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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
#if !__WATCHOS__
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using CoreGraphics;
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
#if !__WATCHOS__
using SpriteKit;
using UIKit;
using NUnit.Framework;
using MonoTests.System.Net.Http;
namespace MonoTouchFixtures.ObjCRuntime {
static class AssociatedObjects {
public enum AssociationPolicy { // uintptr_t
Assign = 0,
RetainNonAtomic = 1,
CopyNonAtomic = 3,
Retain = 0x301,
Copy = 0x303,
[DllImport (Messaging.LIBOBJC_DYLIB)]
static extern void objc_setAssociatedObject (IntPtr obj, IntPtr key, IntPtr value, IntPtr policy);
public static void SetAssociatedObject (this NSObject self, IntPtr key, NSObject value, AssociationPolicy policy)
objc_setAssociatedObject (self.Handle, key, value.Handle, new IntPtr ((int) policy));
public static IntPtr GetAssociatedPointer (this NSObject self, IntPtr key)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public static void RemoveAssociatedObjects (this NSObject self)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
public class RuntimeTest {
static bool connectMethodTestDone;
public void ConnectMethodTest ()
if (connectMethodTestDone)
Assert.Ignore ("This test can only be executed once, it modifies global state.");
if (!Runtime.DynamicRegistrationSupported)
Assert.Ignore ("This test requires support for dynamic registration.");
connectMethodTestDone = true;
// Bug 20013. This should not throw a KeyNotFoundException.
Runtime.ConnectMethod (typeof (ConnectMethodClass).GetMethod ("Method"), new Selector ("method"));
class ConnectMethodClass : NSObject {
public void Method () { }
public void GetNSObject_IntPtrZero ()
Assert.Null (Runtime.GetNSObject (IntPtr.Zero));
public void RegisterAssembly_null ()
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => Runtime.RegisterAssembly (null));
#if __IOS__ && !__MACCATALYST__
public void StartWWAN ()
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (delegate { Runtime.StartWWAN (null); }, "null");
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (delegate { Runtime.StartWWAN (new Uri ("ftp://www.xamarin.com")); }, "ftp");
Runtime.StartWWAN (new Uri ("http://www.xamarin.com"));
#endif // __IOS__ && !__MACCATALYST__
public void GetNSObject_Subclass ()
using (var c = new NSHttpCookie ("name", "value")) {
// we want to ensure we get the NSMutableDictionary even if we ask for (the base) NSDictionary
var d = Runtime.GetNSObject<NSDictionary> (Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (c.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("properties")));
Assert.That (d, Is.TypeOf<NSMutableDictionary> (), "NSMutableDictionary");
#if !__WATCHOS__
public void GetNSObject_Different_Class ()
TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion (5, 0);
TestRuntime.AssertSystemVersion (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 9, throwIfOtherPlatform: false);
IntPtr class_ptr = Class.GetHandle ("SKPhysicsBody");
var size = new CGSize (3, 2);
using (var body = Runtime.GetNSObject<SKPhysicsBody> (Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGSize (class_ptr, Selector.GetHandle ("bodyWithRectangleOfSize:"), size))) {
// This would normally return a PKPhysicsBody which is not a subclass but answers the same selectors
// as a SKPhysicsBody. That's an issue since we can't register PKPhysicsBody (Apple won't like it since
// it's a private type) and the non-generic version of GetNSObject (and bindings) would throw an
// InvalidaCastException (since it's Class will resolve to NSObject)
// note: that's the internal PhysicKit shared by UIKit and SpriteKit
Assert.That (body, Is.TypeOf<SKPhysicsBody> (), "SKPhysicsBody");
#endif // !__WATCHOS__
public void GetNSObject_Posing_Class ()
TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion (5, 0);
TestRuntime.AssertSystemVersion (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 9, throwIfOtherPlatform: false);
NSUrlSession session = NSUrlSession.SharedSession;
using (var request = new NSUrlRequest (new NSUrl (NetworkResources.MicrosoftUrl))) {
// In iOS 8 the native CreateDownloadTask function returns an instance of a
// __NSCFLocalDownloadTask, which does not derive from
// NSUrlSessionDownloadTask (which is the documented/expected return type from
// CreateDownloadTask). But __NSCFLocalDownloadTask does override
// isKindOfClass: to return true if asked about NSUrlSessionDownloadTask.
// In other words it's posing as a NSUrlSessionDownloadTask.
using (var o = session.CreateDownloadTask (request)) {
public void UsableUntilDead ()
// The test can be inconclusive once in a while.
// 100 times in a row is a bit too much though.
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (UsableUntilDeadImpl ())
Assert.Inconclusive ("Failed to collect the notification object at least once in 100 runs.");
public bool UsableUntilDeadImpl ()
// This test ensure that the main thread can send messages to a garbage collected object,
// until the final 'release' message for the managed reference has been sent
// (on the main thread).
var notifierHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
// bool isDeallocated = false;
Action deallocated = () => {
//Console.WriteLine ("Final release!");
// isDeallocated = true;
ManualResetEvent isCollected = new ManualResetEvent (false);
Action collected = () => {
//Console.WriteLine ("Garbage collected!");
isCollected.Set ();
bool isNotified = false;
Action notified = () => {
//Console.WriteLine ("Notified");
isNotified = true;
// Create an object whose handle we store in a local variable. We do not
// store the object itself, since we want the object to be garbage collected.
var t = new Thread (() => {
var obj = new Notifier (collected, notified);
ReleaseNotifier.NotifyWhenDeallocated (obj, deallocated);
notifierHandle = obj.Handle;
}) {
IsBackground = true,
t.Start ();
t.Join ();
// Now we have a handle to an object that may be garbage collected at any time.
int counter = 0;
do {
GC.Collect ();
GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers ();
} while (counter++ < 10 && !isCollected.WaitOne (10));
// Now we have a handle to a garbage collected object.
if (!isCollected.WaitOne (0)) {
// Objects may randomly not end up collected (at least in Boehm), because
// other objects may happen to contain a random value pointing to the
// object we're waiting to become freed.
return false;
// Send a message to the collected object.
Messaging.void_objc_msgSend (notifierHandle, Selector.GetHandle ("notify"));
Assert.IsTrue (isNotified, "notified");
// We're done. Cleanup.
NSRunLoop.Main.RunUntil (NSDate.Now.AddSeconds (0.1));
// Don't verify cleanup, it's not consistent.
// And in any case it's not what this test is about.
// Assert.IsTrue (isDeallocated, "released");
return true;
class Notifier : NSObject {
Action collected;
Action notified;
public Notifier (Action collected, Action notified)
this.collected = collected;
this.notified = notified;
~Notifier ()
collected ();
[Export ("notify")]
void Notify ()
Console.WriteLine ("{0} Notified", DateTime.Now.ToString ());
notified ();
class Level1 : NSObject {} // we need two levels of subclassing, since the XI will override 'release' on the first one, and we need to override it as well.
class ReleaseNotifier : Level1 {
Action deallocated;
bool enabled;
ReleaseNotifier (Action deallocated)
this.deallocated = deallocated;
[Export ("release")]
new void Release ()
if (enabled)
deallocated ();
Messaging.objc_super super;
super.Handle = Handle;
super.SuperHandle = ClassHandle;
Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper (ref super, Selector.GetHandle ("release"));
public static void NotifyWhenDeallocated (NSObject obj, Action deallocated)
// Add an associated object which will be 'released'd when the obj
// to watch is deallocated. When 'release' is sent, then invoke
// the 'deallocated' callback.
var notifier = new ReleaseNotifier (deallocated);
obj.SetAssociatedObject (IntPtr.Zero, notifier, AssociatedObjects.AssociationPolicy.Retain);
notifier.Dispose (); // remove any managed references.
notifier.enabled = true; // notify on the next 'release' message.
public void FinalizationRaceCondition ()
#if __WATCHOS__
if (Runtime.Arch == Arch.DEVICE)
Assert.Ignore ("This test uses too much memory for the watch.");
NSDictionary dict = null;
var thread = new Thread (() => {
dict = new NSMutableDictionary();
dict["Hello"] = new NSString(@"World");
dict["Bye"] = new NSString(@"Bye");
IsBackground = true
thread.Start ();
thread.Join ();
var getter1 = new Func<string, string> ((key) => dict [key] as NSString);
var getter2 = new Func<string, NSString> ((key) => dict [key] as NSString);
var broken = 0;
var count = 0;
thread = new Thread (() => {
var watch = new Stopwatch ();
watch.Start ();
while (broken == 0 && watch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000) {
// try getting using Systen.String key
string hello = getter1("Hello");
if (hello == null)
broken = 1;
string bye = getter1("Bye");
if (bye == null)
broken = 2;
// try getting using NSString key
string nHello = getter2(new NSString(@"Hello"));
string nBye = getter2(new NSString(@"Bye"));
if (nHello == null)
broken = 3;
if (nBye == null)
broken = 4;
}) {
IsBackground = true,
thread.Start ();
while (!thread.Join (1))
NSRunLoop.Main.RunUntil (NSDate.Now.AddSeconds (0.1));
Assert.AreEqual (0, broken, string.Format ("broken after {0} iterations", count));
public void ConnectMethod ()
if (!Runtime.DynamicRegistrationSupported)
Assert.Ignore ("This test requires support for dynamic registration.");
var minfo = typeof (RuntimeTest).GetMethod ("ConnectMethod");
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => Runtime.ConnectMethod (null, new Selector ("")), "1");
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => Runtime.ConnectMethod (minfo, null), "2");
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => Runtime.ConnectMethod (null, minfo, new ExportAttribute ("foo")), "3");
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => Runtime.ConnectMethod (typeof (RuntimeTest), null, new ExportAttribute ("foo")), "4");
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => Runtime.ConnectMethod (typeof (RuntimeTest), minfo, (ExportAttribute) null), "5");
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => Runtime.ConnectMethod (typeof (RuntimeTest), minfo, new Selector ("foo")), "6");
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => Runtime.ConnectMethod (typeof (A), minfo, new Selector ("foo")), "7");
static bool connectMethod1Done;
public void ConnectMethod1 ()
if (!Runtime.DynamicRegistrationSupported)
Assert.Ignore ("This test requires support for dynamic registration.");
if (connectMethod1Done)
Assert.Ignore ("This is a one-shot test. Restart to run again.");
connectMethod1Done = true;
Runtime.ConnectMethod (typeof (A).GetMethod ("Test"), new Selector ("test1"));
using (var a = new A ())
Messaging.void_objc_msgSend (a.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("test1"));
static bool connectMethod2Done;
public void ConnectMethod2 ()
if (!Runtime.DynamicRegistrationSupported)
Assert.Ignore ("This test requires support for dynamic registration.");
if (connectMethod2Done)
Assert.Ignore ("This is a one-shot test. Restart to run again.");
connectMethod2Done = true;
// the method is not declared on the type we're connecting to,but a completely different type.
Runtime.ConnectMethod (typeof (A), typeof (RuntimeTest).GetMethod ("Test2"), new Selector ("test2"));
Messaging.void_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (A)), Selector.GetHandle ("test2"));
Assert.IsTrue (calledTest2);
static bool calledTest2;
public static void Test2 ()
calledTest2 = true;
static bool connectMethod3Done;
public void ConnectMethod3 ()
if (!Runtime.DynamicRegistrationSupported)
Assert.Ignore ("This test requires support for dynamic registration.");
if (connectMethod3Done)
Assert.Ignore ("This is a one-shot test. Restart to run again.");
connectMethod3Done = true;
Runtime.ConnectMethod (typeof (NSString), typeof (RuntimeTest).GetMethod ("Test3"), new Selector ("test3"));
Messaging.void_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSString)), Selector.GetHandle ("test3"));
Assert.IsTrue (calledTest3);
static bool calledTest3;
public static void Test3 ()
calledTest3 = true;
class A : NSObject {
public void Test() {
Console.WriteLine ("Tested!");
public void GetINativeObjectTest ()
// create a string and try to get it.
IntPtr strptr = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr valueptr;
NSString obj;
try {
strptr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto ("value");
valueptr = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSString)), Selector.GetHandle ("stringWithUTF8String:"), strptr);
Assert.Throws<RuntimeException> (() => Runtime.GetINativeObject<INativeObject> (valueptr, false), "INativeObject");
valueptr = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSString)), Selector.GetHandle ("stringWithUTF8String:"), strptr);
obj = Runtime.GetINativeObject<NSObject> (valueptr, false) as NSString;
Assert.AreEqual ("value", (string) obj, "NSObject");
valueptr = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSString)), Selector.GetHandle ("stringWithUTF8String:"), strptr);
obj = Runtime.GetINativeObject<NSString> (valueptr, false) as NSString;
Assert.AreEqual ("value", (string) obj, "NSString");
valueptr = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSString)), Selector.GetHandle ("stringWithUTF8String:"), strptr);
var nscopying = Runtime.GetINativeObject<INSCopying> (valueptr, false);
Assert.NotNull (nscopying, "INSCopying");
} finally {
Marshal.FreeHGlobal (strptr);
#if NET
[Ignore ("https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/32543")]
public void NSAutoreleasePoolInThreadPool ()
var count = 100;
var counter = new CountdownEvent (count);
var obj = new NSObject ();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem ((v) => {
obj.DangerousRetain ().DangerousAutorelease ();
counter.Signal ();
Assert.IsTrue (counter.Wait (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (5)), "timed out");
// there is a race condition here: we don't necessarily know when the
// threadpool's autorelease pools are freed (in theory we can have X
// threadpool threads stopped just after the 'counter.Signal' line,
// before unwinding to the autorelease pool's dispose frame). So
// assert that the retain count has decreased, but not that it has
// decreased to 1
var max_iterations = 100;
var iterations = 0;
while ((long) obj.RetainCount > (long) count / 2 && iterations++ < max_iterations) {
Thread.Sleep (100);
Assert.That (obj.RetainCount, Is.Not.GreaterThan ((nuint) (count / 2)), "RC. Iterations: " + iterations);
obj.Dispose ();
class ResurrectedObjectsDisposedTestClass : NSObject {
[Export ("invokeMe:wait:")]
static bool InvokeMe (NSObject obj, int invokerWait)
Thread.Sleep (invokerWait);
return obj.Handle != IntPtr.Zero;
#if !MONOMAC // Failing with 10 broken
[TestCase (typeof (NSObject))]
[TestCase (typeof (ResurrectedObjectsDisposedTestClass))]
public void ResurrectedObjectsDisposedTest (Type type)
#if __WATCHOS__
if (Runtime.Arch == Arch.DEVICE)
Assert.Ignore ("This test uses too much memory for the watch.");
var invokerClassHandle = Class.GetHandle (typeof (ResurrectedObjectsDisposedTestClass));
// Create a number of native objects with no managed wrappers.
// We create more than one to try to minimize the random effects
// of the GC (a random value somewhere can keep a single object
// from being collected, but the chances of X random values keeping
// X objects from being collected are much lower).
// Also the consequences if the GC doesn't collect an object is
// that the test unexpectedly succeeds.
// 10 objects seem to be a fine number that will cause pretty much
// all test executions to fail.
var objects = new IntPtr [10];
for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
objects [i] = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (type), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc")), Selector.GetHandle ("init"));
// Create a thread that creates managed wrappers for all of the above native objects.
// We do this on a separate thread so that the GC finds no pointers to the managed
// objects in any thread.
var t1 = new Thread (() => {
for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
Messaging.bool_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_int (invokerClassHandle, Selector.GetHandle ("invokeMe:wait:"), objects [i], 0);
t1.Start ();
t1.Join ();
// Collect all those managed wrappers, and make sure their finalizers are executed.
GC.Collect ();
GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers ();
// Now all the managed wrappers should be on NSObject's drain queue on the main thread.
// Spin up a thread for every native object, and invoke a managed method
// that will fetch the managed wrapper and then wait for a while (500ms),
// before verifying that the managed object hasn't been disposed while waiting.
var invokerWait = 500;
var threads = new Thread [objects.Length];
var brokenCount = 0;
var countdown = new CountdownEvent (threads.Length);
for (int t = 0; t < threads.Length; t++) {
var tt = t;
var thread = new Thread (() => {
var ok = Messaging.bool_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_int (invokerClassHandle, Selector.GetHandle ("invokeMe:wait:"), objects [tt], invokerWait);
if (!ok) {
//Console.WriteLine ("Broken #{0}: 0x{1}", tt, objects [tt].ToString ("x"));
Interlocked.Increment (ref brokenCount);
countdown.Signal ();
thread.Start ();
// Now all those threads should be waiting.
// Run the runloop on the main thread, which will drain the managed wrappers
// on NSObject's drain queue.
while (!countdown.IsSet) {
NSRunLoop.Current.RunUntil ((NSDate) DateTime.Now.AddSeconds (0.1));
// Release all the native objects we created
for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
Messaging.void_objc_msgSend (objects [i], Selector.GetHandle ("release"));
Assert.AreEqual (0, brokenCount, "broken count");
public void MX8029 ()
var handle = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (Dummy)), Selector.GetHandle ("alloc")), Selector.GetHandle ("init"));
try {
try {
Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (Dummy)), Selector.GetHandle ("doSomethingElse:"), handle);
Assert.Fail ("Expected an MX8029 exception (A)");
} catch (RuntimeException mex) {
Assert.AreEqual (8029, mex.Code, "Exception code (A)");
var failure = mex.ToString ();
Assert.That (failure, Does.Contain ("Failed to marshal the Objective-C object"), "Failed to marshal (A)");
Assert.That (failure, Does.Contain ("Additional information:"), "Additional information: (A)");
Assert.That (failure, Does.Contain ("Selector: doSomethingElse:"), "Selector (A)");
Assert.That (failure, Does.Contain ("DoSomethingElse"), "DoSomethingElse (A)");
try {
Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (handle, Selector.GetHandle ("doSomething:"), handle);
Assert.Fail ("Expected an MX8034 exception (B)");
} catch (RuntimeException mex) {
Assert.That (mex.Code, Is.EqualTo (8034).Or.EqualTo (8027), "Exception code (B)");
var failure = mex.ToString ();
Assert.That (failure, Does.Contain ("Failed to marshal the Objective-C object"), "Failed to marshal (B)");
Assert.That (failure, Does.Contain ("Additional information:"), "Additional information: (B)");
Assert.That (failure, Does.Contain ("Selector: doSomething:"), "Selector (B)");
Assert.That (failure, Does.Contain ("DoSomething"), "DoSomething (B)");
} finally {
Messaging.void_objc_msgSend (handle, Selector.GetHandle ("release"));
public void MX8029_b ()
try {
using (var arr = new NSArray ()) {
Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (Dummy)), Selector.GetHandle ("setIntArray:"), arr.Handle);
Assert.Fail ("An exception should have been thrown");
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
Assert.AreEqual (8029, re.Code, "Code");
Assert.AreEqual (@"Unable to marshal the array parameter #1 whose managed type is 'System.Int32[]' to managed.
Additional information:
Selector: setIntArray:
Method: MonoTouchFixtures.ObjCRuntime.RuntimeTest/Dummy:SetIntArray (int[])
", re.Message, "Message");
var inner = (RuntimeException)re.InnerException;
Assert.AreEqual (8031, inner.Code, "Inner Code");
Assert.AreEqual ("Unable to convert from an NSArray to a managed array of System.Int32.", inner.Message, "Inner Message");
public void MX8033 ()
try {
Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend (Class.GetHandle (typeof (Dummy)), Selector.GetHandle ("intArray"));
Assert.Fail ("An exception should have been thrown");
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
Assert.AreEqual (8033, re.Code, "Code");
Assert.AreEqual (@"Unable to marshal the return value of type 'System.Int32[]' to Objective-C.
Additional information:
Selector: intArray
Method: MonoTouchFixtures.ObjCRuntime.RuntimeTest/Dummy:GetIntArray ()
", re.Message, "Message");
var inner = (RuntimeException) re.InnerException;
Assert.AreEqual (8032, inner.Code, "Inner Code");
Assert.AreEqual ("Unable to convert from a managed array of System.Int32 to an NSArray.", inner.Message, "Inner Message");
// does not have an IntPtr constructor
class Dummy : NSObject {
[Export ("initWithFoo:")]
public Dummy (int foo)
// Prevent the default ctor from being exported.
[Export ("doSomething:")]
public void DoSomething (Dummy dummy)
[Export ("doSomethingElse:")]
public static void DoSomethingElse (Dummy dummy)
// This function makes the static registrar show an error, so it's only built when using the dynamic registrar.
[Export ("intArray")]
static int[] GetIntArray ()
return new int [] { };
// This function makes the static registrar show an error, so it's only built when using the dynamic registrar.
[Export ("setIntArray:")]
static void SetIntArray (int[] array)
Assert.Fail ("This method should never be called.");
public void GetINativeObject_ForcedType ()
using (var str = new NSString ("hello world")) {
NSDate date;
Assert.Throws<InvalidCastException> (() => Runtime.GetINativeObject<NSDate> (str.Handle, false), "EX1"); //
Assert.Throws<InvalidCastException> (() => Runtime.GetINativeObject<NSDate> (str.Handle, false, false), "EX2"); //
// Making a string quack like a date.
// This is a big hack, but hopefully it works well enough for this particular test case.
// Just don't inspect the date variable in a debugger (it will most likely crash the app).
date = Runtime.GetINativeObject<NSDate> (str.Handle, true, false);
Assert.AreEqual (date.Handle, str.Handle, "Same native pointer");
date.Dispose ();
date = null;