
505 строки
26 KiB
Исходник Ответственный История

Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода!

Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода, которые могут быть отображены не так, как показано ниже. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы показать скрытые символы.

Этот файл содержит неоднозначные символы Юникода, которые могут быть перепутаны с другими в текущей локали. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы подсветить эти символы.

// global variables
repository = "xamarin/xamarin-macios"
commentFile = null
isPr = false
branchName = null
gitHash = null
packagePrefix = null
virtualPath = null
xiPackageUrl = null
xmPackageUrl = null
utils = null
errorMessage = null
currentStage = null
xiPackageFilename = null
xmPackageFilename = null
msbuildZipFilename = null
bundleZipFilename = null
manifestFilename = null
artifactsFilename = null
reportPrefix = null
createFinalStatus = true
skipLocalTestRunReason = ""
github_pull_request_info = null
def githubGetPullRequestInfo ()
if (github_pull_request_info == null && isPr) {
withCredentials ([string (credentialsId: 'macios_github_comment_token', variable: 'GITHUB_PAT_TOKEN')]) {
def url = "https://api.github.com/repos/${repository}/pulls/${env.CHANGE_ID}"
def outputFile = ".github-pull-request-info.json"
try {
sh ("curl -vf -H 'Authorization: token ${GITHUB_PAT_TOKEN}' --output '${outputFile}' '${url}'")
github_pull_request_info = readJSON (file: outputFile)
echo ("Got pull request info: ${github_pull_request_info}")
} finally {
sh ("rm -f ${outputFile}")
return github_pull_request_info
github_pull_request_labels = null
def githubGetPullRequestLabels ()
if (github_pull_request_labels == null) {
github_pull_request_labels = []
if (isPr) {
def pinfo = githubGetPullRequestInfo ()
def labels = pinfo ["labels"]
if (labels != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < labels.size (); i++) {
def label = labels [i]
github_pull_request_labels.add (label ["name"])
echo ("Found labels ${github_pull_request_labels} for the pull request.")
return github_pull_request_labels
def githubAddComment (url, markdown)
def json = groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson ([body: markdown])
def jsonFile = "${workspace}/xamarin-macios/jenkins/commit-comments.json"
try {
writeFile (file: "${jsonFile}", text: "${json}")
sh ("cat '${jsonFile}'")
withCredentials ([string (credentialsId: 'macios_github_comment_token', variable: 'GITHUB_COMMENT_TOKEN')]) {
sh ("curl -i -H 'Authorization: token ${GITHUB_COMMENT_TOKEN}' ${url} --data '@${jsonFile}'")
} finally {
sh ("rm -f ${jsonFile}")
def commentOnCommit (commitHash, markdown)
githubAddComment ("https://api.github.com/repos/${repository}/commits/${commitHash}/comments", markdown)
def commentOnPullRequest (pullRequest, markdown)
githubAddComment ("https://api.github.com/repos/${repository}/issues/${pullRequest}/comments", markdown)
def addComment (markdown)
if (isPr) {
commentOnPullRequest ("${env.CHANGE_ID}", markdown)
} else {
commentOnCommit ("${gitHash}", markdown)
def appendFileComment (comment)
if (fileExists (commentFile))
comment = readFile (commentFile) + comment
writeFile (file: commentFile, text: comment)
def reportFinalStatus (err, gitHash, currentStage)
if (!createFinalStatus)
def comment = null
def status = currentBuild.currentResult
if ("${status}" == "SUCCESS" && err == "") {
comment = "✅ [Jenkins job](${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}) (on internal Jenkins) succeeded"
} else {
comment = "🔥 [Jenkins job](${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}) (on internal Jenkins) failed in stage '${currentStage}' 🔥"
if (err != "")
comment += " : ${err}"
manager.addErrorBadge (comment)
manager.buildFailure ()
if (fileExists (commentFile))
comment += "\n\n" + readFile ("${commentFile}")
addComment ("${comment}")
def processAtMonkeyWrench (outputFile)
def tmpfile = "atmonkeywrench.tmp"
try {
sh (script: "grep '^@MonkeyWrench: ...Summary: ' '${outputFile}' > ${tmpfile}", returnStatus: true /* don't throw exceptions if something goes wrong */)
def lines = readFile ("${tmpfile}").split ("\n")
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
def summary = lines [i].substring (27 /*"@MonkeyWrench: AddSummary: ".length*/).trim ()
summary = summary.replace ("<br/>", "")
summary = summary.replace ("<a href='", "")
def href_end = summary.indexOf ("'>")
if (href_end > 0)
summary = summary.substring (0, href_end)
echo (summary)
} finally {
sh ("rm -f '${tmpfile}'")
def uploadFiles (glob, virtualPath)
step ([
$class: 'WAStoragePublisher',
allowAnonymousAccess: true,
cleanUpContainer: false,
cntPubAccess: true,
containerName: "wrench",
doNotFailIfArchivingReturnsNothing: false,
doNotUploadIndividualFiles: false,
doNotWaitForPreviousBuild: true,
excludeFilesPath: '',
filesPath: glob,
storageAccName: 'bosstoragemirror',
storageCredentialId: 'bc6a99d18d7d9ca3f6bf6b19e364d564',
uploadArtifactsOnlyIfSuccessful: false,
uploadZips: false,
virtualPath: virtualPath
def runXamarinMacTests (url, macOS)
try {
echo ("Executing on ${env.NODE_NAME}")
echo ("URL: ${url}")
sh ("env")
sh ("rm -f *.zip")
sh ("curl -L '${url}' --output mac-test-package.zip")
sh ("rm -rf mac-test-package")
sh ("unzip -o mac-test-package.zip")
sh ("cd mac-test-package && ./system-dependencies.sh --provision-mono --ignore-autotools --ignore-xamarin-studio --ignore-xcode --ignore-osx --ignore-cmake")
sh ("make -C mac-test-package/tests exec-mac-dontlink")
sh ("make -C mac-test-package/tests exec-mac-apitest")
} finally {
sh ("rm -rf mac-test-package *.zip")
timestamps {
node ('xamarin-macios && macos-10.13') {
try {
timeout (time: 9, unit: 'HOURS') {
// Hard-code a workspace, since branch-based and PR-based
// builds would otherwise use different workspaces, which
// wastes a lot of disk space.
workspace = "${env.HOME}/jenkins/workspace/xamarin-macios"
commentFile = "${workspace}/xamarin-macios/jenkins/pr-comments.md"
withEnv ([
]) {
sh ("mkdir -p '${workspace}/xamarin-macios'")
dir ("${workspace}/xamarin-macios") {
stage ('Checkout') {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
echo ("Building on ${env.NODE_NAME}")
scmVars = checkout scm
isPr = (env.CHANGE_ID && !env.CHANGE_ID.empty ? true : false)
branchName = env.BRANCH_NAME
if (isPr) {
gitHash = sh (script: "git log -1 --pretty=%H refs/remotes/origin/${env.BRANCH_NAME}", returnStdout: true).trim ()
} else {
gitHash = scmVars.GIT_COMMIT
// Make sure we start from scratch
sh (script: 'make git-clean-all', returnStatus: true /* don't throw exceptions if something goes wrong */)
// Make really, really sure
sh ('git clean -xffd')
sh ('git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -xffd')
if (isPr) {
def hasBuildPackage = githubGetPullRequestLabels ().contains ("build-package")
def hasRunInternalTests = githubGetPullRequestLabels ().contains ("run-internal-tests")
if (!hasBuildPackage && !hasRunInternalTests) {
// don't add a comment to the pull request, since the public jenkins will also add comments, which ends up being too much.
createFinalStatus = false
echo ("Build skipped because the pull request doesn't have either of the labels 'build-package' or 'run-internal-tests'.")
if (!hasRunInternalTests)
skipLocalTestRunReason = "Not running tests here because they're run on public Jenkins."
dir ("${workspace}") {
stage ('Provisioning') {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
echo ("Building on ${env.NODE_NAME}")
sh ("cd ${workspace}/xamarin-macios && ./configure --enable-xamarin")
sh ("${workspace}/xamarin-macios/jenkins/provision-deps.sh")
stage ('Build') {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
echo ("Building on ${env.NODE_NAME}")
withEnv ([
]) {
sh ("${workspace}/xamarin-macios/jenkins/build.sh --configure-flags --enable-xamarin")
stage ('Packaging') {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
echo ("Building on ${env.NODE_NAME}")
sh ("${workspace}/xamarin-macios/jenkins/build-package.sh")
sh (script: "ls -la ${workspace}/package", returnStatus: true /* don't throw exceptions if something goes wrong */)
stage ('Signing') {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
echo ("Building on ${env.NODE_NAME}")
def xiPackages = findFiles (glob: "package/xamarin.ios-*.pkg")
if (xiPackages.length > 0) {
xiPackageFilename = xiPackages [0].name
echo ("Created Xamarin.iOS package: ${xiPackageFilename}")
def xmPackages = findFiles (glob: "package/xamarin.mac-*.pkg")
if (xmPackages.length > 0) {
xmPackageFilename = xmPackages [0].name
echo ("Created Xamarin.Mac package: ${xmPackageFilename}")
def msbuildZip = findFiles (glob: "package/msbuild.zip")
if (msbuildZip.length > 0)
msbuildZipFilename = msbuildZip [0].name
def bundleZip = findFiles (glob: "package/bundle.zip")
if (bundleZip.length > 0)
bundleZipFilename = bundleZip [0].name
withCredentials ([string (credentialsId: 'codesign_keychain_pw', variable: 'PRODUCTSIGN_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD')]) {
sh ("${workspace}/xamarin-macios/jenkins/productsign.sh")
stage ('Upload to Azure') {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
virtualPath = "jenkins/${branchName}/${gitHash}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
packagePrefix = "https://bosstoragemirror.blob.core.windows.net/wrench/${virtualPath}/package"
// Create artifacts.json and manifest
def uploadingFiles = findFiles (glob: "package/*")
def manifest = ""
def artifacts = "[\n"
for (int i = 0; i < uploadingFiles.length; i++) {
def file = uploadingFiles [i]
def f_length = file.length;
def md5 = sh (returnStdout: true, script: "md5 -q '${file}'").trim ()
def sha256 = sh (returnStdout: true, script: "shasum -a 256").trim ().split (" ") [0];
manifest += "${packagePrefix}/${file.name}\n"
artifacts += " {\n"
artifacts += " \"file\": \"${file.name}\",\n"
artifacts += " \"url\": \"${packagePrefix}/${file.name}\",\n"
artifacts += " \"md5\": \"${md5}\",\n"
artifacts += " \"sha256\": \"${sha256}\",\n"
artifacts += " \"size\": ${f_length}\n"
artifacts += " }"
if (i < uploadingFiles.length - 1)
artifacts += ","
artifacts +="\n"
artifacts += "]\n"
manifest += "${packagePrefix}/artifacts.json\n"
manifest += "${packagePrefix}/manifest\n"
writeFile (file: "package/manifest", text: manifest)
writeFile (file: "package/artifacts.json", text: artifacts)
sh ("ls -la package")
uploadFiles ("package/*", virtualPath)
// Also upload manifest to a predictable url (without the build number)
// This manifest will be overwritten in subsequent builds (for this [PR/branch]+hash combination)
uploadFiles ("package/manifest", "jenkins/${branchName}/${gitHash}")
// And also create a 'latest' version (which really means 'latest built', not 'latest hash', but it will hopefully be good enough)
uploadFiles ("package/manifest", "jenkins/${branchName}/latest")
manifestFilename = "manifest"
artifactsFilename = "artifacts.json"
stage ('Publish builds to GitHub') {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
utils = load ("${workspace}/xamarin-macios/jenkins/utils.groovy")
if (xiPackageFilename != null) {
xiPackageUrl = "${packagePrefix}/${xiPackageFilename}"
utils.reportGitHubStatus (gitHash, 'PKG-Xamarin.iOS', "${xiPackageUrl}", 'SUCCESS', "${xiPackageFilename}")
if (xmPackageFilename != null) {
xmPackageUrl = "${packagePrefix}/${xmPackageFilename}"
utils.reportGitHubStatus (gitHash, 'PKG-Xamarin.Mac', "${xmPackageUrl}", 'SUCCESS', "${xmPackageFilename}")
if (manifestFilename != null) {
def manifestUrl = "${packagePrefix}/${manifestFilename}"
utils.reportGitHubStatus (gitHash, "${manifestFilename}", "${manifestUrl}", 'SUCCESS', "${manifestFilename}")
if (artifactsFilename != null) {
def artifactUrl = "${packagePrefix}/${artifactsFilename}"
utils.reportGitHubStatus (gitHash, "Jenkins: Artifacts", "${artifactUrl}", 'SUCCESS', "${artifactsFilename}")
if (bundleZipFilename != null) {
def bundleZipUrl = "${packagePrefix}/${bundleZipFilename}"
utils.reportGitHubStatus (gitHash, "bundle.zip", "${bundleZipUrl}", 'SUCCESS', "${bundleZipFilename}")
if (msbuildZipFilename != null) {
def msbuildZipUrl = "${packagePrefix}/${msbuildZipFilename}"
utils.reportGitHubStatus (gitHash, "msbuild.zip", "${msbuildZipUrl}", 'SUCCESS', "${msbuildZipFilename}")
dir ('xamarin-macios') {
stage ('Launch external tests') {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
if (isPr) {
echo "Currently not launching external tests for pull requests"
} else {
def outputFile = "${workspace}/xamarin-macios/wrench-launch-external.output.tmp"
try {
withCredentials ([string (credentialsId: 'macios_provisionator_pat', variable: 'PROVISIONATOR_VSTS_PAT')]) {
sh ("make -C ${workspace}/xamarin-macios/tests wrench-launch-external MAC_PACKAGE_URL=${xmPackageUrl} IOS_PACKAGE_URL=${xiPackageUrl} WRENCH_URL=${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL} BUILD_REVISION=${gitHash} BUILD_LANE=jenkins/${branchName} BUILD_WORK_HOST=${env.NODE_NAME} 2>&1 | tee ${outputFile}")
processAtMonkeyWrench (outputFile)
} catch (error) {
echo ("🚫 Launching external tests failed: ${error} 🚫")
manager.addWarningBadge ("Failed to launch external tests")
} finally {
sh ("rm -f '${outputFile}'")
stage ('Install Provisioning Profiles') {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
sh ("${workspace}/maccore/tools/install-qa-provisioning-profiles.sh")
stage ('Publish reports') {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
reportPrefix = sh (script: "${workspace}/xamarin-macios/jenkins/publish-results.sh | grep '^Url Prefix: ' | sed 's/^Url Prefix: //'", returnStdout: true).trim ()
if (skipLocalTestRunReason == "") {
echo ("Html report: ${reportPrefix}/tests/index.html")
} else {
echo ("Html report: ${skipLocalTestRunReason}")
echo ("API diff (from stable): ${reportPrefix}/api-diff/index.html")
echo ("API diff (from previous commit / before pull request): ${reportPrefix}/apicomparison/api-diff.html")
echo ("Generator diff: ${reportPrefix}/generator-diff/index.html")
stage ('API diff') {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
def apidiffResult = sh (script: "${workspace}/xamarin-macios/jenkins/build-api-diff.sh --publish", returnStatus: true)
if (apidiffResult != 0)
manager.addWarningBadge ("Failed to generate API diff")
echo ("API diff (from stable): ${reportPrefix}/api-diff/index.html")
stage ('API & Generator comparison') {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
def compareResult = sh (script: "${workspace}/xamarin-macios/jenkins/compare.sh --publish", returnStatus: true)
if (compareResult != 0)
manager.addWarningBadge ("Failed to generate API / Generator diff")
echo ("API diff (from previous commit / before pull request): ${reportPrefix}/apicomparison/api-diff.html")
echo ("Generator diff: ${reportPrefix}/generator-diff/index.html")
stage ("Package XM tests") {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
sh ("make -C ${workspace}/xamarin-macios/tests package-tests")
uploadFiles ("tests/*.zip", virtualPath)
timeout (time: 6, unit: 'HOURS') {
// We run tests locally and on older macOS bots in parallel.
// The older macOS tests run quickly (and the bots should usually be idle),
// which means that the much longer normal (local) test run should take
// longer to complete (which is important since this will block until all tests
// have been run, even if any older macOS bots are busy doing other things, preventing
// our tests from running there), giving the older macOS bots plenty of
// time to finish their test runs.
stage ('Run tests parallelized') {
def builders = [:]
// Add test runs on older macOS versions
def url = "https://bosstoragemirror.blob.core.windows.net/wrench/${virtualPath}/tests/mac-test-package.zip"
def firstOS = sh (returnStdout: true, script: "grep ^MIN_OSX_SDK_VERSION= '${workspace}/xamarin-macios/Make.config' | sed 's/.*=//'").trim ().split ("\\.")[1].toInteger ()
def lastOS = sh (returnStdout: true, script: "grep ^OSX_SDK_VERSION= '${workspace}/xamarin-macios/Make.config' | sed 's/.*=//'").trim ().split ("\\.")[1].toInteger ()
for (os = firstOS; os < lastOS; os++) {
def macOS = "${os}" // Need to bind the label variable before the closure
builders ["XM tests on 10.${macOS}"] = {
try {
node ("xamarin-macios && macos-10.${macOS}") {
stage ("Running XM tests on '10.${macOS}'") {
runXamarinMacTests (url, "macOS 10.${macOS}")
} catch (err) {
currentStage = "Running XM tests on '10.${macOS}'"
appendFileComment ("🔥 [Xamarin.Mac tests on 10.${macOS} failed](${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}) 🔥\n")
throw err
// Add standard test run
builders ["All tests"] = {
stage ('Run tests') {
currentStage = "Test run"
echo ("Building on ${env.NODE_NAME}")
if (skipLocalTestRunReason != "") {
echo (skipLocalTestRunReason)
appendFileComment (" Test run skipped: ${skipLocalTestRunReason}\n")
} else {
echo ("Html report: ${reportPrefix}/tests/index.html")
sh ("${workspace}/xamarin-macios/jenkins/run-tests.sh --target=wrench-jenkins --publish --keychain=xamarin-macios")
stage ('Test docs') {
currentStage = "${STAGE_NAME}"
echo ("Building on ${env.NODE_NAME}")
def targetBranch = isPr ? githubGetPullRequestInfo () ["base"] ["ref"] : "${BRANCH_NAME}"
def testDocs = targetBranch == "master"
if (!testDocs) {
echo ("Skipping docs testing, it's only done on master (current (target) branch is ${targetBranch})")
} else {
sh ("make -C ${workspace}/xamarin-macios/tests wrench-docs")
// Run it all parallelized
parallel builders
} // dir ("xamarin-macios")
} // dir ("${workspace}")
reportFinalStatus ("", "${gitHash}", "${currentStage}")
} // timeout
} catch (err) {
reportFinalStatus ("${err}", "${gitHash}", "${currentStage}")
} finally {
stage ('Final tasks') {
sh (script: "${workspace}/xamarin-macios/jenkins/publish-results.sh", returnStatus: true /* don't throw exceptions if something goes wrong */)
sh (script: "make git-clean-all -C ${workspace}/xamarin-macios", returnStatus: true /* don't throw exceptions if something goes wrong */)
} // node
} // timestamps