
2395 строки
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// Copyright 2013 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using MonoTouch.Tuner;
using Mono.Tuner;
using Xamarin.Linker;
using Xamarin.Utils;
using Xamarin.MacDev;
namespace Xamarin.Bundler {
public enum BitCodeMode {
None = 0,
ASMOnly = 1,
LLVMOnly = 2,
MarkerOnly = 3,
public static class AbiExtensions {
public static string AsString (this Abi self)
var rv = (self & Abi.ArchMask).ToString ();
if ((self & Abi.LLVM) == Abi.LLVM)
rv += "+LLVM";
if ((self & Abi.Thumb) == Abi.Thumb)
rv += "+Thumb";
return rv;
public static string AsArchString (this Abi self)
return (self & Abi.ArchMask).ToString ().ToLowerInvariant ();
public enum RegistrarMode {
public enum BuildTarget {
public enum DlsymOptions
public enum MonoNativeMode {
public partial class Application
public const string ProductName = "Xamarin.iOS";
public const string Error91LinkerSuggestion = "set the managed linker behaviour to Link Framework SDKs Only in your project's iOS Build Options > Linker Behavior";
public string ExecutableName;
public BuildTarget BuildTarget;
public bool EnableCxx;
public bool EnableProfiling;
bool? package_managed_debug_symbols;
public bool PackageManagedDebugSymbols {
get { return package_managed_debug_symbols.Value; }
set { package_managed_debug_symbols = value; }
bool? enable_msym;
public bool EnableMSym {
get { return enable_msym.Value; }
set { enable_msym = value; }
public bool EnableRepl;
public bool IsExtension;
public List<string> Extensions = new List<string> (); // A list of the extensions this app contains.
public List<Application> AppExtensions = new List<Application> ();
public Application ContainerApp; // For extensions, this is the containing app
public bool? EnablePie;
public bool NativeStrip = true;
public string SymbolList;
public bool ManagedStrip = true;
public List<string> NoSymbolStrip = new List<string> ();
public DlsymOptions DlsymOptions;
public List<Tuple<string, bool>> DlsymAssemblies;
public bool? UseMonoFramework;
public bool? PackageMonoFramework;
public bool NoFastSim;
public bool NoDevCodeShare;
public bool IsCodeShared { get; private set; }
// The list of assemblies that we do generate debugging info for.
public bool DebugAll;
public List<string> DebugAssemblies = new List<string> ();
public bool? DebugTrack;
public string Compiler = string.Empty;
public string CompilerPath;
public string AotArguments = "static,asmonly,direct-icalls,";
public string AotOtherArguments = string.Empty;
public bool? LLVMAsmWriter;
public Dictionary<string, string> LLVMOptimizations = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
public bool UseInterpreter;
public List<string> InterpretedAssemblies = new List<string> ();
public Dictionary<string, string> EnvironmentVariables = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
public MonoNativeMode MonoNativeMode { get; private set; }
// Linker config
public bool LinkAway = true;
public bool LinkerDumpDependencies { get; set; }
public List<string> References = new List<string> ();
public bool? BuildDSym;
public bool IsInterpreted (string assembly)
// IsAOTCompiled and IsInterpreted are not opposites: mscorlib.dll can be both.
if (!UseInterpreter)
return false;
// Go through the list of assemblies to interpret in reverse order,
// so that the last option passed to mtouch takes precedence.
for (int i = InterpretedAssemblies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var opt = InterpretedAssemblies [i];
if (opt == "all")
return true;
else if (opt == "-all")
return false;
else if (opt == assembly)
return true;
else if (opt [0] == '-' && opt.Substring (1) == assembly)
return false;
// There's an implicit 'all' at the start of the list.
return true;
public bool IsAOTCompiled (string assembly)
if (!UseInterpreter)
return true;
// IsAOTCompiled and IsInterpreted are not opposites: mscorlib.dll can be both:
// - mscorlib will always be processed by the AOT compiler to generate required wrapper functions for the interpreter to work
// - mscorlib might also be fully AOT-compiled (both when the interpreter is enabled and when it's not)
if (assembly == "mscorlib")
return true;
return !IsInterpreted (assembly);
// If we're targetting a 32 bit arch.
bool? is32bits;
public bool Is32Build {
get {
if (!is32bits.HasValue)
is32bits = IsArchEnabled (Abi.Arch32Mask);
return is32bits.Value;
// If we're targetting a 64 bit arch.
bool? is64bits;
public bool Is64Build {
get {
if (!is64bits.HasValue)
is64bits = IsArchEnabled (Abi.Arch64Mask);
return is64bits.Value;
public bool IsDualBuild { get { return Is32Build && Is64Build; } } // if we're building both a 32 and a 64 bit version.
public bool IsLLVM { get { return IsArchEnabled (Abi.LLVM); } }
bool RequiresXcodeHeaders => LinkMode == LinkMode.None;
public List<Target> Targets = new List<Target> ();
public string UserGccFlags;
// If we didn't link the final executable because the existing binary is up-to-date.
bool cached_executable;
List<Abi> abis;
HashSet<Abi> all_architectures; // all Abis used in the app, including extensions.
BuildTasks build_tasks;
Dictionary<string, Tuple<AssemblyBuildTarget, string>> assembly_build_targets = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<AssemblyBuildTarget, string>> ();
public AssemblyBuildTarget LibMonoLinkMode {
get {
if (Embeddinator) {
return AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject;
} else if (HasFrameworks || UseMonoFramework.Value) {
return AssemblyBuildTarget.Framework;
} else if (HasDynamicLibraries) {
return AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary;
} else {
return AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject;
public AssemblyBuildTarget LibXamarinLinkMode {
get {
if (Embeddinator) {
return AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject;
} else if (HasFrameworks) {
return AssemblyBuildTarget.Framework;
} else if (HasDynamicLibraries) {
return AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary;
} else {
return AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject;
public AssemblyBuildTarget LibPInvokesLinkMode => LibXamarinLinkMode;
public AssemblyBuildTarget LibProfilerLinkMode => OnlyStaticLibraries ? AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject : AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary;
public AssemblyBuildTarget LibMonoNativeLinkMode => LibProfilerLinkMode;
Dictionary<string, BundleFileInfo> bundle_files = new Dictionary<string, BundleFileInfo> ();
public bool OnlyStaticLibraries {
get {
return assembly_build_targets.All ((abt) => abt.Value.Item1 == AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject);
public bool HasDynamicLibraries {
get {
return assembly_build_targets.Any ((abt) => abt.Value.Item1 == AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary);
public bool HasAnyDynamicLibraries {
get {
if (LibMonoLinkMode == AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary)
return true;
if (LibXamarinLinkMode == AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary)
return true;
if (LibPInvokesLinkMode == AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary)
return true;
if (LibProfilerLinkMode == AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary)
return true;
if (LibMonoNativeLinkMode == AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary)
return true;
return HasDynamicLibraries;
public bool HasFrameworks {
get {
return assembly_build_targets.Any ((abt) => abt.Value.Item1 == AssemblyBuildTarget.Framework);
public void ClearAssemblyBuildTargets ()
assembly_build_targets.Clear ();
public void AddAssemblyBuildTarget (string value)
var eq_index = value.IndexOf ('=');
if (eq_index == -1)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (10, "Could not parse the command line arguments: --assembly-build-target={0}", value);
var assembly_name = value.Substring (0, eq_index);
string target, name;
var eq_index2 = value.IndexOf ('=', eq_index + 1);
if (eq_index2 == -1) {
target = value.Substring (eq_index + 1);
if (assembly_name == "@all" || assembly_name == "@sdk") {
name = string.Empty;
} else {
name = assembly_name;
} else {
target = value.Substring (eq_index + 1, eq_index2 - eq_index - 1);
name = value.Substring (eq_index2 + 1);
int invalid_idx;
if ((invalid_idx = name.IndexOfAny (new char [] { '/', '\\' })) != -1)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (106, "The assembly build target name '{0}' is invalid: the character '{1}' is not allowed.", name, name [invalid_idx]);
if (assembly_build_targets.ContainsKey (assembly_name))
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (101, "The assembly '{0}' is specified multiple times in --assembly-build-target arguments.", assembly_name);
AssemblyBuildTarget build_target;
switch (target) {
case "staticobject":
build_target = AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject;
case "dynamiclibrary":
build_target = AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary;
case "framework":
build_target = AssemblyBuildTarget.Framework;
if (name.EndsWith (".framework", StringComparison.Ordinal))
name = name.Substring (0, name.Length - ".framework".Length);
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (10, "Could not parse the command line arguments: --assembly-build-target={0}", value);
assembly_build_targets [assembly_name] = new Tuple<AssemblyBuildTarget, string> (build_target, name);
public bool ContainsGroupedSdkAssemblyBuildTargets {
get {
// The logic here must match the default logic in 'SelectAssemblyBuildTargets' (because we will execute this method before 'SelectAssemblyBuildTargets' is executed)
Tuple<AssemblyBuildTarget, string> value;
if (!assembly_build_targets.TryGetValue ("@sdk", out value))
return IsCodeShared;
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty (value.Item2);
void SelectAssemblyBuildTargets ()
Tuple<AssemblyBuildTarget, string> all = null;
Tuple<AssemblyBuildTarget, string> sdk = null;
List<Exception> exceptions = null;
if (IsSimulatorBuild && !Embeddinator) {
if (assembly_build_targets.Count > 0) {
var first = assembly_build_targets.First ();
if (assembly_build_targets.Count == 1 && first.Key == "@all" && first.Value.Item1 == AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary && first.Value.Item2 == string.Empty) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (126, "Incremental builds have been disabled because incremental builds are not supported in the simulator.");
} else {
ErrorHelper.Warning (125, "The --assembly-build-target command-line argument is ignored in the simulator.");
assembly_build_targets.Clear ();
if (assembly_build_targets.Count == 0) {
// The logic here must match the logic in 'ContainsGroupedSdkAssemblyBuildTarget' (because we will execute 'ContainsGroupedSdkAssemblyBuildTargets' before this is executed)
assembly_build_targets.Add ("@all", new Tuple<AssemblyBuildTarget, string> (AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject, ""));
if (IsCodeShared) {
// If we're sharing code, then we can default to creating a Xamarin.Sdk.framework for SDK assemblies,
// and static objects for the rest of the assemblies.
assembly_build_targets.Add ("@sdk", new Tuple<AssemblyBuildTarget, string> (AssemblyBuildTarget.Framework, "Xamarin.Sdk"));
assembly_build_targets.TryGetValue ("@all", out all);
assembly_build_targets.TryGetValue ("@sdk", out sdk);
foreach (var target in Targets) {
var asm_build_targets = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<AssemblyBuildTarget, string>> (assembly_build_targets);
foreach (var assembly in target.Assemblies) {
Tuple<AssemblyBuildTarget, string> build_target;
var asm_name = assembly.Identity;
if (asm_build_targets.TryGetValue (asm_name, out build_target)) {
asm_build_targets.Remove (asm_name);
} else if (sdk != null && (Profile.IsSdkAssembly (asm_name) || Profile.IsProductAssembly (asm_name))) {
build_target = sdk;
} else {
build_target = all;
if (build_target == null) {
if (exceptions == null)
exceptions = new List<Exception> ();
exceptions.Add (ErrorHelper.CreateError (105, "No assembly build target was specified for '{0}'.", assembly.Identity));
assembly.BuildTarget = build_target.Item1;
// The default build target name is the assembly's filename, including the extension,
// so that for instance for System.dll, we'd end up with a System.dll.framework
// (this way it doesn't clash with the system's System.framework).
assembly.BuildTargetName = string.IsNullOrEmpty (build_target.Item2) ? Path.GetFileName (assembly.FileName) : build_target.Item2;
foreach (var abt in asm_build_targets) {
if (abt.Key == "@all" || abt.Key == "@sdk")
if (exceptions == null)
exceptions = new List<Exception> ();
exceptions.Add (ErrorHelper.CreateError (108, "The assembly build target '{0}' did not match any assemblies.", abt.Key));
if (exceptions != null)
var grouped = target.Assemblies.GroupBy ((a) => a.BuildTargetName);
foreach (var @group in grouped) {
var assemblies = @group.AsEnumerable ().ToArray ();
// Check that all assemblies in a group have the same build target
for (int i = 1; i < assemblies.Length; i++) {
if (assemblies [0].BuildTarget != assemblies [i].BuildTarget)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (102, "The assemblies '{0}' and '{1}' have the same target name ('{2}'), but different targets ('{3}' and '{4}').",
assemblies [0].Identity, assemblies [1].Identity, assemblies [0].BuildTargetName, assemblies [0].BuildTarget, assemblies [1].BuildTarget);
// Check that static objects must consist of only one assembly
if (assemblies.Length != 1 && assemblies [0].BuildTarget == AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (103, "The static object '{0}' contains more than one assembly ('{1}'), but each static object must correspond with exactly one assembly.",
assemblies [0].BuildTargetName, string.Join ("', '", assemblies.Select ((a) => a.Identity).ToArray ()));
if (exceptions != null)
throw new AggregateException (exceptions);
public string GetLLVMOptimizations (Assembly assembly)
string opt;
if (LLVMOptimizations.TryGetValue (assembly.FileName, out opt))
return opt;
if (LLVMOptimizations.TryGetValue ("all", out opt))
return opt;
return null;
public void SetDlsymOption (string asm, bool dlsym)
if (DlsymAssemblies == null)
DlsymAssemblies = new List<Tuple<string, bool>> ();
DlsymAssemblies.Add (new Tuple<string, bool> (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (asm), dlsym));
DlsymOptions = DlsymOptions.Custom;
public void ParseDlsymOptions (string options)
bool dlsym;
if (Driver.TryParseBool (options, out dlsym)) {
DlsymOptions = dlsym ? DlsymOptions.All : DlsymOptions.None;
} else {
DlsymAssemblies = new List<Tuple<string, bool>> ();
var assemblies = options.Split (',');
foreach (var assembly in assemblies) {
var asm = assembly;
if (assembly.StartsWith ("+", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
dlsym = true;
asm = assembly.Substring (1);
} else if (assembly.StartsWith ("-", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
dlsym = false;
asm = assembly.Substring (1);
} else {
dlsym = true;
DlsymAssemblies.Add (new Tuple<string, bool> (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (asm), dlsym));
DlsymOptions = DlsymOptions.Custom;
public bool UseDlsym (string assembly)
string asm;
if (DlsymAssemblies != null) {
asm = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (assembly);
foreach (var tuple in DlsymAssemblies) {
if (string.Equals (tuple.Item1, asm, StringComparison.Ordinal))
return tuple.Item2;
switch (DlsymOptions) {
case DlsymOptions.All:
return true;
case DlsymOptions.None:
return false;
if (EnableLLVMOnlyBitCode)
return false;
if (IsInterpreted (Assembly.GetIdentity (assembly)))
return true;
switch (Platform) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
return !Profile.IsSdkAssembly (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (assembly));
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
return false;
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (71, "Unknown platform: {0}. This usually indicates a bug in Xamarin.iOS; please file a bug report at https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/new with a test case.", Platform);
public string MonoGCParams {
get {
// Configure sgen to use a small nursery
string ret = "nursery-size=512k";
if (IsTodayExtension || Platform == ApplePlatform.WatchOS) {
// A bit test shows different behavior
// Sometimes apps are killed with ~100mb allocated,
// but I've seen apps allocate up to 240+mb as well
ret += ",soft-heap-limit=8m";
if (EnableSGenConc)
ret += ",major=marksweep-conc";
ret += ",major=marksweep";
return ret;
public bool IsDeviceBuild {
get { return BuildTarget == BuildTarget.Device; }
public bool IsSimulatorBuild {
get { return BuildTarget == BuildTarget.Simulator; }
public IEnumerable<Abi> Abis {
get { return abis; }
public BitCodeMode BitCodeMode { get; set; }
public bool EnableAsmOnlyBitCode { get { return BitCodeMode == BitCodeMode.ASMOnly; } }
public bool EnableLLVMOnlyBitCode { get { return BitCodeMode == BitCodeMode.LLVMOnly; } }
public bool EnableMarkerOnlyBitCode { get { return BitCodeMode == BitCodeMode.MarkerOnly; } }
public bool EnableBitCode { get { return BitCodeMode != BitCodeMode.None; } }
public ICollection<Abi> AllArchitectures {
get {
if (all_architectures == null) {
all_architectures = new HashSet<Abi> ();
foreach (var abi in abis)
all_architectures.Add (abi);
foreach (var ext in AppExtensions) {
foreach (var abi in ext.Abis)
all_architectures.Add (abi);
return all_architectures;
public bool IsTodayExtension {
get {
return ExtensionIdentifier == "com.apple.widget-extension";
public bool IsWatchExtension {
get {
return ExtensionIdentifier == "com.apple.watchkit";
public bool IsTVExtension {
get {
return ExtensionIdentifier == "com.apple.tv-services";
public bool HasFrameworksDirectory {
get {
if (!IsExtension)
return true;
if (IsWatchExtension && Platform == ApplePlatform.WatchOS)
return true;
return false;
public string ExtensionIdentifier {
get {
if (!IsExtension)
return null;
var info_plist = Path.Combine (AppDirectory, "Info.plist");
var plist = Driver.FromPList (info_plist);
var dict = plist.Get<PDictionary> ("NSExtension");
if (dict == null)
return null;
return dict.GetString ("NSExtensionPointIdentifier");
public string BundleId {
get {
return GetStringFromInfoPList ("CFBundleIdentifier");
string GetStringFromInfoPList (string key)
return GetStringFromInfoPList (AppDirectory, key);
string GetStringFromInfoPList (string directory, string key)
var info_plist = Path.Combine (directory, "Info.plist");
if (!File.Exists (info_plist))
return null;
var plist = Driver.FromPList (info_plist);
if (!plist.ContainsKey (key))
return null;
return plist.GetString (key);
public void SetDefaultAbi ()
if (abis == null)
abis = new List<Abi> ();
switch (Platform) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
if (abis.Count == 0) {
if (DeploymentTarget == null || DeploymentTarget.Major >= 11) {
abis.Add (IsDeviceBuild ? Abi.ARM64 : Abi.x86_64);
} else {
abis.Add (IsDeviceBuild ? Abi.ARMv7 : Abi.i386);
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
if (abis.Count == 0)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (76, "No architecture specified (using the --abi argument). An architecture is required for {0} projects.", "Xamarin.WatchOS");
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
if (abis.Count == 0)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (76, "No architecture specified (using the --abi argument). An architecture is required for {0} projects.", "Xamarin.TVOS");
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (71, "Unknown platform: {0}. This usually indicates a bug in Xamarin.iOS; please file a bug report at https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/new with a test case.", Platform);
public void ValidateAbi ()
var validAbis = new List<Abi> ();
switch (Platform) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
if (IsDeviceBuild) {
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARMv7);
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARMv7 | Abi.Thumb);
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARMv7 | Abi.LLVM);
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARMv7 | Abi.LLVM | Abi.Thumb);
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARMv7s);
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARMv7s | Abi.Thumb);
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARMv7s | Abi.LLVM);
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARMv7s | Abi.LLVM | Abi.Thumb);
} else {
validAbis.Add (Abi.i386);
if (IsDeviceBuild) {
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARM64);
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARM64 | Abi.LLVM);
} else {
validAbis.Add (Abi.x86_64);
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
if (IsDeviceBuild) {
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARMv7k);
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARMv7k | Abi.LLVM);
} else {
validAbis.Add (Abi.i386);
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
if (IsDeviceBuild) {
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARM64);
validAbis.Add (Abi.ARM64 | Abi.LLVM);
} else {
validAbis.Add (Abi.x86_64);
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (71, "Unknown platform: {0}. This usually indicates a bug in Xamarin.iOS; please file a bug report at https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/new with a test case.", Platform);
foreach (var abi in abis) {
if (!validAbis.Contains (abi))
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (75, "Invalid architecture '{0}' for {1} projects. Valid architectures are: {2}", abi, Platform, string.Join (", ", validAbis.Select ((v) => v.AsString ()).ToArray ()));
public void ClearAbi ()
abis = null;
// This is to load the symbols for all assemblies, so that we can give better error messages
// (with file name / line number information).
public void LoadSymbols ()
foreach (var t in Targets)
t.LoadSymbols ();
public void ParseAbi (string abi)
var res = new List<Abi> ();
foreach (var str in abi.Split (new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) {
Abi value;
switch (str) {
case "i386":
value = Abi.i386;
case "x86_64":
value = Abi.x86_64;
case "armv7":
value = Abi.ARMv7;
case "armv7+llvm":
value = Abi.ARMv7 | Abi.LLVM;
case "armv7+llvm+thumb2":
value = Abi.ARMv7 | Abi.LLVM | Abi.Thumb;
case "armv7s":
value = Abi.ARMv7s;
case "armv7s+llvm":
value = Abi.ARMv7s | Abi.LLVM;
case "armv7s+llvm+thumb2":
value = Abi.ARMv7s | Abi.LLVM | Abi.Thumb;
case "arm64":
value = Abi.ARM64;
case "arm64+llvm":
value = Abi.ARM64 | Abi.LLVM;
case "armv7k":
value = Abi.ARMv7k;
case "armv7k+llvm":
value = Abi.ARMv7k | Abi.LLVM;
throw new MonoTouchException (15, true, "Invalid ABI: {0}. Supported ABIs are: i386, x86_64, armv7, armv7+llvm, armv7+llvm+thumb2, armv7s, armv7s+llvm, armv7s+llvm+thumb2, armv7k, armv7k+llvm, arm64 and arm64+llvm.", str);
// merge this value with any existing ARMv? already specified.
// this is so that things like '--armv7 --thumb' work correctly.
if (abis != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < abis.Count; i++) {
if ((abis [i] & Abi.ArchMask) == (value & Abi.ArchMask)) {
value |= abis [i];
res.Add (value);
// We replace any existing abis, to keep the old behavior where '--armv6 --armv7' would
// enable only the last abi specified and disable the rest.
abis = res;
public static string GetArchitectures (IEnumerable<Abi> abis)
var res = new List<string> ();
foreach (var abi in abis)
res.Add (abi.AsArchString ());
return string.Join (", ", res.ToArray ());
public bool IsArchEnabled (Abi arch)
return IsArchEnabled (abis, arch);
public static bool IsArchEnabled (IEnumerable<Abi> abis, Abi arch)
foreach (var abi in abis) {
if ((abi & arch) != 0)
return true;
return false;
public void BuildAll ()
var allapps = new List<Application> ();
allapps.Add (this); // We need to build the main app first, so that any extensions sharing code can reference frameworks built in the main app.
allapps.AddRange (AppExtensions);
VerifyCache ();
allapps.ForEach ((v) => v.BuildInitialize ());
DetectCodeSharing ();
allapps.ForEach ((v) => v.BuildManaged ());
allapps.ForEach ((v) => v.BuildNative ());
BuildBundle ();
allapps.ForEach ((v) => v.BuildEnd ());
void VerifyCache ()
var valid = true;
// First make sure that all the caches (both for the container app and any app extensions) are valid.
// Due to code sharing it's safest to rebuild everything if any cache ends up out-of-date.
if (Driver.Force) {
Driver.Log (3, $"A full rebuild has been forced by the command line argument -f.");
valid = false;
} else if (!Cache.IsCacheValid ()) {
Driver.Log (3, $"A full rebuild has been forced because the cache for {Name} is not valid.");
valid = false;
} else {
foreach (var appex in AppExtensions) {
if (appex.Cache.IsCacheValid ())
Driver.Log (3, $"A full rebuild has been forced because the cache for {appex.Name} is not valid.");
valid = false;
if (valid)
// Something's not valid anymore, so clean everything.
Cache.Clean ();
// Make sure everything is rebuilt no matter what, the cache is not
// the only location taken into account when determing if something
// needs to be rebuilt.
Driver.Force = true;
AppExtensions.ForEach ((v) => v.Cache.Clean ());
void BuildInitialize ()
SelectRegistrar ();
Initialize ();
ValidateAbi ();
ExtractNativeLinkInfo ();
SelectNativeCompiler ();
void BuildManaged ()
ProcessAssemblies ();
void BuildNative ()
// Everything that can be parallelized is put into a list of tasks,
// which are then executed at the end.
build_tasks = new BuildTasks ();
Driver.Watch ("Generating build tasks", 1);
CompilePInvokeWrappers ();
BuildApp ();
if (Driver.Dot)
build_tasks.Dot (Path.Combine (Cache.Location, "build.dot"));
Driver.Watch ("Building build tasks", 1);
build_tasks.Execute ();
void BuildEnd ()
// TODO: make more of the below actions parallelizable
BuildDsymDirectory ();
BuildMSymDirectory ();
StripNativeCode ();
BundleAssemblies ();
WriteNotice ();
GenerateRuntimeOptions ();
if (Cache.IsCacheTemporary) {
// If we used a temporary directory we created ourselves for the cache
// (in which case it's more a temporary location where we store the
// temporary build products than a cache), it will not be used again,
// so just delete it.
try {
Directory.Delete (Cache.Location, true);
} catch {
// Don't care.
} else {
// Write the cache data as the last step, so there is no half-done/incomplete (but yet detected as valid) cache.
Cache.ValidateCache ();
Console.WriteLine ("{0} built successfully.", AppDirectory);
bool no_framework;
public void SetDefaultFramework ()
// If no target framework was specified, check if we're referencing Xamarin.iOS.dll.
// It's an error if neither target framework nor Xamarin.iOS.dll is not specified
if (!Driver.HasTargetFramework) {
foreach (var reference in References) {
var name = Path.GetFileName (reference);
switch (name) {
case "Xamarin.iOS.dll":
Driver.TargetFramework = TargetFramework.Xamarin_iOS_1_0;
case "Xamarin.TVOS.dll":
case "Xamarin.WatchOS.dll":
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (86, "A target framework (--target-framework) must be specified when building for TVOS or WatchOS.");
if (Driver.HasTargetFramework)
if (!Driver.HasTargetFramework) {
// Set a default target framework to show errors in the least confusing order.
Driver.TargetFramework = TargetFramework.Xamarin_iOS_1_0;
no_framework = true;
string FormatAssemblyBuildTargets ()
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
foreach (var foo in assembly_build_targets) {
if (sb.Length > 0)
sb.Append (" ");
sb.Append ("--assembly-build-target:");
sb.Append (foo.Key);
sb.Append ("=").Append (foo.Value.Item1.ToString ().ToLower ());
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (foo.Value.Item2))
sb.Append ("=").Append (foo.Value.Item2);
return sb.ToString ();
void DetectCodeSharing ()
if (AppExtensions.Count == 0)
if (!IsDeviceBuild)
if (NoDevCodeShare) {
// This is not a warning because then there would be no way to get a warning-less build if you for some reason wanted
// a configuration that ends up disabling code sharing. In other words: if you want a configuration that causes mtouch
// to disable code sharing, explicitly disabling code sharing will shut up all warnings about it.
Driver.Log (2, "Native code sharing has been disabled in the main app; no code sharing with extensions will occur.");
if (Platform == ApplePlatform.iOS && DeploymentTarget.Major < 8) {
// This is a limitation it's technically possible to fix (we can build all extensions into frameworks, and the main app to static objects).
// It would make our code a bit more complicated though, and would only be valuable for apps that target iOS 6 or iOS 7 and has more than one extension.
ErrorHelper.Warning (112, "Native code sharing has been disabled because {0}", $"the container app's deployment target is earlier than iOS 8.0 (it's {DeploymentTarget}).");
// No I18N assemblies can be included
if (I18n != Mono.Linker.I18nAssemblies.None) {
// This is a limitation it's technically possible to fix.
ErrorHelper.Warning (112, "Native code sharing has been disabled because the container app includes I18N assemblies ({0}).", I18n);
List<Application> candidates = new List<Application> ();
foreach (var appex in AppExtensions) {
if (appex.IsWatchExtension)
if (appex.NoDevCodeShare) {
// This is not a warning because then there would be no way to get a warning-less build if you for some reason wanted
// a configuration that ends up disabling code sharing. In other words: if you want a configuration that causes mtouch
// to disable code sharing, explicitly disabling code sharing will shut up all warnings about it.
Driver.Log (2, "Native code sharing has been disabled in the extension {0}; no code sharing with the main will occur for this extension.", appex.Name);
if (BitCodeMode != appex.BitCodeMode) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the bitcode options differ between the container app ({appex.BitCodeMode}) and the extension ({BitCodeMode}).");
bool applicable = true;
// The --assembly-build-target arguments must be identical.
// We can probably lift this requirement (at least partially) at some point,
// but for now it makes our code simpler.
if (assembly_build_targets.Count != appex.assembly_build_targets.Count) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the --assembly-build-target options are different between the container app ({FormatAssemblyBuildTargets ()}) and the extension ({appex.FormatAssemblyBuildTargets ()}).");
foreach (var key in assembly_build_targets.Keys) {
Tuple<AssemblyBuildTarget, string> appex_value;
if (!appex.assembly_build_targets.TryGetValue (key, out appex_value)) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the --assembly-build-target options are different between the container app ({FormatAssemblyBuildTargets ()}) and the extension ({appex.FormatAssemblyBuildTargets ()}).");
applicable = false;
var value = assembly_build_targets [key];
if (value.Item1 != appex_value.Item1 || value.Item2 != appex_value.Item2) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the --assembly-build-target options are different between the container app ({FormatAssemblyBuildTargets ()}) and the extension ({appex.FormatAssemblyBuildTargets ()}).");
applicable = false;
if (!applicable)
// No I18N assemblies can be included
if (appex.I18n != Mono.Linker.I18nAssemblies.None) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the I18N assemblies are different between the container app ({I18n}) and the extension ({appex.I18n}).");
// All arguments to the AOT compiler must be identical
if (AotArguments != appex.AotArguments) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the arguments to the AOT compiler are different between the container app ({AotArguments}) and the extension ({appex.AotArguments}).");
if (AotOtherArguments != appex.AotOtherArguments) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the other arguments to the AOT compiler are different between the container app ({AotOtherArguments}) and the extension ({appex.AotOtherArguments}).");
if (IsLLVM != appex.IsLLVM) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"LLVM is not enabled or disabled in both the container app ({IsLLVM}) and the extension ({appex.IsLLVM}).");
if (LinkMode != appex.LinkMode) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the managed linker settings are different between the container app ({LinkMode}) and the extension ({appex.LinkMode}).");
if (LinkMode != LinkMode.None) {
var linkskipped_same = !LinkSkipped.Except (appex.LinkSkipped).Any () && !appex.LinkSkipped.Except (LinkSkipped).Any ();
if (!linkskipped_same) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the skipped assemblies for the managed linker are different between the container app ({string.Join (", ", LinkSkipped)}) and the extension ({string.Join (", ", appex.LinkSkipped)}).");
if (Definitions.Count > 0) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (112, "Native code sharing has been disabled because {0}", $"the container app has custom xml definitions for the managed linker ({string.Join (", ", Definitions)}).");
if (appex.Definitions.Count > 0) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the extension has custom xml definitions for the managed linker ({string.Join (", ", appex.Definitions)}).");
if (UseInterpreter != appex.UseInterpreter) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the interpreter settings are different between the container app ({(UseInterpreter ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")}) and the extension ({(appex.UseInterpreter ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")}).");
} else if (UseInterpreter) {
var appAssemblies = new HashSet<string> (InterpretedAssemblies);
var appexAssemblies = new HashSet<string> (appex.InterpretedAssemblies);
if (!appAssemblies.SetEquals (appexAssemblies)) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the interpreted assemblies are different between the container app ({(InterpretedAssemblies.Count == 0 ? "all assemblies" : string.Join (", ", InterpretedAssemblies))}) and the extension ({(appex.InterpretedAssemblies.Count == 0 ? "all assemblies" : string.Join (", ", appex.InterpretedAssemblies))}).");
// Check that the Abis are matching
foreach (var abi in appex.Abis) {
var matching = abis.FirstOrDefault ((v) => (v & Abi.ArchMask) == (abi & Abi.ArchMask));
if (matching == Abi.None) {
// Example: extension has arm64+armv7, while the main app has only arm64.
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the container app does not build for the ABI {abi} (while the extension is building for this ABI).");
applicable = false;
} else if (matching != abi) {
// Example: extension has arm64+llvm, while the main app has only arm64.
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the container app is building for the ABI {matching}, which is not compatible with the extension's ABI ({abi}).");
applicable = false;
// Check that the remove-dynamic-registrar optimizations are identical
if (Optimizations.RemoveDynamicRegistrar != appex.Optimizations.RemoveDynamicRegistrar) {
Func<bool?, string> bool_tostr = (v) => {
if (!v.HasValue)
return "default";
return v.Value ? "true" : "false";
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the remove-dynamic-registrar optimization differ between the container app ({bool_tostr (appex.Optimizations.RemoveDynamicRegistrar)}) and the extension ({bool_tostr (Optimizations.RemoveDynamicRegistrar)}).");
// Check if there aren't referenced assemblies from different sources
foreach (var target in Targets) {
var appexTarget = appex.Targets.SingleOrDefault ((v) => v.Is32Build == target.Is32Build);
if (appexTarget == null)
continue; // container is fat, appex isn't. This is not a problem.
foreach (var kvp in appexTarget.Assemblies.Hashed) {
Assembly asm;
if (!target.Assemblies.TryGetValue (kvp.Key, out asm))
continue; // appex references an assembly the main app doesn't. This is fine.
if (asm.FullPath != kvp.Value.FullPath && !Cache.CompareFiles (asm.FullPath, kvp.Value.FullPath, true)) {
applicable = false; // app references an assembly with the same name as the main app, but from a different location and not identical. This is not fine.
ErrorHelper.Warning (113, "Native code sharing has been disabled for the extension '{0}' because {1}", appex.Name, $"the container app is referencing the assembly '{asm.Identity}' from '{asm.FullPath}', while the extension references a different version from '{kvp.Value.FullPath}'.");
if (!applicable)
candidates.Add (appex);
appex.IsCodeShared = true;
IsCodeShared = true;
Driver.Log (2, "The app '{1}' and the extension '{0}' will share code.", appex.Name, Name);
if (candidates.Count > 0)
SharedCodeApps.AddRange (candidates);
Driver.Watch ("Detect Code Sharing", 1);
void Initialize ()
if (EnableDebug && IsLLVM)
ErrorHelper.Warning (3003, "Debugging is not supported when building with LLVM. Debugging has been disabled.");
if (!IsLLVM && (EnableAsmOnlyBitCode || EnableLLVMOnlyBitCode))
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (3008, "Bitcode support requires the use of LLVM (--abi=arm64+llvm etc.)");
if (IsLLVM && Platform == ApplePlatform.WatchOS && BitCodeMode != BitCodeMode.LLVMOnly) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (111, "Bitcode has been enabled because this version of Xamarin.iOS does not support building watchOS projects using LLVM without enabling bitcode.");
BitCodeMode = BitCodeMode.LLVMOnly;
if (!DebugTrack.HasValue) {
DebugTrack = false;
} else if (DebugTrack.Value && !EnableDebug) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (32, "The option '--debugtrack' is ignored unless '--debug' is also specified.");
if (EnableAsmOnlyBitCode)
LLVMAsmWriter = true;
List<Exception> exceptions = null;
foreach (var root in RootAssemblies) {
if (File.Exists (root))
if (exceptions == null)
exceptions = new List<Exception> ();
if (root [0] == '-' || root [0] == '/') {
exceptions.Add (ErrorHelper.CreateError (18, "Unknown command line argument: '{0}'", root));
} else {
exceptions.Add (ErrorHelper.CreateError (7, "The root assembly '{0}' does not exist", root));
if (exceptions?.Count > 0)
throw new AggregateException (exceptions);
if (no_framework)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (96, "No reference to Xamarin.iOS.dll was found.");
// Add a reference to the platform assembly if none has been added, and check that we're not referencing
// any platform assemblies from another platform.
var platformAssemblyReference = false;
foreach (var reference in References) {
var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (reference);
if (name == Driver.GetProductAssembly (this)) {
platformAssemblyReference = true;
} else {
switch (name) {
case "Xamarin.iOS":
case "Xamarin.TVOS":
case "Xamarin.WatchOS":
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (41, "Cannot reference '{0}' in a {1} app.", Path.GetFileName (reference), Driver.TargetFramework.Identifier);
if (!platformAssemblyReference) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (85, "No reference to '{0}' was found. It will be added automatically.", Driver.GetProductAssembly (this) + ".dll");
References.Add (Path.Combine (Driver.GetPlatformFrameworkDirectory (this), Driver.GetProductAssembly (this) + ".dll"));
((MonoTouchProfile)Profile.Current).SetProductAssembly (Driver.GetProductAssembly (this));
var FrameworkDirectory = Driver.GetPlatformFrameworkDirectory (this);
foreach (var root in RootAssemblies) {
string root_wo_ext = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (root);
if (Profile.IsSdkAssembly (root_wo_ext) || Profile.IsProductAssembly (root_wo_ext))
throw new MonoTouchException (3, true, "Application name '{0}.exe' conflicts with an SDK or product assembly (.dll) name.", root_wo_ext);
if (IsDualBuild) {
var target32 = new Target (this);
var target64 = new Target (this);
target32.ArchDirectory = Path.Combine (Cache.Location, "32");
target32.TargetDirectory = IsSimulatorBuild ? Path.Combine (AppDirectory, ".monotouch-32") : Path.Combine (target32.ArchDirectory, "Output");
target32.AppTargetDirectory = Path.Combine (AppDirectory, ".monotouch-32");
target32.Resolver.ArchDirectory = Driver.GetArch32Directory (this);
target32.Abis = SelectAbis (abis, Abi.Arch32Mask);
target64.ArchDirectory = Path.Combine (Cache.Location, "64");
target64.TargetDirectory = IsSimulatorBuild ? Path.Combine (AppDirectory, ".monotouch-64") : Path.Combine (target64.ArchDirectory, "Output");
target64.AppTargetDirectory = Path.Combine (AppDirectory, ".monotouch-64");
target64.Resolver.ArchDirectory = Driver.GetArch64Directory (this);
target64.Abis = SelectAbis (abis, Abi.Arch64Mask);
Targets.Add (target64);
Targets.Add (target32);
} else {
var target = new Target (this);
target.TargetDirectory = AppDirectory;
target.AppTargetDirectory = IsSimulatorBuild ? AppDirectory : Path.Combine (AppDirectory, Is64Build ? ".monotouch-64" : ".monotouch-32");
target.ArchDirectory = Cache.Location;
target.Resolver.ArchDirectory = Path.Combine (FrameworkDirectory, "..", "..", Is32Build ? "32bits" : "64bits");
target.Abis = abis;
Targets.Add (target);
// Make sure there aren't any lingering .monotouch-* directories.
if (IsSimulatorBuild) {
var dir = Path.Combine (AppDirectory, ".monotouch-32");
if (Directory.Exists (dir))
Directory.Delete (dir, true);
dir = Path.Combine (AppDirectory, ".monotouch-64");
if (Directory.Exists (dir))
Directory.Delete (dir, true);
var RootDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (Path.GetFullPath (RootAssemblies [0]));
foreach (var target in Targets) {
target.Resolver.FrameworkDirectory = FrameworkDirectory;
target.Resolver.RootDirectory = RootDirectory;
target.Resolver.EnableRepl = EnableRepl;
target.ManifestResolver.EnableRepl = EnableRepl;
target.ManifestResolver.FrameworkDirectory = target.Resolver.FrameworkDirectory;
target.ManifestResolver.RootDirectory = target.Resolver.RootDirectory;
target.ManifestResolver.ArchDirectory = target.Resolver.ArchDirectory;
target.Initialize (target == Targets [0]);
if (!Directory.Exists (target.TargetDirectory))
Directory.CreateDirectory (target.TargetDirectory);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (ExecutableName)) {
var bundleExecutable = GetStringFromInfoPList ("CFBundleExecutable");
ExecutableName = bundleExecutable ?? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (RootAssemblies [0]);
if (ExecutableName != Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (AppDirectory))
ErrorHelper.Warning (30, "The executable name ({0}) and the app name ({1}) are different, this may prevent crash logs from getting symbolicated properly.",
ExecutableName, Path.GetFileName (AppDirectory));
if (IsExtension && Platform == ApplePlatform.iOS && SdkVersion < new Version (8, 0))
throw new MonoTouchException (45, true, "--extension is only supported when using the iOS 8.0 (or later) SDK.");
if (IsExtension && Platform != ApplePlatform.iOS && Platform != ApplePlatform.WatchOS && Platform != ApplePlatform.TVOS)
throw new MonoTouchException (72, true, "Extensions are not supported for the platform '{0}'.", Platform);
if (!IsExtension && Platform == ApplePlatform.WatchOS)
throw new MonoTouchException (77, true, "WatchOS projects must be extensions.");
if (Platform == ApplePlatform.iOS)
DeploymentTarget = new Version (9, 0);
if (DeploymentTarget == null)
DeploymentTarget = Xamarin.SdkVersions.GetVersion (Platform);
if (Platform == ApplePlatform.iOS && (HasDynamicLibraries || HasFrameworks) && DeploymentTarget.Major < 8) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (78, "Incremental builds are enabled with a deployment target < 8.0 (currently {0}). This is not supported (the resulting application will not launch on iOS 9), so the deployment target will be set to 8.0.", DeploymentTarget);
DeploymentTarget = new Version (8, 0);
if (!package_managed_debug_symbols.HasValue) {
package_managed_debug_symbols = EnableDebug;
} else if (package_managed_debug_symbols.Value && IsLLVM) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (3007, "Debug info files (*.mdb / *.pdb) will not be loaded when llvm is enabled.");
if (!enable_msym.HasValue)
enable_msym = !EnableDebug && IsDeviceBuild;
if (!UseMonoFramework.HasValue && DeploymentTarget >= new Version (8, 0)) {
if (IsExtension) {
UseMonoFramework = true;
Driver.Log (2, $"The extension {Name} will automatically link with Mono.framework.");
} else if (Extensions.Count > 0) {
UseMonoFramework = true;
Driver.Log (2, "Automatically linking with Mono.framework because this is an app with extensions");
if (!UseMonoFramework.HasValue)
UseMonoFramework = false;
if (UseMonoFramework.Value)
Frameworks.Add (Path.Combine (Driver.GetProductFrameworksDirectory (this), "Mono.framework"));
if (!PackageMonoFramework.HasValue) {
if (!IsExtension && Extensions.Count > 0 && !UseMonoFramework.Value) {
// The main app must package the Mono framework if we have extensions, even if it's not linking with
// it. This happens when deployment target < 8.0 for the main app.
PackageMonoFramework = true;
} else {
// Package if we're not an extension and we're using the mono framework.
PackageMonoFramework = UseMonoFramework.Value && !IsExtension;
if (Frameworks.Count > 0) {
switch (Platform) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
if (DeploymentTarget < new Version (8, 0))
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (65, "Xamarin.iOS only supports embedded frameworks when deployment target is at least 8.0 (current deployment target: '{0}'; embedded frameworks: '{1}')", DeploymentTarget, string.Join (", ", Frameworks.ToArray ()));
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
if (DeploymentTarget < new Version (2, 0))
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (65, "Xamarin.iOS only supports embedded frameworks when deployment target is at least 2.0 (current deployment target: '{0}'; embedded frameworks: '{1}')", DeploymentTarget, string.Join (", ", Frameworks.ToArray ()));
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
// All versions of tvOS support extensions
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (71, "Unknown platform: {0}. This usually indicates a bug in Xamarin.iOS; please file a bug report at https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/new with a test case.", Platform);
if (IsDeviceBuild) {
switch (BitCodeMode) {
case BitCodeMode.ASMOnly:
if (Platform == ApplePlatform.WatchOS)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (83, "asm-only bitcode is not supported on watchOS. Use either --bitcode:marker or --bitcode:full.");
case BitCodeMode.LLVMOnly:
case BitCodeMode.MarkerOnly:
case BitCodeMode.None:
// If neither llvmonly nor asmonly is enabled, enable markeronly.
if (Platform == ApplePlatform.TVOS || Platform == ApplePlatform.WatchOS)
BitCodeMode = BitCodeMode.MarkerOnly;
if (EnableBitCode && IsSimulatorBuild)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (84, "Bitcode is not supported in the simulator. Do not pass --bitcode when building for the simulator.");
if (UseInterpreter && IsSimulatorBuild)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (141, "The interpreter is not supported in the simulator. Do not pass --interpreter when building for the simulator.");
Namespaces.Initialize ();
if (Embeddinator) {
// The assembly we're embedding doesn't necessarily reference our platform assembly, but we still need it.
RootAssemblies.Add (Path.Combine (Driver.GetPlatformFrameworkDirectory (this), Driver.GetProductAssembly (this) + ".dll"));
if (Platform == ApplePlatform.iOS) {
if (DeploymentTarget.Major >= 11 && Is32Build) {
var invalidArches = abis.Where ((v) => (v & Abi.Arch32Mask) != 0);
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (116, $"Invalid architecture: {invalidArches.First ()}. 32-bit architectures are not supported when deployment target is 11 or later.");
InitializeCommon ();
SelectMonoNative ();
Driver.Watch ("Resolve References", 1);
void SelectMonoNative ()
switch (Platform) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
MonoNativeMode = DeploymentTarget.Major >= 10 ? MonoNativeMode.Unified : MonoNativeMode.Compat;
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
MonoNativeMode = DeploymentTarget.Major >= 3 ? MonoNativeMode.Unified : MonoNativeMode.Compat;
MonoNativeMode = MonoNativeMode.None;
void SelectRegistrar ()
// If the default values are changed, remember to update CanWeSymlinkTheApplication
// and main.m (default value for xamarin_use_old_dynamic_registrar must match).
if (Registrar == RegistrarMode.Default) {
if (IsDeviceBuild) {
Registrar = RegistrarMode.Static;
} else { /* if (app.IsSimulatorBuild) */
Registrar = RegistrarMode.Dynamic;
// Select all abi from the list matching the specified mask.
List<Abi> SelectAbis (IEnumerable<Abi> abis, Abi mask)
var rv = new List<Abi> ();
foreach (var abi in abis) {
if ((abi & mask) != 0)
rv.Add (abi);
return rv;
public string AssemblyName {
get {
return Path.GetFileName (RootAssemblies [0]);
public string Executable {
get {
if (Embeddinator)
return Path.Combine (AppDirectory, "Frameworks", ExecutableName + ".framework", ExecutableName);
return Path.Combine (AppDirectory, ExecutableName);
void ProcessAssemblies ()
// This can be parallelized once we determine the linker doesn't use any static state.
foreach (var target in Targets) {
if (target.CanWeSymlinkTheApplication ()) {
target.Symlink ();
} else {
target.ProcessAssemblies ();
// Deduplicate files from the Build directory. We need to do this before the AOT
// step, so that we can ignore timestamp/GUID in assemblies (the GUID is
// burned into the AOT assembly, so after that we'll need the original assembly.
if (IsDualBuild && IsDeviceBuild) {
// All the assemblies are now in BuildDirectory.
var t1 = Targets [0];
var t2 = Targets [1];
foreach (var f1 in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries (t1.BuildDirectory)) {
var f2 = Path.Combine (t2.BuildDirectory, Path.GetFileName (f1));
if (!File.Exists (f2))
var ext = Path.GetExtension (f1).ToUpperInvariant ();
var is_assembly = ext == ".EXE" || ext == ".DLL";
if (!is_assembly)
if (!Cache.CompareAssemblies (f1, f2, true))
Driver.Log (1, "Targets {0} and {1} found to be identical", f1, f2);
// Don't use symlinks, since it just gets more complicated
// For instance: on rebuild, when should the symlink be updated and when
// should the target of the symlink be updated? And all the usages
// must be audited to ensure the right thing is done...
Driver.CopyAssembly (f1, f2);
void CompilePInvokeWrappers ()
foreach (var target in Targets)
target.CompilePInvokeWrappers ();
void BuildApp ()
SelectAssemblyBuildTargets (); // This must be done after the linker has run, since the linker may bring in more assemblies than only those referenced explicitly.
foreach (var target in Targets) {
if (target.CanWeSymlinkTheApplication ())
target.ComputeLinkerFlags ();
target.Compile ();
target.NativeLink (build_tasks);
void WriteNotice ()
if (!IsDeviceBuild || IsExtension)
if (Embeddinator)
WriteNotice (AppDirectory);
void WriteNotice (string directory)
var path = Path.Combine (directory, "NOTICE");
if (Directory.Exists (path))
throw new MonoTouchException (1016, true, "Failed to create the NOTICE file because a directory already exists with the same name.");
try {
// write license information inside the .app
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.Append ("Xamarin built applications contain open source software. ");
sb.Append ("For detailed attribution and licensing notices, please visit...");
sb.AppendLine ().AppendLine ().Append ("http://xamarin.com/mobile-licensing").AppendLine ();
Driver.WriteIfDifferent (path, sb.ToString ());
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new MonoTouchException (1017, true, ex, "Failed to create the NOTICE file: {0}", ex.Message);
public static void CopyMSymData (string src, string dest)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (src) || string.IsNullOrEmpty (dest))
if (!Directory.Exists (src)) // got no aot data
var p = new Process ();
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
p.StartInfo.FileName = "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/mono-symbolicate";
p.StartInfo.Arguments = $"store-symbols \"{src}\" \"{dest}\"";
try {
if (p.Start ()) {
var error = p.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
p.WaitForExit ();
if (p.ExitCode == 0)
else {
ErrorHelper.Warning (95, $"Aot files could not be copied to the destination directory {dest}: {error}");
ErrorHelper.Warning (95, $"Aot files could not be copied to the destination directory {dest}: Could not start process.");
catch (Exception e) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (95, e, $"Aot files could not be copied to the destination directory {dest}: Could not start process.");
void BuildBundle ()
Driver.Watch ($"Building app bundle for {Name}", 1);
// First we must build every appex's bundle, otherwise we won't be able
// to copy any frameworks the appex is using to the container app.
foreach (var appex in AppExtensions)
appex.BuildBundle ();
// Make sure we bundle Mono.framework if we need to.
if (PackageMonoFramework == true) {
BundleFileInfo info;
var name = "Frameworks/Mono.framework";
bundle_files [name] = info = new BundleFileInfo ();
info.Sources.Add (GetLibMono (AssemblyBuildTarget.Framework));
var require_mono_native = false;
// Collect files to bundle from every target
if (Targets.Count == 1) {
bundle_files = Targets [0].BundleFiles;
require_mono_native = Targets[0].MonoNative.RequireMonoNative;
} else {
foreach (var target in Targets) {
foreach (var kvp in target.BundleFiles) {
BundleFileInfo info;
if (!bundle_files.TryGetValue (kvp.Key, out info))
bundle_files [kvp.Key] = info = new BundleFileInfo () { DylibToFramework = kvp.Value.DylibToFramework };
info.Sources.UnionWith (kvp.Value.Sources);
require_mono_native |= target.MonoNative.RequireMonoNative;
if (require_mono_native && MonoNativeMode != MonoNativeMode.None && (LibMonoNativeLinkMode == AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary)) {
BundleFileInfo info;
var lib_native_name = GetLibNativeName () + ".dylib";
bundle_files[lib_native_name] = info = new BundleFileInfo ();
var lib_native_path = Path.Combine (Driver.GetMonoTouchLibDirectory (this), lib_native_name);
info.Sources.Add (lib_native_path);
Driver.Log (3, "Adding mono-native library {0} for {1}.", lib_native_name, MonoNativeMode);
// And from ourselves
var all_assemblies = Targets.SelectMany ((v) => v.Assemblies);
var all_frameworks = Frameworks.Concat (all_assemblies.SelectMany ((v) => v.Frameworks));
var all_weak_frameworks = WeakFrameworks.Concat (all_assemblies.SelectMany ((v) => v.WeakFrameworks));
foreach (var fw in all_frameworks.Concat (all_weak_frameworks)) {
BundleFileInfo info;
if (!Path.GetFileName (fw).EndsWith (".framework", StringComparison.Ordinal))
var key = $"Frameworks/{Path.GetFileName (fw)}";
if (!bundle_files.TryGetValue (key, out info))
bundle_files [key] = info = new BundleFileInfo ();
info.Sources.Add (fw);
// We also need to add any frameworks from extensions
foreach (var appex in AppExtensions) {
foreach (var bf in appex.bundle_files.ToList ()) {
if (!Path.GetFileName (bf.Key).EndsWith (".framework", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !bf.Value.DylibToFramework)
Driver.Log (3, "Copying {0} to the app's Frameworks directory because it's used by the extension {1}", bf.Key, Path.GetFileName (appex.Name));
var appex_info = bf.Value;
BundleFileInfo info;
if (!bundle_files.TryGetValue (bf.Key, out info))
bundle_files [bf.Key] = info = new BundleFileInfo ();
info.Sources.UnionWith (appex_info.Sources);
if (appex_info.DylibToFramework)
info.DylibToFramework = true;
// Finally copy all the files & directories
foreach (var kvp in bundle_files) {
var name = kvp.Key;
var info = kvp.Value;
var targetPath = Path.Combine (AppDirectory, name);
var files = info.Sources;
var isFramework = Directory.Exists (files.First ());
if (!HasFrameworksDirectory && (isFramework || info.DylibToFramework))
continue; // Don't copy frameworks to app extensions (except watch extensions), they go into the container app.
if (!files.All ((v) => Directory.Exists (v) == isFramework))
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (99, $"Internal error: 'can't process a mix of dylibs and frameworks: {string.Join (", ", files)}'. Please file a bug report with a test case (https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/new).");
if (isFramework) {
// This is a framework
if (files.Count > 1) {
// If we have multiple frameworks, check if they're identical, and remove any duplicates
var firstFile = files.First ();
foreach (var otherFile in files.Where ((v) => v != firstFile).ToArray ()) {
if (Cache.CompareDirectories (firstFile, otherFile, ignore_cache: true)) {
Driver.Log (6, $"Framework '{name}' included from both '{firstFile}' and '{otherFile}', but they are identical, so the latter will be ignored.");
files.Remove (otherFile);
if (files.Count != 1) {
var exceptions = new List<Exception> ();
var fname = Path.GetFileName (name);
exceptions.Add (ErrorHelper.CreateError (1035, $"Cannot include different versions of the framework '{fname}'"));
foreach (var file in files)
exceptions.Add (ErrorHelper.CreateError (1036, $"Framework '{fname}' included from: {file} (Related to previous error)"));
throw new AggregateException (exceptions);
if (info.DylibToFramework)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (99, $"Internal error: 'can't convert frameworks to frameworks: {files.First ()}'. Please file a bug report with a test case (https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/new).");
var framework_src = files.First ();
var framework_filename = Path.Combine (framework_src, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (framework_src));
var dynamic = false;
try {
dynamic = MachO.IsDynamicFramework (framework_filename);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (140, e, $"File '{framework_filename}' is not a valid framework.");
if (!dynamic) {
Driver.Log (1, "The framework {0} is a framework of static libraries, and will not be copied to the app.", framework_src);
} else {
var macho_file = Path.Combine (targetPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (framework_src));
var macho_info = new FileInfo (macho_file);
var macho_last_write_time = macho_info.LastWriteTimeUtc; // this returns a date in the 17th century if the file doesn't exist.
UpdateDirectory (framework_src, Path.GetDirectoryName (targetPath));
if (IsDeviceBuild) {
// Remove architectures we don't care about.
MachO.SelectArchitectures (macho_file, AllArchitectures);
// Strip bitcode if needed.
macho_info.Refresh ();
if (macho_info.LastWriteTimeUtc > macho_last_write_time) {
// bitcode_strip will always touch the file, but we only want to strip it if it was updated.
StripBitcode (macho_file);
} else {
var targetDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (targetPath);
if (!IsUptodate (files, new string [] { targetPath })) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (targetDirectory);
if (files.Count == 1) {
CopyFile (files.First (), targetPath);
} else {
Driver.RunLipo (targetPath, files);
if (LibMonoLinkMode == AssemblyBuildTarget.Framework)
Driver.XcodeRun ("install_name_tool", "-change @rpath/libmonosgen-2.0.dylib @rpath/Mono.framework/Mono " + StringUtils.Quote (targetPath));
} else {
Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", targetPath);
if (info.DylibToFramework) {
var bundleName = Path.GetFileName (name);
CreateFrameworkInfoPList (Path.Combine (targetDirectory, "Info.plist"), bundleName, BundleId + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (bundleName), bundleName);
CreateFrameworkNotice (targetDirectory);
if (Embeddinator) {
if (IsSimulatorBuild) {
var frameworkName = ExecutableName;
var frameworkDirectory = Path.Combine (AppDirectory, "Frameworks", frameworkName + ".framework");
var frameworkExecutable = Path.Combine (frameworkDirectory, frameworkName);
Directory.CreateDirectory (frameworkDirectory);
if (IsDualBuild) {
if (Lipo (frameworkExecutable, Targets [0].Executable, Targets [1].Executable))
cached_executable = true;
} else {
UpdateFile (Targets [0].Executable, frameworkExecutable);
CreateFrameworkInfoPList (Path.Combine (frameworkDirectory, "Info.plist"), frameworkName, BundleId + frameworkName, frameworkName);
} else if (IsDeviceBuild) {
// If building a fat app, we need to lipo the two different executables we have together
if (IsDualBuild) {
if (Lipo (Executable, Targets [0].Executable, Targets [1].Executable))
cached_executable = true;
} else {
cached_executable = Targets [0].CachedExecutable;
public void StripBitcode (string macho_file)
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.Append (StringUtils.Quote (macho_file)).Append (" ");
switch (BitCodeMode) {
case BitCodeMode.ASMOnly:
case BitCodeMode.LLVMOnly:
// do nothing, since we don't know neither if bitcode is needed (if we're publishing) or if native code is needed (not publishing).
case BitCodeMode.MarkerOnly:
sb.Append ("-m ");
case BitCodeMode.None:
sb.Append ("-r ");
sb.Append ("-o ");
sb.Append (StringUtils.Quote (macho_file));
Driver.XcodeRun ("bitcode_strip", sb.ToString ());
// Returns true if is up-to-date
static bool Lipo (string output, params string [] inputs)
if (IsUptodate (inputs, new string [] { output })) {
Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", output);
return true;
} else {
Driver.RunLipo (output, inputs);
return false;
public void ExtractNativeLinkInfo ()
var exceptions = new List<Exception> ();
foreach (var target in Targets)
target.ExtractNativeLinkInfo (exceptions);
if (exceptions.Count > 0)
throw new AggregateException (exceptions);
Driver.Watch ("Extracted native link info", 1);
public void SelectNativeCompiler ()
foreach (var t in Targets) {
foreach (var a in t.Assemblies) {
if (a.EnableCxx) {
EnableCxx = true;
Driver.CalculateCompilerPath (this);
Driver.Watch ("Select Native Compiler", 1);
public string GetLibMono (AssemblyBuildTarget build_target)
switch (build_target) {
case AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject:
return Path.Combine (Driver.GetMonoTouchLibDirectory (this), "libmonosgen-2.0.a");
case AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary:
return Path.Combine (Driver.GetMonoTouchLibDirectory (this), "libmonosgen-2.0.dylib");
case AssemblyBuildTarget.Framework:
return Path.Combine (Driver.GetProductSdkDirectory (this), "Frameworks", "Mono.framework");
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (100, "Invalid assembly build target: '{0}'. Please file a bug report with a test case (https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/new).", build_target);
public string GetLibXamarin (AssemblyBuildTarget build_target)
switch (build_target) {
case AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject:
return Path.Combine (Driver.GetMonoTouchLibDirectory (this), EnableDebug ? "libxamarin-debug.a" : "libxamarin.a");
case AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary:
return Path.Combine (Driver.GetMonoTouchLibDirectory (this), EnableDebug ? "libxamarin-debug.dylib" : "libxamarin.dylib");
case AssemblyBuildTarget.Framework:
return Path.Combine (Driver.GetProductSdkDirectory (this), "Frameworks", EnableDebug ? "Xamarin-debug.framework" : "Xamarin.framework");
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (100, "Invalid assembly build target: '{0}'. Please file a bug report with a test case (https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/new).", build_target);
public string GetLibNativeName ()
switch (MonoNativeMode) {
case MonoNativeMode.Unified:
return "libmono-native-unified";
case MonoNativeMode.Compat:
return "libmono-native-compat";
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (100, "Invalid mono native type: '{0}'. Please file a bug report with a test case (https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/new).", MonoNativeMode);
// this will filter/remove warnings that are not helpful (e.g. complaining about non-matching armv6-6 then armv7-6 on fat binaries)
// and turn the remaining of the warnings into MT5203 that MonoDevelop will be able to report as real warnings (not just logs)
// it will also look for symbol-not-found errors and try to provide useful error messages.
public static void ProcessNativeLinkerOutput (Target target, string output, IEnumerable<string> inputs, List<Exception> errors, bool error)
List<string> lines = new List<string> (output.Split (new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
// filter
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++) {
string line = lines [i];
if (errors.Count > 100)
if (line.Contains ("ld: warning: ignoring file ") &&
line.Contains ("file was built for") &&
line.Contains ("which is not the architecture being linked") &&
// Only ignore warnings related to the object files we've built ourselves (assemblies, main.m, registrar.m)
inputs.Any ((v) => line.Contains (v))) {
} else if (line.Contains ("ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture") && errors.Count > 0) {
} else if (line.Contains ("clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1")) {
} else if (line.Contains ("was built for newer iOS version (5.1.1) than being linked (5.1)")) {
} else if (line.Contains ("was built for newer iOS version (7.0) than being linked (6.0)") &&
line.Contains (Driver.GetProductSdkDirectory (target.App))) {
if (line.Contains ("Undefined symbols for architecture")) {
while (++i < lines.Count) {
line = lines [i];
if (!line.EndsWith (", referenced from:", StringComparison.Ordinal))
var symbol = line.Replace (", referenced from:", "").Trim ('\"', ' ');
if (symbol.StartsWith ("_OBJC_CLASS_$_", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
errors.Add (new MonoTouchException (5211, error,
"Native linking failed, undefined Objective-C class: {0}. The symbol '{1}' could not be found in any of the libraries or frameworks linked with your application.",
symbol.Replace ("_OBJC_CLASS_$_", ""), symbol));
} else {
var members = target.GetAllSymbols ().Find (symbol.Substring (1))?.Members;
if (members != null && members.Any ()) {
var member = members.First (); // Just report the first one.
// Neither P/Invokes nor fields have IL, so we can't find the source code location.
errors.Add (new MonoTouchException (5214, error,
"Native linking failed, undefined symbol: {0}. " +
"This symbol was referenced by the managed member {1}.{2}. " +
"Please verify that all the necessary frameworks have been referenced and native libraries linked.",
symbol, member.DeclaringType.FullName, member.Name));
} else {
errors.Add (new MonoTouchException (5210, error,
"Native linking failed, undefined symbol: {0}. " +
"Please verify that all the necessary frameworks have been referenced and native libraries are properly linked in.",
// skip all subsequent lines related to the same error.
// we skip all subsequent lines with more indentation than the initial line.
var indent = GetIndentation (line);
while (i + 1 < lines.Count) {
line = lines [i + 1];
if (GetIndentation (lines [i + 1]) <= indent)
} else if (line.StartsWith ("duplicate symbol", StringComparison.Ordinal) && line.EndsWith (" in:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
var symbol = line.Replace ("duplicate symbol ", "").Replace (" in:", "").Trim ();
errors.Add (new MonoTouchException (5212, error, "Native linking failed, duplicate symbol: '{0}'.", symbol));
var indent = GetIndentation (line);
while (i + 1 < lines.Count) {
line = lines [i + 1];
if (GetIndentation (lines [i + 1]) <= indent)
errors.Add (new MonoTouchException (5213, error, "Duplicate symbol in: {0} (Location related to previous error)", line.Trim ()));
} else {
if (line.StartsWith ("ld: ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
line = line.Substring (4);
line = line.Trim ();
if (error) {
errors.Add (new MonoTouchException (5209, error, "Native linking error: {0}", line));
} else {
errors.Add (new MonoTouchException (5203, error, "Native linking warning: {0}", line));
static int GetIndentation (string line)
int rv = 0;
if (line.Length == 0)
return 0;
while (true) {
switch (line [rv]) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
return rv;
// return the ids found in a macho file
List<Guid> GetUuids (MachOFile file)
var result = new List<Guid> ();
foreach (var cmd in file.load_commands) {
if (cmd is UuidCommand) {
var uuidCmd = cmd as UuidCommand;
result.Add (new Guid (uuidCmd.uuid));
return result;
// This method generates the manifest that is required by the symbolication in order to be able to debug the application,
// The following is an example of the manifest to be generated:
// <mono-debug version=”1”>
// <app-id>com.foo.bar</app-id>
// <build-date>datetime</build-date>
// <build-id>build-id</build-id>
// <build-id>build-id</build-id>
// </mono-debug>
// where:
// app-id: iOS/Android/Mac app/package ID. Currently for verification and user info only but in future may be used to find symbols automatically.
// build-date: Local time in DateTime “O” format. For user info only.
// build-id: The build UUID. Needed for HockeyApp to find the mSYM folder matching the app build. There may be more than one, as in the case of iOS multi-arch.
void GenerateMSymManifest (Target target, string target_directory)
var manifestPath = Path.Combine (target_directory, "manifest.xml");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (target_directory))
throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (target_directory));
var root = new XElement ("mono-debug",
new XAttribute("version", 1),
new XElement ("app-id", BundleId),
new XElement ("build-date", DateTime.Now.ToString ("O")));
var file = MachO.Read (target.Executable);
if (file is MachO) {
var mfile = file as MachOFile;
var uuids = GetUuids (mfile);
foreach (var str in uuids) {
root.Add (new XElement ("build-id", str));
} else if (file is IEnumerable<MachOFile>) {
var ffile = file as IEnumerable<MachOFile>;
foreach (var fentry in ffile) {
var uuids = GetUuids (fentry);
foreach (var str in uuids) {
root.Add (new XElement ("build-id", str));
} else {
// do not write a manifest
// Write only if we need to update the manifest
Driver.WriteIfDifferent (manifestPath, root.ToString ());
void CopyAotData (string src, string dest)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (src) || string.IsNullOrEmpty (dest)) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (95, $"Aot files could not be copied to the destination directory {dest}");
var dir = new DirectoryInfo (src);
if (!dir.Exists) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (95, $"Aot files could not be copied to the destination directory {dest}");
var dirs = dir.GetDirectories ();
if (!Directory.Exists (dest))
Directory.CreateDirectory (dest);
var files = dir.GetFiles ();
foreach (var file in files) {
var tmp = Path.Combine (dest, file.Name);
file.CopyTo (tmp, true);
foreach (var subdir in dirs) {
var tmp = Path.Combine (dest, subdir.Name);
CopyAotData (subdir.FullName, tmp);
public void BuildMSymDirectory ()
if (!EnableMSym)
if (IsExtension && IsCodeShared) // we already have the data from the app
var target_directory = string.Format ("{0}.mSYM", AppDirectory);
if (!Directory.Exists (target_directory))
Directory.CreateDirectory (target_directory);
foreach (var target in Targets) {
GenerateMSymManifest (target, target_directory);
var msymdir = Path.Combine (target.BuildDirectory, "Msym");
if (!Directory.Exists (msymdir)) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (118, $"The directory {msymdir} containing the mono symbols could not be found.");
// copy aot data must be done BEFORE we do copy the msym one
CopyAotData (msymdir, target_directory);
// copy all assemblies under mvid and with the dll and mdb/pdb
var tmpdir = Path.Combine (msymdir, "Msym", "tmp");
if (!Directory.Exists (tmpdir))
Directory.CreateDirectory (tmpdir);
foreach (var asm in target.Assemblies) {
asm.CopyToDirectory (tmpdir, reload: false, only_copy: true);
asm.CopyAotDataFilesToDirectory (tmpdir);
// mono-symbolicate knows best
CopyMSymData (target_directory, tmpdir);
public void BuildDsymDirectory ()
if (!BuildDSym.HasValue)
BuildDSym = IsDeviceBuild;
if (!BuildDSym.Value)
string dsym_dir = string.Format ("{0}.dSYM", AppDirectory);
bool cached_dsym = false;
if (cached_executable)
cached_dsym = IsUptodate (new string [] { Executable }, Directory.EnumerateFiles (dsym_dir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
if (!cached_dsym) {
if (Directory.Exists (dsym_dir))
Directory.Delete (dsym_dir, true);
Driver.CreateDsym (AppDirectory, ExecutableName, dsym_dir);
} else {
Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", dsym_dir);
Driver.Watch ("Linking DWARF symbols", 1);
IEnumerable<Symbol> GetRequiredSymbols ()
foreach (var target in Targets) {
foreach (var symbol in target.GetRequiredSymbols ())
yield return symbol;
bool WriteSymbolList (string filename)
var required_symbols = GetRequiredSymbols ();
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter (filename)) {
foreach (var symbol in required_symbols)
writer.WriteLine ("_{0}", symbol.Name);
foreach (var symbol in NoSymbolStrip)
writer.WriteLine ("_{0}", symbol);
writer.Flush ();
return writer.BaseStream.Position > 0;
void StripNativeCode (string name)
if (NativeStrip && IsDeviceBuild && !EnableDebug && string.IsNullOrEmpty (SymbolList)) {
string symbol_file = Path.Combine (Cache.Location, "symbol-file");
var args = new StringBuilder ();
if (WriteSymbolList (symbol_file)) {
args.Append ("-i ");
args.Append ("-s ").Append (StringUtils.Quote (symbol_file)).Append (" ");
if (Embeddinator)
args.Append ("-ux ");
args.Append (StringUtils.Quote (Executable));
Driver.RunStrip (args.ToString ());
Driver.Watch ("Native Strip", 1);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (SymbolList))
WriteSymbolList (SymbolList);
public void StripNativeCode ()
if (IsDualBuild) {
bool cached = true;
foreach (var target in Targets)
cached &= target.CachedExecutable;
if (!cached)
StripNativeCode (Executable);
} else {
foreach (var target in Targets) {
if (!target.CachedExecutable)
StripNativeCode (target.Executable);
public void BundleAssemblies ()
Assembly.StripAssembly strip = ((path) =>
if (!ManagedStrip)
return false;
if (!IsDeviceBuild)
return false;
if (EnableDebug)
return false;
if (PackageManagedDebugSymbols)
return false;
/* FIXME: should be `if (IsInterpreted (Assembly.GetIdentity (path)))`.
* The problem is that in mixed mode we can't do the transition
* between "interp"->"aot'd methods using gsharedvt", so we
* fall back to the interp and thus need the IL not to be
* stripped out. Once Mono supports this, we can add back the
* more precise check.
* See https://github.com/mono/mono/issues/11942 */
if (UseInterpreter)
return false;
return true;
var grouped = Targets.SelectMany ((Target t) => t.Assemblies).GroupBy ((Assembly asm) => asm.Identity);
foreach (var @group in grouped) {
var filename = @group.Key;
var assemblies = @group.AsEnumerable ().ToArray ();
var build_target = assemblies [0].BuildTarget;
var size_specific = assemblies.Length > 1 && !Cache.CompareAssemblies (assemblies [0].FullPath, assemblies [1].FullPath, true, true);
if (IsExtension && !IsWatchExtension) {
var codeShared = assemblies.Count ((v) => v.IsCodeShared || v.BundleInContainerApp);
if (codeShared > 0) {
if (codeShared != assemblies.Length)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (99, $"Internal error: all assemblies in a joined build target must have the same code sharing options ({string.Join (", ", assemblies.Select ((v) => v.Identity + "=" + v.IsCodeShared))}). Please file a bug report with a test case (https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/new).");
continue; // These resources will be found in the main app.
// Determine where to put the assembly
switch (build_target) {
case AssemblyBuildTarget.StaticObject:
case AssemblyBuildTarget.DynamicLibrary:
if (size_specific) {
assemblies [0].CopyToDirectory (assemblies [0].Target.AppTargetDirectory, copy_debug_symbols: PackageManagedDebugSymbols, strip: strip, only_copy: true);
assemblies [1].CopyToDirectory (assemblies [1].Target.AppTargetDirectory, copy_debug_symbols: PackageManagedDebugSymbols, strip: strip, only_copy: true);
} else {
assemblies [0].CopyToDirectory (AppDirectory, copy_debug_symbols: PackageManagedDebugSymbols, strip: strip, only_copy: true);
foreach (var asm in assemblies)
asm.CopyAotDataFilesToDirectory (size_specific ? asm.Target.AppTargetDirectory : AppDirectory);
case AssemblyBuildTarget.Framework:
// Put our resources in a subdirectory in the framework
// But don't use 'Resources', because the app ends up being undeployable:
// "PackageInspectionFailed: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /private/var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.CR0vmK/extracted/testapp.app/Frameworks/TestApp.framework"
var target_name = assemblies [0].BuildTargetName;
var resource_directory = Path.Combine (AppDirectory, "Frameworks", $"{target_name}.framework", "MonoBundle");
if (IsSimulatorBuild)
resource_directory = Path.Combine (resource_directory, "simulator");
if (size_specific) {
assemblies [0].CopyToDirectory (Path.Combine (resource_directory, Path.GetFileName (assemblies [0].Target.AppTargetDirectory)), copy_debug_symbols: PackageManagedDebugSymbols, strip: strip, only_copy: true);
assemblies [1].CopyToDirectory (Path.Combine (resource_directory, Path.GetFileName (assemblies [1].Target.AppTargetDirectory)), copy_debug_symbols: PackageManagedDebugSymbols, strip: strip, only_copy: true);
} else {
assemblies [0].CopyToDirectory (resource_directory, copy_debug_symbols: PackageManagedDebugSymbols, strip: strip, only_copy: true);
foreach (var asm in assemblies)
asm.CopyAotDataFilesToDirectory (size_specific ? Path.Combine (resource_directory, Path.GetFileName (asm.Target.AppTargetDirectory)) : resource_directory);
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (100, "Invalid assembly build target: '{0}'. Please file a bug report with a test case (https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/new).", build_target);
public void GenerateRuntimeOptions ()
// only if the linker is disabled
if (LinkMode != LinkMode.None)
RuntimeOptions.Write (AppDirectory);
public void CreateFrameworkNotice (string output_path)
if (!Embeddinator)
WriteNotice (output_path);
public void CreateFrameworkInfoPList (string output_path, string framework_name, string bundle_identifier, string bundle_name)
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.AppendLine ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
sb.AppendLine ("<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd\">");
sb.AppendLine ("<plist version=\"1.0\">");
sb.AppendLine ("<dict>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <string>en</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>");
sb.AppendLine ($" <string>{bundle_identifier}</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <string>6.0</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>CFBundleName</key>");
sb.AppendLine ($" <string>{bundle_name}</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <string>FMWK</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <string>1.0</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>CFBundleSignature</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <string>????</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>CFBundleVersion</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <string>1.0</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>NSPrincipalClass</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <string></string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>");
sb.AppendLine ($" <string>{framework_name}</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>BuildMachineOSBuild</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <string>13F34</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>CFBundleSupportedPlatforms</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <array>");
sb.AppendLine ($" <string>{Driver.GetPlatform (this)}</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" </array>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>DTCompiler</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <string>com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>DTPlatformBuild</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <string>12D508</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>DTPlatformName</key>");
sb.AppendLine ($" <string>{Driver.GetPlatform (this).ToLowerInvariant ()}</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>DTPlatformVersion</key>");
sb.AppendLine ($" <string>{SdkVersions.GetVersion (Platform)}</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>DTSDKBuild</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <string>12D508</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>DTSDKName</key>");
sb.AppendLine ($" <string>{Driver.GetPlatform (this)}{SdkVersion}</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>DTXcode</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <string>0620</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>DTXcodeBuild</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <string>6C131e</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>MinimumOSVersion</key>");
sb.AppendLine ($" <string>{DeploymentTarget.ToString ()}</string>");
sb.AppendLine (" <key>UIDeviceFamily</key>");
sb.AppendLine (" <array>");
switch (Platform) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
sb.AppendLine (" <integer>1</integer>");
sb.AppendLine (" <integer>2</integer>");
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
sb.AppendLine (" <integer>3</integer>");
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
sb.AppendLine (" <integer>4</integer>");
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (71, "Unknown platform: {0}. This usually indicates a bug in Xamarin.iOS; please file a bug report at https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/new with a test case.", Platform);
sb.AppendLine (" </array>");
sb.AppendLine ("</dict>");
sb.AppendLine ("</plist>");
Driver.WriteIfDifferent (output_path, sb.ToString ());