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// copied from MonoTouch mtouch code
// Copyright 2011-2013, Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Xamarin.Bundler {
// Error allocation
// as far as possible the error # is shared with MonoTouch
// MM0xxx mmp itself, e.g. parameters, environment (e.g. missing tools)
// MM0000 Unexpected error - Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com
// MM0001 This version of Xamarin.Mac requires Mono {0} (the current Mono version is {1}). Please update the Mono.framework from http://mono-project.com/Downloads
// MM0003 Application name '{0}.exe' conflicts with an SDK or product assembly (.dll) name.
// MM0007 The root assembly '{0}' does not exist
// MM0008 You should provide one root assembly only, found {0} assemblies: '{1}'
// MM0010 Could not parse the command line arguments: {0}
// MM0013 <unused>
// MM0016 The option '{0}' has been deprecated.
// MM0017 You should provide a root assembly
// MM0018 Unknown command line argument: '{0}'
// MM0020 The valid options for '{0}' are '{1}'.
// MT0023 Application name '{0}.exe' conflicts with another user assembly.
// MM0026 Could not parse the command line argument '{0}': {1}
// MM0043 The Boehm garbage collector is not supported. The SGen garbage collector has been selected instead.
// MM0050 You cannot provide a root assembly if --no-root-assembly is passed.
// MM0051 An output directory (--output) is required if --no-root-assembly is passed.
// MM0053 Cannot disable new refcount with the Unified API.
// MM0056 Cannot find Xcode in any of our default locations. Please install Xcode, or pass a custom path using --sdkroot=<path>
// MM0059 Could not find the currently selected Xcode on the system: {0};
// MM0060 Could not find the currently selected Xcode on the system. 'xcode-select --print-path' returned '{0}', but that directory does not exist.
// MM0068 Invalid value for target framework: {0}.
// MM0079 Internal Error - No executable was copied into the app bundle. Please contact 'support@xamarin.com'
// Warning MT0080 Disabling NewRefCount, --new-refcount:false, is deprecated.
// MM0088 ** Reserved mtouch **
// MM0089 ** Reserved mtouch **
// MM0097 machine.config file '{0}' can not be found.
// MM0098 AOT compilation is only available on Unified
// MM0099 Internal error {0}. Please file a bug report with a test case (http://bugzilla.xamarin.com).
// MM1xxx file copy / symlinks (project related)
// MM14xx Product assemblies
// MM1401 The required '{0}' assembly is missing from the references
// MM1402 The assembly '{0}' is not compatible with this tool
// MM1403 {0} '{1}' could not be found. Target framework '{0}' is unusable to package the application.
// MM1404 Target framework '{0}' is invalid.
// MM1405 useFullXamMacFramework must always target framework .NET 4.5, not '{0}' which is invalid
// MM1406 Target framework '{0}' is invalid when targetting Xamarin.Mac 4.5 .NET framwork.
// MM15xx Assembly gathering (not requiring linker) errors
// MM1501 Can not resolve reference: {0}
// MT16xx MachO.cs
// MM1600 Not a Mach-O dynamic library (unknown header '0x{0}'): {1}.
// MM1601 Not a static library (unknown header '{0}'): {1}.
// MM1602 Not a Mach-O dynamic library (unknown header '0x{0}'): {1}.
// MM1603 Unknown format for fat entry at position {0} in {1}.
// MM1604 File of type {0} is not a MachO file ({1}).
// MM2xxx Linker
// MM20xx Linker (general) errors
// MM2001 Could not link assemblies
// MM2002 Can not resolve reference: {0}
// MM2003 Option '{0}' will be ignored since linking is disabled
// MM2004 Extra linker definitions file '{0}' could not be located.
// MM2005 Definitions from '{0}' could not be parsed.
// MM2006 Native library '{0}' was referenced but could not be found.
// MM2007 Xamarin.Mac Unified API against a full .NET profile does not support linking. Pass the -nolink flag.
// MM2009 Referenced by {0}.{1} ** This message is related to MM2006 **
// MM2010 Unknown HttpMessageHandler `{0}`. Valid values are HttpClientHandler (default), CFNetworkHandler or NSUrlSessionHandler
// MM2011 Unknown TLSProvider `{0}. Valid values are default or appletls
// MM2012 Only first {0} of {1} "Referenced by" warnings shown. ** This message related to 2009 **
// Warning MM2013 Failed to resolve the reference to "{0}", referenced in "{1}". The app will not include the referenced assembly, and may fail at runtime.
// Warning MM2014 Xamarin.Mac Extensions do not support linking. Request for linking will be ignored.
// MM2015 *** Reserved mtouch ***
// Warning MM2016 Invalid TlsProvider `{0}` option. The only valid value `{1}` will be used.
// MM2017 Could not process XML description: {0}
// MM202x Binding Optimizer failed processing `...`.
// MT3xxx AOT
// MT30xx AOT (general) errors
// MT3001 Could not AOT the assembly '{0}'
// MM3002 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM3003 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM3004 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM3005 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM3006 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM3007 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM3008 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM3009 AOT of '{0}' was requested but was not found
// MM3010 Exclusion of AOT of '{0}' was requested but was not found
// MM4xxx code generation
// MM40xx driver.m
// MM4001 The main template could not be expansed to `{0}`.
// MT41xx registrar
// MM4134 Your application is using the '{0}' framework, which isn't included in the MacOS SDK you're using to build your app (this framework was introduced in OSX {2}, while you're building with the MacOS {1} SDK.) This configuration is not supported with the static registrar (pass --registrar:dynamic as an additional mmp argument in your project's Mac Build option to select). Alternatively select a newer SDK in your app's Mac Build options.
// MM5xxx GCC and toolchain
// MM51xx compilation
// MM5101 Missing '{0}' compiler. Please install Xcode 'Command-Line Tools' component.
// MM5102 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM5103 Failed to compile. Error code - {0}. Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com
// MM5104 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM52xx linking
// MM5202 Mono.framework MDK is missing. Please install the MDK for your Mono.framework version from http://mono-project.com/Downloads
// MM5203 Can't find libxammac.a, likely because of a corrupted Xamarin.Mac installation. Please reinstall Xamarin.Mac.
// MM5204 Invalid architecture. x86_64 is only supported with the mobile profile.
// MM5205 Invalid architecture '{0}'. Valid architectures are i386 and x86_64 (when --profile=mobile).
// MM5206 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM5207 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM5208 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM5209 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM5210 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM5211 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM5212 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM5213 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM5214 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM5215 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM53xx other tools
// MM5301 pkg-config could not be found. Please install the Mono.framework from http://mono-project.com/Downloads
// MM5302 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM5303 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM5304 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM5305 Missing 'otool' tool. Please install Xcode 'Command-Line Tools' component
// MM5306 Missing dependencies. Please install Xcode 'Command-Line Tools' component
// MM5308 Xcode license agreement may not have been accepted. Please launch Xcode.
// MM5309 Native linking failed with error code 1. Check build log for details.
// MT5310 install_name_tool failed with an error code '{0}'. Check build log for details.
// MM6xxx mmp internal tools
// MM7xxx reserved
// MM8xxx runtime
// MM800x misc
// MM8000 - MM8016 ** reserved mtouch **
// MM8017 The Boehm garbage collector is not supported. Please use SGen instead.
// MM9xxx Licensing
public class MonoMacException : Exception {
public MonoMacException (int code, string message, params object[] args) :
this (code, false, message, args)
public MonoMacException (int code, bool error, string message, params object[] args) :
this (code, error, null, message, args)
public MonoMacException (int code, bool error, Exception innerException, string message, params object[] args) :
base (String.Format (message, args), innerException)
Code = code;
Error = error;
public string FileName { get; set; }
public int LineNumber { get; set; }
public int Code { get; private set; }
public bool Error { get; private set; }
// http://blogs.msdn.com/b/msbuild/archive/2006/11/03/msbuild-visual-studio-aware-error-messages-and-message-formats.aspx
public override string ToString ()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (FileName)) {
return String.Format ("{0} MM{1:0000}: {2}", Error ? "error" : "warning", Code, Message);
} else {
return String.Format ("{3}({4}): {0} MM{1:0000}: {2}", Error ? "error" : "warning", Code, Message, FileName, LineNumber);