
489 строки
16 KiB

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
namespace Xamarin.MacDev.Tasks
public abstract class IBToolTaskBase : XcodeCompilerToolTask
static readonly string[] WatchAppExtensions = { "-glance.plist", "-notification.plist" };
string minimumDeploymentTarget;
PDictionary plist;
#region Inputs
public bool EnableOnDemandResources { get; set; }
public ITaskItem[] InterfaceDefinitions { get; set; }
public bool IsWatchApp { get; set; }
public bool IsWatch2App { get; set; }
public bool IsAppExtension { get; set; }
public string SdkRoot { get; set; }
protected override string DefaultBinDir {
get { return DeveloperRootBinDir; }
protected override string ToolName {
get { return "ibtool"; }
protected abstract bool AutoActivateCustomFonts { get; }
protected override bool UseCompilationDirectory {
get { return AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion >= new Version (6, 3); }
protected bool CanLinkStoryboards {
get { return AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion.Major > 7 || (AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion.Major == 7 && AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion.Minor >= 2); }
protected override void AppendCommandLineArguments (IDictionary<string, string> environment, CommandLineArgumentBuilder args, ITaskItem[] items)
environment.Add ("IBSC_MINIMUM_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION", minimumDeploymentTarget);
environment.Add ("IBC_MINIMUM_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION", minimumDeploymentTarget);
if (AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion.Major >= 5)
args.Add ("--minimum-deployment-target", minimumDeploymentTarget);
foreach (var targetDevice in GetTargetDevices (plist))
args.Add ("--target-device", targetDevice);
if (AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion.Major >= 6 && AutoActivateCustomFonts)
args.Add ("--auto-activate-custom-fonts");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (SdkRoot)) {
args.Add ("--sdk");
args.AddQuoted (SdkRoot);
string GetBundleRelativeOutputPath (ITaskItem input)
// Note: InterfaceDefinition files are *always* installed into the root of the app bundle.
// InterfaceDefinition files that are contained within a *.lproj translation directory
// will retain the *.lproj directory as their parent, but the *.lproj directory will be
// in the root of the app bundle.
var components = input.ItemSpec.Split (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
var bundleName = components[components.Length - 1];
if (components.Length > 1 && components[components.Length - 2].EndsWith (".lproj", StringComparison.Ordinal))
bundleName = Path.Combine (components[components.Length - 2], bundleName);
switch (Path.GetExtension (bundleName)) {
case ".storyboard":
return Path.ChangeExtension (bundleName, ".storyboardc");
case ".xib":
return Path.ChangeExtension (bundleName, ".nib");
return bundleName;
static string GetPathWithoutExtension (string path)
var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (path);
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (path);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (dir))
return fileName;
return Path.Combine (dir, fileName);
IEnumerable<ITaskItem> GetCompilationDirectoryOutput (string baseOutputDir, IDictionary<string, IDictionary> mapping)
var baseOutputDirs = new List<string> ();
baseOutputDirs.Add (baseOutputDir);
// Note: all storyboardc's/nib's will be found in the top-level or within a top-level *.lproj dir (if they've been translated)
for (int i = 0; i < baseOutputDirs.Count; i++) {
foreach (var path in Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries (baseOutputDirs[i])) {
if (i == 0 && path.EndsWith (".lproj", StringComparison.Ordinal) && Directory.Exists (path)) {
baseOutputDirs.Add (path);
IDictionary metadata;
if (!mapping.TryGetValue (path, out metadata))
var compiled = new TaskItem (path, metadata);
// adjust the LogicalName since the LogicalName metadata is based on the generic output name
// (e.g. it does not include things like ~ipad or ~iphone)
var logicalName = compiled.GetMetadata ("LogicalName");
var logicalDir = Path.GetDirectoryName (logicalName);
var fileName = Path.GetFileName (path);
compiled.SetMetadata ("LogicalName", Path.Combine (logicalDir, fileName));
yield return compiled;
yield break;
IEnumerable<ITaskItem> GetCompilationOutput (ITaskItem expected)
if (IsWatchApp) {
var logicalName = expected.GetMetadata ("LogicalName");
foreach (var extension in WatchAppExtensions) {
var path = GetPathWithoutExtension (expected.ItemSpec) + extension;
if (File.Exists (path)) {
var item = new TaskItem (path);
expected.CopyMetadataTo (item);
item.SetMetadata ("LogicalName", GetPathWithoutExtension (logicalName) + extension);
yield return item;
yield return expected;
static bool LogExists (string path)
if (!File.Exists (path))
return false;
try {
PDictionary.FromFile (path);
return true;
} catch {
File.Delete (path);
return false;
static bool InterfaceDefinitionChanged (ITaskItem interfaceDefinition, ITaskItem log)
return !LogExists (log.ItemSpec) || File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (log.ItemSpec) < File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (interfaceDefinition.ItemSpec);
bool CompileInterfaceDefinitions (string baseManifestDir, string baseOutputDir, List<ITaskItem> compiled, IList<ITaskItem> manifests, out bool changed)
var mapping = new Dictionary<string, IDictionary> ();
var unique = new Dictionary<string, ITaskItem> ();
var targets = GetTargetDevices (plist).ToList ();
changed = false;
foreach (var item in InterfaceDefinitions) {
var bundleName = GetBundleRelativeOutputPath (item);
var manifest = new TaskItem (Path.Combine (baseManifestDir, bundleName));
var manifestDir = Path.GetDirectoryName (manifest.ItemSpec);
ITaskItem duplicate;
string output;
if (!File.Exists (item.ItemSpec)) {
Log.LogError (null, null, null, item.ItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, "The file '{0}' does not exist.", item.ItemSpec);
if (unique.TryGetValue (bundleName, out duplicate)) {
Log.LogError (null, null, null, item.ItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, "The file '{0}' conflicts with '{1}'.", item.ItemSpec, duplicate.ItemSpec);
unique.Add (bundleName, item);
var resourceTags = item.GetMetadata ("ResourceTags");
var path = Path.Combine (baseOutputDir, bundleName);
var outputDir = Path.GetDirectoryName (path);
var name = GetPathWithoutExtension (path);
var extension = Path.GetExtension (path);
var expected = new TaskItem (path);
expected.SetMetadata ("InterfaceDefinition", item.ItemSpec);
expected.SetMetadata ("LogicalName", bundleName);
expected.SetMetadata ("Optimize", "false");
if (EnableOnDemandResources && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (resourceTags))
expected.SetMetadata ("ResourceTags", resourceTags);
if (UseCompilationDirectory) {
// Note: When using --compilation-directory, we need to specify the output path as the parent directory
output = Path.GetDirectoryName (path);
} else {
output = expected.ItemSpec;
if (InterfaceDefinitionChanged (item, manifest)) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (manifestDir);
Directory.CreateDirectory (outputDir);
if ((Compile (new[] { item }, output, manifest)) != 0)
return false;
changed = true;
} else {
Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "Skipping `{0}' as the output file, `{1}', is newer.", item.ItemSpec, manifest.ItemSpec);
try {
var dict = PDictionary.FromFile (manifest.ItemSpec);
LogWarningsAndErrors (dict, item);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.LogError ("Failed to load output log file for {0}: {1}", ToolName, ex.Message);
if (File.Exists (manifest.ItemSpec))
Log.LogError ("ibtool log: {0}", File.ReadAllText (manifest.ItemSpec));
if (UseCompilationDirectory) {
// Note: When using a compilation-directory, we'll scan dir the baseOutputDir later as
// an optimization to collect all of the compiled output in one fell swoop.
var metadata = expected.CloneCustomMetadata ();
foreach (var target in targets) {
var key = name + "~" + target + extension;
// Note: we don't blindly .Add() here because there may already be a mapping for this file if the
// source file is named something like "MyView.xib" and we've already processed "MyView~ipad.xib".
// When a situation like this occurs, we don't want to override the metadata.
if (!mapping.ContainsKey (key))
mapping.Add (key, metadata);
// Note: we don't use .Add() here because there may already be a mapping for this file if the
// source file is named something like "MyView~ipad.xib" and we've already processed "MyView.xib".
// In this case, we want to override the metadata for "MyView.xib" with the metadata for
// "MyView~ipad.xib".
mapping[path] = metadata;
} else {
compiled.AddRange (GetCompilationOutput (expected));
manifests.Add (manifest);
if (UseCompilationDirectory)
compiled.AddRange (GetCompilationDirectoryOutput (baseOutputDir, mapping));
return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
bool LinkStoryboards (string baseManifestDir, string baseOutputDir, List<ITaskItem> storyboards, List<ITaskItem> linked, IList<ITaskItem> manifests, bool changed)
var manifest = new TaskItem (Path.Combine (baseManifestDir, "link"));
var mapping = new Dictionary<string, IDictionary> ();
var unique = new HashSet<string> ();
var items = new List<ITaskItem> ();
// Make sure that `Main.storyboardc` is listed *before* `Main~ipad.storyboardc` and `Main~iphone.storyboardc`,
// this is important for the next step to filter out the device-specific storyboards based on the same source.
storyboards.Sort ((x, y) => string.Compare (x.ItemSpec, y.ItemSpec, StringComparison.Ordinal));
// Populate our metadata mapping table so we can properly restore the metadata to the linked items.
// While we are at it, we'll also filter out device-specific storyboards since ibtool doesn't
// require them if we have an equivalent generic version.
for (int i = 0; i < storyboards.Count; i++) {
var interfaceDefinition = storyboards[i].GetMetadata ("InterfaceDefinition");
var bundleName = storyboards[i].GetMetadata ("LogicalName");
var path = Path.Combine (baseOutputDir, bundleName);
storyboards[i].RemoveMetadata ("InterfaceDefinition");
var metadata = storyboards[i].CloneCustomMetadata ();
mapping.Add (path, metadata);
if (unique.Add (interfaceDefinition))
items.Add (storyboards[i]);
// We only need to run `ibtool --link` if storyboards have changed...
if (changed) {
if (Directory.Exists (baseOutputDir))
Directory.Delete (baseOutputDir, true);
if (File.Exists (manifest.ItemSpec))
File.Delete (manifest.ItemSpec);
Directory.CreateDirectory (baseManifestDir);
Directory.CreateDirectory (baseOutputDir);
try {
Link = true;
if ((Compile (items.ToArray (), baseOutputDir, manifest)) != 0)
return false;
} finally {
Link = false;
linked.AddRange (GetCompilationDirectoryOutput (baseOutputDir, mapping));
manifests.Add (manifest);
return true;
IEnumerable<ITaskItem> RecursivelyEnumerateFiles (ITaskItem output)
var nibDir = output.GetMetadata ("LogicalName");
foreach (var entry in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries (output.ItemSpec)) {
var fileName = Path.GetFileName (entry);
var logicalName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (nibDir) ? Path.Combine (nibDir, fileName) : fileName;
var rpath = Path.Combine (output.ItemSpec, fileName);
var item = new TaskItem (rpath);
if (File.Exists (entry)) {
item.SetMetadata ("LogicalName", logicalName);
item.SetMetadata ("Optimize", "false");
yield return item;
} else {
if (IsWatchApp && string.IsNullOrEmpty (nibDir)) {
// Note: ignore top-level *.storyboardc directories when compiling Watch apps
// See https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=33853 for details
item.SetMetadata ("LogicalName", string.Empty);
} else {
item.SetMetadata ("LogicalName", logicalName);
foreach (var file in RecursivelyEnumerateFiles (item))
yield return file;
yield break;
IEnumerable<ITaskItem> GetBundleResources (ITaskItem compiledItem)
var baseLogicalName = compiledItem.GetMetadata ("LogicalName");
var baseDir = compiledItem.ItemSpec;
// Note: Watch App storyboards will be compiled to something like Interface.storyboardc/Interface.plist, but
// Interface.plist needs to be moved up 1 level (e.g. drop the "Interface.storyboardc").
// See https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=33853 for details
if (IsWatchApp && baseLogicalName.EndsWith (".storyboardc", StringComparison.Ordinal))
baseLogicalName = Path.GetDirectoryName (baseLogicalName);
foreach (var path in Directory.EnumerateFiles (baseDir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) {
var rpath = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative (baseDir, Path.GetFullPath (path));
var bundleResource = new TaskItem (path);
string logicalName;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (baseLogicalName))
logicalName = Path.Combine (baseLogicalName, rpath);
logicalName = rpath;
compiledItem.CopyMetadataTo (bundleResource);
bundleResource.SetMetadata ("LogicalName", logicalName);
yield return bundleResource;
yield break;
public override bool Execute ()
if (IsWatchApp && AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion < new Version (6, 2)) {
Log.LogError ("Watch apps/extensions require Xcode 6.2 or later. The current Xcode version is {0}", AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion);
return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
var ibtoolManifestDir = Path.Combine (IntermediateOutputPath, "ibtool-manifests");
var ibtoolOutputDir = Path.Combine (IntermediateOutputPath, "ibtool");
var outputManifests = new List<ITaskItem> ();
var compiled = new List<ITaskItem> ();
bool changed;
if (InterfaceDefinitions.Length > 0) {
if (AppManifest != null) {
plist = PDictionary.FromFile (AppManifest.ItemSpec);
PString value;
if (!plist.TryGetValue (MinimumDeploymentTargetKey, out value) || string.IsNullOrEmpty (value.Value))
minimumDeploymentTarget = SdkVersion;
minimumDeploymentTarget = value.Value;
} else {
minimumDeploymentTarget = SdkVersion;
Directory.CreateDirectory (ibtoolManifestDir);
Directory.CreateDirectory (ibtoolOutputDir);
if (!CompileInterfaceDefinitions (ibtoolManifestDir, ibtoolOutputDir, compiled, outputManifests, out changed))
return false;
if (CanLinkStoryboards) {
var storyboards = new List<ITaskItem> ();
var linked = new List<ITaskItem> ();
var unique = new HashSet<string> ();
for (int i = 0; i < compiled.Count; i++) {
// pretend that non-storyboardc items (e.g. *.nib) are already 'linked'
if (compiled[i].ItemSpec.EndsWith (".storyboardc", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
var interfaceDefinition = compiled[i].GetMetadata ("InterfaceDefinition");
unique.Add (interfaceDefinition);
storyboards.Add (compiled[i]);
// just pretend any *nib's have already been 'linked'...
compiled[i].RemoveMetadata ("InterfaceDefinition");
linked.Add (compiled[i]);
// only link the storyboards if there are multiple unique storyboards
if (unique.Count > 1) {
var linkOutputDir = Path.Combine (IntermediateOutputPath, "ibtool-link");
if (!LinkStoryboards (ibtoolManifestDir, linkOutputDir, storyboards, linked, outputManifests, changed))
return false;
compiled = linked;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < compiled.Count; i++)
compiled[i].RemoveMetadata ("InterfaceDefinition");
var bundleResources = new List<ITaskItem> ();
foreach (var compiledItem in compiled) {
if (Directory.Exists (compiledItem.ItemSpec))
bundleResources.AddRange (GetBundleResources (compiledItem));
else if (File.Exists (compiledItem.ItemSpec))
bundleResources.Add (compiledItem);
BundleResources = bundleResources.ToArray ();
OutputManifests = outputManifests.ToArray ();
Log.LogTaskProperty ("BundleResources Output", BundleResources);
Log.LogTaskProperty ("OutputManifests Output", OutputManifests);
return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;