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namespace monotouchtestWatchKitExtension
open System
open System.Collections
open System.Linq
open System.Threading
open WatchKit
open Foundation
open NUnit.Framework.Internal.Filters
open MonoTouch.NUnit.UI
[<Register ("InterfaceController")>]
type InterfaceController (handle: IntPtr) =
inherit WKInterfaceController (handle)
let mutable runner = Unchecked.defaultof<WatchOSRunner>
[<Outlet ("lblStatus")>]
member val lblStatus = Unchecked.defaultof<WKInterfaceLabel> with get, set
[<Outlet ("lblSuccess")>]
member val lblSuccess = Unchecked.defaultof<WKInterfaceLabel> with get, set
[<Outlet ("lblFailed")>]
member val lblFailed = Unchecked.defaultof<WKInterfaceLabel> with get, set
[<Outlet ("lblIgnored")>]
member val lblIgnored = Unchecked.defaultof<WKInterfaceLabel> with get, set
[<Outlet ("lblInconclusive")>]
member val lblInconclusive = Unchecked.defaultof<WKInterfaceLabel> with get, set
[<Outlet ("cmdRun")>]
member val cmdRun = Unchecked.defaultof<WKInterfaceButton> with get, set
member this.LoadTests () =
runner <- new WatchOSRunner ()
let ce = new CategoryExpression ("MobileNotWorking,NotOnMac,NotWorking,ValueAdd,CAS,InetAccess,NotWorkingInterpreter")
runner.Filter <- new NotFilter (ce.Filter)
let tp = this.GetType ()
runner.Add (tp.Assembly)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (fun v ->
runner.LoadSync ()
this.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (fun x ->
this.lblStatus.SetText (String.Format ("{0} tests", runner.TestCount))
this.RenderResults ()
this.cmdRun.SetEnabled (true)
this.cmdRun.SetHidden (false)
|> ignore
override this.Awake (context: NSObject) =
base.Awake (context)
this.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (fun x ->
this.LoadTests ()
member this.RenderResults () =
this.lblSuccess.SetText (String.Format ("Passed: {0}/{1} {2}%", runner.PassedCount, runner.TestCount, 100 * runner.PassedCount / runner.TestCount))
this.lblFailed.SetText (String.Format ("Failed: {0}/{1} {2}%", runner.FailedCount, runner.TestCount, 100 * runner.FailedCount / runner.TestCount))
this.lblIgnored.SetText (String.Format ("Ignored: {0}/{1} {2}%", runner.IgnoredCount, runner.TestCount, 100 * runner.IgnoredCount / runner.TestCount))
this.lblInconclusive.SetText (String.Format ("Inconclusive: {0}/{1} {2}%", runner.InconclusiveCount, runner.TestCount, 100 * runner.InconclusiveCount / runner.TestCount))
member this.RunTests () =
this.cmdRun.SetEnabled (false)
this.lblStatus.SetText ("Running")
this.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (fun v ->
runner.Run ()
this.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (fun x ->
this.RenderResults ()
member this.RunTests (obj: NSObject) =
this.RunTests ()