
643 строки
25 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Xamarin.Utils;
namespace Xamarin.Tests
class ToolMessage
public bool IsError;
public bool IsWarning { get { return !IsError; } }
public string Prefix;
public int Number;
public string PrefixedNumber { get { return Prefix + Number.ToString (); } }
public string Message;
public string FileName;
public int LineNumber;
public override string ToString ()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (FileName)) {
return String.Format ("{0} {3}{1:0000}: {2}", IsError ? "error" : "warning", Number, Message, Prefix);
} else {
return String.Format ("{3}({4}): {0} {5}{1:0000}: {2}", IsError ? "error" : "warning", Number, Message, FileName, LineNumber, Prefix);
abstract class Tool
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder ();
List<string> output_lines;
List<ToolMessage> messages = new List<ToolMessage> ();
public Dictionary<string, string> EnvironmentVariables { get; set; }
public TimeSpan Timeout { get; set; } = TimeSpan.FromSeconds (60);
#pragma warning disable 0649 // Field 'X' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value Y
public string WorkingDirectory;
#pragma warning restore 0649
public IEnumerable<ToolMessage> Messages { get { return messages; } }
public List<string> OutputLines {
get {
if (output_lines == null) {
output_lines = new List<string> ();
output_lines.AddRange (output.ToString ().Split ('\n'));
return output_lines;
public StringBuilder Output {
get {
return output;
public int Execute (string arguments, params string [] args)
return Execute (ToolPath, arguments, false, args);
public int Execute (string arguments, bool always_show_output, params string [] args)
return Execute (ToolPath, arguments, always_show_output, args);
public int Execute (string toolPath, string arguments, params string [] args)
return Execute (toolPath, arguments, false, args);
public int Execute (string toolPath, string arguments, bool always_show_output, params string [] args)
output.Clear ();
output_lines = null;
var rv = ExecutionHelper.Execute (Configuration.XIBuildPath, $"-t -- {toolPath} " + string.Format (arguments, args), EnvironmentVariables, output, output, workingDirectory: WorkingDirectory);
if ((rv != 0 || always_show_output) && output.Length > 0)
Console.WriteLine ("\t" + output.ToString ().Replace ("\n", "\n\t"));
ParseMessages ();
return rv;
bool IndexOfAny (string line, out int start, out int end, params string [] values)
foreach (var value in values) {
start = line.IndexOf (value, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (start >= 0) {
end = start + value.Length;
return true;
start = -1;
end = -1;
return false;
string RemovePathAtEnd (string line)
if (line.TrimEnd ().EndsWith ("]", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
var start = line.LastIndexOf ("[", StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (start >= 0) {
// we want to get the space before `[` too.
if (start > 0 && line [start - 1] == ' ')
start --;
line = line.Substring (0, start);
return line;
return line;
public void ParseMessages ()
messages.Clear ();
foreach (var l in output.ToString ().Split ('\n')) {
var line = l;
var msg = new ToolMessage ();
var origin = string.Empty;
if (IndexOfAny (line, out var idxError, out var endError, ": error ", ": error ")) {
msg.IsError = true;
origin = line.Substring (0, idxError);
line = line.Substring (endError);
line = RemovePathAtEnd (line);
} else if (IndexOfAny (line, out var idxWarning, out var endWarning, ": warning ", ": warning ")) {
origin = line.Substring (0, idxWarning);
line = line.Substring (endWarning);
line = RemovePathAtEnd (line);
} else if (line.StartsWith ("error ", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
msg.IsError = true;
line = line.Substring (6);
} else if (line.StartsWith ("warning ", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
msg.IsError = false;
line = line.Substring (8);
} else {
// something else
if (line.Length < 7)
continue; // something else
msg.Prefix = line.Substring (0, 2);
if (!int.TryParse (line.Substring (2, 4), out msg.Number))
continue; // something else
line = line.Substring (8);
var toolName = MessageToolName;
if (toolName != null && line.StartsWith (toolName + ": ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
line = line.Substring (toolName.Length + 2);
msg.Message = line;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (origin)) {
var idx = origin.IndexOf ('(');
if (idx > 0) {
var closing = origin.IndexOf (')');
var number = 0;
if (!int.TryParse (origin.Substring (idx + 1, closing - idx - 1), out number))
msg.LineNumber = number;
msg.FileName = origin.Substring (0, idx);
} else {
msg.FileName = origin;
messages.Add (msg);
public bool HasErrorPattern (string prefix, int number, string messagePattern)
foreach (var msg in messages) {
if (msg.IsError && msg.Prefix == prefix && msg.Number == number && Regex.IsMatch (msg.Message, messagePattern))
return true;
return false;
public int ErrorCount {
get {
return messages.Count ((v) => v.IsError);
public int WarningCount {
get {
return messages.Count ((v) => v.IsWarning);
public bool HasError (string prefix, int number, string message)
foreach (var msg in messages) {
if (msg.IsError && msg.Prefix == prefix && msg.Number == number && msg.Message == message)
return true;
return false;
public void AssertWarningCount (int count, string message = "warnings")
if (count != WarningCount)
Assert.Fail ($"{message}\nExpected: {count}\nBut was: {WarningCount}\nWarnings:\n\t{string.Join ("\n\t", this.Messages.Where ((v) => v.IsWarning).Select ((v) => v.ToString ()))}");
public void AssertErrorCount (int count, string message = "errors")
Assert.AreEqual (count, ErrorCount, message);
public void AssertErrorPattern (int number, string messagePattern, string filename = null, int? linenumber = null, bool custom_pattern_syntax = false)
AssertErrorPattern (MessagePrefix, number, messagePattern, filename, linenumber, custom_pattern_syntax);
public void AssertErrorPattern (string prefix, int number, string messagePattern, string filename = null, int? linenumber = null, bool custom_pattern_syntax = false)
if (!messages.Any ((msg) => msg.Prefix == prefix && msg.Number == number))
Assert.Fail (string.Format ("The error '{0}{1:0000}' was not found in the output.", prefix, number));
// Custom pattern syntax: escape parenthesis and brackets so that they're treated like normal characters.
var processedPattern = custom_pattern_syntax ? messagePattern.Replace ("(", "[(]").Replace (")", "[)]").Replace ("[]", "[[][]]") + "$" : messagePattern;
var matches = messages.Where ((msg) => Regex.IsMatch (msg.Message, processedPattern));
if (!matches.Any ()) {
var details = messages.Where ((msg) => msg.Prefix == prefix && msg.Number == number && !Regex.IsMatch (msg.Message, processedPattern)).Select ((msg) => string.Format ("\tThe message '{0}' did not match the pattern '{1}'.", msg.Message, messagePattern));
Assert.Fail (string.Format ("The error '{0}{1:0000}: {2}' was not found in the output:\n{3}", prefix, number, messagePattern, string.Join ("\n", details.ToArray ())));
AssertFilename (prefix, number, messagePattern, matches, filename, linenumber);
public void AssertError (int number, string message, string filename = null, int? linenumber = null)
AssertError (MessagePrefix, number, message, filename, linenumber);
public void AssertError (string prefix, int number, string message, string filename = null, int? linenumber = null)
if (!messages.Any ((msg) => msg.Prefix == prefix && msg.Number == number))
Assert.Fail (string.Format ("The error '{0}{1:0000}' was not found in the output.", prefix, number));
var matches = messages.Where ((msg) => msg.Message == message);
if (!matches.Any ()) {
var details = messages.
Where ((msg) => msg.Prefix == prefix && msg.Number == number && msg.Message != message).
Select ((msg) => string.Format ("\tMessage #{2} did not match:\n\t\tactual: '{0}'\n\t\texpected: '{1}'", msg.Message, message, messages.IndexOf (msg) + 1));
Assert.Fail (string.Format ("The error '{0}{1:0000}: {2}' was not found in the output:\n{3}", prefix, number, message, string.Join ("\n", details.ToArray ())));
AssertFilename (prefix, number, message, matches, filename, linenumber);
void AssertFilename (string prefix, int number, string message, IEnumerable<ToolMessage> matches, string filename, int? linenumber)
if (filename != null) {
var hasDirectory = filename.IndexOf (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) > -1;
if (!matches.Any ((v) => {
if (hasDirectory) {
// Check the entire path
return filename == v.FileName;
} else {
// Don't compare the directory unless one was specified.
return filename == Path.GetFileName (v.FileName);
})) {
var details = matches.Select ((msg) => string.Format ("\tMessage #{2} did not contain expected filename:\n\t\tactual: '{0}'\n\t\texpected: '{1}'", hasDirectory ? msg.FileName : Path.GetFileName (msg.FileName), filename, messages.IndexOf (msg) + 1));
Assert.Fail (string.Format ($"The filename '{filename}' was not found in the output for the error {prefix}{number:X4}: {message}:\n{string.Join ("\n", details.ToArray ())}"));
if (linenumber != null) {
if (!matches.Any ((v) => linenumber.Value == v.LineNumber)) {
var details = matches.Select ((msg) => string.Format ("\tMessage #{2} did not contain expected line number:\n\t\tactual: '{0}'\n\t\texpected: '{1}'", msg.LineNumber, linenumber, messages.IndexOf (msg) + 1));
Assert.Fail (string.Format ($"The linenumber '{linenumber.Value}' was not found in the output for the error {prefix}{number:X4}: {message}:\n{string.Join ("\n", details.ToArray ())}"));
public void AssertWarningPattern (int number, string messagePattern)
AssertWarningPattern (MessagePrefix, number, messagePattern);
public void AssertWarningPattern (string prefix, int number, string messagePattern)
if (!messages.Any ((msg) => msg.Prefix == prefix && msg.Number == number))
Assert.Fail (string.Format ("The warning '{0}{1:0000}' was not found in the output.", prefix, number));
if (messages.Any ((msg) => Regex.IsMatch (msg.Message, messagePattern)))
var details = messages.Where ((msg) => msg.Prefix == prefix && msg.Number == number && !Regex.IsMatch (msg.Message, messagePattern)).Select ((msg) => string.Format ("\tThe message '{0}' did not match the pattern '{1}'.", msg.Message, messagePattern));
Assert.Fail (string.Format ("The warning '{0}{1:0000}: {2}' was not found in the output:\n{3}", prefix, number, messagePattern, string.Join ("\n", details.ToArray ())));
public void AssertWarning (int number, string message, string filename = null, int? linenumber = null)
AssertWarning (MessagePrefix, number, message, filename, linenumber);
public void AssertWarning (string prefix, int number, string message, string filename = null, int? linenumber = null)
if (!messages.Any ((msg) => msg.Prefix == prefix && msg.Number == number))
Assert.Fail (string.Format ("The warning '{0}{1:0000}' was not found in the output.", prefix, number));
var matches = messages.Where ((msg) => msg.Message == message);
if (!matches.Any ()) {
var details = messages.Where ((msg) => msg.Prefix == prefix && msg.Number == number && msg.Message != message).Select ((msg) => string.Format ("\tMessage #{2} did not match:\n\t\tactual: '{0}'\n\t\texpected: '{1}'", msg.Message, message, messages.IndexOf (msg) + 1));
Assert.Fail (string.Format ("The warning '{0}{1:0000}: {2}' was not found in the output:\n{3}", prefix, number, message, string.Join ("\n", details.ToArray ())));
AssertFilename (prefix, number, message, matches, filename, linenumber);
public void AssertNoWarnings ()
var warnings = messages.Where ((v) => v.IsWarning);
if (!warnings.Any ())
Assert.Fail ("No warnings expected, but got:\n{0}\t", string.Join ("\n\t", warnings.Select ((v) => v.Message).ToArray ()));
public bool HasOutput (string line)
return OutputLines.Contains (line);
public bool HasOutputPattern (string linePattern)
foreach (var line in OutputLines) {
if (Regex.IsMatch (line, linePattern, RegexOptions.CultureInvariant))
return true;
return false;
public void AssertOutputPattern (string linePattern)
if (!HasOutputPattern (linePattern))
Assert.Fail (string.Format ("The output does not contain the line '{0}'", linePattern));
public void ForAllOutputLines (Action<string> action)
foreach (var line in OutputLines)
action (line);
protected abstract string ToolPath { get; }
protected abstract string MessagePrefix { get; }
protected virtual string MessageToolName { get { return null; } }
class XBuild
public static string ToolPath {
return Configuration.XIBuildPath;
public static void BuildXM (string project, string configuration = "Debug", string platform = "iPhoneSimulator", string verbosity = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null, string [] arguments = null)
Build (project,
new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "MD_APPLE_SDK_ROOT", Path.GetDirectoryName (Path.GetDirectoryName (Configuration.xcode_root)) },
{ "TargetFrameworkFallbackSearchPaths", Path.Combine (Configuration.TargetDirectoryXM, "Library", "Frameworks", "Mono.framework", "External", "xbuild-frameworks") },
{ "MSBuildExtensionsPathFallbackPathsOverride", Path.Combine (Configuration.TargetDirectoryXM, "Library", "Frameworks", "Mono.framework", "External", "xbuild") },
{ "XamarinMacFrameworkRoot", Path.Combine (Configuration.TargetDirectoryXM, "Library", "Frameworks", "Xamarin.Mac.framework", "Versions", "Current") },
{ "XAMMAC_FRAMEWORK_PATH", Path.Combine (Configuration.TargetDirectoryXM, "Library", "Frameworks", "Xamarin.Mac.framework", "Versions", "Current") },
}, configuration, platform, verbosity, timeout, arguments);
public static void BuildXI (string project, string configuration = "Debug", string platform = "iPhoneSimulator", string verbosity = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null, string [] arguments = null)
Build (project,
new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "MD_APPLE_SDK_ROOT", Path.GetDirectoryName (Path.GetDirectoryName (Configuration.xcode_root)) },
{ "TargetFrameworkFallbackSearchPaths", Path.Combine (Configuration.TargetDirectoryXI, "Library", "Frameworks", "Mono.framework", "External", "xbuild-frameworks") },
{ "MSBuildExtensionsPathFallbackPathsOverride", Path.Combine (Configuration.TargetDirectoryXI, "Library", "Frameworks", "Mono.framework", "External", "xbuild") },
{ "MD_MTOUCH_SDK_ROOT", Path.Combine (Configuration.TargetDirectoryXI, "Library", "Frameworks", "Xamarin.iOS.framework", "Versions", "Current") },
}, configuration, platform, verbosity, timeout, arguments);
static void Build (string project, Dictionary<string, string> environmentVariables, string configuration = "Debug", string platform = "iPhoneSimulator", string verbosity = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null, string [] arguments = null)
ExecutionHelper.Execute (ToolPath,
new string [] {
$"/verbosity:{(string.IsNullOrEmpty (verbosity) ? "normal" : verbosity)}",
}.Union (arguments ?? new string [] { }).ToArray (),
environmentVariables: environmentVariables,
timeout: timeout);
static class ExecutionHelper {
static int Execute (string fileName, string[] arguments, StringBuilder stdout, StringBuilder stderr, TimeSpan? timeout = null)
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo (fileName, string.Join (" ", arguments.Select ((v) => StringUtils.Quote (v))));
return Execute (psi, (line) => {
lock (stdout)
stdout.AppendLine (line);
}, (line) => {
lock (stderr)
stderr.AppendLine (line);
}, timeout);
static int Execute (ProcessStartInfo psi, StringBuilder stdout, StringBuilder stderr, TimeSpan? timeout = null)
return Execute (psi, (line) => {
lock (stdout)
stdout.AppendLine (line);
}, (line) => {
lock (stderr)
stderr.AppendLine (line);
}, timeout);
public static int Execute (string fileName, string [] arguments, Action<string> stdout_callback = null, Action<string> stderr_callback = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null)
return Execute (fileName, arguments, null, stdout_callback, stderr_callback, timeout);
public static int Execute (string fileName, string [] arguments, string working_directory = null, Action<string> stdout_callback = null, Action<string> stderr_callback = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null)
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo (fileName, string.Join (" ", arguments.Select ((v) => StringUtils.Quote (v))));
psi.WorkingDirectory = working_directory;
return Execute (psi, stdout_callback, stderr_callback, timeout);
public static int Execute (string fileName, string [] arguments, out StringBuilder output, string working_directory = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null)
output = new StringBuilder ();
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo (fileName, string.Join (" ", arguments.Select ((v) => StringUtils.Quote (v))));
psi.WorkingDirectory = working_directory;
var capturedOutput = output;
var callback = new Action<string> ((v) => {
lock (psi)
capturedOutput.AppendLine (v);
return Execute (psi, callback, callback, timeout);
public static int Execute (string fileName, string [] arguments, out bool timed_out, Dictionary<string, string> environment_variables = null, Action<string> stdout_callback = null, Action<string> stderr_callback = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null)
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo (fileName, string.Join (" ", StringUtils.Quote (arguments)));
if (environment_variables != null) {
foreach (var ev in environment_variables)
psi.EnvironmentVariables [ev.Key] = ev.Value;
return Execute (psi, out timed_out, stdout_callback, stderr_callback, timeout);
public static int Execute (string fileName, string [] arguments, out bool timed_out, string working_directory = null, Dictionary<string, string> environment_variables = null, Action<string> stdout_callback = null, Action<string> stderr_callback = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null)
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo (fileName, string.Join (" ", StringUtils.Quote (arguments)));
psi.WorkingDirectory = working_directory;
if (environment_variables != null) {
foreach (var ev in environment_variables)
psi.EnvironmentVariables [ev.Key] = ev.Value;
return Execute (psi, out timed_out, stdout_callback, stderr_callback, timeout);
public static int Execute (ProcessStartInfo psi, Action<string> stdout_callback = null, Action<string> stderr_callback = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null)
return Execute (psi, out var _, stdout_callback, stderr_callback, timeout);
public static int Execute (ProcessStartInfo psi, out bool timed_out, Action<string> stdout_callback = null, Action<string> stderr_callback = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null)
var watch = new Stopwatch ();
watch.Start ();
if (stdout_callback == null)
stdout_callback = Console.WriteLine;
if (stderr_callback == null)
stderr_callback = Console.Error.WriteLine;
try {
psi.UseShellExecute = false;
psi.RedirectStandardError = true;
psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (psi.WorkingDirectory))
Console.Write ($"cd {StringUtils.Quote (psi.WorkingDirectory)} && ");
Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", psi.FileName, psi.Arguments);
using (var p = new Process ()) {
p.StartInfo = psi;
// mtouch/mmp writes UTF8 data outside of the ASCII range, so we need to make sure
// we read it in the same format. This also means we can't use the events to get
// stdout/stderr, because mono's Process class parses those using Encoding.Default.
p.StartInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
p.StartInfo.StandardErrorEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
p.Start ();
var outReader = new Thread (() =>
string l;
while ((l = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine ()) != null) {
stdout_callback (l);
IsBackground = true,
outReader.Start ();
var errReader = new Thread (() =>
string l;
while ((l = p.StandardError.ReadLine ()) != null) {
stderr_callback (l);
IsBackground = true,
errReader.Start ();
if (timeout == null)
timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (5);
if (!p.WaitForExit ((int) timeout.Value.TotalMilliseconds)) {
timed_out = true;
Console.WriteLine ("Command didn't finish in {0} minutes:", timeout.Value.TotalMinutes);
Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", p.StartInfo.FileName, p.StartInfo.Arguments);
Console.WriteLine ("Will now kill the process");
kill (p.Id, 9);
if (!p.WaitForExit (1000 /* killing should be fairly quick */)) {
Console.WriteLine ("Kill failed to kill in 1 second !?");
return 1;
} else {
timed_out = false;
outReader.Join (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (1));
errReader.Join (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (1));
return p.ExitCode;
} finally {
Console.WriteLine ("{0} Executed in {1}: {2} {3}", DateTime.Now, watch.Elapsed.ToString (), psi.FileName, psi.Arguments);
public static int Execute (string fileName, string arguments, out string output, TimeSpan? timeout = null)
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo ();
psi.FileName = fileName;
psi.Arguments = arguments;
var rv = Execute (psi, sb, sb, timeout);
output = sb.ToString ();
return rv;
// The arguments are automatically quoted.
public static int Execute (string fileName, string[] arguments, Dictionary<string, string> environmentVariables, StringBuilder stdout, StringBuilder stderr, TimeSpan? timeout = null, string workingDirectory = null)
return Execute (fileName, string.Join (" ", Xamarin.Utils.StringUtils.Quote (arguments)), environmentVariables, stdout, stderr, timeout, workingDirectory);
public static int Execute (string fileName, string arguments, Dictionary<string, string> environmentVariables, StringBuilder stdout, StringBuilder stderr, TimeSpan? timeout = null, string workingDirectory = null)
if (stdout == null)
stdout = new StringBuilder ();
if (stderr == null)
stderr = new StringBuilder ();
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo ();
psi.FileName = fileName;
psi.Arguments = arguments;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (workingDirectory))
psi.WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;
if (environmentVariables != null) {
var envs = psi.EnvironmentVariables;
foreach (var kvp in environmentVariables) {
envs [kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
return Execute (psi, stdout, stderr, timeout);
[DllImport ("libc")]
private static extern void kill (int pid, int sig);
public static string Execute (string fileName, string[] arguments, bool throwOnError = true, Dictionary<string, string> environmentVariables = null, bool hide_output = false, TimeSpan? timeout = null)
return Execute (fileName, string.Join (" ", StringUtils.Quote (arguments)), throwOnError, environmentVariables, hide_output, timeout);
public static string Execute (string fileName, string arguments, bool throwOnError = true, Dictionary<string, string> environmentVariables = null,
bool hide_output = false, TimeSpan? timeout = null
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder ();
int exitCode = Execute (fileName, arguments, environmentVariables, output, output, timeout);
var throw_exc = throwOnError && exitCode != 0;
if (!hide_output || throw_exc) {
Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", fileName, arguments);
Console.WriteLine (output);
Console.WriteLine ("Exit code: {0}", exitCode);
if (throw_exc)
throw new TestExecutionException ($"Execution failed (exit code: {exitCode}) for '{fileName} {arguments}'");
return output.ToString ();
class TestExecutionException : Exception {
public TestExecutionException (string output)
: base (output)