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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Reflection;
using Xamarin.Utils;
namespace Xamarin.MMP.Tests
public struct OutputText
public string BuildOutput { get; private set; }
public string RunOutput { get; private set; }
public OutputText (string buildOutput, string runOutput)
BuildOutput = buildOutput;
RunOutput = runOutput;
// Hide the hacks and provide a nice interface for writting tests that build / run XM projects
static class TI
public class UnifiedTestConfig
public string TmpDir { get; set; }
// Not necessarly required
public bool FSharp { get; set; }
public bool XM45 { get; set; }
public bool DiagnosticMSBuild { get; set; }
public string ProjectName { get; set; } = "";
public string TestCode { get; set; } = "";
public string TestDecl { get; set; } = "";
public string CSProjConfig { get; set; } = "";
public string References { get; set; } = "";
public string ReferencesBeforePlatform { get; set; } = "";
public string AssemblyName { get; set; } = "";
public string ItemGroup { get; set; } = "";
public string SystemMonoVersion { get; set; } = "";
public string TargetFrameworkVersion { get; set; } = "";
// Binding project specific
public string APIDefinitionConfig { get; set; }
public string StructsAndEnumsConfig { get; set; }
// Generated by TestUnifiedExecutable/TestSystemMonoExecutable and added to TestCode
public Guid guid { get; set; }
public UnifiedTestConfig (string tmpDir)
TmpDir = tmpDir;
public static string AssemblyDirectory
string codeBase = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().CodeBase;
UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder (codeBase);
string path = Uri.UnescapeDataString (uri.Path);
return Path.GetDirectoryName (path);
public static Version FindMonoVersion ()
string output = RunAndAssert ("/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/mono", new StringBuilder ("--version"), "FindMonoVersion");
Regex versionRegex = new Regex("compiler version \\d.\\d.\\d", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return new Version (versionRegex.Match (output).Value.Split (' ')[2]);
public static string RunAndAssert (string exe, string args, string stepName, bool shouldFail = false, Func<string> getAdditionalFailInfo = null)
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder ();
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("MONO_PATH", null);
int compileResult = Xamarin.Bundler.Driver.RunCommand (exe, args != null ? args.ToString() : string.Empty, null, output, suppressPrintOnErrors: shouldFail);
if (!shouldFail && compileResult != 0 && Xamarin.Bundler.Driver.Verbosity < 1) {
// Driver.RunCommand won't print failed output unless verbosity > 0, so let's do it ourselves.
Console.WriteLine ($"Execution failed; exit code: {compileResult}");
Console.WriteLine (output);
Func<string> getInfo = () => getAdditionalFailInfo != null ? getAdditionalFailInfo() : "";
if (!shouldFail)
Assert.AreEqual (0, compileResult, stepName + " failed:\n\n'" + output + "' " + exe + " " + args + getInfo ());
Assert.AreNotEqual (0, compileResult, stepName + " did not fail as expected:\n\n'" + output + "' " + exe + " " + args + getInfo ());
return output.ToString ();
public static string RunAndAssert (string exe, StringBuilder args, string stepName, bool shouldFail = false, Func<string> getAdditionalFailInfo = null)
return RunAndAssert (exe, args.ToString (), stepName, shouldFail, getAdditionalFailInfo);
// In most cases we generate projects in tmp and this is not needed. But nuget and test projects can make that hard
public static void CleanUnifiedProject (string csprojTarget, bool useMSBuild = false)
RunAndAssert ("/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/" + (useMSBuild ? "msbuild" : "xbuild"), new StringBuilder (csprojTarget + " /t:clean"), "Clean");
public static string BuildProject (string csprojTarget, bool isUnified, bool diagnosticMSBuild = false, bool shouldFail = false, bool useMSBuild = false, string configuration = null)
string rootDirectory = FindRootDirectory ();
// TODO - This is not enough for MSBuild to really work. We need stuff to have it not use system targets!
// These are required to have xbuild use are local build instead of system install
if (!useMSBuild) {
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("XBUILD_FRAMEWORK_FOLDERS_PATH", rootDirectory + "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild-frameworks");
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("MSBuildExtensionsPath", rootDirectory + "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild");
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("XAMMAC_FRAMEWORK_PATH", rootDirectory + "/Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.Mac.framework/Versions/Current");
// This is to force build to use our mmp and not system mmp
StringBuilder buildArgs = new StringBuilder ();
if (isUnified) {
buildArgs.Append (diagnosticMSBuild ? " /verbosity:diagnostic " : " /verbosity:normal ");
buildArgs.Append (" /property:XamarinMacFrameworkRoot=" + rootDirectory + "/Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.Mac.framework/Versions/Current ");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (configuration))
buildArgs.Append ($" /property:Configuration={configuration} ");
} else
buildArgs.Append (" build ");
buildArgs.Append (StringUtils.Quote (csprojTarget));
Func <string> getBuildProjectErrorInfo = () => {
string csprojText = "\n\n\n\tCSProj: \n" + File.ReadAllText (csprojTarget);
string csprojLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName (csprojTarget);
string fileList = "\n\n\tFiles: " + String.Join (" ", Directory.GetFiles (csprojLocation).Select (x => x.Replace (csprojLocation + "/", "")));
return csprojText + fileList;
if (isUnified)
return RunAndAssert ("/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/" + (useMSBuild ? "msbuild" : "xbuild"), buildArgs, "Compile", shouldFail, getBuildProjectErrorInfo);
return RunAndAssert ("/Applications/Visual Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/vstool", buildArgs, "Compile", shouldFail, getBuildProjectErrorInfo);
static string ProjectTextReplacement (UnifiedTestConfig config, string text)
return text.Replace ("%CODE%", config.CSProjConfig)
.Replace ("%REFERENCES%", config.References)
.Replace ("%REFERENCES_BEFORE_PLATFORM%", config.ReferencesBeforePlatform)
.Replace ("%NAME%", config.AssemblyName ?? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (config.ProjectName))
.Replace ("%ITEMGROUP%", config.ItemGroup)
.Replace ("%TARGET_FRAMEWORK_VERSION%", config.TargetFrameworkVersion);
public static string RunEXEAndVerifyGUID (string tmpDir, Guid guid, string path)
// Assert that the program actually runs and returns our guid
Assert.IsTrue (File.Exists (path), string.Format ("{0} did not generate an exe?", path));
string output = RunAndAssert (path, (string)null, "Run");
string guidPath = Path.Combine (tmpDir, guid.ToString ());
Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists (guidPath), "Generated program did not create expected guid file: " + output);
// Let's delete the guid file so re-runs inside same tests are accurate
File.Delete (guidPath);
return output;
public static string GenerateEXEProject (UnifiedTestConfig config)
WriteMainFile (config.TestDecl, config.TestCode, true, config.FSharp, Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, config.FSharp ? "Main.fs" : "Main.cs"));
string sourceDir = FindSourceDirectory ();
File.Copy (Path.Combine (sourceDir, "Info-Unified.plist"), Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, "Info.plist"), true);
return CopyFileWithSubstitutions (Path.Combine (sourceDir, config.ProjectName), Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, config.ProjectName), text =>
return ProjectTextReplacement (config, text);
public static string GenerateBindingLibraryProject (UnifiedTestConfig config)
string sourceDir = FindSourceDirectory ();
CopyFileWithSubstitutions (Path.Combine (sourceDir, "ApiDefinition.cs"), Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, "ApiDefinition.cs"), text => text.Replace ("%CODE%", config.APIDefinitionConfig));
CopyFileWithSubstitutions (Path.Combine (sourceDir, "StructsAndEnums.cs"), Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, "StructsAndEnums.cs"), text => text.Replace ("%CODE%", config.StructsAndEnumsConfig));
return CopyFileWithSubstitutions (Path.Combine (sourceDir, config.ProjectName), Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, config.ProjectName), text => {
return ProjectTextReplacement (config, text);
public static string GenerateUnifiedLibraryProject (UnifiedTestConfig config)
string sourceDir = FindSourceDirectory ();
string sourceFileName = config.FSharp ? "Component1.fs" : "MyClass.cs";
string projectSuffix = config.FSharp ? ".fsproj" : ".csproj";
CopyFileWithSubstitutions (Path.Combine (sourceDir, sourceFileName), Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, sourceFileName), text => {
return text.Replace ("%CODE%", config.TestCode);
return CopyFileWithSubstitutions (Path.Combine (sourceDir, config.ProjectName + projectSuffix), Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, config.ProjectName + projectSuffix), text => {
return ProjectTextReplacement (config, text);
public static string GenerateNetStandardProject (UnifiedTestConfig config)
const string SourceFile = "Class1.cs";
const string ProjectFile = "NetStandardLib.csproj";
const string NetStandardSubDir = "NetStandard";
string sourceDir = FindSourceDirectory ();
Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, NetStandardSubDir));
File.Copy (Path.Combine (sourceDir, NetStandardSubDir, SourceFile), Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, NetStandardSubDir, SourceFile), true);
string projectPath = Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, NetStandardSubDir, ProjectFile);
File.Copy (Path.Combine (sourceDir, NetStandardSubDir, ProjectFile), projectPath, true);
return projectPath;
public static string GetUnifiedExecutableProjectName (UnifiedTestConfig config)
string projectName;
if (config.FSharp)
projectName = config.XM45 ? "FSharpXM45Example" : "FSharpUnifiedExample";
projectName = config.XM45 ? "XM45Example" : "UnifiedExample";
string projectExtension = config.FSharp ? ".fsproj" : ".csproj";
return projectName + projectExtension;
public static string GenerateUnifiedExecutableProject (UnifiedTestConfig config)
config.ProjectName = GetUnifiedExecutableProjectName (config);
return GenerateEXEProject (config);
public static string GenerateAndBuildUnifiedExecutable (UnifiedTestConfig config, bool shouldFail = false, bool useMSBuild = false, string configuration = null)
string csprojTarget = GenerateUnifiedExecutableProject (config);
return BuildProject (csprojTarget, isUnified: true, diagnosticMSBuild: config.DiagnosticMSBuild, shouldFail: shouldFail, useMSBuild: useMSBuild, configuration: configuration);
public static string RunGeneratedUnifiedExecutable (UnifiedTestConfig config)
string bundleName = config.AssemblyName != "" ? config.AssemblyName : config.ProjectName.Split ('.')[0];
string exePath = Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, "bin/Debug/" + bundleName + ".app/Contents/MacOS/" + bundleName);
return RunEXEAndVerifyGUID (config.TmpDir, config.guid, exePath);
public static OutputText TestUnifiedExecutable (UnifiedTestConfig config, bool shouldFail = false, bool useMSBuild = false, string configuration = null)
// If we've already generated guid bits for this config, don't tack on a second copy
if (config.guid == Guid.Empty)
config.guid = Guid.NewGuid ();
config.TestCode += GenerateOutputCommand (config.TmpDir, config.guid);
string buildOutput = GenerateAndBuildUnifiedExecutable (config, shouldFail, useMSBuild, configuration);
if (shouldFail)
return new OutputText (buildOutput, "");
string runOutput = RunGeneratedUnifiedExecutable (config);
return new OutputText (buildOutput, runOutput);
public static OutputText TestClassicExecutable (string tmpDir, string testCode = "", string csprojConfig = "", bool shouldFail = false, bool includeMonoRuntime = false)
Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid ();
string csprojTarget = GenerateClassicEXEProject (tmpDir, "ClassicExample.csproj", testCode + GenerateOutputCommand (tmpDir,guid), csprojConfig, includeMonoRuntime: includeMonoRuntime);
string buildOutput = BuildProject (csprojTarget, isUnified : false, diagnosticMSBuild: false, shouldFail : shouldFail);
if (shouldFail)
return new OutputText (buildOutput, "");
string exePath = Path.Combine (tmpDir, "bin/Debug/ClassicExample.app/Contents/MacOS/ClassicExample");
string runOutput = RunEXEAndVerifyGUID (tmpDir, guid, exePath);
return new OutputText (buildOutput, runOutput);
public static OutputText TestSystemMonoExecutable (UnifiedTestConfig config, bool shouldFail = false, string configuration = null)
config.guid = Guid.NewGuid ();
var projectName = "SystemMonoExample";
config.TestCode += GenerateOutputCommand (config.TmpDir, config.guid);
config.ProjectName = $"{projectName}.csproj";
string csprojTarget = GenerateSystemMonoEXEProject (config);
string buildOutput = BuildProject (csprojTarget, isUnified: true, diagnosticMSBuild: config.DiagnosticMSBuild, shouldFail: shouldFail, configuration: configuration);
if (shouldFail)
return new OutputText (buildOutput, "");
string exePath = Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, "bin", configuration ?? "Debug", projectName + ".app", "Contents", "MacOS", projectName);
string runOutput = RunEXEAndVerifyGUID (config.TmpDir, config.guid, exePath);
return new OutputText (buildOutput, runOutput);
public static string GenerateClassicEXEProject (string tmpDir, string projectName, string testCode, string csprojConfig = "", string references = "", string assemblyName = null, bool includeMonoRuntime = false)
WriteMainFile ("", testCode, false, false, Path.Combine (tmpDir, "Main.cs"));
string sourceDir = FindSourceDirectory ();
File.Copy (Path.Combine (sourceDir, "Info-Classic.plist"), Path.Combine (tmpDir, "Info.plist"), true);
return CopyFileWithSubstitutions (Path.Combine (sourceDir, projectName), Path.Combine (tmpDir, projectName), text =>
return text.Replace ("%CODE%", csprojConfig).Replace ("%REFERENCES%", references).Replace ("%NAME%", assemblyName ?? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (projectName)).Replace ("%INCLUDE_MONO_RUNTIME%", includeMonoRuntime.ToString ());
static string GetTargetFrameworkValue (UnifiedTestConfig config)
string version = config.SystemMonoVersion == "" ? "4.5" : config.SystemMonoVersion;
return string.Format ("<TargetFrameworkVersion>v{0}</TargetFrameworkVersion>", version);
public static string GenerateSystemMonoEXEProject (UnifiedTestConfig config)
WriteMainFile (config.TestDecl, config.TestCode, true, false, Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, "Main.cs"));
string sourceDir = FindSourceDirectory ();
File.Copy (Path.Combine (sourceDir, "Info-Unified.plist"), Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, "Info.plist"), true);
return CopyFileWithSubstitutions (Path.Combine (sourceDir, config.ProjectName), Path.Combine (config.TmpDir, config.ProjectName), text =>
return ProjectTextReplacement (config, text.Replace ("%TARGETFRAMEWORKVERSION%", GetTargetFrameworkValue (config)));
public static string TestDirectory => Path.Combine (FindRootDirectory (), "..", "tests") + "/";
public static string FindSourceDirectory ()
string codeBase = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().CodeBase;
UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder (codeBase);
string path = Uri.UnescapeDataString (uri.Path);
string assemblyDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (path);
return Path.Combine(assemblyDirectory, TestDirectory + "common/mac");
static string CopyFileWithSubstitutions (string src, string target, Func<string, string > replacementAction)
string text = replacementAction (System.IO.File.ReadAllText (src));
System.IO.File.WriteAllText (target, text);
return target;
static void WriteMainFile (string decl, string content, bool isUnified, bool fsharp, string location)
const string FSharpMainTemplate = @"
namespace FSharpUnifiedExample
open System
open AppKit
module main =
let main args =
NSApplication.Init ()
const string MainTemplate = @"
using MonoMac.Foundation;
using MonoMac.AppKit;
namespace TestCase
class MainClass
static void Main (string[] args)
NSApplication.Init ();
string currentTemplate = fsharp ? FSharpMainTemplate : MainTemplate;
string testCase = currentTemplate.Replace ("%CODE%", content).Replace ("%DECL%", decl);
if (isUnified)
testCase = testCase.Replace ("MonoMac.", string.Empty);
using (StreamWriter s = new StreamWriter (location))
public static string FindRootDirectory ()
var current = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().Location;
while (!Directory.Exists (Path.Combine (current, "_mac-build")) && current.Length > 1)
current = Path.GetDirectoryName (current);
if (current.Length <= 1)
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException (string.Format ("Could not find the root directory starting from {0}", Environment.CurrentDirectory));
return Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (current, "_mac-build"));
static string GenerateOutputCommand (string tmpDir, Guid guid)
return string.Format ("System.IO.File.Create(\"{0}\").Dispose();", Path.Combine (tmpDir, guid.ToString ()));
static class PlatformHelpers
// Yes, this is a copy of the one in PlatformAvailability.cs. However, right now
// we don't depend on Xamarin.Mac.dll, so moving to it was too painful. If we start
// using XM, we can revisit.
const int sys1 = 1937339185;
const int sys2 = 1937339186;
// Deprecated in OSX 10.8 - but no good alternative is (yet) available
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
static extern int Gestalt (int selector, out int result);
static int osx_major, osx_minor;
public static bool CheckSystemVersion (int major, int minor)
if (osx_major == 0) {
Gestalt (sys1, out osx_major);
Gestalt (sys2, out osx_minor);
return osx_major > major || (osx_major == major && osx_minor >= minor);
// A bit of a hack so we can reuse all of the RunCommand logic
namespace Xamarin.Bundler {
public static partial class Driver
public static int verbose { get { return 0; } }
public static int Verbosity { get { return verbose; }}
public static int RunCommand (string path, string args, string[] env = null, StringBuilder output = null, bool suppressPrintOnErrors = false)
Exception stdin_exc = null;
var info = new ProcessStartInfo (path, args);
info.UseShellExecute = false;
info.RedirectStandardInput = false;
info.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
info.RedirectStandardError = true;
System.Threading.ManualResetEvent stdout_completed = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent (false);
System.Threading.ManualResetEvent stderr_completed = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent (false);
if (output == null)
output = new StringBuilder ();
if (env != null){
if (env.Length % 2 != 0)
throw new Exception ("You passed an environment key without a value");
for (int i = 0; i < env.Length; i+= 2)
info.EnvironmentVariables [env[i]] = env[i+1];
if (verbose > 0)
Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", path, args);
using (var p = Process.Start (info)) {
p.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => {
if (e.Data != null) {
lock (output)
output.AppendLine (e.Data);
} else {
stdout_completed.Set ();
p.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) => {
if (e.Data != null) {
lock (output)
output.AppendLine (e.Data);
} else {
stderr_completed.Set ();
p.BeginOutputReadLine ();
p.BeginErrorReadLine ();
p.WaitForExit ();
stderr_completed.WaitOne (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (1));
stdout_completed.WaitOne (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (1));
if (p.ExitCode != 0) {
// note: this repeat the failing command line. However we can't avoid this since we're often
// running commands in parallel (so the last one printed might not be the one failing)
if (!suppressPrintOnErrors)
Console.Error.WriteLine ("Process exited with code {0}, command:\n{1} {2}{3}", p.ExitCode, path, args, output.Length > 0 ? "\n" + output.ToString () : string.Empty);
return p.ExitCode;
} else if (verbose > 0 && output.Length > 0 && !suppressPrintOnErrors) {
Console.WriteLine (output.ToString ());
if (stdin_exc != null)
throw stdin_exc;
return 0;