
360 строки
11 KiB

// #define LOG_TASK
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Xamarin.Bundler {
// This contains all the tasks that has to be done to create the final output.
// Intermediate tasks do not have to be in this list (as long as they're in another task's dependencies),
// but it doesn't hurt if they're here either.
// This is a directed graph, where the top nodes represent the input, and the leaf nodes the output.
// Each node (BuildTask) will build its dependencies before building itself, so at build time
// we only have to iterate over the leaf nodes to build the whole graph.
public class BuildTasks : List<BuildTask> {
SemaphoreSlim semaphore;
public BuildTasks ()
semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim (Driver.Concurrency, Driver.Concurrency);
Driver.Log (2, $"Created task scheduler with concurrency {Driver.Concurrency}.");
public async Task AcquireSemaphore ()
await semaphore.WaitAsync ();
public void ReleaseSemaphore ()
semaphore.Release ();
void ExecuteBuildTasks (SingleThreadedSynchronizationContext context, List<Exception> exceptions)
Task [] tasks = new Task [Count];
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
tasks [i] = this [i].Execute (this);
Task.Factory.StartNew (async () => {
try {
await Task.WhenAll (tasks);
} catch (Exception e) {
exceptions.Add (e);
} finally {
context.SetCompleted ();
}, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext ());
public void Execute ()
if (Count == 0)
var savedContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
var exceptions = new List<Exception> ();
try {
var context = new SingleThreadedSynchronizationContext ();
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext (context);
ExecuteBuildTasks (context, exceptions);
context.Run ();
} finally {
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext (savedContext);
if (exceptions.Count > 0)
throw new AggregateException (exceptions);
public void Dot (Application app, string file)
var nodes = new HashSet<string> ();
var queue = new Queue<BuildTask> (this);
var input_nodes = new HashSet<string> ();
var action_nodes = new HashSet<string> ();
var output_nodes = new HashSet<string> ();
var all_nodes = new HashSet<string> ();
var all_files = new HashSet<string> ();
var circular_ref_nodes = new HashSet<string> ();
var render_file = new Func<string, string> ((v) => {
if (Path.GetDirectoryName (v).EndsWith (".framework", StringComparison.Ordinal))
v = Path.GetDirectoryName (v);
var cache = v.IndexOf (app.Cache.Location, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (cache >= 0)
return v.Substring (app.Cache.Location.Length).TrimStart (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
return Path.GetFileName (v);
var processed = new HashSet<BuildTask> ();
while (queue.Count > 0) {
var task = queue.Dequeue ();
var action_node = $"\"{task.GetType ().Name}{task.ID}\"";
if (processed.Contains (task)) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Already processed: {action_node}");
processed.Add (task);
foreach (var d in task.Dependencies)
queue.Enqueue (d);
nodes.Add ($"{action_node} [label=\"{task.GetType ().Name.Replace ("Task", "")}\", shape=box]");
all_nodes.Add ($"X{task.ID}");
action_nodes.Add (action_node);
var inputs = task.Inputs.ToArray ();
all_files.UnionWith (inputs);
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++) {
var node = $"\"{inputs [i]}\"";
all_nodes.Add (node);
input_nodes.Add (node);
nodes.Add ($"{node} -> {action_node}");
var outputs = task.Outputs.ToArray ();
all_files.UnionWith (outputs);
for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Length; i++) {
var node = $"\"{outputs [i]}\"";
all_nodes.Add (node);
output_nodes.Add (node);
nodes.Add ($"{action_node} -> {node}");
foreach (var af in all_files) {
nodes.Add ($"\"{af}\" [label=\"{render_file (af)}\"]");
using (var writer = new StreamWriter (file)) {
writer.WriteLine ("digraph build {");
writer.WriteLine ("\trankdir=LR;");
foreach (var node in nodes)
writer.WriteLine ("\t{0};", node);
// make all the final nodes a different color
foreach (var end_node in output_nodes.Except (input_nodes))
writer.WriteLine ($"\t{end_node} [fillcolor = \"lightblue\"; style = \"filled\"; ];");
foreach (var node in circular_ref_nodes)
writer.WriteLine ($"\t{node} [fillcolor = \"red\"; style = \"filled\"; ];");
writer.WriteLine ("}");
Driver.Log ("Created dot file: {0}", file);
public abstract class BuildTask {
static int counter;
public readonly int ID = counter++;
TaskCompletionSource<bool> started_task = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> ();
TaskCompletionSource<bool> completed_task = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> (); // The value determines whether the target was rebuilt (not up-to-date) or not.
List<BuildTask> dependencies = new List<BuildTask> ();
[System.Diagnostics.Conditional ("LOG_TASK")]
void Log (string format, params object [] args)
Console.WriteLine ($"{ID} {GetType ().Name}: {string.Format (format, args)}");
// A list of input files (not a list of all the dependencies that would make this task rebuild).
public abstract IEnumerable<string> Inputs { get; }
public bool Rebuilt {
get {
if (!completed_task.Task.IsCompleted)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (99, Errors.MX0099, "Can't rebuild a task that hasn't completed");
return completed_task.Task.Result;
public virtual bool IsUptodate {
get {
return Application.IsUptodate (FileDependencies, Outputs);
// A list of all the files that causes the task to rebuild.
// This should at least include all the 'Inputs', and potentially other files as well.
public virtual IEnumerable<string> FileDependencies {
get {
return Inputs;
// A list of files that this task outputs.
public abstract IEnumerable<string> Outputs { get; }
public IEnumerable<BuildTask> Dependencies {
get {
return dependencies;
public Task CompletedTask {
get {
return completed_task.Task;
public void AddDependency (params BuildTask [] dependencies)
if (dependencies == null)
this.dependencies.AddRange (dependencies.Where ((v) => v != null));
public void AddDependency (IEnumerable<BuildTask> dependencies)
if (dependencies == null)
this.dependencies.AddRange (dependencies.Where ((v) => v != null));
public async Task Execute (BuildTasks build_tasks)
if (started_task.TrySetResult (true)) {
var watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch ();
try {
Log ("Launching task");
var deps = Dependencies.ToArray ();
var dep_tasks = new Task [deps.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < deps.Length; i++)
dep_tasks [i] = deps [i].Execute (build_tasks);
Log ("Waiting for dependencies to complete.");
await Task.WhenAll (dep_tasks);
Log ("Done waiting for dependencies.");
// We can only check if we're up-to-date after executing dependencies.
if (IsUptodate) {
if (Outputs.Count () > 1) {
Driver.Log (3, "Targets '{0}' are up-to-date.", string.Join ("', '", Outputs.ToArray ()));
} else {
Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", Outputs.First ());
completed_task.SetResult (false);
} else {
Driver.Log (3, "Target(s) {0} must be rebuilt.", string.Join (", ", Outputs.ToArray ()));
Log ("Dependencies are complete.");
await build_tasks.AcquireSemaphore ();
try {
Log ("Executing task");
watch.Start ();
await ExecuteAsync ();
watch.Stop ();
Log ("Completed task {0} s", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
completed_task.SetResult (true);
} finally {
build_tasks.ReleaseSemaphore ();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log ("Completed task in {0} s with exception: {1}", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, e.Message);
completed_task.SetException (e);
} else {
Log ("Waiting for started task");
await completed_task.Task;
Log ("Waited for started task");
// Derived tasks must override either ExecuteAsync or Execute.
// If ExecuteAsync is not overridden, then Execute is called on
// a background thread.
protected virtual Task ExecuteAsync ()
return Task.Run (() => Execute ());
protected virtual void Execute ()
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (99, Errors.MX0099, "'Either Execute or ExecuteAsync must be overridden'");
public override string ToString ()
return GetType ().Name;
bool reported_5107;
protected void CheckFor5107 (string assembly_name, string line, List<Exception> exceptions)
if (line.Contains ("can not encode offset") && line.Contains ("in resulting scattered relocation")) {
if (!reported_5107) {
// There can be thousands of these, but we only need one.
reported_5107 = true;
exceptions.Add (ErrorHelper.CreateError (5107, Errors.MT5107, assembly_name));
// Writes a list of lines to stderr, writing only a limited number of lines if there are too many of them.
protected void WriteLimitedOutput (string first, IEnumerable<string> lines, List<Exception> exceptions)
if ((first == null || first.Length == 0) && !lines.Any ())
if (Driver.Verbosity < 6 && lines.Count () > 1000) {
lines = lines.Take (1000); // Limit the output so that we don't overload VSfM.
exceptions.Add (ErrorHelper.CreateWarning (5108, Errors.MT5108));
// Construct the entire message before writing anything, so that there's a better chance the message isn't
// mixed up with output from other threads.
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
if (first != null && first.Length > 0)
sb.AppendLine (first);
foreach (var line in lines)
sb.AppendLine (line);
sb.Length -= Environment.NewLine.Length; // strip off the last newline, since we're adding it in the next line
Console.Error.WriteLine (sb);
class SingleThreadedSynchronizationContext : SynchronizationContext {
readonly BlockingCollection<Tuple<SendOrPostCallback, object>> queue = new BlockingCollection<Tuple<SendOrPostCallback, object>> ();
public override void Post (SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
queue.Add (new Tuple<SendOrPostCallback, object> (d, state));
public override void Send (SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
d (state);
public int Run ()
int counter = 0;
while (!queue.IsCompleted) {
var item = queue.Take ();
item.Item1 (item.Item2);
return counter;
public void SetCompleted ()
queue.CompleteAdding ();