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// Mac-specific `init*` selectors validations
// Authors:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2012-2013,2015 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using Foundation;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Xamarin.Tests;
namespace Introspection {
public class MacApiCtorInitTest : ApiCtorInitTest {
public MacApiCtorInitTest ()
//LogProgress = true;
ContinueOnFailure = true;
protected override bool Skip (Attribute attr)
return base.Skip (attr);
protected override bool Skip (Type type)
switch (type.FullName) {
#if !XAMCORE_4_0
case "AppKit.NSDraggingInfo":
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSDraggingInfo": // binding mistakes.
return true;
// Random failures on build machine
case "QuickLookUI.QLPreviewPanel":
case "MonoMac.QuickLookUI.QLPreviewPanel":
return true;
// These should be DisableDefaultCtor but can't due to backward compat
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSCollectionViewTransitionLayout":
case "AppKit.NSCollectionViewTransitionLayout":
case "Foundation.NSUnitDispersion": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitVolume": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitDuration": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitElectricCharge": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitElectricCurrent": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitElectricPotentialDifference": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitElectricResistance": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnit": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitEnergy": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitAcceleration": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitFrequency": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitAngle": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitFuelEfficiency": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitArea": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitIlluminance": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitConcentrationMass": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitLength": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitMass": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitPower": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitPressure": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "Foundation.NSUnitSpeed": // -init should never be called on NSUnit!
case "MonoMac.EventKit.EKParticipant":
case "EventKit.EKParticipant":
case "XamCore.CoreImage.CISampler":
case "CoreImage.CISampler":
return true;
// OSX 10.8+
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSSharingService":
case "AppKit.NSSharingService":
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSSharingServicePicker":
case "AppKit.NSSharingServicePicker":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUserNotification":
case "Foundation.NSUserNotification":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUserNotificationCenter":
case "Foundation.NSUserNotificationCenter":
case "MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVPlayerItemVideoOutput":
case "AVFoundation.AVPlayerItemVideoOutput":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUuid":
case "Foundation.NSUuid":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 8))
return true;
// Native exception coming from [NSWindow init] which calls
// [NSWindow initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer]
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSWindow":
case "AppKit.NSWindow":
return true;
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlSession":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSession":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlSessionTask":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSessionTask":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlSessionDataTask":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSessionDataTask":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlSessionUploadTask":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSessionUploadTask":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlSessionDownloadTask":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSessionDownloadTask":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlSessionConfiguration":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSessionConfiguration":
// These types were introduced as 64-bit only in Mavericks, and 32+64bits in Yosemite. We can't
// express that with our AvailabilityAttribute, we set it as available (for all architectures, since
// we can't distinguish them) starting with Mavericks.
if (Mac.Is32BitMavericks)
return true;
case "GLKit.GLKSkyboxEffect":
// Crashes inside libGL.dylib, most likely because something hasn't been initialized yet, because
// I can reproduce in an Xcode project if I put [[GLKSkyboxEffect alloc] init]; in main, but it doesn't
// crash in applicationDidFinishLaunching.
// frame #0: 0x00007fff8d570db1 libGL.dylib`glGetError + 13
// frame #1: 0x0000000100025542 GLKit`-[GLKEffect initWithPropertyArray:] + 1142
// frame #2: 0x0000000100022c2d GLKit`-[GLKSkyboxEffect init] + 493
if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
return true;
#if !XAMCORE_3_0
case "SpriteKit.SKView":
// Causes a crash later. Filed as radar://18440271.
// Apple said they won't fix this ('init' isn't a designated initializer)
if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
return true;
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSSpeechRecognizer":
case "AppKit.NSSpeechRecognizer":
// Makes OSX put up "a download is required for speech recognition" dialog.
return true;
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUserActivity":
case "Foundation.NSUserActivity":
// Crashes by default:
// Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Caller did not provide an activityType, and this process does not have a NSUserActivityTypes in its Info.plist.
// but since it looks like the constructor is usable with the proper Info.plist, we can't remove it.
return true;
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSTextTableBlock":
case "AppKit.NSTextTableBlock":
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSMutableFontCollection":
case "AppKit.NSMutableFontCollection":
return true; // Crashes in 10.12
case "CoreBluetooth.CBCentralManager":
case "MonoMac.CoreBluetooth.CBCentralManager":
if (IntPtr.Size == 4 && Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 13)) // 32-bit removed unannounced in 10.13
return true;
case "EventKit.EKEventStore":
case "MonoMac.EventKit.EKEventStore":
if (Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 9) && !Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 10)) {
// Calling the constructor on Mavericks will put up a permission dialog.
return true;
case "MonoMac.ImageKit.IKPictureTaker":
case "ImageKit.IKPictureTaker":
// https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=46624
// https://trello.com/c/T6vkA2QF/62-29311598-ikpicturetaker-crashes-randomly-upon-deallocation?menu=filter&filter=corenfc
return true;
case "Photos.PHProjectChangeRequest":
if (TestRuntime.CheckSystemVersion (ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15)) {
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'This method can only be called from inside of -[PHPhotoLibrary performChanges:completionHandler:] or -[PHPhotoLibrary performChangesAndWait:error:]'
0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff34f29063 __exceptionPreprocess + 250
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff6a6aa06b objc_exception_throw + 48
2 Photos 0x00007fff3fe8a643 +[PHPhotoLibrary stringFromPHPhotoLibraryType:] + 0
3 Photos 0x00007fff3ff6055d -[PHChangeRequest init] + 85
return true;
case "AVKit.AVCaptureView":
// Deallocating the AVCaptureView starts up the A/V capturing pipeline (!):
24 com.apple.avfoundation 0x00007fff28298a2f -[AVCaptureSession startRunning] + 97
25 com.apple.AVKit 0x00007fff2866621f __72-[AVCaptureController _createDefaultSessionAndFileOutputAsynchronously:]_block_invoke_2 + 293
26 com.apple.AVKit 0x00007fff2866609a __72-[AVCaptureController _createDefaultSessionAndFileOutputAsynchronously:]_block_invoke + 489
27 com.apple.AVKit 0x00007fff28661bd4 -[AVCaptureController _createDefaultSessionAndFileOutputAsynchronously:] + 234
28 com.apple.AVKit 0x00007fff28661c53 -[AVCaptureController session] + 53
29 com.apple.AVKit 0x00007fff28670d2b -[AVCaptureView dealloc] + 124
This is unfortunate because capturing audio/video requires permission,
and since macOS tests don't execute in a session that can show UI,
the permission system (TCC) fails and the process ends up crashing
due to a privacy violation (even if the required entry is present in the Info.plist).
return true;
case "AVFoundation.AVAudioRecorder": // Stopped working in macOS 10.15.2
return TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (11, 2);
case "GameKit.GKGameCenterViewController": // the native 'init' method returned nil.
return TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (11, 2);
case "MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSPredicate":
// Fails on Catalina: Could not initialize an instance of the type
// 'MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSPredicate': the native 'init' method returned nil.
if (Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 15))
return true;
switch (type.Namespace) {
// OSX 10.8+
case "MonoMac.Accounts":
case "Accounts":
case "MonoMac.GameKit":
case "GameKit":
case "MonoMac.Social":
case "Social":
case "MonoMac.StoreKit":
case "StoreKit":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 8))
return true;
case "SceneKit":
case "MonoMac.SceneKit":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 8) || IntPtr.Size != 8)
return true;
case "MediaPlayer":
case "MonoMac.MediaPlayer":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 12) || IntPtr.Size != 8)
return true;
case "QTKit":
if (Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 15)) // QTKit is gone in 10.15
return true;
case "ModelIO": // Looks like it is broken in macOS 11.0 beta 9 and fixed in 11.1 beta 2
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (11, 1) && Mac.CheckSystemVersion (11, 0)) // Causes error on test: turning unknown type for VtValue with unregistered C++ type bool
return true;
return base.Skip (type);
protected override bool Match (ConstructorInfo ctor, Type type)
switch (type.FullName) {
case "ScriptingBridge.SBElementArray":
// Adding a [DesignatedInitializer] on NSMutableArray triggers:
// [FAIL] ScriptingBridge.SBElementArray should re-expose NSMutableArray::.ctor()
// but the default constructor is disable for a good reason, i.e. assert at runtime
// -[SBElementArray init]: should never be used.
if (ctor.ToString () == "Void .ctor()")
return true;
return base.Match (ctor, type);
protected override void CheckNSObjectProtocol (NSObject obj)
switch (obj.GetType ().Name) {
case "NSString":
// according to bots `isKindOf (null)` returns true before Yosemite
case "SBObject":
// *** NSForwarding: warning: object 0x77a49a0 of class '__NSMessageBuilder' does not implement doesNotRecognizeSelector: -- abort
base.CheckNSObjectProtocol (obj);
protected override void CheckToString (NSObject obj)
switch (obj.GetType ().FullName) {
// Crashes on 10.13
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSStoryboard":
case "AppKit.NSStoryboard":
case "MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVCaptureInputPort": // https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=57668
case "AVFoundation.AVCaptureInputPort": // https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=57668
// Crashes on 10.12
case "Contacts.CNContainer":
// native crash calling MonoMac.Foundation.NSObject.get_Description ()
case "WebKit.WKNavigationAction":
case "WebKit.WKFrameInfo": // EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0)
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlConnection":
case "Foundation.NSUrlConnection":
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSLayoutConstraint": // Unable to create description in descriptionForLayoutAttribute_layoutItem_coefficient. Something is nil
case "AppKit.NSLayoutConstraint":
case "MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVPlayerItemTrack":
case "AVFoundation.AVPlayerItemTrack":
// 10.8
case "MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVComposition":
case "AVFoundation.AVComposition":
case "MonoMac.GameKit.GKPlayer": // Crashing on 10.8.3 from the Apple beta channel for abock (on 2013-01-30)
case "GameKit.GKPlayer":
case "MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest": // Crashing on 10.9.1 for abock (2014-01-13)
case "AVFoundation.AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest":
case "MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVAssetResourceLoadingDataRequest": // Crashes on 10.9.3 for chamons (constructor found in AVCompat)
case "AVFoundation.AVAssetResourceLoadingDataRequest":
case "MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVCaptureDeviceInputSource": // Crashes on 10.9.5
case "AVFoundation.AVCaptureDeviceInputSource":
// 11.0
case "AVFoundation.AVMediaSelection":
case "AVFoundation.AVMutableMediaSelection":
case "CoreLocation.CLBeacon":
case "GameKit.GKTurnBasedMatch":
// crash with xcode 12.2 Beta 2 (and GM in iOS)
case "CoreSpotlight.CSLocalizedString":
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (12, 0))
base.CheckToString (obj);
static List<NSObject> do_not_dispose = new List<NSObject> ();
protected override void Dispose (NSObject obj, Type type)
switch (type.FullName) {
// FIXME: those crash the application when Dispose is called
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSTextInputContext":
case "AppKit.NSTextInputContext":
if (Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 13))
goto case "MonoMac.ImageKit.IKScannerDeviceView"; // fallthrough
goto default;
case "MonoMac.JavaScriptCore.JSManagedValue":
case "JavaScriptCore.JSManagedValue":
// JSManagedValue crashes in Yosemite (b7), but not Mavericks.
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 10))
goto default;
goto case "MonoMac.ImageKit.IKScannerDeviceView"; // fallthrough
case "MonoMac.ImageKit.IKScannerDeviceView": // 19835
case "ImageKit.IKScannerDeviceView":
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSFontPanel": // *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'An instance 0x11491cc00 of class NSButton was deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it.
case "AppKit.NSFontPanel":
case "MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVAudioRecorder": // same on iOS
case "AVFoundation.AVAudioRecorder":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlConnection":
case "Foundation.NSUrlConnection":
// 10.8:
case "MonoMac.Accounts.ACAccount": // maybe the default .ctor is not allowed ?
case "Accounts.ACAccount":
case "MonoMac.Accounts.ACAccountCredential":
case "Accounts.ACAccountCredential":
case "MonoMac.Accounts.ACAccountStore":
case "Accounts.ACAccountStore":
case "MonoMac.Accounts.ACAccountType":
case "Accounts.ACAccountType":
case "MonoMac.CoreData.NSPersistentStoreCoordinator":
case "CoreData.NSPersistentStoreCoordinator":
case "AppKit.NSColorPanel":
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSColorPanel":
case "Foundation.NSFileProviderService":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSFileProviderService":
do_not_dispose.Add (obj);
// 10.11
case "MonoMac.CoreImage.CIImageAccumulator":
case "CoreImage.CIImageAccumulator":
case "WebKit.WKNavigation":
// crashes on El Capitan (b2) but not before
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 11))
goto default;
do_not_dispose.Add (obj);
case "CoreLocation.CLBeacon":
do_not_dispose.Add (obj);
base.Dispose (obj, type);