
231 строка
9.1 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using Xamarin;
namespace xharness
public class BCLTestInfo
public Harness Harness;
public string MonoPath { get { return Harness.MONO_PATH; } }
public string TestName;
static readonly Dictionary<string, string[]> ignored_tests = new Dictionary<string, string[]> {
{ "Microsoft.Win32", null },
{ "System.Diagnostics.Contracts", null },
{ "System.Runtime.Remoting", null },
{ "System.Security.AccessControl", null },
{ "System.Security.Permissions", null },
{ "System.Security.Policy", null },
{ "System.Reflection.Emit", null },
// System
{ "System.CodeDom", null },
{ "System.Configuration", null },
{ "System.IO.Ports", null },
{ "System.Web", new [] { "System_test.dll.sources" } },
{ "Microsoft.CSharp", null },
{ "Microsoft.VisualBasic", null },
// System.Core
{ "System.IO.Pipes", null },
// System.Data
{ "System.Data.Odbc", null },
{ "System.Data.OleDb", null },
// System.Web.Services
{ "System.Web.Services.Configuration", null },
// handle manually via templates
{ "test-helpers", null },
public BCLTestInfo (Harness harness, string testName)
Harness = harness;
TestName = testName;
protected void Process (string test_sources, IEnumerable<string> test_files, string condition, StringBuilder [] sb, int split_count)
test_files = test_files.Where ((v) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty (v) && !v.StartsWith ("#", StringComparison.Ordinal));
// Split the directories of the test files into 'split_count' number of chunks
var files_path = Path.GetDirectoryName (test_sources).Replace ("/", "\\");
var test_dirs = test_files.Select ((arg) =>
return Path.GetDirectoryName (arg);
}).Distinct ().OrderBy ((dir) => dir).ToArray ();
var split_dirs = new HashSet<string> [sb.Length];
var consumed_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < split_count; i++) {
split_dirs [i] = new HashSet<string> (test_dirs.Skip (consumed_count).Take (test_dirs.Count () / split_count));
consumed_count += split_dirs [i].Count;
split_dirs [split_count] = new HashSet<string> ();
// Hardcode some logic to make sure things continue to build when split in multiple assemblies.
// The tests for System.Collections.Concurrent, System.Threading and System.Threading.Tasks
// have code that depend on eachother, so put those directories in the same chunk.
var concurrent = split_dirs.FirstOrDefault ((v) => v.Contains ("System.Collections.Concurrent"));
if (concurrent != null) {
foreach (var dirs in split_dirs) {
if (concurrent == dirs) {
dirs.Add ("System.Threading");
dirs.Add ("System.Threading.Tasks");
} else {
dirs.Remove ("System.Threading");
dirs.Remove ("System.Threading.Tasks");
// System.Resources have tests that depend on resources being the same assembly as
// the executing test, so just put those tests in the main assembly.
var resources = split_dirs.FirstOrDefault ((v) => v.Contains ("System.Resources"));
if (resources != null) {
resources.Remove ("System.Resources");
split_dirs [split_count].Add ("System.Resources");
// There are also System.Reflection tests that depend on GetExecutingAssembly and
// expect it to be an executable assembly, so leave those in the main project as well.
var reflection = split_dirs.FirstOrDefault ((v) => v.Contains ("System.Reflection"));
if (reflection != null) {
reflection.Remove ("System.Reflection");
split_dirs [split_count].Add ("System.Reflection");
// Put each file in the corresponding project, depending on the directory for that file.
foreach (var s in test_files) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (s))
if (IsNotSupported (test_sources, s))
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (s);
var idx = Array.FindIndex (split_dirs, (v) => v.Contains (dir));
sb [idx].AppendFormat (" <Compile Include=\"{0}\\Test\\{1}\" Condition=\"{2}\">\r\n", files_path, s.Replace ("/", "\\").Trim (), condition);
var link_path = Path.GetDirectoryName (s);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (link_path) || link_path [0] == '.')
sb [idx].AppendFormat (" <Link>{0}</Link>\r\n", Path.GetFileName (s));
sb [idx].AppendFormat (" <Link>{0}\\{1}</Link>\r\n", link_path, Path.GetFileName (s));
sb [idx].AppendFormat (" </Compile>\r\n");
public virtual void Convert ()
var testName = TestName == "mscorlib" ? "corlib" : TestName;
var main_test_sources = Path.Combine (MonoPath, "mcs", "class", testName, testName + "_test.dll.sources");
var main_test_files = File.ReadAllLines (main_test_sources);
var watch_test_sources = Path.Combine (MonoPath, "mcs", "class", testName, testName + "_test.dll.sources");
var watch_test_files = File.ReadAllLines (watch_test_sources).Where ((arg) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty (arg));
var template_path = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "bcl-test", TestName, TestName + ".csproj.template");
var csproj_input = File.ReadAllText (template_path);
var project_path = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "bcl-test", TestName, TestName + ".csproj");
var csproj_output = project_path;
var split_count = testName == "corlib" ? 2 : 1; // split corlib tests into two (library) projects, it won't build for watchOS/device otherwise (the test assembly ends up getting too big).
var sb = new StringBuilder [split_count + 1]; // the last one is for the main project
for (int i = 0; i < split_count + 1; i++)
sb [i] = new StringBuilder ();
Process (main_test_sources, main_test_files, "'$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == 'MonoTouch' Or '$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == 'Xamarin.iOS' Or '$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == 'Xamarin.TVOS'", sb, split_count);
Process (watch_test_sources, watch_test_files, "'$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == 'Xamarin.WatchOS'", sb, split_count);
if (split_count > 1) {
var split_template = File.ReadAllText (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "bcl-test", TestName, TestName + "-split.csproj.template"));
for (int i = 0; i < split_count; i++) {
var split_output = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "bcl-test", TestName, TestName + "-" + i + ".csproj");
Harness.Save (split_template.Replace ("#SPLIT#", (i + 1).ToString ()).Replace ("#FILES#", sb [i].ToString ()), split_output);
Harness.Save (csproj_input.Replace ("#FILES#", sb [sb.Length - 1].ToString ()), csproj_output);
} else {
Harness.Save (csproj_input.Replace ("#FILES#", sb [0].ToString ()), csproj_output);
bool IsNotSupported (string sourcesFile, string path)
foreach (var p in ignored_tests) {
if (path.Contains (p.Key)) {
if (p.Value == null)
return true;
foreach (var assembly in p.Value) {
if (sourcesFile.Contains (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + assembly))
return true;
return false;
public class MacBCLTestInfo : BCLTestInfo
public MacFlavors Flavor { get; private set; }
public MacBCLTestInfo (Harness harness, string testName, MacFlavors flavor) : base (harness, testName)
if (flavor == MacFlavors.All || flavor == MacFlavors.NonSystem)
throw new ArgumentException ("Each target must be a specific flavor");
Flavor = flavor;
public string FlavorSuffix => Flavor == MacFlavors.Full ? "-full" : "-modern";
public string ProjectSuffix => "-mac" + FlavorSuffix + ".csproj";
public string ProjectPath => Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "bcl-test", TestName, TestName + ProjectSuffix);
public string TemplatePath => Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "bcl-test", TestName, TestName + "-mac.csproj.template");
public override void Convert ()
var inputProject = new XmlDocument ();
var xml = File.ReadAllText (TemplatePath);
xml = xml.Replace ("#FILES#", GetFileList ());
inputProject.LoadXmlWithoutNetworkAccess (xml);
switch (Flavor) {
case MacFlavors.Modern:
inputProject.SetTargetFrameworkIdentifier ("Xamarin.Mac");
inputProject.SetTargetFrameworkVersion ("v2.0");
inputProject.RemoveNode ("UseXamMacFullFramework");
inputProject.AddAdditionalDefines ("MOBILE;XAMMAC");
inputProject.AddReference ("Mono.Security");
case MacFlavors.Full:
inputProject.AddAdditionalDefines ("XAMMAC_4_5");
throw new NotImplementedException (Flavor.ToString ());
inputProject.SetOutputPath ("bin\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + FlavorSuffix);
inputProject.SetIntermediateOutputPath ("obj\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + FlavorSuffix);
inputProject.SetAssemblyName (inputProject.GetAssemblyName () + FlavorSuffix);
Harness.Save (inputProject, ProjectPath);
string GetFileList ()
var testName = TestName == "mscorlib" ? "corlib" : TestName;
var main_test_sources = Path.Combine (MonoPath, "mcs", "class", testName, testName + "_test.dll.sources");
var main_test_files = File.ReadAllLines (main_test_sources);
var sb = new StringBuilder[2] { new StringBuilder (), new StringBuilder () };
Process (main_test_sources, main_test_files, "", sb, 1);
return sb[0].ToString ();