
710 строки
25 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
using Xharness.BCLTestImporter;
using Xharness.Logging;
using Xharness.Execution;
using Xharness.Targets;
using Xharness.Utilities;
namespace Xharness
public enum HarnessAction
public interface IHarness {
string MlaunchPath { get; }
string XcodeRoot { get; }
Version XcodeVersion { get; }
Task<ProcessExecutionResult> ExecuteXcodeCommandAsync (string executable, IList<string> args, ILog log, TimeSpan timeout);
public class Harness : IHarness
public HarnessAction Action { get; set; }
public int Verbosity { get; set; }
public ILog HarnessLog { get; set; }
public bool UseSystem { get; set; } // if the system XI/XM should be used, or the locally build XI/XM.
public HashSet<string> Labels { get; } = new HashSet<string> ();
public XmlResultJargon XmlJargon { get; set; } = XmlResultJargon.NUnitV3;
public IProcessManager ProcessManager { get; set; } = new ProcessManager ();
public string XIBuildPath {
get { return Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, "..", "tools", "xibuild", "xibuild")); }
public static string Timestamp {
get {
return $"{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}";
public List<iOSTestProject> IOSTestProjects { get; set; } = new List<iOSTestProject> ();
public List<MacTestProject> MacTestProjects { get; set; } = new List<MacTestProject> ();
// Configure
public bool AutoConf { get; set; }
public bool Mac { get; set; }
public string WatchOSContainerTemplate { get; set; }
public string WatchOSAppTemplate { get; set; }
public string WatchOSExtensionTemplate { get; set; }
public string TodayContainerTemplate { get; set; }
public string TodayExtensionTemplate { get; set; }
public string BCLTodayExtensionTemplate { get; set; }
public string MONO_PATH { get; set; } // Use same name as in Makefiles, so that a grep finds it.
public string TVOS_MONO_PATH { get; set; } // Use same name as in Makefiles, so that a grep finds it.
public bool INCLUDE_IOS { get; set; }
public bool INCLUDE_TVOS { get; set; }
public bool INCLUDE_WATCH { get; set; }
public bool INCLUDE_MAC { get; set; }
public string JENKINS_RESULTS_DIRECTORY { get; set; } // Use same name as in Makefiles, so that a grep finds it.
public string MAC_DESTDIR { get; set; }
public string IOS_DESTDIR { get; set; }
public string MONO_IOS_SDK_DESTDIR { get; set; }
public string MONO_MAC_SDK_DESTDIR { get; set; }
public bool IncludeMac32 { get; set; }
public bool ENABLE_XAMARIN { get; set; }
// Run
public AppRunnerTarget Target { get; set; }
public string SdkRoot { get; set; }
public string Configuration { get; set; } = "Debug";
public string LogFile { get; set; }
public string LogDirectory { get; set; } = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
public double Timeout { get; set; } = 15; // in minutes
public TimeSpan LaunchTimeout { get; set; } // in minutes
public bool DryRun { get; set; } // Most things don't support this. If you need it somewhere, implement it!
public string JenkinsConfiguration { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, string> EnvironmentVariables { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
public string MarkdownSummaryPath { get; set; }
public string PeriodicCommand { get; set; }
public string PeriodicCommandArguments { get; set; }
public TimeSpan PeriodicCommandInterval { get; set; }
// whether tests that require access to system resources (system contacts, photo library, etc) should be executed or not
public bool? IncludeSystemPermissionTests { get; set; }
public Harness ()
LaunchTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(InCI ? 3 : 120);
public bool GetIncludeSystemPermissionTests (TestPlatform platform, bool device)
// If we've been told something in particular, that takes precedence.
if (IncludeSystemPermissionTests.HasValue)
return IncludeSystemPermissionTests.Value;
// If we haven't been told, try to be smart.
switch (platform) {
case TestPlatform.iOS:
case TestPlatform.Mac:
case TestPlatform.Mac_Full:
case TestPlatform.Mac_Modern:
case TestPlatform.Mac_System:
// On macOS we can't edit the TCC database easily
// (it requires adding the mac has to be using MDM: https://carlashley.com/2018/09/28/tcc-round-up/)
// So by default ignore any tests that would pop up permission dialogs in CI.
return !InCI;
// On device we have the same issue as on the mac: we can't edit the TCC database.
if (device)
return !InCI;
// But in the simulator we can just write to the simulator's TCC database (and we do)
return true;
public bool IsBetaXcode {
get {
// There's no string.Contains (string, StringComparison) overload, so use IndexOf instead.
return XcodeRoot.IndexOf ("beta", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0;
static string FindXcode (string path)
var p = path;
do {
if (p == "/") {
throw new Exception (string.Format ("Could not find Xcode.app in {0}", path));
} else if (File.Exists (Path.Combine (p, "Contents", "MacOS", "Xcode"))) {
return p;
p = Path.GetDirectoryName (p);
} while (true);
public string XcodeRoot {
get {
return FindXcode (SdkRoot);
Version xcode_version;
public Version XcodeVersion {
get {
if (xcode_version == null) {
var doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.Load (Path.Combine (XcodeRoot, "Contents", "version.plist"));
xcode_version = Version.Parse (doc.SelectSingleNode ("//key[text() = 'CFBundleShortVersionString']/following-sibling::string").InnerText);
return xcode_version;
public string MlaunchPath {
get {
return Path.Combine (IOS_DESTDIR, "Library", "Frameworks", "Xamarin.iOS.framework", "Versions", "Current", "bin", "mlaunch");
void LoadConfig ()
ParseConfigFiles ();
var src_root = Path.GetDirectoryName ( DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory);
MONO_PATH = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (src_root, "external", "mono"));
INCLUDE_IOS = make_config.ContainsKey ("INCLUDE_IOS") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (make_config ["INCLUDE_IOS"]);
INCLUDE_TVOS = make_config.ContainsKey ("INCLUDE_TVOS") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (make_config ["INCLUDE_TVOS"]);
INCLUDE_WATCH = make_config.ContainsKey ("INCLUDE_WATCH") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (make_config ["INCLUDE_WATCH"]);
INCLUDE_MAC = make_config.ContainsKey ("INCLUDE_MAC") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (make_config ["INCLUDE_MAC"]);
MAC_DESTDIR = make_config ["MAC_DESTDIR"];
IOS_DESTDIR = make_config ["IOS_DESTDIR"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (SdkRoot))
SdkRoot = make_config ["XCODE_DEVELOPER_ROOT"];
ENABLE_XAMARIN = make_config.ContainsKey ("ENABLE_XAMARIN") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (make_config ["ENABLE_XAMARIN"]);
int AutoConfigureMac (bool generate_projects)
int rv = 0;
var test_suites = new [] {
new { Directory = "apitest", ProjectFile = "apitest", Name = "apitest", Flavors = MacFlavors.Full | MacFlavors.Modern },
new { Directory = "linker/mac/dont link", ProjectFile = "dont link-mac", Name = "dont link", Flavors = MacFlavors.Modern | MacFlavors.Full | MacFlavors.System },
foreach (var p in test_suites) {
MacTestProjects.Add (new MacTestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, p.Directory, p.ProjectFile + ".csproj"))) {
Name = p.Name,
TargetFrameworkFlavors = p.Flavors,
MacTestProjects.Add (new MacTestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, "introspection", "Mac", "introspection-mac.csproj")), targetFrameworkFlavor: MacFlavors.Modern) { Name = "introspection" });
var hard_coded_test_suites = new [] {
new { Directory = "mmptest", ProjectFile = "mmptest", Name = "mmptest", IsNUnit = true, Configurations = (string[]) null, Platform = "x86", Flavors = MacFlavors.Console, },
new { Directory = "msbuild-mac", ProjectFile = "msbuild-mac", Name = "MSBuild tests", IsNUnit = true, Configurations = (string[]) null, Platform = "x86", Flavors = MacFlavors.Console, },
new { Directory = "xammac_tests", ProjectFile = "xammac_tests", Name = "xammac tests", IsNUnit = false, Configurations = new string [] { "Debug", "Release" }, Platform = "AnyCPU", Flavors = MacFlavors.Modern, },
new { Directory = "linker/mac/link all", ProjectFile = "link all-mac", Name = "link all", IsNUnit = false, Configurations = new string [] { "Debug", "Release" }, Platform = "x86", Flavors = MacFlavors.Modern, },
new { Directory = "linker/mac/link sdk", ProjectFile = "link sdk-mac", Name = "link sdk", IsNUnit = false, Configurations = new string [] { "Debug", "Release" }, Platform = "x86", Flavors = MacFlavors.Modern, },
foreach (var p in hard_coded_test_suites) {
string projectPath = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, p.Directory, p.ProjectFile + ".csproj"));
MacTestProjects.Add (new MacTestProject (projectPath, targetFrameworkFlavor: p.Flavors) {
Name = p.Name,
IsNUnitProject = p.IsNUnit,
SolutionPath = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, "tests-mac.sln")),
Configurations = p.Configurations,
Platform = p.Platform,
foreach (var flavor in new MonoNativeFlavor [] { MonoNativeFlavor.Compat, MonoNativeFlavor.Unified }) {
var monoNativeInfo = new MacMonoNativeInfo (this, flavor);
var macTestProject = new MacTestProject (monoNativeInfo.ProjectPath, targetFrameworkFlavor: MacFlavors.Modern | MacFlavors.Full) {
MonoNativeInfo = monoNativeInfo,
Name = monoNativeInfo.ProjectName,
Platform = "AnyCPU",
MacTestProjects.Add (macTestProject);
var monoImportTestFactory = new BCLTestImportTargetFactory (this);
MacTestProjects.AddRange (monoImportTestFactory.GetMacBclTargets ());
// Generate test projects from templates (bcl/mono-native templates)
if (generate_projects) {
foreach (var mtp in MacTestProjects.Where (x => x.MonoNativeInfo != null).Select (x => x.MonoNativeInfo))
mtp.Convert ();
// All test projects should be either Modern projects or NUnit/console executables at this point.
// If we need to generate Full/System variations, we do that here.
var unified_targets = new List<MacTarget> ();
Action<MacTarget, string, bool, bool> configureTarget = (MacTarget target, string file, bool isNUnitProject, bool skip_generation) => {
target.TemplateProjectPath = file;
target.Harness = this;
target.IsNUnitProject = isNUnitProject;
if (!generate_projects || skip_generation)
target.ShouldSkipProjectGeneration = true;
target.Execute ();
foreach (var proj in MacTestProjects) {
var target = new MacTarget (MacFlavors.Modern);
target.MonoNativeInfo = proj.MonoNativeInfo;
configureTarget (target, proj.Path, proj.IsNUnitProject, true);
unified_targets.Add (target);
foreach (var proj in MacTestProjects.Where ((v) => v.GenerateVariations).ToArray ()) {
var file = proj.Path;
if (!File.Exists (file)) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Can't find the project file {file}.");
rv = 1;
// Generate variations if requested
if (proj.GenerateFull) {
var target = new MacTarget (MacFlavors.Full);
target.MonoNativeInfo = proj.MonoNativeInfo;
configureTarget (target, file, proj.IsNUnitProject, false);
unified_targets.Add (target);
var cloned_project = (MacTestProject) proj.Clone ();
cloned_project.TargetFrameworkFlavors = MacFlavors.Full;
cloned_project.Path = target.ProjectPath;
MacTestProjects.Add (cloned_project);
if (proj.GenerateSystem) {
var target = new MacTarget (MacFlavors.System);
target.MonoNativeInfo = proj.MonoNativeInfo;
configureTarget (target, file, proj.IsNUnitProject, false);
unified_targets.Add (target);
var cloned_project = (MacTestProject) proj.Clone ();
cloned_project.TargetFrameworkFlavors = MacFlavors.System;
cloned_project.Path = target.ProjectPath;
MacTestProjects.Add (cloned_project);
// We're done generating now
// Re-use the existing TestProject instance instead of creating a new one.
proj.TargetFrameworkFlavors = MacFlavors.Modern; // the default/template flavor is 'Modern'
if (generate_projects)
MakefileGenerator.CreateMacMakefile (this, unified_targets);
return rv;
void AutoConfigureIOS ()
var test_suites = new string [] { "monotouch-test", "framework-test", "interdependent-binding-projects" };
var library_projects = new string [] { "BundledResources", "EmbeddedResources", "bindings-test", "bindings-test2", "bindings-framework-test" };
var fsharp_test_suites = new string [] { "fsharp" };
var fsharp_library_projects = new string [] { "fsharplibrary" };
foreach (var p in test_suites)
IOSTestProjects.Add (new iOSTestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, p + "/" + p + ".csproj"))) { Name = p });
foreach (var p in fsharp_test_suites)
IOSTestProjects.Add (new iOSTestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, p + "/" + p + ".fsproj"))) { Name = p });
foreach (var p in library_projects)
IOSTestProjects.Add (new iOSTestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, p + "/" + p + ".csproj")), false) { Name = p });
foreach (var p in fsharp_library_projects)
IOSTestProjects.Add (new iOSTestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, p + "/" + p + ".fsproj")), false) { Name = p });
IOSTestProjects.Add (new iOSTestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, "introspection", "iOS", "introspection-ios.csproj"))) { Name = "introspection" });
IOSTestProjects.Add (new iOSTestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, "linker", "ios", "dont link", "dont link.csproj"))) { Configurations = new string [] { "Debug", "Release" } });
IOSTestProjects.Add (new iOSTestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, "linker", "ios", "link all", "link all.csproj"))) { Configurations = new string [] { "Debug", "Release" } });
IOSTestProjects.Add (new iOSTestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, "linker", "ios", "link sdk", "link sdk.csproj"))) { Configurations = new string [] { "Debug", "Release" } });
foreach (var flavor in new MonoNativeFlavor[] { MonoNativeFlavor.Compat, MonoNativeFlavor.Unified }) {
var monoNativeInfo = new MonoNativeInfo (this, flavor);
var iosTestProject = new iOSTestProject (monoNativeInfo.ProjectPath) {
MonoNativeInfo = monoNativeInfo,
Name = monoNativeInfo.ProjectName,
SkipwatchOSARM64_32Variation = monoNativeInfo.ProjectName.Contains ("compat"),
IOSTestProjects.Add (iosTestProject);
// add all the tests that are using the precompiled mono assemblies
var monoImportTestFactory = new BCLTestImportTargetFactory (this);
IOSTestProjects.AddRange (monoImportTestFactory.GetiOSBclTargets ());
WatchOSContainerTemplate = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, "templates/WatchContainer"));
WatchOSAppTemplate = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, "templates/WatchApp"));
WatchOSExtensionTemplate = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, "templates/WatchExtension"));
TodayContainerTemplate = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, "templates", "TodayContainer"));
TodayExtensionTemplate = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, "templates", "TodayExtension"));
BCLTodayExtensionTemplate = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory, "bcl-test", "templates", "today"));
Dictionary<string, string> make_config = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
IEnumerable<string> FindConfigFiles (string name)
var dir = DirectoryUtilities.RepositoryRootDirectory;
while (dir != "/") {
var file = Path.Combine (dir, name);
if (File.Exists (file))
yield return file;
dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (dir);
void ParseConfigFiles ()
ParseConfigFiles (FindConfigFiles (UseSystem ? "test-system.config" : "test.config"));
ParseConfigFiles (FindConfigFiles ("Make.config.local"));
ParseConfigFiles (FindConfigFiles ("Make.config"));
void ParseConfigFiles (IEnumerable<string> files)
foreach (var file in files)
ParseConfigFile (file);
void ParseConfigFile (string file)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (file))
foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines (file)) {
var eq = line.IndexOf ('=');
if (eq == -1)
var key = line.Substring (0, eq);
if (!make_config.ContainsKey (key))
make_config [key] = line.Substring (eq + 1);
int Configure ()
return Mac ? AutoConfigureMac (true) : ConfigureIOS ();
int ConfigureIOS ()
var rv = 0;
var unified_targets = new List<UnifiedTarget> ();
var tvos_targets = new List<TVOSTarget> ();
var watchos_targets = new List<WatchOSTarget> ();
var today_targets = new List<TodayExtensionTarget> ();
if (AutoConf)
AutoConfigureIOS ();
foreach (var monoNativeInfo in IOSTestProjects.Where (x => x.MonoNativeInfo != null).Select (x => x.MonoNativeInfo))
monoNativeInfo.Convert ();
foreach (var proj in IOSTestProjects) {
var file = proj.Path;
if (proj.MonoNativeInfo != null)
file = proj.MonoNativeInfo.TemplatePath;
if (!File.Exists (file)) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Can't find the project file {file}.");
rv = 1;
if (!proj.SkipwatchOSVariation) {
var watchos = new WatchOSTarget () {
TemplateProjectPath = file,
Harness = this,
TestProject = proj,
watchos.Execute ();
watchos_targets.Add (watchos);
if (!proj.SkiptvOSVariation) {
var tvos = new TVOSTarget () {
TemplateProjectPath = file,
Harness = this,
TestProject = proj,
tvos.Execute ();
tvos_targets.Add (tvos);
if (!proj.SkipiOSVariation) {
var unified = new UnifiedTarget () {
TemplateProjectPath = file,
Harness = this,
TestProject = proj,
unified.Execute ();
unified_targets.Add (unified);
var today = new TodayExtensionTarget {
TemplateProjectPath = file,
Harness = this,
TestProject = proj,
today.Execute ();
today_targets.Add (today);
SolutionGenerator.CreateSolution (this, watchos_targets, "watchos");
SolutionGenerator.CreateSolution (this, tvos_targets, "tvos");
SolutionGenerator.CreateSolution (this, today_targets, "today");
MakefileGenerator.CreateMakefile (this, unified_targets, tvos_targets, watchos_targets, today_targets);
return rv;
int Install ()
if (HarnessLog == null)
HarnessLog = new ConsoleLog ();
foreach (var project in IOSTestProjects) {
var runner = new AppRunner () {
Harness = this,
ProjectFile = project.Path,
MainLog = HarnessLog,
using (var install_log = new AppInstallMonitorLog (runner.MainLog)) {
var rv = runner.InstallAsync (install_log.CancellationToken).Result;
if (!rv.Succeeded)
return rv.ExitCode;
return 0;
int Uninstall ()
if (HarnessLog == null)
HarnessLog = new ConsoleLog ();
foreach (var project in IOSTestProjects) {
var runner = new AppRunner ()
Harness = this,
ProjectFile = project.Path,
MainLog = HarnessLog,
var rv = runner.UninstallAsync ().Result;
if (!rv.Succeeded)
return rv.ExitCode;
return 0;
int Run ()
if (HarnessLog == null)
HarnessLog = new ConsoleLog ();
foreach (var project in IOSTestProjects) {
var runner = new AppRunner () {
Harness = this,
ProjectFile = project.Path,
MainLog = HarnessLog,
var rv = runner.RunAsync ().Result;
if (rv != 0)
return rv;
return 0;
int Jenkins ()
if (AutoConf) {
AutoConfigureIOS ();
AutoConfigureMac (false);
var jenkins = new Jenkins.Jenkins ()
Harness = this,
return jenkins.Run ();
public void Log (int min_level, string message)
if (Verbosity < min_level)
Console.WriteLine (message);
HarnessLog?.WriteLine (message);
public void Log (int min_level, string message, params object[] args)
if (Verbosity < min_level)
Console.WriteLine (message, args);
HarnessLog?.WriteLine (message, args);
public void Log (string message)
Log (0, message);
public void Log (string message, params object[] args)
Log (0, message, args);
public void LogWrench (string message, params object[] args)
// Disable this for now, since we're not uploading directly to wrench anymore, but instead using the Html Report.
//if (!InWrench)
// return;
//Console.WriteLine (message, args);
public void LogWrench (string message)
if (!InCI)
Console.WriteLine (message);
public bool InCI {
get {
// We use the 'BUILD_REVISION' variable to detect whether we're running CI or not.
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("BUILD_REVISION"));
public bool UseGroupedApps {
get {
var groupApps = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("BCL_GROUPED_APPS");
return string.IsNullOrEmpty (groupApps) || groupApps == "grouped";
public int Execute ()
LoadConfig ();
switch (Action) {
case HarnessAction.Configure:
return Configure ();
case HarnessAction.Run:
return Run ();
case HarnessAction.Install:
return Install ();
case HarnessAction.Uninstall:
return Uninstall ();
case HarnessAction.Jenkins:
return Jenkins ();
throw new NotImplementedException (Action.ToString ());
public void Save (XmlDocument doc, string path)
if (!File.Exists (path)) {
doc.Save (path);
Log (1, "Created {0}", path);
} else {
var tmpPath = path + ".tmp";
doc.Save (tmpPath);
var existing = File.ReadAllText (path);
var updated = File.ReadAllText (tmpPath);
if (existing == updated) {
File.Delete (tmpPath);
Log (1, "Not saved {0}, no change", path);
} else {
File.Delete (path);
File.Move (tmpPath, path);
Log (1, "Updated {0}", path);
public void Save (StringWriter doc, string path)
if (!File.Exists (path)) {
File.WriteAllText (path, doc.ToString ());
Log (1, "Created {0}", path);
} else {
var existing = File.ReadAllText (path);
var updated = doc.ToString ();
if (existing == updated) {
Log (1, "Not saved {0}, no change", path);
} else {
File.WriteAllText (path, updated);
Log (1, "Updated {0}", path);
bool? disable_watchos_on_wrench;
public bool DisableWatchOSOnWrench {
get {
if (!disable_watchos_on_wrench.HasValue)
disable_watchos_on_wrench = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("DISABLE_WATCH_ON_WRENCH"));
return disable_watchos_on_wrench.Value;
public Task<ProcessExecutionResult> ExecuteXcodeCommandAsync (string executable, IList<string> args, ILog log, TimeSpan timeout)
return ProcessManager.ExecuteCommandAsync (Path.Combine (XcodeRoot, "Contents", "Developer", "usr", "bin", executable), args, log, timeout: timeout);
public async Task<HashSet<string>> CreateCrashReportsSnapshotAsync (ILog log, bool simulatorOrDesktop, string device)
var rv = new HashSet<string> ();
if (simulatorOrDesktop) {
var dir = Path.Combine (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("HOME"), "Library", "Logs", "DiagnosticReports");
if (Directory.Exists (dir))
rv.UnionWith (Directory.EnumerateFiles (dir));
} else {
var tmp = Path.GetTempFileName ();
try {
var sb = new List<string> ();
sb.Add ($"--list-crash-reports={tmp}");
sb.Add ("--sdkroot");
sb.Add (XcodeRoot);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (device)) {
sb.Add ("--devname");
sb.Add (device);
var result = await ProcessManager.ExecuteCommandAsync (MlaunchPath, sb, log, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (1));
if (result.Succeeded)
rv.UnionWith (File.ReadAllLines (tmp));
} finally {
File.Delete (tmp);
return rv;