
1191 строка
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// CoreNFC C# bindings
// Authors:
// Alex Soto <alexsoto@microsoft.com>
// Copyright 2017 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using ObjCRuntime;
using CoreFoundation;
using Foundation;
#if !NET
using NFCFeliCaEncryptionId = CoreNFC.EncryptionId;
using NFCFeliCaPollingRequestCode = CoreNFC.PollingRequestCode;
using NFCFeliCaPollingTimeSlot = CoreNFC.PollingTimeSlot;
using NFCIso15693RequestFlag = CoreNFC.RequestFlag;
using NFCVasErrorCode = CoreNFC.VasErrorCode;
using NFCVasMode = CoreNFC.VasMode;
using NativeHandle = System.IntPtr;
namespace CoreNFC {
/// <summary>Enumerates errors relating to NFC tag detection and reading.</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[ErrorDomain ("NFCErrorDomain")]
public enum NFCReaderError : long {
UnsupportedFeature = 1,
RadioDisabled = 6,
ReaderTransceiveErrorTagConnectionLost = 100,
ReaderTransceiveErrorPacketTooLong = 105,
ReaderSessionInvalidationErrorUserCanceled = 200,
TagCommandConfigurationErrorInvalidParameters = 300,
NdefReaderSessionErrorTagNotWritable = 400,
NdefReaderSessionErrorTagUpdateFailure = 401,
NdefReaderSessionErrorTagSizeTooSmall = 402,
NdefReaderSessionErrorZeroLengthMessage = 403,
//[NoTV, NoWatch, NoMac]
/// <summary>Enumerates the kinds of NFC tags that can be read (currently only ISO-15693).</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
public enum NFCTagType : ulong {
Iso15693 = 1,
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
FeliCa = 2,
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
Iso7816Compatible = 3,
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
MiFare = 4,
//[NoTV, NoWatch, NoMac]
/// <summary>Enumerates the kinds of content-type available to <see cref="T:CoreNFC.NFCNdefPayload" /> objects.</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
public enum NFCTypeNameFormat : byte { // uint8_t
Empty = 0x00,
NFCWellKnown = 0x01,
Media = 0x02,
AbsoluteUri = 0x03,
NFCExternal = 0x04,
Unknown = 0x05,
Unchanged = 0x06,
//[NoTV, NoWatch, NoMac]
/// <summary>A <see cref="T:CoreNFC.NFCReaderSession" /> for reading ISO-15693 vicinity cards.</summary>
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 17, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 17, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NFCReaderSession), Name = "NFCISO15693ReaderSession")]
interface NFCIso15693ReaderSession {
[Field ("NFCISO15693TagResponseErrorKey")]
NSString TagResponseErrorKey { get; }
[Export ("initWithDelegate:queue:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (INFCReaderSessionDelegate @delegate, [NullAllowed] DispatchQueue queue);
[Export ("readingAvailable")]
bool ReadingAvailable { get; }
[Export ("restartPolling")]
void RestartPolling ();
//[NoTV, NoWatch, NoMac]
/// <summary>Subclass of <see cref="T:CoreNFC.NFCTagCommandConfiguration" /> that contains further configuration for commands to ISO-15693 tags.</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NFCTagCommandConfiguration), Name = "NFCISO15693CustomCommandConfiguration")]
interface NFCIso15693CustomCommandConfiguration {
[Export ("manufacturerCode")]
nuint ManufacturerCode { get; set; }
[Export ("customCommandCode")]
nuint CustomCommandCode { get; set; }
[Export ("requestParameters", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData RequestParameters { get; set; }
[Export ("initWithManufacturerCode:customCommandCode:requestParameters:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nuint manufacturerCode, nuint customCommandCode, [NullAllowed] NSData requestParameters);
[Export ("initWithManufacturerCode:customCommandCode:requestParameters:maximumRetries:retryInterval:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (nuint manufacturerCode, nuint customCommandCode, [NullAllowed] NSData requestParameters, nuint maximumRetries, double retryInterval);
//[NoTV, NoWatch, NoMac]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NFCTagCommandConfiguration), Name = "NFCISO15693ReadMultipleBlocksConfiguration")]
interface NFCIso15693ReadMultipleBlocksConfiguration {
[Export ("range", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NSRange Range { get; set; }
[Export ("chunkSize")]
nuint ChunkSize { get; set; }
[Export ("initWithRange:chunkSize:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSRange range, nuint chunkSize);
[Export ("initWithRange:chunkSize:maximumRetries:retryInterval:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSRange range, nuint chunkSize, nuint maximumRetries, double retryInterval);
delegate void NFCGetSystemInfoCompletionHandler (nint dsfid, nint afi, nint blockSize, nint blockCount, nint icReference, NSError error);
interface INFCIso15693Tag { }
delegate void NFCIso15693TagReadMultipleBlocksCallback (NSData [] dataBlocks, NSError error);
delegate void NFCIso15693TagResponseCallback (NFCIso15693ResponseFlag responseFlag, NSData response, NSError error);
delegate void NFCIso15693TagGetMultipleBlockSecurityStatusCallback (NSNumber [] securityStatus, NSError error);
delegate void NFCIso15693TagGetSystemInfoAndUidCallback (NSData uid, nint dsfid, nint afi, nint blockSize, nint blockCount, nint icReference, NSError error);
//[NoTV, NoWatch, NoMac]
/// <summary>Implements <see cref="T:CoreNFC.INFCTag" /> with data associated with an ISO-15693 vicinity card.</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Protocol (Name = "NFCISO15693Tag")]
interface NFCIso15693Tag : NFCTag, NFCNdefTag {
[Export ("identifier", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData Identifier { get; }
[Export ("icManufacturerCode")]
nuint IcManufacturerCode { get; }
[Export ("icSerialNumber", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData IcSerialNumber { get; }
[Export ("sendCustomCommandWithConfiguration:completionHandler:")]
void SendCustomCommand (NFCIso15693CustomCommandConfiguration commandConfiguration, Action<NSData, NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("readMultipleBlocksWithConfiguration:completionHandler:")]
void ReadMultipleBlocks (NFCIso15693ReadMultipleBlocksConfiguration readConfiguration, Action<NSData, NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("stayQuietWithCompletionHandler:")]
void StayQuiet (Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("readSingleBlockWithRequestFlags:blockNumber:completionHandler:")]
void ReadSingleBlock (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, byte blockNumber, Action<NSData, NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("writeSingleBlockWithRequestFlags:blockNumber:dataBlock:completionHandler:")]
void WriteSingleBlock (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, byte blockNumber, NSData dataBlock, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("lockBlockWithRequestFlags:blockNumber:completionHandler:")]
void LockBlock (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, byte blockNumber, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("readMultipleBlocksWithRequestFlags:blockRange:completionHandler:")]
void ReadMultipleBlocks (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, NSRange blockRange, Action<NSData [], NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("writeMultipleBlocksWithRequestFlags:blockRange:dataBlocks:completionHandler:")]
void WriteMultipleBlocks (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, NSRange blockRange, NSData [] dataBlocks, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("selectWithRequestFlags:completionHandler:")]
void Select (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("resetToReadyWithRequestFlags:completionHandler:")]
void ResetToReady (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("writeAFIWithRequestFlag:afi:completionHandler:")]
void WriteAfi (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, byte afi, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("lockAFIWithRequestFlag:completionHandler:")]
void LockAfi (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("writeDSFIDWithRequestFlag:dsfid:completionHandler:")]
void WriteDsfi (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, byte dsfid, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("lockDFSIDWithRequestFlag:completionHandler:")]
void LockDfsi (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("getSystemInfoWithRequestFlag:completionHandler:")]
void GetSystemInfo (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, NFCGetSystemInfoCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("getMultipleBlockSecurityStatusWithRequestFlag:blockRange:completionHandler:")]
void GetMultipleBlockSecurityStatus (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, NSRange blockRange, Action<NSNumber [], NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("customCommandWithRequestFlag:customCommandCode:customRequestParameters:completionHandler:")]
void CustomCommand (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, nint customCommandCode, NSData customRequestParameters, Action<NSData, NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("extendedReadSingleBlockWithRequestFlags:blockNumber:completionHandler:")]
void ExtendedReadSingleBlock (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, nint blockNumber, Action<NSData, NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("extendedWriteSingleBlockWithRequestFlags:blockNumber:dataBlock:completionHandler:")]
void ExtendedWriteSingleBlock (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, nint blockNumber, NSData dataBlock, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("extendedLockBlockWithRequestFlags:blockNumber:completionHandler:")]
void ExtendedLockBlock (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, nint blockNumber, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("extendedReadMultipleBlocksWithRequestFlags:blockRange:completionHandler:")]
void ExtendedReadMultipleBlocks (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, NSRange blockRange, Action<NSData [], NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
#if NET
[Export ("extendedWriteMultipleBlocksWithRequestFlags:blockRange:dataBlocks:completionHandler:")]
void ExtendedWriteMultipleBlocks (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, NSRange blockRange, NSData [] dataBlocks, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
#if NET
[Export ("authenticateWithRequestFlags:cryptoSuiteIdentifier:message:completionHandler:")]
void Authenticate (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, nint cryptoSuiteIdentifier, NSData message, NFCIso15693TagResponseCallback completionHandler);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
#if NET
[Export ("keyUpdateWithRequestFlags:keyIdentifier:message:completionHandler:")]
void KeyUpdate (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, nint keyIdentifier, NSData message, NFCIso15693TagResponseCallback completionHandler);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
#if NET
[Export ("challengeWithRequestFlags:cryptoSuiteIdentifier:message:completionHandler:")]
void Challenge (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, nint cryptoSuiteIdentifier, NSData message, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
#if NET
[Export ("readBufferWithRequestFlags:completionHandler:")]
void ReadBuffer (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, NFCIso15693TagResponseCallback completionHandler);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
#if NET
[Export ("extendedGetMultipleBlockSecurityStatusWithRequestFlag:blockRange:completionHandler:")]
void ExtendedGetMultipleBlockSecurityStatus (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, NSRange blockRange, NFCIso15693TagGetMultipleBlockSecurityStatusCallback completionHandler);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
#if NET
[Export ("extendedFastReadMultipleBlocksWithRequestFlag:blockRange:completionHandler:")]
void ExtendedFastReadMultipleBlocks (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, NSRange blockRange, NFCIso15693TagReadMultipleBlocksCallback completionHandler);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
#if NET
[Export ("sendRequestWithFlag:commandCode:data:completionHandler:")]
void SendRequest (nint flags, nint commandCode, [NullAllowed] NSData data, NFCIso15693TagResponseCallback completionHandler);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
#if NET
[Export ("getSystemInfoAndUIDWithRequestFlag:completionHandler:")]
void GetSystemInfoAndUid (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, NFCIso15693TagGetSystemInfoAndUidCallback completionHandler);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
#if NET
[Export ("fastReadMultipleBlocksWithRequestFlag:blockRange:completionHandler:")]
void FastReadMultipleBlocks (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, NSRange blockRange, NFCIso15693TagReadMultipleBlocksCallback completionHandler);
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
#if NET
[Export ("lockDSFIDWithRequestFlag:completionHandler:")]
void LockDsfId (NFCIso15693RequestFlag flags, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
/// <summary>An element that helps comprise an <see cref="T:CoreNFC.NFCNdefMessage" />.</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NFCNDEFPayload")]
interface NFCNdefPayload : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("typeNameFormat", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NFCTypeNameFormat TypeNameFormat { get; set; }
[Export ("type", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData Type { get; set; }
[Export ("identifier", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData Identifier { get; set; }
[Export ("payload", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData Payload { get; set; }
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("wellKnownTypeURIPayloadWithString:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NFCNdefPayload CreateWellKnownTypePayload (string uri);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("wellKnownTypeURIPayloadWithURL:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NFCNdefPayload CreateWellKnownTypePayload (NSUrl url);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("wellKnownTypeTextPayloadWithString:locale:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NFCNdefPayload CreateWellKnownTypePayload (string text, NSLocale locale);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("wellKnownTypeURIPayload")]
NSUrl WellKnownTypeUriPayload { get; }
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("wellKnownTypeTextPayloadWithLocale:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
string GetWellKnownTypeTextPayload (out NSLocale locale);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initWithFormat:type:identifier:payload:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NFCTypeNameFormat format, NSData type, NSData identifier, NSData payload);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initWithFormat:type:identifier:payload:chunkSize:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NFCTypeNameFormat format, NSData type, NSData identifier, NSData payload, nuint chunkSize);
/// <summary>An NDEF message, consisting of an array of <see cref="T:CoreNFC.NFCNdefPayload" /> objects.</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NFCNDEFMessage")]
interface NFCNdefMessage : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("records", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NFCNdefPayload [] Records { get; set; }
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("ndefMessageWithData:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
NFCNdefMessage Create (NSData data);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("initWithNDEFRecords:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NFCNdefPayload [] records);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("length")]
nuint Length { get; }
/// <summary>Defines the delegate-object interface for <see cref="T:CoreNFC.NFCNdefReaderSession" /> objects.</summary>
interface INFCNdefReaderSessionDelegate { }
/// <summary>Delegate object for <see cref="T:CoreNFC.NFCNdefReaderSession" /> objects, allowing the developer to respond to detection of NFC tags and session invalidation.</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Protocol, Model]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate")]
interface NFCNdefReaderSessionDelegate {
[Export ("readerSession:didInvalidateWithError:")]
void DidInvalidate (NFCNdefReaderSession session, NSError error);
[Export ("readerSession:didDetectNDEFs:")]
void DidDetect (NFCNdefReaderSession session, NFCNdefMessage [] messages);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("readerSession:didDetectTags:")]
void DidDetectTags (NFCNdefReaderSession session, INFCNdefTag [] tags);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("readerSessionDidBecomeActive:")]
void DidBecomeActive (NFCNdefReaderSession session);
/// <summary>Subclass of <see cref="T:CoreNFC.NFCReaderSession" /> that works with NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) tags.</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NFCReaderSession), Name = "NFCNDEFReaderSession")]
interface NFCNdefReaderSession {
[Export ("initWithDelegate:queue:invalidateAfterFirstRead:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (INFCNdefReaderSessionDelegate @delegate, [NullAllowed] DispatchQueue queue, bool invalidateAfterFirstRead);
[Export ("readingAvailable")]
bool ReadingAvailable { get; }
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("restartPolling")]
void RestartPolling ();
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("connectToTag:completionHandler:")]
void ConnectToTag (INFCNdefTag tag, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
/// <summary>Abstract class implementing <see cref="T:CoreNFC.INFCReaderSessionContract" /> and base class for <see cref="T:CoreNFC.NFCNdefReaderSession" />. A session for detecting and reading NFC tags.</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NFCReaderSession : NFCReaderSessionContract {
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Weak), NullAllowed]
INFCReaderSessionDelegate Delegate { get; }
[Export ("sessionQueue")]
DispatchQueue SessionQueue { get; }
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("readingAvailable")]
bool ReadingAvailable { get; }
interface INFCReaderSessionContract { }
/// <summary>Interface defining the methods for an NFC detection- and reading- session.</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Protocol (Name = "NFCReaderSession")]
interface NFCReaderSessionContract {
[Export ("ready")]
bool Ready { [Bind ("isReady")] get; }
[Export ("alertMessage")]
string AlertMessage { get; set; }
[Export ("beginSession")]
void BeginSession ();
[Export ("invalidateSession")]
void InvalidateSession ();
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Export ("invalidateSessionWithErrorMessage:")]
void InvalidateSession (string errorMessage);
/// <summary>The delegate-object interface for <see cref="T:CoreNFC.NFCReaderSession" /> objects.</summary>
interface INFCReaderSessionDelegate { }
//[NoTV, NoWatch, NoMac]
/// <summary>Delegate object for <see cref="T:CoreNFC.NFCReaderSession" /> objects.</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Protocol, Model]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NFCReaderSessionDelegate {
[Export ("readerSessionDidBecomeActive:")]
void DidBecomeActive (NFCReaderSession session);
#if !NET
[Export ("readerSession:didDetectTags:")]
void DidDetectTags (NFCReaderSession session, INFCTag [] tags);
[Export ("readerSession:didInvalidateWithError:")]
void DidInvalidate (NFCReaderSession session, NSError error);
interface INFCTag { }
/// <summary>Interface defining the common features of all NFC tags.</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
interface NFCTag : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("type", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NFCTagType Type { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("session", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
NFCReaderSession Session { get; }
[Export ("available")]
bool Available { [Bind ("isAvailable")] get; }
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("asNFCISO15693Tag")]
#if NET
INFCIso15693Tag AsNFCIso15693Tag { get; }
[return: NullAllowed]
INFCIso15693Tag GetNFCIso15693Tag ();
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("asNFCISO7816Tag")]
#if NET
INFCIso7816Tag AsNFCIso7816Tag { get; }
[return: NullAllowed]
INFCIso7816Tag GetNFCIso7816Tag ();
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("asNFCFeliCaTag")]
#if NET
INFCFeliCaTag AsNFCFeliCaTag { get; }
[return: NullAllowed]
INFCFeliCaTag GetNFCFeliCaTag ();
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Export ("asNFCMiFareTag")]
#if NET
INFCMiFareTag AsNFCMiFareTag { get; }
[return: NullAllowed]
INFCMiFareTag GetNFCMiFareTag ();
//[NoTV, NoWatch, NoMac]
/// <summary>Parameters for sending a command to an NFC tag.</summary>
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NFCTagCommandConfiguration : NSCopying {
[Export ("maximumRetries")]
nuint MaximumRetries { get; set; }
[Export ("retryInterval")]
double RetryInterval { get; set; }
[iOS (12, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSUserActivity))]
interface NSUserActivity_CoreNFC {
[Export ("ndefMessagePayload")]
NFCNdefMessage GetNdefMessagePayload ();
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
enum NFCFeliCaEncryptionId
[Native ("NFCFeliCaEncryptionId")]
enum EncryptionId
: long {
Aes = 79,
Des = 65,
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
enum NFCMiFareFamily : long {
Unknown = 1,
Ultralight = 2,
Plus = 3,
DesFire = 4,
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
enum NFCNdefStatus : ulong {
NotSupported = 1,
ReadWrite = 2,
ReadOnly = 3,
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
enum NFCPollingOption : ulong {
Iso14443 = 0x1,
Iso15693 = 0x2,
Iso18092 = 0x4,
Pace = 0x8,
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
enum NFCFeliCaPollingRequestCode
[Native ("NFCFeliCaPollingRequestCode")]
enum PollingRequestCode
: long {
NoRequest = 0,
SystemCode = 1,
CommunicationPerformance = 2,
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
enum NFCFeliCaPollingTimeSlot
[Native ("NFCFeliCaPollingTimeSlot")]
enum PollingTimeSlot
: long {
Max1 = 0,
Max2 = 1,
Max4 = 3,
Max8 = 7,
Max16 = 15,
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[NativeName ("NFCISO15693RequestFlag")]
#if NET
enum NFCIso15693RequestFlag
enum RequestFlag
: byte {
DualSubCarriers = (1 << 0),
HighDataRate = (1 << 1),
ProtocolExtension = (1 << 3),
Select = (1 << 4),
Address = (1 << 5),
Option = (1 << 6),
[iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
CommandSpecificBit8 = (1 << 7),
[Flags, iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14, 0)]
public enum NFCIso15693ResponseFlag : byte {
Error = (1 << 0),
ResponseBufferValid = (1 << 1),
FinalResponse = (1 << 2),
ProtocolExtension = (1 << 3),
BlockSecurityStatusBit5 = (1 << 4),
BlockSecurityStatusBit6 = (1 << 5),
WaitTimeExtension = (1 << 6),
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
enum NFCVasErrorCode
[Native ("NFCVASErrorCode")]
enum VasErrorCode
: long {
Success = 36864,
DataNotFound = 27267,
DataNotActivated = 25223,
WrongParameters = 27392,
WrongLCField = 26368,
UserIntervention = 27012,
IncorrectData = 27264,
UnsupportedApplicationVersion = 25408,
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
enum NFCVasMode
[Native ("NFCVASMode")]
enum VasMode
: long {
UrlOnly = 0,
Normal = 1,
interface INFCNdefTag { }
delegate void NFCQueryNdefStatusCompletionHandler (NFCNdefStatus status, nuint capacity, NSError error);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Protocol (Name = "NFCNDEFTag")]
interface NFCNdefTag : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
[Export ("available")]
bool Available { [Bind ("isAvailable")] get; }
[Export ("queryNDEFStatusWithCompletionHandler:")]
void QueryNdefStatus (NFCQueryNdefStatusCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Export ("readNDEFWithCompletionHandler:")]
void ReadNdef (Action<NFCNdefMessage, NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("writeNDEF:completionHandler:")]
void WriteNdef (NFCNdefMessage ndefMessage, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("writeLockWithCompletionHandler:")]
void WriteLock (Action<NSError> completionHandler);
interface INFCFeliCaTag { }
delegate void NFCFeliCaPollingCompletionHandler (NSData pmm, NSData requestData, NSError error);
delegate void NFCFeliCaReadWithoutEncryptionCompletionHandler (nint statusFlag1, nint statusFlag2, NSData [] blockData, NSError error);
delegate void NFCFeliCaStatus1Status2CompletionHandler (nint statusFlag1, nint statusFlag2, NSError error);
delegate void NFCFeliCaRequestServiceV2CompletionHandler (nint statusFlag1, nint statusFlag2, NFCFeliCaEncryptionId encryptionIdentifier, NSData [] nodeKeyVersionListAes, NSData [] nodeKeyVersionListDes, NSError error);
delegate void NFCFeliCaRequestSpecificationVersionCompletionHandler (nint statusFlag1, nint statusFlag2, NSData basicVersion, NSData optionVersion, NSError error);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
interface NFCFeliCaTag : NFCTag, NFCNdefTag {
[Export ("currentSystemCode", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSData CurrentSystemCode { get; }
[Export ("currentIDm", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSData CurrentIdm { get; }
[Export ("pollingWithSystemCode:requestCode:timeSlot:completionHandler:")]
void Polling (NSData systemCode, NFCFeliCaPollingRequestCode requestCode, NFCFeliCaPollingTimeSlot timeSlot, NFCFeliCaPollingCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Export ("requestServiceWithNodeCodeList:completionHandler:")]
void RequestService (NSData [] nodeCodeList, Action<NSData [], NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("requestResponseWithCompletionHandler:")]
void RequestResponse (Action<nint, NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("readWithoutEncryptionWithServiceCodeList:blockList:completionHandler:")]
void ReadWithoutEncryption (NSData [] serviceCodeList, NSData [] blockList, NFCFeliCaReadWithoutEncryptionCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Export ("writeWithoutEncryptionWithServiceCodeList:blockList:blockData:completionHandler:")]
void WriteWithoutEncryption (NSData [] serviceCodeList, NSData [] blockList, NSData [] blockData, NFCFeliCaStatus1Status2CompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Export ("requestSystemCodeWithCompletionHandler:")]
void RequestSystemCode (Action<NSData [], NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("requestServiceV2WithNodeCodeList:completionHandler:")]
void RequestServiceV2 (NSData [] nodeCodeList, NFCFeliCaRequestServiceV2CompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Export ("requestSpecificationVersionWithCompletionHandler:")]
void RequestSpecificationVersion (NFCFeliCaRequestSpecificationVersionCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Export ("resetModeWithCompletionHandler:")]
void ResetMode (NFCFeliCaStatus1Status2CompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Export ("sendFeliCaCommandPacket:completionHandler:")]
void Send (NSData commandPacket, Action<NSData, NSError> completionHandler);
interface INFCIso7816Tag { }
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[Protocol (Name = "NFCISO7816Tag")]
interface NFCIso7816Tag : NFCTag, NFCNdefTag {
[Export ("initialSelectedAID", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
string InitialSelectedAid { get; }
[Export ("identifier", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData Identifier { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("historicalBytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData HistoricalBytes { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("applicationData", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData ApplicationData { get; }
[Export ("proprietaryApplicationDataCoding")]
bool ProprietaryApplicationDataCoding { get; }
[Export ("sendCommandAPDU:completionHandler:")]
void SendCommand (NFCIso7816Apdu apdu, NFCIso7816SendCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NFCISO7816APDU")]
interface NFCIso7816Apdu : NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithInstructionClass:instructionCode:p1Parameter:p2Parameter:data:expectedResponseLength:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (byte instructionClass, byte instructionCode, byte p1Parameter, byte p2Parameter, NSData data, nint expectedResponseLength);
[Export ("initWithData:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSData data);
[Export ("instructionClass")]
byte InstructionClass { get; }
[Export ("instructionCode")]
byte InstructionCode { get; }
[Export ("p1Parameter")]
byte P1Parameter { get; }
[Export ("p2Parameter")]
byte P2Parameter { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("data", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData Data { get; }
[Export ("expectedResponseLength")]
nint ExpectedResponseLength { get; }
interface INFCMiFareTag { }
delegate void NFCIso7816SendCompletionHandler (NSData responseData, byte sw1, byte sw2, NSError error);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
interface NFCMiFareTag : NFCTag, NFCNdefTag {
#if NET
[Export ("mifareFamily", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NFCMiFareFamily MifareFamily { get; }
[Export ("identifier", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData Identifier { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("historicalBytes", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData HistoricalBytes { get; }
[Export ("sendMiFareCommand:completionHandler:")]
void SendMiFareCommand (NSData command, Action<NSData, NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("sendMiFareISO7816Command:completionHandler:")]
void SendMiFareIso7816Command (NFCIso7816Apdu apdu, NFCIso7816SendCompletionHandler completionHandler);
interface INFCTagReaderSessionDelegate { }
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Model (AutoGeneratedName = true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface NFCTagReaderSessionDelegate {
[Export ("tagReaderSession:didInvalidateWithError:")]
void DidInvalidate (NFCTagReaderSession session, NSError error);
[Export ("tagReaderSessionDidBecomeActive:")]
void DidBecomeActive (NFCTagReaderSession session);
[Export ("tagReaderSession:didDetectTags:")]
void DidDetectTags (NFCTagReaderSession session, INFCTag [] tags);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NFCReaderSession))]
[Advice ("Not available for application extensions.")]
interface NFCTagReaderSession {
[Export ("initWithPollingOption:delegate:queue:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NFCPollingOption pollingOption, INFCTagReaderSessionDelegate @delegate, [NullAllowed] DispatchQueue queue);
[NullAllowed, Export ("connectedTag", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
INFCTag ConnectedTag { get; }
[Export ("restartPolling")]
void RestartPolling ();
[Export ("connectToTag:completionHandler:")]
void ConnectTo (INFCTag tag, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[Field ("NFCTagResponseUnexpectedLengthErrorKey")]
NSString UnexpectedLengthErrorKey { get; }
interface INFCVasReaderSessionDelegate { }
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
#if NET
[Model (AutoGeneratedName = true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NFCVASReaderSessionDelegate")]
interface NFCVasReaderSessionDelegate {
[Export ("readerSessionDidBecomeActive:")]
void DidBecomeActive (NFCVasReaderSession session);
[Export ("readerSession:didInvalidateWithError:")]
void DidInvalidate (NFCVasReaderSession session, NSError error);
[Export ("readerSession:didReceiveVASResponses:")]
void DidReceiveVasResponses (NFCVasReaderSession session, NFCVasResponse [] responses);
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NFCVASResponse")]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // implied
interface NFCVasResponse : NSCopying {
[Export ("status", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NFCVasErrorCode Status { get; }
[Export ("vasData", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSData VasData { get; }
[Export ("mobileToken", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSData MobileToken { get; }
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "NFCVASCommandConfiguration")]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // implied (designated initializer)
interface NFCVasCommandConfiguration : NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithVASMode:passTypeIdentifier:url:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NFCVasMode mode, string passTypeIdentifier, [NullAllowed] NSUrl url);
[Export ("mode", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
NFCVasMode Mode { get; set; }
[Export ("passTypeIdentifier", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
string PassTypeIdentifier { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("url", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSUrl Url { get; set; }
[iOS (13, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (13, 1)]
[BaseType (typeof (NFCReaderSession), Name = "NFCVASReaderSession")]
[Advice ("Not available for application extensions.")]
interface NFCVasReaderSession {
[Export ("initWithVASCommandConfigurations:delegate:queue:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NFCVasCommandConfiguration [] commandConfigurations, INFCVasReaderSessionDelegate @delegate, [NullAllowed] DispatchQueue queue);