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// Test the generated API selectors against typos or non-existing cases
// Authors:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2012-2013 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Xamarin.Tests;
#if XAMCORE_2_0
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
using MonoMac.Foundation;
using MonoMac.ObjCRuntime;
namespace Introspection {
// we want the tests to be available because we use the linker
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
public class MacSignatureTest : ApiSignatureTest {
static MacSignatureTest ()
Runtime.RegisterAssembly (typeof (NSObject).Assembly);
public MacSignatureTest ()
ContinueOnFailure = true;
//LogProgress = true;
protected override bool Skip (Type type, MethodBase method, string selector)
switch (type.Namespace) {
case "MonoMac.GameKit":
case "GameKit":
case "MonoMac.StoreKit":
case "StoreKit":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 8))
return true;
case "MonoMac.SceneKit":
case "SceneKit":
// SceneKit is half-baked at best, and they broke compatibility significantly
// from Mountain Lion to Mavericks, so just ignore all problems there.
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 9))
return true;
// Bug 20232 - This is a hack.
if (selector == "geometryElementWithData:primitiveType:primitiveCount:bytesPerIndex:")
return true;
switch (type.Name) {
case "PdfDocument":
switch (selector) {
case "majorVersion": // radar 32884659
case "minorVersion":
return true;
case "NSPopover":
switch (selector) {
// Apple re-used these selectors for a new property of same size but different type
// We've obsoleteted the "old" one
case "appearance":
case "setAppearance:":
return true;
case "AVPlayerItemOutput":
case "AVPlayerItemVideoOutput":
case "NSSharingService":
case "NSSharingServicePicker":
case "NSUserNotification":
case "NSUserNotificationCenter":
case "NSUuid":
return !Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 8);
case "CALayer":
case "CAEmitterLayer":
case "CAGradientLayer":
case "CAOpenGLLayer":
case "CAReplicatorLayer":
case "CAScrollLayer":
case "CAShapeLayer":
case "CATextLayer":
case "CATiledLayer":
case "CATransformLayer":
case "QTCaptureLayer":
case "QTMovieLayer":
case "QCCompositionLayer":
case "AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer":
case "AVPlayerLayer":
case "SCNLayer":
switch (selector) {
// CAGradientLayer 'instance MonoMac.CoreAnimation.CAConstraint[] get_Constraints()' selector: constraints == @?@:
case "constraints":
// CAGradientLayer 'instance Void set_Constraints(MonoMac.CoreAnimation.CAConstraint[])' selector: setConstraints: == v@:@?
case "setConstraints:":
return true;
case "SCNSkinner":
return !Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 9);
case "NSGradient":
switch (selector) {
case "initWithColorsAndLocations:": // variable length parameters ...
case "initWithColors:atLocations:colorSpace:": // void * -> nfloat [] (internal)
return true;
case "AVAudioIONode":
case "AVAudioUnit":
switch (selector) {
case "audioUnit": // ^{ComponentInstanceRecord=[1l], tested to work in an apitest
return true;
case "NSSlider":
case "NSSliderCell":
switch (selector) {
case "isVertical": // radar 27222357
case "setVertical:": // radar 27222357
return true;
return base.Skip (type, method, selector);
protected override int Size (Type t, bool simd = false)
switch (t.FullName) {
case "GameKit.GKGameCenterViewControllerState":
case "AppKit.NSOpenGLContextParameter":
// NSOpenGLContextParameter and GKGameCenterViewControllerState are anonymous enums in 10.9, but an NSInteger in 10.10.
if (IntPtr.Size == 8 && !Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 10))
return 4;
return base.Size (t, simd);
protected override bool IsValidStruct (Type type, string structName)
switch (structName) {
case "_NSPoint":
#if XAMCORE_2_0
return type.FullName == "CoreGraphics.CGPoint";
return type.FullName == "System.Drawing.PointF";
case "_NSRect":
#if XAMCORE_2_0
return type.FullName == "CoreGraphics.CGRect";
return type.FullName == "System.Drawing.RectangleF";
case "_NSSize":
#if XAMCORE_2_0
return type.FullName == "CoreGraphics.CGSize";
return type.FullName == "System.Drawing.SizeF";
case "_SCNVector3":
return type.Name == "SCNVector3";
case "_SCNVector4":
return type.Name == "SCNVector4";
// CIImage 'static MonoMac.CoreImage.CIImage FromImageBuffer(MonoMac.CoreVideo.CVImageBuffer)' selector: imageWithCVImageBuffer: == @12@0:4^{__CVBuffer=}8
// AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor 'instance Boolean AppendPixelBufferWithPresentationTime(MonoMac.CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer, CMTime)' selector: appendPixelBuffer:withPresentationTime: == c36@0:4^{__CVBuffer=}8{?=qiIq}12
case "__CVBuffer":
return type.Name == "CVImageBuffer" || type.Name == "CVPixelBuffer";;
case "CATransform3D":
return type.Name == "CATransform3D" || type.Name == "SCNMatrix4";
case "SCNVector4":
return type.Name == "SCNVector4" || type.Name == "SCNQuaternion"; // "SCNQuaternion is a SCNVector 3, then a nfloat, so same structure
return base.IsValidStruct (type, structName);
// only handle exception here (to return true) otherwise call base to deal with it
protected override bool Check (string encodedType, Type type)
switch (encodedType) {
case "^{OpaqueSecTrustRef=}":
// On 10.7 and 10.8:
// [FAIL] Signature failure in MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlCredential initWithTrust: Parameter 'trust' (#1) is encoded as '^{OpaqueSecTrustRef=}' and bound as 'MonoMac.Security.SecTrust'
return type.Name == "SecTrust" || type.FullName == "System.IntPtr";
case "^{OpaqueSecAccessControlRef=}":
return type.Name == "SecAccessControl";
return base.Check (encodedType, type);
// only handle exception here (to return true) otherwise call base to deal with it
// `caller` is provided to make it easier to detect "special" cases
protected override bool Check (char encodedType, Type type)
switch (encodedType) {
case 'i':
switch (type.FullName) {
case "System.nuint":
case "System.UInt32":
// sign-ness mis-binding, not critical
// Signature failure in MonoMac.AppKit.NSViewController presentViewController:asPopoverRelativeToRect:ofView:preferredEdge:behavior: Parameter 'preferredEdge' (#4) is encoded as 'i' and bound as 'System.UInt32'
return true;
case "GameKit.GKGameCenterViewControllerState":
case "AppKit.NSOpenGLContextParameter":
// NSOpenGLContextParameter and GKGameCenterViewControllerState are anonymous enums in 10.9, but an NSInteger in 10.10.
if (IntPtr.Size == 8 && !Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 10))
return true;
// unsigned 32 bits
case 'I':
switch (type.FullName) {
case "System.Int32":
// sign-ness mis-binding, several of them (not critical)
// NSActionCell 'instance Int32 get_MnemonicLocation()' selector: mnemonicLocation == I8@0:4
// NSPathCell 'instance Int32 get_MnemonicLocation()' selector: mnemonicLocation == I8@0:4
// SCNText 'instance Void InsertMaterial(MonoMac.SceneKit.SCNMaterial, Int32)' selector: insertMaterial:atIndex: == v16@0:4@8I12
return true;
// unsigned 32 bits
case 'L':
switch (type.FullName) {
// sign-ness mis-binding (not critical) e.g.
// CAMediaTimingFunction 'instance Void GetControlPointAtIndex(Int32, IntPtr)' selector: getControlPointAtIndex:values: == v16@0:4L8[2f]12
case "System.Int32":
return true;
// unsigned 64 bits
case 'Q':
switch (type.FullName) {
// sign-ness mis-binding (not critical) e.g.
// NSEvent 'instance Int64 get_UniqueID()' selector: uniqueID == Q8@0:4
case "System.Int64":
return true;
return base.Check (encodedType, type);
protected override bool CheckType (Type t, ref int n)
switch (t.Name) {
#if !XAMCORE_4_0
case "NSPasteboardReading":
case "NSPasteboardWriting":
return true;
return base.CheckType (t, ref n);
protected override void CheckManagedMemberSignatures (MethodBase m, Type t, ref int n)
#if !XAMCORE_4_0 // let's review the tests exceptions if we break things
switch (m.Name) {
case "get_Source":
case "set_Source":
// NSTableViewSource is our own creation and we did not make an interface out of it
if (t.Name == "NSTableView")
case "AddEventListener":
// Fixed in XAMCORE_4_0
if (t.Name == "DomNode")
base.CheckManagedMemberSignatures (m, t, ref n);