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// Test the generated API selectors against typos or non-existing cases
// Authors:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2012-2013 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
#if XAMCORE_2_0
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
using UIKit;
#if !__TVOS__
using WatchConnectivity;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
using MonoTouch.WatchConnectivity;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Introspection {
// we want the tests to be available because we use the linker
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
public class iOSApiSelectorTest : CoreSelectorTest {
public iOSApiSelectorTest ()
ContinueOnFailure = true;
//LogProgress = true;
protected override bool Skip (Type type)
switch (type.Namespace) {
// they don't answer on the simulator (Apple implementation does not work) but fine on devices
case "GameController":
case "MonoTouch.GameController":
return Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR;
case "CoreAudioKit":
case "MonoTouch.CoreAudioKit":
case "Metal":
case "MonoTouch.Metal":
// they works with iOS9 beta 4 (but won't work on older simulators)
if ((Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR) && !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7, 0))
return true;
case "MetalKit":
case "MonoTouch.MetalKit":
case "MetalPerformanceShaders":
case "MonoTouch.MetalPerformanceShaders":
if (Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR)
return true;
// Apple does not ship a PushKit for every arch on some devices :(
// case "PushKit":
// case "MonoTouch.PushKit":
// if (Runtime.Arch == Arch.DEVICE)
// return true;
// break;
#if !__TVOS__
case "WatchConnectivity":
case "MonoTouch.WatchConnectivity":
if (!WCSession.IsSupported)
return true;
#endif // !__TVOS__
switch (type.Name) {
// abstract superclass
case "UIBarItem":
return true;
// does not answer to anything ?
case "UILocalNotification":
return true;
// Metal is not available on the (iOS8) simulator
case "CAMetalLayer":
return (Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR);
// iOS 10 - this type can only be instantiated on devices, but the selectors are forwarded
// to a MTLHeapDescriptorInternal and don't respond - so we'll add unit tests for them
case "MTLHeapDescriptor":
return Runtime.Arch == Arch.DEVICE;
return base.Skip (type);
protected override bool CheckResponse (bool value, Type actualType, MethodBase method, ref string name)
if (value)
return true;
var declaredType = method.DeclaringType;
switch (declaredType.Name) {
case "NSUrlSession":
switch (name) {
case "delegateQueue":
case "sessionDescription":
case "setSessionDescription:":
case "delegate":
// does not respond anymore but the properties works (see monotouch-test)
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7, 0))
return true;
case "NSUrlSessionTask":
switch (name) {
case "countOfBytesExpectedToReceive":
case "countOfBytesExpectedToSend":
case "countOfBytesReceived":
case "countOfBytesSent":
case "currentRequest":
case "error":
case "originalRequest":
case "response":
case "state":
case "taskDescription":
case "setTaskDescription:":
case "taskIdentifier":
// does not respond anymore but the properties works (see monotouch-test)
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7, 0))
return true;
case "NSUrlSessionConfiguration":
case "NSUrlSessionStreamTask":
// does not respond anymore but the properties works (see monotouch-test for a partial list)
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7, 0))
return true;
case "AVAssetDownloadTask":
switch (name) {
case "currentRequest":
case "originalRequest":
case "response":
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7, 0))
return true;
case "CMSensorRecorder":
switch (name) {
// breaking change from Apple in iOS 9.3 betas
// https://trello.com/c/kqlEkPbG/30-24508290-cmsensorrecorder-breaking-change-re-opening-24231250
// https://trello.com/c/pKLOLjVJ/29-24231250-coremotion-api-removal-without-deprecation
case "accelerometerDataFromDate:toDate:":
case "recordAccelerometerForDuration:":
if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7, 3))
return true;
case "SKNode":
switch (name) {
// UIFocus protocol conformance on iOS10+
case "didUpdateFocusInContext:withAnimationCoordinator:":
case "setNeedsFocusUpdate":
case "shouldUpdateFocusInContext:":
case "updateFocusIfNeeded":
#if __TVOS__
case "canBecomeFocused":
case "preferredFocusedView":
if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (8, 0))
return true;
#if __TVOS__
case "preferredFocusedView":
return true;
switch (name) {
// UIResponderStandardEditActions - stuffed inside UIResponder
case "cut:":
case "copy:":
case "paste:":
case "delete:":
case "select:":
case "selectAll:":
// A subclass of UIResponder typically implements this method...
case "toggleBoldface:":
case "toggleItalics:":
case "toggleUnderline:":
if (declaredType.Name == "UIResponder")
return true;
case "makeTextWritingDirectionLeftToRight:":
case "makeTextWritingDirectionRightToLeft:":
// MonoTouch.AddressBookUI.ABNewPersonViewController
// MonoTouch.AddressBookUI.ABPeoplePickerNavigationController
// MonoTouch.AddressBookUI.ABPersonViewController
if (declaredType.Name == "UIResponder")
return true;
#if !XAMCORE_2_0
case "enableInputClicksWhenVisible":
// defined in UIInputViewAudioFeedback protocol
// meant to be added (not part of iOS) in custom UIView and defined (by default) by MonoTouch
if (declaredType.Name == "UIView")
return true;
case "subtitle":
// exists because of MKAnnotation protocol
if (declaredType.Name == "MKPlacemark")
return true;
case "setCoordinate:":
// exists because of MKAnnotation protocol
if (declaredType.Name == "MKShape" || declaredType.Name == "MKPlacemark")
return true;
case "intersectsMapRect:":
// optional method of a protocol MKTileOverlay implements.
if (declaredType.Name == "MKTileOverlay")
return true;
case "autocapitalizationType":
case "setAutocapitalizationType:":
case "autocorrectionType":
case "setAutocorrectionType:":
case "keyboardType":
case "setKeyboardType:":
case "spellCheckingType":
case "setSpellCheckingType:":
// UITextInputTraits and UITextInputProtocol
if (declaredType.Name == "UITextField" || declaredType.Name == "UITextView")
return true;
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (5, 1) && declaredType.Name == "UISearchBar")
return true;
case "keyboardAppearance":
case "setKeyboardAppearance:":
case "returnKeyType":
case "setReturnKeyType:":
case "enablesReturnKeyAutomatically":
case "setEnablesReturnKeyAutomatically:":
case "isSecureTextEntry":
case "setSecureTextEntry:":
// UITextInputTraits and UITextInput Protocol
switch (declaredType.Name) {
case "UITextField":
case "UITextView":
case "UISearchBar":
return true;
case "textStylingAtPosition:inDirection:":
case "positionWithinRange:atCharacterOffset:":
case "characterOffsetOfPosition:withinRange:":
case "shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText:":
// UITextInputTraits and UITextInputProtocol
if (declaredType.Name == "UITextField" || declaredType.Name == "UITextView")
return true;
// ignore UISearchBar before iOS8 - it did not really implement UITextInput
if (declaredType.Name == "UISearchBar" && !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (6, 0))
return true;
case "dictationRecognitionFailed":
case "dictationRecordingDidEnd":
case "insertDictationResult:":
// iOS 5.1 and not every device (or simulator)
if (declaredType.Name == "UITextField" || declaredType.Name == "UITextView")
return true;
// special case: see http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/GLkit/Reference/GLKViewController_ClassRef/Reference/Reference.html
case "update":
if (declaredType.Name == "GLKViewController")
return true;
case "thumbnailImageAtTime:timeOption:":
case "requestThumbnailImagesAtTimes:timeOption:":
case "cancelAllThumbnailImageRequests":
case "accessLog":
case "errorLog":
case "timedMetadata":
if (declaredType.Name == "MPMoviePlayerController")
return true;
// deprecated (removed in iOS 3.2)
case "backgroundColor":
case "setBackgroundColor:":
case "movieControlMode":
case "setMovieControlMode:":
if (declaredType.Name == "MPMoviePlayerController")
return true;
case "skipToNextItem":
case "skipToBeginning":
case "skipToPreviousItem":
case "setNowPlayingItem:":
if (actualType.Name == "MPMusicPlayerController")
return true;
// deprecated (according to docs) but actually removed (test) in iOS 6
case "useApplicationAudioSession":
case "setUseApplicationAudioSession:":
if (declaredType.Name == "MPMoviePlayerController")
return TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (4, 5);
// iOS6 - headers says readwrite but they do not respond
case "setUUID:":
case "setIsPrimary:":
if (declaredType.Name == "CBMutableService")
return TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (4, 5);
if (declaredType.Name == "CBMutableCharacteristic")
return TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7, 0);
// documented since 4.0 - but does not answer on an iPad1 with 5.1.1
case "isAdjustingFocus":
if (declaredType.Name == "AVCaptureDevice")
return true;
// GameKit: documented since 4.1 - but does not answer
case "alias":
if (declaredType.Name == "GKPlayer")
return true;
case "playerID":
switch (declaredType.Name) {
case "GKPlayer":
case "GKScore":
case "GKTurnBasedParticipant": // iOS 5
return true;
case "category":
case "setCategory:":
case "date":
case "formattedValue":
case "rank":
case "value":
case "setValue:":
case "context": // iOS5
case "setContext:": // iOS5
if (declaredType.Name == "GKScore")
return true;
case "isUnderage":
if (declaredType.Name == "GKLocalPlayer")
return true;
case "identifier":
if (declaredType.Name == "GKAchievement" || declaredType.Name == "GKAchievementDescription")
return true;
case "setIdentifier:":
case "percentComplete":
case "setPercentComplete:":
case "lastReportedDate":
case "setLastReportedDate:":
if (declaredType.Name == "GKAchievement")
return true;
case "achievedDescription":
case "isHidden":
case "maximumPoints":
case "title":
case "unachievedDescription":
if (declaredType.Name == "GKAchievementDescription")
return true;
// 5.0
case "lastTurnDate":
case "matchOutcome":
case "setMatchOutcome:":
if (declaredType.Name == "GKTurnBasedParticipant")
return true;
case "creationDate":
case "matchData":
case "message":
case "setMessage:":
if (declaredType.Name == "GKTurnBasedMatch")
return true;
// iOS6 - protocols for UICollectionView
case "numberOfSectionsInCollectionView:":
case "collectionView:viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:atIndexPath:":
case "collectionView:shouldHighlightItemAtIndexPath:":
case "collectionView:didHighlightItemAtIndexPath:":
case "collectionView:didUnhighlightItemAtIndexPath:":
case "collectionView:shouldSelectItemAtIndexPath:":
case "collectionView:shouldDeselectItemAtIndexPath:":
case "collectionView:didSelectItemAtIndexPath:":
case "collectionView:didDeselectItemAtIndexPath:":
case "collectionView:didEndDisplayingCell:forItemAtIndexPath:":
case "collectionView:didEndDisplayingSupplementaryView:forElementOfKind:atIndexPath:":
case "collectionView:shouldShowMenuForItemAtIndexPath:":
case "collectionView:canPerformAction:forItemAtIndexPath:withSender:":
case "collectionView:performAction:forItemAtIndexPath:withSender:":
// which also inherits from UIScrollViewDelegate
case "scrollViewDidScroll:":
case "scrollViewWillBeginDragging:":
case "scrollViewDidEndDragging:willDecelerate:":
case "scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating:":
case "scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:":
case "scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation:":
case "viewForZoomingInScrollView:":
case "scrollViewShouldScrollToTop:":
case "scrollViewDidScrollToTop:":
case "scrollViewDidEndZooming:withView:atScale:":
case "scrollViewDidZoom:":
case "scrollViewWillBeginZooming:withView:":
case "scrollViewWillEndDragging:withVelocity:targetContentOffset:":
if (declaredType.Name == "UICollectionViewController")
return TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (4, 5);
// failing (check why)
case "initialLayoutAttributesForInsertedItemAtIndexPath:":
case "initialLayoutAttributesForInsertedSupplementaryElementOfKind:atIndexPath:":
case "finalLayoutAttributesForDeletedItemAtIndexPath:":
case "finalLayoutAttributesForDeletedSupplementaryElementOfKind:atIndexPath:":
if (declaredType.Name == "UICollectionViewLayout")
return TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (4, 5);
// This is implemented by internal concrete classes of NSFileHandle
case "readInBackgroundAndNotify":
case "readInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:":
case "readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:":
case "readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify":
case "acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:":
case "acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify":
case "waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:":
case "waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify":
if (declaredType.Name == "NSFileHandle")
return true;
// UITableViewController conforms to both UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource
case "tableView:canEditRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:canMoveRowAtIndexPath:":
case "sectionIndexTitlesForTableView:":
case "tableView:sectionForSectionIndexTitle:atIndex:":
case "tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:moveRowAtIndexPath:toIndexPath:":
case "tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:accessoryTypeForRowWithIndexPath:":
case "tableView:accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath:":
case "tableView:willSelectRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:willDeselectRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:titleForDeleteConfirmationButtonForRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:shouldIndentWhileEditingRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:targetIndexPathForMoveFromRowAtIndexPath:toProposedIndexPath:":
case "tableView:shouldShowMenuForRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:canPerformAction:forRowAtIndexPath:withSender:":
case "tableView:performAction:forRowAtIndexPath:withSender:":
case "tableView:willDisplayHeaderView:forSection:":
case "tableView:willDisplayFooterView:forSection:":
case "tableView:didEndDisplayingCell:forRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:didEndDisplayingHeaderView:forSection:":
case "tableView:didEndDisplayingFooterView:forSection:":
case "tableView:shouldHighlightRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:didHighlightRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:didUnhighlightRowAtIndexPath:":
// iOS7
case "tableView:estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath:":
case "tableView:estimatedHeightForHeaderInSection:":
case "tableView:estimatedHeightForFooterInSection:":
// iOS 8
case "tableView:editActionsForRowAtIndexPath:":
if (declaredType.Name == "UITableViewController")
return true;
// iOS7 beta issue ? remains in beta 5 / sim
// MCSession documents the cancelConnectPeer: selector but it does not answer
case "cancelConnectPeer:":
// CBCharacteristic documents the selector but does not respond
case "subscribedCentrals":
// UIPrintFormatter header attributedText says the API is not approved yet - and it does not respond
case "attributedText":
case "setAttributedText:":
// UISplitViewController
case "splitViewControllerSupportedInterfaceOrientations:":
case "splitViewControllerPreferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation:":
return true;
case "color":
case "setColor:":
case "font":
case "setFont:":
case "text":
case "setText:":
case "textAlignment":
case "setTextAlignment:":
// iOS7 GM a "no text" instance does not answer to the selector (but you can call them)
if (declaredType.Name == "UISimpleTextPrintFormatter")
return true;
case "copyWithZone:":
switch (declaredType.Name) {
// not conforming to NSCopying in 5.1 SDK
case "UIFont":
return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (4, 5);
// not conforming to NSCopying before 7.0 SDK
case "CBPeripheral":
return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (5, 0);
// not conforming to NSCopying before 8.0 SDK
case "AVMetadataFaceObject":
return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (6, 0);
// not conforming to NSCopying before 8.2 SDK
case "HKUnit":
return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (6, 2);
case "HKBiologicalSexObject":
case "HKBloodTypeObject":
return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7, 0);
case "HKWorkoutEvent":
return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (8, 0);
// on iOS8.0 this does not work on the simulator (but works on devices)
case "language":
if (declaredType.Name == "AVSpeechSynthesisVoice" && TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (6, 0) && Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR)
return true;
// new, optional members of UIDynamicItem protocol in iOS9
case "collisionBoundingPath":
case "collisionBoundsType":
switch (declaredType.Name) {
case "UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes":
case "UIView":
case "UIDynamicItemGroup":
return true;
// SceneKit integration with Metal is not working on simulators (at least for iOS9 beta 5)
case "currentRenderCommandEncoder":
case "colorPixelFormat":
case "commandQueue":
case "depthPixelFormat":
case "device":
case "stencilPixelFormat":
switch (declaredType.Name) {
case "SCNRenderer":
case "SCNView":
return Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR;
case "preferredFocusedView":
switch (declaredType.Name) {
// UIFocusGuide (added in iOS 9.0 and deprecated in iOS 10)
case "UIView":
case "UIViewController":
return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7,0);
#if XAMCORE_2_0
// some types adopted NS[Secure]Coding after the type was added
// and for unified that's something we generate automatically (so we can't put [iOS] on them)
case "encodeWithCoder:":
switch (declaredType.Name) {
// UITextInputMode was added in 4.2 but conformed to NSSecureCoding only from 7.0+
case "UITextInputMode":
return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (5, 0);
// iOS9
case "HKBiologicalSexObject":
case "HKBloodTypeObject":
return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7, 0);
#if __TVOS__
case "SKAttribute":
case "SKAttributeValue":
return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7, 2);
// that was a binding mistake - the API should not have been exposed (not in the header file)
// we'll ignore them for compat - but won't provide them in the new assemblies
case "backgroundImageForBarMetrics:":
case "setBackgroundImage:forBarMetrics:":
if (declaredType.Name == "UISearchBar" && TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (6, 0))
return true;
return base.CheckResponse (value, actualType, method, ref name);
protected override bool CheckStaticResponse (bool value, Type actualType, Type declaredType, ref string name)
switch (name) {
// new API in iOS9 beta 5 but is does not respond when queried - https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=33431
case "geometrySourceWithBuffer:vertexFormat:semantic:vertexCount:dataOffset:dataStride:":
switch (declaredType.Name) {
case "SCNGeometrySource":
return true;
#if __WATCHOS__
case "fetchAllRecordZonesOperation":
case "fetchCurrentUserRecordOperation":
case "notificationFromRemoteNotificationDictionary:":
case "containerWithIdentifier:":
case "defaultContainer":
case "defaultRecordZone":
// needs investigation, seems all class selectors from CloudKit don't answer
if (declaredType.Namespace == "CloudKit")
return true;
return base.CheckStaticResponse (value, actualType, declaredType, ref name);
static List<NSObject> do_not_dispose = new List<NSObject> ();
protected override void Dispose (NSObject obj, Type type)
switch (type.Name) {
// this crash the application after test completed their execution so we keep them alive
case "GKFriendRequestComposeViewController":
case "PKAddPassesViewController":
case "SKView":
do_not_dispose.Add (obj);
base.Dispose (obj, type);