
1837 строки
66 KiB

// OldStaticRegistrar.cs: The old static registrar. This is obsolete code, and will be removed once the bugs have been ironed out of the new static registrar.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Tuner;
using MonoTouch;
using Xamarin.Bundler;
using XamCore.Registrar;
using XamCore.ObjCRuntime;
using Xamarin.Linker;
using Mono.Linker;
namespace XamCore.Registrar {
class InstanceVariable {
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
public int Size { get; set; }
public int Align { get; set; }
class Method {
public string Selector { get; set; }
public string Signature { get; set; }
public bool IsStatic { get; set; }
public Trampoline Trampoline { get; set; }
public MethodDefinition MethodDefinition { get; set; }
public ArgumentSemantic ArgumentSemantic { get; set; }
public string SpecializedTrampoline { get; set; }
public MethodDefinition Implementation { get; set; }
public string GetTrampoline ()
string str = "&";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (SpecializedTrampoline))
return str + SpecializedTrampoline;
switch (Trampoline) {
case Trampoline.Normal:
str += "xamarin_trampoline";
case Trampoline.Stret:
str += "xamarin_stret_trampoline";
case Trampoline.Single:
str += "xamarin_fpret_single_trampoline";
case Trampoline.Double:
str += "xamarin_fpret_double_trampoline";
case Trampoline.Release:
str += "xamarin_release_trampoline";
case Trampoline.Retain:
str += "xamarin_retain_trampoline";
case Trampoline.Static:
str += "xamarin_static_trampoline";
case Trampoline.StaticStret:
str += "xamarin_static_stret_trampoline";
case Trampoline.StaticSingle:
str += "xamarin_static_fpret_single_trampoline";
case Trampoline.StaticDouble:
str += "xamarin_static_fpret_double_trampoline";
case Trampoline.Constructor:
str += "xamarin_ctor_trampoline";
case Trampoline.Long:
str += "xamarin_longret_trampoline";
case Trampoline.StaticLong:
str += "xamarin_static_longret_trampoline";
return str;
class Property {
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
public string ArgumentSemantic { get; set; }
class Class {
public string Name { get; set; }
public string SuperName { get; set; }
public string TypeName { get; set; }
public bool IsInternal { get; set; }
public bool IsModel { get; set; }
public List<InstanceVariable> InstanceVariables { get; private set; }
public List<Method> Methods { get; private set; }
public List<Property> Properties { get; private set; }
public Class ()
InstanceVariables = new List<InstanceVariable> ();
Methods = new List<Method> ();
Properties = new List<Property> ();
public void AddInstanceVariable (string name, string type)
var size_of_intptr = Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (IntPtr));
AddInstanceVariable (name, type, size_of_intptr, (int) Math.Log (size_of_intptr, 2));
public void AddInstanceVariable (string name, string type, int size, int align)
var ivar = new InstanceVariable {
Name = name,
Type = type,
Size = size,
Align = align,
InstanceVariables.Add (ivar);
public void AddMethod (string selector, string signature, bool isstatic, Trampoline trampoline, MethodDefinition methoddef, ArgumentSemantic semantic, MethodDefinition implementation)
var method = new Method {
Selector = selector,
Signature = signature,
IsStatic = isstatic,
Trampoline = trampoline,
MethodDefinition = methoddef,
ArgumentSemantic = semantic,
Implementation = implementation,
Methods.Add (method);
public void AddProperty (string name, string type, string semantic)
Properties.Add (new Property {
Name = name,
Type = type,
ArgumentSemantic = semantic,
struct Pair<T1, T2> {
public T1 Left;
public T2 Right;
public Pair (T1 left, T2 right)
Left = left;
Right = right;
class TypeSystemDescriptor {
const string ExportAttribute = "ExportAttribute";
const string ModelAttribute = "ModelAttribute";
const string RegisterAttribute = "RegisterAttribute";
const string ConnectAttribute = "ConnectAttribute";
const string ProtocolAttribute = "ProtocolAttribute";
public const string TransientAttribute ="TransientAttribute";
const string INativeObject = "INativeObject";
List<Pair<Class, TypeDefinition>> classes;
[System.Diagnostics.Conditional ("VERBOSE_REGISTRAR")]
static void Trace (string format, params object [] args )
Console.WriteLine (format, args);
TypeSystemDescriptor ()
this.classes = new List<Pair<Class, TypeDefinition>> ();
void Process (IEnumerable <AssemblyDefinition> assemblies)
foreach (AssemblyDefinition asm in assemblies)
ProcessAssembly (asm);
void ProcessAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
List<Exception> exceptions = null;
Trace ("Processing {0}", assembly.Name.FullName);
foreach (TypeDefinition type in assembly.MainModule.Types) {
try {
ProcessType (type);
} catch (MonoTouchException mex) {
if (exceptions == null)
exceptions = new List<Exception> ();
exceptions.Add (mex);
if (exceptions != null)
throw new AggregateException (exceptions);
public static string GetAssemblyQualifiedName (TypeReference type)
return string.Format ("{0}, {1}", type.FullName.Replace ('/', '+'), type.Resolve ().Module.Assembly.Name.Name);
void ProcessType (TypeDefinition type)
// note: new cecil does not include nested type in the module's type collection!
if (type.HasNestedTypes) {
foreach (var nested in type.NestedTypes)
ProcessType (nested);
if (!type.IsNSObject ())
if (type.HasGenericParameters)
ErrorHelper.Show (new MonoTouchException (4112, false, "The registrar found a generic type: {0}. Registering generic types with ObjectiveC is not supported with the legacy registrar, and will lead to random behavior and/or crashes. " +
"Please remove any --registrar arguments passed as additional mtouch arguments in your project's iOS Build options. " +
"See http://docs.xamarin.com/guides/ios/advanced_topics/registrar for more information.", type.FullName));
Trace (" {0}", type.FullName);
var @class = new Class {
Name = GetClassName (type),
SuperName = GetSuperClassName (type),
TypeName = GetAssemblyQualifiedName (type),
IsInternal = type.Module.Assembly.Name.Name == Registrar.PlatformAssembly,
IsModel = HasModelAttribute (type.Module.Assembly.Name.Name == Registrar.PlatformAssembly ? type : GetSuperClass (type)),
if (!IsWrapperType (type)) {
ProcessInstanceVariables (type, @class);
ProcessMethods (type, @class);
classes.Add (new Pair<Class, TypeDefinition> (@class, type));
void ProcessInstanceVariables (TypeDefinition type, Class @class)
@class.AddInstanceVariable ("__monoObjectGCHandle", "i", Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (Int32)), 4);
if (!type.HasProperties)
foreach (PropertyDefinition property in type.Properties) {
CustomAttribute connect_attribute;
if (!TryGetAttribute (property, Registrar.Foundation, ConnectAttribute, out connect_attribute))
@class.AddInstanceVariable (GetInstanceVariableName (property, connect_attribute), "@");
static string GetInstanceVariableName (PropertyDefinition property, CustomAttribute connect_attribute)
if (connect_attribute.HasConstructorArguments)
return (string) connect_attribute.ConstructorArguments [0].Value;
return property.Name;
void ProcessMethods (TypeDefinition type, Class @class)
if (type.HasProperties) {
foreach (var pair in CollectCandidateProperties (type))
ProcessProperty (pair.Left, pair.Right, @class);
if (!type.HasMethods)
ProcessConstructors (type, @class);
foreach (var tuple in CollectCandidateMethods (type, @class))
ProcessMethod (tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, tuple.Item3, @class);
void ProcessProperty (PropertyDefinition property, CustomAttribute export_attribute, Class @class)
string get_name = export_attribute.HasConstructorArguments
? (string) export_attribute.ConstructorArguments [0].Value
: property.Name;
ArgumentSemantic argument_semantic = GetArgumentSemantic (export_attribute);
if (property.GetMethod != null)
ProcessMethod (property.GetMethod, get_name, property.GetMethod, @class, argument_semantic);
if (property.SetMethod != null) {
string set_name = String.Format ("set{0}{1}:", char.ToUpper (get_name [0]), get_name.Substring (1));
ProcessMethod (property.SetMethod, set_name, property.SetMethod, @class, argument_semantic);
if (export_attribute.HasConstructorArguments) {
string name = (string) export_attribute.ConstructorArguments [0].Value;
string type = ToSignature (null, property.PropertyType);
string semantic = string.Empty;
switch (argument_semantic) {
case ArgumentSemantic.Copy:
semantic = "C";
case ArgumentSemantic.Retain:
semantic = "&";
@class.AddProperty (name, type, semantic);
void ProcessMethod (MethodDefinition method, CustomAttribute export_attribute, MethodDefinition implementation, Class @class)
var name = export_attribute.HasConstructorArguments
? (string) export_attribute.ConstructorArguments [0].Value
: method.Name;
ProcessMethod (method, name, implementation, @class, GetArgumentSemantic (export_attribute));
void ProcessMethod (MethodDefinition method, string name, MethodDefinition implementation, Class @class, ArgumentSemantic semantic)
var signature = ToSignature (method);
var trampoline = method.IsStatic ? Trampoline.Static : Trampoline.Normal;
// TODO: needs fixup?
switch (signature [0]) {
case 'Q':
case 'q':
trampoline = method.IsStatic ? Trampoline.StaticLong : Trampoline.Long;
case 'f':
trampoline = method.IsStatic ? Trampoline.StaticSingle : Trampoline.Single;
case 'd':
trampoline = method.IsStatic ? Trampoline.StaticDouble : Trampoline.Double;
if (method.ReturnType.IsValueType && ToSignature (method, method.ReturnType).StartsWith ("{"))
trampoline = method.IsStatic ? Trampoline.StaticStret : Trampoline.Stret;
Trace (" Method: {0}::{1} Signature: {2} Trampoline: {3}", method.DeclaringType, method.Name, signature, trampoline);
@class.AddMethod (name, signature, method.IsStatic, trampoline, method, semantic, implementation);
static ArgumentSemantic GetArgumentSemantic (CustomAttribute export_attribute)
if (!export_attribute.HasConstructorArguments || export_attribute.ConstructorArguments.Count <= 1)
return ArgumentSemantic.None;
return (ArgumentSemantic) export_attribute.ConstructorArguments [1].Value;
// [Export] is not sealed anymore - so we cannot simply compare strings
static CustomAttribute GetExportAttribute (ICustomAttributeProvider candidate)
if (!candidate.HasCustomAttributes)
return null;
foreach (CustomAttribute ca in candidate.CustomAttributes) {
if (ca.Constructor.DeclaringType.Inherits (Registrar.Foundation, ExportAttribute))
return ca;
return null;
static IEnumerable<Pair<PropertyDefinition, CustomAttribute>> CollectCandidateProperties (TypeDefinition type)
foreach (PropertyDefinition property in type.Properties) {
var candidate = GetBasePropertyInTypeHierarchy (property) ?? property;
CustomAttribute export_attribute = GetExportAttribute (candidate);
if (export_attribute == null)
// TODO: Check that accessors have no Export attribute and ignore the property
// in such case
yield return new Pair<PropertyDefinition, CustomAttribute> {
Left = candidate,
Right = export_attribute,
static IEnumerable<Tuple<MethodDefinition, CustomAttribute, MethodDefinition>> CollectCandidateMethods (TypeDefinition type, Class @class)
var method_map = SharedStatic.PrepareInterfaceMethodMapping (type);
foreach (MethodDefinition method in type.Methods) {
if (method.IsConstructor)
var candidate = GetBaseMethodInTypeHierarchy (method) ?? method;
CustomAttribute export_attribute = GetExportAttribute (candidate);
if (export_attribute == null) {
List<MethodDefinition> impls;
if (method_map != null && method_map.TryGetValue (method, out impls)) {
if (impls.Count != 1)
Shared.GetMT4127 (method, impls);
export_attribute = GetExportAttribute (impls [0]);
if (export_attribute == null)
if (method.IsVirtual && @class.IsModel) {
Trace (" Method: Discarded. IsVirtual: {0} IsModel: {1}", method.IsVirtual, @class.IsModel);
yield return new Tuple<MethodDefinition, CustomAttribute, MethodDefinition> (candidate, export_attribute, method);
void ProcessConstructors (TypeDefinition type, Class @class)
foreach (MethodDefinition constructor in type.Methods) {
if (!constructor.IsConstructor || constructor.IsStatic)
if (!constructor.HasParameters) {
ProcessDefaultConstructor (constructor, @class);
ProcessConstructor (constructor, @class);
void ProcessDefaultConstructor (MethodDefinition constructor, Class @class)
Trace (" Method: .ctor() Signature: {0} Trampoline: {1}", ToSignature (constructor), Trampoline.Constructor);
@class.AddMethod ("init", ToSignature (constructor), false, Trampoline.Constructor, constructor, ArgumentSemantic.None, constructor);
void ProcessConstructor (MethodDefinition constructor, Class @class)
CustomAttribute export_attribute = GetExportAttribute (constructor);
if (export_attribute == null)
if (!export_attribute.HasConstructorArguments || export_attribute.ConstructorArguments.Count != 1)
string selector = (string) export_attribute.ConstructorArguments [0].Value;
Trace (" Method: .ctor Signature: {0} Trampoline: {1}", ToSignature (constructor), Trampoline.Constructor);
@class.AddMethod (selector, ToSignature (constructor), false, Trampoline.Constructor, constructor, ArgumentSemantic.None, constructor);
string GetClassName (TypeDefinition type)
CustomAttribute register_attribute;
if (!TryGetAttribute (type, Registrar.Foundation, RegisterAttribute, out register_attribute))
return NormalizeFullName (type);
if (!register_attribute.HasConstructorArguments)
return NormalizeFullName (type);
return (string) register_attribute.ConstructorArguments [0].Value;
string GetSuperClassName (TypeDefinition type)
var base_type = GetSuperClass (type);
CustomAttribute register_attribute;
if (!TryGetAttribute (base_type, Registrar.Foundation, RegisterAttribute, out register_attribute))
return NormalizeFullName (base_type);
if (!register_attribute.HasConstructorArguments)
return NormalizeFullName (base_type);
return (string) register_attribute.ConstructorArguments [0].Value;
public static TypeReference GetProtocolAttributeWrapperType (TypeReference type)
CustomAttribute attrib;
if (!TryGetAttribute (type.Resolve (), Registrar.Foundation, ProtocolAttribute, out attrib))
return null;
if (attrib.HasProperties) {
foreach (var prop in attrib.Properties) {
if (prop.Name == "WrapperType")
return (TypeReference) prop.Argument.Value;
return null;
static bool IsWrapperType (TypeDefinition type)
CustomAttribute register_attribute;
if (!TryGetAttribute (type, Registrar.Foundation, RegisterAttribute, out register_attribute))
return false;
if (!register_attribute.HasConstructorArguments || register_attribute.ConstructorArguments.Count < 2)
return false;
return (bool) register_attribute.ConstructorArguments [1].Value;
static TypeDefinition GetSuperClass (TypeDefinition type)
if (type.BaseType == null)
return null;
var base_type = type.BaseType.Resolve ();
if (base_type == null)
return null;
if (HasModelAttribute (base_type))
return GetSuperClass (base_type);
return base_type;
static bool HasModelAttribute (ICustomAttributeProvider provider)
CustomAttribute model_attribute;
return TryGetAttribute (provider, Registrar.Foundation, ModelAttribute, out model_attribute);
static bool TryGetAttribute (ICustomAttributeProvider provider, string @namespace, string attributeName, out CustomAttribute attribute)
attribute = null;
if (!provider.HasCustomAttributes)
return false;
foreach (CustomAttribute custom_attribute in provider.CustomAttributes) {
if (!custom_attribute.Constructor.DeclaringType.Is (@namespace, attributeName))
attribute = custom_attribute;
return true;
return false;
static string NormalizeFullName (TypeDefinition type)
return type.FullName.Replace ('/', '+');
public static string ToSignature (MethodDefinition method, TypeReference type)
var definition = type as TypeDefinition;
if (definition != null)
return ToSignature (method, definition);
if (type is TypeSpecification)
return "@";
definition = type.Resolve ();
if (definition != null)
return ToSignature (method, definition);
return "@";
static string ValueTypeSignature (TypeDefinition type)
var signature = new StringBuilder ();
signature.Append ("{");
signature.AppendFormat ("{0}=", type.Name);
foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields) {
if (field.IsStatic)
signature.Append (ToSignature (null, field.FieldType));
signature.Append ("}");
return signature.ToString ();
public static string ToSignature (MethodDefinition method)
var signature = new StringBuilder ();
signature.Append (method.IsConstructor ? "@" : ToSignature (method, method.ReturnType));
signature.Append ("@:");
foreach (ParameterDefinition parameter in method.Parameters){
if (parameter.ParameterType.IsByReference) {
signature.Append ("^");
signature.Append (ToSignature (method, parameter.ParameterType.GetElementType ()));
} else {
signature.Append (ToSignature (method, parameter.ParameterType));
return signature.ToString ();
public static string ToSignature (MethodDefinition method, TypeDefinition type)
switch (type.FullName) {
case "System.IntPtr": return "^v";
case "System.SByte": return "c";
case "System.Byte": return "c";
case "System.Char": return "c";
case "System.Int16": return "s";
case "System.UInt16": return "S";
case "System.Int32": return "i";
case "System.UInt32": return "I";
case "System.Int64": return "q";
case "System.UInt64": return "Q";
case "System.Single": return "f";
case "System.Double": return "d";
case "System.Boolean": return "B";
case "System.Void": return "v";
case "System.String": return "@";
case "MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Selector": return ":";
case "MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Class": return "#";
if (SharedStatic.IsNativeObject (type))
return "@";
if (SharedStatic.IsDelegate (type))
return "^v";
if (type.IsEnum)
return ToSignature (method, SharedStatic.GetEnumUnderlyingType (type));
if (type.IsValueType) {
return ValueTypeSignature (type);
if (method != null)
throw new MonoTouchException (4111, true, "The registrar cannot build a signature for type `{0}' in method `{1}`.", type.FullName, method.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + method.Name);
throw new MonoTouchException (4101, true, "The registrar cannot build a signature for type `{0}`.", type.FullName);
static PropertyDefinition GetBasePropertyInTypeHierarchy (PropertyDefinition property)
TypeDefinition @base = GetBaseType (property.DeclaringType);
while (@base != null) {
PropertyDefinition base_property = TryMatchProperty (@base, property);
if (base_property != null) {
var accessor = base_property.GetMethod ?? base_property.SetMethod;
if (!accessor.IsVirtual || accessor.IsNewSlot)
return base_property;
return GetBasePropertyInTypeHierarchy (base_property) ?? base_property;
@base = GetBaseType (@base);
return null;
static PropertyDefinition TryMatchProperty (TypeDefinition type, PropertyDefinition property)
if (!type.HasProperties)
return null;
foreach (PropertyDefinition candidate in type.Properties)
if (PropertyMatch (candidate, property))
return candidate;
return null;
static bool PropertyMatch (PropertyDefinition candidate, PropertyDefinition property)
if (candidate.Name != property.Name)
return false;
if (candidate.GetMethod != null) {
if (property.GetMethod == null)
return false;
if (!SharedStatic.MethodMatch (candidate.GetMethod, property.GetMethod))
return false;
} else if (property.GetMethod != null) {
return false;
if (candidate.SetMethod != null) {
if (property.SetMethod == null)
return false;
if (!SharedStatic.MethodMatch (candidate.SetMethod, property.SetMethod))
return false;
} else if (property.SetMethod != null) {
return false;
return true;
public static MethodDefinition GetBaseMethodInTypeHierarchy (MethodDefinition method)
TypeDefinition @base = GetBaseType (method.DeclaringType);
while (@base != null) {
MethodDefinition base_method = TryMatchMethod (@base, method);
if (base_method != null) {
if (!base_method.IsVirtual || base_method.IsNewSlot)
return base_method;
return GetBaseMethodInTypeHierarchy (base_method) ?? base_method;
@base = GetBaseType (@base);
return null;
static MethodDefinition TryMatchMethod (TypeDefinition type, MethodDefinition method)
if (!type.HasMethods)
return null;
foreach (MethodDefinition candidate in type.Methods)
if (SharedStatic.MethodMatch (candidate, method))
return candidate;
return null;
static TypeDefinition GetBaseType (TypeDefinition type)
if (type == null || type.BaseType == null)
return null;
return type.BaseType.Resolve ();
static int Depth (TypeDefinition type)
int depth = 0;
while (type != null) {
type = type.BaseType != null ? type.BaseType.Resolve () : null;
return depth;
public static IEnumerable<Class> Describe (IEnumerable <AssemblyDefinition> assemblies)
var descriptor = new TypeSystemDescriptor ();
descriptor.Process (assemblies);
descriptor.classes.Sort ((x, y) => Depth (x.Right) - Depth (y.Right));
return descriptor.classes.Select (pair => pair.Left);
class OldStaticRegistrar : IStaticRegistrar {
static StringBuilder headers = new StringBuilder ();
static StringBuilder structs = new StringBuilder ();
static bool verbose = false;
static string ToObjCParameterType (TypeReference type, string descriptiveMethodName)
TypeDefinition td = type.Resolve ();
if (td == null)
throw new MonoTouchException (4105, true, "The registrar cannot marshal the parameter of type `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`.", type.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
if (type.IsByReference) {
string res = ToObjCParameterType (type.GetElementType (), descriptiveMethodName);
if (res == null)
return null;
return res + "*";
switch (td.FullName) {
case "System.Drawing.RectangleF": return "CGRect";
case "System.Drawing.PointF": return "CGPoint";
case "System.Drawing.SizeF": return "CGSize";
case "System.String": return "NSString *";
case "System.IntPtr": return "void *";
case "System.SByte": return "unsigned char";
case "System.Byte": return "signed char";
case "System.Char": return "signed char";
case "System.Int16": return "short";
case "System.UInt16": return "unsigned short";
case "System.Int32": return "int";
case "System.UInt32": return "unsigned int";
case "System.Int64": return "long long";
case "System.UInt64": return "unsigned long long";
case "System.Single": return "float";
case "System.Double": return "double";
case "System.Boolean": return "bool";
case "System.DateTime":
throw new MonoTouchException (4102, true, "The registrar found an invalid type `{0}` in signature for method `{2}`. Use `{1}` instead.", "System.DateTime", "MonoTouch.Foundation.NSDate", descriptiveMethodName);
case "MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Selector": return "SEL";
case "MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Class": return "Class";
if (td.IsNSObject ()) {
return "id";
} else if (td.IsEnum) {
return ToObjCParameterType (SharedStatic.GetEnumUnderlyingType (td), descriptiveMethodName);
} else if (td.IsValueType) {
if (td.Namespace.StartsWith ("MonoTouch")) {
CheckNamespace (td.Namespace);
return td.Name;
return CheckStructure (td, descriptiveMethodName);
} else {
return SharedStatic.ToObjCType (td);
static string GetPrintfFormatSpecifier (TypeDefinition type, out bool unknown)
unknown = false;
if (type.IsValueType) {
switch (type.FullName) {
case "System.Char": return "c";
case "System.Boolean":
case "System.SByte":
case "System.Int16":
case "System.Int32": return "i";
case "System.Byte":
case "System.UInt16":
case "System.UInt32": return "u";
case "System.Int64": return "lld";
case "System.UInt64": return "llu";
case "System.Single":
case "System.Double": return "f";
unknown = true;
return "p";
} else if (type.IsNSObject ()) {
return "@";
} else {
unknown = true;
return "p";
// here we try to create a specialized trampoline for the specified method.
static int counter = 0;
static StringBuilder nslog_start = new StringBuilder ();
static StringBuilder nslog_end = new StringBuilder ();
static StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder ();
static StringBuilder copyback = new StringBuilder ();
static StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder ();
static StringBuilder invoke = new StringBuilder ();
static StringBuilder setup_call_stack = new StringBuilder ();
static StringBuilder setup_return = new StringBuilder ();
static HashSet<string> trampoline_names = new HashSet<string> ();
static HashSet<string> namespaces = new HashSet<string> ();
static HashSet<string> structures = new HashSet<string> ();
public LinkContext LinkContext {
get { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
set { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
static void CheckNamespace (string ns)
if (!ns.StartsWith ("MonoTouch."))
ns = ns.Substring (10);
if (namespaces.Contains (ns))
namespaces.Add (ns);
switch (ns) {
case "CoreAnimation":
headers.Append ("#include <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>\n");
case "CoreMidi":
headers.Append ("#include <CoreMIDI/CoreMIDI.h>\n");
headers.AppendFormat ("#include <{0}/{0}.h>\n", ns);
static string CheckStructure (TypeDefinition structure, string descriptiveMethodName)
string n;
StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder ();
StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder ();
int size = 0;
ProcessStructure (name, body, structure, ref size, descriptiveMethodName);
n = "struct trampoline_struct_" + name.ToString ();
if (!structures.Contains (n)) {
structures.Add (n);
structs.AppendFormat ("{0} {{\n{1}}};\n\n", n, body.ToString ());
return n;
static void ProcessStructure (StringBuilder name, StringBuilder body, TypeDefinition structure, ref int size, string descriptiveMethodName)
switch (structure.FullName) {
case "System.Char":
name.Append ('c');
body.AppendFormat ("\tchar v{0};\n", size);
size += 1;
case "System.Boolean":
name.Append ('B');
body.AppendFormat ("\tbool v{0};\n", size);
size += 1;
case "System.Byte":
case "System.SByte":
name.Append ('b');
body.AppendFormat ("\tchar v{0};\n", size);
size += 1;
case "System.UInt16":
case "System.Int16":
name.Append ('s');
body.AppendFormat ("\tshort v{0};\n", size);
size += 2;
case "System.UInt32":
case "System.Int32":
name.Append ('i');
body.AppendFormat ("\tint v{0};\n", size);
size += 4;
case "System.Int64":
case "System.UInt64":
name.Append ('l');
body.AppendFormat ("\tlong long v{0};\n", size);
size += 8;
case "System.Single":
name.Append ('f');
body.AppendFormat ("\tfloat v{0};\n", size);
size += 4;
case "System.Double":
name.Append ('d');
body.AppendFormat ("\tdouble v{0};\n", size);
size += 8;
case "System.IntPtr":
name.Append ('p');
body.AppendFormat ("\tvoid *v{0};\n", size);
size += 4; // for now at least...
bool found = false;
foreach (FieldDefinition field in structure.Fields) {
if (field.IsStatic)
found = true;
var fd = field.FieldType.Resolve ();
if (fd == null)
throw new MonoTouchException (4105, true, "The registrar cannot marshal the parameter of type `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`.", structure.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
ProcessStructure (name, body, fd, ref size, descriptiveMethodName);
if (!found)
throw new MonoTouchException (4111, true, "The registrar cannot build a signature for type `{0}' in method `{1}`.", structure.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
static string GetUniqueTrampolineName (string suggestion)
char []fixup = suggestion.ToCharArray ();
for (int i = 0; i < fixup.Length; i++) {
char c = fixup [i];
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
fixup [i] = '_';
suggestion = new string (fixup);
if (trampoline_names.Contains (suggestion)) {
string tmp;
int counter = 0;
do {
tmp = suggestion + (++counter).ToString ();
} while (trampoline_names.Contains (tmp));
suggestion = tmp;
trampoline_names.Add (suggestion);
return suggestion;
static bool IsGeneric (TypeReference tr)
if (tr is GenericParameter || tr is GenericInstanceType)
return true;
if (tr.HasGenericParameters)
return true;
return false;
static void WarnIfGeneric (MethodDefinition method)
bool warn = false;
if (method.HasGenericParameters)
warn = true;
else if (method.HasParameters) {
foreach (ParameterDefinition p in method.Parameters) {
if (!IsGeneric (p.ParameterType))
if (SharedStatic.IsDelegate (p.ParameterType.Resolve ()))
warn = true;
if (!warn && IsGeneric (method.ReturnType))
warn = true;
if (warn)
ErrorHelper.Show (new MonoTouchException (4113, false, "The registrar found a generic method: '{0}.{1}'. Exporting generic methods is not supported with the legacy registrar, and will lead to random behavior and/or crashes. " +
"Please remove any --registrar arguments passed as additional mtouch arguments in your project's iOS Build options. " +
"See http://docs.xamarin.com/guides/ios/advanced_topics/registrar for more information.", method.DeclaringType.FullName, method.Name));
static bool HasIntPtrBoolCtor (TypeDefinition type)
if (!type.HasMethods)
return false;
foreach (var method in type.Methods) {
if (!method.IsConstructor || !method.HasParameters)
if (method.Parameters.Count != 2)
if (!method.Parameters [0].ParameterType.Is ("System", "IntPtr"))
if (method.Parameters [1].ParameterType.Is ("System", "Boolean"))
return true;
return false;
static void Specialize (StringBuilder sb, Method method)
if (method == null || method.MethodDefinition == null)
WarnIfGeneric (method.MethodDefinition);
var rettype = string.Empty;
var returntype = method.MethodDefinition.ReturnType;
var isStatic = method.IsStatic;
var isStret = false;
var isCtor = false;
var num_arg = method.MethodDefinition.Parameters.Count;
var descriptiveMethodName = method.Implementation.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + method.Implementation.Name;
var name = GetUniqueTrampolineName ("native_to_managed_trampoline_" + descriptiveMethodName);
var isVoid = returntype.Is ("System", "Void");
switch (method.Trampoline) {
case Trampoline.Normal:
case Trampoline.Static:
case Trampoline.Single:
case Trampoline.Double:
case Trampoline.StaticDouble:
case Trampoline.StaticSingle:
switch (returntype.FullName) {
case "System.Int64":
rettype = "long long";
case "System.UInt64":
rettype = "unsigned long long";
case "System.Single":
rettype = "float";
case "System.Double":
rettype = "double";
rettype = "void *";
case Trampoline.StaticStret:
case Trampoline.Stret:
rettype = "void";
isStret = true;
case Trampoline.Constructor:
rettype = "void *";
isCtor = true;
case Trampoline.Release:
case Trampoline.Retain:
case Trampoline.GetGCHandle:
case Trampoline.SetGCHandle:
// Release & Retain & Dealloc don't contain anything that can be specialized.
comment.Clear ();
nslog_start.Clear ();
nslog_end.Clear ();
copyback.Clear ();
signature.Clear ();
invoke.Clear ();
setup_call_stack.Clear ();
setup_return.Clear ();
// A comment describing the managed signature
if (verbose) {
comment.AppendFormat ("\t// {2} {0}.{1} (", method.MethodDefinition.DeclaringType.FullName, method.MethodDefinition.Name, method.MethodDefinition.ReturnType.FullName);
for (int i = 0; i < num_arg; i++) {
var param = method.MethodDefinition.Parameters [i];
if (i > 0)
comment.Append (", ");
comment.AppendFormat ("{0} {1}", param.ParameterType.FullName, param.Name);
comment.AppendFormat (")\n");
comment.AppendFormat ("\t// ArgumentSemantic: {0} IsStatic: {1} IsStret: {4} Selector: '{2}' Signature: '{3}'\n", method.ArgumentSemantic, method.IsStatic, method.Selector, method.Signature, isStret);
// the native signature
signature.AppendFormat ("{0}\n", rettype);
signature.Append (name);
signature.Append (" (");
if (isStret)
signature.Append ("void *buffer, ");
signature.Append ("id self, SEL sel");
for (int i = 0; i < num_arg; i++) {
var param = method.MethodDefinition.Parameters [i];
var objcparamtype = ToObjCParameterType (param.ParameterType, descriptiveMethodName);
if (objcparamtype == null)
throw new MonoTouchException (4107, true,
"The registrar cannot marshal the parameter of type `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`.",
param.ParameterType.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
signature.Append (", ");
if (verbose)
signature.AppendFormat ("/*{0} {1}*/ ", param.ParameterType, param.Name);
signature.Append (objcparamtype);
signature.AppendFormat (" p{0}", i);
signature.AppendLine (")");
// a couple of debug printfs
if (verbose) {
StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder ();
nslog_start.AppendFormat ("\tNSLog (@\"{0} (self: %@, sel: %@", name);
for (int i = 0; i < num_arg; i++) {
var type = method.MethodDefinition.Parameters [i].ParameterType;
bool isOut = type.IsByReference;
if (isOut)
type = type.GetElementType ();
var td = type.Resolve ();
nslog_start.AppendFormat (", {0}: ", method.MethodDefinition.Parameters [i].Name);
args.Append (", ");
switch (type.FullName) {
case "System.Drawing.RectangleF":
if (isOut) {
nslog_start.Append ("%p : %@");
args.AppendFormat ("p{0}, p{0} ? NSStringFromCGRect (*p{0}) : @\"NULL\"", i);
} else {
nslog_start.Append ("%@");
args.AppendFormat ("NSStringFromCGRect (p{0})", i);
case "System.Drawing.PointF":
if (isOut) {
nslog_start.Append ("%p: %@");
args.AppendFormat ("p{0}, p{0} ? NSStringFromCGPoint (*p{0}) : @\"NULL\"", i);
} else {
nslog_start.Append ("%@");
args.AppendFormat ("NSStringFromCGPoint (p{0})", i);
bool unknown;
var spec = GetPrintfFormatSpecifier (td, out unknown);
if (unknown) {
nslog_start.AppendFormat ("%{0}", spec);
args.AppendFormat ("&p{0}", i);
} else if (isOut) {
nslog_start.AppendFormat ("%p *= %{0}", spec);
args.AppendFormat ("p{0}, *p{0}", i);
} else {
nslog_start.AppendFormat ("%{0}", spec);
args.AppendFormat ("p{0}", i);
string ret_arg = string.Empty;
nslog_end.Append (nslog_start.ToString ());
if (!isVoid) {
bool unknown;
var spec = GetPrintfFormatSpecifier (method.MethodDefinition.ReturnType.Resolve (), out unknown);
if (!unknown) {
nslog_end.Append (", ret: %");
nslog_end.Append (spec);
ret_arg = ", res";
nslog_end.Append (") END\", self, NSStringFromSelector (sel)");
nslog_end.Append (args.ToString ());
nslog_end.Append (ret_arg);
nslog_end.Append (");\n");
nslog_start.Append (") START\", self, NSStringFromSelector (sel)");
nslog_start.Append (args.ToString ());
nslog_start.Append (");\n");
// prepare the parameters
var baseMethod = TypeSystemDescriptor.GetBaseMethodInTypeHierarchy (method.MethodDefinition) ?? method.MethodDefinition;
for (int i = 0; i < num_arg; i++) {
var param = method.MethodDefinition.Parameters [i];
var paramBase = baseMethod.Parameters [i];
var type = param.ParameterType;
var objctype = ToObjCParameterType (type, descriptiveMethodName);
var original_objctype = objctype;
var isOut = type.IsByReference;
var isArray = type is ArrayType;
var td = type.Resolve ();
if (isOut) {
type = type.GetElementType ();
td = type.Resolve ();
original_objctype = ToObjCParameterType (type, descriptiveMethodName);
objctype = ToObjCParameterType (type, descriptiveMethodName);
} else if (td.IsEnum) {
type = SharedStatic.GetEnumUnderlyingType (td);
td = type.Resolve ();
switch (type.FullName) {
case "System.SByte":
case "System.Byte":
case "System.Char":
case "System.Int16":
case "System.UInt16":
case "System.Int32":
case "System.UInt32":
case "System.Int64":
case "System.UInt64":
case "System.Single":
case "System.Double":
case "System.Boolean":
if (isOut) {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = p{0};\n", i);
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = &p{0};\n", i);
case "System.IntPtr":
// no copy-back here
if (isOut) {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t{1} a{0} = *p{0};\n", i, objctype);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = &a{0};\n", i);
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t{1} a{0} = p{0};\n", i, original_objctype);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = &a{0};\n", i);
case "MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Selector":
if (isOut) {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\tvoid *a{0} = *p{0} ? xamarin_get_selector (*p{0}) : NULL;\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = &a{0};\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\t*p{0} = a{0};\n", i);
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = p{0} ? xamarin_get_selector (p{0}) : NULL;\n", i);
case "MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Class":
if (isOut) {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\tvoid *a{0} = *p{0} ? xamarin_get_class (*p{0}) : NULL;\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = &a{0};\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\t*p{0} = a{0};\n", i);
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = p{0} ? xamarin_get_class (p{0}) : NULL;\n", i);
case "System.String":
// This should always be an NSString and never char*
if (isOut) {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\tMonoString *a{0} = *p{0} ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [(*p{0}) UTF8String]) : NULL;\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = &a{0};\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\tchar *str{0} = mono_string_to_utf8 (a{0});\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\t*p{0} = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str{0}];\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\t[*p{0} autorelease];\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\tmono_free (str{0});\n", i);
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = p{0} ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p{0} UTF8String]) : NULL;\n", i);
if (isArray) {
var elementType = ((ArrayType) type).ElementType;
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\tif (p{0}) {{\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tNSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p{0};\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tMonoClass *e_class;\n");
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tMonoArray *marr;\n");
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tMonoType *p;\n");
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tint j;\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tMonoType *p_class;\n");
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tp = xamarin_get_parameter_type (method_{1}, {0});\n", i, counter);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\te_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));\n");
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tmarr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tfor (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {{\n", i);
if (elementType.FullName == "System.String") {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tNSString *sv = (NSString *) [arr objectAtIndex: j];\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tmono_array_set (marr, MonoString *, j, mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [sv UTF8String]));\n", i);
} else if (elementType.IsNSObject ()) {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tNSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];\n");
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tMonoObject *mobj{0} = NULL;\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tp_class = mono_class_get_type (e_class);\n");
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tif (nobj) {{\n");
// if (MTouch.EnableDebug) {
// setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\t\tmobj{0} = get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, false);\n", i);
// setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\t\txamarin_verify_parameter (mobj{0}, sel, self, nobj, {0}, e_class, method_{1});\n", i, counter);
// } else {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\t\tmobj{0} = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr (nobj, false, p_class);\n", i);
// }
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\t}}\n");
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tmono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj{0});\n", i);
} else {
throw new MonoTouchException (4111, true, "The registrar cannot build a signature for type `{0}' in method `{1}`.", type.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t}}\n");
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\targ_ptrs [{0}] = marr;\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t}} else {{\n");
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\targ_ptrs [{0}] = NULL;\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t}}\n");
} else if (type.IsNSObject ()) {
if (isOut) {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\tNSObject *nsobj{0} = *(NSObject **) p{0};\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tMonoObject *mobj{0} = NULL;\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tif (nsobj{0}) {{\n", i);
// if (MTouch.EnableDebug) {
// setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tmobj{0} = get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nsobj{0}, false);\n", i);
// setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\txamarin_verify_parameter (mobj{0}, sel, self, nsobj{0}, {0}, NULL, method_{1});\n", i, counter);
// } else {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tmobj{0} = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr (nsobj{0}, false, xamarin_get_parameter_type (method_{1}, {0}));\n", i, counter);
// }
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t}}\n");
// argument semantics?
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = (int *) &mobj{0};\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\tint handle{0} = 0;\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\tif (mobj{0} != NULL)\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\t\thandle{0} = (int) xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (mobj{0});\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\t*p{0} = (id) handle{0};\n", i);
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\tNSObject *nsobj{0} = (NSObject *) p{0};\n", i);
if (method.ArgumentSemantic == ArgumentSemantic.Copy) {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tnsobj{0} = [nsobj{0} copy];\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t[nsobj{0} autorelease];\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tMonoObject *mobj{0} = NULL;\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tint32_t created{0} = false;\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\tif (nsobj{0}) {{\n", i);
// if (MTouch.EnableDebug) {
// setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tmobj{0} = get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nsobj{0}, false);\n", i);
// setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\txamarin_verify_parameter (mobj{0}, sel, self, nsobj{0}, {0}, NULL, method_{1});\n", i, counter);
// } else {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tmobj{0} = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj{0}, false, xamarin_get_parameter_type (method_{1}, {0}), &created{0});\n", i, counter);
// }
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\t}}\n");
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\targ_ptrs [{0}] = mobj{0};\n", i);
if (SharedStatic.HasAttribute (paramBase, Registrar.ObjCRuntime, TypeSystemDescriptor.TransientAttribute)) {
copyback.AppendFormat ("\t\tif (created{0})\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\t\t\txamarin_dispose (mobj{0});\n", i);
} else if (SharedStatic.IsNativeObject (td)) {
TypeDefinition nativeObjType = td;
if (td.IsInterface) {
var wrapper_type = TypeSystemDescriptor.GetProtocolAttributeWrapperType (td);
if (wrapper_type == null)
throw new MonoTouchException (4125, true, "The registrar found an invalid type '{0}' in signature for method '{1}': " +
"The interface must have a Protocol attribute specifying its wrapper type.",
td.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
nativeObjType = wrapper_type.Resolve ();
// verify that the type has a ctor with two parameters
if (!HasIntPtrBoolCtor (nativeObjType))
throw new MonoTouchException (4103, true,
"The registrar found an invalid type `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`: " +
"The type implements INativeObject, but does not have a constructor that takes " +
"two (IntPtr, bool) arguments.", td.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
if (!td.IsInterface) {
// find the MonoClass for this parameter
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\tMonoType *type{0};\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\t\ttype{0} = xamarin_get_parameter_type (method_{1}, {0});\n", i, counter);
if (isOut) {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\tMonoObject *inobj{0};\n", i);
if (td.IsInterface) {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\tinobj{0} = xamarin_get_inative_object_static (*p{0}, false, \"{1}\", \"{2}\");\n", i, TypeSystemDescriptor.GetAssemblyQualifiedName (nativeObjType), TypeSystemDescriptor.GetAssemblyQualifiedName (td));
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\tinobj{0} = xamarin_get_inative_object_dynamic (*p{0}, false, mono_type_get_object (mono_domain_get (), type{0}));\n", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = &inobj{0};\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\tid handle{0} = nil;\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\tif (inobj{0} != NULL)\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\t\thandle{0} = xamarin_get_handle_for_inativeobject (inobj{0});\n", i);
copyback.AppendFormat ("\t*p{0} = (id) handle{0};\n", i);
} else {
if (td.IsInterface) {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = xamarin_get_inative_object_static (p{0}, false, \"{1}\", \"{2}\");\n", i, TypeSystemDescriptor.GetAssemblyQualifiedName (nativeObjType), TypeSystemDescriptor.GetAssemblyQualifiedName (td));
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = xamarin_get_inative_object_dynamic (p{0}, false, mono_type_get_object (mono_domain_get (), type{0}));\n", i);
} else if (type.IsValueType) {
if (isOut) {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = p{0};\n", i);
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\targ_ptrs [{0}] = &p{0};\n", i);
} else if (td.BaseType.FullName == "System.MulticastDelegate") {
if (isOut) {
throw new MonoTouchException (4110, true,
"The registrar cannot marshal the out parameter of type `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`.",
type.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
} else {
// Bug #4858 (also related: #4718)
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\tif (p{0})\n\t\targ_ptrs [{0}] = (void*) xamarin_get_delegate_for_block_parameter (method_{1}, {0}, p{0});\n", i, counter);
setup_call_stack.AppendFormat ("\telse\n\t\targ_ptrs [{0}] = NULL;\n", i);
} else {
throw new MonoTouchException (4105, true,
"The registrar cannot marshal the parameter of type `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`.",
type.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
// the actual invoke
if (isCtor) {
invoke.AppendLine ("uint8_t flags = NSObjectFlagsNativeRef;");
invoke.AppendFormat ("\tmthis = mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), mono_method_get_class (method_{0}));\n", counter);
invoke.AppendLine ("\txamarin_set_nsobject_handle (mthis, self);");
invoke.AppendLine ("\txamarin_set_nsobject_flags (mthis, flags);");
invoke.AppendFormat ("\tmono_runtime_invoke (method_{0}, mthis, arg_ptrs, NULL);\n", counter);
invoke.AppendLine ("\txamarin_create_managed_ref (self, mthis, true);");
} else {
invoke.Append ("\t");
if (!isVoid)
invoke.Append ("MonoObject* retval = ");
invoke.AppendFormat ("mono_runtime_invoke (method_{1}, {0}, arg_ptrs, NULL);\n", isStatic ? "NULL" : "mthis", counter);
// prepare the return value
if (!isVoid) {
var retain = method.MethodDefinition.MethodReturnType.HasCustomAttribute (Registrar.ObjCRuntime, Registrar.StringConstants.ReleaseAttribute);
if (isStret) {
int size = StaticRegistrar.GetValueTypeSize (returntype.Resolve (), false);
if (size <= 0)
throw new MonoTouchException (4106, true, "The registrar cannot marshal the return value for structure `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`.",
returntype.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\tmemcpy (buffer, mono_object_unbox (retval), {0});\n", size);
} else {
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t{0} res;\n", rettype);
var isArray = returntype is ArrayType;
var type = returntype.Resolve ();
if (type == null)
throw new MonoTouchException (4104, true, "The registrar cannot marshal the return value for type `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`.", returntype.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
if (returntype.IsValueType) {
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\tres = *({0} *) mono_object_unbox (retval);\n", rettype);
} else if (isArray) {
var elementType = ((ArrayType) returntype).ElementType;
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\tif (retval) {{\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tint length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tint i;\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tid* buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (id) * length);\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tfor (i = 0; i < length; i++) {{\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tMonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);\n");
if (elementType.FullName == "System.String") {
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tchar *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) value);\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tNSString *sv = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t\t[sv autorelease];\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tmono_free (str);\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tbuf [i] = sv;\n");
} else if (elementType.IsNSObject ()) {
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tbuf [i] = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (value);\n");
} else {
throw new MonoTouchException (4111, true, "The registrar cannot build a signature for type `{0}' in method `{1}`.", returntype.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t}}\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tNSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tfree (buf);\n");
if (!retain)
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t[arr autorelease];\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tres = arr;\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t}} else {{\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tres = NULL;\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t}}\n");
} else {
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\tif (!retval) {{\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tres = NULL;\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t}} else {{\n");
switch (type.FullName) {
case "MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Selector":
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tres = xamarin_get_selector_handle (retval);\n");
case "MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Class":
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tres = xamarin_get_class_handle (retval);\n");
case "System.String":
// This should always be an NSString and never char*
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tchar *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) retval);\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tNSString *nsstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];\n");
if (!retain)
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t[nsstr autorelease];\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tmono_free (str);\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tres = nsstr;\n");
if (type.IsNSObject ()) {
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tid retobj;\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tretobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t[retobj retain];\n");
if (!retain)
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t[retobj autorelease];\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tres = retobj;\n");
} else if (SharedStatic.IsNativeObject (type)) {
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tid retobj;\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tretobj = xamarin_get_handle_for_inativeobject (retval);\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t[retobj retain];\n");
if (!retain)
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\t[retobj autorelease];\n");
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t\tres = retobj;\n");
} else {
throw new MonoTouchException (4104, true,
"The registrar cannot marshal the return value for type `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`.",
returntype.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
setup_return.AppendFormat ("\t}}\n");
// Write out everything
sb.AppendFormat ("static MonoMethod *method_{0} = NULL;\n", counter);
sb.Append (signature.ToString ());
sb.AppendLine ("{");
sb.Append (comment.ToString ());
sb.AppendFormat ("\tvoid *arg_ptrs [{0}];\n", num_arg);
if (!isStatic)
sb.AppendLine ("\tMonoObject *mthis;");
sb.Append ("\tif (mono_domain_get () == NULL)\n");
sb.Append ("\t\tmono_jit_thread_attach (NULL);\n");
if (isCtor) {
sb.AppendLine ("\tif (xamarin_try_get_nsobject (self))");
sb.AppendLine ("\t\treturn self;");
// no locking should be required here, it doesn't matter if we overwrite the field (it'll be the same value).
sb.AppendFormat ("\tif (!method_{0})\n", counter);
sb.AppendFormat ("\t\tmethod_{0} = xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (xamarin_get_method_for_selector ([self class], sel).method);\n", counter);
if (!isStatic && !isCtor) {
sb.AppendLine ("\t\tmthis = NULL;");
sb.AppendLine ("\t\tif (self) {");
// if (MTouch.EnableDebug) {
// sb.AppendLine ("\t\t\tmthis = get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, false);");
// sb.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tcheck_for_gced_object (mthis, sel, self, method_{0});\n", counter);
// } else {
sb.AppendFormat ("\t\t\tmthis = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr (self, false, mono_class_get_type (mono_method_get_class (method_{0})));\n", counter);
// }
sb.AppendLine ("\t\t}");
if (verbose)
sb.Append (nslog_start.ToString ());
sb.Append (setup_call_stack.ToString ());
sb.Append (invoke.ToString ());
sb.Append (copyback.ToString ());
sb.Append (setup_return.ToString ());
if (verbose)
sb.Append (nslog_end.ToString ());
if (isCtor) {
sb.AppendLine ("\treturn self;");
} else if (isStret) {
// nothing to do
} else if (isVoid) {
sb.AppendLine ("\treturn NULL;");
} else {
sb.AppendLine ("\treturn res;");
sb.AppendLine ("}");
sb.AppendLine ();
method.SpecializedTrampoline = name;
public void GeneratePInvokeWrappers (List<MethodDefinition> marshal_exception_pinvokes, string header_path, string source_path)
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public void GenerateSingleAssembly (IEnumerable<AssemblyDefinition> assemblies, string header_path, string source_path, string single_assembly)
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public void Generate (IEnumerable<AssemblyDefinition> assemblies, string header_path, string source_path)
Driver.WriteIfDifferent (header_path, string.Empty);
Driver.WriteIfDifferent (source_path, Generate (assemblies));
public static string Generate (IEnumerable<AssemblyDefinition> assemblies)
var classes = TypeSystemDescriptor.Describe (assemblies);
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
var specialized_trampolines = new StringBuilder ();
int count = 0;
int map_count = 0;
List<Exception> exceptions = null;
foreach (var @class in classes) {
foreach (var method in @class.Methods) {
try {
Specialize (specialized_trampolines, method);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (exceptions == null)
exceptions = new List<Exception> ();
if (!(ex is MonoTouchException))
ex = new MonoTouchException (4114, true,
"Unexpected error in the registrar for the method '{0}.{1}' - Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com",
exceptions.Add (ex);
if (exceptions != null)
throw new AggregateException (exceptions);
sb.AppendLine ("#include <xamarin/xamarin.h>");
sb.AppendLine ("#include <objc/objc.h>");
sb.AppendLine ("#include <objc/runtime.h>");
sb.AppendLine ("#include <UIKit/UIKit.h>");
sb.AppendLine (headers.ToString ());
sb.AppendLine (structs.ToString ());
sb.AppendLine (specialized_trampolines.ToString ());
sb.AppendLine ();
sb.AppendLine ("static MTClassMap __xamarin_class_map [] = {");
foreach (var @class in classes) {
if (@class.IsModel)
sb.AppendFormat ("\t{{\"{0}\", \"{1}\", {2}}},\n", @class.Name, @class.TypeName, 0);
sb.AppendLine ("};");
sb.AppendLine ();
sb.AppendLine ("static MTClass __xamarin_classes [] = {");
foreach (var @class in classes) {
if (@class.InstanceVariables.Count == 0 && @class.Methods.Count == 0 && @class.Properties.Count == 0)
sb.AppendFormat ("\t{{\"{0}\", \"{1}\", {2}, {3}, {4}}},\n", @class.Name, @class.SuperName, @class.InstanceVariables.Count, @class.Methods.Count, @class.Properties.Count);
sb.AppendLine ("};");
sb.AppendLine ();
sb.AppendLine ("static MTIvar __xamarin_ivars [] = {");
foreach (var @class in classes) {
foreach (var ivar in @class.InstanceVariables)
sb.AppendFormat ("\t{{\"{0}\", \"{1}\", {2}, {3}}},\n", ivar.Name, ivar.Type, ivar.Size, ivar.Align);
sb.AppendLine ("};");
sb.AppendLine ();
sb.AppendLine ("static MTMethod __xamarin_methods [] = {");
foreach (var @class in classes) {
foreach (var method in @class.Methods)
sb.AppendFormat ("\t{{\"{0}\",\"{1}\",{2}, (void *) {3}}},\n", method.Selector, method.Signature, method.IsStatic ? "1" : "0", method.GetTrampoline ());
sb.AppendLine ("};");
sb.AppendLine ();
sb.AppendLine ("static MTProperty __xamarin_properties [] = {");
foreach (var @class in classes) {
foreach (var property in @class.Properties) {
sb.AppendFormat ("\t{{\"{0}\", \"{1}\", \"{2}\"}},\n", property.Name, property.Type, property.ArgumentSemantic);
sb.AppendLine ("};");
sb.AppendLine ();
sb.AppendLine ("static const char *__xamarin_registration_assemblies []= {");
int assembly_count = 0;
foreach (var @assembly in assemblies) {
if (assembly_count > 0)
sb.Append (", ");
sb.AppendFormat ("\t\"{0}\"\n", assembly.Name.Name);
sb.AppendLine ("};");
sb.AppendFormat ("const int __xamarin_map_count = {0};\n", map_count);
sb.AppendFormat ("const int __xamarin_class_count = {0};\n", count);
sb.AppendLine ("static struct MTRegistrationMap __xamarin_registration_map = {");
sb.AppendLine ("NULL,");
sb.AppendLine ("__xamarin_registration_assemblies,");
sb.AppendLine ("__xamarin_class_map,");
sb.AppendFormat ("{0},\n", assembly_count);
sb.AppendLine ("__xamarin_map_count,");
sb.AppendLine ("0");
sb.AppendLine ("};");
sb.AppendLine ();
sb.AppendLine ("void xamarin_create_classes (void) {");
sb.AppendLine (" int i,j;");
sb.AppendLine (" int ivar_offset = 0;");
sb.AppendLine (" int method_offset = 0;");
sb.AppendLine (" int prop_offset = 0;");
sb.AppendLine ();
sb.AppendLine (" for (i = 0; i < __xamarin_class_count; i++) {");
sb.AppendLine (" Class handle = objc_allocateClassPair (objc_getClass (__xamarin_classes [i].supername), __xamarin_classes [i].name, 0);");
sb.AppendLine (" if (handle == NULL) {");
sb.AppendLine (" ivar_offset += __xamarin_classes [i].ivar_count;");
sb.AppendLine (" method_offset += __xamarin_classes [i].method_count;");
sb.AppendLine (" prop_offset += __xamarin_classes [i].prop_count;");
sb.AppendLine (" continue;");
sb.AppendLine (" }");
sb.AppendLine (" for (j = 0; j < __xamarin_classes [i].ivar_count; j++, ivar_offset++)");
sb.AppendLine (" class_addIvar (handle, __xamarin_ivars [ivar_offset].name, __xamarin_ivars [ivar_offset].size, __xamarin_ivars [ivar_offset].align, __xamarin_ivars [ivar_offset].type);");
sb.AppendLine (" class_addMethod (handle, sel_registerName (\"release\"), (IMP) &xamarin_release_trampoline, \"v@:\");");
sb.AppendLine (" class_addMethod (handle, sel_registerName (\"retain\"), (IMP) &xamarin_retain_trampoline, \"@@:\");");
sb.AppendLine (" class_addMethod (handle, sel_registerName (\"conformsToProtocol:\"), (IMP) &xamarin_trampoline, \"B@:^v\");");
sb.AppendLine (" for (j = 0; j < __xamarin_classes [i].method_count; j++, method_offset++) {");
sb.AppendLine (" Class h = (__xamarin_methods [method_offset].isstatic ? object_getClass (handle) : handle);");
sb.AppendLine (" class_addMethod (h, sel_registerName (__xamarin_methods [method_offset].selector), (IMP) __xamarin_methods [method_offset].trampoline, __xamarin_methods [method_offset].signature);");
sb.AppendLine (" }");
sb.AppendLine (" for (j = 0; j < __xamarin_classes [i].prop_count; j++, prop_offset++) {");
sb.AppendLine (" int count = 0;");
sb.AppendLine (" objc_property_attribute_t props[3];");
sb.AppendLine (" props [count].name = \"T\";");
sb.AppendLine (" props [count++].value = __xamarin_properties [prop_offset].type;");
sb.AppendLine (" if (*__xamarin_properties [prop_offset].argument_semantic != 0) {");
sb.AppendLine (" props [count].name = __xamarin_properties [prop_offset].argument_semantic;");
sb.AppendLine (" props [count++].value = \"\";");
sb.AppendLine (" }");
sb.AppendLine (" props [count].name = \"V\";");
sb.AppendLine (" props [count++].value = __xamarin_properties [prop_offset].name;");
sb.AppendLine (" class_addProperty (handle, __xamarin_properties [prop_offset].name, props, count);;");
sb.AppendLine (" }");
sb.AppendLine (" objc_registerClassPair (handle);");
sb.AppendLine (" }");
sb.AppendLine (" for (i = 0; i < __xamarin_map_count; i++) {");
sb.AppendLine (" __xamarin_class_map [i].handle = objc_getClass (__xamarin_class_map [i].name);");
sb.AppendLine (" }");
sb.AppendLine ("}");
return sb.ToString ();