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// The rule reports
// !extra-null-allowed!
// when a method parameters or return value has an [NullAllowed] attribute that is not part of the ObjC headers
// !missing-null-allowed!
// when a method parameters or return value does not have an [NullAllowed] when one is present in the ObjC headers
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Clang.Ast;
namespace Extrospection {
public class NullabilityCheck : BaseVisitor {
// 0 for oblivious, 1 for not annotated, and 2 for annotated
enum Null : byte {
Oblivious = 0,
NotAnnotated = 1,
Annotated = 2,
static Dictionary<string, TypeDefinition> types = new Dictionary<string, TypeDefinition> ();
static Dictionary<string, MethodDefinition> methods = new Dictionary<string, MethodDefinition> ();
static TypeDefinition GetType (ObjCInterfaceDecl decl)
types.TryGetValue (decl.Name, out var td);
return td;
static MethodDefinition GetMethod (ObjCMethodDecl decl)
methods.TryGetValue (decl.GetName (), out var md);
return md;
public override void VisitManagedMethod (MethodDefinition method)
var key = method.GetName ();
if (key == null)
// we still have one case to fix with duplicate selectors :|
if (!methods.ContainsKey (key))
methods.Add (key, method);
// NullableContextAttribute is valid in metadata on type and method declarations.
// https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/master/docs/features/nullable-metadata.md
static Null GetNullableContext (ICustomAttributeProvider cap)
if (cap.HasCustomAttributes) {
foreach (var ca in cap.CustomAttributes) {
if (ca.Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName != "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableContextAttribute")
return (Null) (byte) ca.ConstructorArguments [0].Value;
return Null.Oblivious;
static Dictionary<TypeDefinition, Null> null_type_cache = new Dictionary<TypeDefinition, Null> ();
// most method checks the type so it adds up fast
static Null GetNullableContext (TypeDefinition type)
if (!null_type_cache.TryGetValue (type, out var result)) {
result = GetNullableContext ((ICustomAttributeProvider) type);
null_type_cache.Add (type, result);
return result;
static Null [] GetNullable (ICustomAttributeProvider cap)
if (cap.HasCustomAttributes) {
foreach (var ca in cap.CustomAttributes) {
if (ca.Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName != "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableAttribute")
var first = ca.ConstructorArguments [0];
// encoding is... weird
switch (first.Type.FullName) {
// Type is `System.Byte` and value is a `byte`
case "System.Byte":
return new Null [1] { (Null) (byte) first.Value };
// Type is `System.Byte[]` and value is a `CustomAttributeArgument[]`
// each with a `Type` of `System.Byte` and where value is a `byte`
case "System.Byte[]":
var caa = first.Value as CustomAttributeArgument [];
var length = caa.Length;
var values = new Null [length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
values [i] = (Null) (byte) caa [i].Value;
return values;
return Array.Empty<Null> ();
public override void VisitObjCMethodDecl (ObjCMethodDecl decl, VisitKind visitKind)
if (visitKind != VisitKind.Enter)
// don't process methods (or types) that are unavailable for the current platform
if (!decl.IsAvailable () || !(decl.DeclContext as Decl).IsAvailable ())
var method = GetMethod (decl);
// don't report missing nullability on types that are not bound - that's a different problem
if (method == null)
var framework = Helpers.GetFramework (decl);
if (framework == null)
var t = method.DeclaringType;
// look for [NullableContext] for defaults
var managed_default_nullability = GetNullableContext (method);
if (managed_default_nullability == Null.Oblivious)
managed_default_nullability = GetNullableContext (t);
// check parameters
// categories have an offset of 1 for the extension method type (spotted as static types)
int i = t.IsSealed && t.IsAbstract ? 1 : 0;
foreach (var p in decl.Parameters) {
var mp = method.Parameters [i++];
// a managed `out` value does not need to be inialized, won't be null (but can be ignored)
if (mp.IsOut)
var pt = mp.ParameterType;
// if bound as `IntPtr` then nullability attributes won't be present
if (pt.IsValueType)
Null parameter_nullable;
// if we used a type by reference (e.g. `ref float foo`); or a nullable type (e.g. `[BindAs]`)
// then assume it's meant as a nullable type) without additional decorations
if (pt.IsByReference || pt.FullName.StartsWith ("System.Nullable`1<", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
parameter_nullable = Null.Annotated;
} else {
// check C# 8 compiler attributes
var nullable = GetNullable (mp);
if (nullable.Length > 1) {
// check the type itself, TODO check the generics (don't think we have such cases yet)
parameter_nullable = nullable [0];
} else if (nullable.Length == 0) {
parameter_nullable = managed_default_nullability;
} else {
parameter_nullable = nullable [0];
// match with native and, if needed, report discrepancies
p.QualType.Type.GetNullability (p.AstContext, out var nullability);
switch (nullability) {
case NullabilityKind.NonNull:
if (parameter_nullable == Null.Annotated)
Log.On (framework).Add ($"!extra-null-allowed! '{method.FullName}' has a extraneous [NullAllowed] on parameter #{i-1}");
case NullabilityKind.Nullable:
if (parameter_nullable != Null.Annotated)
Log.On (framework).Add ($"!missing-null-allowed! '{method.FullName}' is missing an [NullAllowed] on parameter #{i-1}");
case NullabilityKind.Unspecified:
// with .net a constructor will always return something (or throw)
// that's not the case in ObjC where `init*` can return `nil`
if (method.IsConstructor)
var mrt = method.ReturnType;
// if bound as an `IntPtr` then the nullability will not be visible in the metadata
if (mrt.IsValueType)
Null return_nullable;
// if we used a nullable type (e.g. [BindAs] then assume it's meant as a nullable type) without additional decorations
if (mrt.FullName.StartsWith ("System.Nullable`1<", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
return_nullable = Null.Annotated;
} else {
ICustomAttributeProvider cap;
// the managed attributes are on the property, not the special methods
if (method.IsGetter) {
var property = method.FindProperty ();
// also `null_resettable` will only show something (natively) on the setter (since it does not return null, but accept it)
// in this case we'll trust xtro checking the setter only (if it exists, if not then it can't be `null_resettable`)
if (property.SetMethod != null)
cap = property;
} else {
cap = method.MethodReturnType;
Null [] mrt_nullable = GetNullable (cap);
if (mrt_nullable.Length > 1) {
// check the type itself, TODO check the generics (don't think we have such cases yet)
return_nullable = mrt_nullable [0];
} else if (mrt_nullable.Length == 0) {
return_nullable = managed_default_nullability;
} else {
return_nullable = mrt_nullable [0];
var rt = decl.ReturnQualType;
rt.Type.GetNullability (decl.AstContext, out var rnull);
switch (rnull) {
case NullabilityKind.NonNull:
if (return_nullable == Null.Annotated)
Log.On (framework).Add ($"!extra-null-allowed! '{method}' has a extraneous [NullAllowed] on return type");
case NullabilityKind.Nullable:
if (return_nullable != Null.Annotated)
Log.On (framework).Add ($"!missing-null-allowed! '{method}' is missing an [NullAllowed] on return type");
case NullabilityKind.Unspecified: