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// SecKey Unit Tests
// Authors:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2013-2015 Xamarin Inc.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
#if XAMCORE_2_0
using Foundation;
using Security;
using ObjCRuntime;
using AppKit;
using UIKit;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.Security;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTouchFixtures.Security {
// we want the test to be availble if we use the linker
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
public class KeyTest {
// kSecRSAMin = 1024 - see https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=51277
const int MinRsaKeySize = 1024;
const int MinRsaKeySize = 512;
static X509Certificate2 _c;
static X509Certificate2 c {
get {
TestRuntime.AssertSystemVersion (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 8, throwIfOtherPlatform: false); // System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException : Input data cannot be coded as a valid certificate.
if (_c == null)
_c = new X509Certificate2 (ImportExportTest.farscape_pfx, "farscape");
return _c;
public void Encrypt_Old ()
// the old API was not working but the crash was fixed, still you need to provide an adequatly sized buffer
using (SecPolicy p = SecPolicy.CreateBasicX509Policy ())
using (SecTrust t = new SecTrust (c, p)) {
// getting the public key won't (always) work if evaluate was not called
t.Evaluate ();
using (SecKey pubkey = t.GetPublicKey ()) {
byte[] plain = new byte [20];
byte[] cipher = new byte [pubkey.BlockSize];
Assert.That (pubkey.Encrypt (SecPadding.PKCS1, plain, cipher), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "Encrypt");
public void Encrypt_Empty ()
using (SecPolicy p = SecPolicy.CreateBasicX509Policy ())
using (SecTrust t = new SecTrust (c, p)) {
// getting the public key won't (always) work if evaluate was not called
t.Evaluate ();
using (SecKey pubkey = t.GetPublicKey ()) {
byte[] plain = new byte [0];
byte[] secret;
Assert.That (pubkey.Encrypt (SecPadding.PKCS1, plain, out secret), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "Encrypt");
Assert.That (secret.Length, Is.EqualTo (128), "secret.Length");
public void Encrypt_New ()
using (SecPolicy p = SecPolicy.CreateBasicX509Policy ())
using (SecTrust t = new SecTrust (c, p)) {
// getting the public key won't (always) work if evaluate was not called
t.Evaluate ();
using (SecKey pubkey = t.GetPublicKey ()) {
byte[] plain = new byte [20];
byte[] secret;
Assert.That (pubkey.Encrypt (SecPadding.PKCS1, plain, out secret), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "Encrypt");
Assert.That (secret.Length, Is.EqualTo (128), "secret.Length");
public void RoundtripRSAMinPKCS1 ()
NSError error;
SecKey private_key;
SecKey public_key;
using (var record = new SecRecord (SecKind.Key)) {
record.KeyType = SecKeyType.RSA;
record.KeySizeInBits = MinRsaKeySize; // it's not a performance test :)
Assert.That (SecKey.GenerateKeyPair (record.ToDictionary (), out public_key, out private_key), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "GenerateKeyPair");
byte [] plain = new byte [20] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };
byte [] cipher;
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (8,0)) {
Assert.True (public_key.IsAlgorithmSupported (SecKeyOperationType.Encrypt, SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaEncryptionPkcs1), "public/IsAlgorithmSupported/Encrypt");
Assert.That (public_key.IsAlgorithmSupported (SecKeyOperationType.Decrypt, SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaEncryptionPkcs1), Is.EqualTo (TestRuntime.CheckSystemVersion (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 13)), "public/IsAlgorithmSupported/Decrypt");
using (var pub = public_key.GetPublicKey ()) {
// macOS behaviour is not consistent - but the test main goal is to check we get a key
Assert.That (pub.Handle, Is.Not.EqualTo (IntPtr.Zero), "public/GetPublicKey");
Assert.True (public_key.IsAlgorithmSupported (SecKeyOperationType.Decrypt, SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaEncryptionPkcs1), "public/IsAlgorithmSupported/Decrypt");
using (var pub = public_key.GetPublicKey ())
// a new native instance of the key is returned (so having a new managed SecKey is fine)
Assert.False (pub.Handle == public_key.Handle, "public/GetPublicKey");
using (var attrs = public_key.GetAttributes ()) {
Assert.That (attrs.Count, Is.GreaterThan (0), "public/GetAttributes");
using (var data = public_key.GetExternalRepresentation (out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "public/error-1");
Assert.NotNull (data, "public/GetExternalRepresentation");
using (var key = SecKey.Create (data, SecKeyType.RSA, SecKeyClass.Public, MinRsaKeySize, null, out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "public/Create/error-1");
Assert.That (public_key.Encrypt (SecPadding.PKCS1, plain, out cipher), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "Encrypt");
byte[] result;
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (8,0)) {
Assert.False (private_key.IsAlgorithmSupported (SecKeyOperationType.Encrypt, SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaEncryptionPkcs1), "private/IsAlgorithmSupported/Encrypt");
Assert.True (private_key.IsAlgorithmSupported (SecKeyOperationType.Decrypt, SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaEncryptionPkcs1), "private/IsAlgorithmSupported/Decrypt");
using (var pub2 = private_key.GetPublicKey ()) {
Assert.That (pub2.Handle, Is.EqualTo (public_key.Handle), "private/GetPublicKey");
using (var pub2 = private_key.GetPublicKey ()) {
// a new native instance of the key is returned (so having a new managed SecKey is fine)
Assert.That (pub2.Handle, Is.Not.EqualTo (public_key.Handle), "private/GetPublicKey");
using (var attrs = private_key.GetAttributes ()) {
Assert.That (attrs.Count, Is.GreaterThan (0), "private/GetAttributes");
using (var data2 = private_key.GetExternalRepresentation (out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "private/error-1");
Assert.NotNull (data2, "private/GetExternalRepresentation");
using (var key = SecKey.Create (data2, SecKeyType.RSA, SecKeyClass.Private, MinRsaKeySize, null, out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "private/Create/error-1");
public_key.Dispose ();
var expectedResult = SecStatusCode.Success;
#if __MACOS__
if (!TestRuntime.CheckSystemVersion (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 8))
expectedResult = SecStatusCode.InvalidData;
Assert.That (private_key.Decrypt (SecPadding.PKCS1, cipher, out result), Is.EqualTo (expectedResult), "Decrypt");
if (expectedResult != SecStatusCode.InvalidData)
Assert.That (plain, Is.EqualTo (result), "match");
private_key.Dispose ();
public void EncryptTooLarge ()
SecKey private_key;
SecKey public_key;
using (var record = new SecRecord (SecKind.Key)) {
record.KeyType = SecKeyType.RSA;
record.KeySizeInBits = MinRsaKeySize; // it's not a performance test :)
Assert.That (SecKey.GenerateKeyPair (record.ToDictionary (), out public_key, out private_key), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "GenerateKeyPair");
byte [] plain = new byte [MinRsaKeySize / 8];
byte [] cipher;
var rv = public_key.Encrypt (SecPadding.PKCS1, plain, out cipher);
var expectedStatus = SecStatusCode.Param;
#if __MACOS__
if (!TestRuntime.CheckSystemVersion (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 8))
expectedStatus = SecStatusCode.Success;
else if (!TestRuntime.CheckSystemVersion (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 12))
expectedStatus = SecStatusCode.OutputLengthError;
Assert.That (rv, Is.EqualTo (expectedStatus), "Encrypt");
public_key.Dispose ();
private_key.Dispose ();
public void RoundtripRSA1024OAEP ()
SecKey private_key;
SecKey public_key;
using (var record = new SecRecord (SecKind.Key)) {
record.KeyType = SecKeyType.RSA;
record.KeySizeInBits = 1024; // it's not a performance test :)
Assert.That (SecKey.GenerateKeyPair (record.ToDictionary (), out public_key, out private_key), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "GenerateKeyPair");
byte [] plain = new byte [0];
byte [] cipher;
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (8,0)) {
Assert.True (public_key.IsAlgorithmSupported (SecKeyOperationType.Encrypt, SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaEncryptionOaepSha1), "public/IsAlgorithmSupported/Encrypt");
// I would have expect false
Assert.That (public_key.IsAlgorithmSupported (SecKeyOperationType.Decrypt, SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaEncryptionOaepSha1), Is.EqualTo (TestRuntime.CheckSystemVersion (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 13)), "public/IsAlgorithmSupported/Decrypt");
Assert.True (public_key.IsAlgorithmSupported (SecKeyOperationType.Decrypt, SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaEncryptionOaepSha1), "public/IsAlgorithmSupported/Decrypt");
Assert.That (public_key.Encrypt (SecPadding.OAEP, plain, out cipher), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "Encrypt");
public_key.Dispose ();
byte[] result;
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (8,0)) {
Assert.False (private_key.IsAlgorithmSupported (SecKeyOperationType.Encrypt, SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaEncryptionOaepSha1), "private/IsAlgorithmSupported/Encrypt");
Assert.True (private_key.IsAlgorithmSupported (SecKeyOperationType.Decrypt, SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaEncryptionOaepSha1), "private/IsAlgorithmSupported/Decrypt");
Assert.That (private_key.Decrypt (SecPadding.OAEP, cipher, out result), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "Decrypt");
var expectEmpty = false;
#if __MACOS__
if (!TestRuntime.CheckSystemVersion (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 12))
expectEmpty = true;
if (expectEmpty) {
Assert.That (plain, Is.EqualTo (new byte [0]), "match (empty)");
} else {
Assert.That (plain, Is.EqualTo (result), "match");
private_key.Dispose ();
public void SignVerifyRSAMinPKCS1SHA1 ()
SecKey private_key;
SecKey public_key;
using (var record = new SecRecord (SecKind.Key)) {
record.KeyType = SecKeyType.RSA;
record.KeySizeInBits = MinRsaKeySize; // it's not a performance test :)
Assert.That (SecKey.GenerateKeyPair (record.ToDictionary (), out public_key, out private_key), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "GenerateKeyPair");
byte [] hash = new byte [20] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };
byte [] sign;
Assert.That (private_key.RawSign (SecPadding.PKCS1SHA1, hash, out sign), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "RawSign");
Assert.That (public_key.RawVerify (SecPadding.PKCS1SHA1, hash, sign), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "RawVerify");
var empty = new byte [0];
Assert.That (private_key.RawSign (SecPadding.PKCS1, empty, out sign), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "RawSign-empty");
// results vary per iOS version - but that's out of our control and we only care that it does not crash
public_key.RawVerify (SecPadding.PKCS1SHA1, empty, empty);
private_key.Dispose ();
public_key.Dispose ();
public void SignVerifyECSHA1 ()
TestRuntime.AssertSystemVersion (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 9, throwIfOtherPlatform: false);
SecKey private_key;
SecKey public_key;
using (var record = new SecRecord (SecKind.Key)) {
record.KeyType = SecKeyType.EC;
record.KeySizeInBits = 256; // it's not a performance test :)
Assert.That (SecKey.GenerateKeyPair (record.ToDictionary (), out public_key, out private_key), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "GenerateKeyPair");
byte [] hash = new byte [20] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };
byte [] sign;
// PKCS1SHA1 implies RSA (oid)
Assert.That (private_key.RawSign (SecPadding.PKCS1, hash, out sign), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "RawSign");
Assert.That (public_key.RawVerify (SecPadding.PKCS1, hash, sign), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "RawVerify");
var empty = new byte [0];
// there does not seem to be a length-check on PKCS1, likely because not knowning the hash algorithm makes it harder
Assert.That (private_key.RawSign (SecPadding.PKCS1, empty, out sign), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "RawSign-empty");
// results vary per iOS version - but that's out of our control and we only care that it does not crash
public_key.RawVerify (SecPadding.PKCS1, empty, empty);
private_key.Dispose ();
public_key.Dispose ();
public void GenerateKeyPairTooLargeRSA ()
SecKey private_key;
SecKey public_key;
using (var record = new SecRecord (SecKind.Key)) {
record.KeyType = SecKeyType.RSA;
// maximum documented as 2048, .NET maximum is 16384
record.KeySizeInBits = 16384;
Assert.That (SecKey.GenerateKeyPair (record.ToDictionary (), out public_key, out private_key), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Param), "16384");
record.KeySizeInBits = 8192;
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7, 0)) {
// It seems iOS 9 supports 8192, but it takes a long time to generate (~40 seconds on my iPad Air 2), so skip it.
// Assert.That (SecKey.GenerateKeyPair (record.ToDictionary (), out public_key, out private_key), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "8192");
} else {
Assert.That (SecKey.GenerateKeyPair (record.ToDictionary (), out public_key, out private_key), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Param), "8192");
/* On iOS 7.1 the device console logs will show:
* Mar 18 08:27:30 Mercure monotouchtest[1397] <Warning>: SecRSAPrivateKeyInit Invalid or missing key size in: {
* bsiz = 16384;
* class = keys;
* type = 42;
* }
* Mar 18 08:27:30 Mercure monotouchtest[1397] <Warning>: SecKeyCreate init RSAPrivateKey key: -50
[Ignore ("Just to compare performance with BenchmarkNative4096")]
public void BenchmarkManaged4096 ()
var chrono = new Stopwatch ();
chrono.Start ();
var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider (4096);
Assert.IsNotNull (rsa.ExportParameters (true), "ExportParameters"); // that will provoke the key generation
Console.WriteLine ("Key generation {0} ms", chrono.ElapsedMilliseconds);
chrono.Restart ();
byte [] hash = new byte [20] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };
var result = rsa.Encrypt (hash, true);
Console.WriteLine ("Encrypt {0} ms", chrono.ElapsedMilliseconds);
chrono.Restart ();
rsa.Decrypt (result, true);
Console.WriteLine ("Decrypt {0} ms", chrono.ElapsedMilliseconds);
chrono.Restart ();
result = rsa.SignHash (hash, null /* SHA1 */);
Console.WriteLine ("Sign {0} ms", chrono.ElapsedMilliseconds);
chrono.Restart ();
rsa.VerifyHash (hash, null, result);
Console.WriteLine ("Verify {0} ms", chrono.ElapsedMilliseconds);
[Ignore ("Just to compare performance with BenchmarkManaged4096")]
public void BenchmarkNative4096 ()
SecKey private_key;
SecKey public_key;
using (var record = new SecRecord (SecKind.Key)) {
record.KeyType = SecKeyType.RSA;
record.KeySizeInBits = 4096;
var chrono = new Stopwatch ();
chrono.Start ();
Assert.That (SecKey.GenerateKeyPair (record.ToDictionary (), out public_key, out private_key), Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "GenerateKeyPair");
Console.WriteLine ("Key generation {0} ms", chrono.ElapsedMilliseconds);
chrono.Restart ();
byte [] hash = new byte [20] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };
byte[] result;
public_key.Encrypt (SecPadding.OAEP, hash, out result);
Console.WriteLine ("Encrypt {0} ms", chrono.ElapsedMilliseconds);
chrono.Restart ();
private_key.Decrypt (SecPadding.OAEP, result, out result);
Console.WriteLine ("Decrypt {0} ms", chrono.ElapsedMilliseconds);
chrono.Restart ();
private_key.RawSign (SecPadding.PKCS1SHA1, hash, out result);
Console.WriteLine ("Sign {0} ms", chrono.ElapsedMilliseconds);
chrono.Restart ();
public_key.RawVerify (SecPadding.PKCS1SHA1, hash, result);
Console.WriteLine ("Verify {0} ms", chrono.ElapsedMilliseconds);
private_key.Dispose ();
public_key.Dispose ();
public void RSA ()
TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion (8, 0);
NSError error;
using (var key = SecKey.CreateRandomKey (SecKeyType.RSA, MinRsaKeySize, null, out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "RSA/error");
using (var data = NSData.FromArray (new byte [] { 1, 2, 3 })) {
using (var sig = key.CreateSignature (SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaSignatureRaw, data, out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "Sign/error");
using (var pub = key.GetPublicKey ()) {
var result = pub.VerifySignature (SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaSignatureRaw, data, sig, out error);
Assert.Null (error, "Verify/no-error");
Assert.True (result, "Verify/true");
result = pub.VerifySignature (SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaSignatureRaw, data, data, out error);
Assert.NotNull (error, "Verify/error");
Assert.False (result, "Verify/false");
using (var cipher = pub.CreateEncryptedData (SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaEncryptionPkcs1, data, out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "Encrypt/error");
using (var plain = key.CreateDecryptedData (SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaEncryptionPkcs1, cipher, out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "Decrypt/error");
Assert.That (data.ToArray (), Is.EqualTo (plain.ToArray ()), "roundtrip");
Assert.Null (key.CreateDecryptedData (SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaEncryptionPkcs1, data, out error), "bad data");
Assert.NotNull (error, "bad decrypt");
using (var sig = key.CreateSignature (SecKeyAlgorithm.EcdsaSignatureRfc4754, data, out error)) {
Assert.NotNull (error, "wrong key type");
public void EC ()
TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion (8, 0);
NSError error;
using (var key = SecKey.CreateRandomKey (SecKeyType.EC, 384, null, out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "EC/error");
using (var data = NSData.FromArray (new byte [] { 1, 2, 3 })) {
using (var sig = key.CreateSignature (SecKeyAlgorithm.EcdsaSignatureRfc4754, data, out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "Sign/error");
using (var pub = key.GetPublicKey ()) {
var result = pub.VerifySignature (SecKeyAlgorithm.EcdsaSignatureRfc4754, data, sig, out error);
Assert.Null (error, "Verify/no-error");
Assert.True (result, "Verify/true");
result = pub.VerifySignature (SecKeyAlgorithm.EcdsaSignatureRfc4754, data, data, out error);
Assert.NotNull (error, "Verify/error");
Assert.False (result, "Verify/false");
using (var cipher = pub.CreateEncryptedData (SecKeyAlgorithm.EciesEncryptionCofactorX963Sha1AesGcm, data, out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "Encrypt/error");
using (var plain = key.CreateDecryptedData (SecKeyAlgorithm.EciesEncryptionCofactorX963Sha1AesGcm, cipher, out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "Decrypt/error");
Assert.That (data.ToArray (), Is.EqualTo (plain.ToArray ()), "roundtrip");
Assert.Null (key.CreateDecryptedData (SecKeyAlgorithm.EciesEncryptionCofactorX963Sha1AesGcm, data, out error), "bad data");
Assert.NotNull (error, "bad decrypt");
using (var sig = key.CreateSignature (SecKeyAlgorithm.RsaSignatureRaw, data, out error)) {
Assert.NotNull (error, "wrong key type");
public void ECSecPrimeRandom ()
TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion (8,0);
NSError error;
using (var key = SecKey.CreateRandomKey (SecKeyType.ECSecPrimeRandom, 384, null, out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "ECSecPrimeRandom/error");
SecKeyKeyExchangeParameter p = new SecKeyKeyExchangeParameter () {
RequestedSize = 16,
SharedInfo = NSData.FromArray (new byte [] { 4, 5, 6 })
using (var pub = key.GetPublicKey ())
using (var ex = key.GetKeyExchangeResult (SecKeyAlgorithm.EcdhKeyExchangeStandardX963Sha512, pub, p.Dictionary, out error)) {
Assert.Null (error, "GetKeyExchangeResult/error");
Assert.That (ex.Length, Is.EqualTo (p.RequestedSize), "GetKeyExchangeResult/result");
public void CreateRandomKeyTest ()
TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion (8, 0);
var keyGenerationParameters = new SecKeyGenerationParameters ();
keyGenerationParameters.KeyType = SecKeyType.EC;
keyGenerationParameters.KeySizeInBits = 256;
keyGenerationParameters.IsPermanent = false;
var privateKeyAttributes = new SecKeyParameters ();
privateKeyAttributes.AccessControl = new SecAccessControl (SecAccessible.WhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly, SecAccessControlCreateFlags.PrivateKeyUsage | SecAccessControlCreateFlags.UserPresence);
privateKeyAttributes.Label = "NotDefault";
keyGenerationParameters.PrivateKeyAttrs = privateKeyAttributes;
NSError error;
var privateKey = SecKey.CreateRandomKey (keyGenerationParameters, out error);
var publicKey = privateKey.GetPublicKey ();
Assert.That (error, Is.EqualTo (null), "CreateRandomKey - no error");
Assert.That (privateKey, Is.Not.EqualTo (null), "CreateRandomKey - private key is not null");
Assert.That (publicKey, Is.Not.EqualTo (null), "CreateRandomKey - public key is not null");
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => { SecKey.CreateRandomKey ((SecKeyGenerationParameters) null, out _); }, "CreateRandomKey - null argument");
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => { SecKey.CreateRandomKey (new SecKeyGenerationParameters (), out _); }, "CreateRandomKey - invalid 'SecKeyType', empty 'SecKeyGenerationParameters'");