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// Mac specific selector validators
// Authors:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2012 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
#if XAMCORE_2_0
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
using MonoMac.Foundation;
using MonoMac.ObjCRuntime;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Introspection {
public class MacApiSelectorTest : CoreSelectorTest {
static MacApiSelectorTest ()
Runtime.RegisterAssembly (typeof (NSObject).Assembly);
public MacApiSelectorTest ()
//LogProgress = true; Don't uncomment this anymore, export API_TEST_LOG_PROGRESS=1
ContinueOnFailure = true;
protected override bool Skip (Type type)
switch (type.FullName) {
case "MonoMac.CIFilter.CIMaskedVariableBlur": // Appears to be missing from 10.11, not documented
case "CIFilter.CIMaskedVariableBlur":
if (Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 11))
return true;
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlSession":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSession":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlSessionTask":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSessionTask":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlSessionDataTask":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSessionDataTask":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlSessionUploadTask":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSessionUploadTask":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlSessionDownloadTask":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSessionDownloadTask":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlSessionConfiguration":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSessionConfiguration":
// These classes are available in 32-bit Yosemite, or 32+64bit Mavericks.
if (IntPtr.Size == 4 && !Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 10))
return true;
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSSharingService":
case "AppKit.NSSharingService":
case "MonoMac.AppKit.NSSharingServicePicker":
case "AppKit.NSSharingServicePicker":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSByteCountFormatter":
case "Foundation.NSByteCountFormatter":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUserNotification":
case "Foundation.NSUserNotification":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUserNotificationCenter":
case "Foundation.NSUserNotificationCenter":
case "MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVPlayerItemOutput":
case "AVFoundation.AVPlayerItemOutput":
case "MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVPlayerItemVideoOutput":
case "AVFoundation.AVPlayerItemVideoOutput":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUuid":
case "Foundation.NSUuid":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 8))
return true;
switch (type.Namespace) {
// OSX 10.8+
case "MonoMac.Accounts":
case "Accounts":
case "MonoMac.GameKit":
case "GameKit":
case "MonoMac.Social":
case "Social":
case "MonoMac.StoreKit":
case "StoreKit":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 8))
return true;
case "SceneKit":
case "MonoMac.SceneKit":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 8) || IntPtr.Size != 8)
return true;
// not installed by default
case "MonoMac.Growl":
case "Growl":
return true;
return base.Skip (type);
protected override bool Skip (Type type, string selectorName)
switch (selectorName) {
case "accessibilityNotifiesWhenDestroyed":
// The header declares this on an NSObject category but
// it doesn't even respondsToSelector on NSView/NSCell...
return true;
#if !XAMCORE_4_0
case "xamarinselector:removed:":
return true;
#if !XAMCORE_3_0
case "initWithPasteboardPropertyList:ofType:":
// This is a broken binding, but it's an abstract protocol
// method, so there's no way to remove it without breaking
// compat.
return true;
case "waitUntilExit":
// category, NSTask won't respond -> @interface NSTask (NSTaskConveniences)
if (type.Name == "NSTask")
return true;
case "readInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:":
case "readInBackgroundAndNotify":
case "readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:":
case "readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify":
case "acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:":
case "acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify":
case "waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:":
case "waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify":
// category, NSFileHandle won't respond -> @interface NSFileHandle (NSFileHandleAsynchronousAccess)
if (type.Name == "NSFileHandle")
return true;
// initWithPlayerIDs: works (valid handle) and is documented - but does not respond when queried
case "initWithPlayerIDs:":
if (type.Name == "GKLeaderboard")
return true;
// some types had NSCopying added after they were first introduced
case "copyWithZone:":
if (type.Name == "CBPeripheral" && !Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 9))
return true;
case "readingOptionsForType:pasteboard:":
case "writingOptionsForType:pasteboard:":
return true; // Optional selectors on NSPasteboardReading/NSPasteboardWriting
switch (type.Namespace) {
// Notifications seems to follow a pattern were selectors are routed to an internal concrete type
case "MonoMac.Foundation":
case "Foundation":
switch (type.Name) {
// looks like it's routed to (private) NSConcreteUserNotificationCenter
case "NSUserNotificationCenter":
switch (selectorName) {
case "delegate":
case "setDelegate:":
case "scheduledNotifications":
case "setScheduledNotifications:":
case "deliveredNotifications":
return true;
// looks like it's routed to (private) NSConcreteUserNotification
case "NSUserNotification":
switch (selectorName) {
case "title":
case "setTitle:":
case "subtitle":
case "setSubtitle:":
case "informativeText":
case "setInformativeText:":
case "actionButtonTitle":
case "setActionButtonTitle:":
case "userInfo":
case "setUserInfo:":
case "deliveryDate":
case "setDeliveryDate:":
case "deliveryTimeZone":
case "setDeliveryTimeZone:":
case "deliveryRepeatInterval":
case "setDeliveryRepeatInterval:":
case "actualDeliveryDate":
case "isPresented":
case "isRemote":
case "soundName":
case "setSoundName:":
case "hasActionButton":
case "setHasActionButton:":
case "activationType":
case "otherButtonTitle":
case "setOtherButtonTitle:":
return true;
case "NSFileHandle": //Fails on Lion
case "NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge":
case "NSUrlCredential":
case "NSUrlProtectionSpace":
case "NSAppleEventDescriptor":
if (selectorName == "encodeWithCoder:" && !Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 8))
return true;
case "NSValue":
switch (selectorName) {
case "SCNMatrix4Value":
case "SCNVector3Value":
case "SCNVector4Value":
case "valueWithSCNMatrix4:":
if (IntPtr.Size != 8)
return true;
case "NSUrlSession":
switch (selectorName) {
case "delegateQueue":
case "sessionDescription":
case "setSessionDescription:":
case "delegate":
if (Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 11))
return true;
case "NSUrlSessionStreamTask":
switch (selectorName) {
case "captureStreams":
case "closeRead":
case "closeWrite":
case "readDataOfMinLength:maxLength:timeout:completionHandler:":
case "startSecureConnection":
case "stopSecureConnection":
case "writeData:timeout:completionHandler:":
if (Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 11))
return true;
case "NSUrlSessionTask":
switch (selectorName) {
case "countOfBytesExpectedToReceive":
case "countOfBytesExpectedToSend":
case "countOfBytesReceived":
case "countOfBytesSent":
case "currentRequest":
case "error":
case "originalRequest":
case "response":
case "state":
case "taskDescription":
case "setTaskDescription:":
case "taskIdentifier":
if (Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 11))
return true;
case "NSUrlSessionConfiguration":
if (Mac.IsAtLeast (10, 11))
return true;
case "MonoMac.AppKit":
case "AppKit":
switch (type.Name) {
#if !XAMCORE_3_0 // These should be not be marked [Abstract] but can't fix w/o breaking change...
case "NSScrollView":
case "NSTextView":
switch (selectorName) {
case "contentViewAtIndex:effectiveCharacterRange:":
case "didReplaceCharacters":
case "drawCharactersInRange:forContentView:":
case "rectsForCharacterRange:":
case "replaceCharactersInRange:withString:":
case "scrollRangeToVisible:":
case "shouldReplaceCharactersInRanges:withStrings:":
case "stringAtIndex:effectiveRange:endsWithSearchBoundary:":
case "stringLength":
case "allowsMultipleSelection":
case "isEditable":
case "firstSelectedRange":
case "isSelectable":
case "selectedRanges":
case "setSelectedRanges:":
case "string":
case "visibleCharacterRanges":
return true;
case "NSMenuDelegate":
switch (selectorName) {
#if !XAMCORE_3_0
case "menu:willHighlightItem:":
return true; // bound
case "NSResponder":
switch (selectorName) {
case "smartMagnifyWithEvent:":
case "quickLookWithEvent:":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 8))
return true;
case "NSViewController":
switch (selectorName) {
case "identifier": //
case "setIdentifier:":
// In Yosemite (but not before) NSViewController implements the NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification
// protocol (which brings a r/w Identifier property). We don't have any way of expressing that
// a type started implementing a protocol in a particular version, so just ignore these selectors.
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 10))
return true;
// GameKit seems to follow a pattern were selectors are routed to an internal concrete type
case "MonoMac.GameKit":
case "GameKit":
switch (type.Name) {
case "GKTurnBasedExchange":
switch (selectorName) {
case "completionDate":
case "data":
case "exchangeID":
case "sendDate":
case "timeoutDate":
return true;
case "GKTurnBasedExchangeReply":
switch (selectorName) {
case "data":
case "replyDate":
return true;
// looks like it's routed to (private) GKDialogController_Concrete
case "GKDialogController":
switch (selectorName) {
case "parentWindow":
case "setParentWindow:":
return true;
// looks like it's routed to (private) GKVoiceChat_Concrete
case "GKVoiceChat":
switch (selectorName) {
case "start":
case "stop":
case "setMute:forPlayer:":
case "name":
case "isActive":
case "setActive:":
case "volume":
case "setVolume:":
case "playerStateUpdateHandler":
case "setPlayerStateUpdateHandler:":
case "playerIDs":
return true;
// looks like it's routed to (private) GKLeaderboard_Concrete
case "GKLeaderboard":
switch (selectorName) {
case "loadScoresWithCompletionHandler:":
case "timeScope":
case "setTimeScope:":
case "playerScope":
case "setPlayerScope:":
case "maxRange":
case "category":
case "setCategory:":
case "title":
case "range":
case "setRange:":
case "scores":
case "localPlayerScore":
case "groupIdentifier":
case "setGroupIdentifier:":
return true;
// looks like it's routed to (private) GKLeaderboard_Concrete
case "GKLocalPlayer":
switch (selectorName) {
case "authenticateWithCompletionHandler:":
case "loadDefaultLeaderboardCategoryIDWithCompletionHandler:":
case "setDefaultLeaderboardCategoryID:completionHandler:":
case "authenticateHandler":
case "setAuthenticateHandler:":
case "loadFriendsWithCompletionHandler:":
case "isAuthenticated":
return true;
// looks like it's routed to (private) GKMatch_Concrete
case "GKMatch":
switch (selectorName) {
case "sendData:toPlayers:withDataMode:error:":
case "sendDataToAllPlayers:withDataMode:error:":
case "disconnect":
case "voiceChatWithName:":
case "playerIDs":
case "delegate":
case "setDelegate:":
case "expectedPlayerCount":
return true;
// looks like it's routed to (private) GKMatchmater_Concrete
case "GKMatchmaker":
switch (selectorName) {
case "inviteHandler":
case "setInviteHandler:":
case "findMatchForRequest:withCompletionHandler:":
case "findPlayersForHostedMatchRequest:withCompletionHandler:":
case "addPlayersToMatch:matchRequest:completionHandler:":
case "cancel":
case "queryPlayerGroupActivity:withCompletionHandler:":
case "queryActivityWithCompletionHandler:":
return true;
// Gone in Mavericks
case "MonoMac.StoreKit":
case "StoreKit":
switch (type.Name) {
case "SKPayment":
case "SKMutablePayment":
switch (selectorName) {
case "paymentWithProductIdentifier:":
if (Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 9))
return true;
case "MonoMac.PdfKit": // Bug 20232
case "PdfKit":
switch (type.Name) {
case "PdfBorder": // Fails on Lion
case "PdfAnnotation":
if (selectorName == "encodeWithCoder:" && !Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 8))
return true;
case "PdfView":
switch (selectorName) {
#if !XAMCORE_3_0
case "menu:willHighlightItem:":
return true;
case "MonoMac.SceneKit":
case "SceneKit":
switch (type.Name) {
case "SCNGeometryElement":
// Ignore on 10.8 where SCNGeometryPrimitiveType is int (32), but
// on 10.9+ is NSInteger/nint (32/64). SceneKit is next to useless
// on 10.8 anyway. -abock
if (selectorName == "primitiveType" && Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 8))
return true;
// fall through
goto case "SCNCamera";
case "SCNCamera":
case "SCNGeometry":
case "SCNGeometrySource":
case "SCNLight":
case "SCNMaterial":
case "SCNMaterialProperty":
case "SCNNode":
case "SCNProgram":
case "SCNScene":
case "SCNMorpher":
case "SCNSkinner":
case "SCNConstraint":
case "SCNLevelOfDetail":
// The NSSecureCoding protocol was added to these types in Yosemite,
// and we can't (yet?) describe "type added protocol P in version X.Y"
// with our AvailabilityAttribute, so do this check manually.
if (selectorName == "encodeWithCoder:" && !Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 10))
return true;
switch (type.Name) {
case "SCNGeometry":
// SCNGeometry added the SCNShadable protocol in 10.9, which brings in the 'program' selector.
switch (selectorName) {
case "program":
case "setProgram:":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 9))
return true;
return base.Skip (type, selectorName);
static List<NSObject> do_not_dispose = new List<NSObject> ();
protected override void Dispose (NSObject obj, Type type)
switch (type.FullName) {
// FIXME: those crash the application when Dispose is called
case "MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVAudioRecorder":
case "AVFoundation.AVAudioRecorder":
case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrlConnection":
case "Foundation.NSUrlConnection":
// 10.8:
case "MonoMac.Accounts.ACAccount": // maybe the default .ctor is not allowed ?
case "Accounts.ACAccount":
case "MonoMac.Accounts.ACAccountCredential":
case "Accounts.ACAccountCredential":
case "MonoMac.Accounts.ACAccountStore":
case "Accounts.ACAccountStore":
case "MonoMac.Accounts.ACAccountType":
case "Accounts.ACAccountType":
do_not_dispose.Add (obj);
base.Dispose (obj, type);
protected override bool CheckResponse (bool value, Type actualType, MethodBase method, ref string name)
var declaredType = method.DeclaringType;
switch (name) {
// NSDraggingDestination protocol
case "concludeDragOperation:": // e.g. NSTokenField
case "draggingEnded:": // e.g. NSMatrix
case "draggingExited:": // e.g. NSTokenField
case "draggingUpdated:": // e.g. NSTokenField
case "performDragOperation:": // e.g. NSTokenField
case "prepareForDragOperation:": // e.g. NSTokenField
case "wantsPeriodicDraggingUpdates": // e.g. NSBrowser - optional, [DefaultValue(true)] if it does not exists
return true;
// NSDraggingSource
case "draggedImage:beganAt:": // e.g. NSTextView
case "draggedImage:endedAt:deposited:": // e.g. NSTableView
case "draggedImage:movedTo:": // e.g. NSCollectionView
case "ignoreModifierKeysWhileDragging": // e.g. NSTextView
case "namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination:": // e.g. NSTextView
return true;
// NSAnimatablePropertyContainer
case "animationForKey:": // e.g. NSViewAnimation
case "animator":
case "animations":
case "setAnimations:":
return true;
// NSTypeSetter - Layout Phase Interface (needs to be overridden, not really part of the provided types)
case "willSetLineFragmentRect:forGlyphRange:usedRect:baselineOffset:":
case "shouldBreakLineByWordBeforeCharacterAtIndex:":
case "shouldBreakLineByHyphenatingBeforeCharacterAtIndex:":
case "hyphenationFactorForGlyphAtIndex:":
case "hyphenCharacterForGlyphAtIndex:":
case "boundingBoxForControlGlyphAtIndex:forTextContainer:proposedLineFragment:glyphPosition:characterIndex:":
return true;
// in NSView documentation but defined in NSClipView - no answers to call
case "scrollClipView:toPoint:":
return true;
// IKFilterBrowserPanel ??? not clear why
case "finish:":
return true;
// IKFilterUIView
case "viewForUIConfiguration:excludedKeys:": // [Target] on CIFilter
return true;
// NSDictionaryEnumerator
case "fileModificationDate":
case "fileType":
case "filePosixPermissions":
case "fileOwnerAccountName":
case "fileGroupOwnerAccountName":
case "fileSystemNumber":
case "fileSystemFileNumber":
case "fileExtensionHidden":
case "fileHFSCreatorCode":
case "fileHFSTypeCode":
case "fileIsImmutable":
case "fileIsAppendOnly":
case "fileCreationDate":
case "fileOwnerAccountID":
case "fileGroupOwnerAccountID":
return true; // all [Target] on NSDictionary
// SBObject
case "get":
return true;
// NSCoder - documented as available in 10.8
case "allowedClasses":
case "requiresSecureCoding":
return true;
// NSFileManager
case "ubiquityIdentityToken": // documented in 10.8
return true;
// NS[Mutable]UrlRequest
case "allowsCellularAccess": // documented in 10.8
case "setAllowsCellularAccess:": // documented in 10.8
return true;
// NSString
case "capitalizedStringWithLocale:": // documented in 10.8
case "lowercaseStringWithLocale:": // documented in 10.8
case "uppercaseStringWithLocale:": // documented in 10.8
return true;
// AVVideoComposition
case "isValidForAsset:timeRange:validationDelegate:": // documented in 10.8
return true;
// AVPlayer
case "setRate:time:atHostTime:": // 10.8+
case "prerollAtRate:completionHandler:": // 10.8+
case "cancelPendingPrerolls": // 10.8+
case "masterClock": // 10.8+
case "setMasterClock:": // 10.8+
// NSDateComponents
case "isLeapMonth": // 10.8+
case "setLeapMonth:": // 10.8+
// NSFileCoordinator
case "itemAtURL:willMoveToURL:": // 10.8+
return true; // documented (but does not respond)
// MonoMac.CoreImage.CIDetector (10.8+)
case "featuresInImage:options:":
// MonoMac.CoreImage.CIFaceFeature (10.8+)
case "hasTrackingID":
case "trackingID":
case "hasTrackingFrameCount":
case "trackingFrameCount":
// MonoMac.CoreImage.CIImage : only in 10.8+
case "properties": // only documented in header files
case "autoAdjustmentFilters":
case "autoAdjustmentFiltersWithOptions:":
// MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVAssetExportSession (10.8+)
case "asset":
// MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVAssetReaderOutput
case "alwaysCopiesSampleData":
case "setAlwaysCopiesSampleData:":
// MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVAssetTrack
case "isPlayable":
// MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVAudioPlayer (10.8+)
case "enableRate":
case "setEnableRate:":
case "rate":
case "setRate:":
// MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVMutableCompositionTrack
case "insertTimeRanges:ofTracks:atTime:error:":
// MonoMac.AVFoundation.AVPlayerItem
case "addOutput:":
case "removeOutput:":
case "canPlayFastReverse":
case "canPlayFastForward":
case "canPlaySlowForward":
case "canPlayReverse":
case "canPlaySlowReverse":
case "canStepForward":
case "canStepBackward":
case "outputs":
case "timebase":
// MonoMac.CoreAnimation.CAAnimation : only on OSX, added for SceneKit
case "usesSceneTimeBase":
case "setUsesSceneTimeBase:":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 8))
return true;
case "initWithString:":
if (declaredType.Name == "NSTextStorage")
return true;
switch (declaredType.Name) {
case "NSUrlSession":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSession":
switch (name) {
case "delegateQueue":
case "sessionDescription":
case "setSessionDescription:":
case "delegate":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 11))
return true;
case "NSUrlSessionTask":
case "Foundation.NSUrlSessionTask":
switch (name) {
case "countOfBytesExpectedToReceive":
case "countOfBytesExpectedToSend":
case "countOfBytesReceived":
case "countOfBytesSent":
case "currentRequest":
case "error":
case "originalRequest":
case "response":
case "state":
case "taskDescription":
case "setTaskDescription:":
case "taskIdentifier":
case "priority":
case "setPriority:":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 11))
return true;
case "Foundation.NSUrlSessionStreamTask":
case "NSUrlSessionStreamTask":
switch (name) {
case "captureStreams":
case "closeRead":
case "closeWrite":
case "readDataOfMinLength:maxLength:timeout:completionHandler:":
case "startSecureConnection":
case "stopSecureConnection":
case "writeData:timeout:completionHandler:":
if (!Mac.CheckSystemVersion (10, 11))
return true;
// Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", declaredType, name);
return base.CheckResponse (value, actualType, method, ref name);
protected override bool CheckStaticResponse (bool value, Type actualType, Type declaredType, ref string name)
switch (name) {
// 10.7 exceptions
// NSAnimatablePropertyContainer protocol (10.7) -> NSViewAnimation
case "defaultAnimationForKey:":
return true;
// 10.8 exceptions
// GKPlayer - documented as available in 10.8
case "loadPlayersForIdentifiers:withCompletionHandler:":
// SLRequest - documented as available in 10.8
case "requestForServiceType:requestMethod:URL:parameters:":
// NSDictionary - documented as available in 10.8
case "dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:":
case "sharedKeySetForKeys:":
// AVMetadataItem - documented as available in 10.8
case "metadataItemsFromArray:filteredAndSortedAccordingToPreferredLanguages:":
return true;
return base.CheckStaticResponse (value, actualType, declaredType, ref name);
protected override bool SkipInit (string selector, MethodBase m)
switch (selector) {
#if !XAMCORE_3_0
// DomEvent
case "initEvent:canBubbleArg:cancelableArg:":
// DomOverflowEvent
case "initOverflowEvent:horizontalOverflow:verticalOverflow:":
// DomUIEvent
case "initUIEvent:canBubble:cancelable:view:detail:":
// DomKeyboardEvent
case "initKeyboardEvent:canBubble:cancelable:view:keyIdentifier:keyLocation:ctrlKey:altKey:shiftKey:metaKey:altGraphKey:":
case "initKeyboardEvent:canBubble:cancelable:view:keyIdentifier:keyLocation:ctrlKey:altKey:shiftKey:metaKey:":
// DomMouseEvent
case "initMouseEvent:canBubble:cancelable:view:detail:screenX:screenY:clientX:clientY:ctrlKey:altKey:shiftKey:metaKey:button:relatedTarget:":
// DomWheelEvent
case "initWheelEvent:wheelDeltaY:view:screenX:screenY:clientX:clientY:ctrlKey:altKey:shiftKey:metaKey:":
// QTMovie
case "movieWithTimeRange:error:":
case "initWithQuickTimeMedia:error:":
// NSAppleEventDescriptor
case "initListDescriptor":
case "initRecordDescriptor":
// NSAnimation
case "initWithDuration:animationCurve:":
return true;
// NSImage
case "initWithDataIgnoringOrientation:":
var mi = m as MethodInfo;
return mi != null && !mi.IsPublic && mi.ReturnType.Name == "IntPtr";
return base.SkipInit (selector, m);