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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Parallel = System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel;
using ParallelOptions = System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Xamarin.Localization.MSBuild;
using Xamarin.Utils;
namespace Xamarin.MacDev.Tasks {
public abstract class CodesignTaskBase : XamarinTask {
const string ToolName = "codesign";
const string MacOSDirName = "MacOS";
const string CodeSignatureDirName = "_CodeSignature";
string toolExe;
#region Inputs
// Can also be specified per resource using the 'CodesignStampFile' metadata
public string StampFile { get; set; }
// Can also be specified per resource using the 'CodesignAllocate' metadata
public string CodesignAllocate { get; set; }
// Can also be specified per resource using the 'CodesignDisableTimestamp' metadata
public bool DisableTimestamp { get; set; }
// Can also be specified per resource using the 'CodesignEntitlements' metadata
public string Entitlements { get; set; }
// Can also be specified per resource using the 'CodesignKeychain' metadata
public string Keychain { get; set; }
public ITaskItem [] Resources { get; set; }
// Can also be specified per resource using the 'CodesignResourceRules' metadata
public string ResourceRules { get; set; }
// Can also be specified per resource using the 'CodesignSigningKey' metadata
public string SigningKey { get; set; }
// Can also be specified per resource using the 'CodesignExtraArgs' metadata
public string ExtraArgs { get; set; }
// Can also be specified per resource using the 'CodesignDeep' metadata (yes, the naming difference is correct and due to historical reasons)
public bool IsAppExtension { get; set; }
// Can also be specified per resource using the 'CodesignUseHardenedRuntime' metadata
public bool UseHardenedRuntime { get; set; }
// Can also be specified per resource using the 'CodesignUseSecureTimestamp' metadata
public bool UseSecureTimestamp { get; set; }
public string ToolExe {
get { return toolExe ?? ToolName; }
set { toolExe = value; }
public string ToolPath { get; set; }
#region Outputs
// This output value is not observed anywhere in our targets, but it's required for building on Windows
// to make sure any codesigned files other tasks depend on are copied back to the windows machine.
public ITaskItem [] CodesignedFiles { get; set; }
string GetFullPathToTool ()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (ToolPath))
return Path.Combine (ToolPath, ToolExe);
var path = Path.Combine ("/usr/bin", ToolExe);
return File.Exists (path) ? path : ToolExe;
string GetCodesignStampFile (ITaskItem item)
var rv = GetNonEmptyStringOrFallback (item, "CodesignStampFile", StampFile, "StampFile", required: true);
rv = PathUtils.ConvertToMacPath (rv);
return rv;
string GetCodesignAllocate (ITaskItem item)
return GetNonEmptyStringOrFallback (item, "CodesignAllocate", CodesignAllocate, "CodesignAllocate", required: true);
// 'sortedItems' is sorted by length of path, longest first.
bool NeedsCodesign (ITaskItem [] sortedItems, int index)
var item = sortedItems [index];
var stampFile = GetCodesignStampFile (item);
if (!File.Exists (stampFile)) {
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "The stamp file '{0}' does not exist, so the item '{1}' needs to be codesigned.", stampFile, item.ItemSpec);
return true;
if (File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (item.ItemSpec) >= File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (stampFile)) {
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "The stamp file '{0}' for the item '{1}' is not up-to-date, so the item needs to be codesigned.", stampFile, item.ItemSpec);
return true;
if (Directory.Exists (item.ItemSpec)) {
// We're signing a directory. First check if any of the
// previous items in the sorted item array must be signed, and
// if that item is inside this directory, we'll have to sign
// this directory too.
var itemPath = EnsureEndsWithDirectorySeparator (item.ItemSpec);
var resolvedStampFile = Path.GetFullPath (PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLinks (stampFile));
for (var i = 0; i < index; i++) {
if (sortedItems [i] is null)
continue; // this item does not need to be signed
if (sortedItems [i].ItemSpec.StartsWith (itemPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "The item '{0}' contains '{1}', which must be signed, which means that the item must be signed too.", item.ItemSpec, sortedItems [i].ItemSpec);
return true; // there's an item inside this directory that needs to be signed, so this directory must be signed too
// we also need to check every file inside this directory
foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles (itemPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) {
if (string.Equals (resolvedStampFile, Path.GetFullPath (PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLinks (file)), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
continue; // we check every file except the stamp file, which may be inside the directory we want to sign (example: _CodeSignature/CodeResources is inside the app bundle, and also the stamp file).
if (!IsUpToDate (file, stampFile)) {
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "The item '{0}' contains '{1}', which is not up-to-date with regards to the stamp file '{2}', so the item must be codesigned.", item.ItemSpec, file, stampFile);
return true;
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "The stamp file '{0}' for the item '{1}' is up-to-date, so the item does not need to be codesigned.", stampFile, item.ItemSpec);
return false;
bool ParseBoolean (ITaskItem item, string metadataName, bool fallbackValue)
var metadataValue = item.GetMetadata (metadataName);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (metadataValue))
return fallbackValue;
return string.Equals (metadataValue, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
string ResolvePath (ITaskItem item, string path)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (path))
return path;
path = PathUtils.ConvertToMacPath (path);
if (Path.IsPathRooted (path))
return path;
var sourceProjectPath = GetNonEmptyStringOrFallback (item, "SourceProjectPath", null);
if (sourceProjectPath is null)
return path;
return Path.Combine (sourceProjectPath, path);
string GetCodesignResourceRules (ITaskItem item)
var rv = GetNonEmptyStringOrFallback (item, "CodesignResourceRules", out var foundInMetadata, ResourceRules);
// The ResourceRules value is a path, and as such it might be a relative path from a different project, in which case we have to resolve it accordingly.
if (foundInMetadata)
rv = ResolvePath (item, rv);
return rv;
string GetCodesignEntitlements (ITaskItem item)
var rv = GetNonEmptyStringOrFallback (item, "CodesignEntitlements", out var foundInMetadata, ResourceRules);
// The ResourceRules value is a path, and as such it might be a relative path from a different project, in which case we have to resolve it accordingly.
if (foundInMetadata)
rv = ResolvePath (item, rv);
return rv;
IList<string> GenerateCommandLineArguments (ITaskItem item)
var args = new List<string> ();
var isDeep = ParseBoolean (item, "CodesignDeep", IsAppExtension);
var useHardenedRuntime = ParseBoolean (item, "CodesignUseHardenedRuntime", UseHardenedRuntime);
var useSecureTimestamp = ParseBoolean (item, "CodesignUseSecureTimestamp", UseSecureTimestamp);
var disableTimestamp = ParseBoolean (item, "CodesignDisableTimestamp", DisableTimestamp);
var signingKey = GetNonEmptyStringOrFallback (item, "CodesignSigningKey", SigningKey, "SigningKey", required: true);
var keychain = GetNonEmptyStringOrFallback (item, "CodesignKeychain", Keychain);
var resourceRules = GetCodesignResourceRules (item);
var entitlements = GetCodesignEntitlements (item);
var extraArgs = GetNonEmptyStringOrFallback (item, "CodesignExtraArgs", ExtraArgs);
args.Add ("-v");
args.Add ("--force");
if (isDeep)
args.Add ("--deep");
if (useHardenedRuntime) {
args.Add ("-o");
args.Add ("runtime");
if (useSecureTimestamp) {
if (disableTimestamp) {
// Conflicting '{0}' and '{1}' options. '{1}' will be ignored.
Log.LogWarning (MSBStrings.W0176, "UseSecureTimestamp", "DisableTimestamp");
args.Add ("--timestamp");
} else
args.Add ("--timestamp=none");
args.Add ("--sign");
args.Add (signingKey);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (keychain)) {
args.Add ("--keychain");
args.Add (Path.GetFullPath (keychain));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (resourceRules)) {
resourceRules = PathUtils.ConvertToMacPath (resourceRules);
args.Add ("--resource-rules");
args.Add (Path.GetFullPath (resourceRules));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (entitlements)) {
entitlements = PathUtils.ConvertToMacPath (entitlements);
args.Add ("--entitlements");
args.Add (Path.GetFullPath (entitlements));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (extraArgs))
args.Add (extraArgs);
// signing a framework and a file inside a framework is not *always* identical
// on macOS apps {item.ItemSpec} can be a symlink to `Versions/Current/{item.ItemSpec}`
// and `Current` also a symlink to `A`... and `_CodeSignature` will be found there
var path = item.ItemSpec;
var parent = Path.GetDirectoryName (path);
// so do not don't sign `A.framework/A`, sign `A.framework` which will always sign the *bundle*
if ((Path.GetExtension (parent) == ".framework") && (Path.GetFileName (path) == Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (parent)))
path = parent;
path = PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLinks (path);
args.Add (Path.GetFullPath (path));
return args;
void Codesign (ITaskItem item)
var fileName = GetFullPathToTool ();
var arguments = GenerateCommandLineArguments (item);
var environment = new Dictionary<string, string> () {
{ "CODESIGN_ALLOCATE", GetCodesignAllocate (item) },
var rv = ExecuteAsync (fileName, arguments, null, environment, mergeOutput: false).Result;
var exitCode = rv.ExitCode;
var messages = rv.StandardOutput.ToString ();
if (messages.Length > 0)
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Normal, "{0}", messages.ToString ());
if (exitCode != 0) {
var errors = rv.StandardError.ToString ();
if (errors.Length > 0)
Log.LogError (MSBStrings.E0004, item.ItemSpec, errors);
Log.LogError (MSBStrings.E0005, item.ItemSpec);
} else {
var stampFile = GetCodesignStampFile (item);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (stampFile)) {
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "No stamp file '{0}' available for the item '{1}'", stampFile, item.ItemSpec);
} else if (IsUpToDate (item.ItemSpec, stampFile)) {
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "The stamp file '{0}' is already up-to-date for the item '{1}'", stampFile, item.ItemSpec);
} else if (File.Exists (stampFile)) {
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "The stamp file '{0}' is not up-to-date for the item '{1}', and it will be touched", stampFile, item.ItemSpec);
File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc (stampFile, DateTime.UtcNow);
} else {
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "The stamp file '{0}' is not up-to-date for the item '{1}', and it will be created", stampFile, item.ItemSpec);
Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (stampFile));
File.WriteAllText (stampFile, string.Empty);
var additionalFilesToTouch = item.GetMetadata ("CodesignAdditionalFilesToTouch").Split (new char [] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (var file in additionalFilesToTouch) {
if (IsUpToDate (item.ItemSpec, file)) {
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "The additional file '{0}' is already up-to-date for the item '{1}'", file, item.ItemSpec);
} else if (File.Exists (file)) {
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "The additional file '{0}' for the item '{1}' exists, but is not up-to-date, and it will be touched", file, item.ItemSpec);
File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc (file, DateTime.UtcNow);
} else {
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "The additional file '{0}' for the item '{1}' does not exist, and it won't be created", file, item.ItemSpec);
static bool IsUpToDate (string itemPath, string stampFile)
if (!File.Exists (stampFile))
return false;
var stampDate = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (stampFile);
DateTime itemDate;
if (File.Exists (itemPath)) {
itemDate = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (itemPath);
} else if (Directory.Exists (itemPath)) {
itemDate = Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (itemPath);
} else {
return false;
return stampDate > itemDate;
static string EnsureEndsWithDirectorySeparator (string dir)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (dir))
return dir;
if (dir [dir.Length - 1] == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
return dir;
return dir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
public override bool Execute ()
try {
return ExecuteUnsafe ();
} catch (Exception e) {
return Log.LogErrorsFromException (e);
bool ExecuteUnsafe ()
if (Resources.Length == 0)
return true;
var codesignedFiles = new List<ITaskItem> ();
var resourcesToSign = Resources;
// 1. Rewrite requests to sign executables inside frameworks to sign the framework itself
// signing a framework and a file inside a framework is not *always* identical
// on macOS apps {item.ItemSpec} can be a symlink to `Versions/Current/{item.ItemSpec}`
// and `Current` also a symlink to `A`... and `_CodeSignature` will be found there
// 2. Resolve symlinks in the input.
// 3. Make sure we're working with full paths.
// All this makes it easier to sort and split the input files into buckets that can be codesigned together,
// while also not codesigning directories before files inside them.
foreach (var res in resourcesToSign) {
var path = res.ItemSpec;
var parent = Path.GetDirectoryName (path);
// so do not don't sign `A.framework/A`, sign `A.framework` which will always sign the *bundle*
if (Path.GetExtension (parent) == ".framework" && Path.GetFileName (path) == Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (parent))
path = parent;
path = PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLinks (path);
path = Path.GetFullPath (path);
res.ItemSpec = path;
// first sort all the items by path length, longest path first.
resourcesToSign = resourcesToSign.OrderBy (v => v.ItemSpec.Length).Reverse ().ToArray ();
// remove items that are up-to-date
for (var i = 0; i < resourcesToSign.Length; i++) {
var item = resourcesToSign [i];
if (!NeedsCodesign (resourcesToSign, i)) {
resourcesToSign [i] = null;
resourcesToSign = resourcesToSign.Where (v => v is not null).ToArray ();
// Then we need to split the input into buckets, where everything in a bucket can be signed in parallel
// (i.e. no item in a bucket depends on any other item in the bucket being signed first).
// any such items must go into a different bucket. The bucket themselves are also sorted, where
// we have to sign the first bucket first, and so on.
// Since we've sorted by path length, we know that if we find a directory, we won't find any containing
// files from that directory later.
var buckets = new List<List<ITaskItem>> ();
for (var i = 0; i < resourcesToSign.Length; i++) {
var res = resourcesToSign [i];
// All files can go into the first bucket.
if (File.Exists (res.ItemSpec)) {
if (buckets.Count == 0)
buckets.Add (new List<ITaskItem> ());
var bucket = buckets [0];
bucket.Add (res);
if (Directory.Exists (res.ItemSpec)) {
var dir = res.ItemSpec;
// Add the directory separator, so we can do easy substring matches
dir = EnsureEndsWithDirectorySeparator (dir);
// This is a directory, which can contain other files or directories that must be signed first
// If this item is a containing directory for any of the items in a bucket, then we need to
// add this item to the next bucket. So we go through the buckets in reverse order.
var added = false;
for (var b = buckets.Count - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
var bucket = buckets [b];
var anyContainingFile = bucket.Any (v => v.ItemSpec.StartsWith (dir, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (anyContainingFile) {
if (b + 1 >= buckets.Count)
buckets.Add (new List<ITaskItem> ());
buckets [b + 1].Add (res);
added = true;
if (!added) {
// This directory doesn't contain any other signed files, so we can add it to the first bucket.
if (buckets.Count == 0)
buckets.Add (new List<ITaskItem> ());
var bucket = buckets [0];
bucket.Add (res);
Log.LogWarning ("Unable to sign '{0}': file or directory not found.", res.ItemSpec);
#if false
Log.LogWarning ("Codesigning {0} buckets", buckets.Count);
for (var b = 0; b < buckets.Count; b++) {
var bucket = buckets [b];
Log.LogWarning ($" Bucket #{b + 1} contains {bucket.Count} items:");
foreach (var item in bucket) {
Log.LogWarning ($" {item.ItemSpec}");
for (var b = 0; b < buckets.Count; b++) {
var bucket = buckets [b];
Parallel.ForEach (bucket, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Math.Max (Environment.ProcessorCount / 2, 1) }, (item) => {
Codesign (item);
var files = GetCodesignedFiles (item);
lock (codesignedFiles)
codesignedFiles.AddRange (files);
// The list of codesigned files has two requirements for Windows:
// * Only files, no directories
// * No absolute paths.
for (var i = codesignedFiles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var item = codesignedFiles [i];
// Remove directories
if (Directory.Exists (item.ItemSpec)) {
codesignedFiles.RemoveAt (i);
if (!Path.IsPathRooted (item.ItemSpec))
// Make path relative. Unfortunately Path.GetRelativePath isn't available in netstandard2.0, which we're targetting, so use a very simple substitute.
var absolutePath = item.ItemSpec;
var relativeTo = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
if (absolutePath.StartsWith (relativeTo, StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
var relativePath = absolutePath.Substring (relativeTo.Length);
relativePath = relativePath.TrimStart (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
codesignedFiles [i] = new TaskItem (relativePath);
CodesignedFiles = codesignedFiles.ToArray ();
return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
IEnumerable<ITaskItem> GetCodesignedFiles (ITaskItem item)
var codesignedFiles = new List<ITaskItem> ();
if (Directory.Exists (item.ItemSpec)) {
var codeSignaturePath = Path.Combine (item.ItemSpec, CodeSignatureDirName);
if (!Directory.Exists (codeSignaturePath))
return codesignedFiles;
codesignedFiles.AddRange (Directory.EnumerateFiles (codeSignaturePath).Select (x => new TaskItem (x)));
var extension = Path.GetExtension (item.ItemSpec);
if (extension == ".app" || extension == ".appex") {
var executableName = Path.GetFileName (item.ItemSpec);
var manifestPath = Path.Combine (item.ItemSpec, "Info.plist");
if (File.Exists (manifestPath)) {
var bundleExecutable = PDictionary.FromFile (manifestPath).GetCFBundleExecutable ();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (bundleExecutable))
executableName = bundleExecutable;
var basePath = item.ItemSpec;
if (Directory.Exists (Path.Combine (basePath, MacOSDirName)))
basePath = Path.Combine (basePath, MacOSDirName);
var executablePath = Path.Combine (basePath, executableName);
if (File.Exists (executablePath))
codesignedFiles.Add (new TaskItem (executablePath));
} else if (File.Exists (item.ItemSpec)) {
codesignedFiles.Add (item);
return codesignedFiles;