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// SecureTransport Unit Tests
// Authors:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2014 Xamarin Inc.
using System;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
#if XAMCORE_2_0
using Foundation;
using Security;
using ObjCRuntime;
using AppKit;
using UIKit;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.Security;
using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
using NUnit.Framework;
#if XAMCORE_2_0
using RectangleF=CoreGraphics.CGRect;
using SizeF=CoreGraphics.CGSize;
using PointF=CoreGraphics.CGPoint;
using nfloat=global::System.Single;
using nint=global::System.Int32;
using nuint=global::System.UInt32;
namespace MonoTouchFixtures.Security {
// we want the test to be available if we use the linker
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
public class SecureTransportTest {
const int errSecParam = -50;
const int errSecAllocate = -108;
public void StreamDefaults ()
using (var ssl = new SslContext (SslProtocolSide.Client, SslConnectionType.Stream)) {
Assert.That (ssl.BufferedReadSize, Is.EqualTo ((nint) 0), "BufferedReadSize");
Assert.That (ssl.ClientCertificateState, Is.EqualTo (SslClientCertificateState.None), "ClientCertificateState");
Assert.Null (ssl.Connection, "Connection");
Assert.That (ssl.DatagramWriteSize, Is.EqualTo ((nint) 0), "DatagramWriteSize");
Assert.That (ssl.Handle, Is.Not.EqualTo (IntPtr.Zero), "Handle");
Assert.That (ssl.MaxDatagramRecordSize, Is.EqualTo ((nint) 0), "MaxDatagramRecordSize");
Assert.That (ssl.MaxProtocol, Is.EqualTo (SslProtocol.Tls_1_2), "MaxProtocol");
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (8, 0))
Assert.That (ssl.MinProtocol, Is.EqualTo (SslProtocol.Tls_1_0), "MinProtocol");
Assert.That (ssl.MinProtocol, Is.EqualTo (SslProtocol.Ssl_3_0), "MinProtocol");
Assert.That (ssl.NegotiatedCipher, Is.EqualTo (SslCipherSuite.SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL), "NegotiatedCipher");
Assert.That (ssl.NegotiatedProtocol, Is.EqualTo (SslProtocol.Unknown), "NegotiatedProtocol");
Assert.That (ssl.PeerDomainName, Is.Empty, "PeerDomainName");
ssl.PeerDomainName = "google.ca";
Assert.That (ssl.PeerDomainName, Is.EqualTo ("google.ca"), "PeerDomainName-2");
ssl.PeerDomainName = null;
Assert.That (ssl.PeerDomainName, Is.Empty, "PeerDomainName");
Assert.Null (ssl.PeerId, "PeerId");
ssl.PeerId = new byte [] { 0xff };
Assert.That (ssl.PeerId.Length, Is.EqualTo (1), "1a");
// note: SSLSetPeerID (see Apple open source code) does not accept a null/zero-length value
ssl.PeerId = new byte [0];
Assert.That ((int) ssl.GetLastStatus (), Is.EqualTo (errSecParam), "set_PeerId/empty");
Assert.That (ssl.PeerId.Length, Is.EqualTo (1), "1b");
ssl.PeerId = new byte [] { 0x01, 0x02 };
Assert.That (ssl.PeerId.Length, Is.EqualTo (2), "2");
Assert.Null (ssl.PeerTrust, "PeerTrust");
Assert.That (ssl.SessionState, Is.EqualTo (SslSessionState.Idle), "SessionState");
Assert.That ((int)ssl.SetDatagramHelloCookie (new byte [32]), Is.EqualTo (-50), "no cookie in stream");
// Assert.Null (ssl.GetDistinguishedNames<string> (), "GetDistinguishedNames");
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (9,0)) {
Assert.That (ssl.SetSessionTickets (false), Is.EqualTo (0), "SetSessionTickets");
Assert.That (ssl.SetError (SecStatusCode.Success), Is.EqualTo (0), "SetError");
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => ssl.SetOcspResponse (null), "SetOcspResponse/null");
using (var data = new NSData ())
Assert.That (ssl.SetOcspResponse (data), Is.EqualTo (0), "SetOcspResponse/empty");
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (9,3)) {
int error;
var alpn = ssl.GetAlpnProtocols (out error);
Assert.That (alpn, Is.Empty, "alpn");
Assert.That (error, Is.EqualTo ((int) SecStatusCode.Param), "GetAlpnProtocols");
var protocols = new [] { "HTTP/1.1", "SPDY/1" };
Assert.That (ssl.SetAlpnProtocols (protocols), Is.EqualTo (0), "SetAlpnProtocols");
public void DatagramDefaults ()
nint dsize = TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (6, 0) ? 1327 : 1387;
using (var ssl = new SslContext (SslProtocolSide.Client, SslConnectionType.Datagram)) {
Assert.That (ssl.BufferedReadSize, Is.EqualTo ((nint) 0), "BufferedReadSize");
Assert.Null (ssl.Connection, "Connection");
Assert.That (ssl.DatagramWriteSize, Is.EqualTo (dsize), "DatagramWriteSize");
Assert.That (ssl.Handle, Is.Not.EqualTo (IntPtr.Zero), "Handle");
Assert.That (ssl.MaxDatagramRecordSize, Is.EqualTo ((nint) 1400), "MaxDatagramRecordSize");
Assert.That (ssl.MaxProtocol, Is.EqualTo (SslProtocol.Dtls_1_0), "MaxProtocol");
Assert.That (ssl.MinProtocol, Is.EqualTo (SslProtocol.Dtls_1_0), "MinProtocol");
Assert.That (ssl.NegotiatedCipher, Is.EqualTo (SslCipherSuite.SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL), "NegotiatedCipher");
Assert.That (ssl.NegotiatedProtocol, Is.EqualTo (SslProtocol.Unknown), "NegotiatedProtocol");
Assert.Null (ssl.PeerId, "PeerId");
Assert.That (ssl.SessionState, Is.EqualTo (SslSessionState.Idle), "SessionState");
ssl.PeerId = new byte [] { 0xff };
Assert.That (ssl.PeerId.Length, Is.EqualTo (1), "1");
// note: SSLSetPeerID (see Apple open source code) does not accept a null/zero-length value
ssl.PeerId = null;
Assert.That ((int) ssl.GetLastStatus (), Is.EqualTo (errSecParam), "set_PeerId/null");
Assert.That ((int)ssl.SetDatagramHelloCookie (new byte [33]), Is.EqualTo (-50), "cookie to long");
Assert.That (ssl.SetDatagramHelloCookie (new byte [32]), Is.EqualTo (SslStatus.Success), "tasty cookie");;
Assert.That (ssl.SetDatagramHelloCookie (new byte [1]), Is.EqualTo (SslStatus.Success), "fat free cookie");
Assert.That (ssl.SetDatagramHelloCookie (null), Is.EqualTo (SslStatus.Success), "no more cookies");
public void SslSupportedCiphers ()
int ssl_client_ciphers = -1;
using (var client = new SslContext (SslProtocolSide.Client, SslConnectionType.Stream)) {
// maximum downgrade
client.MaxProtocol = client.MinProtocol;
var ciphers = client.GetSupportedCiphers ();
ssl_client_ciphers = ciphers.Count;
Assert.That (ssl_client_ciphers, Is.AtLeast (1), "GetSupportedCiphers");
// we can't really scan for SSL_* since (some of) the values are identical to TLS_
// useful the other way around
int ssl_server_ciphers = -1;
using (var server = new SslContext (SslProtocolSide.Server, SslConnectionType.Stream)) {
// no downgrade, shows that the ciphers are not really restriced
var ciphers = server.GetSupportedCiphers ();
ssl_server_ciphers = ciphers.Count;
Assert.That (ssl_server_ciphers, Is.AtLeast (1), "GetSupportedCiphers");
// we can't really scan for SSL_* since (some of) the values are identical to TLS_
// useful the other way around
// make sure we have names for all ciphers - except old export ones (that we do not want to promote)
// e.g. iOS 5.1 still supports them
foreach (var cipher in ciphers) {
string s = cipher.ToString ();
if (s.Length < 8)
Console.WriteLine (s);
Assert.True (s.StartsWith ("SSL_", StringComparison.Ordinal) || s.StartsWith ("TLS_", StringComparison.Ordinal), s);
Assert.That (ssl_client_ciphers, Is.EqualTo (ssl_server_ciphers), "same");
#if !__WATCHOS__
// This test uses sockets (TcpClient), which doesn't work on watchOS.
public void Tls12 ()
var client = new TcpClient ("google.ca", 443);
using (NetworkStream ns = client.GetStream ())
using (var ssl = new SslContext (SslProtocolSide.Client, SslConnectionType.Stream)) {
ssl.MinProtocol = SslProtocol.Tls_1_2;
Assert.That (ssl.MinProtocol, Is.EqualTo (SslProtocol.Tls_1_2), "MinProtocol");
ssl.Connection = new SslStreamConnection (ns);
var result = ssl.Handshake ();
while (result == SslStatus.WouldBlock || result == (SslStatus) (-108)) {
// we need to ask again - but if we're too fast we'll get -108 (errSecAllocate)
Thread.Sleep (100);
// during the above call SessionState is Handshake
Assert.That (ssl.SessionState, Is.EqualTo (SslSessionState.Handshake), "Handshake/in progress");
result = ssl.Handshake ();
Assert.That (result, Is.EqualTo (SslStatus.Success), "Handshake/done");
// FIXME: iOS 8 beta 1 bug ?!? the state is not updated (maybe delayed?) but the code still works
//Assert.That (ssl.SessionState, Is.EqualTo (SslSessionState.Connected), "Connected");
Assert.That (ssl.NegotiatedCipher, Is.Not.EqualTo (SslCipherSuite.SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL), "NegotiatedCipher");
Assert.That (ssl.NegotiatedProtocol, Is.EqualTo (SslProtocol.Tls_1_2), "NegotiatedProtocol");
nint processed;
var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes ("GET / HTTP/1.0" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
result = ssl.Write (data, out processed);
Assert.That (processed, Is.EqualTo ((nint) data.Length), "small buffer");
Assert.That (result, Is.EqualTo (SslStatus.Success), "Write");
data = new byte [1024];
result = ssl.Read (data, out processed);
while (result == SslStatus.WouldBlock)
result = ssl.Read (data, out processed);
Assert.That (result, Is.EqualTo (SslStatus.Success), "Read");
string s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString (data, 0, (int) processed);
// The result apparently depends on where you are: I get a 302, the bots get a 200.
Assert.That (s, Is.StringStarting ("HTTP/1.0 302 Found").Or.StringStarting ("HTTP/1.0 200 OK"), "response");
#endif // !__WATCHOS__