
740 строки
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Xamarin.Tests;
using Xamarin.Utils;
#nullable enable
namespace Cecil.Tests {
public static class Helper {
static Dictionary<string, AssemblyDefinition> cache = new Dictionary<string, AssemblyDefinition> ();
// make sure we load assemblies only once into memory
public static AssemblyDefinition GetAssembly (string assembly, ReaderParameters? parameters = null, bool readSymbols = false)
Assert.That (assembly, Does.Exist, "Assembly existence");
if (!cache.TryGetValue (assembly, out var ad)) {
if (parameters is null) {
var resolver = new DefaultAssemblyResolver ();
resolver.AddSearchDirectory (GetBCLDirectory (assembly));
parameters = new ReaderParameters () {
AssemblyResolver = resolver,
ReadSymbols = readSymbols,
ad = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly (assembly, parameters);
cache.Add (assembly, ad);
return ad;
public static void AssertFailures (HashSet<string>? currentFailures, HashSet<string> knownFailures, string nameOfKnownFailureSet, string message)
AssertFailures<string> (currentFailures?.ToDictionary (v => v) ?? new Dictionary<string, string> (), knownFailures, nameOfKnownFailureSet, message, (v) => v);
public static void AssertFailures (Dictionary<string, string> currentFailures, HashSet<string> knownFailures, string nameOfKnownFailureSet, string message)
AssertFailures<string> (currentFailures, knownFailures, nameOfKnownFailureSet, message, (v) => v);
public static void AssertFailures<T> (Dictionary<string, T> currentFailures, HashSet<string> knownFailures, string nameOfKnownFailureSet, string message, Func<T, string> failureToString) where T : notnull, IComparable
var newFailures = currentFailures.Where (v => !knownFailures.Contains (v.Key)).Select (v => v.Value).ToArray ();
var fixedFailures = knownFailures.Except (currentFailures.Select (v => v.Key).ToHashSet ());
var printKnownFailures = newFailures.Any () || fixedFailures.Any ();
if (printKnownFailures) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Printing all failures as known failures because they seem out of date ({newFailures.Count ()} new failures, {fixedFailures.Count ()} fixed failures):");
var lines = new List<string> ();
lines.Add ($"\t\tstatic HashSet<string> {nameOfKnownFailureSet} = new HashSet<string> {{");
foreach (var failure in currentFailures.OrderBy (v => v.Key))
lines.Add ($"\t\t\t\"{failure.Key}\",");
lines.Add ("\t\t};");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("WRITE_KNOWN_FAILURES"))) {
var cecilDir = Path.Combine (Configuration.SourceRoot, "tests", "cecil-tests");
var writtenKnownFailures = false;
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles (cecilDir, "*.cs")) {
var content = File.ReadAllLines (file);
var startIndex = Array.IndexOf (content, lines.First ());
if (startIndex == -1)
var newLines = new List<string> ();
var endIndex = Array.IndexOf (content, lines.Last (), startIndex);
for (var i = 0; i < startIndex; i++)
newLines.Add (content [i]);
newLines.AddRange (lines);
for (var i = endIndex + 1; i < content.Length; i++)
newLines.Add (content [i]);
File.WriteAllLines (file, newLines);
Console.WriteLine ($"Updated {nameOfKnownFailureSet} in {file}.");
writtenKnownFailures = true;
if (!writtenKnownFailures) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Failed to update {nameOfKnownFailureSet}: {nameOfKnownFailureSet} not found.");
} else {
Console.WriteLine (string.Join ("\n", lines));
if (newFailures.Any ()) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Printing {newFailures.Count ()} new failures with local paths for easy navigation:");
foreach (var failure in newFailures.OrderBy (v => v))
Console.WriteLine ($" {failureToString (failure)}");
// Rather than doing an Assert.IsEmpty, which produces a horrendous error message, we'll do an Assert.Multiple which generates a
// nice enumerated output of all the failures.
Assert.Multiple (() => {
// fail for each of the new failures
foreach (var failure in newFailures) {
Assert.Fail (failure.ToString ());
// The list of known failures often doesn't separate based on platform, which means that we might not see all the known failures
// unless we're currently building for all platforms. As such, only verify the list of known failures if we're building for all platforms.
if (!Configuration.AnyIgnoredPlatforms ())
Assert.IsEmpty (fixedFailures, $"Known failures that aren't failing anymore - remove these from the list of known failures: {message}");
// Enumerates all the methods in the assembly, for all types (including nested types), potentially providing a custom filter function.
public static IEnumerable<MethodDefinition> EnumerateMethods (this AssemblyDefinition assembly, Func<MethodDefinition, bool>? filter = null)
foreach (var type in EnumerateTypes (assembly)) {
foreach (var method in type.EnumerateMethods (filter))
yield return method;
// Enumerates all the methods in the type, potentially providing a custom filter function.
public static IEnumerable<MethodDefinition> EnumerateMethods (this TypeDefinition type, Func<MethodDefinition, bool>? filter = null)
if (!type.HasMethods)
yield break;
foreach (var method in type.Methods) {
if (filter is null || filter (method))
yield return method;
// Enumerates all the properties in the assembly, for all types (including nested types), potentially providing a custom filter function.
public static IEnumerable<PropertyDefinition> EnumerateProperties (this AssemblyDefinition assembly, Func<PropertyDefinition, bool>? filter = null)
foreach (var type in EnumerateTypes (assembly)) {
if (!type.HasProperties)
foreach (var property in type.Properties) {
if (filter is null || filter (property))
yield return property;
// Enumerates all the properties in the type, potentially providing a custom filter function.
public static IEnumerable<PropertyDefinition> EnumerateProperties (this TypeDefinition type, Func<PropertyDefinition, bool>? filter = null)
if (!type.HasProperties)
yield break;
foreach (var property in type.Properties) {
if (filter is null || filter (property))
yield return property;
// Enumerates all the events in the assembly, for all types (including nested types), potentially providing a custom filter function.
public static IEnumerable<EventDefinition> EnumerateEvents (this AssemblyDefinition assembly, Func<EventDefinition, bool>? filter = null)
foreach (var type in EnumerateTypes (assembly)) {
foreach (var @event in type.EnumerateEvents (filter))
yield return @event;
// Enumerates all the events in the type, potentially providing a custom filter function.
public static IEnumerable<EventDefinition> EnumerateEvents (this TypeDefinition type, Func<EventDefinition, bool>? filter = null)
if (!type.HasEvents)
yield break;
foreach (var @event in type.Events) {
if (filter is null || filter (@event))
yield return @event;
// Recursively enumerates all the nested types for the given type, potentially providing a custom filter function.
static IEnumerable<TypeDefinition> EnumerateNestedTypes (this TypeDefinition type, Func<TypeDefinition, bool>? filter)
if (!type.HasNestedTypes)
yield break;
foreach (var nestedType in type.NestedTypes) {
foreach (var nn in EnumerateNestedTypes (nestedType, filter))
yield return nn;
if (filter is null || filter (nestedType))
yield return nestedType;
// Enumerates all the types in the assembly, including nested types, potentially providing a custom filter function.
public static IEnumerable<TypeDefinition> EnumerateTypes (this AssemblyDefinition assembly, Func<TypeDefinition, bool>? filter = null)
foreach (var module in assembly.Modules) {
if (!module.HasTypes)
foreach (var type in module.Types) {
if (filter is null || filter (type))
yield return type;
foreach (var nestedType in EnumerateNestedTypes (type, filter))
yield return nestedType;
// Enumerates all the fields in the assembly, for all types (including nested types), potentially providing a custom filter function.
public static IEnumerable<FieldDefinition> EnumerateFields (this AssemblyDefinition assembly, Func<FieldDefinition, bool>? filter = null)
foreach (var type in EnumerateTypes (assembly)) {
foreach (var field in type.EnumerateFields (filter))
yield return field;
// Enumerates all the fields in the type, potentially providing a custom filter function.
public static IEnumerable<FieldDefinition> EnumerateFields (this TypeDefinition type, Func<FieldDefinition, bool>? filter = null)
if (!type.HasFields)
yield break;
foreach (var field in type.Fields) {
if (filter is null || filter (field))
yield return field;
public static IEnumerable<ICustomAttributeProvider> EnumerateAttributeProviders (this AssemblyDefinition assembly, Func<ICustomAttributeProvider, bool>? filter = null)
if (filter is null || filter (assembly))
yield return assembly;
foreach (var module in assembly.Modules) {
if (filter is null || filter (module))
yield return module;
foreach (var item in assembly.EnumerateTypes (filter))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in assembly.EnumerateFields (filter))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in assembly.EnumerateMethods (filter))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in assembly.EnumerateProperties (filter))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in assembly.EnumerateEvents (filter))
yield return item;
public static IEnumerable<MemberReference> EnumerateMembers (this AssemblyDefinition assembly, Func<MemberReference, bool>? filter = null)
foreach (var item in assembly.EnumerateTypes (filter))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in assembly.EnumerateFields (filter))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in assembly.EnumerateMethods (filter))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in assembly.EnumerateProperties (filter))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in assembly.EnumerateEvents (filter))
yield return item;
public static bool IsPubliclyVisible (this TypeDefinition type)
if (type.IsNested) {
if (type.IsNestedAssembly || type.IsNestedFamilyAndAssembly || type.IsNestedPrivate)
return false;
return IsPubliclyVisible (type.DeclaringType);
return type.IsPublic;
public static bool IsPubliclyVisible (this FieldDefinition field)
if (!IsPubliclyVisible (field.DeclaringType))
return false;
var visibility = field.Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask;
switch (visibility) {
case FieldAttributes.Private:
case FieldAttributes.FamANDAssem:
case FieldAttributes.Assembly:
return false;
case FieldAttributes.Family:
case FieldAttributes.FamORAssem:
case FieldAttributes.Public:
return true;
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Unknown visibility: {visibility}");
public static bool IsPubliclyVisible (this MethodDefinition method)
if (!IsPubliclyVisible (method.DeclaringType))
return false;
var visibility = method.Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask;
switch (visibility) {
case MethodAttributes.Private:
case MethodAttributes.FamANDAssem:
case MethodAttributes.Assembly:
return false;
case MethodAttributes.Family:
case MethodAttributes.FamORAssem:
case MethodAttributes.Public:
return true;
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Unknown visibility: {visibility}");
public static bool IsPubliclyVisible (this EventDefinition evt)
if (!IsPubliclyVisible (evt.DeclaringType))
return false;
var invokeMethod = evt.InvokeMethod;
if (invokeMethod is not null && IsPubliclyVisible (invokeMethod))
return true;
var addMethod = evt.AddMethod;
if (addMethod is not null && IsPubliclyVisible (addMethod))
return true;
var removeMethod = evt.RemoveMethod;
if (removeMethod is not null && IsPubliclyVisible (removeMethod))
return true;
return false;
public static bool IsPubliclyVisible (this PropertyDefinition property)
if (!IsPubliclyVisible (property.DeclaringType))
return false;
var getter = property.GetMethod;
if (getter is not null && IsPubliclyVisible (getter))
return true;
var setter = property.SetMethod;
if (setter is not null && IsPubliclyVisible (setter))
return true;
return false;
public static bool IsPubliclyVisible (this MemberReference member)
return member switch {
PropertyDefinition pd => IsPubliclyVisible (pd),
EventDefinition ed => IsPubliclyVisible (ed),
MethodDefinition md => IsPubliclyVisible (md),
FieldDefinition fd => IsPubliclyVisible (fd),
TypeDefinition td => IsPubliclyVisible (td),
_ => throw new NotImplementedException (member.GetType ().FullName),
public static IEnumerable<MemberReference> EnumeratePublicMembers (this AssemblyDefinition assembly, Func<MemberReference, bool>? filter = null)
var visibleFilter = (MemberReference mr) => {
if (filter is not null && !filter (mr))
return false;
return IsPubliclyVisible (mr);
return EnumerateMembers (assembly, visibleFilter);
public static IEnumerable<ICustomAttributeProvider> EnumerateAttributeProviders (this TypeDefinition type, Func<ICustomAttributeProvider, bool>? filter = null)
// EnumerateNestedTypes will recurse, but we don't want to do that here.
if (type.HasNestedTypes) {
foreach (var item in type.NestedTypes)
if (filter is null || filter (item))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in type.EnumerateFields (filter))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in type.EnumerateMethods (filter))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in type.EnumerateProperties (filter))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in type.EnumerateEvents (filter))
yield return item;
public static string GetBCLDirectory (string assembly)
var rv = string.Empty;
var isDotNet = !assembly.Contains ("Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework") && !assembly.Contains ("Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.Mac.framework");
switch (Configuration.GetPlatform (assembly, isDotNet)) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
rv = Path.GetDirectoryName (Configuration.XamarinIOSDll);
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
rv = Path.GetDirectoryName (Configuration.XamarinWatchOSDll);
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
rv = Path.GetDirectoryName (Configuration.XamarinTVOSDll);
case ApplePlatform.MacOSX:
rv = Path.GetDirectoryName (assembly);
case ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst:
rv = Path.GetDirectoryName (Configuration.XamarinCatalystDll);
throw new NotImplementedException (assembly);
return rv!;
static IEnumerable<string> PlatformAssemblies {
get {
if (!Configuration.include_legacy_xamarin)
yield break;
if (Configuration.include_ios) {
// we want to process 32/64 bits individually since their content can differ
if (Configuration.iOSSupports32BitArchitectures)
yield return Path.Combine (Configuration.MonoTouchRootDirectory, "lib", "32bits", "iOS", "Xamarin.iOS.dll");
yield return Path.Combine (Configuration.MonoTouchRootDirectory, "lib", "64bits", "iOS", "Xamarin.iOS.dll");
if (Configuration.include_watchos) {
// XamarinWatchOSDll is stripped of its IL
yield return Path.Combine (Configuration.MonoTouchRootDirectory, "lib", "32bits", "watchOS", "Xamarin.WatchOS.dll");
if (Configuration.include_tvos) {
// XamarinTVOSDll is stripped of it's IL
yield return Path.Combine (Configuration.MonoTouchRootDirectory, "lib", "64bits", "tvOS", "Xamarin.TVOS.dll");
if (Configuration.include_mac) {
yield return Configuration.XamarinMacMobileDll;
yield return Configuration.XamarinMacFullDll;
static IList<AssemblyInfo>? platform_assembly_definitions;
public static IEnumerable<AssemblyInfo> PlatformAssemblyDefinitions {
get {
if (platform_assembly_definitions is null) {
platform_assembly_definitions = PlatformAssemblies
.Select (v => new AssemblyInfo (v, GetAssembly (v, readSymbols: true), false))
.ToArray ();
return platform_assembly_definitions;
static IEnumerable<string> NetPlatformAssemblies => Configuration.GetRefLibraries ();
static IList<AssemblyInfo>? net_platform_assembly_definitions;
public static IEnumerable<AssemblyInfo> NetPlatformAssemblyDefinitions {
get {
if (net_platform_assembly_definitions is null) {
net_platform_assembly_definitions = NetPlatformAssemblies
.Select (v => new AssemblyInfo (v, GetAssembly (v, readSymbols: false), true))
.ToArray ();
return net_platform_assembly_definitions;
static IEnumerable<string> NetPlatformImplementationAssemblies => Configuration.GetBaseLibraryImplementations ();
static IList<AssemblyInfo>? net_platform_assembly_implemnetation_assembly_definitions;
public static IEnumerable<AssemblyInfo> NetPlatformImplementationAssemblyDefinitions {
get {
if (net_platform_assembly_implemnetation_assembly_definitions is null) {
net_platform_assembly_implemnetation_assembly_definitions = NetPlatformImplementationAssemblies
.Select (v => new AssemblyInfo (v, GetAssembly (v, readSymbols: true), true))
.ToArray ();
return net_platform_assembly_implemnetation_assembly_definitions;
static Dictionary<string, List<MappedApiInfo>>? mapped_net_api;
public static Dictionary<string, List<MappedApiInfo>> MappedNetApi {
get {
Configuration.IgnoreIfAnyIgnoredPlatforms ();
if (mapped_net_api is null) {
mapped_net_api = new Dictionary<string, List<MappedApiInfo>> ();
var assemblies = Helper.NetPlatformAssemblyDefinitions.ToArray ();
foreach (var info in assemblies) {
var assembly = info.Assembly;
foreach (var api in assembly.EnumerateAttributeProviders ()) {
var fullname = api.AsFullName ();
if (!mapped_net_api.TryGetValue (fullname, out var list))
mapped_net_api [fullname] = list = new List<MappedApiInfo> ();
list.Add (new MappedApiInfo (info.Platform, api));
// Verify that the Fullname is unique for each API
if (list.Count > assemblies.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException ($"The key '{fullname}' was used for more than one given API.");
return mapped_net_api;
public static IEnumerable<TestFixtureData> TaskAssemblies {
get {
if (Configuration.include_ios)
yield return CreateTestFixtureDataFromPath (Path.Combine (Configuration.SdkRootXI, "lib", "msbuild", "iOS", "Xamarin.iOS.Tasks.dll"));
if (Configuration.include_mac)
yield return CreateTestFixtureDataFromPath (Path.Combine (Configuration.SdkRootXM, "lib", "msbuild", "Xamarin.Mac.Tasks.dll"));
static TestFixtureData CreateTestFixtureDataFromPath (string path)
var rv = new TestFixtureData (path);
rv.SetArgDisplayNames (Path.GetFileName (path));
return rv;
public static string RenderLocation (this IMemberDefinition? member, Instruction? instruction = null)
if (member is null)
return string.Empty;
if (member is PropertyDefinition pd) {
if (pd.GetMethod is not null)
return RenderLocation (pd.GetMethod);
if (pd.SetMethod is not null)
return RenderLocation (pd.SetMethod);
return "<no location>";
if (member is TypeDefinition td && td.HasMethods)
return RenderLocation (td.Methods.Where (v => v.HasBody).FirstOrDefault ());
if (!(member is MethodDefinition method))
return "<no location> ";
if (method.DebugInformation.HasSequencePoints) {
var seq = method.DebugInformation.SequencePoints [0];
if (instruction is not null) {
var instr = instruction;
while (instr is not null) {
var iseq = method.DebugInformation.GetSequencePoint (instr);
if (iseq is not null) {
seq = iseq;
instr = instr.Previous;
return seq.Document.Url + ":" + seq.StartLine + " ";
return string.Empty;
public static string RenderLocation (this object provider)
if (provider is IMemberDefinition md)
return RenderLocation (md);
return string.Empty;
public static OSPlatformAttributes? GetAvailabilityAttributes (this ICustomAttributeProvider provider, ApplePlatform platform)
if (!provider.HasCustomAttributes)
return null;
OSPlatformAttributes? rv = null;
foreach (var a in provider.CustomAttributes) {
var attributeType = a.AttributeType;
if (attributeType.Namespace != "System.Runtime.Versioning")
if (attributeType.FullName == "System.Runtime.Versioning.RequiresPreviewFeaturesAttribute")
if (!a.HasConstructorArguments)
if (a.ConstructorArguments.Count != 1 && a.ConstructorArguments.Count != 2)
if (!a.ConstructorArguments [0].Type.Is ("System", "String"))
var platformName = (string) a.ConstructorArguments [0].Value;
if (!OSPlatformAttributeExtensions.TryParse (platformName, out ApplePlatform? attributePlatform, out var version))
throw new InvalidOperationException ($"The API {provider.AsFullName ()} has an invalid OSPlatform attribute: {platformName}");
if (attributePlatform != platform)
if (rv is null)
rv = new OSPlatformAttributes (provider, platform);
switch (attributeType.Name) {
case "UnsupportedOSPlatformAttribute":
rv.Unsupported = new OSPlatformAttribute (platform, platformName, version, a);
case "SupportedOSPlatformAttribute":
rv.Supported = new OSPlatformAttribute (platform, platformName, version, a);
case "ObsoletedOSPlatformAttribute":
rv.Obsoleted = new OSPlatformAttribute (platform, platformName, version, a);
case "TargetPlatformAttribute":
case "SupportedOSPlatformGuardAttribute":
throw new NotImplementedException (attributeType.FullName);
return rv;
public static bool IsSubclassOf (this TypeDefinition? type, string @namespace, string name)
if (type is null)
return false;
if (type.Is (@namespace, name))
return true;
return IsSubclassOf (type.BaseType?.Resolve (), @namespace, name);
public static class CompatExtensions {
// cecil-tests is not NET5 yet, this is required to foreach over a dictionary
public static void Deconstruct<T1, T2> (this KeyValuePair<T1, T2> tuple, out T1 key, out T2 value)
key = tuple.Key;
value = tuple.Value;
public class AssemblyInfo {
public AssemblyDefinition Assembly;
public string Path;
public ApplePlatform Platform;
public AssemblyInfo (string path, AssemblyDefinition assembly, bool isDotNet)
Assembly = assembly;
Path = path;
Platform = Configuration.GetPlatform (path, isDotNet);
public override string ToString ()
// The returned text will show up in VSMac's unit test pad
return Path.Replace (Configuration.RootPath, string.Empty).TrimStart ('/');
public class MappedApiInfo {
public ApplePlatform Platform;
public ICustomAttributeProvider Api;
public MappedApiInfo (ApplePlatform platform, ICustomAttributeProvider api)
Platform = platform;
Api = api;
public class OSPlatformAttribute {
public ApplePlatform Platform;
public string PlatformName;
public Version? Version;
public CustomAttribute Attribute;
public OSPlatformAttribute (ApplePlatform platform, string platformName, Version? version, CustomAttribute attribute)
Platform = platform;
PlatformName = platformName;
Version = version;
Attribute = attribute;
public string? Message {
get {
if (Attribute?.HasConstructorArguments != true)
return null;
if (Attribute.ConstructorArguments.Count < 2)
return null;
return Attribute.ConstructorArguments [1].Value as string;
public class OSPlatformAttributes {
public ICustomAttributeProvider Api;
public ApplePlatform Platform;
public OSPlatformAttribute? Supported;
public OSPlatformAttribute? Obsoleted;
public OSPlatformAttribute? Unsupported;
public OSPlatformAttributes (ICustomAttributeProvider api, ApplePlatform platform)
Api = api;
Platform = platform;