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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Clang.Ast;
namespace Extrospection {
public static class Helpers {
// the original name can be lost and, if not registered (e.g. enums), might not be available
static Dictionary<string,string> map = new Dictionary<string, string> () {
{ "CFURLPathStyle", "CFUrlPathStyle" },
{ "EABluetoothAccessoryPickerErrorCode", "EABluetoothAccessoryPickerError" },
{ "EKCalendarEventAvailabilityMask", "EKCalendarEventAvailability" },
{ "GKErrorCode", "GKError" },
{ "HMCharacteristicValueAirParticulateSize", "HMCharacteristicValueAirParticulate" },
{ "HMCharacteristicValueLockMechanismLastKnownAction", "HMCharacteristicValueLockMechanism" },
{ "HMErrorCode", "HMError" },
{ "LAError", "LAStatus" },
{ "MCErrorCode", "MCError" },
{ "MIDINotificationMessageID", "MidiNotificationMessageId" },
{ "MIDIObjectType", "MidiObjectType" },
{ "MIDITransformControlType", "MidiTransformControlType" },
{ "MIDITransformType", "MidiTransformType" },
{ "MIDINetworkConnectionPolicy", "MidiNetworkConnectionPolicy" },
{ "MPMovieMediaTypeMask", "MPMovieMediaType" },
{ "MTLCPUCacheMode", "MTLCpuCacheMode" },
{ "NEVPNError", "NEVpnError" },
{ "NEVPNIKEAuthenticationMethod", "NEVpnIkeAuthenticationMethod" },
{ "NEVPNIKEv2CertificateType", "NEVpnIke2CertificateType" },
{ "NEVPNIKEv2DeadPeerDetectionRate", "NEVpnIke2DeadPeerDetectionRate" },
{ "NEVPNIKEv2DiffieHellmanGroup", "NEVpnIke2DiffieHellman" },
{ "NEVPNIKEv2EncryptionAlgorithm", "NEVpnIke2EncryptionAlgorithm" },
{ "NEVPNIKEv2IntegrityAlgorithm", "NEVpnIke2IntegrityAlgorithm" },
{ "NEVPNStatus", "NEVpnStatus" },
{ "NSAttributedStringEnumerationOptions", "NSAttributedStringEnumeration" },
{ "NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicy", "NSHttpCookieAcceptPolicy" },
{ "NSJSONReadingOptions", "NSJsonReadingOptions" },
{ "NSJSONWritingOptions", "NSJsonWritingOptions" },
{ "NSURLBookmarkCreationOptions", "NSUrlBookmarkCreationOptions" },
{ "NSURLBookmarkResolutionOptions", "NSUrlBookmarkResolutionOptions" },
{ "NSURLCacheStoragePolicy", "NSUrlCacheStoragePolicy" },
{ "NSURLCredentialPersistence", "NSUrlCredentialPersistence" },
{ "NSURLRelationship", "NSUrlRelationship" },
{ "NSURLRequestCachePolicy", "NSUrlRequestCachePolicy" },
{ "NSURLRequestNetworkServiceType", "NSUrlRequestNetworkServiceType" },
{ "NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition", "NSUrlSessionAuthChallengeDisposition" },
{ "NSURLSessionResponseDisposition", "NSUrlSessionResponseDisposition" },
{ "NSURLSessionTaskState", "NSUrlSessionTaskState" },
{ "NWTCPConnectionState", "NWTcpConnectionState" },
{ "NWUDPSessionState", "NWUdpSessionState" },
{ "RPRecordingErrorCode", "RPRecordingError" },
{ "SKErrorCode", "SKError" },
{ "SSReadingListErrorCode", "SSReadingListError" },
{ "UIDataDetectorTypes", "UIDataDetectorType" },
{ "UIControlEvents", "UIControlEvent" },
{ "UITableViewCellAccessoryType", "UITableViewCellAccessory" },
{ "UITableViewCellStateMask", "UITableViewCellState" },
{ "WatchKitErrorCode", "WKErrorCode" }, // WebKit already had that name
public static string GetManagedName (string nativeName)
string result;
map.TryGetValue (nativeName, out result);
return result ?? nativeName;
public static string ReplaceFirstInstance (this string source, string find, string replace)
int index = source.IndexOf (find, StringComparison.Ordinal);
return index < 0 ? source : source.Substring (0, index) + replace + source.Substring (index + find.Length);
public static string Platform { get; set; }
public static bool IsAvailable (this Decl decl)
// there's no doubt we need to ask for the current platform
var result = decl.IsAvailable (Platform);
// some categories are not decorated (as not available) but they extend types that are
if (!result.HasValue) {
var category = (decl.DeclContext as ObjCCategoryDecl);
if (category != null)
result = category.ClassInterface.IsAvailable (Platform);
// but right now most frameworks consider tvOS and watchOS like iOS unless
// decorated otherwise so we must check again if we do not get a definitve answer
if ((result == null) && ((Platform == "tvos") || (Platform == "watchos")))
result = decl.IsAvailable ("ios");
return !result.HasValue ? true : result.Value;
static bool? IsAvailable (this Decl decl, string platform)
bool? result = null;
foreach (var attr in decl.Attrs) {
if (attr is UnavailableAttr)
return false;
var avail = (attr as AvailabilityAttr);
if (avail == null)
// if the headers says it's not available then we won't report it as missing
if (avail.Unavailable && (avail.Platform.Name == platform))
return false;
// for iOS we won't report missing members that were deprecated before 5.0
if (!avail.Deprecated.IsEmpty && avail.Platform.Name == "ios" && avail.Deprecated.Major < 5)
return false;
// can't return true right away as it can be deprecated too
if (!avail.Introduced.IsEmpty && (avail.Platform.Name == platform))
result = true;
return result;
public static bool IsDesignatedInitializer (this MethodDefinition self)
return self.HasAttribute ("DesignatedInitializerAttribute");
public static bool IsProtocol (this TypeDefinition self)
return self.HasAttribute ("ProtocolAttribute");
static bool HasAttribute (this ICustomAttributeProvider self, string attributeName)
if (!self.HasCustomAttributes)
return false;
foreach (var ca in self.CustomAttributes) {
if (ca.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name == attributeName)
return true;
return false;
static bool IsStatic (this TypeDefinition self)
return (self.IsSealed && self.IsAbstract);
public static string GetName (this ObjCMethodDecl self)
if (self == null)
return null;
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
if (self.IsClassMethod)
sb.Append ('+');
sb.Append ((self.DeclContext as NamedDecl).Name);
sb.Append ("::");
sb.Append (self.Selector);
return sb.ToString ();
public static string GetName (this TypeDefinition self)
if ((self == null) || !self.HasCustomAttributes)
return null;
if (self.IsStatic ()) {
// static types, e.g. categories, won't have a [Register] attribute
foreach (var ca in self.CustomAttributes) {
if (ca.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name == "CategoryAttribute") {
if (ca.HasProperties)
return (ca.Properties [0].Argument.Value as string);
return self.Name;
} else {
foreach (var ca in self.CustomAttributes) {
if (ca.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name == "RegisterAttribute") {
if (ca.HasConstructorArguments)
return (ca.ConstructorArguments [0].Value as string);
return self.Name;
return null;
public static string GetName (this MethodDefinition self)
if (self == null)
return null;
var type = self.DeclaringType;
string tname = self.DeclaringType.GetName ();
// a static type is not used for static selectors
bool is_static = !type.IsStatic () && self.IsStatic;
// static types, e.g. categories, won't have a [Register] attribute
if (type.IsStatic ()) {
if (self.HasParameters)
tname = self.Parameters [0].ParameterType.Name; // extension method
if (tname == null)
return null;
var selector = self.GetSelector ();
if (selector == null)
return null;
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
if (is_static)
sb.Append ('+');
sb.Append (tname);
sb.Append ("::");
sb.Append (selector);
return sb.ToString ();
public static string GetSelector (this MethodDefinition self)
if ((self == null) || !self.HasCustomAttributes)
return null;
foreach (var ca in self.CustomAttributes) {
if (ca.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name == "ExportAttribute")
return ca.ConstructorArguments [0].Value as string;
return null;
public static string GetSelector (this ObjCMethodDecl self)
return self.Selector.ToString () ?? (self.IsPropertyAccessor ? self.Name : null);