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// Copyright 2013--2014 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
using MonoTouch.Tuner;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Tuner;
using Mono.Linker;
using Xamarin.Linker;
using Xamarin.Utils;
using XamCore.Registrar;
namespace Xamarin.Bundler
public partial class Target {
public string TargetDirectory;
public string AppTargetDirectory;
public MonoTouchManifestResolver ManifestResolver = new MonoTouchManifestResolver ();
public AssemblyDefinition ProductAssembly;
// directories used during the build process
public string ArchDirectory;
public string PreBuildDirectory;
public string BuildDirectory;
public string LinkDirectory;
// Note that each 'Target' can have multiple abis: armv7+armv7s for instance.
public List<Abi> Abis;
// This is a list of native libraries to into the final executable.
// All the native libraries are included here (this means all the libraries
// that were AOTed from managed code, main, registrar, extra static libraries, etc).
List<string> link_with = new List<string> ();
// If we didn't link because the existing (cached) assemblyes are up-to-date.
bool cached_link;
// If any assemblies were updated (only set to false if the linker is disabled and no assemblies were modified).
bool any_assembly_updated = true;
BuildTasks compile_tasks = new BuildTasks ();
// If we didn't link the final executable because the existing binary is up-to-date.
public bool cached_executable;
// If the assemblies were symlinked.
public bool Symlinked;
public bool Is32Build { get { return Application.IsArchEnabled (Abis, Abi.Arch32Mask); } } // If we're targetting a 32 bit arch for this target.
public bool Is64Build { get { return Application.IsArchEnabled (Abis, Abi.Arch64Mask); } } // If we're targetting a 64 bit arch for this target.
List<string> link_with_and_ship = new List<string> ();
public IEnumerable<string> LibrariesToShip { get { return link_with_and_ship; } }
PInvokeWrapperGenerator pinvoke_state;
PInvokeWrapperGenerator MarshalNativeExceptionsState {
get {
if (!App.RequiresPInvokeWrappers)
return null;
if (pinvoke_state == null) {
pinvoke_state = new PInvokeWrapperGenerator ()
SourcePath = Path.Combine (ArchDirectory, "pinvokes.m"),
HeaderPath = Path.Combine (ArchDirectory, "pinvokes.h"),
Registrar = (StaticRegistrar) StaticRegistrar,
return pinvoke_state;
public string Executable {
get {
return Path.Combine (TargetDirectory, App.ExecutableName);
public void Initialize (bool show_warnings)
// we want to load our own mscorlib[-runtime].dll, not something else we're being feeded
// (e.g. bug #6612) since it might not match the libmono[-sgen].a library we'll link with,
// so load the corlib we want first.
var corlib_path = Path.Combine (Resolver.FrameworkDirectory, "mscorlib.dll");
var corlib = ManifestResolver.Load (corlib_path);
if (corlib == null)
throw new MonoTouchException (2006, true, "Can not load mscorlib.dll from: '{0}'. Please reinstall Xamarin.iOS.", corlib_path);
foreach (var reference in App.References) {
var ad = ManifestResolver.Load (reference);
if (ad == null)
throw new MonoTouchException (2002, true, "Can not resolve reference: {0}", reference);
if (ad.MainModule.Runtime > TargetRuntime.Net_4_0)
ErrorHelper.Show (new MonoTouchException (11, false, "{0} was built against a more recent runtime ({1}) than Xamarin.iOS supports.", Path.GetFileName (reference), ad.MainModule.Runtime));
// Figure out if we're referencing Xamarin.iOS or monotouch.dll
if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (ad.MainModule.FileName) == Driver.ProductAssembly)
ProductAssembly = ad;
ComputeListOfAssemblies ();
if (App.LinkMode == LinkMode.None && App.I18n != I18nAssemblies.None)
AddI18nAssemblies ();
// an extension is a .dll and it would match itself
if (App.IsExtension)
var root_wo_ext = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (App.RootAssembly);
foreach (var assembly in Assemblies) {
if (!assembly.FullPath.EndsWith (".exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
if (root_wo_ext == Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (assembly.FullPath))
throw new MonoTouchException (23, true, "Application name '{0}.exe' conflicts with another user assembly.", root_wo_ext);
// This is to load the symbols for all assemblies, so that we can give better error messages
// (with file name / line number information).
public void LoadSymbols ()
foreach (var a in Assemblies)
a.LoadSymbols ();
IEnumerable<AssemblyDefinition> GetAssemblies ()
if (App.LinkMode == LinkMode.None)
return ManifestResolver.GetAssemblies ();
List<AssemblyDefinition> assemblies = new List<AssemblyDefinition> ();
if (LinkContext == null) {
// use data from cache
foreach (var assembly in Assemblies)
assemblies.Add (assembly.AssemblyDefinition);
} else {
foreach (var assembly in LinkContext.GetAssemblies ()) {
if (LinkContext.Annotations.GetAction (assembly) == AssemblyAction.Delete)
assemblies.Add (assembly);
return assemblies;
public void ComputeLinkerFlags ()
foreach (var a in Assemblies)
a.ComputeLinkerFlags ();
if (App.Platform != ApplePlatform.WatchOS && App.Platform != ApplePlatform.TVOS)
Frameworks.Add ("CFNetwork"); // required by xamarin_start_wwan
Dictionary<string, MemberReference> entry_points;
public IDictionary<string, MemberReference> GetEntryPoints ()
if (entry_points == null)
GetRequiredSymbols ();
return entry_points;
public IEnumerable<string> GetRequiredSymbols ()
if (entry_points != null)
return entry_points.Keys;
var cache_location = Path.Combine (Cache.Location, "entry-points.txt");
if (cached_link || !any_assembly_updated) {
entry_points = new Dictionary<string, MemberReference> ();
foreach (var ep in File.ReadAllLines (cache_location))
entry_points.Add (ep, null);
} else {
List<MethodDefinition> marshal_exception_pinvokes;
if (LinkContext == null) {
// This happens when using the simlauncher and the msbuild tasks asked for a list
// of symbols (--symbollist). In that case just produce an empty list, since the
// binary shouldn't end up stripped anyway.
entry_points = new Dictionary<string, MemberReference> ();
marshal_exception_pinvokes = new List<MethodDefinition> ();
} else {
entry_points = LinkContext.RequiredSymbols;
marshal_exception_pinvokes = LinkContext.MarshalExceptionPInvokes;
// keep the debugging helper in debugging binaries only
if (App.EnableDebug && !App.EnableBitCode)
entry_points.Add ("mono_pmip", null);
if (App.IsSimulatorBuild) {
entry_points.Add ("xamarin_dyn_objc_msgSend", null);
entry_points.Add ("xamarin_dyn_objc_msgSendSuper", null);
entry_points.Add ("xamarin_dyn_objc_msgSend_stret", null);
entry_points.Add ("xamarin_dyn_objc_msgSendSuper_stret", null);
File.WriteAllText (cache_location, string.Join ("\n", entry_points.Keys.ToArray ()));
return entry_points.Keys;
public MemberReference GetMemberForSymbol (string symbol)
MemberReference rv = null;
entry_points?.TryGetValue (symbol, out rv);
return rv;
// Gets a flattened list of all the assemblies pulled by the root assembly
public void ComputeListOfAssemblies ()
var exceptions = new List<Exception> ();
var assemblies = new HashSet<string> ();
try {
var assembly = ManifestResolver.Load (App.RootAssembly);
ComputeListOfAssemblies (assemblies, assembly, exceptions);
} catch (MonoTouchException mte) {
exceptions.Add (mte);
} catch (Exception e) {
exceptions.Add (new MonoTouchException (9, true, e, "Error while loading assemblies: {0}", e.Message));
if (App.LinkMode == LinkMode.None)
exceptions.AddRange (ManifestResolver.list);
if (exceptions.Count > 0)
throw new AggregateException (exceptions);
void ComputeListOfAssemblies (HashSet<string> assemblies, AssemblyDefinition assembly, List<Exception> exceptions)
if (assembly == null)
var fqname = assembly.MainModule.FileName;
if (assemblies.Contains (fqname))
assemblies.Add (fqname);
var asm = new Assembly (this, assembly);
asm.ComputeSatellites ();
this.Assemblies.Add (asm);
var main = assembly.MainModule;
foreach (AssemblyNameReference reference in main.AssemblyReferences) {
// Verify that none of the references references an incorrect platform assembly.
switch (reference.Name) {
case "monotouch":
case "Xamarin.iOS":
case "Xamarin.TVOS":
case "Xamarin.WatchOS":
if (reference.Name != Driver.ProductAssembly)
exceptions.Add (ErrorHelper.CreateError (34, "Cannot reference '{0}.dll' in a {1} project - it is implicitly referenced by '{2}'.", reference.Name, Driver.TargetFramework.Identifier, assembly.FullName));
var reference_assembly = ManifestResolver.Resolve (reference);
ComputeListOfAssemblies (assemblies, reference_assembly, exceptions);
// Custom Attribute metadata can include references to other assemblies, e.g. [X (typeof (Y)],
// but it is not reflected in AssemblyReferences :-( ref: #37611
// so we must scan every custom attribute to look for System.Type
GetCustomAttributeReferences (assembly, assemblies, exceptions);
GetCustomAttributeReferences (main, assemblies, exceptions);
if (main.HasTypes) {
foreach (var t in main.Types) {
GetTypeReferences (t, assemblies, exceptions);
void GetTypeReferences (TypeDefinition type, HashSet<string> assemblies, List<Exception> exceptions)
GetCustomAttributeReferences (type, assemblies, exceptions);
if (type.HasEvents) {
foreach (var e in type.Events)
GetCustomAttributeReferences (e, assemblies, exceptions);
if (type.HasFields) {
foreach (var f in type.Fields)
GetCustomAttributeReferences (f, assemblies, exceptions);
if (type.HasMethods) {
foreach (var m in type.Methods)
GetCustomAttributeReferences (m, assemblies, exceptions);
if (type.HasProperties) {
foreach (var p in type.Properties)
GetCustomAttributeReferences (p, assemblies, exceptions);
if (type.HasNestedTypes) {
foreach (var nt in type.NestedTypes)
GetTypeReferences (nt, assemblies, exceptions);
void GetCustomAttributeReferences (ICustomAttributeProvider cap, HashSet<string> assemblies, List<Exception> exceptions)
if (!cap.HasCustomAttributes)
foreach (var ca in cap.CustomAttributes) {
if (ca.HasConstructorArguments) {
foreach (var arg in ca.ConstructorArguments)
GetCustomAttributeArgumentReference (arg, assemblies, exceptions);
if (ca.HasFields) {
foreach (var arg in ca.Fields)
GetCustomAttributeArgumentReference (arg.Argument, assemblies, exceptions);
if (ca.HasProperties) {
foreach (var arg in ca.Properties)
GetCustomAttributeArgumentReference (arg.Argument, assemblies, exceptions);
void GetCustomAttributeArgumentReference (CustomAttributeArgument arg, HashSet<string> assemblies, List<Exception> exceptions)
if (!arg.Type.Is ("System", "Type"))
var ar = (arg.Value as TypeReference)?.Scope as AssemblyNameReference;
if (ar == null)
var reference_assembly = ManifestResolver.Resolve (ar);
ComputeListOfAssemblies (assemblies, reference_assembly, exceptions);
bool IncludeI18nAssembly (Mono.Linker.I18nAssemblies assembly)
return (App.I18n & assembly) != 0;
public void AddI18nAssemblies ()
Assemblies.Add (LoadI18nAssembly ("I18N"));
if (IncludeI18nAssembly (Mono.Linker.I18nAssemblies.CJK))
Assemblies.Add (LoadI18nAssembly ("I18N.CJK"));
if (IncludeI18nAssembly (Mono.Linker.I18nAssemblies.MidEast))
Assemblies.Add (LoadI18nAssembly ("I18N.MidEast"));
if (IncludeI18nAssembly (Mono.Linker.I18nAssemblies.Other))
Assemblies.Add (LoadI18nAssembly ("I18N.Other"));
if (IncludeI18nAssembly (Mono.Linker.I18nAssemblies.Rare))
Assemblies.Add (LoadI18nAssembly ("I18N.Rare"));
if (IncludeI18nAssembly (Mono.Linker.I18nAssemblies.West))
Assemblies.Add (LoadI18nAssembly ("I18N.West"));
Assembly LoadI18nAssembly (string name)
var assembly = ManifestResolver.Resolve (AssemblyNameReference.Parse (name));
return new Assembly (this, assembly);
public void LinkAssemblies (string main, ref List<string> assemblies, string output_dir, out MonoTouchLinkContext link_context)
if (Driver.Verbosity > 0)
Console.WriteLine ("Linking {0} into {1} using mode '{2}'", main, output_dir, App.LinkMode);
var cache = Resolver.ToResolverCache ();
var resolver = cache != null
? new AssemblyResolver (cache)
: new AssemblyResolver ();
resolver.AddSearchDirectory (Resolver.RootDirectory);
resolver.AddSearchDirectory (Resolver.FrameworkDirectory);
LinkerOptions = new LinkerOptions {
MainAssembly = Resolver.Load (main),
OutputDirectory = output_dir,
LinkMode = App.LinkMode,
Resolver = resolver,
SkippedAssemblies = App.LinkSkipped,
I18nAssemblies = App.I18n,
LinkSymbols = true,
LinkAway = App.LinkAway,
ExtraDefinitions = App.Definitions,
Device = App.IsDeviceBuild,
// by default we keep the code to ensure we're executing on the UI thread (for UI code) for debug builds
// but this can be overridden to either (a) remove it from debug builds or (b) keep it in release builds
EnsureUIThread = App.ThreadCheck.HasValue ? App.ThreadCheck.Value : App.EnableDebug,
DebugBuild = App.EnableDebug,
Arch = Is64Build ? 8 : 4,
IsDualBuild = App.IsDualBuild,
DumpDependencies = App.LinkerDumpDependencies,
RuntimeOptions = App.RuntimeOptions,
MarshalNativeExceptionsState = MarshalNativeExceptionsState,
MonoTouch.Tuner.Linker.Process (LinkerOptions, out link_context, out assemblies);
Driver.Watch ("Link Assemblies", 1);
public void ManagedLink ()
var cache_path = Path.Combine (ArchDirectory, "linked-assemblies.txt");
foreach (var a in Assemblies)
a.CopyToDirectory (LinkDirectory, false, check_case: true);
// Check if we can use a previous link result.
if (!Driver.Force) {
var input = new List<string> ();
var output = new List<string> ();
var cached_output = new List<string> ();
if (File.Exists (cache_path)) {
cached_output.AddRange (File.ReadAllLines (cache_path));
var cached_loaded = new HashSet<string> ();
// Only add the previously linked assemblies (and their satellites) as the input/output assemblies.
// Do not add assemblies which the linker process removed.
foreach (var a in Assemblies) {
if (!cached_output.Contains (a.FullPath))
cached_loaded.Add (a.FullPath);
input.Add (a.FullPath);
output.Add (Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, a.FileName));
if (File.Exists (a.FullPath + ".mdb")) {
// Debug files can change without the assemblies themselves changing
// This should also invalidate the cached linker results, since the non-linked mdbs can't be copied.
input.Add (a.FullPath + ".mdb");
output.Add (Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, a.FileName) + ".mdb");
if (a.Satellites != null) {
foreach (var s in a.Satellites) {
input.Add (s);
output.Add (Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, Path.GetFileName (Path.GetDirectoryName (s)), Path.GetFileName (s)));
// No need to copy satellite mdb files, satellites are resource-only assemblies.
// The linker might have added assemblies that weren't specified/reachable
// from the command line arguments (such as I18N assemblies). Those are not
// in the Assemblies list at this point (since we haven't run the linker yet)
// so make sure we take those into account as well.
var not_loaded = cached_output.Except (cached_loaded);
foreach (var path in not_loaded) {
input.Add (path);
output.Add (Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, Path.GetFileName (path)));
// Include mtouch here too?
// input.Add (Path.Combine (MTouch.MonoTouchDirectory, "usr", "bin", "mtouch"));
if (Application.IsUptodate (input, output)) {
cached_link = true;
for (int i = Assemblies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var a = Assemblies [i];
if (!cached_output.Contains (a.FullPath)) {
Assemblies.RemoveAt (i);
// Load the cached assembly
a.LoadAssembly (Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, a.FileName));
Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", a.FullPath);
foreach (var path in not_loaded) {
var a = new Assembly (this, path);
a.LoadAssembly (Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, a.FileName));
Assemblies.Add (a);
Driver.Watch ("Cached assemblies reloaded", 1);
Driver.Log ("Cached assemblies reloaded.");
// Load the assemblies into memory.
foreach (var a in Assemblies)
a.LoadAssembly (a.FullPath);
var assemblies = new List<string> ();
foreach (var a in Assemblies)
assemblies.Add (a.FullPath);
var linked_assemblies = new List<string> (assemblies);
LinkAssemblies (App.RootAssembly, ref linked_assemblies, PreBuildDirectory, out LinkContext);
// Remove assemblies that were linked away
var removed = new HashSet<string> (assemblies);
removed.ExceptWith (linked_assemblies);
foreach (var assembly in removed) {
for (int i = Assemblies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var ad = Assemblies [i];
if (assembly != ad.FullPath)
Assemblies.RemoveAt (i);
// anything added by the linker will have it's original path
var added = new HashSet<string> ();
foreach (var assembly in linked_assemblies)
added.Add (Path.GetFileName (assembly));
var original = new HashSet<string> ();
foreach (var assembly in assemblies)
original.Add (Path.GetFileName (assembly));
added.ExceptWith (original);
foreach (var assembly in added) {
// the linker already copied the assemblies (linked or not) into the output directory
// and we must NOT overwrite the linker work with an original (unlinked) assembly
string path = Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, assembly);
var ad = ManifestResolver.Load (path);
var a = new Assembly (this, ad);
a.CopyToDirectory (PreBuildDirectory);
Assemblies.Add (a);
assemblies = linked_assemblies;
// Make the assemblies point to the right path.
foreach (var a in Assemblies)
a.FullPath = Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, a.FileName);
File.WriteAllText (cache_path, string.Join ("\n", linked_assemblies));
public void ProcessAssemblies ()
// * Linking
// Copy assemblies to LinkDirectory
// Link and save to PreBuildDirectory
// If marshalling native exceptions:
// * Generate/calculate P/Invoke wrappers and save to PreBuildDirectory
// [AOT assemblies in BuildDirectory]
// Strip managed code save to TargetDirectory (or just copy the file if stripping is disabled).
// * No linking
// If marshalling native exceptions:
// Generate/calculate P/Invoke wrappers and save to PreBuildDirectory.
// If not marshalling native exceptions:
// Copy assemblies to PreBuildDirectory
// Copy unmodified assemblies to BuildDirectory
// [AOT assemblies in BuildDirectory]
// Strip managed code save to TargetDirectory (or just copy the file if stripping is disabled).
// Note that we end up copying assemblies around quite much,
// this is because we we're comparing contents instead of
// filestamps, so we need the previous file around to be
// able to do the actual comparison. For instance: in the
// 'No linking' case above, we copy the assembly to PreBuild
// before removing the resources and saving that result to Build.
// The copy in PreBuild is required for the next build iteration,
// to see if the original assembly has been modified or not (the
// file in the Build directory might be different due to resource
// removal even if the original assembly didn't change).
// This can probably be improved by storing digests/hashes instead
// of the entire files, but this turned out a bit messy when
// trying to make it work with the linker, so I decided to go for
// simple file copying for now.
// Other notes:
// * We need all assemblies in the same directory when doing AOT-compilation.
// * We cannot overwrite in-place, because it will mess up dependency tracking
// and besides if we overwrite in place we might not be able to ignore
// insignificant changes (such as only a GUID change - the code is identical,
// but we still need the original assembly since the AOT-ed image also stores
// the GUID, and we fail at runtime if the GUIDs in the assembly and the AOT-ed
// image don't match - if we overwrite in-place we lose the original assembly and
// its GUID).
LinkDirectory = Path.Combine (ArchDirectory, "Link");
if (!Directory.Exists (LinkDirectory))
Directory.CreateDirectory (LinkDirectory);
PreBuildDirectory = Path.Combine (ArchDirectory, "PreBuild");
if (!Directory.Exists (PreBuildDirectory))
Directory.CreateDirectory (PreBuildDirectory);
BuildDirectory = Path.Combine (ArchDirectory, "Build");
if (!Directory.Exists (BuildDirectory))
Directory.CreateDirectory (BuildDirectory);
if (!Directory.Exists (TargetDirectory))
Directory.CreateDirectory (TargetDirectory);
ManagedLink ();
if (App.RequiresPInvokeWrappers) {
// Write P/Invokes
var state = MarshalNativeExceptionsState;
if (state.Started) {
// The generator is 'started' by the linker, which means it may not
// be started if the linker was not executed due to re-using cached results.
state.End ();
PinvokesTask.Create (compile_tasks, Abis, this, state.SourcePath);
if (App.FastDev) {
// In this case assemblies must link with the resulting dylib,
// so we can't compile the pinvoke dylib in parallel with later
// stuff.
compile_tasks.ExecuteInParallel ();
// Now the assemblies are in PreBuildDirectory.
foreach (var a in Assemblies) {
var target = Path.Combine (BuildDirectory, a.FileName);
if (!a.CopyAssembly (a.FullPath, target))
Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", target);
a.FullPath = target;
Driver.GatherFrameworks (this, Frameworks, WeakFrameworks);
// Make sure there are no duplicates between frameworks and weak frameworks.
// Keep the weak ones.
Frameworks.ExceptWith (WeakFrameworks);
public void SelectStaticRegistrar ()
switch (App.Registrar) {
case RegistrarMode.Static:
case RegistrarMode.Dynamic:
case RegistrarMode.Default:
StaticRegistrar = new StaticRegistrar (this)
LinkContext = LinkContext,
public void Compile ()
// Compile the managed assemblies into object files or shared libraries
if (App.IsDeviceBuild) {
foreach (var a in Assemblies)
a.CreateCompilationTasks (compile_tasks, BuildDirectory, Abis);
// The static registrar.
List<string> registration_methods = null;
if (App.Registrar == RegistrarMode.Static) {
var registrar_m = Path.Combine (ArchDirectory, "registrar.m");
var registrar_h = Path.Combine (ArchDirectory, "registrar.h");
if (!Application.IsUptodate (Assemblies.Select (v => v.FullPath), new string[] { registrar_m, registrar_h })) {
StaticRegistrar.Generate (Assemblies.Select ((a) => a.AssemblyDefinition), registrar_h, registrar_m);
registration_methods = new List<string> ();
registration_methods.Add ("xamarin_create_classes");
Driver.Watch ("Registrar", 1);
} else {
Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", registrar_m);
RegistrarTask.Create (compile_tasks, Abis, this, registrar_m);
if (App.Registrar == RegistrarMode.Dynamic && App.IsSimulatorBuild && App.LinkMode == LinkMode.None) {
if (registration_methods == null)
registration_methods = new List<string> ();
string method;
string library;
switch (App.Platform) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
method = "xamarin_create_classes_Xamarin_iOS";
library = "Xamarin.iOS.registrar.a";
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
method = "xamarin_create_classes_Xamarin_WatchOS";
library = "Xamarin.WatchOS.registrar.a";
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
method = "xamarin_create_classes_Xamarin_TVOS";
library = "Xamarin.TVOS.registrar.a";
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (71, "Unknown platform: {0}. This usually indicates a bug in Xamarin.iOS; please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com with a test case.", App.Platform);
registration_methods.Add (method);
link_with.Add (Path.Combine (Driver.ProductSdkDirectory, "usr", "lib", library));
// The main method.
foreach (var abi in Abis)
MainTask.Create (compile_tasks, this, abi, Assemblies, App.AssemblyName, registration_methods);
// Start compiling.
compile_tasks.ExecuteInParallel ();
if (App.FastDev) {
foreach (var a in Assemblies) {
if (a.Dylibs == null)
foreach (var dylib in a.Dylibs)
LinkWith (dylib);
Driver.Watch ("Compile", 1);
public void NativeLink ()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (App.UserGccFlags))
App.DeadStrip = false;
if (App.EnableLLVMOnlyBitCode)
App.DeadStrip = false;
var compiler_flags = new CompilerFlags () { Target = this };
// Get global frameworks
compiler_flags.AddFrameworks (App.Frameworks, App.WeakFrameworks);
compiler_flags.AddFrameworks (Frameworks, WeakFrameworks);
// Collect all LinkWith flags and frameworks from all assemblies.
foreach (var a in Assemblies) {
compiler_flags.AddFrameworks (a.Frameworks, a.WeakFrameworks);
if (!App.FastDev || App.IsSimulatorBuild)
compiler_flags.AddLinkWith (a.LinkWith, a.ForceLoad);
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlags (a.LinkerFlags);
var bitcode = App.EnableBitCode;
if (bitcode)
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag (App.EnableMarkerOnlyBitCode ? "-fembed-bitcode-marker" : "-fembed-bitcode");
if (App.EnablePie.HasValue && App.EnablePie.Value && (App.DeploymentTarget < new Version (4, 2)))
ErrorHelper.Error (28, "Cannot enable PIE (-pie) when targeting iOS 4.1 or earlier. Please disable PIE (-pie:false) or set the deployment target to at least iOS 4.2");
if (!App.EnablePie.HasValue)
App.EnablePie = true;
if (App.Platform == ApplePlatform.iOS) {
if (App.EnablePie.Value && (App.DeploymentTarget >= new Version (4, 2))) {
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag ("-Wl,-pie");
} else {
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag ("-Wl,-no_pie");
CompileTask.GetArchFlags (compiler_flags, Abis);
if (App.IsDeviceBuild) {
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag ($"-m{Driver.TargetMinSdkName}-version-min={App.DeploymentTarget}");
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag ($"-isysroot {Driver.Quote (Driver.FrameworkDirectory)}");
} else {
CompileTask.GetSimulatorCompilerFlags (compiler_flags, null, App);
compiler_flags.LinkWithMono ();
compiler_flags.LinkWithXamarin ();
compiler_flags.AddLinkWith (link_with);
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag ($"-o {Driver.Quote (Executable)}");
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag ("-lz");
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag ("-liconv");
bool need_libcpp = false;
if (App.EnableBitCode)
need_libcpp = true;
need_libcpp = true;
if (need_libcpp)
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag ("-lc++");
// allow the native linker to remove unused symbols (if the caller was removed by the managed linker)
if (!bitcode) {
foreach (var entry in GetRequiredSymbols ()) {
// Note that we include *all* (__Internal) p/invoked symbols here
// We also include any fields from [Field] attributes.
compiler_flags.ReferenceSymbol (entry);
string mainlib;
if (App.IsWatchExtension) {
mainlib = "libwatchextension.a";
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag (" -e _xamarin_watchextension_main");
} else if (App.IsTVExtension) {
mainlib = "libtvextension.a";
} else if (App.IsExtension) {
mainlib = "libextension.a";
} else {
mainlib = "libapp.a";
var libdir = Path.Combine (Driver.ProductSdkDirectory, "usr", "lib");
var libmain = Path.Combine (libdir, mainlib);
compiler_flags.AddLinkWith (libmain, true);
if (App.EnableProfiling) {
string libprofiler;
if (App.FastDev) {
libprofiler = Path.Combine (libdir, "libmono-profiler-log.dylib");
compiler_flags.AddLinkWith (libprofiler);
} else {
libprofiler = Path.Combine (libdir, "libmono-profiler-log.a");
compiler_flags.AddLinkWith (libprofiler);
if (!App.EnableBitCode)
compiler_flags.ReferenceSymbol ("mono_profiler_startup_log");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (App.UserGccFlags))
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag (App.UserGccFlags);
if (App.DeadStrip)
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag ("-dead_strip");
if (App.IsExtension) {
if (App.Platform == ApplePlatform.iOS && Driver.XcodeVersion.Major < 7) {
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag ("-lpkstart");
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag ($"-F {Driver.Quote (Path.Combine (Driver.FrameworkDirectory, "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks"))} -framework PlugInKit");
compiler_flags.AddOtherFlag ("-fapplication-extension");
compiler_flags.Inputs = new List<string> ();
var flags = compiler_flags.ToString (); // This will populate Inputs.
if (!Application.IsUptodate (compiler_flags.Inputs, new string [] { Executable } )) {
// always show the native linker warnings since many of them turn out to be very important
// and very hard to diagnose otherwise when hidden from the build output. Ref: bug #2430
var linker_errors = new List<Exception> ();
var output = new StringBuilder ();
var code = Driver.RunCommand (Driver.CompilerPath, flags, null, output);
Application.ProcessNativeLinkerOutput (this, output.ToString (), link_with, linker_errors, code != 0);
if (code != 0) {
// if the build failed - it could be because of missing frameworks / libraries we identified earlier
foreach (var assembly in Assemblies) {
if (assembly.UnresolvedModuleReferences == null)
foreach (var mr in assembly.UnresolvedModuleReferences) {
// TODO: add more diagnose information on the warnings
var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (mr.Name);
linker_errors.Add (new MonoTouchException (5215, false, "References to '{0}' might require additional -framework=XXX or -lXXX instructions to the native linker", name));
// mtouch does not validate extra parameters given to GCC when linking (--gcc_flags)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (App.UserGccFlags))
linker_errors.Add (new MonoTouchException (5201, true, "Native linking failed. Please review the build log and the user flags provided to gcc: {0}", App.UserGccFlags));
linker_errors.Add (new MonoTouchException (5202, true, "Native linking failed. Please review the build log.", App.UserGccFlags));
ErrorHelper.Show (linker_errors);
} else {
cached_executable = true;
Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", Executable);
// the native linker can prefer private (and existing) over public (but non-existing) framework when weak_framework are used
// on an iOS target version where the framework does not exists, e.g. targeting iOS6 for JavaScriptCore added in iOS7 results in
// /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/JavaScriptCore instead of
// /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/JavaScriptCore
// more details in https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=31036
if (WeakFrameworks.Count > 0)
AdjustDylibs ();
Driver.Watch ("Native Link", 1);
void AdjustDylibs ()
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
foreach (var dependency in Xamarin.MachO.GetNativeDependencies (Executable)) {
if (!dependency.StartsWith ("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
var fixed_dep = dependency.Replace ("/PrivateFrameworks/", "/Frameworks/");
sb.Append (" -change ").Append (dependency).Append (' ').Append (fixed_dep);
if (sb.Length > 0) {
var quoted_name = Driver.Quote (Executable);
sb.Append (' ').Append (quoted_name);
Driver.XcodeRun ("install_name_tool", sb.ToString ());
sb.Clear ();
public bool CanWeSymlinkTheApplication ()
if (!Driver.CanWeSymlinkTheApplication ())
return false;
foreach (var a in Assemblies)
if (!a.CanSymLinkForApplication ())
return false;
return true;
public void Symlink ()
foreach (var a in Assemblies)
a.Symlink ();
var targetExecutable = Executable;
Application.TryDelete (targetExecutable);
try {
var launcher = new StringBuilder ();
launcher.Append (Path.Combine (Driver.MonoTouchDirectory, "bin", "simlauncher"));
if (Is32Build)
launcher.Append ("32");
else if (Is64Build)
launcher.Append ("64");
launcher.Append ("-sgen");
File.Copy (launcher.ToString (), Executable);
File.SetLastWriteTime (Executable, DateTime.Now);
} catch (MonoTouchException) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new MonoTouchException (1015, true, ex, "Failed to create the executable '{0}': {1}", targetExecutable, ex.Message);
Symlinked = true;
if (Driver.Verbosity > 0)
Console.WriteLine ("Application ({0}) was built using fast-path for simulator.", string.Join (", ", Abis.ToArray ()));
// Thread-safe
public void LinkWith (string native_library)
lock (link_with)
link_with.Add (native_library);
public void LinkWithAndShip (string dylib)
link_with_and_ship.Add (dylib);
public void StripManagedCode ()
var strip = false;
strip = App.ManagedStrip && App.IsDeviceBuild && !App.EnableDebug && !App.PackageMdb;
if (!Directory.Exists (AppTargetDirectory))
Directory.CreateDirectory (AppTargetDirectory);
if (strip) {
// note: this is much slower when Parallel.ForEach is used
Parallel.ForEach (Assemblies, new ParallelOptions () { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Driver.Concurrency }, (assembly) =>
var file = assembly.FullPath;
var output = Path.Combine (AppTargetDirectory, Path.GetFileName (assembly.FullPath));
if (Application.IsUptodate (file, output)) {
Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date", output);
} else {
Driver.Log (1, "Stripping assembly {0}", file);
Driver.FileDelete (output);
Stripper.Process (file, output);
// The stripper will only copy the main assembly.
// We need to copy .config files and satellite assemblies too
if (App.PackageMdb)
assembly.CopyMdbToDirectory (AppTargetDirectory);
assembly.CopyConfigToDirectory (AppTargetDirectory);
assembly.CopySatellitesToDirectory (AppTargetDirectory);
Driver.Watch ("Strip Assemblies", 1);
} else if (!Symlinked) {
foreach (var assembly in Assemblies)
assembly.CopyToDirectory (AppTargetDirectory, reload: false, copy_mdb: App.PackageMdb);