
1187 строки
36 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
* Authors: Rolf Bjarne Kvinge
* Copyright (C) 2021 Microsoft Corp.
#if defined (CORECLR_RUNTIME)
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include "product.h"
#include "runtime-internal.h"
#include "slinked-list.h"
#include "xamarin/xamarin.h"
#include "xamarin/coreclr-bridge.h"
#include "coreclrhost.h"
unsigned int coreclr_domainId = 0;
void *coreclr_handle = NULL;
pthread_mutex_t monoobject_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
SList *release_at_exit = NULL; // A list of MonoObject*s to be released at process exit
// To enable tracking of MonoObject* instances, uncomment the TRACK_MONOOBJECTS define in:
// * runtime/runtime-internal.h
// * src/ObjCRuntime/Runtime.CoreCLR.cs
// Both defines must be uncommented for tracking to work. Once enabled, you can opt-in to
// capturing the stack trace of when the MonoObject* was created, by setting the
#include <execinfo.h>
static int _Atomic monoobject_created = 0;
static int _Atomic monoobject_destroyed = 0;
static CFMutableDictionaryRef monoobject_dict = NULL;
struct monoobject_tracked_entry {
char *managed;
void *addresses [128];
int frames;
char *native;
static char *
get_stacktrace (void **addresses, int frames)
// get the symbols for the addresses
char** strs = backtrace_symbols (addresses, frames);
const int max_symbol_length = 512; // this is just to have a maximum value, so that we can use strnlen instead of strlen
// compute the total length of all the symbols, adding 1 for every line (for the newline)
size_t length = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < frames; i++)
length += strnlen (strs [i], max_symbol_length) + 1;
// format the symbols as one long string with newlines
char *rv = (char *) calloc (1, length);
char *buffer = rv;
size_t left = length;
for (i = 0; i < frames; i++) {
snprintf (buffer, left, "%s\n", strs [i]);
size_t slen = strnlen (strs [i], max_symbol_length) + 1;
left -= slen;
buffer += slen;
free (strs);
return rv;
xamarin_bridge_log_monoobject (MonoObject *mobj, const char *stacktrace)
// add stack traces if we have them / they've been been requested
if (monoobject_dict != NULL) {
// create a new entry
struct monoobject_tracked_entry *value = (struct monoobject_tracked_entry *) calloc (1, sizeof (struct monoobject_tracked_entry));
value->managed = stacktrace ? xamarin_strdup_printf ("%s", stacktrace) : NULL;
value->frames = backtrace ((void **) &value->addresses, sizeof (value->addresses) / sizeof (&value->addresses [0]));
// insert into our dictionary of monoobjects
pthread_mutex_lock (&monoobject_lock);
CFDictionarySetValue (monoobject_dict, mobj, value);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&monoobject_lock);
atomic_fetch_add (&monoobject_created, 1);
xamarin_bridge_dump_monoobjects ()
if (monoobject_dict != NULL) {
// dump the monoobject's that haven't been freed (max 10 entries).
pthread_mutex_lock (&monoobject_lock);
// get the keys and values
unsigned int length = (unsigned int) CFDictionaryGetCount (monoobject_dict);
MonoObject** keys = (MonoObject **) calloc (1, sizeof (void*) * length);
char** values = (char **) calloc (1, sizeof (char*) * length);
CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues (monoobject_dict, (const void **) keys, (const void **) values);
// is there anything left in the dictionary? if so, show that
unsigned int items_to_show = length > 10 ? 10 : length;
if (items_to_show > 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "⚠️ There were %i MonoObjects created, %i MonoObjects freed, so %i were not freed.\n", (int) monoobject_created, (int) monoobject_destroyed, (int) (monoobject_created - monoobject_destroyed));
fprintf (stderr, "Showing the first %i (of %i) MonoObjects:\n", items_to_show, length);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < items_to_show; i++) {
MonoObject *obj = keys [i];
struct monoobject_tracked_entry *value = (struct monoobject_tracked_entry *) values [i];
char *fullname = xamarin_get_object_type_fullname (obj->gchandle);
fprintf (stderr, "Object %i/%i %p RC: %i Type: %s\n", i + 1, (int) length, obj, (int) obj->reference_count, fullname);
xamarin_free (fullname);
if (value->managed && *value->managed)
fprintf (stderr, "\tManaged stack trace:\n%s\n", value->managed);
if (value->native == NULL && value->frames > 0)
value->native = get_stacktrace (value->addresses, value->frames);
if (value->native && *value->native)
fprintf (stderr, "\tNative stack trace:\n%s\n", value->native);
fprintf (stderr, "⚠️ There were %i MonoObjects created, %i MonoObjects freed, so %i were not freed.\n", (int) monoobject_created, (int) monoobject_destroyed, (int) (monoobject_created - monoobject_destroyed));
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "✅ There were %i MonoObjects created, %i MonoObjects freed, so no leaked MonoObjects.\n", (int) monoobject_created, (int) monoobject_destroyed);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&monoobject_lock);
free (keys);
free (values);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "There were %i MonoObjects created, %i MonoObjects freed, so %i were not freed.\n", (int) monoobject_created, (int) monoobject_destroyed, (int) (monoobject_created - monoobject_destroyed));
static void
monoobject_dict_free_value (CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void *value)
struct monoobject_tracked_entry* v = (struct monoobject_tracked_entry *) value;
xamarin_free (v->managed);
if (v->native)
free (v->native);
free (v);
#endif // defined (TRACK_MONOOBJECTS)
* Toggle-ref support for CoreCLR is a bit different than for MonoVM. It goes like this:
* 1) We have to opt-in for the required GC support by calling
* ObjectiveCMarshal.Initialize (in managed code) at startup. This happens
* in Runtime.InitializeCoreCLRBridge (in Runtime.CoreCLR.cs).
* 2) Types that can be toggled, must have the [ObjectiveCTrackedType]
* attribute (on any subclass). We put this attribute on NSObject.
* 3) We have to call ObjectiveCMarshal.CreateReferenceTrackingHandle when an
* object is toggled. This callback returns a GCHandle for the managed
* object, and a pointer to native memory (size: 2 pointers) where we can
* store whatever we want. We store the native Handle, and the Flags
* property. Unfortunately this means duplicating information, and we have
* to make sure they're in sync. It didn't see a sane way around this
* though, because we need the Handle and the Flags somewhere accessible
* from native code during the GC (so we can't store them in managed
* memory), while at the same time we don't want to create an additional
* native block of memory for every NSObject, nor use some complex logic to
* support either a managed or a native storage. With the current solution
* we're only using additional native memory for toggled objects.
* Additionally, updates have to flow:
* a) From managed to native for Handle and Flags, so we update the native
* memory (if it's there) when the Handle or Flags properties are set.
* b) From native to managed for a single flag value
* (NSObjectFlagsInFinalizerQueue), which we fetch in managed code in
* the Flags getter.
* Note: we call ObjectiveCMarshal.CreateReferenceTrackingHandle for all
* NSObjects, not only toggled ones, because we need point 5) below to
* happen for all NSObjects, not just toggled ones.
* 4) The CoreCLR GC will invoke a callback we installed when calling
* ObjectiveCMarshal.Initialize to check if that toggled managed object can
* be collected or not. This callback is executed during the GC, which
* means it's very limited what we can do safely: but we can read and write
* to the memory given to us when the managed object was toggled, which is
* why we store the Handle and the Flags property - that's what we need to
* know to determine whether the managed object can be collected or not.
* 5) When the managed object is finalized, the GC will invoke another
* callback (xamarin_coreclr_reference_tracking_tracked_object_entered_finalization)
* to let us know, and we'll set the corresponding flag in the flags
* 6) Finally, the GCHandle we got in step 3) is freed when the managed peer
* is freed and removed from our object map.
* Caveat: we don't support the server GC (because it uses multiple threads,
* and thus may call xamarin_coreclr_reference_tracking_begin_end_callback
* from multiple threads for the same garbage collection, which we don't
* support right now - but it may be possible to implement by using a
* different lock in xamarin_gc_event).
* Ref: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/44659
* Ref: https://github.com/dotnet/designs/blob/1bb5844c165195e2f633cb1dbe042c4b92aefc4d/accepted/2021/objectivec-interop.md
struct TrackedObjectInfo {
id handle;
enum NSObjectFlags flags;
xamarin_bridge_setup ()
xamarin_bridge_initialize ()
// Only capture the stack trace if requested explicitly, it has a very significant perf hit (monotouch-test is 3x slower).
const char *with_stacktraces = getenv ("MONOOBJECT_TRACKING_WITH_STACKTRACES");
if (with_stacktraces && *with_stacktraces) {
// Create a dictionary to store the stack traces
CFDictionaryValueCallBacks value_callbacks = { 0 };
value_callbacks.release = monoobject_dict_free_value;
monoobject_dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable (kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, NULL, &value_callbacks);
fprintf (stderr, "Stack traces enabled for MonoObject tracking.\n");
#endif // defined (TRACK_MONOOBJECTS)
xamarin_bridge_shutdown ()
SList *list;
// Free our list of MonoObject*s to free at process exist.
// No need to keep the lock locked while we traverse the list, the only thing we need to protect
// are reads and writes to the 'release_at_exit' variable, so let's do just that.
pthread_mutex_lock (&monoobject_lock);
list = release_at_exit;
release_at_exit = NULL;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&monoobject_lock);
while (list) {
xamarin_mono_object_release ((MonoObject **) &list->data);
list = list->next;
s_list_free (list);
xamarin_bridge_dump_monoobjects ();
static bool reference_tracking_end = false;
// This callback will be called once before the GC starts calling xamarin_coreclr_reference_tracking_is_referenced_callback,
// and once the GC is done. We keep track of which case we're in in the 'reference_tracking_end' variable, and raise the
// corresponding GC event. It will only be called once for each GC, both the begin and the end on the same thread.
xamarin_coreclr_reference_tracking_begin_end_callback ()
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s () reference_tracking_end: %i\n", __func__, reference_tracking_end);
if (reference_tracking_end) {
xamarin_gc_event (MONO_GC_EVENT_POST_START_WORLD);
} else {
xamarin_gc_event (MONO_GC_EVENT_PRE_STOP_WORLD);
reference_tracking_end = !reference_tracking_end;
// This callback is called by the GC to check whether a given managed object
// can be collected or not. The single 'ptr' argument is the native memory
// returned by the managed call to
// ObjectiveCMarshal.CreateReferenceTrackingHandle, and this memory can be
// accessed while the GC is running. In here we store the native Handle for
// the managed object, and any flags, both of which we need to know in this
// method to determine whether the corresponding managed object can be
// collected or not.
xamarin_coreclr_reference_tracking_is_referenced_callback (void* ptr)
// This is a callback called by the GC, so there's not much we can do here safely.
// Most importantly we can't call managed code, nor access managed memory.
// But we can access the native memory given to us when the object was toggled
// (and which is passed as the 'ptr' argument), so let's get the data we need from there.
int rv = 0;
struct TrackedObjectInfo *info = (struct TrackedObjectInfo *) ptr;
enum NSObjectFlags flags = info->flags;
bool isRegisteredToggleRef = (flags & NSObjectFlagsRegisteredToggleRef) == NSObjectFlagsRegisteredToggleRef;
id handle = info->handle;
MonoToggleRefStatus res = (MonoToggleRefStatus) 0;
if (isRegisteredToggleRef) {
res = xamarin_gc_toggleref_callback (flags, handle, NULL, NULL);
switch (res) {
// There's no equivalent to DROP in CoreCLR, so just treat it as weak.
rv = 0;
rv = 1;
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p -> handle: %p flags: %i): INVALID toggle ref value: %i\n", __func__, ptr, handle, flags, res);
} else {
// If this isn't a toggle ref, it's effectively a weak gchandle
rv = 0;
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p -> handle: %p flags: %i) => %i (res: %i) isRegisteredToggleRef: %i\n", __func__, ptr, handle, flags, rv, res, isRegisteredToggleRef);
return rv;
// This callback is called when an object is queued for finalization. The
// single 'ptr' argument is the native memory returned by the managed call to
// ObjectiveCMarshal.CreateReferenceTrackingHandle, and this memory can be
// accessed while the GC is running (which it is when this method is called).
// In here we set the NSObjectFlagsInFinalizerQueue flag, which managed code
// (the NSObject.flags property) will fetch.
xamarin_coreclr_reference_tracking_tracked_object_entered_finalization (void* ptr)
struct TrackedObjectInfo *info = (struct TrackedObjectInfo *) ptr;
info->flags = (enum NSObjectFlags) (info->flags | NSObjectFlagsInFinalizerQueue);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) flags: %i\n", __func__, ptr, (int) info->flags);
xamarin_coreclr_unhandled_exception_handler (void *context)
// 'context' is the GCHandle returned by the managed Runtime.UnhandledExceptionPropagationHandler function.
GCHandle exception_gchandle = (GCHandle) context;
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p)\n", __func__, context);
// xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle will free the GCHandle
xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);
// The call to xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle should either abort or throw an Objective-C exception,
// and in neither case should we end up here, so just assert.
xamarin_assertion_message ("Failed to process unhandled managed exception.");
xamarin_enable_new_refcount ()
// Nothing to do here.
* xamarin_bridge_decode_value:
* This implementation is a slightly modified copy (to make it compile) of mono_metadata_decode_value
* https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/08a7b2382799082eedb94d70fca6c66eb75f2872/src/mono/mono/metadata/metadata.c#L1525
xamarin_bridge_decode_value (const char *_ptr, const char **rptr)
const unsigned char *ptr = (const unsigned char *) _ptr;
unsigned char b = *ptr;
guint32 len;
if ((b & 0x80) == 0){
len = b;
} else if ((b & 0x40) == 0){
len = (guint32) ((b & 0x3f) << 8 | ptr [1]);
ptr += 2;
} else {
len = (guint32) (((b & 0x1f) << 24) |
(ptr [1] << 16) |
(ptr [2] << 8) |
ptr [3]);
ptr += 4;
if (rptr)
*rptr = (char*)ptr;
return len;
static char *
xamarin_read_config_string (const char **buf)
guint32 configLength = xamarin_bridge_decode_value (*buf, buf);
char *value = strndup (*buf, configLength);
*buf = *buf + configLength;
return value;
static void *
xamarin_mmap_runtime_config_file (size_t *length)
if (xamarin_runtime_configuration_name == NULL) {
LOG (PRODUCT ": No runtime config file provided at build time.\n");
return NULL;
char path [1024];
if (!xamarin_locate_app_resource (xamarin_runtime_configuration_name, path, sizeof (path))) {
LOG (PRODUCT ": Could not locate the runtime config file '%s' in the app bundle.\n", xamarin_runtime_configuration_name);
return NULL;
int fd = open (path, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1) {
LOG (PRODUCT ": Could not open the runtime config file '%s' in the app bundle: %s\n", path, strerror (errno));
return NULL;
struct stat stat_buf = { 0 };
if (fstat (fd, &stat_buf) == -1) {
LOG (PRODUCT ": Could not stat the runtime config file '%s' in the app bundle: %s\n", path, strerror (errno));
close (fd);
return NULL;
*length = (size_t) stat_buf.st_size;
void *buffer = mmap (NULL, *length, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
close (fd);
return buffer;
// Input: the property keys + values passed to xamarin_bridge_vm_initialize
// Output: newly allocated arrays of property keys + values that include those passed to xamarin_bridge_vm_initialize together with those in the runtimeconfig.bin file
// Caller must free the allocated arrays + their elements
xamarin_bridge_compute_properties (int inputCount, const char **inputKeys, const char **inputValues, int* outputCount, const char ***outputKeys, const char ***outputValues)
size_t fd_len = 0;
const char *buf = (const char *) xamarin_mmap_runtime_config_file (&fd_len);
int runtimeConfigCount = 0;
if (buf != NULL)
runtimeConfigCount = (int) xamarin_bridge_decode_value (buf, &buf);
// Allocate the output arrays
*outputCount = inputCount + runtimeConfigCount;
*outputKeys = (const char **) calloc ((size_t) *outputCount, sizeof (char *));
*outputValues = (const char **) calloc ((size_t) *outputCount, sizeof (char *));
// Read the runtimeconfig properties
// https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/57bfe474518ab5b7cfe6bf7424a79ce3af9d6657/docs/design/mono/mobile-runtimeconfig-json.md#the-encoded-runtimeconfig-format
for (int i = 0; i < runtimeConfigCount; i++) {
char *key = xamarin_read_config_string (&buf);
char *value = xamarin_read_config_string (&buf);
(*outputKeys) [i] = key;
(*outputValues) [i] = value;
// Copy the input properties
for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++) {
if (inputKeys [i] != NULL && inputValues [i] != NULL) {
(*outputKeys) [i + runtimeConfigCount] = strdup (inputKeys [i]);
(*outputValues) [i + runtimeConfigCount] = strdup (inputValues [i]);
} else {
NSLog (@PRODUCT ": No name/value specified for runtime property %s=%s", inputKeys [i], inputValues [i]);
if (buf != NULL)
munmap ((void *) buf, fd_len);
#if !defined (NATIVEAOT)
xamarin_bridge_vm_initialize (int propertyCount, const char **propertyKeys, const char **propertyValues)
int rv;
int combinedPropertyCount = 0;
const char **combinedPropertyKeys = NULL;
const char **combinedPropertyValues = NULL;
xamarin_bridge_compute_properties (propertyCount, propertyKeys, propertyValues, &combinedPropertyCount, &combinedPropertyKeys, &combinedPropertyValues);
const char *executablePath = [[[[NSBundle mainBundle] executableURL] path] UTF8String];
rv = coreclr_initialize (
for (int i = 0; i < combinedPropertyCount; i++) {
free ((void *) combinedPropertyKeys [i]);
free ((void *) combinedPropertyValues [i]);
free ((void *) combinedPropertyKeys);
free ((void *) combinedPropertyValues);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "xamarin_vm_initialize (%i, %p, %p): rv: %i domainId: %i handle: %p\n", combinedPropertyCount, combinedPropertyKeys, combinedPropertyValues, rv, coreclr_domainId, coreclr_handle);
return rv == 0;
#endif // !defined (NATIVEAOT)
xamarin_install_nsautoreleasepool_hooks ()
// No need to do anything here for CoreCLR.
mono_runtime_set_pending_exception (MonoException *exc, mono_bool overwrite)
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %i)\n", __func__, exc, overwrite);
xamarin_bridge_set_pending_exception (exc);
xamarin_handle_bridge_exception (GCHandle gchandle, const char *method)
if (gchandle == INVALID_GCHANDLE)
if (method == NULL)
method = "<unknown method>";
fprintf (stderr, "%s threw an exception: %p => %s\n", method, gchandle, [xamarin_print_all_exceptions (gchandle) UTF8String]);
xamarin_assertion_message ("%s threw an exception: %p = %s", method, gchandle, [xamarin_print_all_exceptions (gchandle) UTF8String]);
#if !defined (NATIVEAOT)
typedef void (*xamarin_runtime_initialize_decl)(struct InitializationOptions* options, GCHandle* exception_gchandle);
xamarin_bridge_call_runtime_initialize (struct InitializationOptions* options, GCHandle* exception_gchandle)
void *del = NULL;
int rv = coreclr_create_delegate (coreclr_handle, coreclr_domainId, PRODUCT ", Version=", "ObjCRuntime.Runtime", "SafeInitialize", &del);
if (rv != 0)
xamarin_assertion_message ("xamarin_bridge_call_runtime_initialize: failed to create delegate: %i\n", rv);
xamarin_runtime_initialize_decl runtime_initialize = (xamarin_runtime_initialize_decl) del;
runtime_initialize (options, exception_gchandle);
#endif // !defined (NATIVEAOT)
xamarin_bridge_register_product_assembly (GCHandle* exception_gchandle)
#if !defined (NATIVEAOT)
MonoAssembly *assembly;
assembly = xamarin_open_and_register (PRODUCT_DUAL_ASSEMBLY, exception_gchandle);
xamarin_mono_object_release (&assembly);
#endif // !defined (NATIVEAOT)
MonoMethod *
xamarin_bridge_get_mono_method (MonoReflectionMethod *method)
// MonoMethod and MonoReflectionMethod are identical in CoreCLR (both are actually MonoObjects).
// However, we're returning a retained object, so we need to retain here.
xamarin_mono_object_retain (method);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p): rv: %p\n", __func__, method, method);
return method;
MonoType *
xamarin_get_nsnumber_type ()
// xamarin_bridge_lookup_class returns a MonoClass*, and this method returns a MonoType*,
// but they're interchangeable for CoreCLR (they're all just MonoObject*s), so this is fine.
MonoClass *rv = xamarin_bridge_lookup_class (XamarinLookupTypes_Foundation_NSNumber);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s () => %p\n", __func__, rv);
return rv;
MonoType *
xamarin_get_nsvalue_type ()
// xamarin_bridge_lookup_class returns a MonoClass*, and this method returns a MonoType*,
// but they're interchangeable for CoreCLR (they're all just MonoObject*s), so this is fine.
MonoClass *rv = xamarin_bridge_lookup_class (XamarinLookupTypes_Foundation_NSValue);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s () => %p\n", __func__, rv);
return rv;
xamarin_mono_object_retain (MonoObject *mobj)
atomic_fetch_add (&mobj->reference_count, 1);
xamarin_mono_object_release (MonoObject **mobj_ref)
MonoObject *mobj = *mobj_ref;
if (mobj == NULL)
int rc = atomic_fetch_sub (&mobj->reference_count, 1) - 1;
if (rc == 0) {
if (mobj->gchandle != INVALID_GCHANDLE) {
xamarin_gchandle_free (mobj->gchandle);
mobj->gchandle = INVALID_GCHANDLE;
xamarin_free (mobj->struct_value); // allocated using Marshal.AllocHGlobal.
xamarin_free (mobj); // allocated using Marshal.AllocHGlobal.
if (monoobject_dict != NULL) {
pthread_mutex_lock (&monoobject_lock);
CFDictionaryRemoveValue (monoobject_dict, mobj);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&monoobject_lock);
atomic_fetch_add (&monoobject_destroyed, 1);
*mobj_ref = NULL;
xamarin_mono_object_release_at_process_exit (MonoObject *mobj)
pthread_mutex_lock (&monoobject_lock);
release_at_exit = s_list_prepend (release_at_exit, mobj);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&monoobject_lock);
/* Implementation of the Mono Embedding API */
// returns a retained MonoAssembly *
MonoAssembly *
mono_assembly_open (const char * filename, MonoImageOpenStatus * status)
MonoAssembly *rv = xamarin_find_assembly (filename);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "mono_assembly_open (%s, %p) => MonoObject=%p GCHandle=%p\n", filename, status, rv, rv->gchandle);
if (status != NULL)
return rv;
const char *
mono_class_get_namespace (MonoClass * klass)
char *rv = xamarin_bridge_class_get_namespace (klass);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %s\n", __func__, klass, rv);
return rv;
const char *
mono_class_get_name (MonoClass * klass)
char *rv = xamarin_bridge_class_get_name (klass);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %s\n", __func__, klass, rv);
return rv;
char *
mono_method_full_name (MonoMethod *method, mono_bool signature)
char *rv = xamarin_bridge_get_method_full_name (method);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %i) => %s\n", __func__, method, signature, rv);
return rv;
MonoDomain *
mono_domain_get (void)
// This is not needed for CoreCLR.
return NULL;
MonoType *
mono_class_get_type (MonoClass *klass)
// MonoClass and MonoType are identical in CoreCLR (both are actually MonoObjects).
// However, we're returning a retained object, so we need to retain here.
MonoType *rv = klass;
xamarin_mono_object_retain (rv);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, klass, rv);
return rv;
// returns a retained MonoReflectionAssembly *
MonoReflectionAssembly *
mono_assembly_get_object (MonoDomain * domain, MonoAssembly * assembly)
// MonoAssembly and MonoReflectionAssembly are identical in CoreCLR (both are actually MonoObjects).
// However, we're returning a retained object, so we need to retain here.
xamarin_mono_object_retain (assembly);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "mono_assembly_get_object (%p, %p): rv: %p\n", domain, assembly, assembly);
return assembly;
MonoReflectionMethod *
mono_method_get_object (MonoDomain *domain, MonoMethod *method, MonoClass *refclass)
// MonoMethod and MonoReflectionMethod are identical in CoreCLR (both are actually MonoObjects).
// However, we're returning a retained object, so we need to retain here.
MonoReflectionMethod *rv = method;
xamarin_mono_object_retain (rv);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %p, %p) => %p\n", __func__, domain, method, refclass, rv);
return rv;
MonoType *
mono_reflection_type_get_type (MonoReflectionType *reftype)
// MonoType and MonoReflectionType are identical in CoreCLR (both are actually MonoObjects).
// However, we're returning a retained object, so we need to retain here.
MonoType *rv = reftype;
xamarin_mono_object_retain (rv);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, reftype, rv);
return rv;
#if !defined (NATIVEAOT)
mono_jit_exec (MonoDomain * domain, MonoAssembly * assembly, int argc, const char** argv)
unsigned int exitCode = 0;
char *assemblyPath = xamarin_bridge_get_assembly_location (assembly->gchandle);
if (argc > 0) {
// The first argument is to the native executable, which we don't want to pass on to native code.
argv = &argv [1];
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "mono_jit_exec (%p, %p, %i, %p) => EXECUTING %s\n", domain, assembly, argc, argv, assemblyPath);
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, " Argument #%i: %s\n", i + 1, argv [i]);
int rv = coreclr_execute_assembly (coreclr_handle, coreclr_domainId, argc, argv, assemblyPath, &exitCode);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "mono_jit_exec (%p, %p, %i, %p) => EXECUTING %s rv: %i exitCode: %i\n", domain, assembly, argc, argv, assemblyPath, rv, exitCode);
xamarin_free (assemblyPath);
if (rv != 0)
xamarin_assertion_message ("mono_jit_exec failed: %i\n", rv);
return (int) exitCode;
#endif // !defined (NATIVEAOT)
MonoGHashTable *
mono_g_hash_table_new_type (GHashFunc hash_func, GEqualFunc key_equal_func, MonoGHashGCType type)
MonoGHashTable *rv = xamarin_bridge_mono_hash_table_create (hash_func, key_equal_func, type);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %p, %u) => %p\n", __func__, hash_func, key_equal_func, type, rv);
return rv;
mono_g_hash_table_lookup (MonoGHashTable *hash, gconstpointer key)
MonoObject *rv = xamarin_bridge_mono_hash_table_lookup (hash, key);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %p) => %p\n", __func__, hash, key, rv);
return rv;
mono_g_hash_table_insert (MonoGHashTable *hash, gpointer k, gpointer v)
MonoObject *obj = (MonoObject *) v;
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %p, %p)\n", __func__, hash, k, v);
xamarin_bridge_mono_hash_table_insert (hash, k, obj);
MonoClass *
mono_method_get_class (MonoMethod * method)
MonoClass *rv = xamarin_bridge_get_method_declaring_type (method);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, method, rv);
return rv;
MonoClass *
mono_object_get_class (MonoObject * obj)
MonoClass *rv = xamarin_bridge_object_get_type (obj);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, obj, rv);
return rv;
MonoObject *
mono_object_isinst (MonoObject * obj, MonoClass * klass)
bool rv = xamarin_bridge_isinstance (obj, klass);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %p) => %i\n", __func__, obj, klass, rv);
return rv ? obj : NULL;
MonoObject *
mono_value_box (MonoDomain *domain, MonoClass *klass, void *val)
MonoObject *rv = xamarin_bridge_box (klass, val);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %p, %p) => %p\n", __func__, domain, klass, val, rv);
return rv;
void *
mono_object_unbox (MonoObject *obj)
void *rv = obj->struct_value;
if (rv == NULL)
xamarin_assertion_message ("%s (%p) => no struct value?\n", __func__);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, obj, rv);
return rv;
// Return value: NULL, or a retained MonoObject* that must be freed with xamarin_mono_object_release.
// Returns NULL in case of exception.
MonoObject *
mono_runtime_invoke (MonoMethod * method, void * obj, void ** params, MonoObject ** exc)
MonoObject *rv = NULL;
GCHandle exception_gchandle = INVALID_GCHANDLE;
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %p, %p, %p)\n", __func__, method, obj, params, exc);
rv = xamarin_bridge_runtime_invoke_method (method, (MonoObject *) obj, params, &exception_gchandle);
if (exc == NULL) {
xamarin_handle_bridge_exception (exception_gchandle, __func__);
} else {
*exc = xamarin_gchandle_unwrap (exception_gchandle);
return rv;
MonoException *
xamarin_create_system_exception (const char *message)
MonoException *rv = xamarin_bridge_create_exception (XamarinExceptionTypes_System_Exception, message);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, message, rv);
return rv;
MonoException *
xamarin_create_system_invalid_cast_exception (const char *message)
MonoException *rv = xamarin_bridge_create_exception (XamarinExceptionTypes_System_InvalidCastException, message);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, message, rv);
return rv;
MonoException *
xamarin_create_system_entry_point_not_found_exception (const char *entrypoint)
MonoException *rv = xamarin_bridge_create_exception (XamarinExceptionTypes_System_EntryPointNotFoundException, entrypoint);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, entrypoint, rv);
return rv;
MonoException *
mono_get_exception_out_of_memory ()
MonoException *rv = xamarin_bridge_create_exception (XamarinExceptionTypes_System_OutOfMemoryException, NULL);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s () => %p\n", __func__, rv);
return rv;
MonoMethodSignature *
mono_method_signature (MonoMethod* method)
MonoMethodSignature *rv = xamarin_bridge_method_get_signature (method);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, method, rv);
return rv;
MonoType *
mono_signature_get_params (MonoMethodSignature* sig, void ** iter)
int* p = (int *) iter;
if (*p >= sig->parameter_count) {
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %p => %i) => DONE\n", __func__, sig, iter, *p);
return NULL;
MonoObject *rv = sig->parameters [*p];
xamarin_mono_object_retain (rv);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %p => %i) => %p NEXT\n", __func__, sig, iter, *p, rv->gchandle);
*p = *p + 1;
return rv;
MonoType *
mono_signature_get_return_type (MonoMethodSignature* sig)
MonoType *rv = sig->return_type;
xamarin_mono_object_retain (rv);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, sig, rv);
return rv;
MonoReflectionType *
mono_type_get_object (MonoDomain *domain, MonoType *type)
MonoReflectionType *rv = type;
xamarin_mono_object_retain (rv);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %p) => %p\n", __func__, domain, type, rv);
return rv;
xamarin_bridge_free_mono_signature (MonoMethodSignature **psig)
MonoMethodSignature *sig = *psig;
if (sig == NULL)
xamarin_mono_object_release (&sig->method);
for (int i = 0; i < sig->parameter_count; i++) {
xamarin_mono_object_release (&sig->parameters [i]);
xamarin_mono_object_release (&sig->return_type);
mono_free (sig);
*psig = NULL;
mono_free (void *ptr)
free (ptr);
mono_thread_detach_if_exiting ()
// Nothing to do here for CoreCLR.
return true;
MonoClass *
mono_class_from_mono_type (MonoType *type)
MonoClass *rv = xamarin_bridge_type_to_class (type);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, type, rv);
return rv;
MonoClass *
mono_get_string_class ()
MonoClass *rv = xamarin_bridge_lookup_class (XamarinLookupTypes_System_String);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s () => %p.\n", __func__, rv);
return rv;
mono_class_is_enum (MonoClass *klass)
bool rv = xamarin_bridge_is_enum (klass);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %i\n", __func__, klass, rv);
return rv;
MonoType *
mono_class_enum_basetype (MonoClass *klass)
MonoType *rv = xamarin_bridge_get_enum_basetype (klass);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, klass, rv);
return rv;
mono_type_is_byref (MonoType *type)
bool rv = xamarin_bridge_is_byref (type);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %i\n", __func__, type, rv);
return rv;
mono_class_is_delegate (MonoClass *klass)
bool rv = xamarin_bridge_is_delegate (klass);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %i\n", __func__, klass, rv);
return rv;
mono_class_is_valuetype (MonoClass * klass)
bool rv = xamarin_bridge_is_valuetype (klass);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %i\n", __func__, klass, rv);
return rv;
mono_class_value_size (MonoClass *klass, uint32_t *align)
int32_t rv = xamarin_bridge_sizeof (klass);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %p) => %i\n", __func__, klass, align, rv);
return rv;
mono_class_is_nullable (MonoClass * klass)
bool rv = xamarin_bridge_is_nullable (klass);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %i\n", __func__, klass, rv);
return rv;
MonoClass *
mono_class_get_element_class (MonoClass *klass)
MonoClass *rv = xamarin_bridge_get_element_class (klass);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, klass, rv);
return rv;
MonoClass *
mono_class_get_nullable_param (MonoClass * klass)
MonoClass *rv = xamarin_bridge_get_nullable_element_type (klass);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %p\n", __func__, klass, rv);
return rv;
xamarin_is_class_nsobject (MonoClass *cls)
return xamarin_bridge_is_class_of_type (cls, XamarinLookupTypes_Foundation_NSObject);
xamarin_is_class_inativeobject (MonoClass *cls)
return xamarin_bridge_is_class_of_type (cls, XamarinLookupTypes_ObjCRuntime_INativeObject);
xamarin_is_class_nativehandle (MonoClass *cls)
return xamarin_bridge_is_class_of_type (cls, XamarinLookupTypes_ObjCRuntime_NativeHandle);
xamarin_is_class_array (MonoClass *cls)
return xamarin_bridge_is_class_of_type (cls, XamarinLookupTypes_System_Array);
xamarin_is_class_nsnumber (MonoClass *cls)
return xamarin_bridge_is_class_of_type (cls, XamarinLookupTypes_Foundation_NSNumber);
xamarin_is_class_nsvalue (MonoClass *cls)
return xamarin_bridge_is_class_of_type (cls, XamarinLookupTypes_Foundation_NSValue);
xamarin_is_class_nsstring (MonoClass *cls)
return xamarin_bridge_is_class_of_type (cls, XamarinLookupTypes_Foundation_NSString);
xamarin_is_class_intptr (MonoClass *cls)
return xamarin_bridge_is_class_of_type (cls, XamarinLookupTypes_System_IntPtr);
xamarin_is_class_string (MonoClass *cls)
return xamarin_bridge_is_class_of_type (cls, XamarinLookupTypes_System_String);
MonoArray *
mono_array_new (MonoDomain *domain, MonoClass *eclass, uintptr_t n)
MonoArray *rv = xamarin_bridge_create_array (eclass, n);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %p, %" PRIdPTR ") => %p\n", __func__, domain, eclass, n, rv);
return rv;
mono_array_length (MonoArray *array)
uintptr_t rv = (uintptr_t) xamarin_bridge_get_array_length (array);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %llu\n", __func__, array, (uint64_t) rv);
return rv;
char *
mono_string_to_utf8 (MonoString *string_obj)
char *rv = xamarin_bridge_string_to_utf8 (string_obj);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p) => %s\n", __func__, string_obj, rv);
return rv;
MonoString *
mono_string_new (MonoDomain *domain, const char *text)
MonoString *rv = xamarin_bridge_new_string (text);
LOG_CORECLR (stderr, "%s (%p, %s) => %p\n", __func__, domain, text, rv);
return rv;
xamarin_bridge_raise_unhandled_exception_event (GCHandle exception_gchandle)
// There's no way to raise the AppDomain.UnhandledException event.
// https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/102730