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// MDLMaterialProperty Unit Tests
// Authors:
// Rolf Bjarne Kvinge <rolf@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2015 Xamarin Inc.
#if !__WATCHOS__
using System;
#if XAMCORE_2_0
using Foundation;
using AppKit;
using UIColor = AppKit.NSColor;
using UIKit;
#if !__TVOS__
using MultipeerConnectivity;
using ModelIO;
using ObjCRuntime;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
#if !__TVOS__
using MonoTouch.MultipeerConnectivity;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
using MonoTouch.ModelIO;
using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime;
using OpenTK;
using MatrixFloat2x2 = global::OpenTK.NMatrix2;
using MatrixFloat3x3 = global::OpenTK.NMatrix3;
using MatrixFloat4x4 = global::OpenTK.NMatrix4;
using VectorFloat3 = global::OpenTK.NVector3;
using Bindings.Test;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTouchFixtures.ModelIO {
// we want the test to be available if we use the linker
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
public class MDLMaterialPropertyTest {
public void Setup ()
if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7, 0))
Assert.Ignore ("Requires iOS 9.0+ or macOS 10.11+");
if (
Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR &&
# endif
IntPtr.Size == 4) {
// There's a bug in the i386 version of objc_msgSend where it doesn't preserve SIMD arguments
// when resizing the cache of method selectors for a type. So here we call all selectors we can
// find, so that the subsequent tests don't end up producing any cache resize (radar #21630410).
object dummy;
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion)) {
dummy = obj.Color;
dummy = obj.Float2Value;
dummy = obj.Float3Value;
dummy = obj.Float4Value;
dummy = obj.FloatValue;
dummy = obj.Matrix4x4;
dummy = obj.Name;
dummy = obj.Semantic;
obj.SetProperties (new MDLMaterialProperty ("foo", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion));
dummy = obj.StringValue;
dummy = obj.TextureSamplerValue;
dummy = obj.Type;
dummy = obj.UrlValue;
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, Vector3.Zero)) {
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, new MDLTextureSampler ())) {
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, "string value")) {
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, new NSUrl ("http://foo.com"))) {
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, Matrix4.Identity)) {
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, Vector4.Zero)) {
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, UIColor.Black.CGColor)) {
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, Vector2.Zero)) {
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, 1.23f)) {
public void Ctors ()
Vector2 V2;
Vector3 V3;
Vector4 V4;
Matrix4 M4;
MatrixFloat4x4 M4x4;
MDLTextureSampler tsv;
NSUrl url;
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion)) {
Assert.AreEqual (MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, obj.Semantic, "1 Semantic");
Assert.IsNull (obj.Color, "1 Color");
Asserts.AreEqual (Vector2.Zero, obj.Float2Value, "1 Float2Value");
Asserts.AreEqual (Vector3.Zero, obj.Float3Value, "1 Float3Value");
Asserts.AreEqual (Vector4.Zero, obj.Float4Value, "1 Float4Value");
Assert.AreEqual (0.0f, obj.FloatValue, "1 FloatValue");
Asserts.AreEqual (Matrix4.Identity, obj.Matrix4x4, "1 Matrix4x4");
Assert.AreEqual ("name", obj.Name, "1 Name");
Assert.IsNull (obj.StringValue, "1 StringValue");
Assert.IsNull (obj.TextureSamplerValue, "1 TextureSamplerValue");
Assert.AreEqual (MDLMaterialPropertyType.Float, obj.Type, "1 Type");
Assert.IsNull (obj.UrlValue, "1 UrlValue");
V2 = new Vector2 (1, 2);
V3 = new Vector3 (3, 4, 5);
V4 = new Vector4 (6, 7, 8, 9);
M4 = new Matrix4 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16);
M4x4 = new MatrixFloat4x4 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16);
tsv = new MDLTextureSampler ();
url = new NSUrl ("http://xamarin.com");
obj.Semantic = MDLMaterialSemantic.Anisotropic;
Assert.AreEqual (MDLMaterialSemantic.Anisotropic, obj.Semantic, "2 Semantic");
obj.Color = UIColor.Blue.CGColor;
Assert.AreEqual (UIColor.Blue.CGColor.ToString (), obj.Color.ToString (), "2 Color");
obj.Float2Value = V2;
Asserts.AreEqual (V2, obj.Float2Value, "2 Float2Value");
obj.Float3Value = V3;
Asserts.AreEqual (V3, obj.Float3Value, "2 Float3Value");
obj.Float4Value = V4;
Asserts.AreEqual (V4, obj.Float4Value, "2 Float4Value");
obj.FloatValue = 3.14f;
Assert.AreEqual (3.14f, obj.FloatValue, "2 FloatValue");
obj.Matrix4x4 = M4;
// It looks like the Matrix4 setter is ignored, assigning a matrix
// doesn't work in Xcode either.
Asserts.AreEqual (Matrix4.Identity, obj.Matrix4x4, "2 Matrix4x4");
obj.Name = "new name";
Assert.AreEqual ("new name", obj.Name, "2 Name");
obj.StringValue = "string value";
Assert.AreEqual ("string value", obj.StringValue, "2 StringValue");
obj.TextureSamplerValue = tsv;
Assert.AreEqual (tsv.Handle, obj.TextureSamplerValue.Handle, "2 TextureSamplerValue");
Assert.AreEqual (MDLMaterialPropertyType.Texture, obj.Type, "2 Type");
// Looks like the URLValue can't change after construction
obj.UrlValue = url;
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (9, 0)) {
Assert.AreSame (url, obj.UrlValue, "2 UrlValue");
} else {
Assert.IsNull (obj.UrlValue, "2 UrlValue");
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, url)) {
Assert.AreEqual (url.Handle, obj.UrlValue.Handle, "3 UrlValue");
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, V3)) {
Asserts.AreEqual (V3, obj.Float3Value, "4 Float3Value");
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, tsv)) {
Assert.AreEqual (tsv.Handle, obj.TextureSamplerValue.Handle, "5 TextureSamplerValue");
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, "string value")) {
Assert.AreEqual ("string value", obj.StringValue, "6 StringValue");
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, M4)) {
Asserts.AreEqual (M4, obj.Matrix4x4, "7 Matrix4x4");
Asserts.AreEqual (CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat4x4 (obj, "matrix4x4"), obj.MatrixFloat4x4, "7b MatrixFloat4x4");
Asserts.AreEqual (MatrixFloat4x4.Transpose ((MatrixFloat4x4) M4), obj.MatrixFloat4x4, "7c MatrixFloat4x4");
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, M4x4)) {
Asserts.AreEqual (CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat4x4 (obj, "matrix4x4"), obj.MatrixFloat4x4, "7' MatrixFloat4x4");
Asserts.AreEqual (M4x4, obj.MatrixFloat4x4, "7'b MatrixFloat4x4");
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, V4)) {
Asserts.AreEqual (V4, obj.Float4Value, "8 Float4Value");
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, UIColor.Red.CGColor)) {
Assert.AreEqual (UIColor.Blue.CGColor.ToString (), obj.Color.ToString (), "9 Color");
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, V2)) {
Asserts.AreEqual (V2, obj.Float2Value, "10 Float2Value");
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, 3.1415f)) {
Assert.AreEqual (3.1415f, obj.FloatValue, "11 FloatValue");
public void Copy ()
TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion (8, 0);
using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty ("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion)) {
Assert.IsNotNull (obj.Copy ());
#endif // !__WATCHOS__