextObject ();
interface NSEnumerator<T> : NSEnumerator { }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSError : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Static, Export ("errorWithDomain:code:userInfo:")]
NSError FromDomain (NSString domain, nint code, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary userInfo);
[Export ("initWithDomain:code:userInfo:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSString domain, nint code, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary userInfo);
[Export ("domain")]
string Domain { get; }
[Export ("code")]
nint Code { get; }
[Export ("userInfo")]
NSDictionary UserInfo { get; }
[Export ("localizedDescription")]
string LocalizedDescription { get; }
[Export ("localizedFailureReason")]
string LocalizedFailureReason { get; }
[Export ("localizedRecoverySuggestion")]
string LocalizedRecoverySuggestion { get; }
[Export ("localizedRecoveryOptions")]
string [] LocalizedRecoveryOptions { get; }
[Export ("helpAnchor")]
string HelpAnchor { get; }
[Watch (7, 4), TV (14, 5), Mac (11, 3), iOS (14, 5)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 5)]
[Export ("underlyingErrors", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSError [] UnderlyingErrors { get; }
[Field ("NSCocoaErrorDomain")]
NSString CocoaErrorDomain { get; }
[Field ("NSPOSIXErrorDomain")]
NSString PosixErrorDomain { get; }
[Field ("NSOSStatusErrorDomain")]
NSString OsStatusErrorDomain { get; }
[Field ("NSMachErrorDomain")]
NSString MachErrorDomain { get; }
[Field ("NSURLErrorDomain")]
NSString NSUrlErrorDomain { get; }
#if NET
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Obsoleted (PlatformName.WatchOS, 7, 0)]
[Field ("NSNetServicesErrorDomain")]
NSString NSNetServicesErrorDomain { get; }
[Field ("NSStreamSocketSSLErrorDomain")]
NSString NSStreamSocketSSLErrorDomain { get; }
[Field ("NSStreamSOCKSErrorDomain")]
NSString NSStreamSOCKSErrorDomain { get; }
[Field ("kCLErrorDomain", "CoreLocation")]
NSString CoreLocationErrorDomain { get; }
#if !WATCH
[Field ("kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork", "CFNetwork")]
NSString CFNetworkErrorDomain { get; }
[NoMac, NoTV]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("CMErrorDomain", "CoreMotion")]
NSString CoreMotionErrorDomain { get; }
#if !XAMCORE_3_0
// now exposed with the corresponding EABluetoothAccessoryPickerError enum
[NoMac, NoTV, NoWatch]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("EABluetoothAccessoryPickerErrorDomain", "ExternalAccessory")]
NSString EABluetoothAccessoryPickerErrorDomain { get; }
// now exposed with the corresponding MKErrorCode enum
[TV (9, 2)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("MKErrorDomain", "MapKit")]
NSString MapKitErrorDomain { get; }
// now exposed with the corresponding WKErrorCode enum
[NoMac, NoTV]
[iOS (8, 2)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.iOS)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("WatchKitErrorDomain", "WatchKit")]
NSString WatchKitErrorDomain { get; }
[Field ("NSUnderlyingErrorKey")]
NSString UnderlyingErrorKey { get; }
[Watch (7, 4), TV (14, 5), Mac (11, 3), iOS (14, 5)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 5)]
[Field ("NSMultipleUnderlyingErrorsKey")]
NSString MultipleUnderlyingErrorsKey { get; }
[Field ("NSLocalizedDescriptionKey")]
NSString LocalizedDescriptionKey { get; }
[Field ("NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey")]
NSString LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey { get; }
[Field ("NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey")]
NSString LocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey { get; }
[Field ("NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey")]
NSString LocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey { get; }
[Field ("NSRecoveryAttempterErrorKey")]
NSString RecoveryAttempterErrorKey { get; }
[Field ("NSHelpAnchorErrorKey")]
NSString HelpAnchorErrorKey { get; }
[Field ("NSStringEncodingErrorKey")]
NSString StringEncodingErrorKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLErrorKey")]
NSString UrlErrorKey { get; }
[Field ("NSFilePathErrorKey")]
NSString FilePathErrorKey { get; }
[iOS (9, 0)]
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSDebugDescriptionErrorKey")]
NSString DebugDescriptionErrorKey { get; }
[iOS (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSLocalizedFailureErrorKey")]
NSString LocalizedFailureErrorKey { get; }
[iOS (9, 0)]
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("setUserInfoValueProviderForDomain:provider:")]
void SetUserInfoValueProvider (string errorDomain, [NullAllowed] NSErrorUserInfoValueProvider provider);
[iOS (9, 0)]
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("userInfoValueProviderForDomain:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSErrorUserInfoValueProvider GetUserInfoValueProvider (string errorDomain);
// From NSError (NSFileProviderError) Category to avoid static category uglyness
[iOS (11, 0)]
[Mac (10, 15)]
[Export ("fileProviderErrorForCollisionWithItem:")]
NSError GetFileProviderError (INSFileProviderItem existingItem);
[iOS (11, 0)]
[Mac (10, 15)]
[Export ("fileProviderErrorForNonExistentItemWithIdentifier:")]
NSError GetFileProviderError (string nonExistentItemIdentifier);
[iOS (16, 0)]
[Mac (11, 0)]
[Export ("fileProviderErrorForRejectedDeletionOfItem:")]
NSError GetFileProviderErrorForRejectedDeletion (INSFileProviderItem updatedVersion);
#if false
// FIXME that value is present in the header (7.0 DP 6) files but returns NULL (i.e. unusable)
// we're also missing other NSURLError* fields (which we should add)
[Field ("NSURLErrorBackgroundTaskCancelledReasonKey")]
NSString NSUrlErrorBackgroundTaskCancelledReasonKey { get; }
delegate NSObject NSErrorUserInfoValueProvider (NSError error, NSString userInfoKey);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
// 'init' returns NIL
interface NSException : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithName:reason:userInfo:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string name, string reason, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary userInfo);
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; }
[Export ("reason")]
string Reason { get; }
[Export ("userInfo")]
NSObject UserInfo { get; }
[Export ("callStackReturnAddresses")]
NSNumber [] CallStackReturnAddresses { get; }
[Export ("callStackSymbols")]
string [] CallStackSymbols { get; }
#if !NET && !WATCH
[Obsolete ("NSExpressionHandler is deprecated, please use FromFormat (string, NSObject[]) instead.")]
delegate void NSExpressionHandler (NSObject evaluatedObject, NSExpression [] expressions, NSMutableDictionary context);
delegate NSObject NSExpressionCallbackHandler (NSObject evaluatedObject, NSExpression [] expressions, NSMutableDictionary context);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
// Objective-C exception thrown. Name: NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: *** -predicateFormat cannot be sent to an abstract object of class NSExpression: Create a concrete instance!
interface NSExpression : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Static, Export ("expressionForConstantValue:")]
NSExpression FromConstant ([NullAllowed] NSObject obj);
[Static, Export ("expressionForEvaluatedObject")]
NSExpression ExpressionForEvaluatedObject { get; }
[Static, Export ("expressionForVariable:")]
NSExpression FromVariable (string string1);
[Static, Export ("expressionForKeyPath:")]
NSExpression FromKeyPath (string keyPath);
[Static, Export ("expressionForFunction:arguments:")]
NSExpression FromFunction (string name, NSExpression [] parameters);
[Static, Export ("expressionWithFormat:")]
NSExpression FromFormat (string expressionFormat);
#if !NET && !WATCH
[Obsolete ("Use 'FromFormat (string, NSObject[])' instead.")]
[Static, Export ("expressionWithFormat:argumentArray:")]
NSExpression FromFormat (string format, NSExpression [] parameters);
[Static, Export ("expressionWithFormat:argumentArray:")]
NSExpression FromFormat (string format, NSObject [] parameters);
//+ (NSExpression *)expressionForAggregate:(NSArray *)subexpressions;
[Static, Export ("expressionForAggregate:")]
NSExpression FromAggregate (NSExpression [] subexpressions);
[Static, Export ("expressionForUnionSet:with:")]
NSExpression FromUnionSet (NSExpression left, NSExpression right);
[Static, Export ("expressionForIntersectSet:with:")]
NSExpression FromIntersectSet (NSExpression left, NSExpression right);
[Static, Export ("expressionForMinusSet:with:")]
NSExpression FromMinusSet (NSExpression left, NSExpression right);
//+ (NSExpression *)expressionForSubquery:(NSExpression *)expression usingIteratorVariable:(NSString *)variable predicate:(id)predicate;
[Static, Export ("expressionForSubquery:usingIteratorVariable:predicate:")]
NSExpression FromSubquery (NSExpression expression, string variable, NSObject predicate);
[Static, Export ("expressionForFunction:selectorName:arguments:")]
NSExpression FromFunction (NSExpression target, string name, NSExpression [] parameters);
#if !NET && !WATCH
[Obsolete ("Use 'FromFunction (NSExpressionCallbackHandler, NSExpression[])' instead.")]
[Static, Export ("expressionForBlock:arguments:")]
NSExpression FromFunction (NSExpressionHandler target, [NullAllowed] NSExpression [] parameters);
[Static, Export ("expressionForBlock:arguments:")]
NSExpression FromFunction (NSExpressionCallbackHandler target, NSExpression [] parameters);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("expressionForAnyKey")]
NSExpression FromAnyKey ();
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("expressionForConditional:trueExpression:falseExpression:")]
NSExpression FromConditional (NSPredicate predicate, NSExpression trueExpression, NSExpression falseExpression);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("allowEvaluation")]
void AllowEvaluation ();
[Export ("initWithExpressionType:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSExpressionType type);
[Export ("expressionType")]
NSExpressionType ExpressionType { get; }
[Sealed, Internal, Export ("expressionBlock")]
NSExpressionCallbackHandler _Block { get; }
[Sealed, Internal, Export ("constantValue")]
NSObject _ConstantValue { get; }
[Sealed, Internal, Export ("keyPath")]
string _KeyPath { get; }
[Sealed, Internal, Export ("function")]
string _Function { get; }
[Sealed, Internal, Export ("variable")]
string _Variable { get; }
[Sealed, Internal, Export ("operand")]
NSExpression _Operand { get; }
[Sealed, Internal, Export ("arguments")]
NSExpression [] _Arguments { get; }
[Sealed, Internal, Export ("collection")]
NSObject _Collection { get; }
[Sealed, Internal, Export ("predicate")]
NSPredicate _Predicate { get; }
[Sealed, Internal, Export ("leftExpression")]
NSExpression _LeftExpression { get; }
[Sealed, Internal, Export ("rightExpression")]
NSExpression _RightExpression { get; }
[Mac (10, 11), iOS (9, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Sealed, Internal, Export ("trueExpression")]
NSExpression _TrueExpression { get; }
[Mac (10, 11), iOS (9, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Sealed, Internal, Export ("falseExpression")]
NSExpression _FalseExpression { get; }
[Export ("expressionValueWithObject:context:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject EvaluateWith ([NullAllowed] NSObject obj, [NullAllowed] NSMutableDictionary context);
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)] // Not defined in 32-bit
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
partial interface NSExtensionContext {
[Export ("inputItems", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSExtensionItem [] InputItems { get; }
[Export ("completeRequestReturningItems:completionHandler:")]
void CompleteRequest (NSExtensionItem [] returningItems, [NullAllowed] Action<bool> completionHandler);
[Export ("cancelRequestWithError:")]
void CancelRequest (NSError error);
[Export ("openURL:completionHandler:")]
void OpenUrl (NSUrl url, [NullAllowed] Action<bool> completionHandler);
[Field ("NSExtensionItemsAndErrorsKey")]
NSString ItemsAndErrorsKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 2)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSExtensionHostWillEnterForegroundNotification")]
NSString HostWillEnterForegroundNotification { get; }
[iOS (8, 2)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSExtensionHostDidEnterBackgroundNotification")]
NSString HostDidEnterBackgroundNotification { get; }
[iOS (8, 2)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSExtensionHostWillResignActiveNotification")]
NSString HostWillResignActiveNotification { get; }
[iOS (8, 2)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSExtensionHostDidBecomeActiveNotification")]
NSString HostDidBecomeActiveNotification { get; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)] // Not defined in 32-bit
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
partial interface NSExtensionItem : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("attributedTitle", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSAttributedString AttributedTitle { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("attributedContentText", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSAttributedString AttributedContentText { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("attachments", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSItemProvider [] Attachments { get; set; }
[Export ("userInfo", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary UserInfo { get; set; }
[Field ("NSExtensionItemAttributedTitleKey")]
NSString AttributedTitleKey { get; }
[Field ("NSExtensionItemAttributedContentTextKey")]
NSString AttributedContentTextKey { get; }
[Field ("NSExtensionItemAttachmentsKey")]
NSString AttachmentsKey { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSNull : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying
#if !WATCH
, CAAction
[Export ("null"), Static]
NSNull _Null { get; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter))]
interface NSLengthFormatter {
[Export ("numberFormatter", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSNumberFormatter NumberFormatter { get; set; }
[Export ("unitStyle")]
NSFormattingUnitStyle UnitStyle { get; set; }
[Export ("stringFromValue:unit:")]
string StringFromValue (double value, NSLengthFormatterUnit unit);
[Export ("stringFromMeters:")]
string StringFromMeters (double numberInMeters);
[Export ("unitStringFromValue:unit:")]
string UnitStringFromValue (double value, NSLengthFormatterUnit unit);
[Export ("unitStringFromMeters:usedUnit:")]
string UnitStringFromMeters (double numberInMeters, ref NSLengthFormatterUnit unitp);
[Export ("getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription:")]
bool GetObjectValue (out NSObject obj, string str, out string error);
[Export ("forPersonHeightUse")]
bool ForPersonHeightUse { [Bind ("isForPersonHeightUse")] get; set; }
delegate void NSLingusticEnumerator (NSString tag, NSRange tokenRange, NSRange sentenceRange, ref bool stop);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 11, 0, message: "Use 'NaturalLanguage.*' API instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 14, 0, message: "Use 'NaturalLanguage.*' API instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 7, 0, message: "Use 'NaturalLanguage.*' API instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 14, 0, message: "Use 'NaturalLanguage.*' API instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 14, 0, message: "Use 'NaturalLanguage.*' API instead.")]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSLinguisticTagger {
[Export ("initWithTagSchemes:options:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSString [] tagSchemes, NSLinguisticTaggerOptions opts);
[Export ("tagSchemes")]
NSString [] TagSchemes { get; }
[Export ("availableTagSchemesForLanguage:")]
NSString [] GetAvailableTagSchemesForLanguage (string language);
[Export ("setOrthography:range:")]
void SetOrthographyrange (NSOrthography orthography, NSRange range);
[Export ("orthographyAtIndex:effectiveRange:")]
NSOrthography GetOrthography (nint charIndex, ref NSRange effectiveRange);
[Export ("stringEditedInRange:changeInLength:")]
void StringEditedInRange (NSRange newRange, nint delta);
[Export ("enumerateTagsInRange:scheme:options:usingBlock:")]
void EnumerateTagsInRange (NSRange range, NSString tagScheme, NSLinguisticTaggerOptions opts, NSLingusticEnumerator enumerator);
[Export ("sentenceRangeForRange:")]
NSRange GetSentenceRangeForRange (NSRange range);
[Export ("tagAtIndex:scheme:tokenRange:sentenceRange:")]
string GetTag (nint charIndex, NSString tagScheme, ref NSRange tokenRange, ref NSRange sentenceRange);
[Export ("tagsInRange:scheme:options:tokenRanges:"), Internal]
NSString [] GetTagsInRange (NSRange range, NSString tagScheme, NSLinguisticTaggerOptions opts, ref NSArray tokenRanges);
[Export ("possibleTagsAtIndex:scheme:tokenRange:sentenceRange:scores:"), Internal]
NSString [] GetPossibleTags (nint charIndex, NSString tagScheme, ref NSRange tokenRange, ref NSRange sentenceRange, ref NSArray scores);
//Detected properties
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("string", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
string AnalysisString { get; set; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("tagsInRange:unit:scheme:options:tokenRanges:")]
string [] GetTags (NSRange range, NSLinguisticTaggerUnit unit, string scheme, NSLinguisticTaggerOptions options, [NullAllowed] out NSValue [] tokenRanges);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("enumerateTagsInRange:unit:scheme:options:usingBlock:")]
void EnumerateTags (NSRange range, NSLinguisticTaggerUnit unit, string scheme, NSLinguisticTaggerOptions options, LinguisticTagEnumerator enumerator);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("tagAtIndex:unit:scheme:tokenRange:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
string GetTag (nuint charIndex, NSLinguisticTaggerUnit unit, string scheme, [NullAllowed] ref NSRange tokenRange);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("tokenRangeAtIndex:unit:")]
NSRange GetTokenRange (nuint charIndex, NSLinguisticTaggerUnit unit);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("availableTagSchemesForUnit:language:")]
string [] GetAvailableTagSchemes (NSLinguisticTaggerUnit unit, string language);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("dominantLanguage")]
string DominantLanguage { get; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("dominantLanguageForString:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
string GetDominantLanguage (string str);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("tagForString:atIndex:unit:scheme:orthography:tokenRange:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
string GetTag (string str, nuint charIndex, NSLinguisticTaggerUnit unit, string scheme, [NullAllowed] NSOrthography orthography, [NullAllowed] ref NSRange tokenRange);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("tagsForString:range:unit:scheme:options:orthography:tokenRanges:")]
string [] GetTags (string str, NSRange range, NSLinguisticTaggerUnit unit, string scheme, NSLinguisticTaggerOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSOrthography orthography, [NullAllowed] out NSValue [] tokenRanges);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("enumerateTagsForString:range:unit:scheme:options:orthography:usingBlock:")]
void EnumerateTags (string str, NSRange range, NSLinguisticTaggerUnit unit, string scheme, NSLinguisticTaggerOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSOrthography orthography, LinguisticTagEnumerator enumerator);
delegate void LinguisticTagEnumerator (string tag, NSRange tokenRange, bool stop);
#if !NET
[Obsolete ("Use 'NSLinguisticTagUnit' enum instead.")]
interface NSLinguisticTag {
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagSchemeTokenType")]
NSString SchemeTokenType { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagSchemeLexicalClass")]
NSString SchemeLexicalClass { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagSchemeNameType")]
NSString SchemeNameType { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagSchemeNameTypeOrLexicalClass")]
NSString SchemeNameTypeOrLexicalClass { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagSchemeLemma")]
NSString SchemeLemma { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagSchemeLanguage")]
NSString SchemeLanguage { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagSchemeScript")]
NSString SchemeScript { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagWord")]
NSString Word { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagPunctuation")]
NSString Punctuation { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagWhitespace")]
NSString Whitespace { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagOther")]
NSString Other { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagNoun")]
NSString Noun { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagVerb")]
NSString Verb { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagAdjective")]
NSString Adjective { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagAdverb")]
NSString Adverb { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagPronoun")]
NSString Pronoun { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagDeterminer")]
NSString Determiner { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagParticle")]
NSString Particle { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagPreposition")]
NSString Preposition { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagNumber")]
NSString Number { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagConjunction")]
NSString Conjunction { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagInterjection")]
NSString Interjection { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagClassifier")]
NSString Classifier { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagIdiom")]
NSString Idiom { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagOtherWord")]
NSString OtherWord { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagSentenceTerminator")]
NSString SentenceTerminator { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagOpenQuote")]
NSString OpenQuote { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagCloseQuote")]
NSString CloseQuote { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagOpenParenthesis")]
NSString OpenParenthesis { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagCloseParenthesis")]
NSString CloseParenthesis { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagWordJoiner")]
NSString WordJoiner { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagDash")]
NSString Dash { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagOtherPunctuation")]
NSString OtherPunctuation { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagParagraphBreak")]
NSString ParagraphBreak { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagOtherWhitespace")]
NSString OtherWhitespace { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagPersonalName")]
NSString PersonalName { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagPlaceName")]
NSString PlaceName { get; }
[Field ("NSLinguisticTagOrganizationName")]
NSString OrganizationName { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
// 'init' returns NIL so it's not usable evenif it does not throw an ObjC exception
// funnily it was "added" in iOS 7 and header files says "do not invoke; not a valid initializer for this class"
interface NSLocale : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("systemLocale", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSLocale SystemLocale { get; }
[Export ("currentLocale", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSLocale CurrentLocale { get; }
[Export ("autoupdatingCurrentLocale", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSLocale AutoUpdatingCurrentLocale { get; }
[Export ("initWithLocaleIdentifier:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string identifier);
[Export ("localeIdentifier")]
string LocaleIdentifier { get; }
[Export ("availableLocaleIdentifiers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string [] AvailableLocaleIdentifiers { get; }
[Export ("ISOLanguageCodes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string [] ISOLanguageCodes { get; }
[Export ("ISOCurrencyCodes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string [] ISOCurrencyCodes { get; }
[Export ("ISOCountryCodes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string [] ISOCountryCodes { get; }
[Export ("commonISOCurrencyCodes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string [] CommonISOCurrencyCodes { get; }
[Export ("preferredLanguages", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string [] PreferredLanguages { get; }
[Export ("componentsFromLocaleIdentifier:")]
NSDictionary ComponentsFromLocaleIdentifier (string identifier);
[Export ("localeIdentifierFromComponents:")]
string LocaleIdentifierFromComponents (NSDictionary dict);
[Export ("canonicalLanguageIdentifierFromString:")]
string CanonicalLanguageIdentifierFromString (string str);
[Export ("canonicalLocaleIdentifierFromString:")]
string CanonicalLocaleIdentifierFromString (string str);
[Export ("characterDirectionForLanguage:")]
NSLocaleLanguageDirection GetCharacterDirection (string isoLanguageCode);
[Export ("lineDirectionForLanguage:")]
NSLocaleLanguageDirection GetLineDirection (string isoLanguageCode);
[Export ("localeWithLocaleIdentifier:")]
NSLocale FromLocaleIdentifier (string ident);
[Field ("NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification")]
NSString CurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification { get; }
[Export ("objectForKey:"), Internal]
NSObject ObjectForKey (NSString key);
[Export ("displayNameForKey:value:"), Internal]
NSString DisplayNameForKey (NSString key, string value);
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleIdentifier")]
NSString _Identifier { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleLanguageCode")]
NSString _LanguageCode { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleCountryCode")]
NSString _CountryCode { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleScriptCode")]
NSString _ScriptCode { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleVariantCode")]
NSString _VariantCode { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleExemplarCharacterSet")]
NSString _ExemplarCharacterSet { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleCalendar")]
NSString _Calendar { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleCollationIdentifier")]
NSString _CollationIdentifier { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleUsesMetricSystem")]
NSString _UsesMetricSystem { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleMeasurementSystem")]
NSString _MeasurementSystem { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleDecimalSeparator")]
NSString _DecimalSeparator { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleGroupingSeparator")]
NSString _GroupingSeparator { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleCurrencySymbol")]
NSString _CurrencySymbol { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleCurrencyCode")]
NSString _CurrencyCode { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleCollatorIdentifier")]
NSString _CollatorIdentifier { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleQuotationBeginDelimiterKey")]
NSString _QuotationBeginDelimiterKey { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleQuotationEndDelimiterKey")]
NSString _QuotationEndDelimiterKey { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleAlternateQuotationBeginDelimiterKey")]
NSString _AlternateQuotationBeginDelimiterKey { get; }
[Internal, Field ("NSLocaleAlternateQuotationEndDelimiterKey")]
NSString _AlternateQuotationEndDelimiterKey { get; }
// follow the pattern of NSLocale.cs which included managed helpers that did the same
[Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0), Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("calendarIdentifier")]
string CalendarIdentifier { get; }
[Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0), Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("localizedStringForCalendarIdentifier:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
string GetLocalizedCalendarIdentifier (string calendarIdentifier);
delegate void NSMatchEnumerator (NSTextCheckingResult result, NSMatchingFlags flags, ref bool stop);
// This API surfaces NSString instead of strings, because we already have the .NET version that uses
// strings, so it makes sense to use NSString here (and also, the replacing functionality operates on
// NSMutableStrings)
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSRegularExpression : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("initWithPattern:options:error:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSString pattern, NSRegularExpressionOptions options, out NSError error);
[Export ("regularExpressionWithPattern:options:error:")]
NSRegularExpression Create (NSString pattern, NSRegularExpressionOptions options, out NSError error);
[Export ("pattern")]
NSString Pattern { get; }
[Export ("options")]
NSRegularExpressionOptions Options { get; }
[Export ("numberOfCaptureGroups")]
nuint NumberOfCaptureGroups { get; }
[Export ("escapedPatternForString:")]
NSString GetEscapedPattern (NSString str);
/* From the NSMatching category */
[Export ("enumerateMatchesInString:options:range:usingBlock:")]
void EnumerateMatches (NSString str, NSMatchingOptions options, NSRange range, NSMatchEnumerator enumerator);
#if !NET
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetMatches2' instead, this method has the wrong return type.")]
[Export ("matchesInString:options:range:")]
NSString [] GetMatches (NSString str, NSMatchingOptions options, NSRange range);
[Export ("matchesInString:options:range:")]
#if NET
NSTextCheckingResult [] GetMatches (NSString str, NSMatchingOptions options, NSRange range);
NSTextCheckingResult [] GetMatches2 (NSString str, NSMatchingOptions options, NSRange range);
[Export ("numberOfMatchesInString:options:range:")]
nuint GetNumberOfMatches (NSString str, NSMatchingOptions options, NSRange range);
[Export ("firstMatchInString:options:range:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSTextCheckingResult FindFirstMatch (string str, NSMatchingOptions options, NSRange range);
[Export ("rangeOfFirstMatchInString:options:range:")]
NSRange GetRangeOfFirstMatch (string str, NSMatchingOptions options, NSRange range);
/* From the NSReplacement category */
[Export ("stringByReplacingMatchesInString:options:range:withTemplate:")]
string ReplaceMatches (string sourceString, NSMatchingOptions options, NSRange range, string template);
[Export ("replaceMatchesInString:options:range:withTemplate:")]
nuint ReplaceMatches (NSMutableString mutableString, NSMatchingOptions options, NSRange range, NSString template);
[Export ("replacementStringForResult:inString:offset:template:")]
NSString GetReplacementString (NSTextCheckingResult result, NSString str, nint offset, NSString template);
[Static, Export ("escapedTemplateForString:")]
NSString GetEscapedTemplate (NSString str);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
// init returns NIL
interface NSRunLoop {
[Export ("currentRunLoop", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSRunLoop Current { get; }
[Export ("mainRunLoop", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSRunLoop Main { get; }
[Export ("currentMode")]
NSString CurrentMode { get; }
[Wrap ("NSRunLoopModeExtensions.GetValue (CurrentMode)")]
NSRunLoopMode CurrentRunLoopMode { get; }
[Export ("getCFRunLoop")]
CFRunLoop GetCFRunLoop ();
[Export ("addTimer:forMode:")]
void AddTimer (NSTimer timer, NSString forMode);
[Wrap ("AddTimer (timer, forMode.GetConstant ()!)")]
void AddTimer (NSTimer timer, NSRunLoopMode forMode);
[Export ("limitDateForMode:")]
NSDate LimitDateForMode (NSString mode);
[Wrap ("LimitDateForMode (mode.GetConstant ()!)")]
NSDate LimitDateForMode (NSRunLoopMode mode);
[Export ("acceptInputForMode:beforeDate:")]
void AcceptInputForMode (NSString mode, NSDate limitDate);
[Wrap ("AcceptInputForMode (mode.GetConstant ()!, limitDate)")]
void AcceptInputForMode (NSRunLoopMode mode, NSDate limitDate);
[Export ("run")]
void Run ();
[Export ("runUntilDate:")]
void RunUntil (NSDate date);
[Export ("runMode:beforeDate:")]
bool RunUntil (NSString runLoopMode, NSDate limitdate);
[Wrap ("RunUntil (runLoopMode.GetConstant ()!, limitDate)")]
bool RunUntil (NSRunLoopMode runLoopMode, NSDate limitDate);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("performBlock:")]
void Perform (Action block);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("performInModes:block:")]
void Perform (NSString [] modes, Action block);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Wrap ("Perform (modes.GetConstants ()!, block)")]
void Perform (NSRunLoopMode [] modes, Action block);
#if !NET
[Obsolete ("Use the 'NSRunLoopMode' enum instead.")]
[Field ("NSDefaultRunLoopMode")]
NSString NSDefaultRunLoopMode { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use the 'NSRunLoopMode' enum instead.")]
[Field ("NSRunLoopCommonModes")]
NSString NSRunLoopCommonModes { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use the 'NSRunLoopMode' enum instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 13, message: "Use 'NSXpcConnection' instead.")]
[NoiOS, NoWatch, NoTV, MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Field ("NSConnectionReplyMode")]
NSString NSRunLoopConnectionReplyMode { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use the 'NSRunLoopMode' enum instead.")]
[NoiOS, NoWatch, NoTV]
[Field ("NSModalPanelRunLoopMode", "AppKit")]
NSString NSRunLoopModalPanelMode { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use the 'NSRunLoopMode' enum instead.")]
[NoiOS, NoWatch, NoTV]
[Field ("NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode", "AppKit")]
NSString NSRunLoopEventTracking { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use the 'NSRunLoopMode' enum instead.")]
[Field ("UITrackingRunLoopMode", "UIKit")]
NSString UITrackingRunLoopMode { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSSet : NSSecureCoding, NSMutableCopying {
[Export ("set")]
NSSet CreateSet ();
[Export ("initWithSet:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSSet other);
[Export ("initWithArray:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSArray other);
[Export ("count")]
nuint Count { get; }
[Export ("member:")]
IntPtr _LookupMember (IntPtr probe);
[Export ("member:")]
NSObject LookupMember (NSObject probe);
[Export ("anyObject")]
IntPtr _AnyObject { get; }
[Export ("anyObject")]
NSObject AnyObject { get; }
[Export ("containsObject:")]
bool _Contains (NativeHandle id);
[Export ("containsObject:")]
bool Contains (NSObject id);
[Export ("allObjects")]
IntPtr _AllObjects ();
[Export ("isEqualToSet:")]
bool IsEqualToSet (NSSet other);
[Export ("objectEnumerator"), Internal]
NSEnumerator _GetEnumerator ();
[Export ("isSubsetOfSet:")]
bool IsSubsetOf (NSSet other);
[Export ("enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:")]
void Enumerate (NSSetEnumerator enumerator);
[Export ("setByAddingObjectsFromSet:")]
NativeHandle _SetByAddingObjectsFromSet (NativeHandle other);
[Export ("setByAddingObjectsFromSet:"), Internal]
NSSet SetByAddingObjectsFromSet (NSSet other);
[Export ("intersectsSet:")]
bool IntersectsSet (NSSet other);
[Export ("setWithArray:")]
NativeHandle _SetWithArray (NativeHandle array);
interface NSSet<TKey> : NSSet { }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSSortDescriptor : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithKey:ascending:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string key, bool ascending);
[Export ("initWithKey:ascending:selector:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string key, bool ascending, [NullAllowed] Selector selector);
[Export ("initWithKey:ascending:comparator:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string key, bool ascending, NSComparator comparator);
[Export ("key")]
string Key { get; }
[Export ("ascending")]
bool Ascending { get; }
[Export ("selector")]
Selector Selector { get; }
[Export ("compareObject:toObject:")]
NSComparisonResult Compare (NSObject object1, NSObject object2);
[Export ("reversedSortDescriptor")]
NSObject ReversedSortDescriptor { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("allowEvaluation")]
void AllowEvaluation ();
[Category, BaseType (typeof (NSOrderedSet))]
partial interface NSKeyValueSorting_NSOrderedSet {
[Export ("sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:")]
NSObject [] GetSortedArray (NSSortDescriptor [] sortDescriptors);
#pragma warning disable 618
[Category, BaseType (typeof (NSMutableArray))]
#pragma warning restore 618
partial interface NSSortDescriptorSorting_NSMutableArray {
[Export ("sortUsingDescriptors:")]
void SortUsingDescriptors (NSSortDescriptor [] sortDescriptors);
[Category, BaseType (typeof (NSMutableOrderedSet))]
partial interface NSKeyValueSorting_NSMutableOrderedSet {
[Export ("sortUsingDescriptors:")]
void SortUsingDescriptors (NSSortDescriptor [] sortDescriptors);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Dispose ("if (disposing) { Invalidate (); } ", Optimizable = true)]
// init returns NIL
interface NSTimer {
[Static, Export ("scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:")]
NSTimer CreateScheduledTimer (double seconds, NSObject target, Selector selector, [NullAllowed] NSObject userInfo, bool repeats);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:repeats:block:")]
NSTimer CreateScheduledTimer (double interval, bool repeats, Action<NSTimer> block);
[Static, Export ("timerWithTimeInterval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:")]
NSTimer CreateTimer (double seconds, NSObject target, Selector selector, [NullAllowed] NSObject userInfo, bool repeats);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("timerWithTimeInterval:repeats:block:")]
NSTimer CreateTimer (double interval, bool repeats, Action<NSTimer> block);
[Export ("initWithFireDate:interval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSDate date, double seconds, NSObject target, Selector selector, [NullAllowed] NSObject userInfo, bool repeats);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initWithFireDate:interval:repeats:block:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSDate date, double seconds, bool repeats, Action<NSTimer> block);
[Export ("fire")]
void Fire ();
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("fireDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate FireDate { get; set; }
// Note: preserving this member allows us to re-enable the `Optimizable` binding flag
[Preserve (Conditional = true)]
[Export ("invalidate")]
void Invalidate ();
[Export ("isValid")]
bool IsValid { get; }
[Export ("timeInterval")]
double TimeInterval { get; }
[Export ("userInfo")]
NSObject UserInfo { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("tolerance")]
double Tolerance { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
// NSTimeZone is an abstract class that defines the behavior of time zone objects. -> http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSTimeZone_Class/Reference/Reference.html
// calling 'init' returns a NIL pointer, i.e. an unusable instance
interface NSTimeZone : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithName:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string name);
[Export ("initWithName:data:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string name, NSData data);
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; }
[Export ("data")]
NSData Data { get; }
[Export ("secondsFromGMTForDate:")]
nint SecondsFromGMT (NSDate date);
[Export ("abbreviationDictionary")]
NSDictionary Abbreviations { get; }
[Export ("abbreviation")]
string Abbreviation ();
[Export ("abbreviationForDate:")]
string Abbreviation (NSDate date);
[Export ("isDaylightSavingTimeForDate:")]
bool IsDaylightSavingsTime (NSDate date);
[Export ("daylightSavingTimeOffsetForDate:")]
double DaylightSavingTimeOffset (NSDate date);
[Export ("nextDaylightSavingTimeTransitionAfterDate:")]
NSDate NextDaylightSavingTimeTransitionAfter (NSDate date);
[Static, Export ("timeZoneWithName:")]
NSTimeZone FromName (string tzName);
[Static, Export ("timeZoneWithName:data:")]
NSTimeZone FromName (string tzName, NSData data);
[Export ("timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:")]
NSTimeZone FromGMT (nint seconds);
[Static, Export ("localTimeZone", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSTimeZone LocalTimeZone { get; }
[Export ("secondsFromGMT")]
nint GetSecondsFromGMT { get; }
[Export ("defaultTimeZone", ArgumentSemantic.Copy), Static]
NSTimeZone DefaultTimeZone { get; set; }
[Export ("resetSystemTimeZone"), Static]
void ResetSystemTimeZone ();
[Export ("systemTimeZone", ArgumentSemantic.Copy), Static]
NSTimeZone SystemTimeZone { get; }
[Export ("timeZoneWithAbbreviation:"), Static]
NSTimeZone FromAbbreviation (string abbreviation);
[Export ("knownTimeZoneNames"), Static, Internal]
string [] _KnownTimeZoneNames { get; }
[Export ("timeZoneDataVersion"), Static]
string DataVersion { get; }
[Export ("localizedName:locale:")]
string GetLocalizedName (NSTimeZoneNameStyle style, [NullAllowed] NSLocale locale);
interface NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreChangeEventArgs {
[Export ("NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreChangedKeysKey")]
string [] ChangedKeys { get; }
[Export ("NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreChangeReasonKey")]
NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreChangeReason ChangeReason { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Advice (Constants.UnavailableOnWatchOS)]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // "NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore is unavailable" is printed to the log.
interface NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore {
[Export ("defaultStore")]
NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore DefaultStore { get; }
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("objectForKey:"), Internal]
NSObject ObjectForKey (string aKey);
[Export ("setObject:forKey:"), Internal]
void SetObjectForKey ([NullAllowed] NSObject anObject, string aKey);
[Export ("removeObjectForKey:")]
void Remove (string aKey);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("stringForKey:")]
string GetString (string aKey);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("arrayForKey:")]
NSObject [] GetArray (string aKey);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("dictionaryForKey:")]
NSDictionary GetDictionary (string aKey);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("dataForKey:")]
NSData GetData (string aKey);
[Export ("longLongForKey:")]
long GetLong (string aKey);
[Export ("doubleForKey:")]
double GetDouble (string aKey);
[Export ("boolForKey:")]
bool GetBool (string aKey);
[Export ("setString:forKey:"), Internal]
void _SetString ([NullAllowed] string aString, string aKey);
[Export ("setData:forKey:"), Internal]
void _SetData ([NullAllowed] NSData data, string key);
[Export ("setArray:forKey:"), Internal]
void _SetArray ([NullAllowed] NSObject [] array, string key);
[Export ("setDictionary:forKey:"), Internal]
void _SetDictionary ([NullAllowed] NSDictionary aDictionary, string aKey);
[Export ("setLongLong:forKey:"), Internal]
void _SetLong (long value, string aKey);
[Export ("setDouble:forKey:"), Internal]
void _SetDouble (double value, string aKey);
[Export ("setBool:forKey:"), Internal]
void _SetBool (bool value, string aKey);
[Export ("dictionaryRepresentation")]
NSDictionary ToDictionary ();
[Export ("synchronize")]
bool Synchronize ();
[Field ("NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreDidChangeExternallyNotification")]
[Notification (typeof (NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreChangeEventArgs))]
NSString DidChangeExternallyNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreChangeReasonKey")]
NSString ChangeReasonKey { get; }
[Field ("NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreChangedKeysKey")]
NSString ChangedKeysKey { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSUUID")]
interface NSUuid : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithUUIDString:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string str);
// bound manually to keep the managed/native signatures identical
//[Export ("initWithUUIDBytes:"), Internal]
//NativeHandle Constructor (IntPtr bytes, bool unused);
[Export ("getUUIDBytes:"), Internal]
void GetUuidBytes (IntPtr uuid);
[Export ("UUIDString")]
string AsString ();
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("compare:")]
NSComparisonResult Compare (NSUuid otherUuid);
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)] // .objc_class_name_NSUserActivity", referenced from '' not found
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // xcode 8 beta 4 marks it as API_DEPRECATED
partial interface NSUserActivity
#if IOS // iOS only.
: NSItemProviderReading, NSItemProviderWriting
[Export ("initWithActivityType:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string activityType);
[Export ("activityType")]
string ActivityType { get; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("title")]
string Title { get; set; }
[Export ("userInfo", ArgumentSemantic.Copy), NullAllowed]
NSDictionary UserInfo { get; set; }
[Export ("needsSave")]
bool NeedsSave { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("webpageURL", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrl WebPageUrl { get; set; }
[Export ("supportsContinuationStreams")]
bool SupportsContinuationStreams { get; set; }
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Weak), NullAllowed]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
NSUserActivityDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("addUserInfoEntriesFromDictionary:")]
void AddUserInfoEntries (NSDictionary otherDictionary);
[Export ("becomeCurrent")]
void BecomeCurrent ();
[Export ("invalidate")]
void Invalidate ();
[Export ("getContinuationStreamsWithCompletionHandler:")]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSUserActivityContinuation")]
void GetContinuationStreams (Action<NSInputStream, NSOutputStream, NSError> completionHandler);
[Mac (10, 11), iOS (9, 0), Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("requiredUserInfoKeys", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSSet<NSString> RequiredUserInfoKeys { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 11), iOS (9, 0), Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("expirationDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate ExpirationDate { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 11), iOS (9, 0), Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("keywords", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSSet<NSString> Keywords { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 11), iOS (9, 0), Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("resignCurrent")]
void ResignCurrent ();
[Mac (10, 11), iOS (9, 0), Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("eligibleForHandoff")]
bool EligibleForHandoff { [Bind ("isEligibleForHandoff")] get; set; }
[Mac (10, 11), iOS (9, 0), Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("eligibleForSearch")]
bool EligibleForSearch { [Bind ("isEligibleForSearch")] get; set; }
[Mac (10, 11), iOS (9, 0), Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("eligibleForPublicIndexing")]
bool EligibleForPublicIndexing { [Bind ("isEligibleForPublicIndexing")] get; set; }
[iOS (9, 0)]
[Mac (10, 13)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("contentAttributeSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)] // From CSSearchableItemAttributeSet.h
CSSearchableItemAttributeSet ContentAttributeSet { get; set; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("referrerURL", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrl ReferrerUrl { get; set; }
// From NSUserActivity (CIBarcodeDescriptor)
[TV (11, 3), Mac (10, 13, 4), iOS (11, 3), NoWatch]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("detectedBarcodeDescriptor", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
CIBarcodeDescriptor DetectedBarcodeDescriptor { get; }
// From NSUserActivity (CLSDeepLinks)
[Introduced (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 14, 0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (11, 0), iOS (11, 4)]
[Export ("isClassKitDeepLink")]
bool IsClassKitDeepLink { get; }
[Introduced (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 14, 0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (11, 0), iOS (11, 4)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("contextIdentifierPath", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
string [] ContextIdentifierPath { get; }
// From NSUserActivity (IntentsAdditions)
[Watch (5, 0), NoTV, Mac (12, 0), iOS (12, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("suggestedInvocationPhrase")]
string SuggestedInvocationPhrase {
// This _simply_ ensure that the Intents namespace (via the enum) will be present which,
// in turns, means that the Intents.framework is loaded into memory and this makes the
// selectors (getter and setter) work at runtime. Other selectors do not need it.
// reference: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/4894
[PreSnippet ("GC.KeepAlive (Intents.INCallCapabilityOptions.AudioCall); // no-op to ensure Intents.framework is loaded into memory", Optimizable = true)]
[PreSnippet ("GC.KeepAlive (Intents.INCallCapabilityOptions.AudioCall); // no-op to ensure Intents.framework is loaded into memory", Optimizable = true)]
[Watch (5, 0), NoTV, NoMac, iOS (12, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("eligibleForPrediction")]
bool EligibleForPrediction { [Bind ("isEligibleForPrediction")] get; set; }
[Watch (5, 0), NoTV, iOS (12, 0)]
[Mac (10, 15)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("persistentIdentifier")]
string PersistentIdentifier { get; set; }
[Watch (5, 0), NoTV, iOS (12, 0)]
[Mac (10, 15)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("deleteSavedUserActivitiesWithPersistentIdentifiers:completionHandler:")]
void DeleteSavedUserActivities (string [] persistentIdentifiers, Action handler);
[Watch (5, 0), NoTV, iOS (12, 0)]
[Mac (10, 15)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("deleteAllSavedUserActivitiesWithCompletionHandler:")]
void DeleteAllSavedUserActivities (Action handler);
// Inlined from NSUserActivity (UISceneActivationConditions)
[iOS (13, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), Watch (6, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("targetContentIdentifier")]
string TargetContentIdentifier { get; set; }
// Inlined from NSUserActivity (AppClip)
[iOS (14,0)][NoTV][NoMac][NoWatch]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("appClipActivationPayload", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
APActivationPayload AppClipActivationPayload { get; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)] // same as NSUserActivity
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
partial interface NSUserActivityType {
[Field ("NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb")]
NSString BrowsingWeb { get; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10), Watch (3, 0)] // same as NSUserActivity
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Protocol, Model]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
partial interface NSUserActivityDelegate {
[Export ("userActivityWillSave:")]
void UserActivityWillSave (NSUserActivity userActivity);
[Export ("userActivityWasContinued:")]
void UserActivityWasContinued (NSUserActivity userActivity);
[Export ("userActivity:didReceiveInputStream:outputStream:")]
void UserActivityReceivedData (NSUserActivity userActivity, NSInputStream inputStream, NSOutputStream outputStream);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSUserDefaults {
[Export ("URLForKey:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSUrl URLForKey (string defaultName);
[Export ("setURL:forKey:")]
void SetURL ([NullAllowed] NSUrl url, string defaultName);
[Export ("standardUserDefaults", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSUserDefaults StandardUserDefaults { get; }
[Export ("resetStandardUserDefaults")]
void ResetStandardUserDefaults ();
[Export ("initWithUser:")]
IntPtr InitWithUserName (string username);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initWithSuiteName:")]
IntPtr InitWithSuiteName (string suiteName);
[Export ("objectForKey:")]
NSObject ObjectForKey (string defaultName);
[Export ("setObject:forKey:")]
void SetObjectForKey (NSObject value, string defaultName);
[Export ("removeObjectForKey:")]
void RemoveObject (string defaultName);
[Export ("stringForKey:")]
string StringForKey (string defaultName);
[Export ("arrayForKey:")]
NSObject [] ArrayForKey (string defaultName);
[Export ("dictionaryForKey:")]
NSDictionary DictionaryForKey (string defaultName);
[Export ("dataForKey:")]
NSData DataForKey (string defaultName);
[Export ("stringArrayForKey:")]
string [] StringArrayForKey (string defaultName);
[Export ("integerForKey:")]
nint IntForKey (string defaultName);
[Export ("floatForKey:")]
float FloatForKey (string defaultName); // this is defined as float, not CGFloat.
[Export ("doubleForKey:")]
double DoubleForKey (string defaultName);
[Export ("boolForKey:")]
bool BoolForKey (string defaultName);
[Export ("setInteger:forKey:")]
void SetInt (nint value, string defaultName);
[Export ("setFloat:forKey:")]
void SetFloat (float value /* this is defined as float, not CGFloat */, string defaultName);
[Export ("setDouble:forKey:")]
void SetDouble (double value, string defaultName);
[Export ("setBool:forKey:")]
void SetBool (bool value, string defaultName);
[Export ("registerDefaults:")]
void RegisterDefaults (NSDictionary registrationDictionary);
[Export ("addSuiteNamed:")]
void AddSuite (string suiteName);
[Export ("removeSuiteNamed:")]
void RemoveSuite (string suiteName);
[Export ("dictionaryRepresentation")]
NSDictionary ToDictionary ();
[Export ("volatileDomainNames")]
#if XAMCORE_5_0
string [] VolatileDomainNames { get; }
string [] VolatileDomainNames ();
[Export ("volatileDomainForName:")]
NSDictionary GetVolatileDomain (string domainName);
[Export ("setVolatileDomain:forName:")]
void SetVolatileDomain (NSDictionary domain, string domainName);
[Export ("removeVolatileDomainForName:")]
void RemoveVolatileDomain (string domainName);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 9)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1)]
[Export ("persistentDomainNames")]
string [] PersistentDomainNames ();
[Export ("persistentDomainForName:")]
NSDictionary PersistentDomainForName (string domainName);
[Export ("setPersistentDomain:forName:")]
void SetPersistentDomain (NSDictionary domain, string domainName);
[Export ("removePersistentDomainForName:")]
void RemovePersistentDomain (string domainName);
[Export ("synchronize")]
bool Synchronize ();
[Export ("objectIsForcedForKey:")]
bool ObjectIsForced (string key);
[Export ("objectIsForcedForKey:inDomain:")]
bool ObjectIsForced (string key, string domain);
[Field ("NSGlobalDomain")]
NSString GlobalDomain { get; }
[Field ("NSArgumentDomain")]
NSString ArgumentDomain { get; }
[Field ("NSRegistrationDomain")]
NSString RegistrationDomain { get; }
[iOS (9, 3)]
[Watch (2, 2)] // Headers say watchOS 2.0, but they're lying.
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSUserDefaultsSizeLimitExceededNotification")]
NSString SizeLimitExceededNotification { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSUbiquitousUserDefaultsNoCloudAccountNotification")]
NSString NoCloudAccountNotification { get; }
[iOS (9, 3)]
[Watch (2, 2)] // Headers say watchOS 2.0, but they're lying.
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSUbiquitousUserDefaultsDidChangeAccountsNotification")]
NSString DidChangeAccountsNotification { get; }
[iOS (9, 3)]
[Watch (2, 2)] // Headers say watchOS 2.0, but they're lying.
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSUbiquitousUserDefaultsCompletedInitialSyncNotification")]
NSString CompletedInitialSyncNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification")]
NSString DidChangeNotification { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURL")]
// init returns NIL
partial interface NSUrl : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying
, NSPasteboardReading, NSPasteboardWriting
, NSItemProviderWriting, NSItemProviderReading
, QLPreviewItem
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'NSUrlComponents' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 2, 0, message: "Use 'NSUrlComponents' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'NSUrlComponents' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11, message: "Use 'NSUrlComponents' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSUrlComponents' instead.")]
[Export ("initWithScheme:host:path:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string scheme, string host, string path);
[Export ("initFileURLWithPath:isDirectory:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string path, bool isDir);
[Export ("initWithString:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string urlString);
[Export ("initWithString:relativeToURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string urlString, NSUrl relativeToUrl);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("URLWithString:")]
NSUrl FromString ([NullAllowed] string s);
[Export ("URLWithString:relativeToURL:")]
NSUrl _FromStringRelative (string url, NSUrl relative);
[Export ("absoluteString")]
string AbsoluteString { get; }
[Export ("absoluteURL")]
NSUrl AbsoluteUrl { get; }
[Export ("baseURL")]
NSUrl BaseUrl { get; }
[Export ("fragment")]
string Fragment { get; }
[Export ("host")]
string Host { get; }
[Export ("isEqual:")]
bool IsEqual ([NullAllowed] NSUrl other);
[Export ("isFileURL")]
bool IsFileUrl { get; }
[Export ("isFileReferenceURL")]
bool IsFileReferenceUrl { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Always return 'null'. Use and parse 'Path' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Always return 'null'. Use and parse 'Path' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Always return 'null'. Use and parse 'Path' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Always return 'null'. Use and parse 'Path' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Always return 'null'. Use and parse 'Path' instead.")]
[Export ("parameterString")]
string ParameterString { get; }
[Export ("password")]
string Password { get; }
[Export ("path")]
string Path { get; }
[Export ("query")]
string Query { get; }
[Export ("relativePath")]
string RelativePath { get; }
[Export ("pathComponents")]
string [] PathComponents { get; }
[Export ("lastPathComponent")]
string LastPathComponent { get; }
[Export ("pathExtension")]
string PathExtension { get; }
[Export ("relativeString")]
string RelativeString { get; }
[Export ("resourceSpecifier")]
string ResourceSpecifier { get; }
[Export ("scheme")]
string Scheme { get; }
[Export ("user")]
string User { get; }
[Export ("standardizedURL")]
NSUrl StandardizedUrl { get; }
[Export ("URLByAppendingPathComponent:isDirectory:")]
NSUrl Append (string pathComponent, bool isDirectory);
[Export ("URLByAppendingPathExtension:")]
NSUrl AppendPathExtension (string extension);
[Export ("URLByDeletingLastPathComponent")]
NSUrl RemoveLastPathComponent ();
[Export ("URLByDeletingPathExtension")]
NSUrl RemovePathExtension ();
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("getFileSystemRepresentation:maxLength:")]
bool GetFileSystemRepresentation (IntPtr buffer, nint maxBufferLength);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("fileSystemRepresentation")]
IntPtr GetFileSystemRepresentationAsUtf8Ptr { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("removeCachedResourceValueForKey:")]
void RemoveCachedResourceValueForKey (NSString key);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("removeAllCachedResourceValues")]
void RemoveAllCachedResourceValues ();
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("setTemporaryResourceValue:forKey:")]
void SetTemporaryResourceValue (NSObject value, NSString key);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initFileURLWithFileSystemRepresentation:isDirectory:relativeToURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (IntPtr ptrUtf8path, bool isDir, [NullAllowed] NSUrl baseURL);
[Mac (10, 9), Static, Export ("fileURLWithFileSystemRepresentation:isDirectory:relativeToURL:")]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSUrl FromUTF8Pointer (IntPtr ptrUtf8path, bool isDir, [NullAllowed] NSUrl baseURL);
/* These methods come from NURL_AppKitAdditions */
[Export ("URLFromPasteboard:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSUrl FromPasteboard (NSPasteboard pasteboard);
[Export ("writeToPasteboard:")]
void WriteToPasteboard (NSPasteboard pasteboard);
[Export ("bookmarkDataWithContentsOfURL:error:")]
NSData GetBookmarkData (NSUrl bookmarkFileUrl, out NSError error);
[Export ("URLByResolvingBookmarkData:options:relativeToURL:bookmarkDataIsStale:error:")]
NSUrl FromBookmarkData (NSData data, NSUrlBookmarkResolutionOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSUrl relativeToUrl, out bool isStale, out NSError error);
[Export ("writeBookmarkData:toURL:options:error:")]
bool WriteBookmarkData (NSData data, NSUrl bookmarkFileUrl, NSUrlBookmarkCreationOptions options, out NSError error);
[Export ("filePathURL")]
NSUrl FilePathUrl { get; }
[Export ("fileReferenceURL")]
NSUrl FileReferenceUrl { get; }
[Export ("getResourceValue:forKey:error:"), Internal]
bool GetResourceValue (out NSObject value, NSString key, out NSError error);
[Export ("resourceValuesForKeys:error:")]
NSDictionary GetResourceValues (NSString [] keys, out NSError error);
[Export ("setResourceValue:forKey:error:"), Internal]
bool SetResourceValue (NSObject value, NSString key, out NSError error);
[Export ("port"), Internal]
NSNumber PortNumber { get; }
[Field ("NSURLNameKey")]
NSString NameKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLLocalizedNameKey")]
NSString LocalizedNameKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsRegularFileKey")]
NSString IsRegularFileKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsDirectoryKey")]
NSString IsDirectoryKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsSymbolicLinkKey")]
NSString IsSymbolicLinkKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsVolumeKey")]
NSString IsVolumeKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsPackageKey")]
NSString IsPackageKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsSystemImmutableKey")]
NSString IsSystemImmutableKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsUserImmutableKey")]
NSString IsUserImmutableKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsHiddenKey")]
NSString IsHiddenKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLHasHiddenExtensionKey")]
NSString HasHiddenExtensionKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLCreationDateKey")]
NSString CreationDateKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLContentAccessDateKey")]
NSString ContentAccessDateKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLContentModificationDateKey")]
NSString ContentModificationDateKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLAttributeModificationDateKey")]
NSString AttributeModificationDateKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLLinkCountKey")]
NSString LinkCountKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLParentDirectoryURLKey")]
NSString ParentDirectoryURLKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeURLKey")]
NSString VolumeURLKey { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 14, 0, message: "Use 'ContentTypeKey' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 14, 0, message: "Use 'ContentTypeKey' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 7, 0, message: "Use 'ContentTypeKey' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 11, 0, message: "Use 'ContentTypeKey' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 14, 0, message: "Use 'ContentTypeKey' instead.")]
[Field ("NSURLTypeIdentifierKey")]
NSString TypeIdentifierKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLLocalizedTypeDescriptionKey")]
NSString LocalizedTypeDescriptionKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLLabelNumberKey")]
NSString LabelNumberKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLLabelColorKey")]
NSString LabelColorKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLLocalizedLabelKey")]
NSString LocalizedLabelKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLEffectiveIconKey")]
NSString EffectiveIconKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLCustomIconKey")]
NSString CustomIconKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLFileSizeKey")]
NSString FileSizeKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLFileAllocatedSizeKey")]
NSString FileAllocatedSizeKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsAliasFileKey")]
NSString IsAliasFileKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeLocalizedFormatDescriptionKey")]
NSString VolumeLocalizedFormatDescriptionKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeTotalCapacityKey")]
NSString VolumeTotalCapacityKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityKey")]
NSString VolumeAvailableCapacityKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeResourceCountKey")]
NSString VolumeResourceCountKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsPersistentIDsKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsPersistentIDsKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsSymbolicLinksKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsSymbolicLinksKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsHardLinksKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsHardLinksKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsJournalingKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsJournalingKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeIsJournalingKey")]
NSString VolumeIsJournalingKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsSparseFilesKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsSparseFilesKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsZeroRunsKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsZeroRunsKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsCaseSensitiveNamesKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsCaseSensitiveNamesKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsCasePreservedNamesKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsCasePreservedNamesKey { get; }
// 5.0 Additions
[Field ("NSURLKeysOfUnsetValuesKey")]
NSString KeysOfUnsetValuesKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLFileResourceIdentifierKey")]
NSString FileResourceIdentifierKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeIdentifierKey")]
NSString VolumeIdentifierKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLPreferredIOBlockSizeKey")]
NSString PreferredIOBlockSizeKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsReadableKey")]
NSString IsReadableKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsWritableKey")]
NSString IsWritableKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsExecutableKey")]
NSString IsExecutableKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsMountTriggerKey")]
NSString IsMountTriggerKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLFileSecurityKey")]
NSString FileSecurityKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLFileResourceTypeKey")]
NSString FileResourceTypeKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLFileResourceTypeNamedPipe")]
NSString FileResourceTypeNamedPipe { get; }
[Field ("NSURLFileResourceTypeCharacterSpecial")]
NSString FileResourceTypeCharacterSpecial { get; }
[Field ("NSURLFileResourceTypeDirectory")]
NSString FileResourceTypeDirectory { get; }
[Field ("NSURLFileResourceTypeBlockSpecial")]
NSString FileResourceTypeBlockSpecial { get; }
[Field ("NSURLFileResourceTypeRegular")]
NSString FileResourceTypeRegular { get; }
[Field ("NSURLFileResourceTypeSymbolicLink")]
NSString FileResourceTypeSymbolicLink { get; }
[Field ("NSURLFileResourceTypeSocket")]
NSString FileResourceTypeSocket { get; }
[Field ("NSURLFileResourceTypeUnknown")]
NSString FileResourceTypeUnknown { get; }
[Field ("NSURLTotalFileSizeKey")]
NSString TotalFileSizeKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLTotalFileAllocatedSizeKey")]
NSString TotalFileAllocatedSizeKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsRootDirectoryDatesKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsRootDirectoryDatesKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsVolumeSizesKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsVolumeSizesKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsRenamingKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsRenamingKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsAdvisoryFileLockingKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsAdvisoryFileLockingKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsExtendedSecurityKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsExtendedSecurityKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeIsBrowsableKey")]
NSString VolumeIsBrowsableKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeMaximumFileSizeKey")]
NSString VolumeMaximumFileSizeKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeIsEjectableKey")]
NSString VolumeIsEjectableKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeIsRemovableKey")]
NSString VolumeIsRemovableKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeIsInternalKey")]
NSString VolumeIsInternalKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeIsAutomountedKey")]
NSString VolumeIsAutomountedKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeIsLocalKey")]
NSString VolumeIsLocalKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeIsReadOnlyKey")]
NSString VolumeIsReadOnlyKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeCreationDateKey")]
NSString VolumeCreationDateKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeURLForRemountingKey")]
NSString VolumeURLForRemountingKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeUUIDStringKey")]
NSString VolumeUUIDStringKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeNameKey")]
NSString VolumeNameKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLVolumeLocalizedNameKey")]
NSString VolumeLocalizedNameKey { get; }
[Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0), Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLVolumeIsEncryptedKey")]
NSString VolumeIsEncryptedKey { get; }
[Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0), Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLVolumeIsRootFileSystemKey")]
NSString VolumeIsRootFileSystemKey { get; }
[Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0), Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsCompressionKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsCompressionKey { get; }
[Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0), Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsFileCloningKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsFileCloningKey { get; }
[Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0), Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsSwapRenamingKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsSwapRenamingKey { get; }
[Watch (3, 0), TV (10, 0), Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsExclusiveRenamingKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsExclusiveRenamingKey { get; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsImmutableFilesKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsImmutableFilesKey { get; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsAccessPermissionsKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsAccessPermissionsKey { get; }
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Field ("NSURLVolumeSupportsFileProtectionKey")]
NSString VolumeSupportsFileProtectionKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsageKey")]
NSString VolumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsageKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityForOpportunisticUsageKey")]
NSString VolumeAvailableCapacityForOpportunisticUsageKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsUbiquitousItemKey")]
NSString IsUbiquitousItemKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemHasUnresolvedConflictsKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemHasUnresolvedConflictsKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemIsDownloadedKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemIsDownloadedKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemIsDownloadingKey")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1)]
NSString UbiquitousItemIsDownloadingKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemIsUploadedKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemIsUploadedKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemIsUploadingKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemIsUploadingKey { get; }
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemPercentDownloadedKey")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'NSMetadataQuery.UbiquitousItemPercentDownloadedKey' on 'NSMetadataItem' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'NSMetadataQuery.UbiquitousItemPercentDownloadedKey' on 'NSMetadataItem' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 8, message: "Use 'NSMetadataQuery.UbiquitousItemPercentDownloadedKey' on 'NSMetadataItem' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSMetadataQuery.UbiquitousItemPercentDownloadedKey' on 'NSMetadataItem' instead.")]
NSString UbiquitousItemPercentDownloadedKey { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'NSMetadataQuery.UbiquitousItemPercentUploadedKey' on 'NSMetadataItem' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'NSMetadataQuery.UbiquitousItemPercentUploadedKey' on 'NSMetadataItem' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 8, message: "Use 'NSMetadataQuery.UbiquitousItemPercentUploadedKey' on 'NSMetadataItem' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSMetadataQuery.UbiquitousItemPercentUploadedKey' on 'NSMetadataItem' instead.")]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemPercentUploadedKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemPercentUploadedKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemIsSharedKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemIsSharedKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserRoleKey")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserRoleKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserPermissionsKey")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserPermissionsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemOwnerNameComponentsKey")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemOwnerNameComponentsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemMostRecentEditorNameComponentsKey")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemMostRecentEditorNameComponentsKey { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemRoleOwner")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemRoleOwner { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemRoleParticipant")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemRoleParticipant { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadOnly")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadOnly { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadWrite")]
NSString UbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadWrite { get; }
[Field ("NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey")]
NSString IsExcludedFromBackupKey { get; }
[Export ("bookmarkDataWithOptions:includingResourceValuesForKeys:relativeToURL:error:")]
NSData CreateBookmarkData (NSUrlBookmarkCreationOptions options, [NullAllowed] string [] resourceValues, [NullAllowed] NSUrl relativeUrl, out NSError error);
[Export ("initByResolvingBookmarkData:options:relativeToURL:bookmarkDataIsStale:error:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData bookmarkData, NSUrlBookmarkResolutionOptions resolutionOptions, [NullAllowed] NSUrl relativeUrl, out bool bookmarkIsStale, out NSError error);
[Field ("NSURLPathKey")]
NSString PathKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingErrorKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemDownloadingErrorKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemUploadingErrorKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemUploadingErrorKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusNotDownloaded")]
NSString UbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusNotDownloaded { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusDownloaded")]
NSString UbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusDownloaded { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusCurrent")]
NSString UbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusCurrent { get; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("startAccessingSecurityScopedResource")]
bool StartAccessingSecurityScopedResource ();
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource")]
void StopAccessingSecurityScopedResource ();
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("URLByResolvingAliasFileAtURL:options:error:")]
NSUrl ResolveAlias (NSUrl aliasFileUrl, NSUrlBookmarkResolutionOptions options, out NSError error);
[Static, Export ("fileURLWithPathComponents:")]
NSUrl CreateFileUrl (string [] pathComponents);
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey")]
NSString AddedToDirectoryDateKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLDocumentIdentifierKey")]
NSString DocumentIdentifierKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLGenerationIdentifierKey")]
NSString GenerationIdentifierKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLThumbnailDictionaryKey")]
NSString ThumbnailDictionaryKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemContainerDisplayNameKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemContainerDisplayNameKey { get; }
[Watch (7, 4), TV (14, 5), Mac (11, 3), iOS (14, 5)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 5)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemIsExcludedFromSyncKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemIsExcludedFromSyncKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadRequestedKey")]
NSString UbiquitousItemDownloadRequestedKey { get; }
// iOS 9.0/osx 10.11 additions
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initFileURLWithPath:isDirectory:relativeToURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string path, bool isDir, [NullAllowed] NSUrl relativeToUrl);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("fileURLWithPath:isDirectory:relativeToURL:")]
NSUrl CreateFileUrl (string path, bool isDir, [NullAllowed] NSUrl relativeToUrl);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("fileURLWithPath:relativeToURL:")]
NSUrl CreateFileUrl (string path, [NullAllowed] NSUrl relativeToUrl);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("URLWithDataRepresentation:relativeToURL:")]
NSUrl CreateWithDataRepresentation (NSData data, [NullAllowed] NSUrl relativeToUrl);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("absoluteURLWithDataRepresentation:relativeToURL:")]
NSUrl CreateAbsoluteUrlWithDataRepresentation (NSData data, [NullAllowed] NSUrl relativeToUrl);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("dataRepresentation", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData DataRepresentation { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("hasDirectoryPath")]
bool HasDirectoryPath { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLIsApplicationKey")]
NSString IsApplicationKey { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLFileProtectionKey")]
NSString FileProtectionKey { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLFileProtectionNone")]
NSString FileProtectionNone { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLFileProtectionComplete")]
NSString FileProtectionComplete { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen")]
NSString FileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication")]
NSString FileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication { get; }
[Watch (7, 0)]
[TV (14, 0)]
[Mac (11, 0)]
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Field ("NSURLContentTypeKey")]
NSString ContentTypeKey { get; }
[Watch (7, 0)]
[TV (14, 0)]
[Mac (11, 0)]
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Field ("NSURLFileContentIdentifierKey")]
NSString FileContentIdentifierKey { get; }
[Watch (7, 0)]
[TV (14, 0)]
[Mac (11, 0)]
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Field ("NSURLIsPurgeableKey")]
NSString IsPurgeableKey { get; }
[Watch (7, 0)]
[TV (14, 0)]
[Mac (11, 0)]
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Field ("NSURLIsSparseKey")]
NSString IsSparseKey { get; }
[Watch (7, 0)]
[TV (14, 0)]
[Mac (11, 0)]
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Field ("NSURLMayHaveExtendedAttributesKey")]
NSString MayHaveExtendedAttributesKey { get; }
[Watch (7, 0)]
[TV (14, 0)]
[Mac (11, 0)]
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Field ("NSURLMayShareFileContentKey")]
NSString MayShareFileContentKey { get; }
// From the NSItemProviderReading protocol
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("readableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
new string [] ReadableTypeIdentifiers { get; }
// From the NSItemProviderReading protocol
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("objectWithItemProviderData:typeIdentifier:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
new NSUrl GetObject (NSData data, string typeIdentifier, [NullAllowed] out NSError outError);
// From the NSItemProviderWriting protocol
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("writableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
new string [] WritableTypeIdentifiers { get; }
// Just a category so we can document the three methods together
[Category, BaseType (typeof (NSUrl))]
partial interface NSUrl_PromisedItems {
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("checkPromisedItemIsReachableAndReturnError:")]
bool CheckPromisedItemIsReachable (out NSError error);
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("getPromisedItemResourceValue:forKey:error:")]
bool GetPromisedItemResourceValue (out NSObject value, NSString key, out NSError error);
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("promisedItemResourceValuesForKeys:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSDictionary GetPromisedItemResourceValues (NSString [] keys, out NSError error);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLQueryItem")]
interface NSUrlQueryItem : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithName:value:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string name, string value);
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; }
[Export ("value")]
string Value { get; }
[Category, BaseType (typeof (NSCharacterSet))]
partial interface NSUrlUtilities_NSCharacterSet {
[Static, Export ("URLUserAllowedCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet UrlUserAllowedCharacterSet { get; }
[Static, Export ("URLPasswordAllowedCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet UrlPasswordAllowedCharacterSet { get; }
[Static, Export ("URLHostAllowedCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet UrlHostAllowedCharacterSet { get; }
[Static, Export ("URLPathAllowedCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet UrlPathAllowedCharacterSet { get; }
[Static, Export ("URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet UrlQueryAllowedCharacterSet { get; }
[Static, Export ("URLFragmentAllowedCharacterSet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCharacterSet UrlFragmentAllowedCharacterSet { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLCache")]
interface NSUrlCache {
[Export ("sharedURLCache", ArgumentSemantic.Strong), Static]
NSUrlCache SharedCache { get; set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use the overload that accepts an 'NSUrl' parameter instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use the overload that accepts an 'NSUrl' parameter instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use the overload that accepts an 'NSUrl' parameter instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use the overload that accepts an 'NSUrl' parameter instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use the overload that accepts an 'NSUrl' parameter instead.")]
[Export ("initWithMemoryCapacity:diskCapacity:diskPath:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nuint memoryCapacity, nuint diskCapacity, [NullAllowed] string diskPath);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initWithMemoryCapacity:diskCapacity:directoryURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nuint memoryCapacity, nuint diskCapacity, [NullAllowed] NSUrl directoryUrl);
[Export ("cachedResponseForRequest:")]
NSCachedUrlResponse CachedResponseForRequest (NSUrlRequest request);
[Export ("storeCachedResponse:forRequest:")]
void StoreCachedResponse (NSCachedUrlResponse cachedResponse, NSUrlRequest forRequest);
[Export ("removeCachedResponseForRequest:")]
void RemoveCachedResponse (NSUrlRequest request);
[Export ("removeAllCachedResponses")]
void RemoveAllCachedResponses ();
[Export ("memoryCapacity")]
nuint MemoryCapacity { get; set; }
[Export ("diskCapacity")]
nuint DiskCapacity { get; set; }
[Export ("currentMemoryUsage")]
nuint CurrentMemoryUsage { get; }
[Export ("currentDiskUsage")]
nuint CurrentDiskUsage { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("removeCachedResponsesSinceDate:")]
void RemoveCachedResponsesSinceDate (NSDate date);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("storeCachedResponse:forDataTask:")]
void StoreCachedResponse (NSCachedUrlResponse cachedResponse, NSUrlSessionDataTask dataTask);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("getCachedResponseForDataTask:completionHandler:")]
void GetCachedResponse (NSUrlSessionDataTask dataTask, Action<NSCachedUrlResponse> completionHandler);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("removeCachedResponseForDataTask:")]
void RemoveCachedResponse (NSUrlSessionDataTask dataTask);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLComponents")]
partial interface NSUrlComponents : NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithURL:resolvingAgainstBaseURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, bool resolveAgainstBaseUrl);
[Static, Export ("componentsWithURL:resolvingAgainstBaseURL:")]
NSUrlComponents FromUrl (NSUrl url, bool resolvingAgainstBaseUrl);
[Export ("initWithString:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string urlString);
[Static, Export ("componentsWithString:")]
NSUrlComponents FromString (string urlString);
[Export ("URL")]
NSUrl Url { get; }
[Export ("URLRelativeToURL:")]
NSUrl GetRelativeUrl (NSUrl baseUrl);
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("scheme", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Scheme { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("user", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string User { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("password", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Password { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("host", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Host { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("port", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSNumber Port { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("path", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Path { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("query", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Query { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("fragment", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Fragment { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("percentEncodedUser", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string PercentEncodedUser { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("percentEncodedPassword", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string PercentEncodedPassword { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Advice ("Use 'EncodedHost' instead.")]
[Export ("percentEncodedHost", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string PercentEncodedHost { get; set; }
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("encodedHost")]
string EncodedHost { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("percentEncodedPath", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string PercentEncodedPath { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("percentEncodedQuery", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string PercentEncodedQuery { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("percentEncodedFragment", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string PercentEncodedFragment { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("queryItems")]
NSUrlQueryItem [] QueryItems { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("string")]
string AsString ();
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("rangeOfScheme")]
NSRange RangeOfScheme { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("rangeOfUser")]
NSRange RangeOfUser { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("rangeOfPassword")]
NSRange RangeOfPassword { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("rangeOfHost")]
NSRange RangeOfHost { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("rangeOfPort")]
NSRange RangeOfPort { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("rangeOfPath")]
NSRange RangeOfPath { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("rangeOfQuery")]
NSRange RangeOfQuery { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("rangeOfFragment")]
NSRange RangeOfFragment { get; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("percentEncodedQueryItems", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrlQueryItem [] PercentEncodedQueryItems { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLAuthenticationChallenge")]
// 'init' returns NIL
interface NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("initWithProtectionSpace:proposedCredential:previousFailureCount:failureResponse:error:sender:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrlProtectionSpace space, NSUrlCredential credential, nint previousFailureCount, [NullAllowed] NSUrlResponse response, [NullAllowed] NSError error, NSUrlConnection sender);
[Export ("initWithAuthenticationChallenge:sender:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge, NSUrlConnection sender);
[Export ("protectionSpace")]
NSUrlProtectionSpace ProtectionSpace { get; }
[Export ("proposedCredential")]
NSUrlCredential ProposedCredential { get; }
[Export ("previousFailureCount")]
nint PreviousFailureCount { get; }
[Export ("failureResponse")]
NSUrlResponse FailureResponse { get; }
[Export ("error")]
NSError Error { get; }
[Export ("sender")]
NSUrlConnection Sender { get; }
[Protocol (Name = "NSURLAuthenticationChallengeSender")]
#if NET
interface NSUrlAuthenticationChallengeSender {
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSURLAuthenticationChallengeSender {
[Export ("useCredential:forAuthenticationChallenge:")]
void UseCredential (NSUrlCredential credential, NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge);
[Export ("continueWithoutCredentialForAuthenticationChallenge:")]
void ContinueWithoutCredential (NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge);
[Export ("cancelAuthenticationChallenge:")]
void CancelAuthenticationChallenge (NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge);
[Export ("performDefaultHandlingForAuthenticationChallenge:")]
void PerformDefaultHandling (NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge);
[Export ("rejectProtectionSpaceAndContinueWithChallenge:")]
void RejectProtectionSpaceAndContinue (NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge);
delegate void NSUrlConnectionDataResponse (NSUrlResponse response, NSData data, NSError error);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLConnection")]
interface NSUrlConnection :
#if NET
[Export ("canHandleRequest:")]
bool CanHandleRequest (NSUrlRequest request);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession' instead.")]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession' instead.")]
[Export ("connectionWithRequest:delegate:")]
NSUrlConnection FromRequest (NSUrlRequest request, [NullAllowed, Protocolize] NSUrlConnectionDelegate connectionDelegate);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession' instead.")]
[Export ("initWithRequest:delegate:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrlRequest request, [NullAllowed, Protocolize] NSUrlConnectionDelegate connectionDelegate);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession' instead.")]
[Export ("initWithRequest:delegate:startImmediately:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrlRequest request, [NullAllowed, Protocolize] NSUrlConnectionDelegate connectionDelegate, bool startImmediately);
[Export ("start")]
void Start ();
[Export ("cancel")]
void Cancel ();
[Export ("scheduleInRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString forMode);
[Wrap ("Schedule (aRunLoop, forMode.GetConstant ()!)")]
void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSRunLoopMode forMode);
[Export ("unscheduleFromRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString forMode);
[Wrap ("Unschedule (aRunLoop, forMode.GetConstant ()!)")]
void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSRunLoopMode forMode);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("originalRequest")]
NSUrlRequest OriginalRequest { get; }
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("currentRequest")]
NSUrlRequest CurrentRequest { get; }
[Export ("setDelegateQueue:")]
void SetDelegateQueue (NSOperationQueue queue);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession.CreateDataTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession.CreateDataTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession.CreateDataTask' instead.")]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSUrlSession.CreateDataTask' instead.")]
[Export ("sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:")]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSUrlAsyncResult", MethodName = "SendRequestAsync")]
void SendAsynchronousRequest (NSUrlRequest request, NSOperationQueue queue, NSUrlConnectionDataResponse completionHandler);
// Extension from iOS5, NewsstandKit
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13,0, message: "Use Background Remote Notifications instead.")]
[Export ("newsstandAssetDownload", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
NewsstandKit.NKAssetDownload NewsstandAssetDownload { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLConnectionDelegate")]
interface NSUrlConnectionDelegate {
[Export ("connection:canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace:")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Use 'WillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'WillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 10, message: "Use 'WillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'WillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge' instead.")]
bool CanAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace (NSUrlConnection connection, NSUrlProtectionSpace protectionSpace);
[Export ("connection:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Use 'WillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'WillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 10, message: "Use 'WillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'WillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge' instead.")]
void ReceivedAuthenticationChallenge (NSUrlConnection connection, NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge);
[Export ("connection:didCancelAuthenticationChallenge:")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Use 'WillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'WillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 10, message: "Use 'WillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'WillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge' instead.")]
void CanceledAuthenticationChallenge (NSUrlConnection connection, NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge);
[Export ("connectionShouldUseCredentialStorage:")]
bool ConnectionShouldUseCredentialStorage (NSUrlConnection connection);
[Export ("connection:didFailWithError:")]
void FailedWithError (NSUrlConnection connection, NSError error);
[Export ("connection:willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge:")]
void WillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge (NSUrlConnection connection, NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge);
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlConnectionDelegate), Name = "NSURLConnectionDataDelegate")]
[Protocol, Model]
interface NSUrlConnectionDataDelegate {
[Export ("connection:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:")]
NSUrlRequest WillSendRequest (NSUrlConnection connection, NSUrlRequest request, NSUrlResponse response);
[Export ("connection:didReceiveResponse:")]
void ReceivedResponse (NSUrlConnection connection, NSUrlResponse response);
[Export ("connection:didReceiveData:")]
void ReceivedData (NSUrlConnection connection, NSData data);
[Export ("connection:needNewBodyStream:")]
NSInputStream NeedNewBodyStream (NSUrlConnection connection, NSUrlRequest request);
[Export ("connection:didSendBodyData:totalBytesWritten:totalBytesExpectedToWrite:")]
void SentBodyData (NSUrlConnection connection, nint bytesWritten, nint totalBytesWritten, nint totalBytesExpectedToWrite);
[Export ("connection:willCacheResponse:")]
NSCachedUrlResponse WillCacheResponse (NSUrlConnection connection, NSCachedUrlResponse cachedResponse);
[Export ("connectionDidFinishLoading:")]
void FinishedLoading (NSUrlConnection connection);
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlConnectionDelegate), Name = "NSURLConnectionDownloadDelegate")]
interface NSUrlConnectionDownloadDelegate {
[Export ("connection:didWriteData:totalBytesWritten:expectedTotalBytes:")]
void WroteData (NSUrlConnection connection, long bytesWritten, long totalBytesWritten, long expectedTotalBytes);
[Export ("connectionDidResumeDownloading:totalBytesWritten:expectedTotalBytes:")]
void ResumedDownloading (NSUrlConnection connection, long totalBytesWritten, long expectedTotalBytes);
[Export ("connectionDidFinishDownloading:destinationURL:")]
void FinishedDownloading (NSUrlConnection connection, NSUrl destinationUrl);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLCredential")]
// crash when calling NSObjecg.get_Description (and likely other selectors)
interface NSUrlCredential : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithTrust:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (SecTrust trust);
[Export ("persistence")]
NSUrlCredentialPersistence Persistence { get; }
[Export ("initWithUser:password:persistence:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string user, string password, NSUrlCredentialPersistence persistence);
[Export ("credentialWithUser:password:persistence:")]
NSUrlCredential FromUserPasswordPersistance (string user, string password, NSUrlCredentialPersistence persistence);
[Export ("user")]
string User { get; }
[Export ("password")]
string Password { get; }
[Export ("hasPassword")]
bool HasPassword { get; }
[Export ("initWithIdentity:certificates:persistence:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (IntPtr identity, IntPtr certificates, NSUrlCredentialPersistence persistance);
[Export ("credentialWithIdentity:certificates:persistence:")]
NSUrlCredential FromIdentityCertificatesPersistanceInternal (IntPtr identity, IntPtr certificates, NSUrlCredentialPersistence persistence);
[Export ("identity")]
IntPtr Identity { get; }
[Export ("certificates")]
SecCertificate [] Certificates { get; }
// bound manually to keep the managed/native signatures identical
//[Export ("initWithTrust:")]
//NativeHandle Constructor (IntPtr SecTrustRef_trust, bool ignored);
[Export ("credentialForTrust:")]
NSUrlCredential FromTrust (IntPtr trust);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLCredentialStorage")]
// init returns NIL -> SharedCredentialStorage
interface NSUrlCredentialStorage {
[Export ("sharedCredentialStorage", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSUrlCredentialStorage SharedCredentialStorage { get; }
[Export ("credentialsForProtectionSpace:")]
NSDictionary GetCredentials (NSUrlProtectionSpace forProtectionSpace);
[Export ("allCredentials")]
NSDictionary AllCredentials { get; }
[Export ("setCredential:forProtectionSpace:")]
void SetCredential (NSUrlCredential credential, NSUrlProtectionSpace forProtectionSpace);
[Export ("removeCredential:forProtectionSpace:")]
void RemoveCredential (NSUrlCredential credential, NSUrlProtectionSpace forProtectionSpace);
[Export ("defaultCredentialForProtectionSpace:")]
NSUrlCredential GetDefaultCredential (NSUrlProtectionSpace forProtectionSpace);
[Export ("setDefaultCredential:forProtectionSpace:")]
void SetDefaultCredential (NSUrlCredential credential, NSUrlProtectionSpace forProtectionSpace);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("removeCredential:forProtectionSpace:options:")]
void RemoveCredential (NSUrlCredential credential, NSUrlProtectionSpace forProtectionSpace, NSDictionary options);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSURLCredentialStorageRemoveSynchronizableCredentials")]
NSString RemoveSynchronizableCredentials { get; }
[Field ("NSURLCredentialStorageChangedNotification")]
NSString ChangedNotification { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("getCredentialsForProtectionSpace:task:completionHandler:")]
void GetCredentials (NSUrlProtectionSpace protectionSpace, NSUrlSessionTask task, [NullAllowed] Action<NSDictionary> completionHandler);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("setCredential:forProtectionSpace:task:")]
void SetCredential (NSUrlCredential credential, NSUrlProtectionSpace protectionSpace, NSUrlSessionTask task);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("removeCredential:forProtectionSpace:options:task:")]
void RemoveCredential (NSUrlCredential credential, NSUrlProtectionSpace protectionSpace, NSDictionary options, NSUrlSessionTask task);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("getDefaultCredentialForProtectionSpace:task:completionHandler:")]
void GetDefaultCredential (NSUrlProtectionSpace space, NSUrlSessionTask task, [NullAllowed] Action<NSUrlCredential> completionHandler);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("setDefaultCredential:forProtectionSpace:task:")]
void SetDefaultCredential (NSUrlCredential credential, NSUrlProtectionSpace protectionSpace, NSUrlSessionTask task);
#if NET
delegate void NSUrlSessionPendingTasks (NSUrlSessionTask [] dataTasks, NSUrlSessionTask [] uploadTasks, NSUrlSessionTask[] downloadTasks);
#elif XAMCORE_3_0
delegate void NSUrlSessionPendingTasks2 (NSUrlSessionTask [] dataTasks, NSUrlSessionTask [] uploadTasks, NSUrlSessionTask[] downloadTasks);
delegate void NSUrlSessionPendingTasks (NSUrlSessionDataTask [] dataTasks, NSUrlSessionUploadTask [] uploadTasks, NSUrlSessionDownloadTask [] downloadTasks);
delegate void NSUrlSessionPendingTasks2 (NSUrlSessionTask [] dataTasks, NSUrlSessionTask [] uploadTasks, NSUrlSessionTask [] downloadTasks);
delegate void NSUrlSessionAllPendingTasks (NSUrlSessionTask [] tasks);
delegate void NSUrlSessionResponse (NSData data, NSUrlResponse response, NSError error);
delegate void NSUrlSessionDownloadResponse (NSUrl data, NSUrlResponse response, NSError error);
delegate void NSUrlDownloadSessionResponse (NSUrl location, NSUrlResponse response, NSError error);
interface INSUrlSessionDelegate { }
// Some of the XxxTaskWith methods that take a completion were flagged as allowing a null in
// 083d9cba1eb997eac5c5ded77db32180c3eef566 with comment:
// "Add missing [NullAllowed] on NSUrlSession since the
// delegate is optional and the handler can be null when one
// is provided (but requiring a delegate along with handlers
// only duplicates code)"
// but Apple has flagged these as not allowing null.
// Leaving the null allowed for now.
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLSession")]
partial interface NSUrlSession {
[Static, Export ("sharedSession", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSUrlSession SharedSession { get; }
[Static, Export ("sessionWithConfiguration:")]
NSUrlSession FromConfiguration (NSUrlSessionConfiguration configuration);
[Static, Export ("sessionWithConfiguration:delegate:delegateQueue:")]
NSUrlSession FromWeakConfiguration (NSUrlSessionConfiguration configuration, [NullAllowed] NSObject weakDelegate, [NullAllowed] NSOperationQueue delegateQueue);
#if !NET
[Obsolete ("Use the overload with a 'INSUrlSessionDelegate' parameter.")]
[Static, Wrap ("FromWeakConfiguration (configuration, sessionDelegate, delegateQueue);")]
NSUrlSession FromConfiguration (NSUrlSessionConfiguration configuration, NSUrlSessionDelegate sessionDelegate, [NullAllowed] NSOperationQueue delegateQueue);
[Static, Wrap ("FromWeakConfiguration (configuration, (NSObject) sessionDelegate, delegateQueue);")]
NSUrlSession FromConfiguration (NSUrlSessionConfiguration configuration, INSUrlSessionDelegate sessionDelegate, [NullAllowed] NSOperationQueue delegateQueue);
[Export ("delegateQueue", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSOperationQueue DelegateQueue { get; }
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Retain), NullAllowed]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
NSUrlSessionDelegate Delegate { get; }
[Export ("configuration", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrlSessionConfiguration Configuration { get; }
[Export ("sessionDescription", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string SessionDescription { get; set; }
[Export ("finishTasksAndInvalidate")]
void FinishTasksAndInvalidate ();
[Export ("invalidateAndCancel")]
void InvalidateAndCancel ();
[Export ("resetWithCompletionHandler:")]
void Reset (Action completionHandler);
[Export ("flushWithCompletionHandler:")]
void Flush (Action completionHandler);
#if !XAMCORE_3_0
// broken version that we must keep for XAMCORE_3_0 binary compatibility
// but that we do not have to expose on tvOS and watchOS, forcing people to use the correct API
[Obsolete ("Use GetTasks2 instead. This method may throw spurious InvalidCastExceptions, in particular for backgrounded tasks.")]
[Export ("getTasksWithCompletionHandler:")]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSUrlSessionActiveTasks")]
void GetTasks (NSUrlSessionPendingTasks completionHandler);
#elif NET
// Fixed version (breaking change) only for NET
[Export ("getTasksWithCompletionHandler:")]
[Async (ResultTypeName="NSUrlSessionActiveTasks")]
void GetTasks (NSUrlSessionPendingTasks completionHandler);
#if !NET
// Workaround, not needed for NET+
[Export ("getTasksWithCompletionHandler:")]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSUrlSessionActiveTasks2")]
void GetTasks2 (NSUrlSessionPendingTasks2 completionHandler);
[Export ("dataTaskWithRequest:")]
[return: ForcedType]
NSUrlSessionDataTask CreateDataTask (NSUrlRequest request);
[Export ("dataTaskWithURL:")]
[return: ForcedType]
NSUrlSessionDataTask CreateDataTask (NSUrl url);
[Export ("uploadTaskWithRequest:fromFile:")]
[return: ForcedType]
NSUrlSessionUploadTask CreateUploadTask (NSUrlRequest request, NSUrl fileURL);
[Export ("uploadTaskWithRequest:fromData:")]
[return: ForcedType]
NSUrlSessionUploadTask CreateUploadTask (NSUrlRequest request, NSData bodyData);
[Export ("uploadTaskWithStreamedRequest:")]
[return: ForcedType]
NSUrlSessionUploadTask CreateUploadTask (NSUrlRequest request);
[Export ("downloadTaskWithRequest:")]
[return: ForcedType]
NSUrlSessionDownloadTask CreateDownloadTask (NSUrlRequest request);
[Export ("downloadTaskWithURL:")]
[return: ForcedType]
NSUrlSessionDownloadTask CreateDownloadTask (NSUrl url);
[Export ("downloadTaskWithResumeData:")]
[return: ForcedType]
NSUrlSessionDownloadTask CreateDownloadTask (NSData resumeData);
[Export ("dataTaskWithRequest:completionHandler:")]
[return: ForcedType]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSUrlSessionDataTaskRequest", PostNonResultSnippet = "result.Resume ();")]
NSUrlSessionDataTask CreateDataTask (NSUrlRequest request, [NullAllowed] NSUrlSessionResponse completionHandler);
[Export ("dataTaskWithURL:completionHandler:")]
[return: ForcedType]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSUrlSessionDataTaskRequest", PostNonResultSnippet = "result.Resume ();")]
NSUrlSessionDataTask CreateDataTask (NSUrl url, [NullAllowed] NSUrlSessionResponse completionHandler);
[Export ("uploadTaskWithRequest:fromFile:completionHandler:")]
[return: ForcedType]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSUrlSessionDataTaskRequest", PostNonResultSnippet = "result.Resume ();")]
NSUrlSessionUploadTask CreateUploadTask (NSUrlRequest request, NSUrl fileURL, NSUrlSessionResponse completionHandler);
[Export ("uploadTaskWithRequest:fromData:completionHandler:")]
[return: ForcedType]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSUrlSessionDataTaskRequest", PostNonResultSnippet = "result.Resume ();")]
NSUrlSessionUploadTask CreateUploadTask (NSUrlRequest request, NSData bodyData, NSUrlSessionResponse completionHandler);
[Export ("downloadTaskWithRequest:completionHandler:")]
[return: ForcedType]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSUrlSessionDownloadTaskRequest", PostNonResultSnippet = "result.Resume ();")]
NSUrlSessionDownloadTask CreateDownloadTask (NSUrlRequest request, [NullAllowed] NSUrlDownloadSessionResponse completionHandler);
[Export ("downloadTaskWithURL:completionHandler:")]
[return: ForcedType]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSUrlSessionDownloadTaskRequest", PostNonResultSnippet = "result.Resume ();")]
NSUrlSessionDownloadTask CreateDownloadTask (NSUrl url, [NullAllowed] NSUrlDownloadSessionResponse completionHandler);
[Export ("downloadTaskWithResumeData:completionHandler:")]
[return: ForcedType]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSUrlSessionDownloadTaskRequest", PostNonResultSnippet = "result.Resume ();")]
NSUrlSessionDownloadTask CreateDownloadTaskFromResumeData (NSData resumeData, [NullAllowed] NSUrlDownloadSessionResponse completionHandler);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("getAllTasksWithCompletionHandler:")]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSUrlSessionCombinedTasks")]
void GetAllTasks (NSUrlSessionAllPendingTasks completionHandler);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("streamTaskWithHostName:port:")]
NSUrlSessionStreamTask CreateBidirectionalStream (string hostname, nint port);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 12, 0, message: "Use the Network.framework instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 15, 0, message: "Use the Network.framework instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 15, 0, message: "Use the Network.framework instead.")]
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 15, 0, message: "Use the Network.framework instead.")]
[Export ("streamTaskWithNetService:")]
NSUrlSessionStreamTask CreateBidirectionalStream (NSNetService service);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("webSocketTaskWithURL:")]
NSUrlSessionWebSocketTask CreateWebSocketTask (NSUrl url);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("webSocketTaskWithURL:protocols:")]
NSUrlSessionWebSocketTask CreateWebSocketTask (NSUrl url, string [] protocols);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("webSocketTaskWithRequest:")]
NSUrlSessionWebSocketTask CreateWebSocketTask (NSUrlRequest request);
[iOS (9, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Protocol, Model]
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlSessionTaskDelegate), Name = "NSURLSessionStreamDelegate")]
interface NSUrlSessionStreamDelegate {
[Export ("URLSession:readClosedForStreamTask:")]
void ReadClosed (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionStreamTask streamTask);
[Export ("URLSession:writeClosedForStreamTask:")]
void WriteClosed (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionStreamTask streamTask);
[Export ("URLSession:betterRouteDiscoveredForStreamTask:")]
void BetterRouteDiscovered (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionStreamTask streamTask);
// Note: the names of this methods do not exactly match the Objective-C name
// because it was a bad name, and does not describe what this does, so the name
// was picked from the documentation and what it does.
[Export ("URLSession:streamTask:didBecomeInputStream:outputStream:")]
void CompletedTaskCaptureStreams (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionStreamTask streamTask, NSInputStream inputStream, NSOutputStream outputStream);
delegate void NSUrlSessionDataRead (NSData data, bool atEof, NSError error);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlSessionTask), Name = "NSURLSessionStreamTask")]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // now (xcode11) marked as deprecated
interface NSUrlSessionStreamTask {
[Export ("readDataOfMinLength:maxLength:timeout:completionHandler:")]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "NSUrlSessionStreamDataRead")]
void ReadData (nuint minBytes, nuint maxBytes, double timeout, NSUrlSessionDataRead completionHandler);
[Export ("writeData:timeout:completionHandler:")]
void WriteData (NSData data, double timeout, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("captureStreams")]
void CaptureStreams ();
[Export ("closeWrite")]
void CloseWrite ();
[Export ("closeRead")]
void CloseRead ();
[Export ("startSecureConnection")]
void StartSecureConnection ();
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "A secure (TLS) connection cannot become drop back to insecure (non-TLS).")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "A secure (TLS) connection cannot become drop back to insecure (non-TLS).")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "A secure (TLS) connection cannot become drop back to insecure (non-TLS).")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "A secure (TLS) connection cannot become drop back to insecure (non-TLS).")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "A secure (TLS) connection cannot become drop back to insecure (non-TLS).")]
[Export ("stopSecureConnection")]
void StopSecureConnection ();
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLSessionTask")]
partial interface NSUrlSessionTask : NSCopying, NSProgressReporting {
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Export ("init")]
NativeHandle Constructor ();
[Export ("taskIdentifier")]
nuint TaskIdentifier { get; }
[Export ("originalRequest", ArgumentSemantic.Copy), NullAllowed]
NSUrlRequest OriginalRequest { get; }
[Export ("currentRequest", ArgumentSemantic.Copy), NullAllowed]
NSUrlRequest CurrentRequest { get; }
[Export ("response", ArgumentSemantic.Copy), NullAllowed]
NSUrlResponse Response { get; }
[Export ("countOfBytesReceived")]
long BytesReceived { get; }
[Export ("countOfBytesSent")]
long BytesSent { get; }
[Export ("countOfBytesExpectedToSend")]
long BytesExpectedToSend { get; }
[Export ("countOfBytesExpectedToReceive")]
long BytesExpectedToReceive { get; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("taskDescription", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string TaskDescription { get; set; }
[Export ("cancel")]
void Cancel ();
[Export ("state")]
NSUrlSessionTaskState State { get; }
[Export ("error", ArgumentSemantic.Copy), NullAllowed]
NSError Error { get; }
[Export ("suspend")]
void Suspend ();
[Export ("resume")]
void Resume ();
[Field ("NSURLSessionTransferSizeUnknown")]
long TransferSizeUnknown { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("priority")]
float Priority { get; set; } /* float, not CGFloat */
[Watch (7, 4), TV (14, 5), Mac (11, 3), iOS (14, 5)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 5)]
[Export ("prefersIncrementalDelivery")]
bool PrefersIncrementalDelivery { get; set; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("earliestBeginDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate EarliestBeginDate { get; set; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("countOfBytesClientExpectsToSend")]
long CountOfBytesClientExpectsToSend { get; set; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("countOfBytesClientExpectsToReceive")]
long CountOfBytesClientExpectsToReceive { get; set; }
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
INSUrlSessionTaskDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
interface NSUrlSessionTaskPriority {
[Field ("NSURLSessionTaskPriorityDefault")]
float Default { get; } /* float, not CGFloat */
[Field ("NSURLSessionTaskPriorityLow")]
float Low { get; } /* float, not CGFloat */
[Field ("NSURLSessionTaskPriorityHigh")]
float High { get; } /* float, not CGFloat */
// All of the NSUrlSession APIs are either 10.10, or 10.9 and 64-bit only
// "NSURLSession is not available for i386 targets before Mac OS X 10.10."
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlSessionTask), Name = "NSURLSessionDataTask")]
partial interface NSUrlSessionDataTask {
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateDataTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateDataTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateDataTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateDataTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateDataTask' instead.")]
[Export ("init")]
NativeHandle Constructor ();
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlSessionDataTask), Name = "NSURLSessionUploadTask")]
partial interface NSUrlSessionUploadTask {
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateUploadTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateUploadTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateUploadTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateUploadTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateUploadTask' instead.")]
[Export ("init")]
NativeHandle Constructor ();
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlSessionTask), Name = "NSURLSessionDownloadTask")]
partial interface NSUrlSessionDownloadTask {
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateDownloadTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateDownloadTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateDownloadTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateDownloadTask' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'NSURLSession.CreateDownloadTask' instead.")]
[Export ("init")]
NativeHandle Constructor ();
[Export ("cancelByProducingResumeData:")]
void Cancel (Action<NSData> resumeCallback);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
interface ProxyConfigurationDictionaryKeys {
[Field ("kCFNetworkProxiesHTTPEnable")]
NSString HttpEnableKey { get; }
[Field ("kCFStreamPropertyHTTPProxyHost")]
NSString HttpProxyHostKey { get; }
[Field ("kCFStreamPropertyHTTPProxyPort")]
NSString HttpProxyPortKey { get; }
[NoiOS, NoTV]
[Field ("kCFNetworkProxiesHTTPSEnable")]
NSString HttpsEnableKey { get; }
[Field ("kCFStreamPropertyHTTPSProxyHost")]
NSString HttpsProxyHostKey { get; }
[Field ("kCFStreamPropertyHTTPSProxyPort")]
NSString HttpsProxyPortKey { get; }
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[StrongDictionary ("ProxyConfigurationDictionaryKeys")]
interface ProxyConfigurationDictionary {
bool HttpEnable { get; set; }
string HttpProxyHost { get; set; }
int HttpProxyPort { get; set; }
[NoiOS, NoTV]
bool HttpsEnable { get; set; }
string HttpsProxyHost { get; set; }
int HttpsProxyPort { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLSessionConfiguration")]
partial interface NSUrlSessionConfiguration : NSCopying {
[Static, Export ("defaultSessionConfiguration", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSUrlSessionConfiguration _DefaultSessionConfiguration { get; }
[Static, Export ("ephemeralSessionConfiguration", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSUrlSessionConfiguration _EphemeralSessionConfiguration { get; }
[Static, Export ("backgroundSessionConfiguration:")]
NSUrlSessionConfiguration _BackgroundSessionConfiguration (string identifier);
[Export ("identifier", ArgumentSemantic.Copy), NullAllowed]
string Identifier { get; }
[Export ("requestCachePolicy")]
NSUrlRequestCachePolicy RequestCachePolicy { get; set; }
[Export ("timeoutIntervalForRequest")]
double TimeoutIntervalForRequest { get; set; }
[Export ("timeoutIntervalForResource")]
double TimeoutIntervalForResource { get; set; }
[Export ("networkServiceType")]
NSUrlRequestNetworkServiceType NetworkServiceType { get; set; }
[Export ("allowsCellularAccess")]
bool AllowsCellularAccess { get; set; }
[Export ("discretionary")]
bool Discretionary { [Bind ("isDiscretionary")] get; set; }
[Mac (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("sessionSendsLaunchEvents")]
bool SessionSendsLaunchEvents { get; set; }
[Export ("connectionProxyDictionary", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary ConnectionProxyDictionary { get; set; }
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
ProxyConfigurationDictionary StrongConnectionProxyDictionary {
[Wrap ("new ProxyConfigurationDictionary (ConnectionProxyDictionary!)")]
[Wrap ("ConnectionProxyDictionary = value.GetDictionary ()")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'TlsMinimumSupportedProtocolVersion' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'TlsMinimumSupportedProtocolVersion' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'TlsMinimumSupportedProtocolVersion' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'TlsMinimumSupportedProtocolVersion' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'TlsMinimumSupportedProtocolVersion' instead.")]
[Export ("TLSMinimumSupportedProtocol")]
SslProtocol TLSMinimumSupportedProtocol { get; set; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("TLSMinimumSupportedProtocolVersion", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
TlsProtocolVersion TlsMinimumSupportedProtocolVersion { get; set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'TlsMaximumSupportedProtocolVersion' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'TlsMaximumSupportedProtocolVersion' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "Use 'TlsMaximumSupportedProtocolVersion' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'TlsMaximumSupportedProtocolVersion' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'TlsMaximumSupportedProtocolVersion' instead.")]
[Export ("TLSMaximumSupportedProtocol")]
SslProtocol TLSMaximumSupportedProtocol { get; set; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("TLSMaximumSupportedProtocolVersion", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
TlsProtocolVersion TlsMaximumSupportedProtocolVersion { get; set; }
[Export ("HTTPShouldUsePipelining")]
bool HttpShouldUsePipelining { get; set; }
[Export ("HTTPShouldSetCookies")]
bool HttpShouldSetCookies { get; set; }
[Export ("HTTPCookieAcceptPolicy")]
NSHttpCookieAcceptPolicy HttpCookieAcceptPolicy { get; set; }
[Export ("HTTPAdditionalHeaders", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary HttpAdditionalHeaders { get; set; }
[Export ("HTTPMaximumConnectionsPerHost")]
nint HttpMaximumConnectionsPerHost { get; set; }
[Export ("HTTPCookieStorage", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSHttpCookieStorage HttpCookieStorage { get; set; }
[Export ("URLCredentialStorage", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSUrlCredentialStorage URLCredentialStorage { get; set; }
[Export ("URLCache", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSUrlCache URLCache { get; set; }
[Export ("protocolClasses", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSArray WeakProtocolClasses { get; set; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("sharedContainerIdentifier")]
string SharedContainerIdentifier { get; set; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier:")]
NSUrlSessionConfiguration _CreateBackgroundSessionConfiguration (string identifier);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("shouldUseExtendedBackgroundIdleMode")]
bool ShouldUseExtendedBackgroundIdleMode { get; set; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac, iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("multipathServiceType", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSUrlSessionMultipathServiceType MultipathServiceType { get; set; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("waitsForConnectivity")]
bool WaitsForConnectivity { get; set; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("allowsExpensiveNetworkAccess")]
bool AllowsExpensiveNetworkAccess { get; set; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("allowsConstrainedNetworkAccess")]
bool AllowsConstrainedNetworkAccess { get; set; }
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Export ("requiresDNSSECValidation")]
bool RequiresDnsSecValidation { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Model, BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLSessionDelegate")]
partial interface NSUrlSessionDelegate {
[Export ("URLSession:didBecomeInvalidWithError:")]
void DidBecomeInvalid (NSUrlSession session, NSError error);
[Export ("URLSession:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:")]
void DidReceiveChallenge (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge, Action<NSUrlSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, NSUrlCredential> completionHandler);
[Mac (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("URLSessionDidFinishEventsForBackgroundURLSession:")]
void DidFinishEventsForBackgroundSession (NSUrlSession session);
public interface INSUrlSessionTaskDelegate { }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlSessionDelegate), Name = "NSURLSessionTaskDelegate")]
partial interface NSUrlSessionTaskDelegate {
[Export ("URLSession:task:willPerformHTTPRedirection:newRequest:completionHandler:")]
void WillPerformHttpRedirection (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionTask task, NSHttpUrlResponse response, NSUrlRequest newRequest, Action<NSUrlRequest> completionHandler);
[Export ("URLSession:task:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:")]
void DidReceiveChallenge (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionTask task, NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge, Action<NSUrlSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, NSUrlCredential> completionHandler);
[Export ("URLSession:task:needNewBodyStream:")]
void NeedNewBodyStream (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionTask task, Action<NSInputStream> completionHandler);
[Export ("URLSession:task:didSendBodyData:totalBytesSent:totalBytesExpectedToSend:")]
void DidSendBodyData (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionTask task, long bytesSent, long totalBytesSent, long totalBytesExpectedToSend);
[Export ("URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError:")]
void DidCompleteWithError (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionTask task, [NullAllowed] NSError error);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("URLSession:task:didFinishCollectingMetrics:")]
void DidFinishCollectingMetrics (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionTask task, NSUrlSessionTaskMetrics metrics);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("URLSession:task:willBeginDelayedRequest:completionHandler:")]
void WillBeginDelayedRequest (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionTask task, NSUrlRequest request, Action<NSUrlSessionDelayedRequestDisposition, NSUrlRequest> completionHandler);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("URLSession:taskIsWaitingForConnectivity:")]
void TaskIsWaitingForConnectivity (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionTask task);
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Export ("URLSession:didCreateTask:")]
void DidCreateTask (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionTask task);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlSessionTaskDelegate), Name = "NSURLSessionDataDelegate")]
partial interface NSUrlSessionDataDelegate {
[Export ("URLSession:dataTask:didReceiveResponse:completionHandler:")]
void DidReceiveResponse (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionDataTask dataTask, NSUrlResponse response, Action<NSUrlSessionResponseDisposition> completionHandler);
[Export ("URLSession:dataTask:didBecomeDownloadTask:")]
void DidBecomeDownloadTask (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionDataTask dataTask, NSUrlSessionDownloadTask downloadTask);
[Export ("URLSession:dataTask:didReceiveData:")]
void DidReceiveData (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionDataTask dataTask, NSData data);
[Export ("URLSession:dataTask:willCacheResponse:completionHandler:")]
void WillCacheResponse (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionDataTask dataTask, NSCachedUrlResponse proposedResponse, Action<NSCachedUrlResponse> completionHandler);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("URLSession:dataTask:didBecomeStreamTask:")]
void DidBecomeStreamTask (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionDataTask dataTask, NSUrlSessionStreamTask streamTask);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlSessionTaskDelegate), Name = "NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate")]
partial interface NSUrlSessionDownloadDelegate {
[Export ("URLSession:downloadTask:didFinishDownloadingToURL:")]
void DidFinishDownloading (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionDownloadTask downloadTask, NSUrl location);
[Export ("URLSession:downloadTask:didWriteData:totalBytesWritten:totalBytesExpectedToWrite:")]
void DidWriteData (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionDownloadTask downloadTask, long bytesWritten, long totalBytesWritten, long totalBytesExpectedToWrite);
[Export ("URLSession:downloadTask:didResumeAtOffset:expectedTotalBytes:")]
void DidResume (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionDownloadTask downloadTask, long resumeFileOffset, long expectedTotalBytes);
[Field ("NSURLSessionDownloadTaskResumeData")]
NSString TaskResumeDataKey { get; }
interface NSUndoManagerCloseUndoGroupEventArgs {
// Bug in docs, see header file
[Export ("NSUndoManagerGroupIsDiscardableKey")]
bool Discardable { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSUndoManager {
[Export ("beginUndoGrouping")]
void BeginUndoGrouping ();
[Export ("endUndoGrouping")]
void EndUndoGrouping ();
[Export ("groupingLevel")]
nint GroupingLevel { get; }
[Export ("disableUndoRegistration")]
void DisableUndoRegistration ();
[Export ("enableUndoRegistration")]
void EnableUndoRegistration ();
[Export ("isUndoRegistrationEnabled")]
bool IsUndoRegistrationEnabled { get; }
[Export ("groupsByEvent")]
bool GroupsByEvent { get; set; }
[Export ("levelsOfUndo")]
nint LevelsOfUndo { get; set; }
#if NET
[Export ("runLoopModes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSString [] WeakRunLoopModes { get; set; }
[Export ("runLoopModes")]
string [] RunLoopModes { get; set; }
[Export ("undo")]
void Undo ();
[Export ("redo")]
void Redo ();
[Export ("undoNestedGroup")]
void UndoNestedGroup ();
[Export ("canUndo")]
bool CanUndo { get; }
[Export ("canRedo")]
bool CanRedo { get; }
[Export ("isUndoing")]
bool IsUndoing { get; }
[Export ("isRedoing")]
bool IsRedoing { get; }
[Export ("removeAllActions")]
void RemoveAllActions ();
[Export ("removeAllActionsWithTarget:")]
void RemoveAllActions (NSObject target);
[Export ("registerUndoWithTarget:selector:object:")]
void RegisterUndoWithTarget (NSObject target, Selector selector, [NullAllowed] NSObject anObject);
[Export ("prepareWithInvocationTarget:")]
NSObject PrepareWithInvocationTarget (NSObject target);
[Export ("undoActionName")]
string UndoActionName { get; }
[Export ("redoActionName")]
string RedoActionName { get; }
#if NET
[Export ("setActionName:")]
void SetActionName (string actionName);
[Advice ("Use the correctly named method: 'SetActionName'.")]
[Export ("setActionName:")]
void SetActionname (string actionName);
[Export ("undoMenuItemTitle")]
string UndoMenuItemTitle { get; }
[Export ("redoMenuItemTitle")]
string RedoMenuItemTitle { get; }
[Export ("undoMenuTitleForUndoActionName:")]
string UndoMenuTitleForUndoActionName (string name);
[Export ("redoMenuTitleForUndoActionName:")]
string RedoMenuTitleForUndoActionName (string name);
[Field ("NSUndoManagerCheckpointNotification")]
NSString CheckpointNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSUndoManagerDidOpenUndoGroupNotification")]
NSString DidOpenUndoGroupNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSUndoManagerDidRedoChangeNotification")]
NSString DidRedoChangeNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSUndoManagerDidUndoChangeNotification")]
NSString DidUndoChangeNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSUndoManagerWillCloseUndoGroupNotification")]
[Notification (typeof (NSUndoManagerCloseUndoGroupEventArgs))]
NSString WillCloseUndoGroupNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSUndoManagerWillRedoChangeNotification")]
NSString WillRedoChangeNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSUndoManagerWillUndoChangeNotification")]
NSString WillUndoChangeNotification { get; }
[Export ("setActionIsDiscardable:")]
void SetActionIsDiscardable (bool discardable);
[Export ("undoActionIsDiscardable")]
bool UndoActionIsDiscardable { get; }
[Export ("redoActionIsDiscardable")]
bool RedoActionIsDiscardable { get; }
[Field ("NSUndoManagerGroupIsDiscardableKey")]
NSString GroupIsDiscardableKey { get; }
[Field ("NSUndoManagerDidCloseUndoGroupNotification")]
[Notification (typeof (NSUndoManagerCloseUndoGroupEventArgs))]
NSString DidCloseUndoGroupNotification { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("registerUndoWithTarget:handler:")]
void RegisterUndo (NSObject target, Action<NSObject> undoHandler);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLProtectionSpace")]
// 'init' returns NIL
interface NSUrlProtectionSpace : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithHost:port:protocol:realm:authenticationMethod:")]
IntPtr Init (string host, nint port, [NullAllowed] string protocol, [NullAllowed] string realm, [NullAllowed] string authenticationMethod);
[Export ("initWithProxyHost:port:type:realm:authenticationMethod:")]
IntPtr InitWithProxy (string host, nint port, [NullAllowed] string type, [NullAllowed] string realm, [NullAllowed] string authenticationMethod);
[Export ("realm")]
string Realm { get; }
[Export ("receivesCredentialSecurely")]
bool ReceivesCredentialSecurely { get; }
[Export ("isProxy")]
bool IsProxy { get; }
[Export ("host")]
string Host { get; }
[Export ("port")]
nint Port { get; }
[Export ("proxyType")]
string ProxyType { get; }
[Export ("protocol")]
string Protocol { get; }
[Export ("authenticationMethod")]
string AuthenticationMethod { get; }
// NSURLProtectionSpace(NSClientCertificateSpace)
[Export ("distinguishedNames")]
NSData [] DistinguishedNames { get; }
// NSURLProtectionSpace(NSServerTrustValidationSpace)
[Export ("serverTrust")]
IntPtr ServerTrust { get; }
[Field ("NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTP")]
NSString HTTP { get; }
[Field ("NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPS")]
NSString HTTPS { get; }
[Field ("NSURLProtectionSpaceFTP")]
NSString FTP { get; }
[Field ("NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPProxy")]
NSString HTTPProxy { get; }
[Field ("NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPSProxy")]
NSString HTTPSProxy { get; }
[Field ("NSURLProtectionSpaceFTPProxy")]
NSString FTPProxy { get; }
[Field ("NSURLProtectionSpaceSOCKSProxy")]
NSString SOCKSProxy { get; }
[Field ("NSURLAuthenticationMethodDefault")]
NSString AuthenticationMethodDefault { get; }
[Field ("NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic")]
NSString AuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic { get; }
[Field ("NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPDigest")]
NSString AuthenticationMethodHTTPDigest { get; }
[Field ("NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTMLForm")]
NSString AuthenticationMethodHTMLForm { get; }
[Field ("NSURLAuthenticationMethodNTLM")]
NSString AuthenticationMethodNTLM { get; }
[Field ("NSURLAuthenticationMethodNegotiate")]
NSString AuthenticationMethodNegotiate { get; }
[Field ("NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate")]
NSString AuthenticationMethodClientCertificate { get; }
[Field ("NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust")]
NSString AuthenticationMethodServerTrust { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLRequest")]
interface NSUrlRequest : NSSecureCoding, NSMutableCopying {
[Export ("initWithURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url);
[Export ("initWithURL:cachePolicy:timeoutInterval:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, NSUrlRequestCachePolicy cachePolicy, double timeoutInterval);
[Export ("requestWithURL:")]
NSUrlRequest FromUrl (NSUrl url);
[Export ("URL")]
NSUrl Url { get; }
[Export ("cachePolicy")]
NSUrlRequestCachePolicy CachePolicy { get; }
[Export ("timeoutInterval")]
double TimeoutInterval { get; }
[Export ("mainDocumentURL")]
NSUrl MainDocumentURL { get; }
[Export ("networkServiceType")]
NSUrlRequestNetworkServiceType NetworkServiceType { get; }
[Export ("allowsCellularAccess")]
bool AllowsCellularAccess { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("allowsExpensiveNetworkAccess")]
bool AllowsExpensiveNetworkAccess { get; [NotImplemented] set; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("allowsConstrainedNetworkAccess")]
bool AllowsConstrainedNetworkAccess { get; [NotImplemented] set; }
[Export ("HTTPMethod")]
string HttpMethod { get; }
[Export ("allHTTPHeaderFields")]
NSDictionary Headers { get; }
[Export ("valueForHTTPHeaderField:")]
string Header (string field);
[Export ("HTTPBody")]
NSData Body { get; }
[Export ("HTTPBodyStream")]
NSInputStream BodyStream { get; }
[Export ("HTTPShouldHandleCookies")]
bool ShouldHandleCookies { get; }
[Watch (7, 4), TV (14, 5), Mac (11, 3), iOS (14, 5)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 5)]
[Export ("assumesHTTP3Capable")]
bool AssumesHttp3Capable { get; [NotImplemented] set; }
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("attribution")]
NSURLRequestAttribution Attribution { get; }
// macOS is documented out of sync with iOS here
[Watch (9, 1), TV (16, 1), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 1)]
[MacCatalyst (16, 1)]
[Export ("requiresDNSSECValidation")]
bool RequiresDnsSecValidation { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSDictionary))]
interface NSMutableDictionary {
[Export ("dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:")]
NSMutableDictionary FromFile (string path);
[Export ("dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:")]
NSMutableDictionary FromUrl (NSUrl url);
[Export ("dictionaryWithObject:forKey:")]
NSMutableDictionary FromObjectAndKey (NSObject obj, NSObject key);
[Export ("dictionaryWithDictionary:")]
[Static, New]
NSMutableDictionary FromDictionary (NSDictionary source);
[Export ("dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count:")]
[Static, Internal]
NSMutableDictionary FromObjectsAndKeysInternalCount (NSArray objects, NSArray keys, nint count);
[Export ("dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:")]
[Static, Internal, New]
NSMutableDictionary FromObjectsAndKeysInternal (NSArray objects, NSArray Keys);
[Export ("initWithDictionary:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSDictionary other);
[Export ("initWithDictionary:copyItems:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSDictionary other, bool copyItems);
[Export ("initWithContentsOfFile:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string fileName);
[Export ("initWithContentsOfURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url);
[Export ("initWithObjects:forKeys:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSArray objects, NSArray keys);
[Export ("removeAllObjects"), Internal]
void RemoveAllObjects ();
[Export ("removeObjectForKey:")]
void _RemoveObjectForKey (IntPtr key);
[Export ("removeObjectForKey:"), Internal]
void RemoveObjectForKey (NSObject key);
[Export ("setObject:forKey:")]
void _SetObject (IntPtr obj, IntPtr key);
[Export ("setObject:forKey:"), Internal]
void SetObject (NSObject obj, NSObject key);
[Export ("dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:")]
NSDictionary FromSharedKeySet (NSObject sharedKeyToken);
[Export ("addEntriesFromDictionary:")]
void AddEntries (NSDictionary other);
interface NSMutableDictionary<K, V> : NSDictionary { }
[BaseType (typeof (NSSet))]
interface NSMutableSet {
[Export ("initWithArray:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSArray other);
[Export ("initWithSet:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSSet other);
[Export ("initWithCapacity:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nint capacity);
[Export ("addObject:")]
void _Add (IntPtr obj);
[Export ("addObject:")]
void Add (NSObject nso);
[Export ("removeObject:")]
void _Remove (IntPtr nso);
[Export ("removeObject:")]
void Remove (NSObject nso);
[Export ("removeAllObjects")]
void RemoveAll ();
[Export ("addObjectsFromArray:")]
void _AddObjects (IntPtr objects);
[Export ("addObjectsFromArray:")]
void AddObjects (NSObject [] objects);
[Internal, Export ("minusSet:")]
void MinusSet (NSSet other);
[Internal, Export ("unionSet:")]
void UnionSet (NSSet other);
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlRequest), Name = "NSMutableURLRequest")]
interface NSMutableUrlRequest {
[Export ("initWithURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url);
[Export ("initWithURL:cachePolicy:timeoutInterval:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, NSUrlRequestCachePolicy cachePolicy, double timeoutInterval);
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("URL")]
NSUrl Url { get; set; }
[Export ("cachePolicy")]
NSUrlRequestCachePolicy CachePolicy { get; set; }
[Export ("timeoutInterval")]
double TimeoutInterval { set; get; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("mainDocumentURL")]
NSUrl MainDocumentURL { get; set; }
[Export ("HTTPMethod")]
string HttpMethod { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("allHTTPHeaderFields")]
NSDictionary Headers { get; set; }
[Export ("setValue:forHTTPHeaderField:")]
void _SetValue (string value, string field);
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("HTTPBody")]
NSData Body { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("HTTPBodyStream")]
NSInputStream BodyStream { get; set; }
[Export ("HTTPShouldHandleCookies")]
bool ShouldHandleCookies { get; set; }
[Export ("networkServiceType")]
NSUrlRequestNetworkServiceType NetworkServiceType { set; get; }
[Export ("allowsCellularAccess")]
bool AllowsCellularAccess { get; set; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("allowsExpensiveNetworkAccess")]
bool AllowsExpensiveNetworkAccess { get; set; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("allowsConstrainedNetworkAccess")]
bool AllowsConstrainedNetworkAccess { get; set; }
[Watch (7, 4), TV (14, 5), Mac (11, 3), iOS (14, 5)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 5)]
[Export ("assumesHTTP3Capable")]
bool AssumesHttp3Capable { get; set; }
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("attribution", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSURLRequestAttribution Attribution { get; set; }
// Documented as 16.0 but did not work until 16.1 - https://github.com/xamarin/maccore/issues/2608 - https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/10897552
[Watch (9, 1), TV (16, 1), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 1)]
[MacCatalyst (16, 1)]
[Export ("requiresDNSSECValidation")]
bool RequiresDnsSecValidation { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLResponse")]
interface NSUrlResponse : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithURL:MIMEType:expectedContentLength:textEncodingName:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, string mimetype, nint expectedContentLength, [NullAllowed] string textEncodingName);
[Export ("URL")]
NSUrl Url { get; }
[Export ("MIMEType")]
string MimeType { get; }
[Export ("expectedContentLength")]
long ExpectedContentLength { get; }
[Export ("textEncodingName")]
string TextEncodingName { get; }
[Export ("suggestedFilename")]
string SuggestedFilename { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Delegates = new string [] { "WeakDelegate" }, Events = new Type [] { typeof (NSStreamDelegate) })]
interface NSStream {
[Export ("open")]
void Open ();
[Export ("close")]
void Close ();
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign), NullAllowed]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
NSStreamDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
#if NET
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("propertyForKey:")]
NSObject GetProperty (NSString key);
#if NET
[Export ("setProperty:forKey:")]
bool SetProperty ([NullAllowed] NSObject property, NSString key);
#if NET
[Export ("scheduleInRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString mode);
[Export ("removeFromRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString mode);
[Export ("scheduleInRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, string mode);
[Export ("removeFromRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, string mode);
[Wrap ("Schedule (aRunLoop, mode.GetConstant ()!)")]
void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSRunLoopMode mode);
[Wrap ("Unschedule (aRunLoop, mode.GetConstant ()!)")]
void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSRunLoopMode mode);
[Export ("streamStatus")]
NSStreamStatus Status { get; }
[Export ("streamError")]
NSError Error { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelKey")]
NSString SocketSecurityLevelKey { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone")]
NSString SocketSecurityLevelNone { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelSSLv2")]
NSString SocketSecurityLevelSslV2 { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelSSLv3")]
NSString SocketSecurityLevelSslV3 { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1")]
NSString SocketSecurityLevelTlsV1 { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelNegotiatedSSL")]
NSString SocketSecurityLevelNegotiatedSsl { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSOCKSProxyConfigurationKey")]
NSString SocksProxyConfigurationKey { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSOCKSProxyHostKey")]
NSString SocksProxyHostKey { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSOCKSProxyPortKey")]
NSString SocksProxyPortKey { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSOCKSProxyVersionKey")]
NSString SocksProxyVersionKey { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSOCKSProxyUserKey")]
NSString SocksProxyUserKey { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSOCKSProxyPasswordKey")]
NSString SocksProxyPasswordKey { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSOCKSProxyVersion4")]
NSString SocksProxyVersion4 { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSOCKSProxyVersion5")]
NSString SocksProxyVersion5 { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamDataWrittenToMemoryStreamKey")]
NSString DataWrittenToMemoryStreamKey { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamFileCurrentOffsetKey")]
NSString FileCurrentOffsetKey { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSocketSSLErrorDomain")]
NSString SocketSslErrorDomain { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamSOCKSErrorDomain")]
NSString SocksErrorDomain { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamNetworkServiceType")]
NSString NetworkServiceType { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP")]
NSString NetworkServiceTypeVoIP { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVideo")]
NSString NetworkServiceTypeVideo { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeBackground")]
NSString NetworkServiceTypeBackground { get; }
[Advanced, Field ("NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoice")]
NSString NetworkServiceTypeVoice { get; }
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeCallSignaling")]
NSString NetworkServiceTypeCallSignaling { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("getBoundStreamsWithBufferSize:inputStream:outputStream:")]
void GetBoundStreams (nuint bufferSize, out NSInputStream inputStream, out NSOutputStream outputStream);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("getStreamsToHostWithName:port:inputStream:outputStream:")]
void GetStreamsToHost (string hostname, nint port, out NSInputStream inputStream, out NSOutputStream outputStream);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSStreamDelegate {
[Export ("stream:handleEvent:"), EventArgs ("NSStream"), EventName ("OnEvent")]
void HandleEvent (NSStream theStream, NSStreamEvent streamEvent);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject)), Bind ("NSString")]
interface NSString2 : NSSecureCoding, NSMutableCopying, CKRecordValue
, NSPasteboardReading, NSPasteboardWriting // Documented that it implements NSPasteboard protocols even if header doesn't show it
, NSItemProviderReading, NSItemProviderWriting {
[Export ("initWithData:encoding:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData data, NSStringEncoding encoding);
[Bind ("sizeWithAttributes:")]
CGSize StringSize ([NullAllowed] NSDictionary attributedStringAttributes);
[Bind ("boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:")]
CGRect BoundingRectWithSize (CGSize size, NSStringDrawingOptions options, NSDictionary attributes);
[Bind ("drawAtPoint:withAttributes:")]
void DrawString (CGPoint point, NSDictionary attributes);
[Bind ("drawInRect:withAttributes:")]
void DrawString (CGRect rect, NSDictionary attributes);
[Bind ("drawWithRect:options:attributes:")]
void DrawString (CGRect rect, NSStringDrawingOptions options, NSDictionary attributes);
[Export ("characterAtIndex:")]
char _characterAtIndex (nint index);
[Export ("length")]
nint Length { get; }
[Export ("isEqualToString:")]
bool IsEqualTo (IntPtr handle);
[Export ("compare:")]
NSComparisonResult Compare (NSString aString);
[Export ("compare:options:")]
NSComparisonResult Compare (NSString aString, NSStringCompareOptions mask);
[Export ("compare:options:range:")]
NSComparisonResult Compare (NSString aString, NSStringCompareOptions mask, NSRange range);
[Export ("compare:options:range:locale:")]
NSComparisonResult Compare (NSString aString, NSStringCompareOptions mask, NSRange range, [NullAllowed] NSLocale locale);
[Export ("stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:withString:")]
NSString Replace (NSRange range, NSString replacement);
[Export ("commonPrefixWithString:options:")]
NSString CommonPrefix (NSString aString, NSStringCompareOptions options);
// start methods from NSStringPathExtensions category
[Export ("pathWithComponents:")]
string [] PathWithComponents (string [] components);
[Export ("pathComponents")]
string [] PathComponents { get; }
[Export ("isAbsolutePath")]
bool IsAbsolutePath { get; }
[Export ("lastPathComponent")]
NSString LastPathComponent { get; }
[Export ("stringByDeletingLastPathComponent")]
NSString DeleteLastPathComponent ();
[Export ("stringByAppendingPathComponent:")]
NSString AppendPathComponent (NSString str);
[Export ("pathExtension")]
NSString PathExtension { get; }
[Export ("stringByDeletingPathExtension")]
NSString DeletePathExtension ();
[Export ("stringByAppendingPathExtension:")]
NSString AppendPathExtension (NSString str);
[Export ("stringByAbbreviatingWithTildeInPath")]
NSString AbbreviateTildeInPath ();
[Export ("stringByExpandingTildeInPath")]
NSString ExpandTildeInPath ();
[Export ("stringByStandardizingPath")]
NSString StandarizePath ();
[Export ("stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath")]
NSString ResolveSymlinksInPath ();
[Export ("stringsByAppendingPaths:")]
string [] AppendPaths (string [] paths);
// end methods from NSStringPathExtensions category
[Export ("capitalizedStringWithLocale:")]
string Capitalize ([NullAllowed] NSLocale locale);
[Export ("lowercaseStringWithLocale:")]
string ToLower (NSLocale locale);
[Export ("uppercaseStringWithLocale:")]
string ToUpper (NSLocale locale);
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("containsString:")]
bool Contains (NSString str);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("localizedCaseInsensitiveContainsString:")]
bool LocalizedCaseInsensitiveContains (NSString str);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Static, Export ("stringEncodingForData:encodingOptions:convertedString:usedLossyConversion:")]
nuint DetectStringEncoding (NSData rawData, NSDictionary options, out string convertedString, out bool usedLossyConversion);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Wrap ("DetectStringEncoding(rawData,options.GetDictionary ()!, out convertedString, out usedLossyConversion)")]
nuint DetectStringEncoding (NSData rawData, EncodingDetectionOptions options, out string convertedString, out bool usedLossyConversion);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Internal, Field ("NSStringEncodingDetectionSuggestedEncodingsKey")]
NSString EncodingDetectionSuggestedEncodingsKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Internal, Field ("NSStringEncodingDetectionDisallowedEncodingsKey")]
NSString EncodingDetectionDisallowedEncodingsKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Internal, Field ("NSStringEncodingDetectionUseOnlySuggestedEncodingsKey")]
NSString EncodingDetectionUseOnlySuggestedEncodingsKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Internal, Field ("NSStringEncodingDetectionAllowLossyKey")]
NSString EncodingDetectionAllowLossyKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Internal, Field ("NSStringEncodingDetectionFromWindowsKey")]
NSString EncodingDetectionFromWindowsKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Internal, Field ("NSStringEncodingDetectionLossySubstitutionKey")]
NSString EncodingDetectionLossySubstitutionKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Internal, Field ("NSStringEncodingDetectionLikelyLanguageKey")]
NSString EncodingDetectionLikelyLanguageKey { get; }
[Export ("lineRangeForRange:")]
NSRange LineRangeForRange (NSRange range);
[Export ("getLineStart:end:contentsEnd:forRange:")]
void GetLineStart (out nuint startPtr, out nuint lineEndPtr, out nuint contentsEndPtr, NSRange range);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("variantFittingPresentationWidth:")]
NSString GetVariantFittingPresentationWidth (nint width);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("localizedStandardContainsString:")]
bool LocalizedStandardContainsString (NSString str);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("localizedStandardRangeOfString:")]
NSRange LocalizedStandardRangeOfString (NSString str);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("localizedUppercaseString")]
NSString LocalizedUppercaseString { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("localizedLowercaseString")]
NSString LocalizedLowercaseString { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("localizedCapitalizedString")]
NSString LocalizedCapitalizedString { get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("stringByApplyingTransform:reverse:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSString TransliterateString (NSString transform, bool reverse);
[Export ("hasPrefix:")]
bool HasPrefix (NSString prefix);
[Export ("hasSuffix:")]
bool HasSuffix (NSString suffix);
// UNUserNotificationCenterSupport category
[iOS (10, 0), Watch (3, 0), NoTV, Mac (10, 14)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("localizedUserNotificationStringForKey:arguments:")]
NSString GetLocalizedUserNotificationString (NSString key, [Params][NullAllowed] NSObject [] arguments);
[Export ("getParagraphStart:end:contentsEnd:forRange:")]
void GetParagraphPositions (out nuint paragraphStartPosition, out nuint paragraphEndPosition, out nuint contentsEndPosition, NSRange range);
[Export ("paragraphRangeForRange:")]
NSRange GetParagraphRange (NSRange range);
[Export ("componentsSeparatedByString:")]
NSString [] SeparateComponents (NSString separator);
[Export ("componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:")]
NSString [] SeparateComponents (NSCharacterSet separator);
// From the NSItemProviderReading protocol
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("readableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
new string [] ReadableTypeIdentifiers { get; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("objectWithItemProviderData:typeIdentifier:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
new NSString GetObject (NSData data, string typeIdentifier, [NullAllowed] out NSError outError);
// From the NSItemProviderWriting protocol
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("writableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
new string [] WritableTypeIdentifiers { get; }
[StrongDictionary ("NSString")]
interface EncodingDetectionOptions {
NSStringEncoding [] EncodingDetectionSuggestedEncodings { get; set; }
NSStringEncoding [] EncodingDetectionDisallowedEncodings { get; set; }
bool EncodingDetectionUseOnlySuggestedEncodings { get; set; }
bool EncodingDetectionAllowLossy { get; set; }
bool EncodingDetectionFromWindows { get; set; }
NSString EncodingDetectionLossySubstitution { get; set; }
NSString EncodingDetectionLikelyLanguage { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSString))]
// hack: it seems that generator.cs can't track NSCoding correctly ? maybe because the type is named NSString2 at that time
interface NSMutableString : NSCoding {
[Export ("initWithCapacity:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nint capacity);
[PreSnippet ("Check (index);", Optimizable = true)]
[Export ("insertString:atIndex:")]
void Insert (NSString str, nint index);
[PreSnippet ("Check (range);", Optimizable = true)]
[Export ("deleteCharactersInRange:")]
void DeleteCharacters (NSRange range);
[Export ("appendString:")]
void Append (NSString str);
[Export ("setString:")]
void SetString (NSString str);
[PreSnippet ("Check (range);", Optimizable = true)]
[Export ("replaceOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range:")]
nuint ReplaceOcurrences (NSString target, NSString replacement, NSStringCompareOptions options, NSRange range);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("applyTransform:reverse:range:updatedRange:")]
bool ApplyTransform (NSString transform, bool reverse, NSRange range, out NSRange resultingRange);
[iOS (9, 0)]
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Wrap ("ApplyTransform (transform.GetConstant ()!, reverse, range, out resultingRange)")]
bool ApplyTransform (NSStringTransform transform, bool reverse, NSRange range, out NSRange resultingRange);
[Export ("replaceCharactersInRange:withString:")]
void ReplaceCharactersInRange (NSRange range, NSString aString);
[Category, BaseType (typeof (NSString))]
partial interface NSUrlUtilities_NSString {
[Export ("stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:")]
NSString CreateStringByAddingPercentEncoding (NSCharacterSet allowedCharacters);
[Export ("stringByRemovingPercentEncoding")]
NSString CreateStringByRemovingPercentEncoding ();
[Export ("stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:")]
NSString CreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes (NSStringEncoding enc);
[Export ("stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:")]
NSString CreateStringByReplacingPercentEscapes (NSStringEncoding enc);
// This comes from UIKit.framework/Headers/NSStringDrawing.h
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSStringDrawingContext {
[Export ("minimumScaleFactor")]
nfloat MinimumScaleFactor { get; set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1)]
[Export ("minimumTrackingAdjustment")]
nfloat MinimumTrackingAdjustment { get; set; }
[Export ("actualScaleFactor")]
nfloat ActualScaleFactor { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1)]
[Export ("actualTrackingAdjustment")]
nfloat ActualTrackingAdjustment { get; }
[Export ("totalBounds")]
CGRect TotalBounds { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSStream))]
[DefaultCtorVisibility (Visibility.Protected)]
interface NSInputStream {
[Export ("hasBytesAvailable")]
bool HasBytesAvailable ();
[Export ("initWithFileAtPath:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string path);
[Export ("initWithData:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData data);
[Export ("initWithURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url);
[Export ("inputStreamWithData:")]
NSInputStream FromData (NSData data);
[Export ("inputStreamWithFileAtPath:")]
NSInputStream FromFile (string path);
[Export ("inputStreamWithURL:")]
NSInputStream FromUrl (NSUrl url);
#if NET
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("propertyForKey:"), Override]
NSObject GetProperty (NSString key);
[Export ("setProperty:forKey:"), Override]
bool SetProperty ([NullAllowed] NSObject property, NSString key);
delegate bool NSEnumerateLinguisticTagsEnumerator (NSString tag, NSRange tokenRange, NSRange sentenceRange, ref bool stop);
[BaseType (typeof (NSString))]
interface NSLinguisticAnalysis {
#if NET
[return: BindAs (typeof (NSLinguisticTag []))]
[return: BindAs (typeof (NSLinguisticTagUnit []))]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("linguisticTagsInRange:scheme:options:orthography:tokenRanges:")]
NSString [] GetLinguisticTags (NSRange range, NSString scheme, NSLinguisticTaggerOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSOrthography orthography, [NullAllowed] out NSValue [] tokenRanges);
[Wrap ("GetLinguisticTags (This, range, scheme.GetConstant ()!, options, orthography, out tokenRanges)")]
#if NET
NSLinguisticTag[] GetLinguisticTags (NSRange range, NSLinguisticTagScheme scheme, NSLinguisticTaggerOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSOrthography orthography, [NullAllowed] out NSValue[] tokenRanges);
NSLinguisticTagUnit [] GetLinguisticTags (NSRange range, NSLinguisticTagScheme scheme, NSLinguisticTaggerOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSOrthography orthography, [NullAllowed] out NSValue [] tokenRanges);
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("enumerateLinguisticTagsInRange:scheme:options:orthography:usingBlock:")]
void EnumerateLinguisticTags (NSRange range, NSString scheme, NSLinguisticTaggerOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSOrthography orthography, NSEnumerateLinguisticTagsEnumerator handler);
[Wrap ("EnumerateLinguisticTags (This, range, scheme.GetConstant ()!, options, orthography, handler)")]
void EnumerateLinguisticTags (NSRange range, NSLinguisticTagScheme scheme, NSLinguisticTaggerOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSOrthography orthography, NSEnumerateLinguisticTagsEnumerator handler);
// We expose NSString versions of these methods because it could
// avoid an extra lookup in cases where there is a large volume of
// calls being made and the keys are mostly tokens
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject)), Bind ("NSObject")]
interface NSObject2 : NSObjectProtocol {
// those are to please the compiler while creating the definition .dll
// but, for the final binary, we'll be using manually bounds alternatives
// not the generated code
#pragma warning disable 108
[Export ("conformsToProtocol:")]
bool ConformsToProtocol (NativeHandle /* Protocol */ aProtocol);
[Export ("retain")]
NSObject DangerousRetain ();
[Export ("release")]
void DangerousRelease ();
[Export ("autorelease")]
NSObject DangerousAutorelease ();
#pragma warning restore 108
[Export ("doesNotRecognizeSelector:")]
void DoesNotRecognizeSelector (Selector sel);
[Export ("observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:")]
void ObserveValue (NSString keyPath, NSObject ofObject, NSDictionary change, IntPtr context);
[Export ("addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:")]
void AddObserver (NSObject observer, NSString keyPath, NSKeyValueObservingOptions options, IntPtr context);
[Wrap ("AddObserver (observer, (NSString) keyPath, options, context)")]
void AddObserver (NSObject observer, string keyPath, NSKeyValueObservingOptions options, IntPtr context);
[Export ("removeObserver:forKeyPath:context:")]
void RemoveObserver (NSObject observer, NSString keyPath, IntPtr context);
[Wrap ("RemoveObserver (observer, (NSString) keyPath, context)")]
void RemoveObserver (NSObject observer, string keyPath, IntPtr context);
[Export ("removeObserver:forKeyPath:")]
void RemoveObserver (NSObject observer, NSString keyPath);
[Wrap ("RemoveObserver (observer, (NSString) keyPath)")]
void RemoveObserver (NSObject observer, string keyPath);
[Export ("willChangeValueForKey:")]
void WillChangeValue (string forKey);
[Export ("didChangeValueForKey:")]
void DidChangeValue (string forKey);
[Export ("willChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey:")]
void WillChange (NSKeyValueChange changeKind, NSIndexSet indexes, NSString forKey);
[Export ("didChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey:")]
void DidChange (NSKeyValueChange changeKind, NSIndexSet indexes, NSString forKey);
[Export ("willChangeValueForKey:withSetMutation:usingObjects:")]
void WillChange (NSString forKey, NSKeyValueSetMutationKind mutationKind, NSSet objects);
[Export ("didChangeValueForKey:withSetMutation:usingObjects:")]
void DidChange (NSString forKey, NSKeyValueSetMutationKind mutationKind, NSSet objects);
[Static, Export ("keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey:")]
NSSet GetKeyPathsForValuesAffecting (NSString key);
[Static, Export ("automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:")]
bool AutomaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey (string key);
[Export ("valueForKey:")]
NSObject ValueForKey (NSString key);
[Export ("setValue:forKey:")]
void SetValueForKey (NSObject value, NSString key);
[Export ("valueForKeyPath:")]
NSObject ValueForKeyPath (NSString keyPath);
[Export ("setValue:forKeyPath:")]
void SetValueForKeyPath (NSObject value, NSString keyPath);
[Export ("valueForUndefinedKey:")]
NSObject ValueForUndefinedKey (NSString key);
[Export ("setValue:forUndefinedKey:")]
void SetValueForUndefinedKey (NSObject value, NSString undefinedKey);
[Export ("setNilValueForKey:")]
void SetNilValueForKey (NSString key);
[Export ("dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:")]
NSDictionary GetDictionaryOfValuesFromKeys (NSString [] keys);
[Export ("setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:")]
void SetValuesForKeysWithDictionary (NSDictionary keyedValues);
[Field ("NSKeyValueChangeKindKey")]
NSString ChangeKindKey { get; }
[Field ("NSKeyValueChangeNewKey")]
NSString ChangeNewKey { get; }
[Field ("NSKeyValueChangeOldKey")]
NSString ChangeOldKey { get; }
[Field ("NSKeyValueChangeIndexesKey")]
NSString ChangeIndexesKey { get; }
[Field ("NSKeyValueChangeNotificationIsPriorKey")]
NSString ChangeNotificationIsPriorKey { get; }
// Cocoa Bindings added by Kenneth J. Pouncey 2010/11/17
#if !NET
[Export ("valueClassForBinding:")]
Class GetBindingValueClass (NSString binding);
#if !NET
[Obsolete ("Use 'Bind (NSString binding, NSObject observable, string keyPath, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options)' instead.")]
[Export ("bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:")]
void Bind (string binding, NSObject observable, string keyPath, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options);
[Obsolete ("Use 'Unbind (NSString binding)' instead.")]
[Export ("unbind:")]
void Unbind (string binding);
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetBindingValueClass (NSString binding)' instead.")]
[Export ("valueClassForBinding:")]
Class BindingValueClass (string binding);
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetBindingInfo (NSString binding)' instead.")]
[Export ("infoForBinding:")]
NSDictionary BindingInfo (string binding);
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetBindingOptionDescriptions (NSString aBinding)' instead.")]
[Export ("optionDescriptionsForBinding:")]
NSObject [] BindingOptionDescriptions (string aBinding);
[Wrap ("GetDefaultPlaceholder (marker, (NSString) binding)")]
NSObject GetDefaultPlaceholder (NSObject marker, string binding);
[Obsolete ("Use 'SetDefaultPlaceholder (NSObject placeholder, NSObject marker, NSString binding)' instead.")]
[Wrap ("SetDefaultPlaceholder (placeholder, marker, (NSString) binding)")]
void SetDefaultPlaceholder (NSObject placeholder, NSObject marker, string binding);
[Export ("exposedBindings")]
NSString [] ExposedBindings ();
[Export ("exposedBindings")]
NSString[] ExposedBindings { get; }
#if !NET
[Export ("bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:")]
void Bind (NSString binding, NSObject observable, string keyPath, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options);
#if !NET
[Export ("unbind:")]
void Unbind (NSString binding);
#if !NET
[Export ("infoForBinding:")]
NSDictionary GetBindingInfo (NSString binding);
#if !NET
[Export ("optionDescriptionsForBinding:")]
NSObject [] GetBindingOptionDescriptions (NSString aBinding);
// NSPlaceholders (informal) protocol
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15)]
[Export ("defaultPlaceholderForMarker:withBinding:")]
NSObject GetDefaultPlaceholder (NSObject marker, NSString binding);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15)]
[Export ("setDefaultPlaceholder:forMarker:withBinding:")]
void SetDefaultPlaceholder (NSObject placeholder, NSObject marker, NSString binding);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, message: "Now on 'NSEditor' protocol.")]
[Export ("objectDidEndEditing:")]
void ObjectDidEndEditing (NSObject editor);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, message: "Now on 'NSEditor' protocol.")]
[Export ("commitEditing")]
bool CommitEditing ();
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, message: "Now on 'NSEditor' protocol.")]
[Export ("commitEditingWithDelegate:didCommitSelector:contextInfo:")]
void CommitEditing (NSObject objDelegate, Selector didCommitSelector, IntPtr contextInfo);
[Export ("methodForSelector:")]
IntPtr GetMethodForSelector (Selector sel);
[PreSnippet ("if (!(this is INSCopying)) throw new InvalidOperationException (\"Type does not conform to NSCopying\");", Optimizable = true)]
[Export ("copy")]
[return: Release ()]
NSObject Copy ();
[PreSnippet ("if (!(this is INSMutableCopying)) throw new InvalidOperationException (\"Type does not conform to NSMutableCopying\");", Optimizable = true)]
[Export ("mutableCopy")]
[return: Release ()]
NSObject MutableCopy ();
// Extra Perform methods, with selectors
[Export ("performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes:")]
void PerformSelector (Selector selector, [NullAllowed] NSObject withObject, double afterDelay, NSString [] nsRunLoopModes);
[Export ("performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:")]
void PerformSelector (Selector selector, [NullAllowed] NSObject withObject, double delay);
[Export ("performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:")]
void PerformSelector (Selector selector, NSThread onThread, [NullAllowed] NSObject withObject, bool waitUntilDone);
[Export ("performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes:")]
void PerformSelector (Selector selector, NSThread onThread, [NullAllowed] NSObject withObject, bool waitUntilDone, [NullAllowed] NSString [] nsRunLoopModes);
[Static, Export ("cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:")]
void CancelPreviousPerformRequest (NSObject aTarget);
[Static, Export ("cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:selector:object:")]
void CancelPreviousPerformRequest (NSObject aTarget, Selector selector, [NullAllowed] NSObject argument);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("prepareForInterfaceBuilder")]
void PrepareForInterfaceBuilder ();
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
// comes from NSNibAwaking category and does not requires calling super
[RequiresSuper] // comes from UINibLoadingAdditions category - which is decorated
[Export ("awakeFromNib")]
void AwakeFromNib ();
[NoWatch, TV (13, 0), iOS (13, 0), NoMac]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("accessibilityRespondsToUserInteraction")]
bool AccessibilityRespondsToUserInteraction { get; set; }
[NoWatch, TV (13, 0), iOS (13, 0), NoMac]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("accessibilityUserInputLabels", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
string [] AccessibilityUserInputLabels { get; set; }
[NoWatch, TV (13, 0), iOS (13, 0), NoMac]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("accessibilityAttributedUserInputLabels", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSAttributedString [] AccessibilityAttributedUserInputLabels { get; set; }
[NoWatch, TV (13, 0), iOS (13, 0), NoMac]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("accessibilityTextualContext", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
string AccessibilityTextualContext { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Mac (10, 14)]
interface NSBindingSelectionMarker : NSCopying {
[Export ("multipleValuesSelectionMarker", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSBindingSelectionMarker MultipleValuesSelectionMarker { get; }
[Export ("noSelectionMarker", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSBindingSelectionMarker NoSelectionMarker { get; }
[Export ("notApplicableSelectionMarker", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSBindingSelectionMarker NotApplicableSelectionMarker { get; }
[Mac (10, 15)]
[Export ("setDefaultPlaceholder:forMarker:onClass:withBinding:")]
void SetDefaultPlaceholder ([NullAllowed] NSObject placeholder, [NullAllowed] NSBindingSelectionMarker marker, Class objectClass, string binding);
[Mac (10, 15)]
[Export ("defaultPlaceholderForMarker:onClass:withBinding:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject GetDefaultPlaceholder ([NullAllowed] NSBindingSelectionMarker marker, Class objectClass, string binding);
[Protocol (Name = "NSObject")] // exists both as a type and a protocol in ObjC, Swift uses NSObjectProtocol
interface NSObjectProtocol {
[Export ("description")]
string Description { get; }
[Export ("debugDescription")]
string DebugDescription { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("superclass")]
Class Superclass { get; }
// defined multiple times (method, property and even static), one (not static) is required
// and that match Apple's documentation
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("hash")]
nuint GetNativeHash ();
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("isEqual:")]
bool IsEqual ([NullAllowed] NSObject anObject);
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("class")]
Class Class { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
[Export ("self")]
NSObject Self { get; }
[Export ("performSelector:")]
NSObject PerformSelector (Selector aSelector);
[Export ("performSelector:withObject:")]
NSObject PerformSelector (Selector aSelector, [NullAllowed] NSObject anObject);
[Export ("performSelector:withObject:withObject:")]
NSObject PerformSelector (Selector aSelector, [NullAllowed] NSObject object1, [NullAllowed] NSObject object2);
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("isProxy")]
bool IsProxy { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("isKindOfClass:")]
bool IsKindOfClass ([NullAllowed] Class aClass);
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("isMemberOfClass:")]
bool IsMemberOfClass ([NullAllowed] Class aClass);
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("conformsToProtocol:")]
bool ConformsToProtocol ([NullAllowed] NativeHandle /* Protocol */ aProtocol);
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("respondsToSelector:")]
bool RespondsToSelector ([NullAllowed] Selector sel);
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("retain")]
NSObject DangerousRetain ();
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("release")]
void DangerousRelease ();
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("autorelease")]
NSObject DangerousAutorelease ();
[Export ("retainCount")]
nuint RetainCount { get; }
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("zone")]
NSZone Zone { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSOperation {
[Export ("start")]
void Start ();
[Export ("main")]
void Main ();
[Export ("isCancelled")]
bool IsCancelled { get; }
[Export ("cancel")]
void Cancel ();
[Export ("isExecuting")]
bool IsExecuting { get; }
[Export ("isFinished")]
bool IsFinished { get; }
[Export ("isConcurrent")]
bool IsConcurrent { get; }
[Export ("isReady")]
bool IsReady { get; }
[Export ("addDependency:")]
[PostGet ("Dependencies")]
void AddDependency (NSOperation op);
[Export ("removeDependency:")]
[PostGet ("Dependencies")]
void RemoveDependency (NSOperation op);
[Export ("dependencies")]
NSOperation [] Dependencies { get; }
[Export ("completionBlock", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
Action CompletionBlock { get; set; }
[Export ("waitUntilFinished")]
void WaitUntilFinished ();
[Export ("threadPriority")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 2, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 10)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1)]
double ThreadPriority { get; set; }
//Detected properties
[Export ("queuePriority")]
NSOperationQueuePriority QueuePriority { get; set; }
[Export ("asynchronous")]
bool Asynchronous { [Bind ("isAsynchronous")] get; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("qualityOfService")]
NSQualityOfService QualityOfService { get; set; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSOperation))]
interface NSBlockOperation {
[Export ("blockOperationWithBlock:")]
NSBlockOperation Create (/* non null */ Action method);
[Export ("addExecutionBlock:")]
void AddExecutionBlock (/* non null */ Action method);
[Export ("executionBlocks")]
NSObject [] ExecutionBlocks { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSOperationQueue : NSProgressReporting {
[Export ("addOperation:")]
[PostGet ("Operations")]
void AddOperation ([NullAllowed] NSOperation op);
[Export ("addOperations:waitUntilFinished:")]
[PostGet ("Operations")]
void AddOperations ([NullAllowed] NSOperation [] operations, bool waitUntilFinished);
[Export ("addOperationWithBlock:")]
[PostGet ("Operations")]
void AddOperation (/* non null */ Action operation);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, 0, message: "This API should not be used as it is subject to race conditions. If synchronization is needed use 'AddBarrier' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "This API should not be used as it is subject to race conditions. If synchronization is needed use 'AddBarrier' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "This API should not be used as it is subject to race conditions. If synchronization is needed use 'AddBarrier' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "This API should not be used as it is subject to race conditions. If synchronization is needed use 'AddBarrier' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "This API should not be used as it is subject to race conditions. If synchronization is needed use 'AddBarrier' instead.")]
[Export ("operations")]
NSOperation [] Operations { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1)]
[Export ("operationCount")]
nint OperationCount { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("addBarrierBlock:")]
void AddBarrier (Action barrier);
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; set; }
[Export ("cancelAllOperations")]
[PostGet ("Operations")]
void CancelAllOperations ();
[Export ("waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished")]
void WaitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished ();
[Export ("currentQueue", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSOperationQueue CurrentQueue { get; }
[Export ("mainQueue", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSOperationQueue MainQueue { get; }
//Detected properties
[Export ("maxConcurrentOperationCount")]
nint MaxConcurrentOperationCount { get; set; }
[Export ("suspended")]
bool Suspended { [Bind ("isSuspended")] get; set; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("qualityOfService")]
NSQualityOfService QualityOfService { get; set; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("underlyingQueue", ArgumentSemantic.UnsafeUnretained)]
DispatchQueue UnderlyingQueue { get; set; }
interface NSOrderedSet<TKey> : NSOrderedSet { }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSOrderedSet : NSSecureCoding, NSMutableCopying {
[Export ("initWithObject:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSObject start);
[Export ("initWithArray:"), Internal]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSArray array);
[Export ("initWithSet:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSSet source);
[Export ("initWithOrderedSet:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSOrderedSet source);
[Export ("count")]
nint Count { get; }
[Export ("objectAtIndex:")]
IntPtr _GetObject (nint idx);
[Export ("objectAtIndex:"), Internal]
NSObject GetObject (nint idx);
[Export ("array"), Internal]
IntPtr _ToArray ();
[Export ("indexOfObject:")]
nint _IndexOf (IntPtr obj);
[Export ("indexOfObject:")]
nint IndexOf (NSObject obj);
[Export ("objectEnumerator"), Internal]
NSEnumerator _GetEnumerator ();
[Export ("set")]
IntPtr _AsSet ();
[Export ("set")]
NSSet AsSet ();
[Export ("containsObject:")]
bool _Contains (IntPtr obj);
[Export ("containsObject:")]
bool Contains (NSObject obj);
[Export ("firstObject")]
IntPtr _FirstObject ();
[Export ("firstObject")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject FirstObject ();
[Export ("lastObject")]
IntPtr _LastObject ();
[Export ("lastObject")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject LastObject ();
[Export ("isEqualToOrderedSet:")]
bool IsEqualToOrderedSet (NSOrderedSet other);
[Export ("intersectsOrderedSet:")]
bool Intersects (NSOrderedSet other);
[Export ("intersectsSet:")]
bool Intersects (NSSet other);
[Export ("isSubsetOfOrderedSet:")]
bool IsSubset (NSOrderedSet other);
[Export ("isSubsetOfSet:")]
bool IsSubset (NSSet other);
[Export ("reversedOrderedSet")]
NSOrderedSet GetReverseOrderedSet ();
#if false // https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/15577
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Wrap ("Runtime.GetNSObject <NSOrderedCollectionDifference> (_GetDifference (other, options))")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSOrderedCollectionDifference GetDifference (NSOrderedSet other, NSOrderedCollectionDifferenceCalculationOptions options);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("differenceFromOrderedSet:withOptions:")]
IntPtr _GetDifference (NSOrderedSet other, NSOrderedCollectionDifferenceCalculationOptions options);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Wrap ("Runtime.GetNSObject <NSOrderedCollectionDifference> (_GetDifference (other))")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSOrderedCollectionDifference GetDifference (NSOrderedSet other);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("differenceFromOrderedSet:")]
IntPtr _GetDifference (NSOrderedSet other);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Wrap ("Runtime.GetNSObject <NSOrderedSet> (_GetOrderedSet (difference))")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSOrderedSet GetOrderedSet (NSOrderedCollectionDifference difference);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("orderedSetByApplyingDifference:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
IntPtr _GetOrderedSet (NSOrderedCollectionDifference difference);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("differenceFromOrderedSet:withOptions:usingEquivalenceTest:")]
/* NSOrderedCollectionDifference<NSObject>*/ IntPtr _GetDifference (NSOrderedSet other, NSOrderedCollectionDifferenceCalculationOptions options, /* Func<NSObject, NSObject, bool> */ ref BlockLiteral block);
interface NSMutableOrderedSet<TKey> : NSMutableOrderedSet { }
[BaseType (typeof (NSOrderedSet))]
interface NSMutableOrderedSet {
[Export ("initWithObject:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSObject start);
[Export ("initWithSet:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSSet source);
[Export ("initWithOrderedSet:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSOrderedSet source);
[Export ("initWithCapacity:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nint capacity);
[Export ("initWithArray:"), Internal]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSArray array);
[Export ("unionSet:"), Internal]
void UnionSet (NSSet other);
[Export ("minusSet:"), Internal]
void MinusSet (NSSet other);
[Export ("unionOrderedSet:"), Internal]
void UnionSet (NSOrderedSet other);
[Export ("minusOrderedSet:"), Internal]
void MinusSet (NSOrderedSet other);
[Export ("insertObject:atIndex:")]
void _Insert (IntPtr obj, nint atIndex);
[Export ("insertObject:atIndex:")]
void Insert (NSObject obj, nint atIndex);
[Export ("removeObjectAtIndex:")]
void Remove (nint index);
[Export ("replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject:")]
void _Replace (nint objectAtIndex, IntPtr newObject);
[Export ("replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject:")]
void Replace (nint objectAtIndex, NSObject newObject);
[Export ("addObject:")]
void _Add (IntPtr obj);
[Export ("addObject:")]
void Add (NSObject obj);
[Export ("addObjectsFromArray:")]
void _AddObjects (NSArray source);
[Export ("addObjectsFromArray:")]
void AddObjects (NSObject [] source);
[Export ("insertObjects:atIndexes:")]
void _InsertObjects (NSArray objects, NSIndexSet atIndexes);
[Export ("insertObjects:atIndexes:")]
void InsertObjects (NSObject [] objects, NSIndexSet atIndexes);
[Export ("removeObjectsAtIndexes:")]
void RemoveObjects (NSIndexSet indexSet);
[Export ("exchangeObjectAtIndex:withObjectAtIndex:")]
void ExchangeObject (nint first, nint second);
[Export ("moveObjectsAtIndexes:toIndex:")]
void MoveObjects (NSIndexSet indexSet, nint destination);
[Export ("setObject:atIndex:")]
void _SetObject (IntPtr obj, nint index);
[Export ("setObject:atIndex:")]
void SetObject (NSObject obj, nint index);
[Export ("replaceObjectsAtIndexes:withObjects:")]
void _ReplaceObjects (NSIndexSet indexSet, NSArray replacementObjects);
[Export ("replaceObjectsAtIndexes:withObjects:")]
void ReplaceObjects (NSIndexSet indexSet, NSObject [] replacementObjects);
[Export ("removeObjectsInRange:")]
void RemoveObjects (NSRange range);
[Export ("removeAllObjects")]
void RemoveAllObjects ();
[Export ("removeObject:")]
void _RemoveObject (IntPtr obj);
[Export ("removeObject:")]
void RemoveObject (NSObject obj);
[Export ("removeObjectsInArray:")]
void _RemoveObjects (NSArray objects);
[Export ("removeObjectsInArray:")]
void RemoveObjects (NSObject [] objects);
[Export ("intersectOrderedSet:")]
void Intersect (NSOrderedSet intersectWith);
[Export ("intersectSet:")]
void Intersect (NSSet intersectWith);
[Export ("sortUsingComparator:")]
void Sort (NSComparator comparator);
[Export ("sortWithOptions:usingComparator:")]
void Sort (NSSortOptions sortOptions, NSComparator comparator);
[Export ("sortRange:options:usingComparator:")]
void SortRange (NSRange range, NSSortOptions sortOptions, NSComparator comparator);
#if false // https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/15577
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("applyDifference:")]
void _ApplyDifference (IntPtr difference);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("applyDifference:")]
void ApplyDifference (NSOrderedCollectionDifference<NSObject> difference);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
// Objective-C exception thrown. Name: NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: *** -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil
interface NSOrthography : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("dominantScript")]
string DominantScript { get; }
[Export ("languageMap")]
NSDictionary LanguageMap { get; }
[Export ("dominantLanguage")]
string DominantLanguage { get; }
[Export ("allScripts")]
string [] AllScripts { get; }
[Export ("allLanguages")]
string [] AllLanguages { get; }
[Export ("languagesForScript:")]
string [] LanguagesForScript (string script);
[Export ("dominantLanguageForScript:")]
string DominantLanguageForScript (string script);
[Export ("initWithDominantScript:languageMap:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string dominantScript, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary languageMap);
[BaseType (typeof (NSStream))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // crash when used
interface NSOutputStream {
[Export ("initToMemory")]
NativeHandle Constructor ();
[Export ("hasSpaceAvailable")]
bool HasSpaceAvailable ();
//[Export ("initToBuffer:capacity:")]
//NativeHandle Constructor (uint8_t buffer, NSUInteger capacity);
[Export ("initToFileAtPath:append:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string path, bool shouldAppend);
[Export ("outputStreamToMemory")]
NSObject OutputStreamToMemory ();
//[Export ("outputStreamToBuffer:capacity:")]
//NSObject OutputStreamToBuffer (uint8_t buffer, NSUInteger capacity);
[Export ("outputStreamToFileAtPath:append:")]
NSOutputStream CreateFile (string path, bool shouldAppend);
#if NET
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("propertyForKey:"), Override]
NSObject GetProperty (NSString key);
[Export ("setProperty:forKey:"), Override]
bool SetProperty ([NullAllowed] NSObject property, NSString key);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSHTTPCookie")]
// default 'init' crash both simulator and devices
interface NSHttpCookie {
[Export ("initWithProperties:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSDictionary properties);
[Export ("cookieWithProperties:"), Static]
NSHttpCookie CookieFromProperties (NSDictionary properties);
[Export ("requestHeaderFieldsWithCookies:"), Static]
NSDictionary RequestHeaderFieldsWithCookies (NSHttpCookie [] cookies);
[Export ("cookiesWithResponseHeaderFields:forURL:"), Static]
NSHttpCookie [] CookiesWithResponseHeaderFields (NSDictionary headerFields, NSUrl url);
[Export ("properties")]
NSDictionary Properties { get; }
[Export ("version")]
nuint Version { get; }
[Export ("value")]
string Value { get; }
[Export ("expiresDate")]
NSDate ExpiresDate { get; }
[Export ("isSessionOnly")]
bool IsSessionOnly { get; }
[Export ("domain")]
string Domain { get; }
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; }
[Export ("path")]
string Path { get; }
[Export ("isSecure")]
bool IsSecure { get; }
[Export ("isHTTPOnly")]
bool IsHttpOnly { get; }
[Export ("comment")]
string Comment { get; }
[Export ("commentURL")]
NSUrl CommentUrl { get; }
[Export ("portList")]
NSNumber [] PortList { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieName")]
NSString KeyName { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieValue")]
NSString KeyValue { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieOriginURL")]
NSString KeyOriginUrl { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieVersion")]
NSString KeyVersion { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieDomain")]
NSString KeyDomain { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookiePath")]
NSString KeyPath { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieSecure")]
NSString KeySecure { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieExpires")]
NSString KeyExpires { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieComment")]
NSString KeyComment { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieCommentURL")]
NSString KeyCommentUrl { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieDiscard")]
NSString KeyDiscard { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieMaximumAge")]
NSString KeyMaximumAge { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookiePort")]
NSString KeyPort { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieSameSitePolicy")]
NSString KeySameSitePolicy { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieSameSiteLax")]
NSString KeySameSiteLax { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieSameSiteStrict")]
NSString KeySameSiteStrict { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("sameSitePolicy")]
NSString SameSitePolicy { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSHTTPCookieStorage")]
// NSHTTPCookieStorage implements a singleton object -> use SharedStorage since 'init' returns NIL
interface NSHttpCookieStorage {
[Export ("sharedHTTPCookieStorage", ArgumentSemantic.Strong), Static]
NSHttpCookieStorage SharedStorage { get; }
[Export ("cookies")]
NSHttpCookie [] Cookies { get; }
[Export ("setCookie:")]
void SetCookie (NSHttpCookie cookie);
[Export ("deleteCookie:")]
void DeleteCookie (NSHttpCookie cookie);
[Export ("cookiesForURL:")]
NSHttpCookie [] CookiesForUrl (NSUrl url);
[Export ("setCookies:forURL:mainDocumentURL:")]
void SetCookies (NSHttpCookie [] cookies, NSUrl forUrl, NSUrl mainDocumentUrl);
[Export ("cookieAcceptPolicy")]
NSHttpCookieAcceptPolicy AcceptPolicy { get; set; }
[Export ("sortedCookiesUsingDescriptors:")]
NSHttpCookie [] GetSortedCookies (NSSortDescriptor [] sortDescriptors);
// @required - (void)removeCookiesSinceDate:(NSDate *)date;
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("removeCookiesSinceDate:")]
void RemoveCookiesSinceDate (NSDate date);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("sharedCookieStorageForGroupContainerIdentifier:")]
NSHttpCookieStorage GetSharedCookieStorage (string groupContainerIdentifier);
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("getCookiesForTask:completionHandler:")]
void GetCookiesForTask (NSUrlSessionTask task, Action<NSHttpCookie []> completionHandler);
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("storeCookies:forTask:")]
void StoreCookies (NSHttpCookie [] cookies, NSUrlSessionTask task);
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieManagerAcceptPolicyChangedNotification")]
NSString CookiesChangedNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSHTTPCookieManagerCookiesChangedNotification")]
NSString AcceptPolicyChangedNotification { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlResponse), Name = "NSHTTPURLResponse")]
interface NSHttpUrlResponse {
[Export ("initWithURL:MIMEType:expectedContentLength:textEncodingName:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, string mimetype, nint expectedContentLength, [NullAllowed] string textEncodingName);
[Export ("initWithURL:statusCode:HTTPVersion:headerFields:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, nint statusCode, [NullAllowed] string httpVersion, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary headerFields);
[Export ("statusCode")]
nint StatusCode { get; }
[Export ("allHeaderFields")]
NSDictionary AllHeaderFields { get; }
[Export ("localizedStringForStatusCode:")]
string LocalizedStringForStatusCode (nint statusCode);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("valueForHTTPHeaderField:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
string GetHttpHeaderValue (string headerField);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // An uncaught exception was raised: -[__NSCFDictionary removeObjectForKey:]: attempt to remove nil key
partial interface NSBundle {
[Export ("mainBundle")]
NSBundle MainBundle { get; }
[Export ("bundleWithPath:")]
NSBundle FromPath (string path);
[Export ("initWithPath:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string path);
[Export ("bundleForClass:")]
NSBundle FromClass (Class c);
[Export ("bundleWithIdentifier:")]
NSBundle FromIdentifier (string str);
#if !XAMCORE_5_0
[Export ("allBundles")]
NSArray _InternalAllBundles { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use the 'AllBundles' property instead.")]
[Wrap ("_InternalAllBundles")]
NSBundle [] _AllBundles { get; }
[Wrap ("_InternalAllBundles")]
NSBundle [] AllBundles { get; }
[Export ("allBundles")][Static]
NSBundle [] AllBundles { get; }
[Export ("allFrameworks")]
NSBundle [] AllFrameworks { get; }
[Export ("load")]
bool Load ();
[Export ("isLoaded")]
bool IsLoaded { get; }
[Export ("unload")]
bool Unload ();
[Export ("bundlePath")]
string BundlePath { get; }
[Export ("resourcePath")]
string ResourcePath { get; }
[Export ("executablePath")]
string ExecutablePath { get; }
[Export ("pathForAuxiliaryExecutable:")]
string PathForAuxiliaryExecutable (string s);
[Export ("privateFrameworksPath")]
string PrivateFrameworksPath { get; }
[Export ("sharedFrameworksPath")]
string SharedFrameworksPath { get; }
[Export ("sharedSupportPath")]
string SharedSupportPath { get; }
[Export ("builtInPlugInsPath")]
string BuiltinPluginsPath { get; }
[Export ("bundleIdentifier")]
string BundleIdentifier { get; }
[Export ("classNamed:")]
Class ClassNamed (string className);
[Export ("principalClass")]
Class PrincipalClass { get; }
[Export ("pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:")]
string PathForResourceAbsolute (string name, [NullAllowed] string ofType, string bundleDirectory);
[Export ("pathForResource:ofType:")]
string PathForResource (string name, [NullAllowed] string ofType);
[Export ("pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:")]
string PathForResource (string name, [NullAllowed] string ofType, [NullAllowed] string subpath);
[Export ("pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:forLocalization:")]
string PathForResource (string name, [NullAllowed] string ofType, string subpath, string localizationName);
[Export ("localizedStringForKey:value:table:")]
NSString GetLocalizedString ([NullAllowed] NSString key, [NullAllowed] NSString value, [NullAllowed] NSString table);
[Export ("objectForInfoDictionaryKey:")]
NSObject ObjectForInfoDictionary (string key);
[Export ("developmentLocalization")]
string DevelopmentLocalization { get; }
[Export ("infoDictionary")]
NSDictionary InfoDictionary { get; }
// Additions from AppKit
[Export ("loadNibNamed:owner:topLevelObjects:")]
bool LoadNibNamed (string nibName, [NullAllowed] NSObject owner, out NSArray topLevelObjects);
// https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/Classes/NSBundle_AppKitAdditions/Reference/Reference.html
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 8)]
[Export ("loadNibNamed:owner:")]
bool LoadNib (string nibName, NSObject owner);
[Export ("pathForImageResource:")]
string PathForImageResource (string resource);
[Export ("pathForSoundResource:")]
string PathForSoundResource (string resource);
[Export ("URLForImageResource:")]
NSUrl GetUrlForImageResource (string resource);
[Export ("contextHelpForKey:")]
NSAttributedString GetContextHelp (string key);
// http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/NSBundle_UIKitAdditions/Introduction/Introduction.html
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("loadNibNamed:owner:options:")]
NSArray LoadNib (string nibName, [NullAllowed] NSObject owner, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options);
[Export ("bundleURL")]
NSUrl BundleUrl { get; }
[Export ("resourceURL")]
NSUrl ResourceUrl { get; }
[Export ("executableURL")]
NSUrl ExecutableUrl { get; }
[Export ("URLForAuxiliaryExecutable:")]
NSUrl UrlForAuxiliaryExecutable (string executable);
[Export ("privateFrameworksURL")]
NSUrl PrivateFrameworksUrl { get; }
[Export ("sharedFrameworksURL")]
NSUrl SharedFrameworksUrl { get; }
[Export ("sharedSupportURL")]
NSUrl SharedSupportUrl { get; }
[Export ("builtInPlugInsURL")]
NSUrl BuiltInPluginsUrl { get; }
[Export ("initWithURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url);
[Static, Export ("bundleWithURL:")]
NSBundle FromUrl (NSUrl url);
[Export ("preferredLocalizations")]
string [] PreferredLocalizations { get; }
[Export ("localizations")]
string [] Localizations { get; }
[Export ("appStoreReceiptURL")]
NSUrl AppStoreReceiptUrl { get; }
[Export ("pathsForResourcesOfType:inDirectory:")]
string [] PathsForResources (string fileExtension, [NullAllowed] string subDirectory);
[Export ("pathsForResourcesOfType:inDirectory:forLocalization:")]
string [] PathsForResources (string fileExtension, [NullAllowed] string subDirectory, [NullAllowed] string localizationName);
[Static, Export ("pathsForResourcesOfType:inDirectory:")]
string [] GetPathsForResources (string fileExtension, string bundlePath);
[Static, Export ("URLForResource:withExtension:subdirectory:inBundleWithURL:")]
NSUrl GetUrlForResource (string name, string fileExtension, [NullAllowed] string subdirectory, NSUrl bundleURL);
[Static, Export ("URLsForResourcesWithExtension:subdirectory:inBundleWithURL:")]
NSUrl [] GetUrlsForResourcesWithExtension (string fileExtension, [NullAllowed] string subdirectory, NSUrl bundleURL);
[Export ("URLForResource:withExtension:")]
NSUrl GetUrlForResource (string name, string fileExtension);
[Export ("URLForResource:withExtension:subdirectory:")]
NSUrl GetUrlForResource (string name, string fileExtension, [NullAllowed] string subdirectory);
[Export ("URLForResource:withExtension:subdirectory:localization:")]
NSUrl GetUrlForResource (string name, string fileExtension, [NullAllowed] string subdirectory, [NullAllowed] string localizationName);
[Export ("URLsForResourcesWithExtension:subdirectory:")]
NSUrl [] GetUrlsForResourcesWithExtension (string fileExtension, [NullAllowed] string subdirectory);
[Export ("URLsForResourcesWithExtension:subdirectory:localization:")]
NSUrl [] GetUrlsForResourcesWithExtension (string fileExtension, [NullAllowed] string subdirectory, [NullAllowed] string localizationName);
[iOS (9, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("preservationPriorityForTag:")]
double GetPreservationPriority (NSString tag);
[iOS (9, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("setPreservationPriority:forTags:")]
void SetPreservationPriority (double priority, NSSet<NSString> tags);
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("localizedAttributedStringForKey:value:table:")]
NSAttributedString GetLocalizedAttributedString (string key, [NullAllowed] string value, [NullAllowed] string tableName);
[iOS (9, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSBundleResourceRequest : NSProgressReporting {
[Export ("initWithTags:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSSet<NSString> tags);
[Export ("initWithTags:bundle:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSSet<NSString> tags, NSBundle bundle);
[Export ("loadingPriority")]
double LoadingPriority { get; set; }
[Export ("tags", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSSet<NSString> Tags { get; }
[Export ("bundle", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSBundle Bundle { get; }
[Export ("beginAccessingResourcesWithCompletionHandler:")]
void BeginAccessingResources (Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("conditionallyBeginAccessingResourcesWithCompletionHandler:")]
void ConditionallyBeginAccessingResources (Action<bool> completionHandler);
[Export ("endAccessingResources")]
void EndAccessingResources ();
[Field ("NSBundleResourceRequestLowDiskSpaceNotification")]
NSString LowDiskSpaceNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSBundleResourceRequestLoadingPriorityUrgent")]
double LoadingPriorityUrgent { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSIndexPath : NSCoding, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("indexPathWithIndex:")]
NSIndexPath FromIndex (nuint index);
[Export ("indexPathWithIndexes:length:")]
NSIndexPath _FromIndex (IntPtr indexes, nint len);
[Export ("indexPathByAddingIndex:")]
NSIndexPath IndexPathByAddingIndex (nuint index);
[Export ("indexPathByRemovingLastIndex")]
NSIndexPath IndexPathByRemovingLastIndex ();
[Export ("indexAtPosition:")]
nuint IndexAtPosition (nint position);
[Export ("length")]
nint Length { get; }
[Export ("getIndexes:")]
void _GetIndexes (IntPtr target);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("getIndexes:range:")]
void _GetIndexes (IntPtr target, NSRange positionRange);
[Export ("compare:")]
nint Compare (NSIndexPath other);
// NSIndexPath UIKit Additions Reference
// https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/UIKit/Reference/NSIndexPath_UIKitAdditions/Reference/Reference.html
// see monotouch/src/UIKit/Addition.cs for int-returning Row/Section properties
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("row")]
nint LongRow { get; }
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("section")]
nint LongSection { get; }
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("indexPathForRow:inSection:")]
NSIndexPath FromRowSection (nint row, nint section);
[Mac (10, 11)]
[Export ("section")]
nint Section { get; }
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("indexPathForItem:inSection:")]
NSIndexPath FromItemSection (nint item, nint section);
[Export ("item")]
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
nint Item { get; }
delegate void NSRangeIterator (NSRange range, ref bool stop);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSIndexSet : NSCoding, NSSecureCoding, NSMutableCopying {
[Static, Export ("indexSetWithIndex:")]
NSIndexSet FromIndex (nint idx);
[Static, Export ("indexSetWithIndexesInRange:")]
NSIndexSet FromNSRange (NSRange indexRange);
[Export ("initWithIndex:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nuint index);
[Export ("initWithIndexSet:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSIndexSet other);
[Export ("count")]
nint Count { get; }
[Export ("isEqualToIndexSet:")]
bool IsEqual (NSIndexSet other);
[Export ("firstIndex")]
nuint FirstIndex { get; }
[Export ("lastIndex")]
nuint LastIndex { get; }
[Export ("indexGreaterThanIndex:")]
nuint IndexGreaterThan (nuint index);
[Export ("indexLessThanIndex:")]
nuint IndexLessThan (nuint index);
[Export ("indexGreaterThanOrEqualToIndex:")]
nuint IndexGreaterThanOrEqual (nuint index);
[Export ("indexLessThanOrEqualToIndex:")]
nuint IndexLessThanOrEqual (nuint index);
[Export ("containsIndex:")]
bool Contains (nuint index);
[Export ("containsIndexes:")]
bool Contains (NSIndexSet indexes);
[Export ("enumerateRangesUsingBlock:")]
void EnumerateRanges (NSRangeIterator iterator);
[Export ("enumerateRangesWithOptions:usingBlock:")]
void EnumerateRanges (NSEnumerationOptions opts, NSRangeIterator iterator);
[Export ("enumerateRangesInRange:options:usingBlock:")]
void EnumerateRanges (NSRange range, NSEnumerationOptions opts, NSRangeIterator iterator);
[Export ("enumerateIndexesUsingBlock:")]
void EnumerateIndexes (EnumerateIndexSetCallback enumeratorCallback);
[Export ("enumerateIndexesWithOptions:usingBlock:")]
void EnumerateIndexes (NSEnumerationOptions opts, EnumerateIndexSetCallback enumeratorCallback);
[Export ("enumerateIndexesInRange:options:usingBlock:")]
void EnumerateIndexes (NSRange range, NSEnumerationOptions opts, EnumerateIndexSetCallback enumeratorCallback);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // from the docs: " you should not create these objects using alloc and init."
interface NSInvocation {
[Export ("selector")]
Selector Selector { get; set; }
[Export ("target", ArgumentSemantic.Assign), NullAllowed]
NSObject Target { get; set; }
// FIXME: We need some special marshaling support to handle these buffers...
[Internal, Export ("setArgument:atIndex:")]
void _SetArgument (IntPtr buffer, nint index);
[Internal, Export ("getArgument:atIndex:")]
void _GetArgument (IntPtr buffer, nint index);
[Internal, Export ("setReturnValue:")]
void _SetReturnValue (IntPtr buffer);
[Internal, Export ("getReturnValue:")]
void _GetReturnValue (IntPtr buffer);
[Export ("invoke")]
void Invoke ();
[Export ("invokeWithTarget:")]
void Invoke (NSObject target);
[Export ("methodSignature")]
NSMethodSignature MethodSignature { get; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)] // Not defined in 32-bit
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
partial interface NSItemProvider : NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithItem:typeIdentifier:")]
NativeHandle Constructor ([NullAllowed] NSObject item, string typeIdentifier);
[Export ("initWithContentsOfURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl fileUrl);
[Export ("registeredTypeIdentifiers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string [] RegisteredTypeIdentifiers { get; }
[Export ("registerItemForTypeIdentifier:loadHandler:")]
void RegisterItemForTypeIdentifier (string typeIdentifier, NSItemProviderLoadHandler loadHandler);
[Export ("hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier:")]
bool HasItemConformingTo (string typeIdentifier);
[Export ("loadItemForTypeIdentifier:options:completionHandler:")]
void LoadItem (string typeIdentifier, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options, [NullAllowed] Action<NSObject, NSError> completionHandler);
[Field ("NSItemProviderPreferredImageSizeKey")]
NSString PreferredImageSizeKey { get; }
[Export ("setPreviewImageHandler:")]
void SetPreviewImageHandler (NSItemProviderLoadHandler handler);
[Export ("loadPreviewImageWithOptions:completionHandler:")]
void LoadPreviewImage (NSDictionary options, Action<NSObject, NSError> completionHandler);
[Field ("NSItemProviderErrorDomain")]
NSString ErrorDomain { get; }
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch, NoMacCatalyst]
[Export ("sourceFrame")]
CGRect SourceFrame { get; }
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch, NoMacCatalyst]
[Export ("containerFrame")]
CGRect ContainerFrame { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV]
[iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("preferredPresentationSize")]
CGSize PreferredPresentationSize {
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch, NoMacCatalyst]
[Mac (10, 12)] // [Async] handled by NSItemProvider.cs for backwards compat reasons
[Export ("registerCloudKitShareWithPreparationHandler:")]
void RegisterCloudKitShare (CloudKitRegistrationPreparationAction preparationHandler);
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch, NoMacCatalyst]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[Export ("registerCloudKitShare:container:")]
void RegisterCloudKitShare (CKShare share, CKContainer container);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("registerDataRepresentationForTypeIdentifier:visibility:loadHandler:")]
void RegisterDataRepresentation (string typeIdentifier, NSItemProviderRepresentationVisibility visibility, RegisterDataRepresentationLoadHandler loadHandler);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("registerFileRepresentationForTypeIdentifier:fileOptions:visibility:loadHandler:")]
void RegisterFileRepresentation (string typeIdentifier, NSItemProviderFileOptions fileOptions, NSItemProviderRepresentationVisibility visibility, RegisterFileRepresentationLoadHandler loadHandler);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("registeredTypeIdentifiersWithFileOptions:")]
string [] GetRegisteredTypeIdentifiers (NSItemProviderFileOptions fileOptions);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("hasRepresentationConformingToTypeIdentifier:fileOptions:")]
bool HasConformingRepresentation (string typeIdentifier, NSItemProviderFileOptions fileOptions);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Async, Export ("loadDataRepresentationForTypeIdentifier:completionHandler:")]
NSProgress LoadDataRepresentation (string typeIdentifier, Action<NSData, NSError> completionHandler);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Async, Export ("loadFileRepresentationForTypeIdentifier:completionHandler:")]
NSProgress LoadFileRepresentation (string typeIdentifier, Action<NSUrl, NSError> completionHandler);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Async (ResultTypeName = "LoadInPlaceResult"), Export ("loadInPlaceFileRepresentationForTypeIdentifier:completionHandler:")]
NSProgress LoadInPlaceFileRepresentation (string typeIdentifier, LoadInPlaceFileRepresentationHandler completionHandler);
[NoWatch, NoTV, iOS (11, 0)]
[Mac (10, 14)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("suggestedName")]
string SuggestedName { get; set; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initWithObject:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (INSItemProviderWriting @object);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("registerObject:visibility:")]
void RegisterObject (INSItemProviderWriting @object, NSItemProviderRepresentationVisibility visibility);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("registerObjectOfClass:visibility:loadHandler:")]
void RegisterObject (Class aClass, NSItemProviderRepresentationVisibility visibility, RegisterObjectRepresentationLoadHandler loadHandler);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Wrap ("RegisterObject (new Class (type), visibility, loadHandler)")]
void RegisterObject (Type type, NSItemProviderRepresentationVisibility visibility, RegisterObjectRepresentationLoadHandler loadHandler);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("canLoadObjectOfClass:")]
bool CanLoadObject (Class aClass);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Wrap ("CanLoadObject (new Class (type))")]
bool CanLoadObject (Type type);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Async, Export ("loadObjectOfClass:completionHandler:")]
NSProgress LoadObject (Class aClass, Action<INSItemProviderReading, NSError> completionHandler);
// NSItemProvider_UIKitAdditions category
[NoWatch, NoTV]
[iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("teamData", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData TeamData { get; set; }
[NoWatch, NoTV]
[iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("preferredPresentationStyle", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
UIPreferredPresentationStyle PreferredPresentationStyle { get; set; }
// extension methods from CloudKit
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0), MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Export ("registerCKShareWithContainer:allowedSharingOptions:preparationHandler:")]
void RegisterCKShare (CKContainer container, CKAllowedSharingOptions allowedOptions, Action preparationHandler);
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0), MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Export ("registerCKShare:container:allowedSharingOptions:")]
void RegisterCKShare (CKShare share, CKContainer container, CKAllowedSharingOptions allowedOptions);
// from interface UTType (NSItemProvider)
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0), MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Export ("initWithContentsOfURL:contentType:openInPlace:coordinated:visibility:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl fileUrl, [NullAllowed] UTType contentType, bool openInPlace, bool coordinated, NSItemProviderRepresentationVisibility visibility);
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0), MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Export ("registerDataRepresentationForContentType:visibility:loadHandler:")]
void RegisterDataRepresentation (UTType contentType, NSItemProviderRepresentationVisibility visibility, NSItemProviderUTTypeLoadDelegate loadHandler);
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0), MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Export ("registerFileRepresentationForContentType:visibility:openInPlace:loadHandler:")]
void RegisterFileRepresentation (UTType contentType, NSItemProviderRepresentationVisibility visibility, bool openInPlace, NSItemProviderUTTypeLoadDelegate loadHandler);
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0), MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Export ("registeredContentTypes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UTType [] RegisteredContentTypes { get; }
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0), MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Export ("registeredContentTypesForOpenInPlace", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UTType [] RegisteredContentTypesForOpenInPlace { get; }
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0), MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Export ("registeredContentTypesConformingToContentType:")]
UTType [] RegisteredContentTypesConforming (UTType contentType);
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0), MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Export ("loadDataRepresentationForContentType:completionHandler:")]
NSProgress LoadDataRepresentation (UTType contentType, ItemProviderDataCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0), MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Export ("loadFileRepresentationForContentType:openInPlace:completionHandler:")]
NSProgress LoadFileRepresentation (UTType contentType, bool openInPlace, LoadFileRepresentationHandler completionHandler);
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0), MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
delegate NSProgress NSItemProviderUTTypeLoadDelegate ([BlockCallback] ItemProviderDataCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0), MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
delegate void LoadFileRepresentationHandler (NSUrl fileUrl, bool openInPlace, NSError error);
delegate NSProgress RegisterFileRepresentationLoadHandler ([BlockCallback] RegisterFileRepresentationCompletionHandler completionHandler);
delegate void RegisterFileRepresentationCompletionHandler (NSUrl fileUrl, bool coordinated, NSError error);
delegate void ItemProviderDataCompletionHandler (NSData data, NSError error);
delegate NSProgress RegisterDataRepresentationLoadHandler ([BlockCallback] ItemProviderDataCompletionHandler completionHandler);
delegate void LoadInPlaceFileRepresentationHandler (NSUrl fileUrl, bool isInPlace, NSError error);
delegate NSProgress RegisterObjectRepresentationLoadHandler ([BlockCallback] RegisterObjectRepresentationCompletionHandler completionHandler);
delegate void RegisterObjectRepresentationCompletionHandler (INSItemProviderWriting @object, NSError error);
interface INSItemProviderReading { }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
interface NSItemProviderReading {
// This static method has to be implemented on each class that implements
// this, this is not a capability that exists in C#.
// We are inlining these on each class that implements NSItemProviderReading
// for the sake of the method being callable from C#, for user code, the
// user needs to manually [Export] the selector on a static method, like
// they do for the "layer" property on CALayer subclasses.
[Static, Abstract]
[Export ("readableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string [] ReadableTypeIdentifiers { get; }
[Static, Abstract]
[Export ("objectWithItemProviderData:typeIdentifier:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
INSItemProviderReading GetObject (NSData data, string typeIdentifier, [NullAllowed] out NSError outError);
interface INSItemProviderWriting { }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
interface NSItemProviderWriting {
// This static method has to be implemented on each class that implements
// this, this is not a capability that exists in C#.
// We are inlining these on each class that implements NSItemProviderWriting
// for the sake of the method being callable from C#, for user code, the
// user needs to manually [Export] the selector on a static method, like
// they do for the "layer" property on CALayer subclasses.
[Static, Abstract]
[Export ("writableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string [] WritableTypeIdentifiers { get; }
// This is an optional method, which means the generator will inline it in any classes
// that implements this interface. Unfortunately none of the native classes that implements
// the protocol actually implements this method, which means that inlining the method will cause
// introspection to complain (rightly). So comment out this method to avoid generator a lot of unusable API.
// See also https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=59308.
// [Static]
// [Export ("itemProviderVisibilityForRepresentationWithTypeIdentifier:")]
// NSItemProviderRepresentationVisibility GetItemProviderVisibility (string typeIdentifier);
[Export ("writableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
// 'WritableTypeIdentifiers' is a nicer name, but there's a static property with that name.
string [] WritableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider { get; }
[Export ("itemProviderVisibilityForRepresentationWithTypeIdentifier:")]
// 'GetItemProviderVisibility' is a nicer name, but there's a static method with that name.
NSItemProviderRepresentationVisibility GetItemProviderVisibilityForTypeIdentifier (string typeIdentifier);
[Async, Export ("loadDataWithTypeIdentifier:forItemProviderCompletionHandler:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSProgress LoadData (string typeIdentifier, Action<NSData, NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
partial interface NSJavaScriptExtension {
[Field ("NSExtensionJavaScriptPreprocessingResultsKey")]
NSString PreprocessingResultsKey { get; }
[Field ("NSExtensionJavaScriptFinalizeArgumentKey")]
NSString FinalizeArgumentKey { get; }
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
interface NSTypeIdentifier {
[Field ("NSTypeIdentifierDateText")]
NSString DateText { get; }
[Field ("NSTypeIdentifierAddressText")]
NSString AddressText { get; }
[Field ("NSTypeIdentifierPhoneNumberText")]
NSString PhoneNumberText { get; }
[Field ("NSTypeIdentifierTransitInformationText")]
NSString TransitInformationText { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // `init` returns a null handle
interface NSMethodSignature {
[Export ("signatureWithObjCTypes:")]
NSMethodSignature FromObjcTypes (IntPtr utf8objctypes);
[Export ("numberOfArguments")]
nuint NumberOfArguments { get; }
[Export ("frameLength")]
nuint FrameLength { get; }
[Export ("methodReturnLength")]
nuint MethodReturnLength { get; }
[Export ("isOneway")]
bool IsOneway { get; }
[Export ("getArgumentTypeAtIndex:")]
IntPtr GetArgumentType (nuint index);
[Export ("methodReturnType")]
IntPtr MethodReturnType { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSJSONSerialization")]
// Objective-C exception thrown. Name: NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: *** +[NSJSONSerialization allocWithZone:]: Do not create instances of NSJSONSerialization in this release
interface NSJsonSerialization {
[Export ("isValidJSONObject:")]
bool IsValidJSONObject (NSObject obj);
[Export ("dataWithJSONObject:options:error:")]
NSData Serialize (NSObject obj, NSJsonWritingOptions opt, out NSError error);
[Export ("JSONObjectWithData:options:error:")]
NSObject Deserialize (NSData data, NSJsonReadingOptions opt, out NSError error);
[Export ("writeJSONObject:toStream:options:error:")]
nint Serialize (NSObject obj, NSOutputStream stream, NSJsonWritingOptions opt, out NSError error);
[Export ("JSONObjectWithStream:options:error:")]
NSObject Deserialize (NSInputStream stream, NSJsonReadingOptions opt, out NSError error);
[BaseType (typeof (NSIndexSet))]
interface NSMutableIndexSet : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("initWithIndex:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nuint index);
[Export ("initWithIndexSet:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSIndexSet other);
[Export ("addIndexes:")]
void Add (NSIndexSet other);
[Export ("removeIndexes:")]
void Remove (NSIndexSet other);
[Export ("removeAllIndexes")]
void Clear ();
[Export ("addIndex:")]
void Add (nuint index);
[Export ("removeIndex:")]
void Remove (nuint index);
[Export ("shiftIndexesStartingAtIndex:by:")]
void ShiftIndexes (nuint startIndex, nint delta);
[Export ("addIndexesInRange:")]
void AddIndexesInRange (NSRange range);
[Export ("removeIndexesInRange:")]
void RemoveIndexesInRange (NSRange range);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 12, 0, message: "Use the Network.framework instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 15, 0, message: "Use the Network.framework instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 15, 0, message: "Use the Network.framework instead.")]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 15, 0, message: "Use the Network.framework instead.")]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // the instance just crash when trying to call selectors
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Delegates = new string [] { "WeakDelegate" }, Events = new Type [] { typeof (NSNetServiceDelegate) })]
interface NSNetService {
[Export ("initWithDomain:type:name:port:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string domain, string type, string name, int /* int, not NSInteger */ port);
[Export ("initWithDomain:type:name:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string domain, string type, string name);
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign), NullAllowed]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
NSNetServiceDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
#if NET
[Export ("scheduleInRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString forMode);
// For consistency with other APIs (NSUrlConnection) we call this Unschedule
[Export ("removeFromRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString forMode);
[Export ("scheduleInRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, string forMode);
// For consistency with other APIs (NSUrlConnection) we call this Unschedule
[Export ("removeFromRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, string forMode);
[Wrap ("Schedule (aRunLoop, forMode.GetConstant ()!)")]
void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSRunLoopMode forMode);
[Wrap ("Unschedule (aRunLoop, forMode.GetConstant ()!)")]
void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSRunLoopMode forMode);
[Export ("domain", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Domain { get; }
[Export ("type", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Type { get; }
[Export ("name", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Name { get; }
[Export ("addresses", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData [] Addresses { get; }
[Export ("port")]
nint Port { get; }
[Export ("publish")]
void Publish ();
[Export ("publishWithOptions:")]
void Publish (NSNetServiceOptions options);
[Export ("resolve")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 2, 0, message: "Use 'Resolve (double)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 4, message: "Use 'Resolve (double)' instead.")]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'Resolve (double)' instead.")]
void Resolve ();
[Export ("resolveWithTimeout:")]
void Resolve (double timeOut);
[Export ("stop")]
void Stop ();
[Static, Export ("dictionaryFromTXTRecordData:")]
NSDictionary DictionaryFromTxtRecord (NSData data);
[Static, Export ("dataFromTXTRecordDictionary:")]
NSData DataFromTxtRecord (NSDictionary dictionary);
[Export ("hostName", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string HostName { get; }
[Export ("getInputStream:outputStream:")]
bool GetStreams (out NSInputStream inputStream, out NSOutputStream outputStream);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("TXTRecordData")]
NSData GetTxtRecordData ();
[Export ("setTXTRecordData:")]
bool SetTxtRecordData ([NullAllowed] NSData data);
//NSData TxtRecordData { get; set; }
[Export ("startMonitoring")]
void StartMonitoring ();
[Export ("stopMonitoring")]
void StopMonitoring ();
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("includesPeerToPeer")]
bool IncludesPeerToPeer { get; set; }
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Model, BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSNetServiceDelegate {
[Export ("netServiceWillPublish:")]
void WillPublish (NSNetService sender);
[Export ("netServiceDidPublish:")]
void Published (NSNetService sender);
[Export ("netService:didNotPublish:"), EventArgs ("NSNetServiceError")]
void PublishFailure (NSNetService sender, NSDictionary errors);
[Export ("netServiceWillResolve:")]
void WillResolve (NSNetService sender);
[Export ("netServiceDidResolveAddress:")]
void AddressResolved (NSNetService sender);
[Export ("netService:didNotResolve:"), EventArgs ("NSNetServiceError")]
void ResolveFailure (NSNetService sender, NSDictionary errors);
[Export ("netServiceDidStop:")]
void Stopped (NSNetService sender);
[Export ("netService:didUpdateTXTRecordData:"), EventArgs ("NSNetServiceData")]
void UpdatedTxtRecordData (NSNetService sender, NSData data);
[Export ("netService:didAcceptConnectionWithInputStream:outputStream:"), EventArgs ("NSNetServiceConnection")]
void DidAcceptConnection (NSNetService sender, NSInputStream inputStream, NSOutputStream outputStream);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 12, 0, message: "Use the Network.framework instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 15, 0, message: "Use the Network.framework instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 15, 0, message: "Use the Network.framework instead.")]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 15, 0, message: "Use the Network.framework instead.")]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject),
Delegates = new string [] { "WeakDelegate" },
Events = new Type [] { typeof (NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate) })]
interface NSNetServiceBrowser {
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign), NullAllowed]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
#if NET
[Export ("scheduleInRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString forMode);
// For consistency with other APIs (NSUrlConnection) we call this Unschedule
[Export ("removeFromRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString forMode);
[Export ("scheduleInRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, string forMode);
// For consistency with other APIs (NSUrlConnection) we call this Unschedule
[Export ("removeFromRunLoop:forMode:")]
void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, string forMode);
[Wrap ("Schedule (aRunLoop, forMode.GetConstant ()!)")]
void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSRunLoopMode forMode);
[Wrap ("Unschedule (aRunLoop, forMode.GetConstant ()!)")]
void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSRunLoopMode forMode);
[Export ("searchForBrowsableDomains")]
void SearchForBrowsableDomains ();
[Export ("searchForRegistrationDomains")]
void SearchForRegistrationDomains ();
[Export ("searchForServicesOfType:inDomain:")]
void SearchForServices (string type, string domain);
[Export ("stop")]
void Stop ();
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("includesPeerToPeer")]
bool IncludesPeerToPeer { get; set; }
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Model, BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate {
[Export ("netServiceBrowserWillSearch:")]
void SearchStarted (NSNetServiceBrowser sender);
[Export ("netServiceBrowserDidStopSearch:")]
void SearchStopped (NSNetServiceBrowser sender);
[Export ("netServiceBrowser:didNotSearch:"), EventArgs ("NSNetServiceError")]
void NotSearched (NSNetServiceBrowser sender, NSDictionary errors);
[Export ("netServiceBrowser:didFindDomain:moreComing:"), EventArgs ("NSNetDomain")]
void FoundDomain (NSNetServiceBrowser sender, string domain, bool moreComing);
[Export ("netServiceBrowser:didFindService:moreComing:"), EventArgs ("NSNetService")]
void FoundService (NSNetServiceBrowser sender, NSNetService service, bool moreComing);
[Export ("netServiceBrowser:didRemoveDomain:moreComing:"), EventArgs ("NSNetDomain")]
void DomainRemoved (NSNetServiceBrowser sender, string domain, bool moreComing);
[Export ("netServiceBrowser:didRemoveService:moreComing:"), EventArgs ("NSNetService")]
void ServiceRemoved (NSNetServiceBrowser sender, NSNetService service, bool moreComing);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
// Objective-C exception thrown. Name: NSGenericException Reason: *** -[NSConcreteNotification init]: should never be used
[DisableDefaultCtor] // added in iOS7 but header files says "do not invoke; not a valid initializer for this class"
interface NSNotification : NSCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("name")]
// Null not allowed
string Name { get; }
[Export ("object")]
NSObject Object { get; }
[Export ("userInfo")]
NSDictionary UserInfo { get; }
[Export ("notificationWithName:object:")]
NSNotification FromName (string name, [NullAllowed] NSObject obj);
[Export ("notificationWithName:object:userInfo:")]
NSNotification FromName (string name, [NullAllowed] NSObject obj, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary userInfo);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSNotificationCenter {
[Export ("defaultCenter", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSNotificationCenter DefaultCenter { get; }
[Export ("addObserver:selector:name:object:")]
[PostSnippet ("AddObserverToList (observer, aName, anObject);", Optimizable = true)]
void AddObserver (NSObject observer, Selector aSelector, [NullAllowed] NSString aName, [NullAllowed] NSObject anObject);
[Export ("postNotification:")]
void PostNotification (NSNotification notification);
[Export ("postNotificationName:object:")]
void PostNotificationName (string aName, [NullAllowed] NSObject anObject);
[Export ("postNotificationName:object:userInfo:")]
void PostNotificationName (string aName, [NullAllowed] NSObject anObject, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary aUserInfo);
[Export ("removeObserver:")]
[PostSnippet ("RemoveObserversFromList (observer, null, null);", Optimizable = true)]
void RemoveObserver (NSObject observer);
[Export ("removeObserver:name:object:")]
[PostSnippet ("RemoveObserversFromList (observer, aName, anObject);", Optimizable = true)]
void RemoveObserver (NSObject observer, [NullAllowed] string aName, [NullAllowed] NSObject anObject);
[Export ("addObserverForName:object:queue:usingBlock:")]
NSObject AddObserver ([NullAllowed] string name, [NullAllowed] NSObject obj, [NullAllowed] NSOperationQueue queue, Action<NSNotification> handler);
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSDistributedLock {
[Export ("lockWithPath:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSDistributedLock FromPath (string path);
[Export ("initWithPath:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string path);
[Export ("tryLock")]
bool TryLock ();
[Export ("unlock")]
void Unlock ();
[Export ("breakLock")]
void BreakLock ();
[Export ("lockDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate LockDate { get; }
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSNotificationCenter))]
interface NSDistributedNotificationCenter {
[Export ("defaultCenter")]
#if NET
NSDistributedNotificationCenter DefaultCenter { get; }
NSDistributedNotificationCenter GetDefaultCenter ();
[Advice ("Use 'GetDefaultCenter ()' for a strongly typed version.")]
[Wrap ("GetDefaultCenter ()")]
NSObject DefaultCenter { get; }
[Export ("addObserver:selector:name:object:suspensionBehavior:")]
void AddObserver (NSObject observer, Selector selector, [NullAllowed] string notificationName, [NullAllowed] string notificationSenderc, NSNotificationSuspensionBehavior suspensionBehavior);
[Export ("postNotificationName:object:userInfo:deliverImmediately:")]
void PostNotificationName (string name, [NullAllowed] string anObject, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary userInfo, bool deliverImmediately);
[Export ("postNotificationName:object:userInfo:options:")]
void PostNotificationName (string name, [NullAllowed] string anObjecb, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary userInfo, NSNotificationFlags options);
[Export ("addObserver:selector:name:object:")]
void AddObserver (NSObject observer, Selector aSelector, [NullAllowed] string aName, [NullAllowed] NSObject anObject);
[Export ("postNotificationName:object:")]
void PostNotificationName (string aName, [NullAllowed] string anObject);
[Export ("postNotificationName:object:userInfo:")]
void PostNotificationName (string aName, [NullAllowed] string anObject, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary aUserInfo);
[Export ("removeObserver:name:object:")]
void RemoveObserver (NSObject observer, [NullAllowed] string aName, [NullAllowed] NSObject anObject);
//Detected properties
[Export ("suspended")]
bool Suspended { get; set; }
[Field ("NSLocalNotificationCenterType")]
NSString NSLocalNotificationCenterType { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSNotificationQueue {
[Export ("defaultQueue", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSNotificationQueue DefaultQueue { get; }
[Export ("initWithNotificationCenter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSNotificationCenter notificationCenter);
[Export ("enqueueNotification:postingStyle:")]
void EnqueueNotification (NSNotification notification, NSPostingStyle postingStyle);
[Export ("enqueueNotification:postingStyle:coalesceMask:forModes:")]
#if !NET
void EnqueueNotification (NSNotification notification, NSPostingStyle postingStyle, NSNotificationCoalescing coalesceMask, [NullAllowed] string [] modes);
void EnqueueNotification (NSNotification notification, NSPostingStyle postingStyle, NSNotificationCoalescing coalesceMask, [NullAllowed] NSString [] modes);
[Wrap ("EnqueueNotification (notification, postingStyle, coalesceMask, modes?.GetConstants ())")]
void EnqueueNotification (NSNotification notification, NSPostingStyle postingStyle, NSNotificationCoalescing coalesceMask, [NullAllowed] NSRunLoopMode [] modes);
[Export ("dequeueNotificationsMatching:coalesceMask:")]
void DequeueNotificationsMatchingcoalesceMask (NSNotification notification, NSNotificationCoalescing coalesceMask);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
// init returns NIL
partial interface NSValue : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 13, message: "Potential for buffer overruns. Use 'StoreValueAtAddress (IntPtr, nuint)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 11, 0, message: "Potential for buffer overruns. Use 'StoreValueAtAddress (IntPtr, nuint)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 11, 0, message: "Potential for buffer overruns. Use 'StoreValueAtAddress (IntPtr, nuint)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 4, 0, message: "Potential for buffer overruns. Use 'StoreValueAtAddress (IntPtr, nuint)' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Potential for buffer overruns. Use 'StoreValueAtAddress (IntPtr, nuint)' instead.")]
[Export ("getValue:")]
void StoreValueAtAddress (IntPtr value);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("getValue:size:")]
void StoreValueAtAddress (IntPtr value, nuint size);
[Export ("objCType")]
IntPtr ObjCTypePtr ();
//[Export ("initWithBytes:objCType:")][Internal]
//NSValue InitFromBytes (IntPtr byte_ptr, IntPtr char_ptr_type);
[Export ("valueWithBytes:objCType:")]
NSValue Create (IntPtr bytes, IntPtr objCType);
[Export ("valueWithNonretainedObject:")]
NSValue ValueFromNonretainedObject (NSObject anObject);
[Export ("nonretainedObjectValue")]
NSObject NonretainedObjectValue { get; }
[Export ("valueWithPointer:")]
NSValue ValueFromPointer (IntPtr pointer);
[Export ("pointerValue")]
IntPtr PointerValue { get; }
[Export ("isEqualToValue:")]
bool IsEqualTo (NSValue value);
[Export ("valueWithRange:")]
NSValue FromRange (NSRange range);
[Export ("rangeValue")]
NSRange RangeValue { get; }
[Watch (6, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("valueWithCMTime:")]
NSValue FromCMTime (CMTime time);
[Watch (6, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("CMTimeValue")]
CMTime CMTimeValue { get; }
[Watch (6, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("valueWithCMTimeMapping:")]
NSValue FromCMTimeMapping (CMTimeMapping timeMapping);
[Watch (6, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("CMTimeMappingValue")]
CMTimeMapping CMTimeMappingValue { get; }
[Watch (6, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("valueWithCMTimeRange:")]
NSValue FromCMTimeRange (CMTimeRange timeRange);
[Watch (6, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("CMTimeRangeValue")]
CMTimeRange CMTimeRangeValue { get; }
[Export ("valueWithRect:")]
[Export ("valueWithCGRect:")]
NSValue FromCGRect (CGRect rect);
[Export ("valueWithSize:")]
[Export ("valueWithCGSize:")]
NSValue FromCGSize (CGSize size);
[Export ("valueWithPoint:")]
[Export ("valueWithCGPoint:")]
NSValue FromCGPoint (CGPoint point);
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("rectValue")]
[Export ("CGRectValue")]
CGRect CGRectValue { get; }
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("sizeValue")]
[Export ("CGSizeValue")]
CGSize CGSizeValue { get; }
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("pointValue")]
[Export ("CGPointValue")]
CGPoint CGPointValue { get; }
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("CGAffineTransformValue")]
CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform CGAffineTransformValue { get; }
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("UIEdgeInsetsValue")]
UIEdgeInsets UIEdgeInsetsValue { get; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("directionalEdgeInsetsValue")]
NSDirectionalEdgeInsets DirectionalEdgeInsetsValue { get; }
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("valueWithCGAffineTransform:")]
NSValue FromCGAffineTransform (CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform tran);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("valueWithUIEdgeInsets:")]
NSValue FromUIEdgeInsets (UIEdgeInsets insets);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("valueWithDirectionalEdgeInsets:")]
NSValue FromDirectionalEdgeInsets (NSDirectionalEdgeInsets insets);
[Export ("valueWithUIOffset:")]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSValue FromUIOffset (UIOffset insets);
[Export ("UIOffsetValue")]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
UIOffset UIOffsetValue { get; }
// from UIGeometry.h - those are in iOS8 only (even if the header is silent about them)
// and not in OSX 10.10
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Export ("CGVectorValue")]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
CGVector CGVectorValue { get; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Static, Export ("valueWithCGVector:")]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSValue FromCGVector (CGVector vector);
// Maybe we should include this inside mapkit.cs instead (it's a partial interface, so that's trivial)?
[TV (9, 2)]
[Mac (10, 9)] // The header doesn't say, but the rest of the API from the same file (MKGeometry.h) was introduced in 10.9
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("valueWithMKCoordinate:")]
NSValue FromMKCoordinate (CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate);
[TV (9, 2)]
[Mac (10, 9)] // The header doesn't say, but the rest of the API from the same file (MKGeometry.h) was introduced in 10.9
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("valueWithMKCoordinateSpan:")]
NSValue FromMKCoordinateSpan (MapKit.MKCoordinateSpan coordinateSpan);
[TV (9, 2)]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("MKCoordinateValue")]
CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D CoordinateValue { get; }
[TV (9, 2)]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("MKCoordinateSpanValue")]
MapKit.MKCoordinateSpan CoordinateSpanValue { get; }
#if !WATCH
[Export ("valueWithCATransform3D:")]
NSValue FromCATransform3D (CoreAnimation.CATransform3D transform);
[Export ("CATransform3DValue")]
CoreAnimation.CATransform3D CATransform3DValue { get; }
[iOS (16, 0)]
[Mac (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[TV (16, 0)]
[Watch (9, 0)]
[Export ("CMVideoDimensionsValue")]
CMVideoDimensions CMVideoDimensionsValue { get; }
[iOS (16, 0)]
[Mac (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[TV (16, 0)]
[Watch (9, 0)]
[Export ("valueWithCMVideoDimensions:")]
NSValue FromCMVideoDimensions (CMVideoDimensions value);
#region SceneKit Additions
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("valueWithSCNVector3:")]
NSValue FromVector (SCNVector3 vector);
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("SCNVector3Value")]
SCNVector3 Vector3Value { get; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("valueWithSCNVector4:")]
NSValue FromVector (SCNVector4 vector);
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("SCNVector4Value")]
SCNVector4 Vector4Value { get; }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("valueWithSCNMatrix4:")]
NSValue FromSCNMatrix4 (SCNMatrix4 matrix);
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("SCNMatrix4Value")]
SCNMatrix4 SCNMatrix4Value { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Abstract] // Apple docs: NSValueTransformer is an abstract class...
interface NSValueTransformer {
[Export ("setValueTransformer:forName:")]
void SetValueTransformer ([NullAllowed] NSValueTransformer transformer, string name);
[Export ("valueTransformerForName:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSValueTransformer GetValueTransformer (string name);
[Export ("valueTransformerNames")]
string [] ValueTransformerNames { get; }
[Export ("transformedValueClass")]
Class TransformedValueClass { get; }
[Export ("allowsReverseTransformation")]
bool AllowsReverseTransformation { get; }
[Export ("transformedValue:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject TransformedValue ([NullAllowed] NSObject value);
[Export ("reverseTransformedValue:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSObject ReverseTransformedValue ([NullAllowed] NSObject value);
#if IOS && !NET
[iOS (9, 3)]
[Watch (2,2)] // Headers say watchOS 2.0, but they're lying.
[Obsolete ("Use 'NSUserDefaults.SizeLimitExceededNotification' instead.")]
[Field ("NSUserDefaultsSizeLimitExceededNotification")]
NSString SizeLimitExceededNotification { get; }
[iOS (9, 3)]
[Watch (2,2)] // Headers say watchOS 2.0, but they're lying.
[Obsolete ("Use 'NSUserDefaults.DidChangeAccountsNotification' instead.")]
[Field ("NSUbiquitousUserDefaultsDidChangeAccountsNotification")]
NSString DidChangeAccountsNotification { get; }
[iOS (9, 3)]
[Watch (2,2)] // Headers say watchOS 2.0, but they're lying.
[Obsolete ("Use 'NSUserDefaults.CompletedInitialSyncNotification' instead.")]
[Field ("NSUbiquitousUserDefaultsCompletedInitialSyncNotification")]
NSString CompletedInitialSyncNotification { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'NSUserDefaults.DidChangeNotification' instead.")]
[Field ("NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification")]
NSString UserDefaultsDidChangeNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSNegateBooleanTransformerName")]
NSString BooleanTransformerName { get; }
[Field ("NSIsNilTransformerName")]
NSString IsNilTransformerName { get; }
[Field ("NSIsNotNilTransformerName")]
NSString IsNotNilTransformerName { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'SecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 5, 0, message: "Use 'SecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'SecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 14, message: "Use 'SecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'SecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName' instead.")]
[Field ("NSUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName")]
NSString UnarchiveFromDataTransformerName { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'SecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 5, 0, message: "Use 'SecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 12, 0, message: "Use 'SecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 14, message: "Use 'SecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'SecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName' instead.")]
[Field ("NSKeyedUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName")]
NSString KeyedUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName { get; }
[Watch (5, 0), TV (12, 0), Mac (10, 14), iOS (12, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSSecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName")]
NSString SecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName { get; }
[Watch (5, 0), TV (12, 0), Mac (10, 14), iOS (12, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSValueTransformer))]
interface NSSecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformer {
[Export ("allowedTopLevelClasses", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
Class [] AllowedTopLevelClasses { get; }
[Wrap ("Array.ConvertAll (AllowedTopLevelClasses, c => Class.Lookup (c))")]
Type [] AllowedTopLevelTypes { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSValue))]
// init returns NIL
interface NSNumber : CKRecordValue, NSFetchRequestResult {
[Export ("charValue")]
sbyte SByteValue { get; }
[Export ("unsignedCharValue")]
byte ByteValue { get; }
[Export ("shortValue")]
short Int16Value { get; }
[Export ("unsignedShortValue")]
ushort UInt16Value { get; }
[Export ("intValue")]
int Int32Value { get; }
[Export ("unsignedIntValue")]
uint UInt32Value { get; }
[Export ("longValue")]
nint LongValue { get; }
[Export ("unsignedLongValue")]
nuint UnsignedLongValue { get; }
[Export ("longLongValue")]
long Int64Value { get; }
[Export ("unsignedLongLongValue")]
ulong UInt64Value { get; }
[Export ("floatValue")]
float FloatValue { get; } /* float, not CGFloat */
[Export ("doubleValue")]
double DoubleValue { get; }
[Export ("decimalValue")]
NSDecimal NSDecimalValue { get; }
[Export ("boolValue")]
bool BoolValue { get; }
[Export ("integerValue")]
nint NIntValue { get; }
[Export ("unsignedIntegerValue")]
nuint NUIntValue { get; }
[Export ("stringValue")]
string StringValue { get; }
[Export ("compare:")]
nint Compare (NSNumber otherNumber);
[Internal] // Equals(object) or IEquatable<T>'s Equals(NSNumber)
[Export ("isEqualToNumber:")]
bool IsEqualToNumber (NSNumber number);
[Export ("descriptionWithLocale:")]
string DescriptionWithLocale (NSLocale locale);
[Export ("initWithChar:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (sbyte value);
[Export ("initWithUnsignedChar:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (byte value);
[Export ("initWithShort:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (short value);
[Export ("initWithUnsignedShort:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (ushort value);
[Export ("initWithInt:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (int /* int, not NSInteger */ value);
[Export ("initWithUnsignedInt:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (uint /* unsigned int, not NSUInteger */value);
//[Export ("initWithLong:")]
//NativeHandle Constructor (long value);
//[Export ("initWithUnsignedLong:")]
//NativeHandle Constructor (ulong value);
[Export ("initWithLongLong:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (long value);
[Export ("initWithUnsignedLongLong:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (ulong value);
[Export ("initWithFloat:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (float /* float, not CGFloat */ value);
[Export ("initWithDouble:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (double value);
[Export ("initWithBool:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (bool value);
[Export ("initWithInteger:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nint value);
[Export ("initWithUnsignedInteger:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nuint value);
[Export ("numberWithChar:")]
NSNumber FromSByte (sbyte value);
[Export ("numberWithUnsignedChar:")]
NSNumber FromByte (byte value);
[Export ("numberWithShort:")]
NSNumber FromInt16 (short value);
[Export ("numberWithUnsignedShort:")]
NSNumber FromUInt16 (ushort value);
[Export ("numberWithInt:")]
NSNumber FromInt32 (int /* int, not NSInteger */ value);
[Export ("numberWithUnsignedInt:")]
NSNumber FromUInt32 (uint /* unsigned int, not NSUInteger */ value);
[Export ("numberWithLong:")]
NSNumber FromLong (nint value);
[Export ("numberWithUnsignedLong:")]
NSNumber FromUnsignedLong (nuint value);
[Export ("numberWithLongLong:")]
NSNumber FromInt64 (long value);
[Export ("numberWithUnsignedLongLong:")]
NSNumber FromUInt64 (ulong value);
[Export ("numberWithFloat:")]
NSNumber FromFloat (float /* float, not CGFloat */ value);
[Export ("numberWithDouble:")]
NSNumber FromDouble (double value);
[Export ("numberWithBool:")]
NSNumber FromBoolean (bool value);
[Export ("numberWithInteger:")]
NSNumber FromNInt (nint value);
[Export ("numberWithUnsignedInteger:")]
NSNumber FromNUInt (nuint value);
[BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter))]
interface NSNumberFormatter {
[Export ("stringFromNumber:")]
string StringFromNumber (NSNumber number);
[Export ("numberFromString:")]
NSNumber NumberFromString (string text);
[Export ("localizedStringFromNumber:numberStyle:")]
string LocalizedStringFromNumbernumberStyle (NSNumber num, NSNumberFormatterStyle nstyle);
//Detected properties
[Export ("numberStyle")]
NSNumberFormatterStyle NumberStyle { get; set; }
[Export ("locale", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSLocale Locale { get; set; }
[Export ("generatesDecimalNumbers")]
bool GeneratesDecimalNumbers { get; set; }
[Export ("formatterBehavior")]
NSNumberFormatterBehavior FormatterBehavior { get; set; }
[Export ("defaultFormatterBehavior")]
NSNumberFormatterBehavior DefaultFormatterBehavior { get; set; }
[Export ("negativeFormat")]
string NegativeFormat { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("textAttributesForNegativeValues", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary TextAttributesForNegativeValues { get; set; }
[Export ("positiveFormat")]
string PositiveFormat { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("textAttributesForPositiveValues", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary TextAttributesForPositiveValues { get; set; }
[Export ("allowsFloats")]
bool AllowsFloats { get; set; }
[Export ("decimalSeparator")]
string DecimalSeparator { get; set; }
[Export ("alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator")]
bool AlwaysShowsDecimalSeparator { get; set; }
[Export ("currencyDecimalSeparator")]
string CurrencyDecimalSeparator { get; set; }
[Export ("usesGroupingSeparator")]
bool UsesGroupingSeparator { get; set; }
[Export ("groupingSeparator")]
string GroupingSeparator { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("zeroSymbol")]
string ZeroSymbol { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("textAttributesForZero", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary TextAttributesForZero { get; set; }
[Export ("nilSymbol")]
string NilSymbol { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("textAttributesForNil", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary TextAttributesForNil { get; set; }
[Export ("notANumberSymbol")]
string NotANumberSymbol { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("textAttributesForNotANumber", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary TextAttributesForNotANumber { get; set; }
[Export ("positiveInfinitySymbol")]
string PositiveInfinitySymbol { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("textAttributesForPositiveInfinity", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary TextAttributesForPositiveInfinity { get; set; }
[Export ("negativeInfinitySymbol")]
string NegativeInfinitySymbol { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("textAttributesForNegativeInfinity", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary TextAttributesForNegativeInfinity { get; set; }
[Export ("positivePrefix")]
string PositivePrefix { get; set; }
[Export ("positiveSuffix")]
string PositiveSuffix { get; set; }
[Export ("negativePrefix")]
string NegativePrefix { get; set; }
[Export ("negativeSuffix")]
string NegativeSuffix { get; set; }
[Export ("currencyCode")]
string CurrencyCode { get; set; }
[Export ("currencySymbol")]
string CurrencySymbol { get; set; }
[Export ("internationalCurrencySymbol")]
string InternationalCurrencySymbol { get; set; }
[Export ("percentSymbol")]
string PercentSymbol { get; set; }
[Export ("perMillSymbol")]
string PerMillSymbol { get; set; }
[Export ("minusSign")]
string MinusSign { get; set; }
[Export ("plusSign")]
string PlusSign { get; set; }
[Export ("exponentSymbol")]
string ExponentSymbol { get; set; }
[Export ("groupingSize")]
nuint GroupingSize { get; set; }
[Export ("secondaryGroupingSize")]
nuint SecondaryGroupingSize { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("multiplier", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSNumber Multiplier { get; set; }
[Export ("formatWidth")]
nuint FormatWidth { get; set; }
[Export ("paddingCharacter")]
string PaddingCharacter { get; set; }
[Export ("paddingPosition")]
NSNumberFormatterPadPosition PaddingPosition { get; set; }
[Export ("roundingMode")]
NSNumberFormatterRoundingMode RoundingMode { get; set; }
[Export ("roundingIncrement", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSNumber RoundingIncrement { get; set; }
[Export ("minimumIntegerDigits")]
nint MinimumIntegerDigits { get; set; }
[Export ("maximumIntegerDigits")]
nint MaximumIntegerDigits { get; set; }
[Export ("minimumFractionDigits")]
nint MinimumFractionDigits { get; set; }
[Export ("maximumFractionDigits")]
nint MaximumFractionDigits { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("minimum", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSNumber Minimum { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("maximum", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSNumber Maximum { get; set; }
[Export ("currencyGroupingSeparator")]
string CurrencyGroupingSeparator { get; set; }
[Export ("lenient")]
bool Lenient { [Bind ("isLenient")] get; set; }
[Export ("usesSignificantDigits")]
bool UsesSignificantDigits { get; set; }
[Export ("minimumSignificantDigits")]
nuint MinimumSignificantDigits { get; set; }
[Export ("maximumSignificantDigits")]
nuint MaximumSignificantDigits { get; set; }
[Export ("partialStringValidationEnabled")]
bool PartialStringValidationEnabled { [Bind ("isPartialStringValidationEnabled")] get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSNumber))]
interface NSDecimalNumber : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("initWithMantissa:exponent:isNegative:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (long mantissa, short exponent, bool isNegative);
[Export ("initWithDecimal:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSDecimal dec);
[Export ("initWithString:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string numberValue);
[Export ("initWithString:locale:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string numberValue, NSObject locale);
[Export ("descriptionWithLocale:")]
string DescriptionWithLocale (NSLocale locale);
[Export ("decimalValue")]
NSDecimal NSDecimalValue { get; }
[Export ("zero", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDecimalNumber Zero { get; }
[Export ("one", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDecimalNumber One { get; }
[Export ("minimumDecimalNumber", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDecimalNumber MinValue { get; }
[Export ("maximumDecimalNumber", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDecimalNumber MaxValue { get; }
[Export ("notANumber", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDecimalNumber NaN { get; }
// All the behavior ones require:
// id <NSDecimalNumberBehaviors>)behavior;
[Export ("decimalNumberByAdding:")]
NSDecimalNumber Add (NSDecimalNumber d);
[Export ("decimalNumberByAdding:withBehavior:")]
NSDecimalNumber Add (NSDecimalNumber d, NSObject Behavior);
[Export ("decimalNumberBySubtracting:")]
NSDecimalNumber Subtract (NSDecimalNumber d);
[Export ("decimalNumberBySubtracting:withBehavior:")]
NSDecimalNumber Subtract (NSDecimalNumber d, NSObject Behavior);
[Export ("decimalNumberByMultiplyingBy:")]
NSDecimalNumber Multiply (NSDecimalNumber d);
[Export ("decimalNumberByMultiplyingBy:withBehavior:")]
NSDecimalNumber Multiply (NSDecimalNumber d, NSObject Behavior);
[Export ("decimalNumberByDividingBy:")]
NSDecimalNumber Divide (NSDecimalNumber d);
[Export ("decimalNumberByDividingBy:withBehavior:")]
NSDecimalNumber Divide (NSDecimalNumber d, NSObject Behavior);
[Export ("decimalNumberByRaisingToPower:")]
NSDecimalNumber RaiseTo (nuint power);
[Export ("decimalNumberByRaisingToPower:withBehavior:")]
NSDecimalNumber RaiseTo (nuint power, [NullAllowed] NSObject Behavior);
[Export ("decimalNumberByMultiplyingByPowerOf10:")]
NSDecimalNumber MultiplyPowerOf10 (short power);
[Export ("decimalNumberByMultiplyingByPowerOf10:withBehavior:")]
NSDecimalNumber MultiplyPowerOf10 (short power, [NullAllowed] NSObject Behavior);
[Export ("decimalNumberByRoundingAccordingToBehavior:")]
NSDecimalNumber Rounding (NSObject behavior);
[Export ("compare:")]
nint Compare (NSNumber other);
[Export ("defaultBehavior", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSObject DefaultBehavior { get; set; }
[Export ("doubleValue")]
double DoubleValue { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSThread {
[Static, Export ("currentThread", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSThread Current { get; }
[Static, Export ("callStackSymbols", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string [] NativeCallStack { get; }
//+ (void)detachNewThreadSelector:(SEL)selector toTarget:(id)target withObject:(id)argument;
[Static, Export ("isMultiThreaded")]
bool IsMultiThreaded { get; }
//- (NSMutableDictionary *)threadDictionary;
[Static, Export ("sleepUntilDate:")]
void SleepUntil (NSDate date);
[Static, Export ("sleepForTimeInterval:")]
void SleepFor (double timeInterval);
[Static, Export ("exit")]
void Exit ();
[Static, Export ("threadPriority"), Internal]
double _GetPriority ();
[Static, Export ("setThreadPriority:"), Internal]
bool _SetPriority (double priority);
//+ (NSArray *)callStackReturnAddresses;
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; set; }
[Export ("stackSize")]
nuint StackSize { get; set; }
[Export ("isMainThread")]
bool IsMainThread { get; }
// MainThread is already used for the instance selector and we can't reuse the same name
[Export ("isMainThread")]
bool IsMain { get; }
[Export ("mainThread", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSThread MainThread { get; }
[Export ("isExecuting")]
bool IsExecuting { get; }
[Export ("isFinished")]
bool IsFinished { get; }
[Export ("isCancelled")]
bool IsCancelled { get; }
[Export ("cancel")]
void Cancel ();
[Export ("start")]
void Start ();
[Export ("main")]
void Main ();
[Mac (10, 10), iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("qualityOfService")]
NSQualityOfService QualityOfService { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSPort : NSCoding, NSCopying {
[Static, Export ("port")]
NSPort Create ();
[Export ("invalidate")]
void Invalidate ();
[Export ("isValid")]
bool IsValid { get; }
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign), NullAllowed]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate"), NullAllowed]
NSPortDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("scheduleInRunLoop:forMode:")]
void ScheduleInRunLoop (NSRunLoop runLoop, NSString runLoopMode);
[Wrap ("ScheduleInRunLoop (runLoop, runLoopMode.GetConstant ()!)")]
void ScheduleInRunLoop (NSRunLoop runLoop, NSRunLoopMode runLoopMode);
[Export ("removeFromRunLoop:forMode:")]
void RemoveFromRunLoop (NSRunLoop runLoop, NSString runLoopMode);
[Wrap ("RemoveFromRunLoop (runLoop, runLoopMode.GetConstant ()!)")]
void RemoveFromRunLoop (NSRunLoop runLoop, NSRunLoopMode runLoopMode);
// Disable warning for NSMutableArray
#pragma warning disable 618
[Export ("sendBeforeDate:components:from:reserved:")]
bool SendBeforeDate (NSDate limitDate, [NullAllowed] NSMutableArray components, [NullAllowed] NSPort receivePort, nuint headerSpaceReserved);
[Export ("sendBeforeDate:msgid:components:from:reserved:")]
bool SendBeforeDate (NSDate limitDate, nuint msgID, [NullAllowed] NSMutableArray components, [NullAllowed] NSPort receivePort, nuint headerSpaceReserved);
#pragma warning restore 618
[Model, BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSPortDelegate {
[Export ("handlePortMessage:")]
void MessageReceived (NSPortMessage message);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
interface NSPortMessage {
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("initWithSendPort:receivePort:components:")]
NativeHandle Constructor ([NullAllowed] NSPort sendPort, [NullAllowed] NSPort recvPort, [NullAllowed] NSArray components);
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("components")]
NSArray Components { get; }
// Apple started refusing applications that use those selectors (desk #63237)
// The situation is a bit confusing since NSPortMessage.h is not part of iOS SDK -
// but the type is used (from NSPort[Delegate]) but not _itself_ documented
// The selectors Apple *currently* dislike are removed from the iOS build
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("sendBeforeDate:")]
bool SendBefore (NSDate date);
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("receivePort")]
NSPort ReceivePort { get; }
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("sendPort")]
NSPort SendPort { get; }
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("msgid")]
uint MsgId { get; set; } /* uint32_t */
[BaseType (typeof (NSPort))]
interface NSMachPort {
[Export ("initWithMachPort:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (uint /* uint32_t */ machPort);
[Export ("initWithMachPort:options:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (uint /* uint32_t */ machPort, NSMachPortRights options);
[Static, Export ("portWithMachPort:")]
NSPort FromMachPort (uint /* uint32_t */ port);
[Static, Export ("portWithMachPort:options:")]
NSPort FromMachPort (uint /* uint32_t */ port, NSMachPortRights options);
[Export ("machPort")]
uint MachPort { get; } /* uint32_t */
[Export ("removeFromRunLoop:forMode:")]
void RemoveFromRunLoop (NSRunLoop runLoop, NSString mode);
// note: wrap'ed version using NSRunLoopMode will call the override
[Export ("scheduleInRunLoop:forMode:")]
void ScheduleInRunLoop (NSRunLoop runLoop, NSString mode);
// note: wrap'ed version using NSRunLoopMode will call the override
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign), NullAllowed]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate"), NullAllowed]
NSMachPortDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Model, BaseType (typeof (NSPortDelegate))]
interface NSMachPortDelegate {
[Export ("handleMachMessage:")]
void MachMessageReceived (IntPtr msgHeader);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSProcessInfo {
[Export ("processInfo", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSProcessInfo ProcessInfo { get; }
[Export ("arguments")]
string [] Arguments { get; }
[Export ("environment")]
NSDictionary Environment { get; }
[Export ("processIdentifier")]
int ProcessIdentifier { get; } /* int, not NSInteger */
[Export ("globallyUniqueString")]
string GloballyUniqueString { get; }
[Export ("processName")]
string ProcessName { get; set; }
[Export ("hostName")]
string HostName { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 10, message: "Use 'OperatingSystemVersion' or 'IsOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Use 'OperatingSystemVersion' or 'IsOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'OperatingSystemVersion' or 'IsOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'OperatingSystemVersion' or 'IsOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion' instead.")]
[Export ("operatingSystem")]
nint OperatingSystem { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 10, message: "Use 'OperatingSystemVersionString' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Use 'OperatingSystemVersionString' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'OperatingSystemVersionString' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "Use 'OperatingSystemVersionString' instead.")]
[Export ("operatingSystemName")]
string OperatingSystemName { get; }
[Export ("operatingSystemVersionString")]
string OperatingSystemVersionString { get; }
[Export ("physicalMemory")]
ulong PhysicalMemory { get; }
[Export ("processorCount")]
nint ProcessorCount { get; }
[Export ("activeProcessorCount")]
nint ActiveProcessorCount { get; }
[Export ("systemUptime")]
double SystemUptime { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("beginActivityWithOptions:reason:")]
NSObject BeginActivity (NSActivityOptions options, string reason);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("endActivity:")]
void EndActivity (NSObject activity);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("performActivityWithOptions:reason:usingBlock:")]
void PerformActivity (NSActivityOptions options, string reason, Action runCode);
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion:")]
bool IsOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion (NSOperatingSystemVersion version);
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("operatingSystemVersion")]
NSOperatingSystemVersion OperatingSystemVersion { get; }
[Export ("enableSuddenTermination")]
void EnableSuddenTermination ();
[Export ("disableSuddenTermination")]
void DisableSuddenTermination ();
[Export ("enableAutomaticTermination:")]
void EnableAutomaticTermination (string reason);
[Export ("disableAutomaticTermination:")]
void DisableAutomaticTermination (string reason);
[Export ("automaticTerminationSupportEnabled")]
bool AutomaticTerminationSupportEnabled { get; set; }
[iOS (8, 2)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("performExpiringActivityWithReason:usingBlock:")]
void PerformExpiringActivity (string reason, Action<bool> block);
[iOS (9, 0)]
[TV (15, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("lowPowerModeEnabled")]
bool LowPowerModeEnabled { [Bind ("isLowPowerModeEnabled")] get; }
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (12, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSProcessInfoPowerStateDidChangeNotification")]
NSString PowerStateDidChangeNotification { get; }
[Mac (10, 10, 3)]
[Watch (4, 0)]
[TV (11, 0)]
[iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("thermalState")]
NSProcessInfoThermalState ThermalState { get; }
[Mac (10, 10, 3)]
[Field ("NSProcessInfoThermalStateDidChangeNotification")]
[Watch (4, 0)]
[TV (11, 0)]
[iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSString ThermalStateDidChangeNotification { get; }
#region NSProcessInfoPlatform (NSProcessInfo)
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("macCatalystApp")]
bool IsMacCatalystApplication { [Bind ("isMacCatalystApp")] get; }
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("iOSAppOnMac")]
bool IsiOSApplicationOnMac { [Bind ("isiOSAppOnMac")] get; }
[Mac (10, 12)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSProcessInfo))]
interface NSProcessInfo_NSUserInformation {
[Export ("userName")]
string GetUserName ();
[Export ("fullUserName")]
string GetFullUserName ();
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
partial interface NSProgress {
[Static, Export ("currentProgress")]
NSProgress CurrentProgress { get; }
[Static, Export ("progressWithTotalUnitCount:")]
NSProgress FromTotalUnitCount (long unitCount);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("discreteProgressWithTotalUnitCount:")]
NSProgress GetDiscreteProgress (long unitCount);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Static, Export ("progressWithTotalUnitCount:parent:pendingUnitCount:")]
NSProgress FromTotalUnitCount (long unitCount, NSProgress parent, long portionOfParentTotalUnitCount);
[Export ("initWithParent:userInfo:")]
NativeHandle Constructor ([NullAllowed] NSProgress parentProgress, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary userInfo);
[Export ("becomeCurrentWithPendingUnitCount:")]
void BecomeCurrent (long pendingUnitCount);
[Export ("resignCurrent")]
void ResignCurrent ();
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("addChild:withPendingUnitCount:")]
void AddChild (NSProgress child, long pendingUnitCount);
[Export ("totalUnitCount")]
long TotalUnitCount { get; set; }
[Export ("completedUnitCount")]
long CompletedUnitCount { get; set; }
[Export ("localizedDescription", ArgumentSemantic.Copy), NullAllowed]
string LocalizedDescription { get; set; }
[Export ("localizedAdditionalDescription", ArgumentSemantic.Copy), NullAllowed]
string LocalizedAdditionalDescription { get; set; }
[Export ("cancellable")]
bool Cancellable { [Bind ("isCancellable")] get; set; }
[Export ("pausable")]
bool Pausable { [Bind ("isPausable")] get; set; }
[Export ("cancelled")]
bool Cancelled { [Bind ("isCancelled")] get; }
[Export ("paused")]
bool Paused { [Bind ("isPaused")] get; }
[Export ("setCancellationHandler:")]
void SetCancellationHandler (Action handler);
[Export ("setPausingHandler:")]
void SetPauseHandler (Action handler);
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("setResumingHandler:")]
void SetResumingHandler (Action handler);
[Export ("setUserInfoObject:forKey:")]
void SetUserInfo ([NullAllowed] NSObject obj, NSString key);
[Export ("indeterminate")]
bool Indeterminate { [Bind ("isIndeterminate")] get; }
[Export ("fractionCompleted")]
double FractionCompleted { get; }
[Export ("cancel")]
void Cancel ();
[Export ("pause")]
void Pause ();
[iOS (9, 0), Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("resume")]
void Resume ();
[Export ("userInfo")]
NSDictionary UserInfo { get; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("kind", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSString Kind { get; set; }
[Export ("publish")]
void Publish ();
[Export ("unpublish")]
void Unpublish ();
[Export ("setAcknowledgementHandler:forAppBundleIdentifier:")]
void SetAcknowledgementHandler (Action<bool> acknowledgementHandler, string appBundleIdentifier);
[Static, Export ("addSubscriberForFileURL:withPublishingHandler:")]
NSObject AddSubscriberForFile (NSUrl url, Action<NSProgress> publishingHandler);
[Static, Export ("removeSubscriber:")]
void RemoveSubscriber (NSObject subscriber);
[Export ("acknowledgeWithSuccess:")]
void AcknowledgeWithSuccess (bool success);
[Export ("old")]
bool Old { [Bind ("isOld")] get; }
[Field ("NSProgressKindFile")]
NSString KindFile { get; }
[Field ("NSProgressEstimatedTimeRemainingKey")]
NSString EstimatedTimeRemainingKey { get; }
[Field ("NSProgressThroughputKey")]
NSString ThroughputKey { get; }
[Field ("NSProgressFileOperationKindKey")]
NSString FileOperationKindKey { get; }
[Field ("NSProgressFileOperationKindDownloading")]
NSString FileOperationKindDownloading { get; }
[Field ("NSProgressFileOperationKindDecompressingAfterDownloading")]
NSString FileOperationKindDecompressingAfterDownloading { get; }
[Field ("NSProgressFileOperationKindReceiving")]
NSString FileOperationKindReceiving { get; }
[Field ("NSProgressFileOperationKindCopying")]
NSString FileOperationKindCopying { get; }
[Watch (7, 4), TV (14, 5), Mac (11, 3), iOS (14, 5)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 5)]
[Field ("NSProgressFileOperationKindUploading")]
NSString FileOperationKindUploading { get; }
[Field ("NSProgressFileURLKey")]
NSString FileURLKey { get; }
[Field ("NSProgressFileTotalCountKey")]
NSString FileTotalCountKey { get; }
[Field ("NSProgressFileCompletedCountKey")]
NSString FileCompletedCountKey { get; }
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Field ("NSProgressFileOperationKindDuplicating")]
NSString FileOperationKindDuplicatingKey { get; }
[Field ("NSProgressFileAnimationImageKey")]
NSString FileAnimationImageKey { get; }
[Field ("NSProgressFileAnimationImageOriginalRectKey")]
NSString FileAnimationImageOriginalRectKey { get; }
[Field ("NSProgressFileIconKey")]
NSString FileIconKey { get; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Async, Export ("performAsCurrentWithPendingUnitCount:usingBlock:")]
void PerformAsCurrent (long unitCount, Action work);
[Export ("finished")]
bool Finished { [Bind ("isFinished")] get; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("estimatedTimeRemaining", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
//[BindAs (typeof (nint?))]
NSNumber _EstimatedTimeRemaining { get; set; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("throughput", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
//[BindAs (typeof (nint?))]
NSNumber _Throughput { get; set; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("fileOperationKind")]
string FileOperationKind { get; set; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("fileURL", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrl FileUrl { get; set; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("fileTotalCount", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
//[BindAs (typeof (nint?))]
NSNumber _FileTotalCount { get; set; }
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("fileCompletedCount", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
//[BindAs (typeof (nint?))]
NSNumber _FileCompletedCount { get; set; }
interface INSProgressReporting { }
[iOS (9, 0)]
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
interface NSProgressReporting {
#if NET
[Export ("progress")]
NSProgress Progress { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSMutableData))]
interface NSPurgeableData : NSSecureCoding, NSMutableCopying, NSDiscardableContent {
interface NSDiscardableContent {
[Export ("beginContentAccess")]
bool BeginContentAccess ();
[Export ("endContentAccess")]
void EndContentAccess ();
[Export ("discardContentIfPossible")]
void DiscardContentIfPossible ();
[Export ("isContentDiscarded")]
bool IsContentDiscarded { get; }
delegate void NSFileCoordinatorWorkerRW (NSUrl newReadingUrl, NSUrl newWritingUrl);
interface INSFilePresenter { }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSFileCoordinator {
[Static, Export ("addFilePresenter:")]
[PostGet ("FilePresenters")]
void AddFilePresenter ([Protocolize] NSFilePresenter filePresenter);
[Export ("removeFilePresenter:")]
[PostGet ("FilePresenters")]
void RemoveFilePresenter ([Protocolize] NSFilePresenter filePresenter);
[Export ("filePresenters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSFilePresenter [] FilePresenters { get; }
[Export ("initWithFilePresenter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor ([NullAllowed] INSFilePresenter filePresenterOrNil);
#if !NET
[Obsolete ("Use '.ctor(INSFilePresenter)' instead.")]
[Wrap ("this (filePresenterOrNil as INSFilePresenter)")]
NativeHandle Constructor ([NullAllowed] NSFilePresenter filePresenterOrNil);
[Export ("coordinateReadingItemAtURL:options:error:byAccessor:")]
void CoordinateRead (NSUrl itemUrl, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions options, out NSError error, /* non null */ Action<NSUrl> worker);
[Export ("coordinateWritingItemAtURL:options:error:byAccessor:")]
void CoordinateWrite (NSUrl url, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions options, out NSError error, /* non null */ Action<NSUrl> worker);
[Export ("coordinateReadingItemAtURL:options:writingItemAtURL:options:error:byAccessor:")]
void CoordinateReadWrite (NSUrl readingURL, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions readingOptions, NSUrl writingURL, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions writingOptions, out NSError error, /* non null */ NSFileCoordinatorWorkerRW readWriteWorker);
[Export ("coordinateWritingItemAtURL:options:writingItemAtURL:options:error:byAccessor:")]
void CoordinateWriteWrite (NSUrl writingURL, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions writingOptions, NSUrl writingURL2, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions writingOptions2, out NSError error, /* non null */ NSFileCoordinatorWorkerRW writeWriteWorker);
#if !NET
[Obsolete ("Use 'CoordinateBatch' instead.")]
[Wrap ("CoordinateBatch (readingURLs, readingOptions, writingURLs, writingOptions, out error, batchHandler)", IsVirtual = true)]
void CoordinateBatc (NSUrl [] readingURLs, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions readingOptions, NSUrl [] writingURLs, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions writingOptions, out NSError error, /* non null */ Action batchHandler);
[Export ("prepareForReadingItemsAtURLs:options:writingItemsAtURLs:options:error:byAccessor:")]
void CoordinateBatch (NSUrl [] readingURLs, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions readingOptions, NSUrl [] writingURLs, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions writingOptions, out NSError error, /* non null */ Action batchHandler);
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("coordinateAccessWithIntents:queue:byAccessor:")]
void CoordinateAccess (NSFileAccessIntent [] intents, NSOperationQueue executionQueue, Action<NSError> accessor);
[Export ("itemAtURL:didMoveToURL:")]
void ItemMoved (NSUrl fromUrl, NSUrl toUrl);
[Export ("cancel")]
void Cancel ();
[Export ("itemAtURL:willMoveToURL:")]
void WillMove (NSUrl oldUrl, NSUrl newUrl);
[Export ("purposeIdentifier")]
string PurposeIdentifier { get; set; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("itemAtURL:didChangeUbiquityAttributes:")]
void ItemUbiquityAttributesChanged (NSUrl url, NSSet<NSString> attributes);
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSFileAccessIntent {
[Export ("URL", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrl Url { get; }
[Static, Export ("readingIntentWithURL:options:")]
NSFileAccessIntent CreateReadingIntent (NSUrl url, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions options);
[Static, Export ("writingIntentWithURL:options:")]
NSFileAccessIntent CreateWritingIntent (NSUrl url, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions options);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
partial interface NSFileManager {
[Field ("NSFileType")]
NSString NSFileType { get; }
[Field ("NSFileTypeDirectory")]
NSString TypeDirectory { get; }
[Field ("NSFileTypeRegular")]
NSString TypeRegular { get; }
[Field ("NSFileTypeSymbolicLink")]
NSString TypeSymbolicLink { get; }
[Field ("NSFileTypeSocket")]
NSString TypeSocket { get; }
[Field ("NSFileTypeCharacterSpecial")]
NSString TypeCharacterSpecial { get; }
[Field ("NSFileTypeBlockSpecial")]
NSString TypeBlockSpecial { get; }
[Field ("NSFileTypeUnknown")]
NSString TypeUnknown { get; }
[Field ("NSFileSize")]
NSString Size { get; }
[Field ("NSFileModificationDate")]
NSString ModificationDate { get; }
[Field ("NSFileReferenceCount")]
NSString ReferenceCount { get; }
[Field ("NSFileDeviceIdentifier")]
NSString DeviceIdentifier { get; }
[Field ("NSFileOwnerAccountName")]
NSString OwnerAccountName { get; }
[Field ("NSFileGroupOwnerAccountName")]
NSString GroupOwnerAccountName { get; }
[Field ("NSFilePosixPermissions")]
NSString PosixPermissions { get; }
[Field ("NSFileSystemNumber")]
NSString SystemNumber { get; }
[Field ("NSFileSystemFileNumber")]
NSString SystemFileNumber { get; }
[Field ("NSFileExtensionHidden")]
NSString ExtensionHidden { get; }
[Field ("NSFileHFSCreatorCode")]
NSString HfsCreatorCode { get; }
[Field ("NSFileHFSTypeCode")]
NSString HfsTypeCode { get; }
[Field ("NSFileImmutable")]
NSString Immutable { get; }
[Field ("NSFileAppendOnly")]
NSString AppendOnly { get; }
[Field ("NSFileCreationDate")]
NSString CreationDate { get; }
[Field ("NSFileOwnerAccountID")]
NSString OwnerAccountID { get; }
[Field ("NSFileGroupOwnerAccountID")]
NSString GroupOwnerAccountID { get; }
[Field ("NSFileBusy")]
NSString Busy { get; }
[Mac (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSFileProtectionKey")]
NSString FileProtectionKey { get; }
[Mac (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSFileProtectionNone")]
NSString FileProtectionNone { get; }
[Mac (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSFileProtectionComplete")]
NSString FileProtectionComplete { get; }
[Mac (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen")]
NSString FileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen { get; }
[Mac (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Field ("NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication")]
NSString FileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication { get; }
[Field ("NSFileSystemSize")]
NSString SystemSize { get; }
[Field ("NSFileSystemFreeSize")]
NSString SystemFreeSize { get; }
[Field ("NSFileSystemNodes")]
NSString SystemNodes { get; }
[Field ("NSFileSystemFreeNodes")]
NSString SystemFreeNodes { get; }
[Static, Export ("defaultManager", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSFileManager DefaultManager { get; }
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
NSFileManagerDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("setAttributes:ofItemAtPath:error:")]
bool SetAttributes (NSDictionary attributes, string path, out NSError error);
[Export ("createDirectoryAtPath:withIntermediateDirectories:attributes:error:")]
bool CreateDirectory (string path, bool createIntermediates, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary attributes, out NSError error);
[Export ("contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:error:")]
string [] GetDirectoryContent (string path, out NSError error);
[Export ("subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath:error:")]
string [] GetDirectoryContentRecursive (string path, out NSError error);
[Export ("attributesOfItemAtPath:error:")]
NSDictionary _GetAttributes (string path, out NSError error);
[Export ("attributesOfFileSystemForPath:error:")]
NSDictionary _GetFileSystemAttributes (String path, out NSError error);
[Export ("createSymbolicLinkAtPath:withDestinationPath:error:")]
bool CreateSymbolicLink (string path, string destPath, out NSError error);
[Export ("destinationOfSymbolicLinkAtPath:error:")]
string GetSymbolicLinkDestination (string path, out NSError error);
[Export ("copyItemAtPath:toPath:error:")]
bool Copy (string srcPath, string dstPath, out NSError error);
[Export ("moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:")]
bool Move (string srcPath, string dstPath, out NSError error);
[Export ("linkItemAtPath:toPath:error:")]
bool Link (string srcPath, string dstPath, out NSError error);
[Export ("removeItemAtPath:error:")]
bool Remove ([NullAllowed] string path, out NSError error);
// These are not available on iOS, and deprecated on OSX.
[Export ("linkPath:toPath:handler:")]
bool LinkPath (string src, string dest, IntPtr handler);
[Export ("copyPath:toPath:handler:")]
bool CopyPath (string src, string dest, IntPtr handler);
[Export ("movePath:toPath:handler:")]
bool MovePath (string src, string dest, IntPtr handler);
[Export ("removeFileAtPath:handler:")]
bool RemoveFileAtPath (string path, IntPtr handler);
[Export ("currentDirectoryPath")]
string GetCurrentDirectory ();
[Export ("changeCurrentDirectoryPath:")]
bool ChangeCurrentDirectory (string path);
[Export ("fileExistsAtPath:")]
bool FileExists (string path);
[Export ("fileExistsAtPath:isDirectory:")]
bool FileExists (string path, ref bool isDirectory);
[Export ("isReadableFileAtPath:")]
bool IsReadableFile (string path);
[Export ("isWritableFileAtPath:")]
bool IsWritableFile (string path);
[Export ("isExecutableFileAtPath:")]
bool IsExecutableFile (string path);
[Export ("isDeletableFileAtPath:")]
bool IsDeletableFile (string path);
[Export ("contentsEqualAtPath:andPath:")]
bool ContentsEqual (string path1, string path2);
[Export ("displayNameAtPath:")]
string DisplayName (string path);
[Export ("componentsToDisplayForPath:")]
string [] ComponentsToDisplay (string path);
[Export ("enumeratorAtPath:")]
NSDirectoryEnumerator GetEnumerator (string path);
[Export ("subpathsAtPath:")]
string [] Subpaths (string path);
[Export ("contentsAtPath:")]
NSData Contents (string path);
[Export ("createFileAtPath:contents:attributes:")]
bool CreateFile (string path, NSData data, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary attr);
[Export ("contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:error:")]
NSUrl [] GetDirectoryContent (NSUrl url, [NullAllowed] NSArray properties, NSDirectoryEnumerationOptions options, out NSError error);
[Export ("copyItemAtURL:toURL:error:")]
bool Copy (NSUrl srcUrl, NSUrl dstUrl, out NSError error);
[Export ("moveItemAtURL:toURL:error:")]
bool Move (NSUrl srcUrl, NSUrl dstUrl, out NSError error);
[Export ("linkItemAtURL:toURL:error:")]
bool Link (NSUrl srcUrl, NSUrl dstUrl, out NSError error);
[Export ("removeItemAtURL:error:")]
bool Remove ([NullAllowed] NSUrl url, out NSError error);
[Export ("enumeratorAtURL:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:errorHandler:")]
NSDirectoryEnumerator GetEnumerator (NSUrl url, [NullAllowed] NSString [] keys, NSDirectoryEnumerationOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSEnumerateErrorHandler handler);
[Export ("URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error:")]
NSUrl GetUrl (NSSearchPathDirectory directory, NSSearchPathDomain domain, [NullAllowed] NSUrl url, bool shouldCreate, out NSError error);
[Export ("URLsForDirectory:inDomains:")]
NSUrl [] GetUrls (NSSearchPathDirectory directory, NSSearchPathDomain domains);
[Export ("replaceItemAtURL:withItemAtURL:backupItemName:options:resultingItemURL:error:")]
bool Replace (NSUrl originalItem, NSUrl newItem, [NullAllowed] string backupItemName, NSFileManagerItemReplacementOptions options, out NSUrl resultingURL, out NSError error);
[Export ("mountedVolumeURLsIncludingResourceValuesForKeys:options:")]
NSUrl [] GetMountedVolumes ([NullAllowed] NSArray properties, NSVolumeEnumerationOptions options);
// Methods to convert paths to/from C strings for passing to system calls - Not implemented
////- (const char *)fileSystemRepresentationWithPath:(NSString *)path;
//[Export ("fileSystemRepresentationWithPath:")]
//const char FileSystemRepresentationWithPath (string path);
////- (NSString *)stringWithFileSystemRepresentation:(const char *)str length:(NSUInteger)len;
//[Export ("stringWithFileSystemRepresentation:length:")]
//string StringWithFileSystemRepresentation (const char str, uint len);
[Export ("createDirectoryAtURL:withIntermediateDirectories:attributes:error:")]
bool CreateDirectory (NSUrl url, bool createIntermediates, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary attributes, out NSError error);
[Export ("createSymbolicLinkAtURL:withDestinationURL:error:")]
bool CreateSymbolicLink (NSUrl url, NSUrl destURL, out NSError error);
[Export ("setUbiquitous:itemAtURL:destinationURL:error:")]
bool SetUbiquitous (bool flag, NSUrl url, NSUrl destinationUrl, out NSError error);
[Export ("isUbiquitousItemAtURL:")]
bool IsUbiquitous (NSUrl url);
[Export ("startDownloadingUbiquitousItemAtURL:error:")]
bool StartDownloadingUbiquitous (NSUrl url, out NSError error);
[Export ("evictUbiquitousItemAtURL:error:")]
bool EvictUbiquitous (NSUrl url, out NSError error);
[Export ("URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:")]
NSUrl GetUrlForUbiquityContainer ([NullAllowed] string containerIdentifier);
[Export ("URLForPublishingUbiquitousItemAtURL:expirationDate:error:")]
NSUrl GetUrlForPublishingUbiquitousItem (NSUrl url, out NSDate expirationDate, out NSError error);
[Export ("ubiquityIdentityToken")]
NSObject UbiquityIdentityToken { get; }
[Field ("NSUbiquityIdentityDidChangeNotification")]
NSString UbiquityIdentityDidChangeNotification { get; }
[Export ("containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:")]
NSUrl GetContainerUrl (string securityApplicationGroupIdentifier);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("getRelationship:ofDirectory:inDomain:toItemAtURL:error:")]
bool GetRelationship (out NSUrlRelationship outRelationship, NSSearchPathDirectory directory, NSSearchPathDomain domain, NSUrl toItemAtUrl, out NSError error);
[iOS (8, 0), Mac (10, 10)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("getRelationship:ofDirectoryAtURL:toItemAtURL:error:")]
bool GetRelationship (out NSUrlRelationship outRelationship, NSUrl directoryURL, NSUrl otherURL, out NSError error);
[Mac (10, 11)]
[Export ("unmountVolumeAtURL:options:completionHandler:")]
void UnmountVolume (NSUrl url, NSFileManagerUnmountOptions mask, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Async, Export ("getFileProviderServicesForItemAtURL:completionHandler:")]
void GetFileProviderServices (NSUrl url, Action<NSDictionary<NSString, NSFileProviderService>, NSError> completionHandler);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSFileManagerDelegate {
[Export ("fileManager:shouldCopyItemAtPath:toPath:")]
bool ShouldCopyItemAtPath (NSFileManager fm, NSString srcPath, NSString dstPath);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("fileManager:shouldCopyItemAtURL:toURL:")]
bool ShouldCopyItemAtUrl (NSFileManager fm, NSUrl srcUrl, NSUrl dstUrl);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("fileManager:shouldLinkItemAtURL:toURL:")]
bool ShouldLinkItemAtUrl (NSFileManager fileManager, NSUrl srcUrl, NSUrl dstUrl);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("fileManager:shouldMoveItemAtURL:toURL:")]
bool ShouldMoveItemAtUrl (NSFileManager fileManager, NSUrl srcUrl, NSUrl dstUrl);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("fileManager:shouldProceedAfterError:copyingItemAtURL:toURL:")]
bool ShouldProceedAfterErrorCopyingItem (NSFileManager fileManager, NSError error, NSUrl srcUrl, NSUrl dstUrl);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("fileManager:shouldProceedAfterError:linkingItemAtURL:toURL:")]
bool ShouldProceedAfterErrorLinkingItem (NSFileManager fileManager, NSError error, NSUrl srcUrl, NSUrl dstUrl);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("fileManager:shouldProceedAfterError:movingItemAtURL:toURL:")]
bool ShouldProceedAfterErrorMovingItem (NSFileManager fileManager, NSError error, NSUrl srcUrl, NSUrl dstUrl);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("fileManager:shouldRemoveItemAtURL:")]
bool ShouldRemoveItemAtUrl (NSFileManager fileManager, NSUrl url);
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("fileManager:shouldProceedAfterError:removingItemAtURL:")]
bool ShouldProceedAfterErrorRemovingItem (NSFileManager fileManager, NSError error, NSUrl url);
[Export ("fileManager:shouldProceedAfterError:copyingItemAtPath:toPath:")]
bool ShouldProceedAfterErrorCopyingItem (NSFileManager fileManager, NSError error, string srcPath, string dstPath);
[Export ("fileManager:shouldMoveItemAtPath:toPath:")]
bool ShouldMoveItemAtPath (NSFileManager fileManager, string srcPath, string dstPath);
[Export ("fileManager:shouldProceedAfterError:movingItemAtPath:toPath:")]
bool ShouldProceedAfterErrorMovingItem (NSFileManager fileManager, NSError error, string srcPath, string dstPath);
[Export ("fileManager:shouldLinkItemAtPath:toPath:")]
bool ShouldLinkItemAtPath (NSFileManager fileManager, string srcPath, string dstPath);
[Export ("fileManager:shouldProceedAfterError:linkingItemAtPath:toPath:")]
bool ShouldProceedAfterErrorLinkingItem (NSFileManager fileManager, NSError error, string srcPath, string dstPath);
[Export ("fileManager:shouldRemoveItemAtPath:")]
bool ShouldRemoveItemAtPath (NSFileManager fileManager, string path);
[Export ("fileManager:shouldProceedAfterError:removingItemAtPath:")]
bool ShouldProceedAfterErrorRemovingItem (NSFileManager fileManager, NSError error, string path);
[BaseType (typeof (NSFileManager))]
interface NSFileManager_NSUserInformation {
[Mac (10, 12)]
[Export ("homeDirectoryForCurrentUser")]
NSUrl GetHomeDirectoryForCurrentUser ();
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("temporaryDirectory")]
NSUrl GetTemporaryDirectory ();
[Mac (10, 12)]
[Export ("homeDirectoryForUser:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSUrl GetHomeDirectory (string userName);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
partial interface NSFilePresenter {
[Export ("presentedItemURL", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
#if NET
NSUrl PresentedItemUrl { get; }
NSUrl PresentedItemURL { get; }
[Export ("presentedItemOperationQueue", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
#if NET
NSOperationQueue PresentedItemOperationQueue { get; }
NSOperationQueue PesentedItemOperationQueue { get; }
[Export ("relinquishPresentedItemToReader:")]
void RelinquishPresentedItemToReader (NSFilePresenterReacquirer readerAction);
[Export ("relinquishPresentedItemToWriter:")]
void RelinquishPresentedItemToWriter (NSFilePresenterReacquirer writerAction);
[Export ("savePresentedItemChangesWithCompletionHandler:")]
void SavePresentedItemChanges (Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("accommodatePresentedItemDeletionWithCompletionHandler:")]
void AccommodatePresentedItemDeletion (Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("presentedItemDidMoveToURL:")]
void PresentedItemMoved (NSUrl newURL);
[Export ("presentedItemDidChange")]
void PresentedItemChanged ();
[Export ("presentedItemDidGainVersion:")]
void PresentedItemGainedVersion (NSFileVersion version);
[Export ("presentedItemDidLoseVersion:")]
void PresentedItemLostVersion (NSFileVersion version);
[Export ("presentedItemDidResolveConflictVersion:")]
void PresentedItemResolveConflictVersion (NSFileVersion version);
[Export ("accommodatePresentedSubitemDeletionAtURL:completionHandler:")]
void AccommodatePresentedSubitemDeletion (NSUrl url, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("presentedSubitemDidAppearAtURL:")]
void PresentedSubitemAppeared (NSUrl atUrl);
[Export ("presentedSubitemAtURL:didMoveToURL:")]
void PresentedSubitemMoved (NSUrl oldURL, NSUrl newURL);
[Export ("presentedSubitemDidChangeAtURL:")]
void PresentedSubitemChanged (NSUrl url);
[Export ("presentedSubitemAtURL:didGainVersion:")]
void PresentedSubitemGainedVersion (NSUrl url, NSFileVersion version);
[Export ("presentedSubitemAtURL:didLoseVersion:")]
void PresentedSubitemLostVersion (NSUrl url, NSFileVersion version);
[Export ("presentedSubitemAtURL:didResolveConflictVersion:")]
void PresentedSubitemResolvedConflictVersion (NSUrl url, NSFileVersion version);
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("presentedItemDidChangeUbiquityAttributes:")]
void PresentedItemChangedUbiquityAttributes (NSSet<NSString> attributes);
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("observedPresentedItemUbiquityAttributes", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSSet<NSString> PresentedItemObservedUbiquityAttributes { get; }
delegate void NSFileVersionNonlocalVersionsCompletionHandler ([NullAllowed] NSFileVersion [] nonlocalFileVersions, [NullAllowed] NSError error);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
// Objective-C exception thrown. Name: NSGenericException Reason: -[NSFileVersion init]: You have to use one of the factory methods to instantiate NSFileVersion.
interface NSFileVersion {
[Export ("URL", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrl Url { get; }
[Export ("localizedName", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string LocalizedName { get; }
[Export ("localizedNameOfSavingComputer", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string LocalizedNameOfSavingComputer { get; }
[Export ("modificationDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate ModificationDate { get; }
[Export ("persistentIdentifier", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSObject PersistentIdentifier { get; }
[Export ("conflict")]
bool IsConflict { [Bind ("isConflict")] get; }
[Export ("resolved")]
bool Resolved { [Bind ("isResolved")] get; set; }
[Export ("discardable")]
bool Discardable { [Bind ("isDiscardable")] get; set; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("hasLocalContents")]
bool HasLocalContents { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("hasThumbnail")]
bool HasThumbnail { get; }
[Export ("currentVersionOfItemAtURL:")]
NSFileVersion GetCurrentVersion (NSUrl url);
[Mac (10, 10)]
[iOS (8, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("getNonlocalVersionsOfItemAtURL:completionHandler:")]
void GetNonlocalVersions (NSUrl url, NSFileVersionNonlocalVersionsCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Export ("otherVersionsOfItemAtURL:")]
NSFileVersion [] GetOtherVersions (NSUrl url);
[Export ("unresolvedConflictVersionsOfItemAtURL:")]
NSFileVersion [] GetUnresolvedConflictVersions (NSUrl url);
[Export ("versionOfItemAtURL:forPersistentIdentifier:")]
NSFileVersion GetSpecificVersion (NSUrl url, NSObject persistentIdentifier);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("addVersionOfItemAtURL:withContentsOfURL:options:error:")]
NSFileVersion AddVersion (NSUrl url, NSUrl contentsURL, NSFileVersionAddingOptions options, out NSError outError);
[Export ("temporaryDirectoryURLForNewVersionOfItemAtURL:")]
NSUrl TemporaryDirectoryForItem (NSUrl url);
[Export ("replaceItemAtURL:options:error:")]
NSUrl ReplaceItem (NSUrl url, NSFileVersionReplacingOptions options, out NSError error);
[Export ("removeAndReturnError:")]
bool Remove (out NSError outError);
[Export ("removeOtherVersionsOfItemAtURL:error:")]
bool RemoveOtherVersions (NSUrl url, out NSError outError);
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 12), iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("originatorNameComponents", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSPersonNameComponents OriginatorNameComponents { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSFileWrapper : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("initWithURL:options:error:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, NSFileWrapperReadingOptions options, out NSError outError);
[Export ("initDirectoryWithFileWrappers:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSDictionary childrenByPreferredName);
[Export ("initRegularFileWithContents:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData contents);
[Export ("initSymbolicLinkWithDestinationURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl urlToSymbolicLink);
// Constructor clash
//[Export ("initWithSerializedRepresentation:")]
//NativeHandle Constructor (NSData serializeRepresentation);
[Export ("isDirectory")]
bool IsDirectory { get; }
[Export ("isRegularFile")]
bool IsRegularFile { get; }
[Export ("isSymbolicLink")]
bool IsSymbolicLink { get; }
[Export ("matchesContentsOfURL:")]
bool MatchesContentsOfURL (NSUrl url);
[Export ("readFromURL:options:error:")]
bool Read (NSUrl url, NSFileWrapperReadingOptions options, out NSError outError);
[Export ("writeToURL:options:originalContentsURL:error:")]
bool Write (NSUrl url, NSFileWrapperWritingOptions options, [NullAllowed] NSUrl originalContentsURL, out NSError outError);
[Export ("serializedRepresentation")]
NSData GetSerializedRepresentation ();
[Export ("addFileWrapper:")]
string AddFileWrapper (NSFileWrapper child);
[Export ("addRegularFileWithContents:preferredFilename:")]
string AddRegularFile (NSData dataContents, string preferredFilename);
[Export ("removeFileWrapper:")]
void RemoveFileWrapper (NSFileWrapper child);
[Export ("fileWrappers")]
NSDictionary FileWrappers { get; }
[Export ("keyForFileWrapper:")]
string KeyForFileWrapper (NSFileWrapper child);
[Export ("regularFileContents")]
NSData GetRegularFileContents ();
[Export ("symbolicLinkDestinationURL")]
NSUrl SymbolicLinkDestinationURL { get; }
//Detected properties
// [NullAllowed] can't be used. It's null by default but, on device, it throws-n-crash
// NSInvalidArgumentException -[NSFileWrapper setPreferredFilename:] *** preferredFilename cannot be empty.
[Export ("preferredFilename")]
string PreferredFilename { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("filename")]
string Filename { get; set; }
[Export ("fileAttributes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary FileAttributes { get; set; }
[Export ("icon", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSImage Icon { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSEnumerator))]
interface NSDirectoryEnumerator {
[Export ("fileAttributes")]
NSDictionary FileAttributes { get; }
[Export ("directoryAttributes")]
NSDictionary DirectoryAttributes { get; }
[Export ("skipDescendents")]
void SkipDescendents ();
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("level")]
nint Level { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("isEnumeratingDirectoryPostOrder")]
bool IsEnumeratingDirectoryPostOrder { get; }
delegate bool NSPredicateEvaluator (NSObject evaluatedObject, NSDictionary bindings);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
// 'init' returns NIL
interface NSPredicate : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("predicateWithFormat:argumentArray:")]
NSPredicate _FromFormat (string predicateFormat, [NullAllowed] NSObject [] arguments);
[Static, Export ("predicateWithValue:")]
NSPredicate FromValue (bool value);
[Static, Export ("predicateWithBlock:")]
NSPredicate FromExpression (NSPredicateEvaluator evaluator);
[Export ("predicateFormat")]
string PredicateFormat { get; }
[Export ("predicateWithSubstitutionVariables:")]
NSPredicate PredicateWithSubstitutionVariables (NSDictionary substitutionVariables);
[Export ("evaluateWithObject:")]
bool EvaluateWithObject (NSObject obj);
[Export ("evaluateWithObject:substitutionVariables:")]
bool EvaluateWithObject (NSObject obj, NSDictionary substitutionVariables);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[Export ("predicateFromMetadataQueryString:")]
NSPredicate FromMetadataQueryString (string query);
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("allowEvaluation")]
void AllowEvaluation ();
[Category, BaseType (typeof (NSOrderedSet))]
partial interface NSPredicateSupport_NSOrderedSet {
[Export ("filteredOrderedSetUsingPredicate:")]
NSOrderedSet FilterUsingPredicate (NSPredicate p);
[Category, BaseType (typeof (NSMutableOrderedSet))]
partial interface NSPredicateSupport_NSMutableOrderedSet {
[Export ("filterUsingPredicate:")]
void FilterUsingPredicate (NSPredicate p);
[Category, BaseType (typeof (NSArray))]
partial interface NSPredicateSupport_NSArray {
[Export ("filteredArrayUsingPredicate:")]
NSArray FilterUsingPredicate (NSArray array);
#pragma warning disable 618
[Category, BaseType (typeof (NSMutableArray))]
#pragma warning restore 618
partial interface NSPredicateSupport_NSMutableArray {
[Export ("filterUsingPredicate:")]
void FilterUsingPredicate (NSPredicate predicate);
[Category, BaseType (typeof (NSSet))]
partial interface NSPredicateSupport_NSSet {
[Export ("filteredSetUsingPredicate:")]
NSSet FilterUsingPredicate (NSPredicate predicate);
[Category, BaseType (typeof (NSMutableSet))]
partial interface NSPredicateSupport_NSMutableSet {
[Export ("filterUsingPredicate:")]
void FilterUsingPredicate (NSPredicate predicate);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLDownload")]
interface NSUrlDownload {
[Static, Export ("canResumeDownloadDecodedWithEncodingMIMEType:")]
bool CanResumeDownloadDecodedWithEncodingMimeType (string mimeType);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11, message: "Use 'NSURLSession' instead.")]
[Export ("initWithRequest:delegate:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrlRequest request, [NullAllowed] NSObject delegate1);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11, message: "Use 'NSURLSession' instead.")]
[Export ("initWithResumeData:delegate:path:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData resumeData, [NullAllowed] NSObject delegate1, string path);
[Export ("cancel")]
void Cancel ();
[Export ("setDestination:allowOverwrite:")]
void SetDestination (string path, bool allowOverwrite);
[Export ("request")]
NSUrlRequest Request { get; }
[Export ("resumeData")]
NSData ResumeData { get; }
[Export ("deletesFileUponFailure")]
bool DeletesFileUponFailure { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Protocol (Name = "NSURLDownloadDelegate")]
interface NSUrlDownloadDelegate {
[Export ("downloadDidBegin:")]
void DownloadBegan (NSUrlDownload download);
[Export ("download:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:")]
NSUrlRequest WillSendRequest (NSUrlDownload download, NSUrlRequest request, NSUrlResponse redirectResponse);
[Export ("download:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:")]
void ReceivedAuthenticationChallenge (NSUrlDownload download, NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge);
[Export ("download:didCancelAuthenticationChallenge:")]
void CanceledAuthenticationChallenge (NSUrlDownload download, NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge);
[Export ("download:didReceiveResponse:")]
void ReceivedResponse (NSUrlDownload download, NSUrlResponse response);
//- (void)download:(NSUrlDownload *)download willResumeWithResponse:(NSUrlResponse *)response fromByte:(long long)startingByte;
[Export ("download:willResumeWithResponse:fromByte:")]
void Resume (NSUrlDownload download, NSUrlResponse response, long startingByte);
//- (void)download:(NSUrlDownload *)download didReceiveDataOfLength:(NSUInteger)length;
[Export ("download:didReceiveDataOfLength:")]
void ReceivedData (NSUrlDownload download, nuint length);
[Export ("download:shouldDecodeSourceDataOfMIMEType:")]
bool DecodeSourceData (NSUrlDownload download, string encodingType);
[Export ("download:decideDestinationWithSuggestedFilename:")]
void DecideDestination (NSUrlDownload download, string suggestedFilename);
[Export ("download:didCreateDestination:")]
void CreatedDestination (NSUrlDownload download, string path);
[Export ("downloadDidFinish:")]
void Finished (NSUrlDownload download);
[Export ("download:didFailWithError:")]
void FailedWithError (NSUrlDownload download, NSError error);
// Users are not supposed to implement the NSUrlProtocolClient protocol, they're
// only supposed to consume it. This is why there's no model for this protocol.
[Protocol (Name = "NSURLProtocolClient")]
interface NSUrlProtocolClient {
[Export ("URLProtocol:wasRedirectedToRequest:redirectResponse:")]
void Redirected (NSUrlProtocol protocol, NSUrlRequest redirectedToEequest, NSUrlResponse redirectResponse);
[Export ("URLProtocol:cachedResponseIsValid:")]
void CachedResponseIsValid (NSUrlProtocol protocol, NSCachedUrlResponse cachedResponse);
[Export ("URLProtocol:didReceiveResponse:cacheStoragePolicy:")]
void ReceivedResponse (NSUrlProtocol protocol, NSUrlResponse response, NSUrlCacheStoragePolicy policy);
[Export ("URLProtocol:didLoadData:")]
void DataLoaded (NSUrlProtocol protocol, NSData data);
[Export ("URLProtocolDidFinishLoading:")]
void FinishedLoading (NSUrlProtocol protocol);
[Export ("URLProtocol:didFailWithError:")]
void FailedWithError (NSUrlProtocol protocol, NSError error);
[Export ("URLProtocol:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:")]
void ReceivedAuthenticationChallenge (NSUrlProtocol protocol, NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge);
[Export ("URLProtocol:didCancelAuthenticationChallenge:")]
void CancelledAuthenticationChallenge (NSUrlProtocol protocol, NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge);
interface INSUrlProtocolClient { }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject),
Name = "NSURLProtocol",
Delegates = new string [] { "WeakClient" })]
interface NSUrlProtocol {
[Export ("initWithRequest:cachedResponse:client:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrlRequest request, [NullAllowed] NSCachedUrlResponse cachedResponse, INSUrlProtocolClient client);
[Export ("client")]
INSUrlProtocolClient Client { get; }
[Export ("request")]
NSUrlRequest Request { get; }
[Export ("cachedResponse")]
NSCachedUrlResponse CachedResponse { get; }
[Export ("canInitWithRequest:")]
bool CanInitWithRequest (NSUrlRequest request);
[Export ("canonicalRequestForRequest:")]
NSUrlRequest GetCanonicalRequest (NSUrlRequest forRequest);
[Export ("requestIsCacheEquivalent:toRequest:")]
bool IsRequestCacheEquivalent (NSUrlRequest first, NSUrlRequest second);
[Export ("startLoading")]
void StartLoading ();
[Export ("stopLoading")]
void StopLoading ();
[Export ("propertyForKey:inRequest:")]
NSObject GetProperty (string key, NSUrlRequest inRequest);
[Export ("setProperty:forKey:inRequest:")]
void SetProperty ([NullAllowed] NSObject value, string key, NSMutableUrlRequest inRequest);
[Export ("removePropertyForKey:inRequest:")]
void RemoveProperty (string propertyKey, NSMutableUrlRequest request);
[Export ("registerClass:")]
bool RegisterClass (Class protocolClass);
[Export ("unregisterClass:")]
void UnregisterClass (Class protocolClass);
// Commented API are broken and we'll need to provide a workaround for them
// https://trello.com/c/RthKXnyu/381-disabled-nsurlprotocol-api-reminder
// * "task" does not answer and is not usable - maybe it only works if created from the new API ?!?
// * "canInitWithTask" can't be called as a .NET static method. The ObjC code uses the current type
// internally (which will always be NSURLProtocol in .NET never a subclass) and complains about it
// being abstract (which is true)
// -canInitWithRequest: cannot be sent to an abstract object of class NSURLProtocol: Create a concrete instance!
// [iOS (8,0)]
// [Export ("initWithTask:cachedResponse:client:")]
// NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrlSessionTask task, [NullAllowed] NSCachedUrlResponse cachedResponse, INSUrlProtocolClient client);
// [iOS (8,0)]
// [Export ("task", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
// NSUrlSessionTask Task { get; }
// [iOS (8,0)]
// [Static, Export ("canInitWithTask:")]
// bool CanInitWithTask (NSUrlSessionTask task);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSPropertyListSerialization {
[Static, Export ("dataWithPropertyList:format:options:error:")]
NSData DataWithPropertyList (NSObject plist, NSPropertyListFormat format,
NSPropertyListWriteOptions options, out NSError error);
[Static, Export ("writePropertyList:toStream:format:options:error:")]
nint WritePropertyList (NSObject plist, NSOutputStream stream, NSPropertyListFormat format,
NSPropertyListWriteOptions options, out NSError error);
[Static, Export ("propertyListWithData:options:format:error:")]
NSObject PropertyListWithData (NSData data, NSPropertyListReadOptions options,
ref NSPropertyListFormat format, out NSError error);
[Static, Export ("propertyListWithStream:options:format:error:")]
NSObject PropertyListWithStream (NSInputStream stream, NSPropertyListReadOptions options,
ref NSPropertyListFormat format, out NSError error);
[Static, Export ("propertyList:isValidForFormat:")]
bool IsValidForFormat (NSObject plist, NSPropertyListFormat format);
interface INSExtensionRequestHandling { }
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10, 10)] // Not defined in 32-bit
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Protocol, Model]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSExtensionRequestHandling {
// @required - (void)beginRequestWithExtensionContext:(NSExtensionContext *)context;
[Export ("beginRequestWithExtensionContext:")]
void BeginRequestWithExtensionContext (NSExtensionContext context);
interface NSLocking {
[Export ("lock")]
void Lock ();
[Export ("unlock")]
void Unlock ();
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // An uncaught exception was raised: *** -range cannot be sent to an abstract object of class NSTextCheckingResult: Create a concrete instance!
interface NSTextCheckingResult : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("resultType")]
NSTextCheckingType ResultType { get; }
[Export ("range")]
NSRange Range { get; }
// From the NSTextCheckingResultOptional category on NSTextCheckingResult
[Export ("orthography")]
NSOrthography Orthography { get; }
[Export ("grammarDetails")]
string [] GrammarDetails { get; }
[Export ("date")]
NSDate Date { get; }
[Export ("timeZone")]
NSTimeZone TimeZone { get; }
[Export ("duration")]
double TimeInterval { get; }
[Export ("components")]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
NSDictionary WeakComponents { get; }
[Wrap ("WeakComponents")]
NSTextCheckingTransitComponents Components { get; }
[Export ("URL")]
NSUrl Url { get; }
[Export ("replacementString")]
string ReplacementString { get; }
[Export ("alternativeStrings")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
string [] AlternativeStrings { get; }
// NSRegularExpression isn't bound
// [Export ("regularExpression")]
// NSRegularExpression RegularExpression { get; }
[Export ("phoneNumber")]
string PhoneNumber { get; }
[Export ("addressComponents")]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
NSDictionary WeakAddressComponents { get; }
[Wrap ("WeakAddressComponents")]
NSTextCheckingAddressComponents AddressComponents { get; }
[Export ("numberOfRanges")]
nuint NumberOfRanges { get; }
[Export ("rangeAtIndex:")]
NSRange RangeAtIndex (nuint idx);
[Export ("resultByAdjustingRangesWithOffset:")]
NSTextCheckingResult ResultByAdjustingRanges (nint offset);
// From the NSTextCheckingResultCreation category on NSTextCheckingResult
[Export ("orthographyCheckingResultWithRange:orthography:")]
NSTextCheckingResult OrthographyCheckingResult (NSRange range, NSOrthography ortography);
[Export ("spellCheckingResultWithRange:")]
NSTextCheckingResult SpellCheckingResult (NSRange range);
[Export ("grammarCheckingResultWithRange:details:")]
NSTextCheckingResult GrammarCheckingResult (NSRange range, string [] details);
[Export ("dateCheckingResultWithRange:date:")]
NSTextCheckingResult DateCheckingResult (NSRange range, NSDate date);
[Export ("dateCheckingResultWithRange:date:timeZone:duration:")]
NSTextCheckingResult DateCheckingResult (NSRange range, NSDate date, NSTimeZone timezone, double duration);
[Export ("addressCheckingResultWithRange:components:")]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
NSTextCheckingResult AddressCheckingResult (NSRange range, NSDictionary components);
[Wrap ("AddressCheckingResult (range, components.GetDictionary ()!)")]
NSTextCheckingResult AddressCheckingResult (NSRange range, NSTextCheckingAddressComponents components);
[Export ("linkCheckingResultWithRange:URL:")]
NSTextCheckingResult LinkCheckingResult (NSRange range, NSUrl url);
[Export ("quoteCheckingResultWithRange:replacementString:")]
NSTextCheckingResult QuoteCheckingResult (NSRange range, NSString replacementString);
[Export ("dashCheckingResultWithRange:replacementString:")]
NSTextCheckingResult DashCheckingResult (NSRange range, string replacementString);
[Export ("replacementCheckingResultWithRange:replacementString:")]
NSTextCheckingResult ReplacementCheckingResult (NSRange range, string replacementString);
[Export ("correctionCheckingResultWithRange:replacementString:")]
NSTextCheckingResult CorrectionCheckingResult (NSRange range, string replacementString);
[Export ("correctionCheckingResultWithRange:replacementString:alternativeStrings:")]
[Mac (10, 9)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
NSTextCheckingResult CorrectionCheckingResult (NSRange range, string replacementString, string [] alternativeStrings);
// NSRegularExpression isn't bound
// [Export ("regularExpressionCheckingResultWithRanges:count:regularExpression:")]
// [Internal] // FIXME
// NSTextCheckingResult RegularExpressionCheckingResult (ref NSRange ranges, nuint count, NSRegularExpression regularExpression);
[Export ("phoneNumberCheckingResultWithRange:phoneNumber:")]
NSTextCheckingResult PhoneNumberCheckingResult (NSRange range, string phoneNumber);
[Export ("transitInformationCheckingResultWithRange:components:")]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
NSTextCheckingResult TransitInformationCheckingResult (NSRange range, NSDictionary components);
[Wrap ("TransitInformationCheckingResult (range, components.GetDictionary ()!)")]
NSTextCheckingResult TransitInformationCheckingResult (NSRange range, NSTextCheckingTransitComponents components);
[Watch (4, 0), TV (11, 0), Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("rangeWithName:")]
NSRange GetRange (string name);
[StrongDictionary ("NSTextChecking")]
interface NSTextCheckingTransitComponents {
string Airline { get; }
string Flight { get; }
[StrongDictionary ("NSTextChecking")]
interface NSTextCheckingAddressComponents {
string Name { get; }
string JobTitle { get; }
string Organization { get; }
string Street { get; }
string City { get; }
string State { get; }
[Export ("ZipKey")]
string ZIP { get; }
string Country { get; }
string Phone { get; }
interface NSTextChecking {
[Field ("NSTextCheckingNameKey")]
NSString NameKey { get; }
[Field ("NSTextCheckingJobTitleKey")]
NSString JobTitleKey { get; }
[Field ("NSTextCheckingOrganizationKey")]
NSString OrganizationKey { get; }
[Field ("NSTextCheckingStreetKey")]
NSString StreetKey { get; }
[Field ("NSTextCheckingCityKey")]
NSString CityKey { get; }
[Field ("NSTextCheckingStateKey")]
NSString StateKey { get; }
[Field ("NSTextCheckingZIPKey")]
NSString ZipKey { get; }
[Field ("NSTextCheckingCountryKey")]
NSString CountryKey { get; }
[Field ("NSTextCheckingPhoneKey")]
NSString PhoneKey { get; }
[Field ("NSTextCheckingAirlineKey")]
NSString AirlineKey { get; }
[Field ("NSTextCheckingFlightKey")]
NSString FlightKey { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSLock : NSLocking {
[Export ("tryLock")]
bool TryLock ();
[Export ("lockBeforeDate:")]
bool LockBeforeDate (NSDate limit);
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSConditionLock : NSLocking {
[Export ("initWithCondition:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nint condition);
[Export ("condition")]
nint Condition { get; }
[Export ("lockWhenCondition:")]
void LockWhenCondition (nint condition);
[Export ("tryLock")]
bool TryLock ();
[Export ("tryLockWhenCondition:")]
bool TryLockWhenCondition (nint condition);
[Export ("unlockWithCondition:")]
void UnlockWithCondition (nint condition);
[Export ("lockBeforeDate:")]
bool LockBeforeDate (NSDate limit);
[Export ("lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:")]
bool LockWhenCondition (nint condition, NSDate limit);
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSRecursiveLock : NSLocking {
[Export ("tryLock")]
bool TryLock ();
[Export ("lockBeforeDate:")]
bool LockBeforeDate (NSDate limit);
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; set; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSCondition : NSLocking {
[Export ("wait")]
void Wait ();
[Export ("waitUntilDate:")]
bool WaitUntilDate (NSDate limit);
[Export ("signal")]
void Signal ();
[Export ("broadcast")]
void Broadcast ();
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; set; }
// Not yet, the IntPtr[] argument isn't handled correctly by the generator (it tries to convert to NSArray, while the native method expects a C array).
// [Protocol]
// interface NSFastEnumeration {
// [Abstract]
// [Export ("countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:")]
// nuint Enumerate (ref NSFastEnumerationState state, IntPtr[] objects, nuint count);
// }
// Placeholer, just so we can start flagging things
interface INSFastEnumeration { }
partial interface NSBundle {
// - (NSImage *)imageForResource:(NSString *)name NS_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_7);
[Export ("imageForResource:")]
NSImage ImageForResource (string name);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSDateInterval : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("startDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate StartDate { get; }
[Export ("endDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate EndDate { get; }
[Export ("duration")]
double Duration { get; }
[Export ("initWithStartDate:duration:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSDate startDate, double duration);
[Export ("initWithStartDate:endDate:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSDate startDate, NSDate endDate);
[Export ("compare:")]
NSComparisonResult Compare (NSDateInterval dateInterval);
[Export ("isEqualToDateInterval:")]
bool IsEqualTo (NSDateInterval dateInterval);
[Export ("intersectsDateInterval:")]
bool Intersects (NSDateInterval dateInterval);
[Export ("intersectionWithDateInterval:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSDateInterval GetIntersection (NSDateInterval dateInterval);
[Export ("containsDate:")]
bool ContainsDate (NSDate date);
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSUnit : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("symbol")]
string Symbol { get; }
[Export ("initWithSymbol:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSUnitConverter {
[Export ("baseUnitValueFromValue:")]
double GetBaseUnitValue (double value);
[Export ("valueFromBaseUnitValue:")]
double GetValue (double baseUnitValue);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSUnitConverter))]
interface NSUnitConverterLinear : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("coefficient")]
double Coefficient { get; }
[Export ("constant")]
double Constant { get; }
[Export ("initWithCoefficient:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (double coefficient);
[Export ("initWithCoefficient:constant:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (double coefficient, double constant);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSUnit))]
[Abstract] // abstract subclass of NSUnit
[DisableDefaultCtor] // there's a designated initializer
interface NSDimension : NSSecureCoding {
// Inlined from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol);
[Export ("converter", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitConverter Converter { get; }
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
// needs to be overriden in suubclasses
// NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: *** You must override baseUnit in your class NSDimension to define its base unit.
// we provide a basic, managed, implementation that throws with a similar message
//[Export ("baseUnit")]
//NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // base type has a designated initializer
interface NSUnitTemperature : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("kelvin", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitTemperature Kelvin { get; }
[Export ("celsius", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitTemperature Celsius { get; }
[Export ("fahrenheit", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitTemperature Fahrenheit { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
partial interface NSFileManager {
[iOS (11, 0), NoTV, NoWatch]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("trashItemAtURL:resultingItemURL:error:")]
bool TrashItem (NSUrl url, out NSUrl resultingItemUrl, out NSError error);
[Mac (10, 14)]
[Export ("fileManagerWithAuthorization:")]
NSFileManager FromAuthorization (NSWorkspaceAuthorization authorization);
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10, 13), iOS (11, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSFileProviderService {
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; }
partial interface NSFilePresenter {
[Export ("primaryPresentedItemURL")]
NSUrl PrimaryPresentedItemUrl { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 12, 0, message : "Use the Network.framework instead.")]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
partial interface NSHost {
[Static, Internal, Export ("currentHost")]
NSHost _Current { get;}
[Static, Internal, Export ("hostWithName:")]
NSHost _FromName ([NullAllowed] string name);
[Static, Internal, Export ("hostWithAddress:")]
NSHost _FromAddress (string address);
[Export ("isEqualToHost:")]
bool Equals (NSHost host);
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; }
[Export ("localizedName")]
string LocalizedName { get; }
[Export ("names")]
string [] Names { get; }
[Internal, Export ("address")]
string _Address { get; }
[Internal, Export ("addresses")]
string [] _Addresses { get; }
[Export ("hash"), Internal]
nuint _Hash { get; }
/* Deprecated, here for completeness:
[Availability (Introduced = Platform.Mac_10_0, Deprecated = Platform.Mac_10_7)]
[Static, Export ("setHostCacheEnabled:")]
void SetHostCacheEnabled (bool flag);
[Availability (Introduced = Platform.Mac_10_0, Deprecated = Platform.Mac_10_7)]
[Static, Export ("isHostCacheEnabled")]
bool IsHostCacheEnabled ();
[Availability (Introduced = Platform.Mac_10_0, Deprecated = Platform.Mac_10_7)]
[Static, Export ("flushHostCache")]
void FlushHostCache ();
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
partial interface NSScriptCommand : NSCoding {
[Export ("initWithCommandDescription:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSScriptCommandDescription cmdDescription);
[Export ("currentCommand")]
IntPtr GetCurrentCommand ();
[Export ("appleEvent")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor AppleEvent { get; }
[Export ("executeCommand")]
IntPtr Execute ();
[Export ("evaluatedReceivers")]
NSObject EvaluatedReceivers { get; }
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[StrongDictionary ("NSScriptCommandArgumentDescriptionKeys")]
partial interface NSScriptCommandArgumentDescription {
string AppleEventCode { get; set; }
string Type { get; set; }
string Optional { get; set; }
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[StrongDictionary ("NSScriptCommandDescriptionDictionaryKeys")]
partial interface NSScriptCommandDescriptionDictionary {
string CommandClass { get; set; }
string AppleEventCode { get; set; }
string AppleEventClassCode { get; set; }
string Type { get; set; }
string ResultAppleEventCode { get; set; }
NSMutableDictionary Arguments { get; set; }
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
partial interface NSScriptCommandDescription : NSCoding {
[Export ("initWithSuiteName:commandName:dictionary:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSString suiteName, NSString commandName, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary commandDeclaration);
[Export ("appleEventClassCode")]
int FCCAppleEventClassCode { get; }
[Export ("appleEventCode")]
int FCCAppleEventCode { get; }
[Export ("commandClassName")]
string ClassName { get; }
[Export ("commandName")]
string Name { get; }
[Export ("suiteName")]
string SuitName { get; }
[Export ("appleEventCodeForArgumentWithName:")]
int FCCAppleEventCodeForArgument (NSString name);
[Export ("argumentNames")]
string [] ArgumentNames { get; }
[Export ("isOptionalArgumentWithName:")]
bool NSIsOptionalArgument (NSString name);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("typeForArgumentWithName:")]
NSString GetNSTypeForArgument (NSString name);
[Export ("appleEventCodeForReturnType")]
int FCCAppleEventCodeForReturnType { get; }
[Export ("returnType")]
string ReturnType { get; }
[Export ("createCommandInstance")]
IntPtr CreateCommandInstancePtr ();
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
interface NSAffineTransform : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithTransform:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSAffineTransform transform);
[Export ("translateXBy:yBy:")]
void Translate (nfloat deltaX, nfloat deltaY);
[Export ("rotateByDegrees:")]
void RotateByDegrees (nfloat angle);
[Export ("rotateByRadians:")]
void RotateByRadians (nfloat angle);
[Export ("scaleBy:")]
void Scale (nfloat scale);
[Export ("scaleXBy:yBy:")]
void Scale (nfloat scaleX, nfloat scaleY);
[Export ("invert")]
void Invert ();
[Export ("appendTransform:")]
void AppendTransform (NSAffineTransform transform);
[Export ("prependTransform:")]
void PrependTransform (NSAffineTransform transform);
[Export ("transformPoint:")]
CGPoint TransformPoint (CGPoint aPoint);
[Export ("transformSize:")]
CGSize TransformSize (CGSize aSize);
[Export ("transformBezierPath:")]
NSBezierPath TransformBezierPath (NSBezierPath path);
[Export ("set")]
void Set ();
[Export ("concat")]
void Concat ();
[Export ("transformStruct")]
CGAffineTransform TransformStruct { get; set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 13, message: "Use 'NSXpcConnection' instead.")]
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSConnection {
[return: NullAllowed]
[Static, Export ("connectionWithReceivePort:sendPort:")]
NSConnection Create ([NullAllowed] NSPort receivePort, [NullAllowed] NSPort sendPort);
[Export ("runInNewThread")]
void RunInNewThread ();
// enableMultipleThreads, multipleThreadsEnabled - no-op in 10.5+ (always enabled)
[Export ("addRunLoop:")]
void AddRunLoop (NSRunLoop runLoop);
[Export ("removeRunLoop:")]
void RemoveRunLoop (NSRunLoop runLoop);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Static, Export ("serviceConnectionWithName:rootObject:usingNameServer:")]
NSConnection CreateService (string name, NSObject root, NSPortNameServer server);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Static, Export ("serviceConnectionWithName:rootObject:")]
NSConnection CreateService (string name, NSObject root);
[Export ("registerName:")]
bool RegisterName ([NullAllowed] string name);
[Export ("registerName:withNameServer:")]
bool RegisterName ([NullAllowed] string name, NSPortNameServer server);
[Export ("rootObject", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSObject RootObject { get; set; }
[return: NullAllowed]
[Static, Export ("connectionWithRegisteredName:host:")]
NSConnection LookupService (string name, [NullAllowed] string hostName);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Static, Export ("connectionWithRegisteredName:host:usingNameServer:")]
NSConnection LookupService (string name, [NullAllowed] string hostName, NSPortNameServer server);
[Internal, Export ("rootProxy")]
IntPtr _GetRootProxy ();
[Internal, Static, Export ("rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName:host:")]
IntPtr _GetRootProxy (string name, [NullAllowed] string hostName);
[Internal, Static, Export ("rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName:host:usingNameServer:")]
IntPtr _GetRootProxy (string name, [NullAllowed] string hostName, NSPortNameServer server);
[Export ("remoteObjects")]
NSObject [] RemoteObjects { get; }
[Export ("localObjects")]
NSObject [] LocalObjects { get; }
[Static, Export ("currentConversation")]
NSObject CurrentConversation { get; }
[Static, Export ("allConnections")]
NSConnection [] AllConnections { get; }
[Export ("requestTimeout")]
NSTimeInterval RequestTimeout { get; set; }
[Export ("replyTimeout")]
NSTimeInterval ReplyTimeout { get; set; }
[Export ("independentConversationQueueing")]
bool IndependentConversationQueueing { get; set; }
[Export ("addRequestMode:")]
void AddRequestMode (NSString runLoopMode);
[Export ("removeRequestMode:")]
void RemoveRequestMode (NSString runLoopMode);
[Export ("requestModes")]
NSString [] RequestModes { get; }
[Export ("invalidate")]
void Invalidate ();
[Export ("isValid")]
bool IsValid { get; }
[Export ("receivePort")]
NSPort ReceivePort { get; }
[Export ("sendPort")]
NSPort SendPort { get; }
[Export ("dispatchWithComponents:")]
void Dispatch (NSArray components);
[Export ("statistics")]
NSDictionary Statistics { get; }
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign), NullAllowed]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
NSConnectionDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 13, message: "Use 'NSXpcConnection' instead.")]
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSConnectionDelegate {
[Export ("authenticateComponents:withData:")]
bool AuthenticateComponents (NSArray components, NSData authenticationData);
[Export ("authenticationDataForComponents:")]
NSData GetAuthenticationData (NSArray components);
[Export ("connection:shouldMakeNewConnection:")]
bool ShouldMakeNewConnection (NSConnection parentConnection, NSConnection newConnection);
[Export ("connection:handleRequest:")]
bool HandleRequest (NSConnection connection, NSDistantObjectRequest request);
[Export ("createConversationForConnection:")]
NSObject CreateConversation (NSConnection connection);
[Export ("makeNewConnection:sender:")]
bool AllowNewConnection (NSConnection newConnection, NSConnection parentConnection);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 13, message: "Use 'NSXpcConnection' instead.")]
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSDistantObjectRequest {
[Export ("connection")]
NSConnection Connection { get; }
[Export ("conversation")]
NSObject Conversation { get; }
[Export ("invocation")]
NSInvocation Invocation { get; }
[Export ("replyWithException:")]
void Reply ([NullAllowed] NSException exception);
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 13)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSPortNameServer {
[Static, Export ("systemDefaultPortNameServer")]
NSPortNameServer SystemDefault { get; }
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("portForName:")]
NSPort GetPort (string portName);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("portForName:host:")]
NSPort GetPort (string portName, [NullAllowed] string hostName);
[Export ("registerPort:name:")]
bool RegisterPort (NSPort port, string portName);
[Export ("removePortForName:")]
bool RemovePort (string portName);
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch]
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSAppleEventDescriptor : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("nullDescriptor")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor NullDescriptor { get; }
/* [Static]
[Export ("descriptorWithDescriptorType:bytes:length:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorWithDescriptorTypebyteslength (DescType descriptorType, void bytes, uint byteCount);
[Export ("descriptorWithDescriptorType:data:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorWithDescriptorTypedata (DescType descriptorType, NSData data);*/
[Export ("descriptorWithBoolean:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorWithBoolean (Boolean boolean);
[Export ("descriptorWithEnumCode:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorWithEnumCode (OSType enumerator);
[Export ("descriptorWithInt32:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorWithInt32 (int /* int32 */ signedInt);
[Export ("descriptorWithTypeCode:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorWithTypeCode (OSType typeCode);
[Export ("descriptorWithString:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorWithString (string str);
[Export ("appleEventWithEventClass:eventID:targetDescriptor:returnID:transactionID:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor AppleEventWithEventClasseventIDtargetDescriptorreturnIDtransactionID (AEEventClass eventClass, AEEventID eventID, NSAppleEventDescriptor targetDescriptor, AEReturnID returnID, AETransactionID transactionID);*/
[Export ("listDescriptor")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor ListDescriptor { get; }
[Export ("recordDescriptor")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor RecordDescriptor { get; }
/*[Export ("initWithAEDescNoCopy:")]
NSObject InitWithAEDescNoCopy (const AEDesc aeDesc);
[Export ("initWithDescriptorType:bytes:length:")]
NSObject InitWithDescriptorTypebyteslength (DescType descriptorType, void bytes, uint byteCount);
[Export ("initWithDescriptorType:data:")]
NSObject InitWithDescriptorTypedata (DescType descriptorType, NSData data);
[Export ("initWithEventClass:eventID:targetDescriptor:returnID:transactionID:")]
NSObject InitWithEventClasseventIDtargetDescriptorreturnIDtransactionID (AEEventClass eventClass, AEEventID eventID, NSAppleEventDescriptor targetDescriptor, AEReturnID returnID, AETransactionID transactionID);*/
[Export ("initListDescriptor")]
IntPtr _InitListDescriptor ();
[Export ("initRecordDescriptor")]
IntPtr _InitRecordDescriptor ();
#if !XAMCORE_3_0
[Obsolete ("Use the constructor instead.")]
[Export ("initListDescriptor")]
NSObject InitListDescriptor ();
[Obsolete ("Use the constructor instead.")]
[Export ("initRecordDescriptor")]
NSObject InitRecordDescriptor ();
/*[Export ("aeDesc")]
const AEDesc AeDesc ();
[Export ("descriptorType")]
DescType DescriptorType ();*/
[Export ("data")]
NSData Data { get; }
[Export ("booleanValue")]
Boolean BooleanValue { get; }
[Export ("enumCodeValue")]
OSType EnumCodeValue ();
[Export ("int32Value")]
Int32 Int32Value { get; }
[Export ("typeCodeValue")]
OSType TypeCodeValue { get; }
[Export ("stringValue")]
string StringValue { get; }
[Export ("eventClass")]
AEEventClass EventClass { get; }
[Export ("eventID")]
AEEventID EventID { get; }
/*[Export ("returnID")]
AEReturnID ReturnID ();
[Export ("transactionID")]
AETransactionID TransactionID ();*/
[Export ("setParamDescriptor:forKeyword:")]
void SetParamDescriptorforKeyword (NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptor, AEKeyword keyword);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("paramDescriptorForKeyword:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor ParamDescriptorForKeyword (AEKeyword keyword);
[Export ("removeParamDescriptorWithKeyword:")]
void RemoveParamDescriptorWithKeyword (AEKeyword keyword);
[Export ("setAttributeDescriptor:forKeyword:")]
void SetAttributeDescriptorforKeyword (NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptor, AEKeyword keyword);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("attributeDescriptorForKeyword:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor AttributeDescriptorForKeyword (AEKeyword keyword);
[Export ("numberOfItems")]
nint NumberOfItems { get; }
[Export ("insertDescriptor:atIndex:")]
void InsertDescriptoratIndex (NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptor, nint index);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("descriptorAtIndex:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorAtIndex (nint index);
[Export ("removeDescriptorAtIndex:")]
void RemoveDescriptorAtIndex (nint index);
[Export ("setDescriptor:forKeyword:")]
void SetDescriptorforKeyword (NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptor, AEKeyword keyword);
[return: NullAllowed]
[Export ("descriptorForKeyword:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorForKeyword (AEKeyword keyword);
[Export ("removeDescriptorWithKeyword:")]
void RemoveDescriptorWithKeyword (AEKeyword keyword);
[Export ("keywordForDescriptorAtIndex:")]
AEKeyword KeywordForDescriptorAtIndex (nint index);
/*[Export ("coerceToDescriptorType:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor CoerceToDescriptorType (DescType descriptorType);*/
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("currentProcessDescriptor")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor CurrentProcessDescriptor { get; }
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("descriptorWithDouble:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor FromDouble (double doubleValue);
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("descriptorWithDate:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor FromDate (NSDate date);
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("descriptorWithFileURL:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor FromFileURL (NSUrl fileURL);
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("descriptorWithProcessIdentifier:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor FromProcessIdentifier (int processIdentifier);
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("descriptorWithBundleIdentifier:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor FromBundleIdentifier (string bundleIdentifier);
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("descriptorWithApplicationURL:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor FromApplicationURL (NSUrl applicationURL);
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("doubleValue")]
double DoubleValue { get; }
[Mac (10, 11)]
[Export ("sendEventWithOptions:timeout:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSAppleEventDescriptor SendEvent (NSAppleEventSendOptions sendOptions, double timeoutInSeconds, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("isRecordDescriptor")]
bool IsRecordDescriptor { get; }
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("dateValue", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate DateValue { get; }
[Mac (10, 11)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("fileURLValue", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrl FileURLValue { get; }
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch]
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSAppleEventManager {
[Export ("sharedAppleEventManager")]
NSAppleEventManager SharedAppleEventManager { get; }
[Export ("setEventHandler:andSelector:forEventClass:andEventID:")]
void SetEventHandler (NSObject handler, Selector handleEventSelector, AEEventClass eventClass, AEEventID eventID);
[Export ("removeEventHandlerForEventClass:andEventID:")]
void RemoveEventHandler (AEEventClass eventClass, AEEventID eventID);
[Export ("currentAppleEvent")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor CurrentAppleEvent { get; }
[Export ("currentReplyAppleEvent")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor CurrentReplyAppleEvent { get; }
[Export ("suspendCurrentAppleEvent")]
NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionID SuspendCurrentAppleEvent ();
[Export ("appleEventForSuspensionID:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor AppleEventForSuspensionID (NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionID suspensionID);
[Export ("replyAppleEventForSuspensionID:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor ReplyAppleEventForSuspensionID (NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionID suspensionID);
[Export ("setCurrentAppleEventAndReplyEventWithSuspensionID:")]
void SetCurrentAppleEventAndReplyEventWithSuspensionID (NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionID suspensionID);
[Export ("resumeWithSuspensionID:")]
void ResumeWithSuspensionID (NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionID suspensionID);
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch]
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSTask {
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15)]
[Export ("launch")]
void Launch ();
[Export ("launchAndReturnError:")]
bool Launch ([NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Export ("interrupt")]
void Interrupt ();
[Export ("terminate")]
void Terminate ();
[Export ("suspend")]
bool Suspend ();
[Export ("resume")]
bool Resume ();
[Export ("waitUntilExit")]
void WaitUntilExit ();
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15)]
#if XAMCORE_5_0
[Obsolete ("Do not use; this method is not available on Mac Catalyst.")]
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
#endif // XAMCORE_5_0
[Export ("launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:arguments:")]
NSTask LaunchFromPath (string path, string [] arguments);
[Export ("launchedTaskWithExecutableURL:arguments:error:terminationHandler:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSTask LaunchFromUrl (NSUrl url, string [] arguments, [NullAllowed] out NSError error, [NullAllowed] Action<NSTask> terminationHandler);
//Detected properties
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15)]
[Export ("launchPath")]
string LaunchPath { get; set; }
[Export ("executableURL")]
NSUrl ExecutableUrl { get; set; }
[Export ("arguments")]
string [] Arguments { get; set; }
[Export ("environment", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary Environment { get; set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15)]
[Export ("currentDirectoryPath")]
string CurrentDirectoryPath { get; set; }
[Export ("currentDirectoryURL")]
NSUrl CurrentDirectoryUrl { get; set; }
[Export ("standardInput", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSObject StandardInput { get; set; }
[Export ("standardOutput", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSObject StandardOutput { get; set; }
[Export ("standardError", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSObject StandardError { get; set; }
[Export ("qualityOfService")]
NSQualityOfService QualityOfService { get; set; }
[Export ("isRunning")]
bool IsRunning { get; }
[Export ("processIdentifier")]
int ProcessIdentifier { get; } /* pid_t = int */
[Export ("terminationStatus")]
int TerminationStatus { get; } /* int, not NSInteger */
[Export ("terminationHandler")]
Action<NSTask> TerminationHandler { get; set; }
[Export ("terminationReason")]
NSTaskTerminationReason TerminationReason { get; }
[Field ("NSTaskDidTerminateNotification")]
NSString NSTaskDidTerminateNotification { get; }
[Field ("NSTaskDidTerminateNotification")]
NSString DidTerminateNotification { get; }
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch, NoMacCatalyst]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Advice ("'NSUserNotification' usages should be replaced with 'UserNotifications' framework.")]
interface NSUserNotification : NSCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("title", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Title { get; set; }
[Export ("subtitle", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Subtitle { get; set; }
[Export ("informativeText", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string InformativeText { get; set; }
[Export ("actionButtonTitle", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string ActionButtonTitle { get; set; }
[Export ("userInfo", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary UserInfo { get; set; }
[Export ("deliveryDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate DeliveryDate { get; set; }
[Export ("deliveryTimeZone", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSTimeZone DeliveryTimeZone { get; set; }
[Export ("deliveryRepeatInterval", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDateComponents DeliveryRepeatInterval { get; set; }
[Export ("actualDeliveryDate")]
NSDate ActualDeliveryDate { get; }
[Export ("presented")]
bool Presented { [Bind ("isPresented")] get; }
[Export ("remote")]
bool Remote { [Bind ("isRemote")] get; }
[Export ("soundName", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string SoundName { get; set; }
[Export ("hasActionButton")]
bool HasActionButton { get; set; }
[Export ("activationType")]
NSUserNotificationActivationType ActivationType { get; }
[Export ("otherButtonTitle", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string OtherButtonTitle { get; set; }
[Field ("NSUserNotificationDefaultSoundName")]
NSString NSUserNotificationDefaultSoundName { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("identifier")]
string Identifier { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("contentImage", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSImage ContentImage { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[Export ("hasReplyButton")]
bool HasReplyButton { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("responsePlaceholder")]
string ResponsePlaceholder { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("response", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSAttributedString Response { get; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("additionalActions", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUserNotificationAction [] AdditionalActions { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 10)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("additionalActivationAction", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUserNotificationAction AdditionalActivationAction { get; }
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch, NoMacCatalyst]
[Mac (10, 10)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Advice ("'NSUserNotification' usages should be replaced with 'UserNotifications' framework.")]
interface NSUserNotificationAction : NSCopying {
[Export ("actionWithIdentifier:title:")]
NSUserNotificationAction GetAction ([NullAllowed] string identifier, [NullAllowed] string title);
[NullAllowed, Export ("identifier")]
string Identifier { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("title")]
string Title { get; }
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch, NoMacCatalyst]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject),
Delegates = new string [] { "WeakDelegate" },
Events = new Type [] { typeof (NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate) })]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // crash with: NSUserNotificationCenter designitated initializer is _centerForBundleIdentifier
[Advice ("'NSUserNotification' usages should be replaced with 'UserNotifications' framework.")]
interface NSUserNotificationCenter {
[Export ("defaultUserNotificationCenter")]
NSUserNotificationCenter DefaultUserNotificationCenter { get; }
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("scheduledNotifications", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUserNotification [] ScheduledNotifications { get; set; }
[Export ("scheduleNotification:")]
[PostGet ("ScheduledNotifications")]
void ScheduleNotification (NSUserNotification notification);
[Export ("removeScheduledNotification:")]
[PostGet ("ScheduledNotifications")]
void RemoveScheduledNotification (NSUserNotification notification);
[Export ("deliveredNotifications")]
NSUserNotification [] DeliveredNotifications { get; }
[Export ("deliverNotification:")]
[PostGet ("DeliveredNotifications")]
void DeliverNotification (NSUserNotification notification);
[Export ("removeDeliveredNotification:")]
[PostGet ("DeliveredNotifications")]
void RemoveDeliveredNotification (NSUserNotification notification);
[Export ("removeAllDeliveredNotifications")]
[PostGet ("DeliveredNotifications")]
void RemoveAllDeliveredNotifications ();
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch, NoMacCatalyst]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 11, 0, message: "Use 'UserNotifications.*' API instead.")]
interface NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
[Export ("userNotificationCenter:didDeliverNotification:"), EventArgs ("UNCDidDeliverNotification")]
void DidDeliverNotification (NSUserNotificationCenter center, NSUserNotification notification);
[Export ("userNotificationCenter:didActivateNotification:"), EventArgs ("UNCDidActivateNotification")]
void DidActivateNotification (NSUserNotificationCenter center, NSUserNotification notification);
[Export ("userNotificationCenter:shouldPresentNotification:"), DelegateName ("UNCShouldPresentNotification"), DefaultValue (false)]
bool ShouldPresentNotification (NSUserNotificationCenter center, NSUserNotification notification);
[NoiOS, NoTV, NoWatch]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSAppleScript : NSCopying {
// @required - (instancetype)initWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)url error:(NSDictionary **)errorInfo;
[Export ("initWithContentsOfURL:error:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url, out NSDictionary errorInfo);
// @required - (instancetype)initWithSource:(NSString *)source;
[Export ("initWithSource:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string source);
// @property (readonly, copy) NSString * source;
[Export ("source")]
string Source { get; }
// @property (readonly, getter = isCompiled) BOOL compiled;
[Export ("compiled")]
bool Compiled { [Bind ("isCompiled")] get; }
// @required - (BOOL)compileAndReturnError:(NSDictionary **)errorInfo;
[Export ("compileAndReturnError:")]
bool CompileAndReturnError (out NSDictionary errorInfo);
// @required - (NSAppleEventDescriptor *)executeAndReturnError:(NSDictionary **)errorInfo;
[Export ("executeAndReturnError:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor ExecuteAndReturnError (out NSDictionary errorInfo);
// @required - (NSAppleEventDescriptor *)executeAppleEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event error:(NSDictionary **)errorInfo;
[Export ("executeAppleEvent:error:")]
NSAppleEventDescriptor ExecuteAppleEvent (NSAppleEventDescriptor eventDescriptor, out NSDictionary errorInfo);
[Export ("richTextSource", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSAttributedString RichTextSource { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter), Name = "NSISO8601DateFormatter")]
interface NSIso8601DateFormatter : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("timeZone", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSTimeZone TimeZone { get; set; }
[Export ("formatOptions", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSIso8601DateFormatOptions FormatOptions { get; set; }
[Export ("stringFromDate:")]
string ToString (NSDate date);
[Export ("dateFromString:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSDate ToDate (string @string);
[Export ("stringFromDate:timeZone:formatOptions:")]
string Format (NSDate date, NSTimeZone timeZone, NSIso8601DateFormatOptions formatOptions);
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLSessionTaskTransactionMetrics")]
interface NSUrlSessionTaskTransactionMetrics {
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Export ("init")]
NativeHandle Constructor ();
[Export ("request", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrlRequest Request { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("response", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrlResponse Response { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("fetchStartDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate FetchStartDate { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("domainLookupStartDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate DomainLookupStartDate { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("domainLookupEndDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate DomainLookupEndDate { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("connectStartDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate ConnectStartDate { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("secureConnectionStartDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate SecureConnectionStartDate { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("secureConnectionEndDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate SecureConnectionEndDate { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("connectEndDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate ConnectEndDate { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("requestStartDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate RequestStartDate { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("requestEndDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate RequestEndDate { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("responseStartDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate ResponseStartDate { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("responseEndDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate ResponseEndDate { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("networkProtocolName")]
string NetworkProtocolName { get; }
[Export ("proxyConnection")]
bool ProxyConnection { [Bind ("isProxyConnection")] get; }
[Export ("reusedConnection")]
bool ReusedConnection { [Bind ("isReusedConnection")] get; }
[Export ("resourceFetchType", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSUrlSessionTaskMetricsResourceFetchType ResourceFetchType { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("countOfRequestHeaderBytesSent")]
long CountOfRequestHeaderBytesSent { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("countOfRequestBodyBytesSent")]
long CountOfRequestBodyBytesSent { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("countOfRequestBodyBytesBeforeEncoding")]
long CountOfRequestBodyBytesBeforeEncoding { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("countOfResponseHeaderBytesReceived")]
long CountOfResponseHeaderBytesReceived { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("countOfResponseBodyBytesReceived")]
long CountOfResponseBodyBytesReceived { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("countOfResponseBodyBytesAfterDecoding")]
long CountOfResponseBodyBytesAfterDecoding { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("localAddress")]
string LocalAddress { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("localPort", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
// 0-1023
[BindAs (typeof (ushort?))]
NSNumber LocalPort { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("remoteAddress")]
string RemoteAddress { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("remotePort", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
// 0-1023
[BindAs (typeof (ushort?))]
NSNumber RemotePort { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("negotiatedTLSProtocolVersion", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
// <quote>It is a 2-byte sequence in host byte order.</quote> but it refers to (nicer) `tls_protocol_version_t`
[BindAs (typeof (SslProtocol?))]
NSNumber NegotiatedTlsProtocolVersion { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("negotiatedTLSCipherSuite", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
// <quote>It is a 2-byte sequence in host byte order.</quote> but it refers to (nicer) `tls_ciphersuite_t`
#if NET
[BindAs (typeof (TlsCipherSuite?))]
[BindAs (typeof (SslCipherSuite?))]
NSNumber NegotiatedTlsCipherSuite { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("cellular")]
bool Cellular { [Bind ("isCellular")] get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("expensive")]
bool Expensive { [Bind ("isExpensive")] get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("constrained")]
bool Constrained { [Bind ("isConstrained")] get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("multipath")]
bool Multipath { [Bind ("isMultipath")] get; }
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("domainResolutionProtocol")]
NSUrlSessionTaskMetricsDomainResolutionProtocol DomainResolutionProtocol { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLSessionTaskMetrics")]
interface NSUrlSessionTaskMetrics {
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.WatchOS, 6, 0, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 1, message: "This type is not meant to be user created.")]
[Export ("init")]
NativeHandle Constructor ();
[Export ("transactionMetrics", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrlSessionTaskTransactionMetrics [] TransactionMetrics { get; }
[Export ("taskInterval", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDateInterval TaskInterval { get; }
[Export ("redirectCount")]
nuint RedirectCount { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitAcceleration : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("metersPerSecondSquared", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitAcceleration MetersPerSecondSquared { get; }
[Export ("gravity", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitAcceleration Gravity { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitAngle : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("degrees", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitAngle Degrees { get; }
[Export ("arcMinutes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitAngle ArcMinutes { get; }
[Export ("arcSeconds", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitAngle ArcSeconds { get; }
[Export ("radians", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitAngle Radians { get; }
[Export ("gradians", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitAngle Gradians { get; }
[Export ("revolutions", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitAngle Revolutions { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitArea : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("squareMegameters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea SquareMegameters { get; }
[Export ("squareKilometers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea SquareKilometers { get; }
[Export ("squareMeters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea SquareMeters { get; }
[Export ("squareCentimeters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea SquareCentimeters { get; }
[Export ("squareMillimeters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea SquareMillimeters { get; }
[Export ("squareMicrometers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea SquareMicrometers { get; }
[Export ("squareNanometers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea SquareNanometers { get; }
[Export ("squareInches", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea SquareInches { get; }
[Export ("squareFeet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea SquareFeet { get; }
[Export ("squareYards", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea SquareYards { get; }
[Export ("squareMiles", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea SquareMiles { get; }
[Export ("acres", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea Acres { get; }
[Export ("ares", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea Ares { get; }
[Export ("hectares", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitArea Hectares { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitConcentrationMass : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("gramsPerLiter", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitConcentrationMass GramsPerLiter { get; }
[Export ("milligramsPerDeciliter", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitConcentrationMass MilligramsPerDeciliter { get; }
[Export ("millimolesPerLiterWithGramsPerMole:")]
NSUnitConcentrationMass GetMillimolesPerLiter (double gramsPerMole);
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitDispersion : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("partsPerMillion", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitDispersion PartsPerMillion { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitDuration : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("seconds", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitDuration Seconds { get; }
[Export ("minutes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitDuration Minutes { get; }
[Export ("hours", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitDuration Hours { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("milliseconds", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitDuration Milliseconds { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("microseconds", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitDuration Microseconds { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("nanoseconds", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitDuration Nanoseconds { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("picoseconds", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitDuration Picoseconds { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitElectricCharge : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("coulombs", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricCharge Coulombs { get; }
[Export ("megaampereHours", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricCharge MegaampereHours { get; }
[Export ("kiloampereHours", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricCharge KiloampereHours { get; }
[Export ("ampereHours", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricCharge AmpereHours { get; }
[Export ("milliampereHours", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricCharge MilliampereHours { get; }
[Export ("microampereHours", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricCharge MicroampereHours { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitElectricCurrent : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("megaamperes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricCurrent Megaamperes { get; }
[Export ("kiloamperes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricCurrent Kiloamperes { get; }
[Export ("amperes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricCurrent Amperes { get; }
[Export ("milliamperes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricCurrent Milliamperes { get; }
[Export ("microamperes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricCurrent Microamperes { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitElectricPotentialDifference : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("megavolts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricPotentialDifference Megavolts { get; }
[Export ("kilovolts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricPotentialDifference Kilovolts { get; }
[Export ("volts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricPotentialDifference Volts { get; }
[Export ("millivolts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricPotentialDifference Millivolts { get; }
[Export ("microvolts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricPotentialDifference Microvolts { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitElectricResistance : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("megaohms", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricResistance Megaohms { get; }
[Export ("kiloohms", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricResistance Kiloohms { get; }
[Export ("ohms", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricResistance Ohms { get; }
[Export ("milliohms", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricResistance Milliohms { get; }
[Export ("microohms", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitElectricResistance Microohms { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitEnergy : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("kilojoules", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitEnergy Kilojoules { get; }
[Export ("joules", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitEnergy Joules { get; }
[Export ("kilocalories", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitEnergy Kilocalories { get; }
[Export ("calories", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitEnergy Calories { get; }
[Export ("kilowattHours", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitEnergy KilowattHours { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitFrequency : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("terahertz", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitFrequency Terahertz { get; }
[Export ("gigahertz", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitFrequency Gigahertz { get; }
[Export ("megahertz", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitFrequency Megahertz { get; }
[Export ("kilohertz", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitFrequency Kilohertz { get; }
[Export ("hertz", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitFrequency Hertz { get; }
[Export ("millihertz", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitFrequency Millihertz { get; }
[Export ("microhertz", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitFrequency Microhertz { get; }
[Export ("nanohertz", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitFrequency Nanohertz { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("framesPerSecond", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitFrequency FramesPerSecond { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitFuelEfficiency : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("litersPer100Kilometers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitFuelEfficiency LitersPer100Kilometers { get; }
[Export ("milesPerImperialGallon", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitFuelEfficiency MilesPerImperialGallon { get; }
[Export ("milesPerGallon", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitFuelEfficiency MilesPerGallon { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitLength : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("megameters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Megameters { get; }
[Export ("kilometers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Kilometers { get; }
[Export ("hectometers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Hectometers { get; }
[Export ("decameters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Decameters { get; }
[Export ("meters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Meters { get; }
[Export ("decimeters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Decimeters { get; }
[Export ("centimeters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Centimeters { get; }
[Export ("millimeters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Millimeters { get; }
[Export ("micrometers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Micrometers { get; }
[Export ("nanometers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Nanometers { get; }
[Export ("picometers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Picometers { get; }
[Export ("inches", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Inches { get; }
[Export ("feet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Feet { get; }
[Export ("yards", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Yards { get; }
[Export ("miles", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Miles { get; }
[Export ("scandinavianMiles", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength ScandinavianMiles { get; }
[Export ("lightyears", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Lightyears { get; }
[Export ("nauticalMiles", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength NauticalMiles { get; }
[Export ("fathoms", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Fathoms { get; }
[Export ("furlongs", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Furlongs { get; }
[Export ("astronomicalUnits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength AstronomicalUnits { get; }
[Export ("parsecs", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitLength Parsecs { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitIlluminance : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("lux", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitIlluminance Lux { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitMass : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("kilograms", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass Kilograms { get; }
[Export ("grams", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass Grams { get; }
[Export ("decigrams", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass Decigrams { get; }
[Export ("centigrams", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass Centigrams { get; }
[Export ("milligrams", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass Milligrams { get; }
[Export ("micrograms", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass Micrograms { get; }
[Export ("nanograms", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass Nanograms { get; }
[Export ("picograms", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass Picograms { get; }
[Export ("ounces", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass Ounces { get; }
[Export ("poundsMass", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass Pounds { get; }
[Export ("stones", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass Stones { get; }
[Export ("metricTons", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass MetricTons { get; }
[Export ("shortTons", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass ShortTons { get; }
[Export ("carats", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass Carats { get; }
[Export ("ouncesTroy", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass OuncesTroy { get; }
[Export ("slugs", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitMass Slugs { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitPower : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("terawatts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPower Terawatts { get; }
[Export ("gigawatts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPower Gigawatts { get; }
[Export ("megawatts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPower Megawatts { get; }
[Export ("kilowatts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPower Kilowatts { get; }
[Export ("watts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPower Watts { get; }
[Export ("milliwatts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPower Milliwatts { get; }
[Export ("microwatts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPower Microwatts { get; }
[Export ("nanowatts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPower Nanowatts { get; }
[Export ("picowatts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPower Picowatts { get; }
[Export ("femtowatts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPower Femtowatts { get; }
[Export ("horsepower", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPower Horsepower { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitPressure : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("newtonsPerMetersSquared", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPressure NewtonsPerMetersSquared { get; }
[Export ("gigapascals", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPressure Gigapascals { get; }
[Export ("megapascals", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPressure Megapascals { get; }
[Export ("kilopascals", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPressure Kilopascals { get; }
[Export ("hectopascals", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPressure Hectopascals { get; }
[Export ("inchesOfMercury", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPressure InchesOfMercury { get; }
[Export ("bars", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPressure Bars { get; }
[Export ("millibars", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPressure Millibars { get; }
[Export ("millimetersOfMercury", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPressure MillimetersOfMercury { get; }
[Export ("poundsForcePerSquareInch", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitPressure PoundsForcePerSquareInch { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitSpeed : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("metersPerSecond", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitSpeed MetersPerSecond { get; }
[Export ("kilometersPerHour", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitSpeed KilometersPerHour { get; }
[Export ("milesPerHour", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitSpeed MilesPerHour { get; }
[Export ("knots", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitSpeed Knots { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[DisableDefaultCtor] // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
interface NSUnitVolume : NSSecureCoding {
// inline from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("megaliters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume Megaliters { get; }
[Export ("kiloliters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume Kiloliters { get; }
[Export ("liters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume Liters { get; }
[Export ("deciliters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume Deciliters { get; }
[Export ("centiliters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume Centiliters { get; }
[Export ("milliliters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume Milliliters { get; }
[Export ("cubicKilometers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume CubicKilometers { get; }
[Export ("cubicMeters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume CubicMeters { get; }
[Export ("cubicDecimeters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume CubicDecimeters { get; }
[Export ("cubicCentimeters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume CubicCentimeters { get; }
[Export ("cubicMillimeters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume CubicMillimeters { get; }
[Export ("cubicInches", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume CubicInches { get; }
[Export ("cubicFeet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume CubicFeet { get; }
[Export ("cubicYards", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume CubicYards { get; }
[Export ("cubicMiles", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume CubicMiles { get; }
[Export ("acreFeet", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume AcreFeet { get; }
[Export ("bushels", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume Bushels { get; }
[Export ("teaspoons", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume Teaspoons { get; }
[Export ("tablespoons", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume Tablespoons { get; }
[Export ("fluidOunces", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume FluidOunces { get; }
[Export ("cups", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume Cups { get; }
[Export ("pints", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume Pints { get; }
[Export ("quarts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume Quarts { get; }
[Export ("gallons", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume Gallons { get; }
[Export ("imperialTeaspoons", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume ImperialTeaspoons { get; }
[Export ("imperialTablespoons", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume ImperialTablespoons { get; }
[Export ("imperialFluidOunces", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume ImperialFluidOunces { get; }
[Export ("imperialPints", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume ImperialPints { get; }
[Export ("imperialQuarts", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume ImperialQuarts { get; }
[Export ("imperialGallons", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume ImperialGallons { get; }
[Export ("metricCups", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitVolume MetricCups { get; }
[New] // kind of overloading a static member
[Export ("baseUnit")]
NSDimension BaseUnit { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSMeasurement<UnitType> : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding
where UnitType : NSUnit {
[Export ("unit", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnit Unit { get; }
[Export ("doubleValue")]
double DoubleValue { get; }
[Export ("initWithDoubleValue:unit:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (double doubleValue, NSUnit unit);
[Export ("canBeConvertedToUnit:")]
bool CanBeConvertedTo (NSUnit unit);
[Export ("measurementByConvertingToUnit:")]
NSMeasurement<UnitType> GetMeasurementByConverting (NSUnit unit);
[Export ("measurementByAddingMeasurement:")]
NSMeasurement<UnitType> GetMeasurementByAdding (NSMeasurement<UnitType> measurement);
[Export ("measurementBySubtractingMeasurement:")]
NSMeasurement<UnitType> GetMeasurementBySubtracting (NSMeasurement<UnitType> measurement);
[Watch (3, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Mac (10, 12)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter))]
interface NSMeasurementFormatter : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("unitOptions", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSMeasurementFormatterUnitOptions UnitOptions { get; set; }
[Export ("unitStyle", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSFormattingUnitStyle UnitStyle { get; set; }
[Export ("locale", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSLocale Locale { get; set; }
[Export ("numberFormatter", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSNumberFormatter NumberFormatter { get; set; }
[Export ("stringFromMeasurement:")]
string ToString (NSMeasurement<NSUnit> measurement);
[Export ("stringFromUnit:")]
string ToString (NSUnit unit);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSXPCConnection")]
interface NSXpcConnection {
[Export ("initWithServiceName:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string xpcServiceName);
[Export ("serviceName")]
string ServiceName { get; }
[Export ("initWithMachServiceName:options:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string machServiceName, NSXpcConnectionOptions options);
[Export ("initWithListenerEndpoint:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSXpcListenerEndpoint endpoint);
[Export ("endpoint")]
NSXpcListenerEndpoint Endpoint { get; }
[Export ("exportedInterface", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSXpcInterface ExportedInterface { get; set; }
[Export ("exportedObject", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSObject ExportedObject { get; set; }
[Export ("remoteObjectInterface", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSXpcInterface RemoteInterface { get; set; }
[Export ("interruptionHandler", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
Action InterruptionHandler { get; set; }
[Export ("invalidationHandler", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
Action InvalidationHandler { get; set; }
[Advice ("Prefer using 'Activate' for initial activation of a connection.")]
[Export ("resume")]
void Resume ();
[Export ("suspend")]
void Suspend ();
[Export ("invalidate")]
void Invalidate ();
[Export ("auditSessionIdentifier")]
int AuditSessionIdentifier { get; }
[Export ("processIdentifier")]
int PeerProcessIdentifier { get; }
[Export ("effectiveUserIdentifier")]
int PeerEffectiveUserId { get; }
[Export ("effectiveGroupIdentifier")]
int PeerEffectiveGroupId { get; }
[Export ("currentConnection")]
NSXpcConnection CurrentConnection { [return: NullAllowed] get; }
[Export ("scheduleSendBarrierBlock:")]
[Mac (10, 15)]
[iOS (13, 0)]
[Watch (6, 0)]
[TV (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
void ScheduleSendBarrier (Action block);
[Export ("remoteObjectProxy"), Internal]
IntPtr _CreateRemoteObjectProxy ();
[Export ("remoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler:"), Internal]
IntPtr _CreateRemoteObjectProxy ([BlockCallback] Action<NSError> errorHandler);
[Mac (10, 11)]
[iOS (9, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("synchronousRemoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler:"), Internal]
IntPtr _CreateSynchronousRemoteObjectProxy ([BlockCallback] Action<NSError> errorHandler);
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("activate")]
void Activate ();
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (13, 0)]
[Export ("setCodeSigningRequirement:")]
void SetCodeSigningRequirement (string requirement);
interface INSXpcListenerDelegate { }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSXPCListener", Delegates = new string [] { "WeakDelegate" })]
interface NSXpcListener {
[Export ("serviceListener")]
NSXpcListener ServiceListener { get; }
[Export ("anonymousListener")]
NSXpcListener AnonymousListener { get; }
[Export ("initWithMachServiceName:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string machServiceName);
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
INSXpcListenerDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("endpoint")]
NSXpcListenerEndpoint Endpoint { get; }
[Advice ("Prefer using 'Activate' for initial activation of a listener.")]
[Export ("resume")]
void Resume ();
[Export ("suspend")]
void Suspend ();
[Export ("invalidate")]
void Invalidate ();
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
[Export ("activate")]
void Activate ();
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (13, 0)]
[Export ("setConnectionCodeSigningRequirement:")]
void SetConnectionCodeSigningRequirement (string requirement);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSXPCListenerDelegate")]
#if NET
[Protocol, Model]
[Model (AutoGeneratedName = true), Protocol]
interface NSXpcListenerDelegate {
[Export ("listener:shouldAcceptNewConnection:")]
bool ShouldAcceptConnection (NSXpcListener listener, NSXpcConnection newConnection);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSXPCInterface")]
interface NSXpcInterface {
[Export ("interfaceWithProtocol:")]
NSXpcInterface Create (Protocol protocol);
[Export ("protocol", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
Protocol Protocol { get; set; }
[Export ("setClasses:forSelector:argumentIndex:ofReply:")]
void SetAllowedClasses (NSSet<Class> allowedClasses, Selector methodSelector, nuint argumentIndex, bool forReplyBlock);
[Export ("classesForSelector:argumentIndex:ofReply:")]
NSSet<Class> GetAllowedClasses (Selector methodSelector, nuint argumentIndex, bool forReplyBlock);
// Methods taking xpc_type_t have been skipped.
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSXPCListenerEndpoint")]
interface NSXpcListenerEndpoint : NSSecureCoding {
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter))]
interface NSListFormatter {
[Export ("locale", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSLocale Locale { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("itemFormatter", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSFormatter ItemFormatter { get; set; }
[Export ("localizedStringByJoiningStrings:")]
// using `NSString[]` since they might be one (or many) `NSString` subclass(es) that handle localization
string GetLocalizedString (NSString [] joinedStrings);
[Export ("stringFromItems:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
string GetString (NSObject [] items);
[Export ("stringForObjectValue:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
string GetString ([NullAllowed] NSObject obj);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
enum NSRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle : long {
Numeric = 0,
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
enum NSRelativeDateTimeFormatterUnitsStyle : long {
Full = 0,
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter))]
interface NSRelativeDateTimeFormatter {
[Export ("dateTimeStyle", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle DateTimeStyle { get; set; }
[Export ("unitsStyle", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSRelativeDateTimeFormatterUnitsStyle UnitsStyle { get; set; }
[Export ("formattingContext", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSFormattingContext FormattingContext { get; set; }
[Export ("calendar", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSCalendar Calendar { get; set; }
[Export ("locale", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSLocale Locale { get; set; }
[Export ("localizedStringFromDateComponents:")]
string GetLocalizedString (NSDateComponents dateComponents);
[Export ("localizedStringFromTimeInterval:")]
string GetLocalizedString (double timeInterval);
[Export ("localizedStringForDate:relativeToDate:")]
string GetLocalizedString (NSDate date, NSDate referenceDate);
[Export ("stringForObjectValue:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
string GetString ([NullAllowed] NSObject obj);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
enum NSCollectionChangeType : long {
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
enum NSOrderedCollectionDifferenceCalculationOptions : ulong {
OmitInsertedObjects = (1uL << 0),
OmitRemovedObjects = (1uL << 1),
InferMoves = (1uL << 2),
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSDimension))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // NSGenericException Reason: -init should never be called on NSUnit!
interface NSUnitInformationStorage : NSSecureCoding {
// Inlined from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol);
// Inlined from base type
[Export ("initWithSymbol:converter:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string symbol, NSUnitConverter converter);
[Export ("bytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Bytes { get; }
[Export ("bits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Bits { get; }
[Export ("nibbles", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Nibbles { get; }
[Export ("yottabytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Yottabytes { get; }
[Export ("zettabytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Zettabytes { get; }
[Export ("exabytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Exabytes { get; }
[Export ("petabytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Petabytes { get; }
[Export ("terabytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Terabytes { get; }
[Export ("gigabytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Gigabytes { get; }
[Export ("megabytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Megabytes { get; }
[Export ("kilobytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Kilobytes { get; }
[Export ("yottabits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Yottabits { get; }
[Export ("zettabits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Zettabits { get; }
[Export ("exabits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Exabits { get; }
[Export ("petabits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Petabits { get; }
[Export ("terabits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Terabits { get; }
[Export ("gigabits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Gigabits { get; }
[Export ("megabits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Megabits { get; }
[Export ("kilobits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Kilobits { get; }
[Export ("yobibytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Yobibytes { get; }
[Export ("zebibytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Zebibytes { get; }
[Export ("exbibytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Exbibytes { get; }
[Export ("pebibytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Pebibytes { get; }
[Export ("tebibytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Tebibytes { get; }
[Export ("gibibytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Gibibytes { get; }
[Export ("mebibytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Mebibytes { get; }
[Export ("kibibytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Kibibytes { get; }
[Export ("yobibits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Yobibits { get; }
[Export ("zebibits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Zebibits { get; }
[Export ("exbibits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Exbibits { get; }
[Export ("pebibits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Pebibits { get; }
[Export ("tebibits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Tebibits { get; }
[Export ("gibibits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Gibibits { get; }
[Export ("mebibits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Mebibits { get; }
[Export ("kibibits", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUnitInformationStorage Kibibits { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
enum NSUrlSessionWebSocketMessageType : long {
Data = 0,
String = 1,
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NSURLSessionWebSocketMessage")]
interface NSUrlSessionWebSocketMessage {
[Export ("initWithData:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData data);
[Export ("initWithString:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string @string);
[Export ("type")]
NSUrlSessionWebSocketMessageType Type { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("data", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData Data { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("string")]
string String { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
enum NSUrlSessionWebSocketCloseCode : long {
Invalid = 0,
NormalClosure = 1000,
GoingAway = 1001,
ProtocolError = 1002,
UnsupportedData = 1003,
NoStatusReceived = 1005,
AbnormalClosure = 1006,
InvalidFramePayloadData = 1007,
PolicyViolation = 1008,
MessageTooBig = 1009,
MandatoryExtensionMissing = 1010,
InternalServerError = 1011,
TlsHandshakeFailure = 1015,
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlSessionTask), Name = "NSURLSessionWebSocketTask")]
interface NSUrlSessionWebSocketTask {
[Export ("sendMessage:completionHandler:")]
void SendMessage (NSUrlSessionWebSocketMessage message, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("receiveMessageWithCompletionHandler:")]
void ReceiveMessage (Action<NSUrlSessionWebSocketMessage, NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("sendPingWithPongReceiveHandler:")]
void SendPing (Action<NSError> pongReceiveHandler);
[Export ("cancelWithCloseCode:reason:")]
void Cancel (NSUrlSessionWebSocketCloseCode closeCode, [NullAllowed] NSData reason);
[Export ("maximumMessageSize")]
nint MaximumMessageSize { get; set; }
[Export ("closeCode")]
NSUrlSessionWebSocketCloseCode CloseCode { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("closeReason", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData CloseReason { get; }
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Model (AutoGeneratedName = true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSUrlSessionTaskDelegate), Name = "NSURLSessionWebSocketDelegate")]
interface NSUrlSessionWebSocketDelegate {
[Export ("URLSession:webSocketTask:didOpenWithProtocol:")]
void DidOpen (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionWebSocketTask webSocketTask, [NullAllowed] string protocol);
[Export ("URLSession:webSocketTask:didCloseWithCode:reason:")]
void DidClose (NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionWebSocketTask webSocketTask, NSUrlSessionWebSocketCloseCode closeCode, [NullAllowed] NSData reason);
[Watch (6, 0), TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
enum NSUrlErrorNetworkUnavailableReason : long {
Cellular = 0,
Expensive = 1,
Constrained = 2,
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 10)]
public enum NSBackgroundActivityResult : long {
Finished = 1,
Deferred = 2,
delegate void NSBackgroundActivityCompletionHandler (NSBackgroundActivityResult result);
delegate void NSBackgroundActivityCompletionAction ([BlockCallback] NSBackgroundActivityCompletionHandler handler);
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (10, 10)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSBackgroundActivityScheduler {
[Export ("initWithIdentifier:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string identifier);
[Export ("identifier")]
string Identifier { get; }
[Export ("qualityOfService", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSQualityOfService QualityOfService { get; set; }
[Export ("repeats")]
bool Repeats { get; set; }
[Export ("interval")]
double Interval { get; set; }
[Export ("tolerance")]
double Tolerance { get; set; }
[Export ("scheduleWithBlock:")]
void Schedule (NSBackgroundActivityCompletionAction action);
[Export ("invalidate")]
void Invalidate ();
[Export ("shouldDefer")]
bool ShouldDefer { get; }
[Watch (7, 0), TV (14, 0), Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
public enum NSUrlSessionTaskMetricsDomainResolutionProtocol : long {
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
public enum NSNotificationSuspensionBehavior : ulong {
Drop = 1,
Coalesce = 2,
Hold = 3,
DeliverImmediately = 4,
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
public enum NSNotificationFlags : ulong {
DeliverImmediately = (1 << 0),
PostToAllSessions = (1 << 1),
[Mac (10, 11)]
public enum NSFileManagerUnmountOptions : ulong {
AllPartitionsAndEjectDisk = 1 << 0,
WithoutUI = 1 << 1,
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSPresentationIntent : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("intentKind")]
NSPresentationIntentKind IntentKind { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("parentIntent", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSPresentationIntent ParentIntent { get; }
[Export ("paragraphIntentWithIdentity:nestedInsideIntent:")]
NSPresentationIntent CreateParagraphIntent (nint identity, [NullAllowed] NSPresentationIntent parent);
[Export ("headerIntentWithIdentity:level:nestedInsideIntent:")]
NSPresentationIntent CreateHeaderIntent (nint identity, nint level, [NullAllowed] NSPresentationIntent parent);
[Export ("codeBlockIntentWithIdentity:languageHint:nestedInsideIntent:")]
NSPresentationIntent CreateCodeBlockIntent (nint identity, [NullAllowed] string languageHint, [NullAllowed] NSPresentationIntent parent);
[Export ("thematicBreakIntentWithIdentity:nestedInsideIntent:")]
NSPresentationIntent CreateThematicBreakIntent (nint identity, [NullAllowed] NSPresentationIntent parent);
[Export ("orderedListIntentWithIdentity:nestedInsideIntent:")]
NSPresentationIntent CreateOrderedListIntent (nint identity, [NullAllowed] NSPresentationIntent parent);
[Export ("unorderedListIntentWithIdentity:nestedInsideIntent:")]
NSPresentationIntent CreateUnorderedListIntent (nint identity, [NullAllowed] NSPresentationIntent parent);
[Export ("listItemIntentWithIdentity:ordinal:nestedInsideIntent:")]
NSPresentationIntent CreateListItemIntent (nint identity, nint ordinal, [NullAllowed] NSPresentationIntent parent);
[Export ("blockQuoteIntentWithIdentity:nestedInsideIntent:")]
NSPresentationIntent CreateBlockQuoteIntent (nint identity, [NullAllowed] NSPresentationIntent parent);
[Export ("tableIntentWithIdentity:columnCount:alignments:nestedInsideIntent:")]
NSPresentationIntent CreateTableIntent (nint identity, nint columnCount, NSNumber [] alignments, [NullAllowed] NSPresentationIntent parent);
[Export ("tableHeaderRowIntentWithIdentity:nestedInsideIntent:")]
NSPresentationIntent CreateTableHeaderRowIntent (nint identity, [NullAllowed] NSPresentationIntent parent);
[Export ("tableRowIntentWithIdentity:row:nestedInsideIntent:")]
NSPresentationIntent CreateTableRowIntent (nint identity, nint row, [NullAllowed] NSPresentationIntent parent);
[Export ("tableCellIntentWithIdentity:column:nestedInsideIntent:")]
NSPresentationIntent CreateTableCellIntent (nint identity, nint column, [NullAllowed] NSPresentationIntent parent);
[Export ("identity")]
nint Identity { get; }
[Export ("ordinal")]
nint Ordinal { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("columnAlignments")]
NSNumber [] ColumnAlignments { get; }
[Export ("columnCount")]
nint ColumnCount { get; }
[Export ("headerLevel")]
nint HeaderLevel { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("languageHint")]
string LanguageHint { get; }
[Export ("column")]
nint Column { get; }
[Export ("row")]
nint Row { get; }
[Export ("indentationLevel")]
nint IndentationLevel { get; }
[Export ("isEquivalentToPresentationIntent:")]
bool IsEquivalent (NSPresentationIntent other);
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSAttributedStringMarkdownParsingOptions : NSCopying {
[Export ("allowsExtendedAttributes")]
bool AllowsExtendedAttributes { get; set; }
[Export ("interpretedSyntax", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSAttributedStringMarkdownInterpretedSyntax InterpretedSyntax { get; set; }
[Export ("failurePolicy", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSAttributedStringMarkdownParsingFailurePolicy FailurePolicy { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("languageCode")]
string LanguageCode { get; set; }
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[Export ("appliesSourcePositionAttributes")]
bool AppliesSourcePositionAttributes { get; set; }
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSInflectionRule : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("automaticRule")]
NSInflectionRule AutomaticRule { get; }
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("canInflectLanguage:")]
bool CanInflectLanguage (string language);
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[Export ("canInflectPreferredLocalization")]
bool CanInflectPreferredLocalization { get; }
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSInflectionRule))]
interface NSInflectionRuleExplicit {
[Export ("initWithMorphology:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSMorphology morphology);
[Export ("morphology", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSMorphology Morphology { get; }
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSMorphology : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("grammaticalGender", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSGrammaticalGender GrammaticalGender { get; set; }
[Export ("partOfSpeech", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSGrammaticalPartOfSpeech PartOfSpeech { get; set; }
[Export ("number", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSGrammaticalNumber Number { get; set; }
[Export ("customPronounForLanguage:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NSMorphologyCustomPronoun GetCustomPronoun (string language);
[Export ("setCustomPronoun:forLanguage:error:")]
bool SetCustomPronoun ([NullAllowed] NSMorphologyCustomPronoun features, string language, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[Export ("unspecified")]
bool Unspecified { [Bind ("isUnspecified")] get; }
[Export ("userMorphology")]
NSMorphology UserMorphology { get; }
[Watch (8, 0), TV (15, 0), Mac (12, 0), iOS (15, 0), MacCatalyst (15, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSMorphologyCustomPronoun : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("isSupportedForLanguage:")]
bool IsSupported (string language);
[Export ("requiredKeysForLanguage:")]
string [] GetRequiredKeysForLanguage (string language);
[NullAllowed, Export ("subjectForm")]
string SubjectForm { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("objectForm")]
string ObjectForm { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("possessiveForm")]
string PossessiveForm { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("possessiveAdjectiveForm")]
string PossessiveAdjectiveForm { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("reflexiveForm")]
string ReflexiveForm { get; set; }
#if false // https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/15577
interface NSOrderedCollectionChange <TKey> : NSOrderedCollectionChange {}
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSOrderedCollectionChange
[Export ("changeWithObject:type:index:")]
NativeHandle _ChangeWithObject ([NullAllowed] IntPtr anObject, NSCollectionChangeType type, nuint index);
[Export ("changeWithObject:type:index:associatedIndex:")]
NativeHandle _ChangeWithObject ([NullAllowed] IntPtr anObject, NSCollectionChangeType type, nuint index, nuint associatedIndex);
[NullAllowed, Export ("object", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NativeHandle _Object { get; }
[Export ("changeType")]
NSCollectionChangeType ChangeType { get; }
[Export ("index")]
nuint Index { get; }
[Export ("associatedIndex")]
nuint AssociatedIndex { get; }
[Export ("initWithObject:type:index:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (IntPtr anObject, NSCollectionChangeType type, nuint index);
[Wrap ("this (anObject!.Handle, type, index)")]
NativeHandle Constructor ([NullAllowed] NSObject anObject, NSCollectionChangeType type, nuint index);
[Export ("initWithObject:type:index:associatedIndex:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (IntPtr anObject, NSCollectionChangeType type, nuint index, nuint associatedIndex);
[Wrap ("this (anObject!.Handle, type, index, associatedIndex)")]
NativeHandle Constructor ([NullAllowed] NSObject anObject, NSCollectionChangeType type, nuint index, nuint associatedIndex);
interface NSOrderedCollectionDifference <TKey> : NSOrderedCollectionDifference {}
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSOrderedCollectionDifference : INSFastEnumeration
[Export ("initWithChanges:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSOrderedCollectionChange[] changes);
[Export ("initWithInsertIndexes:insertedObjects:removeIndexes:removedObjects:additionalChanges:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSIndexSet inserts, [NullAllowed] NSArray insertedObjects, NSIndexSet removes, [NullAllowed] NSArray removedObjects, NSOrderedCollectionChange[] changes);
[Wrap ("this (inserts, NSArray.FromNSObjects (insertedObjects), removes, NSArray.FromNSObjects (removedObjects), changes)")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSIndexSet inserts, [NullAllowed] NSObject[] insertedObjects, NSIndexSet removes, [NullAllowed] NSObject[] removedObjects, NSOrderedCollectionChange[] changes);
[Export ("initWithInsertIndexes:insertedObjects:removeIndexes:removedObjects:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSIndexSet inserts, [NullAllowed] NSArray insertedObjects, NSIndexSet removes, [NullAllowed] NSArray removedObjects);
[Wrap ("this (inserts, NSArray.FromNSObjects (insertedObjects), removes, NSArray.FromNSObjects (removedObjects))")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSIndexSet inserts, [NullAllowed] NSObject[] insertedObjects, NSIndexSet removes, [NullAllowed] NSObject[] removedObjects);
[Export ("insertions", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NativeHandle _Insertions { get; }
[Export ("removals", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NativeHandle _Removals { get; }
[Export ("hasChanges")]
bool HasChanges { get; }
[Export ("differenceByTransformingChangesWithBlock:")]
NativeHandle _GetDifference (/* Func<NSOrderedCollectionChange<NSObject>, NSOrderedCollectionChange<NSObject>>*/ ref BlockLiteral block);
[Watch (6,0), TV (13,0), Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("inverseDifference")]
NativeHandle _InverseDifference ();
[Watch (9, 0), TV (16, 0), Mac (13, 0), iOS (16, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (16, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NSAttributedStringMarkdownSourcePosition : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("startLine")]
nint StartLine { get; }
[Export ("startColumn")]
nint StartColumn { get; }
[Export ("endLine")]
nint EndLine { get; }
[Export ("endColumn")]
nint EndColumn { get; }
[Export ("initWithStartLine:startColumn:endLine:endColumn:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nint startLine, nint startColumn, nint endLine, nint endColumn);
[Export ("rangeInString:")]
NSRange RangeInString (string @string);