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// Unit tests for CFProxy[Settings]
// Authors:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2012 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using Foundation;
using CoreFoundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
using NUnit.Framework;
using MonoTests.System.Net.Http;
namespace MonoTouchFixtures.CoreFoundation {
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
public class ProxyTest {
public void Fields ()
// documented but symbols are missing
// this test will fail if Apple decide to include them in the future
IntPtr lib = Dlfcn.dlopen (Constants.CoreFoundationLibrary, 0);
try {
// http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/CoreFoundation/Reference/CFProxySupport/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/c_ref/kCFProxyAutoConfigurationHTTPResponseKey
Assert.That (Dlfcn.dlsym (lib, "kCFProxyAutoConfigurationHTTPResponseKey"), Is.EqualTo (IntPtr.Zero), "kCFProxyAutoConfigurationHTTPResponseKey");
// http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/CoreFoundation/Reference/CFProxySupport/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/c_ref/kCFNetworkProxiesProxyAutoConfigJavaScript
Assert.That (Dlfcn.dlsym (lib, "kCFNetworkProxiesProxyAutoConfigJavaScript"), Is.EqualTo (IntPtr.Zero), "kCFNetworkProxiesProxyAutoConfigJavaScript");
finally {
Dlfcn.dlclose (lib);
#if !__WATCHOS__ && !MONOMAC
HttpListener listener;
int port;
Thread listener_thread;
public void Setup ()
var listening = new ManualResetEvent (false);
listener_thread = new Thread (() => {
try {
listener = new HttpListener ();
// Try and find an unused port
int attemptsLeft = 50;
Random r = new Random ((int) DateTime.Now.Ticks);
while (attemptsLeft-- > 0) {
var newPort = r.Next (49152, 65535); // The suggested range for dynamic ports is 49152-65535 (IANA)
listener.Prefixes.Clear ();
listener.Prefixes.Add ("http://*:" + newPort + "/");
try {
listener.Start ();
listening.Set ();
port = newPort;
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine ($" Failed to listen on port {newPort}: {ex.Message}");
try {
//Console.WriteLine ($" Test log server listening on: localhost:{port}");
do {
var context = listener.GetContext ();
var request = context.Request;
var pacPath = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, request.RawUrl.Substring (1));
Console.WriteLine ($" Serving {pacPath}");
var buf = File.ReadAllBytes (pacPath);
context.Response.ContentLength64 = buf.Length;
context.Response.OutputStream.Write (buf, 0, buf.Length);
context.Response.OutputStream.Close ();
context.Response.Close ();
} while (true);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e is HttpListenerException hle && ((uint) hle.HResult) == 0x80004005) {
// Console.WriteLine ($" Listener closed successfully");
} else {
Console.WriteLine ($" Exception during request processing: {e}");
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine (e);
// Console.WriteLine (" Listener thread completed");
listener_thread.IsBackground = true;
listener_thread.Start ();
listening.WaitOne ();
public void TearDown ()
listener.Stop ();
listener_thread.Join (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (1));
listener = null;
listener_thread = null;
public void TestPACParsingScript ()
// get the path for the pac file, try to parse it and ensure that
// our cb was called
string pacPath = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "example.pac");
NSError error = null;
var script = File.ReadAllText (pacPath);
var targetUri = NetworkResources.XamarinUri;
var proxies = CFNetwork.ExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationScript (script, targetUri, out error);
Assert.IsNull (error, "Null error");
Assert.AreEqual (1, proxies.Length, "Length");
// assert the data of the proxy, although we are really testing the js used
Assert.AreEqual (8080, proxies [0].Port, "Port");
public void TestPACParsingScriptNoProxy ()
string pacPath = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "example.pac");
NSError error = null;
var script = File.ReadAllText (pacPath);
var targetUri = NetworkResources.MicrosoftUri;
var proxies = CFNetwork.ExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationScript (script, targetUri, out error);
Assert.IsNull (error, "Null error");
Assert.IsNotNull (proxies, "Not null proxies");
Assert.AreEqual (1, proxies.Length, "Proxies length");
Assert.AreEqual (CFProxyType.None, proxies [0].ProxyType);
public void TestPACParsingScriptError ()
NSError error = null;
var script = "Not VALID js";
var targetUri = NetworkResources.MicrosoftUri;
var proxies = CFNetwork.ExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationScript (script, targetUri, out error);
Assert.IsNotNull (error, "Not null error");
Assert.IsNull (proxies, "Null proxies");
public void TestPACParsingAsync ()
CFProxy [] proxies = null;
NSError error = null;
NSObject cbClient = null;
bool done = false;
string pacPath = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "example.pac");
var script = File.ReadAllText (pacPath);
var targetUri = NetworkResources.XamarinUri;
Exception ex;
bool foundProxies;
// similar to the other tests, but we want to ensure that the async/await API works
TestRuntime.RunAsync (DateTime.Now.AddSeconds (30), async () => {
try {
CancellationTokenSource cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource ();
CancellationToken cancelToken = cancelSource.Token;
var result = await CFNetwork.ExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationScriptAsync (script, targetUri, cancelToken);
proxies = result.proxies;
error = result.error;
} catch (Exception e) {
ex = e;
} finally {
done = true;
}, () => done);
Assert.IsNull (cbClient, "Null client");
Assert.IsNull (error, "Null error");
Assert.IsNotNull (proxies, "Not null proxies");
Assert.AreEqual (1, proxies.Length, "Length");
// assert the data of the proxy, although we are really testing the js used
Assert.AreEqual (8080, proxies [0].Port, "Port");
public void TestPACParsingAsyncNoProxy ()
TestRuntime.IgnoreInCI ("CI bots might have proxies setup and will mean that the test will fail when trying to assert they are empty.");
CFProxy [] proxies = null;
NSError error = null;
NSObject cbClient = null;
bool done = false;
string pacPath = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "example.pac");
var script = File.ReadAllText (pacPath);
var targetUri = NetworkResources.MicrosoftUri;
Exception ex;
bool foundProxies;
// similar to the other tests, but we want to ensure that the async/await API works
TestRuntime.RunAsync (DateTime.Now.AddSeconds (30), async () => {
try {
CancellationTokenSource cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource ();
CancellationToken cancelToken = cancelSource.Token;
var result = await CFNetwork.ExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationScriptAsync (script, targetUri, cancelToken);
proxies = result.proxies;
error = result.error;
} catch (Exception e) {
ex = e;
} finally {
done = true;
}, () => done);
Assert.IsNull (cbClient, "Null client");
Assert.IsNull (error, "Null error");
Assert.IsNotNull (proxies, "Not null proxies");
Assert.AreEqual (1, proxies.Length, "Proxies length");
Assert.AreEqual (CFProxyType.None, proxies [0].ProxyType);
public void TestPACParsingUrl ()
NSError error;
var pacUri = new Uri ($"http://localhost:{port}/example.pac");
var targetUri = NetworkResources.XamarinUri;
var proxies = CFNetwork.ExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationUrl (pacUri, targetUri, out error);
Assert.IsNull (error, "Null error");
Assert.AreEqual (1, proxies.Length, "Length");
// assert the data of the proxy, although we are really testing the js used
Assert.AreEqual (8080, proxies [0].Port, "Port");
public void TestPacParsingUrlNoProxy ()
NSError error;
var pacUri = new Uri ($"http://localhost:{port}/example.pac");
var targetUri = NetworkResources.MicrosoftUri;
var proxies = CFNetwork.ExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationUrl (pacUri, targetUri, out error);
Assert.IsNull (error, "Null error");
Assert.IsNotNull (proxies, "Not null proxies");
Assert.AreEqual (1, proxies.Length, "Proxies length");
Assert.AreEqual (CFProxyType.None, proxies [0].ProxyType);
public void TestPACParsingUrlAsync ()
CFProxy [] proxies = null;
NSError error = null;
NSObject cbClient = null;
bool done = false;
var pacUri = new Uri ($"http://localhost:{port}/example.pac");
var targetUri = NetworkResources.XamarinUri;
Exception ex;
bool foundProxies;
// similar to the other tests, but we want to ensure that the async/await API works
TestRuntime.RunAsync (DateTime.Now.AddSeconds (30), async () => {
try {
CancellationTokenSource cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource ();
CancellationToken cancelToken = cancelSource.Token;
var result = await CFNetwork.ExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationUrlAsync (pacUri, targetUri, cancelToken);
proxies = result.proxies;
error = result.error;
} catch (Exception e) {
ex = e;
} finally {
done = true;
}, () => done);
Assert.IsNull (cbClient, "Null client");
Assert.IsNull (error, "Null error");
Assert.IsNotNull (proxies, "Not null proxies");
Assert.AreEqual (1, proxies.Length, "Length");
// assert the data of the proxy, although we are really testing the js used
Assert.AreEqual (8080, proxies [0].Port, "Port");
public void TestPACParsingUrlAsyncNoProxy ()
TestRuntime.IgnoreInCI ("CI bots might have proxies setup and will mean that the test will fail when trying to assert they are empty.");
CFProxy [] proxies = null;
NSError error = null;
NSObject cbClient = null;
bool done = false;
var pacUri = new Uri ($"http://localhost:{port}/example.pac");
var targetUri = NetworkResources.MicrosoftUri;
Exception ex;
bool foundProxies;
// similar to the other tests, but we want to ensure that the async/await API works
TestRuntime.RunAsync (DateTime.Now.AddSeconds (30), async () => {
try {
CancellationTokenSource cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource ();
CancellationToken cancelToken = cancelSource.Token;
var result = await CFNetwork.ExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationUrlAsync (pacUri, targetUri, cancelToken);
proxies = result.proxies;
error = result.error;
} catch (Exception e) {
ex = e;
} finally {
done = true;
}, () => done);
Assert.IsNull (cbClient, "Null client");
Assert.IsNull (error, "Null error");
Assert.IsNotNull (proxies, "Not null proxies");
Assert.AreEqual (1, proxies.Length, "Proxies length");
Assert.AreEqual (CFProxyType.None, proxies [0].ProxyType);