
647 строки
43 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.E1">
Summary for E1
<member name="F:XmlDocumentation.E1.Value1">
Summary for E1.Value1
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.E2">
Summary for E2
<member name="F:XmlDocumentation.E2.A">
Summary for E2.A
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.E2Extensions">
<summary>Extension methods for the <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.E2" /> enumeration.</summary>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.E2Extensions.GetConstant(XmlDocumentation.E2)">
<summary>Retrieves the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSString" /> constant that describes <paramref name="self" />.</summary>
<param name="self">The instance on which this method operates.</param>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.E2Extensions.GetValue(Foundation.NSString)">
<summary>Retrieves the <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.E2" /> value named by <paramref name="constant" />.</summary>
<param name="constant">The name of the constant to retrieve.</param>
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.E3">
Summary for E3
<member name="F:XmlDocumentation.E3.ErrorA">
Summary for E3.ErrorA
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.E3Extensions">
<summary>Extension methods for the <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.E3" /> enumeration.</summary>
<para>The extension method for the <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.E3" /> enumeration can be used to fetch the error domain associated with these error codes.</para>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.E3Extensions.GetDomain(XmlDocumentation.E3)">
<summary>Returns the error domain associated with the XmlDocumentation.E3 value</summary>
<param name="self">The enumeration value</param>
<para>See the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSError" /> for information on how to use the error domains when reporting errors.</para>
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.E4">
Summary for E4
<member name="F:XmlDocumentation.E4.Bit1">
Summary for E4.Bit1
<member name="F:XmlDocumentation.E4.Bit3">
Summary for E4.Bit3
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.Notification1">
Summary for Notification1
<member name="P:XmlDocumentation.Notification1.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="https://developer.apple.com/documentation/objectivec/1418952-objc_getclass">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.Notification1.#ctor">
<summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.Notification1" /> with default values.</summary>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.Notification1.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
<summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
<param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
<para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
Typically the chaining would look like this:
<code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
// The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
// No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
// This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
// Invoke the init method now.
var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
if (IsDirectBinding) {
Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
} else {
Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.Notification1.#ctor(System.IntPtr)">
<summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
<param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.Notification1.Notifications">
<summary>Notifications posted by the <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.Notification1" /> class.</summary>
<para>This class contains various helper methods that allow developers to observe events posted in the notification hub (<see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter" />).</para>
<para>The methods defined in this class post events that invoke the provided method or lambda with a <see cref="T:Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs" /> parameter, which contains strongly typed properties for the notification arguments.</para>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.Notification1.Notifications.ObserveA(System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
<summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:XmlDocumentation.Notification1.ANotification" /> constant.</summary>
<param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
<returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
<para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:XmlDocumentation.Notification1.ANotification" /> notifications.</para>
<code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
// Listen to all notifications posted for any object
var token = Notification1.Notifications.ObserveA ((notification) => {
Console.WriteLine ("Observed ANotification!");
// Stop listening for notifications
token.Dispose ();
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.Notification1.Notifications.ObserveA(Foundation.NSObject,System.EventHandler{Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs})">
<summary>Strongly typed notification for the <see cref="P:XmlDocumentation.Notification1.ANotification" /> constant.</summary>
<param name="objectToObserve">The specific object to observe.</param>
<param name="handler">The handler that responds to the notification when it occurs.</param>
<returns>Token object that can be used to stop receiving notifications by either disposing it or passing it to <see cref="M:Foundation.NSNotificationCenter.RemoveObservers(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Foundation.NSObject})" />.</returns>
<para>This method can be used to subscribe to <see cref="P:XmlDocumentation.Notification1.ANotification" /> notifications.</para>
<code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
// Listen to all notifications posted for a single object
var token = Notification1.Notifications.ObserveA (objectToObserve, (notification) => {
Console.WriteLine ($"Observed ANotification for {nameof (objectToObserve)}!");
// Stop listening for notifications
token.Dispose ();
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.IP1">
Summary for P1
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.IP1.PAMethod">
Summary for PA1.PMethod
<member name="P:XmlDocumentation.IP1.PAProperty">
Summary for PA1.PProperty
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.P1_Extensions">
<summary>Extension methods to the <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.IP1" /> interface to support all the methods from the P1 protocol.</summary>
<para>The extension methods for <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.IP1" /> interface allow developers to treat instances of the interface as having all the optional methods of the original P1 protocol. Since the interface only contains the required members, these extension methods allow developers to call the optional members of the protocol.</para>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.P1_Extensions.PMethod(XmlDocumentation.IP1)">
Summary for P1.PMethod
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.P1_Extensions.GetPProperty(XmlDocumentation.IP1)">
Summary for P1.PProperty
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.P1_Extensions.SetPProperty(XmlDocumentation.IP1,System.Int32)">
Summary for P1.PProperty
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.P1Wrapper.PAMethod">
Summary for PA1.PMethod
<member name="P:XmlDocumentation.P1Wrapper.PAProperty">
Summary for PA1.PProperty
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.T1">
Summary for T1
<member name="P:XmlDocumentation.T1.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="https://developer.apple.com/documentation/objectivec/1418952-objc_getclass">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.T1.#ctor">
<summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.T1" /> with default values.</summary>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.T1.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
<summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
<param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
<para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
Typically the chaining would look like this:
<code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
// The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
// No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
// This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
// Invoke the init method now.
var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
if (IsDirectBinding) {
Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
} else {
Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.T1.#ctor(System.IntPtr)">
<summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
<param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.T1.#ctor(System.String)">
Summary for T2.#ctor(String)
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.T1.Method">
Summary for T1.Method
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.T1.PAMethod">
Summary for PA1.PMethod
<member name="P:XmlDocumentation.T1.PAProperty">
Summary for PA1.PProperty
<member name="P:XmlDocumentation.T1.PProperty">
Summary for P1.PProperty
<member name="P:XmlDocumentation.T1.Property">
Summary for T1.Property
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.TG1`2">
Summary for TG1
<member name="P:XmlDocumentation.TG1`2.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="https://developer.apple.com/documentation/objectivec/1418952-objc_getclass">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.TG1`2.#ctor">
<summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TG1`2" /> with default values.</summary>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.TG1`2.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
<summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
<param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
<para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
Typically the chaining would look like this:
<code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
// The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
// No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
// This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
// Invoke the init method now.
var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
if (IsDirectBinding) {
Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
} else {
Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.TG1`2.#ctor(System.IntPtr)">
<summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
<param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.TG1`2.TGMethod">
Summary for TG1.TGMethod
<member name="P:XmlDocumentation.TG1`2.TGProperty">
Summary for TG1.TGProperty
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance">
Summary for TypeWithApparance
<member name="P:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.ClassHandle">
<summary>The Objective-C class handle for this class.</summary>
<value>The pointer to the Objective-C class.</value>
Each managed class mirrors an unmanaged Objective-C class.
This value contains the pointer to the Objective-C class.
It is similar to calling the managed <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Class.GetHandle(System.String)" /> or the native <see href="https://developer.apple.com/documentation/objectivec/1418952-objc_getclass">objc_getClass</see> method with the type name.
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.#ctor">
<summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" /> with default values.</summary>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.#ctor(Foundation.NSObjectFlag)">
<summary>Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.</summary>
<param name="t">Unused sentinel value, pass NSObjectFlag.Empty.</param>
This constructor should be called by derived classes when they completely construct the object in managed code and merely want the runtime to allocate and initialize the <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" />.
This is required to implement the two-step initialization process that Objective-C uses, the first step is to perform the object allocation, the second step is to initialize the object.
When developers invoke this constructor, they take advantage of a direct path that goes all the way up to <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> to merely allocate the object's memory and bind the Objective-C and C# objects together.
The actual initialization of the object is up to the developer.
This constructor is typically used by the binding generator to allocate the object, but prevent the actual initialization to take place.
Once the allocation has taken place, the constructor has to initialize the object.
With constructors generated by the binding generator this means that it manually invokes one of the "init" methods to initialize the object.
<para>It is the developer's responsibility to completely initialize the object if they chain up using this constructor chain.</para>
In general, if the developer's constructor invokes the corresponding base implementation, then it should also call an Objective-C init method.
If this is not the case, developers should instead chain to the proper constructor in their class.
The argument value is ignored and merely ensures that the only code that is executed is the construction phase is the basic <see cref="T:Foundation.NSObject" /> allocation and runtime type registration.
Typically the chaining would look like this:
<code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
// The NSObjectFlag constructor merely allocates the object and registers the C# class with the Objective-C runtime if necessary.
// No actual initXxx method is invoked, that is done later in the constructor
// This is taken from the iOS SDK's source code for the UIView class:
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
public UIView (System.Drawing.RectangleF frame) : base (NSObjectFlag.Empty)
// Invoke the init method now.
var initWithFrame = new Selector ("initWithFrame:").Handle;
if (IsDirectBinding) {
Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_CGRect (this.Handle, initWithFrame, frame);
} else {
Handle = ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSendSuper_CGRect (this.SuperHandle, initWithFrame, frame);
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.#ctor(System.IntPtr)">
<summary>A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects. Called by the runtime.</summary>
<param name="handle">Pointer (handle) to the unmanaged object.</param>
This constructor is invoked by the runtime infrastructure (<see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" />) to create a new managed representation for a pointer to an unmanaged Objective-C object.
Developers should not invoke this method directly, instead they should call <see cref="M:ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(System.IntPtr)" /> as it will prevent two instances of a managed object pointing to the same native object.
<member name="P:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.TintColor">
Summary for TypeWithApparance.TintColor
<member name="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.TypeWithApparanceAppearance">
<summary>Appearance class for objects of type <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />.</summary>
<para>This appearance class is a strongly typed subclass of UIAppearance that is intended to be used with objects of class <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />.</para>
<para>You can obtain an instance to this class by either accessing the static <see cref="P:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.Appearance" /> property or by calling <see cref="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.AppearanceWhenContainedIn(System.Type[])" /> to get a UIAppearance that is context sensitive.</para>
<member name="P:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.TypeWithApparanceAppearance.TintColor">
Summary for TypeWithApparance.TintColor
<member name="P:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.Appearance">
<summary>Strongly-typed property that returns the UIAppearance class for this class.</summary>
<para>Setting any appearance properties on this instance will affect the appearance of all instances of <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />.</para>
<para>If developers want to control the appearance of subclasses of <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />, they should use the <see cref="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance``1(UIKit.UITraitCollection,System.Type[])" /> method.</para>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance``1">
<summary>Obtains the appearance proxy <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.TypeWithApparanceAppearance" /> for the subclass of <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />.</summary>
<typeparam name="T">The type for which the <see cref="T:UIKit.UIAppearance" /> proxy must be returned. This is a subclass of <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />.</typeparam>
<para>An appearance proxy object for the specified type.</para>
<para>Setting any appearance properties on the returned object will affect the appearance of all classes and subclasses of the type parameter.</para>
<para>Unlike the <see cref="P:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.Appearance" /> property, or the <see cref="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.AppearanceWhenContainedIn(System.Type[])" /> method which only work on instances of this particular class, the proxies returned by this method can be used to change the style of subclasses.</para>
<para>The following example shows how this method works:</para>
<code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
var myTheme = TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance<MyTypeWithApparanceSubclass> ();
myTheme.TintColor = UIColor.Red;
<para>For more information, see the documentation for the <see cref="T:UIKit.UIAppearance" /> class.</para>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.AppearanceWhenContainedIn(System.Type[])">
<param name="containers">List of types that developers want to have as the containers to apply this particular appearance</param>
<summary>Returns a strongly typed <see cref="T:UIKit.UIAppearance" /> for instances of this class when the view is hosted in the specified hierarchy.</summary>
<returns>The appearance proxy object that developers can use to set properties when the given container hierarchy is active</returns>
<para>The returned object represents the <see cref="T:UIKit.UIAppearance" /> proxy where developers can set appearance properties for instances of <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" /> when those instances are contained in the hierarchy specified by the <paramref name="containers" /> parameter.</para>
<para>If developers want to control the appearance of subclasses of <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />, they should use the <see cref="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance``1(UIKit.UITraitCollection,System.Type[])" /> method.</para>
<para>The following example shows how this method works:</para>
<code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
var mySliders = UISlider.AppearanceWhenContainedIn (typeof (UINavigationBar), typeof (UIPopoverController));
mySliders.TintColor = UIColor.Red;
<para>For more information, see the documentation for the <see cref="T:UIKit.UIAppearance" /> class.</para>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance(UIKit.UITraitCollection)">
<summary>Obtains the appearance proxy <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.TypeWithApparanceAppearance" /> for <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />.</summary>
<param name="traits">Trait collection to match.</param>
<para>An appearance proxy object for the specified type.</para>
<para>The following example shows how this method works:</para>
<code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
var myTraits = new UITraitCollection ();
var myTheme = TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance (myTraits);
myTheme.TintColor = UIColor.Red;
<para>If developers want to control the appearance of subclasses of <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />, they should use the <see cref="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance``1(UIKit.UITraitCollection)" /> method.</para>
<para>For more information, see the documentation for the <see cref="T:UIKit.UIAppearance" /> class.</para>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance(UIKit.UITraitCollection,System.Type[])">
<summary>Obtains the appearance proxy <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.TypeWithApparanceAppearance" /> for <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />.</summary>
<param name="traits">Trait collection to match.</param>
<param name="containers">List of types that the developer wishes to have as the containers to apply this particular appearance.</param>
<para>An appearance proxy object for the specified type.</para>
<para>The following example shows how this method works:</para>
<code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
var myTraits = new UITraitCollection ();
var myTheme = TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance (myTraits, typeof (UINavigationBar), typeof (UIPopoverController));
myTheme.TintColor = UIColor.Red;
<para>If developers want to control the appearance of subclasses of <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />, they should use the <see cref="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance``1(UIKit.UITraitCollection,System.Type[])" /> method.</para>
<para>For more information, see the documentation for the <see cref="T:UIKit.UIAppearance" /> class.</para>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance``1(UIKit.UITraitCollection)">
<summary>Obtains the appearance proxy <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.TypeWithApparanceAppearance" /> for the subclass of <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />.</summary>
<typeparam name="T">The type for which the <see cref="T:UIKit.UIAppearance" /> proxy must be returned. This is a subclass of <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />.</typeparam>
<param name="traits">Trait collection to match.</param>
<para>An appearance proxy object for the specified type.</para>
<para>Setting any appearance properties on the returned object will affect the appearance of all classes and subclasses of the type parameter.</para>
<para>Unlike the <see cref="P:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.Appearance" /> property, or the <see cref="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.AppearanceWhenContainedIn(System.Type[])" /> method which only work on instances of this particular class, the proxies returned by this method can be used to change the style of subclasses.</para>
<para>The following example shows how this method works:</para>
<code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
var myTraits = new UITraitCollection ();
var myTheme = TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance<MyTypeWithApparanceSubclass> (myTraits);
myTheme.TintColor = UIColor.Red;
<para>For more information, see the documentation for the <see cref="T:UIKit.UIAppearance" /> class.</para>
<member name="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance``1(UIKit.UITraitCollection,System.Type[])">
<summary>Obtains the appearance proxy <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.TypeWithApparanceAppearance" /> for the subclass of <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />.</summary>
<typeparam name="T">The type for which the <see cref="T:UIKit.UIAppearance" /> proxy must be returned. This is a subclass of <see cref="T:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance" />.</typeparam>
<param name="traits">Trait collection to match.</param>
<param name="containers">List of types that the developer wishes to have as the containers to apply this particular appearance.</param>
<para>An appearance proxy object for the specified type.</para>
<para>Setting any appearance properties on the returned object will affect the appearance of all classes and subclasses of the type parameter.</para>
<para>Unlike the <see cref="P:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.Appearance" /> property, or the <see cref="M:XmlDocumentation.TypeWithApparance.AppearanceWhenContainedIn(System.Type[])" /> method which only work on instances of this particular class, the proxies returned by this method can be used to change the style of subclasses.</para>
<para>The following example shows how this method works:</para>
<code lang="csharp lang-csharp"><![CDATA[
var myTraits = new UITraitCollection ();
var myTheme = TypeWithApparance.GetAppearance<MyTypeWithApparanceSubclass> (myTraits, typeof (UINavigationBar), typeof (UIPopoverController));
myTheme.TintColor = UIColor.Red;
<para>For more information, see the documentation for the <see cref="T:UIKit.UIAppearance" /> class.</para>