
3776 строки
123 KiB

// StaticRegistrar.cs: The static registrar
// Authors:
// Rolf Bjarne Kvinge <rolf@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2013 Xamarin Inc.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Xamarin.Bundler;
using ProductException=Xamarin.Bundler.MonoTouchException;
using ProductException=Xamarin.Bundler.MonoMacException;
using XamCore.Registrar;
using XamCore.Foundation;
using XamCore.ObjCRuntime;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Tuner;
namespace XamCore.Registrar {
* This class will automatically detect lines starting/ending with curly braces,
* and indent/unindent accordingly.
* It doesn't cope with indentation due to other circumstances than
* curly braces (such as one-line if statements for instance). In this case
* call Indent/Unindent manually.
* Also don't try to print '\n' directly, it'll get confused. Use
* the AppendLine/WriteLine family of methods instead.
class AutoIndentStringBuilder : IDisposable {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
int indent;
bool was_last_newline = true;
public int Indentation {
get { return indent; }
set { indent = value; }
public AutoIndentStringBuilder ()
public AutoIndentStringBuilder (int indentation)
indent = indentation;
public StringBuilder StringBuilder {
get {
return sb;
void OutputIndentation ()
if (!was_last_newline)
sb.Append ('\t', indent);
was_last_newline = false;
void Output (string a)
if (a.StartsWith ("}"))
Unindent ();
OutputIndentation ();
sb.Append (a);
if (a.EndsWith ("{"))
Indent ();
public AutoIndentStringBuilder AppendLine (AutoIndentStringBuilder isb)
if (isb.Length > 0) {
sb.Append (isb.ToString ());
AppendLine ();
return this;
public AutoIndentStringBuilder Append (string value)
Output (value);
return this;
public AutoIndentStringBuilder AppendFormat (string format, params object[] args)
Output (string.Format (format, args));
return this;
public AutoIndentStringBuilder AppendLine (string value)
Output (value);
sb.AppendLine ();
was_last_newline = true;
return this;
public AutoIndentStringBuilder AppendLine ()
sb.AppendLine ();
was_last_newline = true;
return this;
public AutoIndentStringBuilder AppendLine (string format, params object[] args)
Output (string.Format (format, args));
sb.AppendLine ();
was_last_newline = true;
return this;
public AutoIndentStringBuilder Write (string value)
return Append (value);
public AutoIndentStringBuilder Write (string format, params object[] args)
return AppendFormat (format, args);
public AutoIndentStringBuilder WriteLine (string format, params object[] args)
return AppendLine (format, args);
public AutoIndentStringBuilder WriteLine (string value)
return AppendLine (value);
public AutoIndentStringBuilder WriteLine ()
return AppendLine ();
public AutoIndentStringBuilder WriteLine (AutoIndentStringBuilder isb)
return AppendLine (isb);
public void Replace (string find, string replace)
sb.Replace (find, replace);
public AutoIndentStringBuilder Indent ()
if (indent > 100)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("indent");
return this;
public AutoIndentStringBuilder Unindent ()
return this;
public int Length {
get { return sb.Length; }
public void Clear ()
sb.Clear ();
was_last_newline = true;
public void Dispose ()
Clear ();
public override string ToString ()
return sb.ToString (0, sb.Length);
static class SharedStatic {
public static bool IsPlatformType (this TypeReference type, string @namespace, string name)
if (Registrar.IsDualBuild) {
return type.Is (@namespace, name);
} else {
return type.Is (Registrar.CompatNamespace + "." + @namespace, name);
public static bool TryGetAttributeImpl (ICustomAttributeProvider provider, string @namespace, string attributeName, out CustomAttribute attribute)
attribute = null;
if (!provider.HasCustomAttributes)
return false;
foreach (CustomAttribute custom_attribute in provider.CustomAttributes) {
if (!custom_attribute.Constructor.DeclaringType.Is (@namespace, attributeName))
attribute = custom_attribute;
return true;
return false;
public static bool HasAttribute (ICustomAttributeProvider provider, string @namespace, string attributeName)
CustomAttribute attrib;
return TryGetAttributeImpl (provider, @namespace, attributeName, out attrib);
public static bool TypeMatch (IModifierType a, IModifierType b)
if (!TypeMatch (a.ModifierType, b.ModifierType))
return false;
return TypeMatch (a.ElementType, b.ElementType);
public static bool TypeMatch (TypeSpecification a, TypeSpecification b)
if (a is GenericInstanceType)
return TypeMatch ((GenericInstanceType) a, (GenericInstanceType) b);
if (a is IModifierType)
return TypeMatch ((IModifierType) a, (IModifierType) b);
return TypeMatch (a.ElementType, b.ElementType);
public static bool TypeMatch (GenericInstanceType a, GenericInstanceType b)
if (!TypeMatch (a.ElementType, b.ElementType))
return false;
if (a.GenericArguments.Count != b.GenericArguments.Count)
return false;
if (a.GenericArguments.Count == 0)
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < a.GenericArguments.Count; i++)
if (!TypeMatch (a.GenericArguments [i], b.GenericArguments [i]))
return false;
return true;
public static bool TypeMatch (TypeReference a, TypeReference b)
if (a is GenericParameter)
return true;
if (a is TypeSpecification || b is TypeSpecification) {
if (a.GetType () != b.GetType ())
return false;
return TypeMatch ((TypeSpecification) a, (TypeSpecification) b);
return a.FullName == b.FullName;
public static bool MethodMatch (MethodDefinition candidate, MethodDefinition method)
if (!candidate.IsVirtual)
return false;
if (candidate.Name != method.Name)
return false;
if (!TypeMatch (candidate.ReturnType, method.ReturnType))
return false;
if (candidate.Parameters.Count != method.Parameters.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < candidate.Parameters.Count; i++)
if (!TypeMatch (candidate.Parameters [i].ParameterType, method.Parameters [i].ParameterType))
return false;
return true;
static void CollectInterfaces (ref List<TypeDefinition> ifaces, TypeDefinition type)
if (type == null)
if (type.BaseType != null)
CollectInterfaces (ref ifaces, type.BaseType.Resolve ());
if (!type.HasInterfaces)
foreach (var iface in type.Interfaces) {
var itd = iface.Resolve ();
CollectInterfaces (ref ifaces, itd);
if (!HasAttribute (itd, Registrar.Foundation, Registrar.StringConstants.ProtocolAttribute))
if (ifaces == null) {
ifaces = new List<TypeDefinition> ();
} else if (ifaces.Contains (itd)) {
ifaces.Add (itd);
public static Dictionary<MethodDefinition, List<MethodDefinition>> PrepareInterfaceMethodMapping (TypeReference type)
TypeDefinition td = type.Resolve ();
List<TypeDefinition> ifaces = null;
List<MethodDefinition> iface_methods;
Dictionary<MethodDefinition, List<MethodDefinition>> rv = null;
CollectInterfaces (ref ifaces, td);
if (ifaces == null)
return null;
iface_methods = new List<MethodDefinition> ();
foreach (var iface in ifaces) {
if (!iface.HasMethods)
foreach (var imethod in iface.Methods) {
if (!iface_methods.Contains (imethod))
iface_methods.Add (imethod);
// We only care about implementators declared in 'type'.
// First find all explicitly implemented methods.
foreach (var impl in td.Methods) {
if (!impl.HasOverrides)
foreach (var ifaceMethod in impl.Overrides) {
var ifaceMethodDef = ifaceMethod.Resolve ();
if (!iface_methods.Contains (ifaceMethodDef)) {
// The type may implement interfaces which aren't protocol interfaces, so this is OK.
} else {
iface_methods.Remove (ifaceMethodDef);
List<MethodDefinition> list;
if (rv == null) {
rv = new Dictionary<MethodDefinition, List<MethodDefinition>> ();
rv [impl] = list = new List<MethodDefinition> ();
} else if (!rv.TryGetValue (impl, out list)) {
rv [impl] = list = new List<MethodDefinition> ();
list.Add (ifaceMethodDef);
// Next find all implicitly implemented methods.
foreach (var ifaceMethod in iface_methods) {
foreach (var impl in td.Methods) {
if (impl.Name != ifaceMethod.Name)
if (!SharedStatic.MethodMatch (impl, ifaceMethod))
List<MethodDefinition> list;
if (rv == null) {
rv = new Dictionary<MethodDefinition, List<MethodDefinition>> ();
rv [impl] = list = new List<MethodDefinition> ();
} else if (!rv.TryGetValue (impl, out list)) {
rv [impl] = list = new List<MethodDefinition> ();
list.Add (ifaceMethod);
return rv;
public static TypeReference GetEnumUnderlyingType (TypeDefinition type)
foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields)
if (field.IsSpecialName && field.Name == "value__")
return field.FieldType;
return null;
public static string ToObjCType (TypeReference type)
var definition = type as TypeDefinition;
if (definition != null)
return ToObjCType (definition);
if (type is TypeSpecification)
return ToObjCType (((TypeSpecification) type).ElementType) + " *";
definition = type.Resolve ();
if (definition != null)
return ToObjCType (definition);
return "void *";
public static string ToObjCType (TypeDefinition type)
switch (type.FullName) {
case "System.IntPtr": return "void *";
case "System.SByte": return "unsigned char";
case "System.Byte": return "signed char";
case "System.Char": return "signed short";
case "System.Int16": return "short";
case "System.UInt16": return "unsigned short";
case "System.Int32": return "int";
case "System.UInt32": return "unsigned int";
case "System.Int64": return "long long";
case "System.UInt64": return "unsigned long long";
case "System.Single": return "float";
case "System.Double": return "double";
case "System.Boolean": return "BOOL";
case "System.Void": return "void";
case "System.String": return "NSString";
case Registrar.CompatNamespace + ".ObjCRuntime.Selector": return "SEL";
case Registrar.CompatNamespace + ".ObjCRuntime.Class": return "Class";
if (IsNativeObject (type))
return "id";
if (IsDelegate (type))
return "id";
if (type.IsEnum)
return ToObjCType (GetEnumUnderlyingType (type));
if (type.IsValueType) {
return "void *";
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4108, "The registrar cannot get the ObjectiveC type for managed type `{0}`.", type.FullName);
public static bool IsDelegate (TypeDefinition type)
while (type != null) {
if (type.FullName == "System.Delegate")
return true;
type = type.BaseType != null ? type.BaseType.Resolve () : null;
return false;
public static bool IsNativeObject (TypeReference tr)
var gp = tr as GenericParameter;
if (gp != null) {
if (gp.HasConstraints) {
foreach (var constraint in gp.Constraints) {
if (IsNativeObject (constraint))
return true;
return false;
var type = tr.Resolve ();
while (type != null) {
if (type.HasInterfaces) {
foreach (TypeReference iface in type.Interfaces)
if (iface.Is (Registrar.ObjCRuntime, Registrar.StringConstants.INativeObject))
return true;
type = type.BaseType != null ? type.BaseType.Resolve () : null;
return tr.Is (Registrar.ObjCRuntime, Registrar.StringConstants.INativeObject);
public interface IStaticRegistrar
void Generate (IEnumerable<AssemblyDefinition> assemblies, string header_path, string source_path);
void GenerateSingleAssembly (IEnumerable<AssemblyDefinition> assemblies, string header_path, string source_path, string assembly);
Mono.Linker.LinkContext LinkContext { get; set; }
class StaticRegistrar : Registrar, IStaticRegistrar {
public Application App { get; private set; }
public Target Target { get; private set; }
public bool IsSingleAssembly { get { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty (single_assembly); } }
string single_assembly;
IEnumerable<AssemblyDefinition> input_assemblies;
Mono.Linker.LinkContext link_context;
Dictionary<IMetadataTokenProvider, object> availability_annotations;
public Mono.Linker.LinkContext LinkContext {
get {
return link_context;
set {
link_context = value;
availability_annotations = link_context?.Annotations.GetCustomAnnotations ("Availability");
void Init (Application app)
this.App = app;
trace = !LaxMode && (app.RegistrarOptions & RegistrarOptions.Trace) == RegistrarOptions.Trace;
public StaticRegistrar (Application app)
Init (app);
public StaticRegistrar (Target target)
Init (target.App);
this.Target = target;
protected override bool LaxMode {
get {
return IsSingleAssembly;
protected override void ReportError (int code, string message, params object[] args)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (code, message, args);
protected override void ReportWarning (int code, string message, params object[] args)
ErrorHelper.Show (ErrorHelper.CreateWarning (code, message, args));
protected override bool IsCorlibType (TypeReference type)
return type.Resolve ().Module.Assembly.Name.Name == "mscorlib";
public static int GetValueTypeSize (TypeDefinition type, bool is_64_bits)
switch (type.FullName) {
case "System.Char": return 2;
case "System.Boolean":
case "System.SByte":
case "System.Byte": return 1;
case "System.Int16":
case "System.UInt16": return 2;
case "System.Single":
case "System.Int32":
case "System.UInt32": return 4;
case "System.Double":
case "System.Int64":
case "System.UInt64": return 8;
case "System.IntPtr":
case "System.nfloat":
case "System.nuint":
case "System.nint": return is_64_bits ? 8 : 4;
int size = 0;
foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields) {
if (field.IsStatic)
int s = GetValueTypeSize (field.FieldType.Resolve (), is_64_bits);
if (s == -1)
return -1;
size += s;
return size;
protected override int GetValueTypeSize (TypeReference type)
return GetValueTypeSize (type.Resolve (), Is64Bits);
protected override bool HasReleaseAttribute (MethodDefinition method)
CustomAttribute attrib;
method = GetBaseMethodInTypeHierarchy (method);
return SharedStatic.TryGetAttributeImpl (method.MethodReturnType, ObjCRuntime, StringConstants.ReleaseAttribute, out attrib);
protected override bool HasThisAttribute (MethodDefinition method)
CustomAttribute attrib;
return SharedStatic.TryGetAttributeImpl (method, "System.Runtime.CompilerServices", "ExtensionAttribute", out attrib);
public bool IsSimulator {
get { return App.IsSimulatorBuild; }
protected override bool IsSimulatorOrDesktop {
get {
return true;
return App.IsSimulatorBuild;
protected override bool Is64Bits {
get {
if (IsSingleAssembly)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Can't emit size-specific code in single assembly mode.");
return Target.Is64Build;
protected override bool IsDualBuildImpl {
get {
#if MMP
return Xamarin.Bundler.Driver.IsUnified;
return Driver.App.IsUnified;
protected override Exception CreateException (int code, Exception innerException, MethodDefinition method, string message, params object[] args)
return ErrorHelper.CreateError (code, innerException, method, message, args);
protected override Exception CreateException (int code, Exception innerException, TypeReference type, string message, params object [] args)
return ErrorHelper.CreateError (code, innerException, type, message, args);
protected override bool ContainsPlatformReference (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
if (assembly.Name.Name == PlatformAssembly)
return true;
if (!assembly.MainModule.HasAssemblyReferences)
return false;
foreach (var ar in assembly.MainModule.AssemblyReferences) {
if (ar.Name == PlatformAssembly)
return true;
return false;
protected override IEnumerable<TypeReference> CollectTypes (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
var queue = new Queue<TypeDefinition> ();
foreach (TypeDefinition type in assembly.MainModule.Types) {
if (type.HasNestedTypes)
queue.Enqueue (type);
yield return type;
while (queue.Count > 0) {
var nt = queue.Dequeue ();
foreach (var tp in nt.NestedTypes) {
if (tp.HasNestedTypes)
queue.Enqueue (tp);
yield return tp;
yield return nt;
protected override IEnumerable<MethodDefinition> CollectMethods (TypeReference tr)
var type = tr.Resolve ();
if (!type.HasMethods)
yield break;
foreach (MethodDefinition method in type.Methods) {
if (method.IsConstructor)
yield return method;
protected override IEnumerable<MethodDefinition> CollectConstructors (TypeReference tr)
var type = tr.Resolve ();
if (!type.HasMethods)
yield break;
foreach (MethodDefinition ctor in type.Methods) {
if (ctor.IsConstructor)
yield return ctor;
protected override IEnumerable<PropertyDefinition> CollectProperties (TypeReference tr)
var type = tr.Resolve ();
if (!type.HasProperties)
yield break;
foreach (PropertyDefinition property in type.Properties)
yield return property;
protected override string GetAssemblyName (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
return assembly.Name.Name;
protected override string GetTypeFullName (TypeReference type)
return type.FullName;
protected override string GetMethodName (MethodDefinition method)
return method.Name;
protected override string GetPropertyName (PropertyDefinition property)
return property.Name;
protected override TypeReference GetPropertyType (PropertyDefinition property)
return property.PropertyType;
protected override string GetTypeName (TypeReference type)
return type.Name;
protected override string GetFieldName (FieldDefinition field)
return field.Name;
protected override IEnumerable<FieldDefinition> GetFields (TypeReference tr)
var type = tr.Resolve ();
foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields)
yield return field;
protected override TypeReference GetFieldType (FieldDefinition field)
return field.FieldType;
protected override bool IsByRef (TypeReference type)
return type.IsByReference;
protected override TypeReference MakeByRef (TypeReference type)
return new ByReferenceType (type);
protected override bool IsStatic (FieldDefinition field)
return field.IsStatic;
protected override bool IsStatic (MethodDefinition method)
return method.IsStatic;
protected override bool IsStatic (PropertyDefinition property)
if (property.GetMethod != null)
return property.GetMethod.IsStatic;
if (property.SetMethod != null)
return property.SetMethod.IsStatic;
return false;
protected override TypeReference GetElementType (TypeReference type)
return type.GetElementType ();
protected override TypeReference GetReturnType (MethodDefinition method)
return method.ReturnType;
protected override TypeReference GetSystemVoidType ()
// find corlib
AssemblyDefinition corlib = null;
AssemblyDefinition first = null;
foreach (var assembly in input_assemblies) {
if (first == null)
first = assembly;
if (assembly.Name.Name == "mscorlib") {
corlib = assembly;
if (corlib == null) {
corlib = first.MainModule.AssemblyResolver.Resolve ("mscorlib");
foreach (var type in corlib.MainModule.Types) {
if (type.Namespace == "System" && type.Name == "Void")
return type;
throw new Exception ("Couldn't find System.Void");
protected override bool IsVirtual (MethodDefinition method)
return method.IsVirtual;
bool IsOverride (MethodDefinition method)
return method.IsVirtual && !method.IsNewSlot;
bool IsOverride (PropertyDefinition property)
if (property.GetMethod != null)
return IsOverride (property.GetMethod);
return IsOverride (property.SetMethod);
protected override bool IsConstructor (MethodDefinition method)
return method.IsConstructor;
protected override bool IsDelegate (TypeReference tr)
var type = tr.Resolve ();
return SharedStatic.IsDelegate (type);
protected override bool IsValueType (TypeReference type)
var td = type.Resolve ();
return td != null && td.IsValueType;
bool IsNativeEnum (TypeDefinition td)
return IsDualBuild && SharedStatic.HasAttribute (td, ObjCRuntime, StringConstants.NativeAttribute);
protected override bool IsEnum (TypeReference tr, out bool isNativeEnum)
var type = tr.Resolve ();
isNativeEnum = false;
if (type == null)
return false;
if (type.IsEnum)
isNativeEnum = IsNativeEnum (type);
return type.IsEnum;
protected override bool IsArray (TypeReference type)
return type is ArrayType;
protected override bool IsGenericType (TypeReference type)
return type is GenericInstanceType || type.HasGenericParameters || type is GenericParameter;
protected override bool IsGenericMethod (MethodDefinition method)
return method.HasGenericParameters;
protected override bool IsInterface (TypeReference type)
return type.Resolve ().IsInterface;
protected override TypeReference[] GetInterfaces (TypeReference type)
var td = type.Resolve ();
if (!td.HasInterfaces || td.Interfaces.Count == 0)
return null;
var rv = new TypeReference [td.Interfaces.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < td.Interfaces.Count; i++)
rv [i] = td.Interfaces [i].Resolve ();
return rv;
protected override TypeReference GetGenericTypeDefinition (TypeReference type)
var git = type as GenericInstanceType;
if (git != null)
return git.ElementType;
return type;
protected override bool VerifyIsConstrainedToNSObject (TypeReference type, out TypeReference constrained_type)
constrained_type = null;
var gp = type as GenericParameter;
if (gp != null) {
if (!gp.HasConstraints)
return false;
foreach (var c in gp.Constraints) {
if (IsNSObject (c)) {
constrained_type = c;
return true;
return false;
var git = type as GenericInstanceType;
if (git != null) {
var rv = true;
if (git.HasGenericArguments) {
var newGit = new GenericInstanceType (git.ElementType);
for (int i = 0; i < git.GenericArguments.Count; i++) {
TypeReference constr;
rv &= VerifyIsConstrainedToNSObject (git.GenericArguments [i], out constr);
newGit.GenericArguments.Add (constr ?? git.GenericArguments [i]);
constrained_type = newGit;
return rv;
var el = type as ArrayType;
if (el != null) {
var rv = VerifyIsConstrainedToNSObject (el.ElementType, out constrained_type);
if (constrained_type == null)
return rv;
constrained_type = new ArrayType (constrained_type, el.Rank);
return rv;
var rt = type as ByReferenceType;
if (rt != null) {
var rv = VerifyIsConstrainedToNSObject (rt.ElementType, out constrained_type);
if (constrained_type == null)
return rv;
constrained_type = new ByReferenceType (constrained_type);
return rv;
var tr = type as PointerType;
if (tr != null) {
var rv = VerifyIsConstrainedToNSObject (tr.ElementType, out constrained_type);
if (constrained_type == null)
return rv;
constrained_type = new PointerType (constrained_type);
return rv;
return true;
protected override bool IsINativeObject (TypeReference tr)
return SharedStatic.IsNativeObject (tr);
protected override TypeReference GetBaseType (TypeReference tr)
var gp = tr as GenericParameter;
if (gp != null) {
foreach (var constr in gp.Constraints) {
if (constr.Resolve ().IsClass) {
return constr;
return null;
var type = tr.Resolve ();
if (type.BaseType == null)
return null;
return type.BaseType.Resolve ();
protected override MethodDefinition GetBaseMethod (MethodDefinition method)
return GetBaseMethodInTypeHierarchy (method);
protected override TypeReference GetEnumUnderlyingType (TypeReference tr)
var type = tr.Resolve ();
return SharedStatic.GetEnumUnderlyingType (type);
protected override TypeReference[] GetParameters (MethodDefinition method)
if (!method.HasParameters || method.Parameters.Count == 0)
return null;
var types = new TypeReference [method.Parameters.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
types [i] = method.Parameters [i].ParameterType;
return types;
protected override string GetParameterName (MethodDefinition method, int parameter_index)
if (method == null)
return "?";
return method.Parameters [parameter_index].Name;
protected override MethodDefinition GetGetMethod (PropertyDefinition property)
return property.GetMethod;
protected override MethodDefinition GetSetMethod (PropertyDefinition property)
return property.SetMethod;
protected override void GetNamespaceAndName (TypeReference type, out string @namespace, out string name)
name = type.Name;
@namespace = type.Namespace;
protected override bool TryGetAttribute (TypeReference type, string attributeNamespace, string attributeType, out object attribute)
CustomAttribute attrib;
bool res = SharedStatic.TryGetAttributeImpl (type.Resolve (), attributeNamespace, attributeType, out attrib);
attribute = attrib;
return res;
protected override RegisterAttribute GetRegisterAttribute (TypeReference type)
CustomAttribute attrib;
RegisterAttribute rv = null;
if (!SharedStatic.TryGetAttributeImpl (type.Resolve (), Foundation, StringConstants.RegisterAttribute, out attrib))
return null;
if (!attrib.HasConstructorArguments) {
rv = new RegisterAttribute ();
} else {
switch (attrib.ConstructorArguments.Count) {
case 0:
rv = new RegisterAttribute ();
case 1:
rv = new RegisterAttribute ((string) attrib.ConstructorArguments [0].Value);
case 2:
rv = new RegisterAttribute ((string) attrib.ConstructorArguments [0].Value, (bool) attrib.ConstructorArguments [1].Value);
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4124, "Invalid RegisterAttribute found on '{0}'. Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", type.FullName);
if (attrib.HasProperties) {
foreach (var prop in attrib.Properties) {
switch (prop.Name) {
case "IsWrapper":
rv.IsWrapper = (bool) prop.Argument.Value;
case "Name":
rv.Name = (string) prop.Argument.Value;
case "SkipRegistration":
rv.SkipRegistration = (bool) prop.Argument.Value;
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4124, "Invalid RegisterAttribute property {1} found on '{0}'. Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", type.FullName, prop.Name);
return rv;
protected override CategoryAttribute GetCategoryAttribute (TypeReference type)
CustomAttribute attrib;
string name = null;
if (!SharedStatic.TryGetAttributeImpl (type.Resolve (), ObjCRuntime, StringConstants.CategoryAttribute, out attrib))
return null;
if (!attrib.HasConstructorArguments)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4124, "Invalid CategoryAttribute found on '{0}'. Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", type.FullName);
if (attrib.HasProperties) {
foreach (var prop in attrib.Properties) {
if (prop.Name == "Name") {
name = (string) prop.Argument.Value;
switch (attrib.ConstructorArguments.Count) {
case 1:
var t1 = (TypeReference) attrib.ConstructorArguments [0].Value;
return new CategoryAttribute (t1 != null ? t1.Resolve () : null) { Name = name };
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4124, "Invalid CategoryAttribute found on '{0}'. Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", type.FullName);
protected override ExportAttribute GetExportAttribute (MethodDefinition method)
return CreateExportAttribute (GetBaseMethodInTypeHierarchy (method) ?? method);
protected override ExportAttribute GetExportAttribute (PropertyDefinition property)
return CreateExportAttribute (GetBasePropertyInTypeHierarchy (property) ?? property);
protected override ProtocolAttribute GetProtocolAttribute (TypeReference type)
CustomAttribute attrib;
if (!SharedStatic.TryGetAttributeImpl (type.Resolve (), Foundation, StringConstants.ProtocolAttribute, out attrib))
return null;
if (!attrib.HasProperties)
return new ProtocolAttribute ();
var rv = new ProtocolAttribute ();
foreach (var prop in attrib.Properties) {
switch (prop.Name) {
case "Name":
rv.Name = (string) prop.Argument.Value;
case "WrapperType":
rv.WrapperType = (TypeDefinition) prop.Argument.Value;
case "IsInformal":
rv.IsInformal = (bool) prop.Argument.Value;
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4147, "Invalid {0} found on '{1}'. Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", "ProtocolAttribute", type.FullName);
return rv;
protected override string PlatformName {
get {
return Driver.App.PlatformName;
protected override IEnumerable<ProtocolMemberAttribute> GetProtocolMemberAttributes (TypeReference type)
var td = type.Resolve ();
if (!td.HasCustomAttributes)
yield break;
foreach (var ca in td.CustomAttributes) {
if (!ca.Constructor.DeclaringType.Is (Foundation, StringConstants.ProtocolMemberAttribute))
var rv = new ProtocolMemberAttribute ();
foreach (var prop in ca.Properties) {
switch (prop.Name) {
case "IsRequired":
rv.IsRequired = (bool)prop.Argument.Value;
case "IsProperty":
rv.IsProperty = (bool)prop.Argument.Value;
case "IsStatic":
rv.IsStatic = (bool)prop.Argument.Value;
case "Name":
rv.Name = (string)prop.Argument.Value;
case "Selector":
rv.Selector = (string)prop.Argument.Value;
case "ReturnType":
rv.ReturnType = (TypeReference)prop.Argument.Value;
case "ParameterType":
if (prop.Argument.Value != null) {
var arr = (CustomAttributeArgument[])prop.Argument.Value;
rv.ParameterType = new TypeReference[arr.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) {
rv.ParameterType [i] = (TypeReference)arr [i].Value;
case "ParameterByRef":
if (prop.Argument.Value != null) {
var arr = (CustomAttributeArgument[])prop.Argument.Value;
rv.ParameterByRef = new bool[arr.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) {
rv.ParameterByRef [i] = (bool)arr [i].Value;
case "IsVariadic":
rv.IsVariadic = (bool)prop.Argument.Value;
case "PropertyType":
rv.PropertyType = (TypeReference)prop.Argument.Value;
case "GetterSelector":
rv.GetterSelector = (string)prop.Argument.Value;
case "SetterSelector":
rv.SetterSelector = (string)prop.Argument.Value;
case "ArgumentSemantic":
rv.ArgumentSemantic = (ArgumentSemantic)prop.Argument.Value;
yield return rv;
void CollectAvailabilityAttributes (IEnumerable<CustomAttribute> attributes, ref List<AvailabilityBaseAttribute> list)
PlatformName currentPlatform;
switch (Driver.App.Platform) {
case Xamarin.Utils.ApplePlatform.iOS:
currentPlatform = global::XamCore.ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.iOS;
case Xamarin.Utils.ApplePlatform.TVOS:
currentPlatform = global::XamCore.ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.TvOS;
case Xamarin.Utils.ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
currentPlatform = global::XamCore.ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.WatchOS;
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (71, "Unknown platform: {0}. This usually indicates a bug in Xamarin.iOS; please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com with a test case.", Driver.App.Platform);
currentPlatform = global::XamCore.ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.MacOSX;
foreach (var ca in attributes) {
var caType = ca.Constructor.DeclaringType.Resolve ();
if (caType.Namespace != ObjCRuntime)
AvailabilityKind kind;
PlatformName platformName;
PlatformArchitecture architecture;
string message = null;
int majorVersion = 0, minorVersion = 0, subminorVersion = 0;
switch (caType.Name) {
case "IntroducedAttribute":
kind = AvailabilityKind.Introduced;
case "DeprecatedAttribute":
kind = AvailabilityKind.Deprecated;
case "ObsoletedAttribute":
kind = AvailabilityKind.Obsoleted;
case "UnavailableAttribute":
kind = AvailabilityKind.Unavailable;
switch (ca.ConstructorArguments.Count) {
case 3:
platformName = (PlatformName) ca.ConstructorArguments [0].Value;
architecture = (PlatformArchitecture) ca.ConstructorArguments [1].Value;
message = (string) ca.ConstructorArguments [2].Value;
case 5:
platformName = (PlatformName) ca.ConstructorArguments [0].Value;
majorVersion = (int) ca.ConstructorArguments [1].Value;
minorVersion = (int) ca.ConstructorArguments [2].Value;
architecture = (PlatformArchitecture) ca.ConstructorArguments [3].Value;
message = (string) ca.ConstructorArguments [4].Value;
case 6:
platformName = (PlatformName) ca.ConstructorArguments [0].Value;
majorVersion = (int) ca.ConstructorArguments [1].Value;
minorVersion = (int) ca.ConstructorArguments [2].Value;
subminorVersion = (int) ca.ConstructorArguments [3].Value;
architecture = (PlatformArchitecture) ca.ConstructorArguments [4].Value;
message = (string) ca.ConstructorArguments [5].Value;
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4163, "Internal error in the registrar ({0} ctor with {1} arguments). Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", caType.Name, ca.ConstructorArguments.Count);
if (platformName != currentPlatform)
AvailabilityBaseAttribute rv;
switch (kind) {
case AvailabilityKind.Introduced:
switch (ca.ConstructorArguments.Count) {
case 3:
rv = new IntroducedAttribute (platformName, architecture, message);
case 5:
rv = new IntroducedAttribute (platformName, majorVersion, minorVersion, architecture, message);
case 6:
rv = new IntroducedAttribute (platformName, majorVersion, minorVersion, subminorVersion, architecture, message);
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4163, "Internal error in the registrar ({0} ctor with {1} arguments). Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", caType.Name, ca.ConstructorArguments.Count);
case AvailabilityKind.Deprecated:
switch (ca.ConstructorArguments.Count) {
case 3:
rv = new DeprecatedAttribute (platformName, architecture, message);
case 5:
rv = new DeprecatedAttribute (platformName, majorVersion, minorVersion, architecture, message);
case 6:
rv = new DeprecatedAttribute (platformName, majorVersion, minorVersion, subminorVersion, architecture, message);
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4163, "Internal error in the registrar ({0} ctor with {1} arguments). Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", caType.Name, ca.ConstructorArguments.Count);
case AvailabilityKind.Obsoleted:
switch (ca.ConstructorArguments.Count) {
case 3:
rv = new ObsoletedAttribute (platformName, architecture, message);
case 5:
rv = new ObsoletedAttribute (platformName, majorVersion, minorVersion, architecture, message);
case 6:
rv = new ObsoletedAttribute (platformName, majorVersion, minorVersion, subminorVersion, architecture, message);
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4163, "Internal error in the registrar ({0} ctor with {1} arguments). Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", caType.Name, ca.ConstructorArguments.Count);
case AvailabilityKind.Unavailable:
rv = new UnavailableAttribute (platformName, architecture, message);
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4163, "Internal error in the registrar (Unknown availability kind: {0}). Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", kind);
if (list == null)
list = new List<AvailabilityBaseAttribute> ();
list.Add (rv);
protected override List<AvailabilityBaseAttribute> GetAvailabilityAttributes (TypeReference obj)
TypeDefinition td = obj.Resolve ();
List<AvailabilityBaseAttribute> rv = null;
if (td == null)
return null;
if (td.HasCustomAttributes)
CollectAvailabilityAttributes (td.CustomAttributes, ref rv);
if (availability_annotations != null) {
object attribObjects;
if (availability_annotations.TryGetValue (td, out attribObjects))
CollectAvailabilityAttributes ((List<CustomAttribute>) attribObjects, ref rv);
return rv;
protected override Version GetSDKVersion ()
var rv = Driver.SDKVersion;
#if MMP
// Xcode 7.3 ships with a MacOSX SDK for 10.11.4, but that
// third number is not given to us by apps (nor can we look
// it up somewhere), so hardcode it.
if (rv.Major == 10 && rv.Minor == 11 && (rv.Revision == 0 || rv.Revision == -1)) {
if (Driver.XcodeVersion >= new Version (7, 3))
rv = new Version (rv.Major, rv.Minor, 4);
return rv;
protected override Dictionary<MethodDefinition, List<MethodDefinition>> PrepareMethodMapping (TypeReference type)
return SharedStatic.PrepareInterfaceMethodMapping (type);
protected override TypeReference GetProtocolAttributeWrapperType (TypeReference type)
CustomAttribute attrib;
if (!SharedStatic.TryGetAttributeImpl (type.Resolve (), Foundation, StringConstants.ProtocolAttribute, out attrib))
return null;
if (attrib.HasProperties) {
foreach (var prop in attrib.Properties) {
if (prop.Name == "WrapperType")
return (TypeReference) prop.Argument.Value;
return null;
protected override ConnectAttribute GetConnectAttribute (PropertyDefinition property)
CustomAttribute attrib;
if (!SharedStatic.TryGetAttributeImpl (property, Foundation, StringConstants.ConnectAttribute, out attrib))
return null;
if (!attrib.HasConstructorArguments)
return new ConnectAttribute ();
switch (attrib.ConstructorArguments.Count) {
case 0: return new ConnectAttribute ();
case 1: return new ConnectAttribute (((string) attrib.ConstructorArguments [0].Value));
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4124, "Invalid ConnectAttribute found on '{0}.{1}'. Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", property.DeclaringType.FullName, property.Name);
static ExportAttribute CreateExportAttribute (IMemberDefinition candidate)
bool is_variadic = false;
var attribute = GetExportAttribute (candidate);
if (attribute == null)
return null;
if (attribute.Constructor.Parameters.Count != attribute.ConstructorArguments.Count)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4124, "Invalid ExportAttribute found on '{0}.{1}'. Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", candidate.DeclaringType.FullName, candidate.Name);
if (attribute.HasProperties) {
foreach (var prop in attribute.Properties) {
if (prop.Name == "IsVariadic") {
is_variadic = (bool) prop.Argument.Value;
if (!attribute.HasConstructorArguments)
return new ExportAttribute (null) { IsVariadic = is_variadic };
switch (attribute.ConstructorArguments.Count) {
case 0:
return new ExportAttribute (null) { IsVariadic = is_variadic };
case 1:
return new ExportAttribute ((string) attribute.ConstructorArguments [0].Value) { IsVariadic = is_variadic };
case 2:
return new ExportAttribute ((string) attribute.ConstructorArguments [0].Value, (ArgumentSemantic) attribute.ConstructorArguments [1].Value) { IsVariadic = is_variadic };
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4124, "Invalid ExportAttribute found on '{0}.{1}'. Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", candidate.DeclaringType.FullName, candidate.Name);
// [Export] is not sealed anymore - so we cannot simply compare strings
static CustomAttribute GetExportAttribute (ICustomAttributeProvider candidate)
if (!candidate.HasCustomAttributes)
return null;
foreach (CustomAttribute ca in candidate.CustomAttributes) {
if (ca.Constructor.DeclaringType.Inherits (Foundation, StringConstants.ExportAttribute))
return ca;
return null;
PropertyDefinition GetBasePropertyInTypeHierarchy (PropertyDefinition property)
if (!IsOverride (property))
return property;
var @base = GetBaseType (property.DeclaringType);
while (@base != null) {
PropertyDefinition base_property = TryMatchProperty (@base.Resolve (), property);
if (base_property != null)
return GetBasePropertyInTypeHierarchy (base_property) ?? base_property;
@base = GetBaseType (@base);
return property;
static PropertyDefinition TryMatchProperty (TypeDefinition type, PropertyDefinition property)
if (!type.HasProperties)
return null;
foreach (PropertyDefinition candidate in type.Properties)
if (PropertyMatch (candidate, property))
return candidate;
return null;
static bool PropertyMatch (PropertyDefinition candidate, PropertyDefinition property)
if (candidate.Name != property.Name)
return false;
if (candidate.GetMethod != null) {
if (property.GetMethod == null)
return false;
if (!SharedStatic.MethodMatch (candidate.GetMethod, property.GetMethod))
return false;
} else if (property.GetMethod != null) {
return false;
if (candidate.SetMethod != null) {
if (property.SetMethod == null)
return false;
if (!SharedStatic.MethodMatch (candidate.SetMethod, property.SetMethod))
return false;
} else if (property.SetMethod != null) {
return false;
return true;
MethodDefinition GetBaseMethodInTypeHierarchy (MethodDefinition method)
if (!IsOverride (method))
return method;
var @base = GetBaseType (method.DeclaringType);
while (@base != null) {
MethodDefinition base_method = TryMatchMethod (@base.Resolve (), method);
if (base_method != null)
return GetBaseMethodInTypeHierarchy (base_method) ?? base_method;
@base = GetBaseType (@base);
return method;
static MethodDefinition TryMatchMethod (TypeDefinition type, MethodDefinition method)
if (!type.HasMethods)
return null;
foreach (MethodDefinition candidate in type.Methods)
if (SharedStatic.MethodMatch (candidate, method))
return candidate;
return null;
// here we try to create a specialized trampoline for the specified method.
static int counter = 0;
static bool trace = false;
AutoIndentStringBuilder header;
AutoIndentStringBuilder declarations;
AutoIndentStringBuilder methods;
AutoIndentStringBuilder nslog_start = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ();
AutoIndentStringBuilder nslog_end = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ();
AutoIndentStringBuilder comment = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ();
AutoIndentStringBuilder copyback = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ();
AutoIndentStringBuilder invoke = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ();
AutoIndentStringBuilder setup_call_stack = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ();
AutoIndentStringBuilder setup_return = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ();
AutoIndentStringBuilder body = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ();
AutoIndentStringBuilder body_setup = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ();
HashSet<string> trampoline_names = new HashSet<string> ();
HashSet<string> namespaces = new HashSet<string> ();
HashSet<string> structures = new HashSet<string> ();
Dictionary<Body, Body> bodies = new Dictionary<Body, Body> ();
static bool IsPlatformType (TypeReference type)
if (type.IsNested)
return false;
var aname = type.Module.Assembly.Name.Name;
if (aname != PlatformAssembly)
return false;
if (IsDualBuild) {
return Driver.Frameworks.ContainsKey (type.Namespace);
} else {
return type.Namespace.StartsWith (CompatNamespace + ".");
void CheckNamespace (ObjCType objctype, List<Exception> exceptions)
CheckNamespace (objctype.Type, exceptions);
HashSet<string> reported_frameworks;
void CheckNamespace (TypeReference type, List<Exception> exceptions)
if (!IsPlatformType (type))
var ns = type.Namespace;
Framework framework;
if (Driver.Frameworks.TryGetValue (ns, out framework)) {
if (framework.Version > Driver.SDKVersion) {
if (reported_frameworks == null)
reported_frameworks = new HashSet<string> ();
if (!reported_frameworks.Contains (framework.Name)) {
exceptions.Add (ErrorHelper.CreateError (4134,
#if MMP
"Your application is using the '{0}' framework, which isn't included in the MacOS SDK you're using to build your app (this framework was introduced in OSX {2}, while you're building with the MacOS {1} SDK.) " +
"This configuration is not supported with the static registrar (pass --registrar:dynamic as an additional mmp argument in your project's Mac Build option to select). " +
"Alternatively select a newer SDK in your app's Mac Build options.",
"Your application is using the '{0}' framework, which isn't included in the iOS SDK you're using to build your app (this framework was introduced in iOS {2}, while you're building with the iOS {1} SDK.) " +
"This configuration is only supported with the legacy registrar (pass --registrar:legacy as an additional mtouch argument in your project's iOS Build option to select). " +
"Alternatively select a newer SDK in your app's iOS Build options.",
framework.Name, Driver.SDKVersion, framework.Version));
reported_frameworks.Add (framework.Name);
// Strip off the 'MonoTouch.' prefix
if (!IsDualBuild)
ns = type.Namespace.Substring (ns.IndexOf ('.') + 1);
CheckNamespace (ns, exceptions);
void CheckNamespace (string ns, List<Exception> exceptions)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (ns))
if (namespaces.Contains (ns))
namespaces.Add (ns);
string h;
switch (ns) {
#if MMP
case "CoreBluetooth":
header.WriteLine ("#import <IOBluetooth/IOBluetooth.h>");
header.WriteLine ("#import <CoreBluetooth/CoreBluetooth.h>");
case "CoreImage":
h = "<QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>";
case "PdfKit":
case "ImageKit":
case "QuartzComposer":
case "QuickLookUI":
h = "<Quartz/Quartz.h>";
case "OpenGLES":
case "CoreAnimation":
header.WriteLine ("#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>");
if (Driver.SDKVersion.Major > 7)
header.WriteLine ("#import <QuartzCore/CAEmitterBehavior.h>");
case "CoreMidi":
h = "<CoreMIDI/CoreMIDI.h>";
case "CoreTelephony":
// Grr, why doesn't CoreTelephony have one header that includes the rest !?
header.WriteLine ("#import <CoreTelephony/CoreTelephonyDefines.h>");
header.WriteLine ("#import <CoreTelephony/CTCall.h>");
header.WriteLine ("#import <CoreTelephony/CTCallCenter.h>");
header.WriteLine ("#import <CoreTelephony/CTCarrier.h>");
header.WriteLine ("#import <CoreTelephony/CTTelephonyNetworkInfo.h>");
if (Driver.SDKVersion.Major >= 7) {
header.WriteLine ("#import <CoreTelephony/CTSubscriber.h>");
header.WriteLine ("#import <CoreTelephony/CTSubscriberInfo.h>");
case "Accounts":
var compiler = Path.GetFileName (Driver.CompilerPath);
if (compiler == "gcc" || compiler == "g++") {
exceptions.Add (new MonoTouchException (4121, true, "Cannot use GCC/G++ to compile the generated code from the static registrar when using the Accounts framework (the header files provided by Apple used during the compilation require Clang). Either use Clang (--compiler:clang) or the dynamic registrar (--registrar:dynamic)."));
goto default;
case "CoreAudioKit":
// fatal error: 'CoreAudioKit/CoreAudioKit.h' file not found
// radar filed with Apple - but that framework / header is not yet shipped with the iOS SDK simulator
if (IsSimulator)
goto default;
case "Metal":
case "MetalKit":
case "MetalPerformanceShaders": // https://trello.com/c/mrjkAO9U/518-metal-simulator
// #error Metal Simulator is currently unsupported
// this framework is _officially_ not available on the simulator (in iOS8)
if (IsSimulator)
goto default;
case "WatchKit":
// There's a bug in Xcode 7 beta 2 headers where the build fails with
// ObjC++ files if WatchKit.h is included before UIKit.h (radar 21651022).
// Workaround this by manually include UIKit.h before WatchKit.h.
if (!namespaces.Contains ("UIKit"))
header.WriteLine ("#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>");
header.WriteLine ("#import <WatchKit/WatchKit.h>");
namespaces.Add ("UIKit");
case "QTKit":
if (Driver.SDKVersion >= new Version (10,12))
return; // 10.12 removed the header files for QTKit
goto default;
case "ExternalAccessory":
if (IsSimulator && Driver.App.Platform == Xamarin.Utils.ApplePlatform.TVOS)
return; // No headers provided for AppleTV/simulator.
goto default;
h = string.Format ("<{0}/{0}.h>", ns);
header.WriteLine ("#import {0}", h);
string CheckStructure (TypeDefinition structure, string descriptiveMethodName, MemberReference inMember)
string n;
StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder ();
var body = new AutoIndentStringBuilder (1);
int size = 0;
ProcessStructure (name, body, structure, ref size, descriptiveMethodName, structure, inMember);
n = "struct trampoline_struct_" + name.ToString ();
if (!structures.Contains (n)) {
structures.Add (n);
declarations.WriteLine ("{0} {{\n{1}}};", n, body.ToString ());
return n;
static void ProcessStructure (StringBuilder name, AutoIndentStringBuilder body, TypeDefinition structure, ref int size, string descriptiveMethodName, TypeDefinition root_structure, MemberReference inMember)
switch (structure.FullName) {
case "System.Char":
name.Append ('s');
body.AppendLine ("short v{0};", size);
size += 1;
case "System.Boolean": // map managed 'bool' to ObjC BOOL
name.Append ('B');
body.AppendLine ("BOOL v{0};", size);
size += 1;
case "System.Byte":
case "System.SByte":
name.Append ('b');
body.AppendLine ("char v{0};", size);
size += 1;
case "System.UInt16":
case "System.Int16":
name.Append ('s');
body.AppendLine ("short v{0};", size);
size += 2;
case "System.UInt32":
case "System.Int32":
name.Append ('i');
body.AppendLine ("int v{0};", size);
size += 4;
case "System.Int64":
case "System.UInt64":
name.Append ('l');
body.AppendLine ("long long v{0};", size);
size += 8;
case "System.Single":
name.Append ('f');
body.AppendLine ("float v{0};", size);
size += 4;
case "System.Double":
name.Append ('d');
body.AppendLine ("double v{0};", size);
size += 8;
case "System.IntPtr":
name.Append ('p');
body.AppendLine ("void *v{0};", size);
size += 4; // for now at least...
bool found = false;
foreach (FieldDefinition field in structure.Fields) {
if (field.IsStatic)
var fieldType = field.FieldType.Resolve ();
if (fieldType == null)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4111, inMember, "The registrar cannot build a signature for type `{0}' in method `{1}`.", structure.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
if (!fieldType.IsValueType)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4161, inMember, "The registrar found an unsupported structure '{0}': All fields in a structure must also be structures (field '{1}' with type '{2}' is not a structure).", root_structure.FullName, field.Name, fieldType.FullName);
found = true;
ProcessStructure (name, body, fieldType, ref size, descriptiveMethodName, root_structure, inMember);
if (!found)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4111, inMember, "The registrar cannot build a signature for type `{0}' in method `{1}`.", structure.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
string GetUniqueTrampolineName (string suggestion)
char []fixup = suggestion.ToCharArray ();
for (int i = 0; i < fixup.Length; i++) {
char c = fixup [i];
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
fixup [i] = '_';
suggestion = new string (fixup);
if (trampoline_names.Contains (suggestion)) {
string tmp;
int counter = 0;
do {
tmp = suggestion + (++counter).ToString ();
} while (trampoline_names.Contains (tmp));
suggestion = tmp;
trampoline_names.Add (suggestion);
return suggestion;
string ToObjCParameterType (TypeReference type, string descriptiveMethodName, List<Exception> exceptions, MemberReference inMethod)
TypeDefinition td = type.Resolve ();
var reftype = type as ByReferenceType;
ArrayType arrtype = type as ArrayType;
GenericParameter gp = type as GenericParameter;
if (gp != null)
return "id";
if (reftype != null) {
string res = ToObjCParameterType (reftype.GetElementType (), descriptiveMethodName, exceptions, inMethod);
if (res == null)
return null;
return res + "*";
if (arrtype != null)
return "NSArray *";
switch (td.FullName) {
#if MMP
case "System.Drawing.RectangleF": return "NSRect";
case "System.Drawing.PointF": return "NSPoint";
case "System.Drawing.SizeF": return "NSSize";
case "System.Drawing.RectangleF": return "CGRect";
case "System.Drawing.PointF": return "CGPoint";
case "System.Drawing.SizeF": return "CGSize";
case "System.String": return "NSString *";
case "System.IntPtr": return "void *";
case "System.SByte": return "signed char";
case "System.Byte": return "unsigned char";
case "System.Char": return "signed short";
case "System.Int16": return "short";
case "System.UInt16": return "unsigned short";
case "System.Int32": return "int";
case "System.UInt32": return "unsigned int";
case "System.Int64": return "long long";
case "System.UInt64": return "unsigned long long";
case "System.Single": return "float";
case "System.Double": return "double";
case "System.Boolean": return "BOOL"; // map managed 'bool' to ObjC BOOL = unsigned char
case "System.Void": return "void";
case "System.nint":
CheckNamespace ("Foundation", exceptions);
return "NSInteger";
case "System.nuint":
CheckNamespace ("Foundation", exceptions);
return "NSUInteger";
case "System.nfloat":
CheckNamespace ("CoreGraphics", exceptions);
return "CGFloat";
case "System.DateTime":
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4102, "The registrar found an invalid type `{0}` in signature for method `{2}`. Use `{1}` instead.", "System.DateTime", IsDualBuild ? "Foundation.NSDate" : CompatNamespace + ".Foundation.NSDate", descriptiveMethodName);
case "ObjCRuntime.Selector":
case CompatNamespace + ".ObjCRuntime.Selector": return "SEL";
case "ObjCRuntime.Class":
case CompatNamespace + ".ObjCRuntime.Class": return "Class";
if (IsNSObject (td)) {
if (!IsPlatformType (td))
return "id";
if (HasProtocolAttribute (td)) {
return "id<" + GetExportedTypeName (td) + ">";
} else {
return GetExportedTypeName (td) + " *";
} else if (td.IsEnum) {
if (IsDualBuild && SharedStatic.HasAttribute (td, ObjCRuntime, StringConstants.NativeAttribute)) {
switch (SharedStatic.GetEnumUnderlyingType (td).FullName) {
case "System.Int64":
return "NSInteger";
case "System.UInt64":
return "NSUInteger";
exceptions.Add (ErrorHelper.CreateError (4145, "Invalid enum '{0}': enums with the [Native] attribute must have a underlying enum type of either 'long' or 'ulong'.", td.FullName));
return "NSInteger";
return ToObjCParameterType (SharedStatic.GetEnumUnderlyingType (td), descriptiveMethodName, exceptions, inMethod);
} else if (td.IsValueType) {
if (IsPlatformType (td)) {
CheckNamespace (td, exceptions);
return td.Name;
return CheckStructure (td, descriptiveMethodName, inMethod);
} else {
return SharedStatic.ToObjCType (td);
string GetPrintfFormatSpecifier (TypeDefinition type, out bool unknown)
unknown = false;
if (type.IsValueType) {
switch (type.FullName) {
case "System.Char": return "c";
case "System.Boolean":
case "System.SByte":
case "System.Int16":
case "System.Int32": return "i";
case "System.Byte":
case "System.UInt16":
case "System.UInt32": return "u";
case "System.Int64": return "lld";
case "System.UInt64": return "llu";
case "System.nint": return "zd";
case "System.nuint": return "tu";
case "System.nfloat":
case "System.Single":
case "System.Double": return "f";
unknown = true;
return "p";
} else if (IsNSObject (type)) {
return "@";
} else {
unknown = true;
return "p";
string GetObjCSignature (ObjCMethod method, List<Exception> exceptions)
if (method.CurrentTrampoline == Trampoline.Retain)
return "-(id) retain";
else if (method.CurrentTrampoline == Trampoline.Release)
return "-(void) release";
else if (method.CurrentTrampoline == Trampoline.GetGCHandle)
return "-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle";
else if (method.CurrentTrampoline == Trampoline.SetGCHandle)
return "-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gchandle";
else if (method.CurrentTrampoline == Trampoline.CopyWithZone1 || method.CurrentTrampoline == Trampoline.CopyWithZone2)
return "-(id) copyWithZone: (NSZone *)zone";
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
var isCtor = method.CurrentTrampoline == Trampoline.Constructor;
sb.Append ((method.IsStatic && !method.IsCategoryInstance) ? '+' : '-');
sb.Append ('(');
sb.Append (isCtor ? "id" : this.ToObjCParameterType (method.ReturnType, GetDescriptiveMethodName (method.Method), exceptions, method.Method));
sb.Append (')');
var split = method.Selector.Split (':');
if (split.Length == 1) {
sb.Append (' ');
sb.Append (split [0]);
} else {
var indexOffset = method.IsCategoryInstance ? 1 : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < split.Length - 1; i++) {
sb.Append (' ');
sb.Append (split [i]);
sb.Append (':');
sb.Append ('(');
sb.Append (ToObjCParameterType (method.Parameters [i + indexOffset], method.DescriptiveMethodName, exceptions, method.Method));
sb.Append (')');
sb.AppendFormat ("p{0}", i);
if (method.IsVariadic)
sb.Append (", ...");
return sb.ToString ();
string CleanName (string name)
return name.Replace ('.', '_').Replace ('/', '_');
void WriteFullName (StringBuilder sb, TypeReference type)
if (type.DeclaringType != null) {
WriteFullName (sb, type.DeclaringType);
sb.Append ('+');
} else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (type.Namespace)) {
sb.Append (type.Namespace);
sb.Append ('.');
sb.Append (type.Name);
protected override string GetAssemblyQualifiedName (TypeReference type)
var gp = type as GenericParameter;
if (gp != null)
return gp.Name;
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
WriteFullName (sb, type);
var git = type as GenericInstanceType;
if (git != null) {
sb.Append ('[');
for (int i = 0; i < git.GenericArguments.Count; i++) {
if (i > 0)
sb.Append (',');
sb.Append ('[');
sb.Append (GetAssemblyQualifiedName (git.GenericArguments [i]));
sb.Append (']');
sb.Append (']');
var td = type.Resolve ();
if (td != null)
sb.Append (", ").Append (td.Module.Assembly.Name.Name);
return sb.ToString ();
static string EncodeNonAsciiCharacters (string value)
StringBuilder sb = null;
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) {
char c = value [i];
if (c > 127) {
if (sb == null) {
sb = new StringBuilder (value.Length);
sb.Append (value, 0, i);
sb.Append ("\\u");
sb.Append (((int) c).ToString ("x4"));
} else if (sb != null) {
sb.Append (c);
return sb != null ? sb.ToString () : value;
static bool IsTypeCore (ObjCType type, string nsToMatch)
var ns = type.Type.Namespace;
var t = type.Type;
while (string.IsNullOrEmpty (ns) && t.DeclaringType != null) {
t = t.DeclaringType;
ns = t.Namespace;
return ns == nsToMatch;
static bool IsExternalAccessoryType (ObjCType type) => IsTypeCore (type, "ExternalAccessory");
static bool IsQTKitType (ObjCType type) => IsTypeCore (type, "QTKit");
static bool IsMapKitType (ObjCType type) => IsTypeCore (type, "MapKit");
static bool IsIntentsType (ObjCType type) => IsTypeCore (type, "Intents");
static bool IsMetalType (ObjCType type)
var ns = type.Type.Namespace;
if (!IsDualBuild)
ns = ns.Substring (CompatNamespace.Length + 1);
switch (ns) {
case "Metal":
case "MetalKit":
case "MetalPerformanceShaders":
return true;
return false;
void Specialize (AutoIndentStringBuilder sb)
List<Exception> exceptions = new List<Exception> ();
List<ObjCMember> skip = new List<ObjCMember> ();
var map = new AutoIndentStringBuilder (1);
var map_init = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ();
var i = 0;
map.AppendLine ("static MTClassMap __xamarin_class_map [] = {");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (single_assembly)) {
map_init.AppendLine ("void xamarin_create_classes () {");
} else {
map_init.AppendLine ("void xamarin_create_classes_{0} () {{", single_assembly.Replace ('.', '_').Replace ('-', '_'));
// Select the types that needs to be registered.
var allTypes = new List<ObjCType> ();
foreach (var @class in Types.Values) {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (single_assembly) && single_assembly != @class.Type.Module.Assembly.Name.Name)
var isPlatformType = IsPlatformType (@class.Type);
if (isPlatformType && IsSimulatorOrDesktop && IsMetalType (@class))
continue; // Metal isn't supported in the simulator.
if (IsSimulatorOrDesktop && Driver.App.Platform == Xamarin.Utils.ApplePlatform.TVOS && IsExternalAccessoryType (@class))
continue; // ExternalAccessory's headers aren't available for tvOS/Simulator.
// Don't register 64-bit only API on 32-bit XM
if (!Is64Bits)
var attributes = GetAvailabilityAttributes (@class.Type); // Can return null list
if (attributes != null && attributes.Any (x => x.Architecture == PlatformArchitecture.Arch64))
if (IsQTKitType (@class) && GetSDKVersion () >= new Version (10,12))
continue; // QTKit header was removed in 10.12 SDK
// These are 64-bit frameworks that extend NSExtensionContext / NSUserActivity, which you can't do
// if the header doesn't declare them. So hack it away, since they are useless in 64-bit anyway
if (!Is64Bits && (IsMapKitType (@class) || IsIntentsType (@class)))
if (@class.IsFakeProtocol)
allTypes.Add (@class);
// Move all the custom types to the end of the list, respecting
// existing order (so that a derived type always comes after
// its base type; the Types.Values has that property, and we
// need to keep it that way).
var mappedEnd = allTypes.Count;
var counter = 0;
while (counter < mappedEnd) {
if (!IsPlatformType (allTypes [counter].Type)) {
var t = allTypes [counter];
allTypes.RemoveAt (counter);
allTypes.Add (t);
} else {
var customTypeCount = 0;
foreach (var @class in allTypes) {
var isPlatformType = IsPlatformType (@class.Type);
skip.Clear ();
if (!@class.IsProtocol && !@class.IsModel && !@class.IsCategory) {
if (!isPlatformType)
CheckNamespace (@class, exceptions);
map.AppendLine ("{{\"{0}\", \"{1}\", NULL }},", @class.ExportedName, GetAssemblyQualifiedName (@class.Type));
bool use_dynamic;
if (@class.Type.Resolve ().Module.Assembly.Name.Name == PlatformAssembly) {
// we don't need to use the static ref to prevent the linker from removing (otherwise unreferenced) code for monotouch.dll types.
use_dynamic = true;
// be smarter: we don't need to use dynamic refs for types available in the lowest version (target deployment) we building for.
// We do need to use dynamic class lookup when the following conditions are all true:
// * The class is not available in the target deployment version.
// * The class is not in a weakly linked framework (for instance if an existing framework introduces a new class, we don't
// weakly link the framework because it already exists in the target deployment version - but since the class doesn't, we
// must use dynamic class lookup to determine if it's available or not.
} else {
use_dynamic = false;
switch (@class.ExportedName) {
case "EKObject":
// EKObject's class is a private symbol, so we can't link with it...
use_dynamic = true;
string get_class;
if (use_dynamic) {
get_class = string.Format ("objc_getClass (\"{0}\")", @class.ExportedName);
} else {
get_class = string.Format ("[{0} class]", EncodeNonAsciiCharacters (@class.ExportedName));
map_init.AppendLine ("__xamarin_class_map [{1}].handle = {0};", get_class, i++);
if (@class.IsWrapper && isPlatformType)
if (@class.Methods == null && isPlatformType && !@class.IsProtocol && !@class.IsCategory)
if (@class.IsModel)
CheckNamespace (@class, exceptions);
if (@class.BaseType != null)
CheckNamespace (@class.BaseType, exceptions);
var class_name = EncodeNonAsciiCharacters (@class.ExportedName);
var is_protocol = @class.IsProtocol;
if (@class.IsCategory) {
var exportedName = EncodeNonAsciiCharacters (@class.BaseType.ExportedName);
sb.Write ("@interface {0} ({1})", exportedName, @class.CategoryName);
declarations.AppendFormat ("@class {0};\n", exportedName);
} else if (is_protocol) {
var exportedName = EncodeNonAsciiCharacters (@class.ProtocolName);
sb.Write ("@protocol ").Write (exportedName);
declarations.AppendFormat ("@protocol {0};\n", exportedName);
} else {
sb.Write ("@interface {0} : {1}", class_name, EncodeNonAsciiCharacters (@class.SuperType.ExportedName));
declarations.AppendFormat ("@class {0};\n", class_name);
bool any_protocols = false;
ObjCType tp = @class;
while (tp != null && tp != tp.BaseType) {
if (tp.IsWrapper)
break; // no need to declare protocols for wrapper types, they do it already in their headers.
if (tp.Protocols != null) {
for (int p = 0; p < tp.Protocols.Length; p++) {
if (tp.Protocols [p].ProtocolName == "UIAppearance")
sb.Append (any_protocols ? ", " : "<");
any_protocols = true;
sb.Append (tp.Protocols [p].ProtocolName);
CheckNamespace (tp.Protocols [p], exceptions);
tp = tp.BaseType;
if (any_protocols)
sb.Append (">");
if (is_protocol) {
sb.WriteLine ();
} else {
sb.WriteLine (" {");
if (@class.Fields != null) {
foreach (var field in @class.Fields.Values) {
try {
switch (field.FieldType) {
case "@":
sb.Write ("id ");
case "^v":
sb.Write ("void *");
case "XamarinObject":
sb.Write ("XamarinObject ");
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4120, "The registrar found an unknown field type '{0}' in field '{1}.{2}'. Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com",
field.FieldType, field.DeclaringType.Type.FullName, field.Name);
sb.Write (field.Name);
sb.WriteLine (";");
} catch (Exception ex) {
exceptions.Add (ex);
sb.WriteLine ("}");
sb.Indent ();
if (@class.Properties != null) {
foreach (var property in @class.Properties) {
try {
if (is_protocol)
sb.Write (property.IsOptional ? "@optional " : "@required ");
sb.Write ("@property (nonatomic");
switch (property.ArgumentSemantic) {
case ArgumentSemantic.Copy:
sb.Write (", copy");
case ArgumentSemantic.Retain:
sb.Write (", retain");
case ArgumentSemantic.Assign:
case ArgumentSemantic.None:
sb.Write (", assign");
if (property.IsReadOnly)
sb.Write (", readonly");
if (property.Selector != null) {
if (property.GetterSelector != null && property.Selector != property.GetterSelector)
sb.Write (", getter = ").Write (property.GetterSelector);
if (property.SetterSelector != null) {
var setterSel = string.Format ("set{0}{1}:", char.ToUpperInvariant (property.Selector [0]), property.Selector.Substring (1));
if (setterSel != property.SetterSelector)
sb.Write (", setter = ").Write (property.SetterSelector);
sb.Write (") ");
try {
sb.Write (ToObjCParameterType (property.PropertyType, property.DeclaringType.Type.FullName, exceptions, property.Property));
} catch (ProductException mte) {
exceptions.Add (CreateException (4138, mte, property.Property, "The registrar cannot marshal the property type '{0}' of the property '{1}.{2}'.",
GetTypeFullName (property.PropertyType), property.DeclaringType.Type.FullName, property.Name));
sb.Write (" ").Write (property.Selector);
sb.WriteLine (";");
} catch (Exception ex) {
exceptions.Add (ex);
if (@class.Methods != null) {
foreach (var method in @class.Methods) {
try {
if (is_protocol)
sb.Write (method.IsOptional ? "@optional " : "@required ");
sb.WriteLine ("{0};", GetObjCSignature (method, exceptions));
} catch (ProductException ex) {
skip.Add (method);
exceptions.Add (ex);
} catch (Exception ex) {
skip.Add (method);
exceptions.Add (ErrorHelper.CreateError (4114, ex, "Unexpected error in the registrar for the method '{0}.{1}' - Please file a bug report at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com", method.DeclaringType.Type.FullName, method.Method.Name));
sb.Unindent ();
sb.WriteLine ("@end");
if (!is_protocol && !@class.IsWrapper) {
if (@class.IsCategory) {
sb.WriteLine ("@implementation {0} ({1})", EncodeNonAsciiCharacters (@class.BaseType.ExportedName), @class.CategoryName);
} else {
sb.WriteLine ("@implementation {0} {{ }} ", class_name);
sb.Indent ();
if (@class.Methods != null) {
foreach (var method in @class.Methods) {
if (skip.Contains (method))
try {
Specialize (sb, method, exceptions);
} catch (Exception ex) {
exceptions.Add (ex);
sb.Unindent ();
sb.WriteLine ("@end");
sb.WriteLine ();
map.AppendLine ("{ NULL, NULL, NULL },");
map.AppendLine ("};");
map.AppendLine ();
map.AppendLine ("static const char *__xamarin_registration_assemblies []= {");
int count = 0;
var registered_assemblies = new List<string> ();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (single_assembly)) {
foreach (var assembly in GetAssemblies ())
registered_assemblies.Add (GetAssemblyName (assembly));
} else {
registered_assemblies.Add (single_assembly);
foreach (var assembly in registered_assemblies) {
if (count > 1)
map.AppendLine (", ");
map.Append ("\"");
map.Append (assembly);
map.Append ("\"");
map.AppendLine ();
map.AppendLine ("};");
map.AppendLine ();
map.AppendLine ("static struct MTRegistrationMap __xamarin_registration_map = {");
map.AppendLine ("NULL,");
map.AppendLine ("__xamarin_registration_assemblies,");
map.AppendLine ("__xamarin_class_map,");
map.AppendLine ("{0},", count);
map.AppendLine ("{0},", i);
map.AppendLine ("{0}", customTypeCount);
map.AppendLine ("};");
map_init.AppendLine ("xamarin_add_registration_map (&__xamarin_registration_map);");
map_init.AppendLine ("}");
sb.WriteLine (map.ToString ());
sb.WriteLine (map_init.ToString ());
if (exceptions.Count > 0)
throw new AggregateException (exceptions);
static bool HasIntPtrBoolCtor (TypeDefinition type)
if (!type.HasMethods)
return false;
foreach (var method in type.Methods) {
if (!method.IsConstructor || !method.HasParameters)
if (method.Parameters.Count != 2)
if (!method.Parameters [0].ParameterType.Is ("System", "IntPtr"))
if (method.Parameters [1].ParameterType.Is ("System", "Boolean"))
return true;
return false;
void Specialize (AutoIndentStringBuilder sb, ObjCMethod method, List<Exception> exceptions)
var isGeneric = method.DeclaringType.IsGeneric;
switch (method.CurrentTrampoline) {
case Trampoline.Retain:
sb.WriteLine ("-(id) retain");
sb.WriteLine ("{");
sb.WriteLine ("return xamarin_retain_trampoline (self, _cmd);");
sb.WriteLine ("}");
sb.WriteLine ();
case Trampoline.Release:
sb.WriteLine ("-(void) release");
sb.WriteLine ("{");
sb.WriteLine ("xamarin_release_trampoline (self, _cmd);");
sb.WriteLine ("}");
sb.WriteLine ();
case Trampoline.GetGCHandle:
sb.WriteLine ("-(int) xamarinGetGCHandle");
sb.WriteLine ("{");
sb.WriteLine ("return __monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle;");
sb.WriteLine ("}");
sb.WriteLine ();
case Trampoline.SetGCHandle:
sb.WriteLine ("-(void) xamarinSetGCHandle: (int) gc_handle");
sb.WriteLine ("{");
sb.WriteLine ("__monoObjectGCHandle.gc_handle = gc_handle;");
sb.WriteLine ("__monoObjectGCHandle.native_object = self;");
sb.WriteLine ("}");
sb.WriteLine ();
case Trampoline.Constructor:
if (isGeneric) {
sb.WriteLine (GetObjCSignature (method, exceptions));
sb.WriteLine ("{");
sb.WriteLine ("xamarin_throw_product_exception (4126, \"Cannot construct an instance of the type '{0}' from Objective-C because the type is generic.\");\n", method.DeclaringType.Type.FullName.Replace ("/", "+"));
sb.WriteLine ("return self;");
sb.WriteLine ("}");
case Trampoline.CopyWithZone1:
sb.AppendLine ("-(id) copyWithZone: (NSZone *) zone");
sb.AppendLine ("{");
sb.AppendLine ("id rv;");
sb.AppendLine ("int gchandle;");
sb.AppendLine ();
sb.AppendLine ("gchandle = xamarin_get_gchandle_with_flags (self);");
sb.AppendLine ("if (gchandle != 0)");
sb.Indent ().AppendLine ("xamarin_set_gchandle (self, 0);").Unindent ();
// Call the base class implementation
sb.AppendLine ("rv = [super copyWithZone: zone];");
sb.AppendLine ();
sb.AppendLine ("if (gchandle != 0)");
sb.Indent ().AppendLine ("xamarin_set_gchandle (self, gchandle);").Unindent ();
sb.AppendLine ();
sb.AppendLine ("return rv;");
sb.AppendLine ("}");
case Trampoline.CopyWithZone2:
sb.AppendLine ("-(id) copyWithZone: (NSZone *) zone");
sb.AppendLine ("{");
sb.AppendLine ("return xamarin_copyWithZone_trampoline2 (self, _cmd, zone);");
sb.AppendLine ("}");
var rettype = string.Empty;
var returntype = method.Method.ReturnType;
var isStatic = method.IsStatic;
var isInstanceCategory = method.IsCategoryInstance;
var isCtor = false;
var num_arg = method.Method.Parameters.Count;
var descriptiveMethodName = method.DescriptiveMethodName;
var name = GetUniqueTrampolineName ("native_to_managed_trampoline_" + descriptiveMethodName);
var isVoid = returntype.FullName == "System.Void";
var arguments = new List<string> ();
var merge_bodies = true;
switch (method.CurrentTrampoline) {
case Trampoline.None:
case Trampoline.Normal:
case Trampoline.Static:
case Trampoline.Single:
case Trampoline.Double:
case Trampoline.Long:
case Trampoline.StaticLong:
case Trampoline.StaticDouble:
case Trampoline.StaticSingle:
case Trampoline.X86_DoubleABI_StaticStretTrampoline:
case Trampoline.X86_DoubleABI_StretTrampoline:
case Trampoline.StaticStret:
case Trampoline.Stret:
switch (returntype.FullName) {
case "System.Int64":
rettype = "long long";
case "System.UInt64":
rettype = "unsigned long long";
case "System.Single":
rettype = "float";
case "System.Double":
rettype = "double";
rettype = ToObjCParameterType (returntype, descriptiveMethodName, exceptions, method.Method);
case Trampoline.Constructor:
rettype = "id";
isCtor = true;
comment.Clear ();
nslog_start.Clear ();
nslog_end.Clear ();
copyback.Clear ();
invoke.Clear ();
setup_call_stack.Clear ();
body.Clear ();
body_setup.Clear ();
setup_return.Clear ();
body.WriteLine ("{");
var indent = merge_bodies ? sb.Indentation : sb.Indentation + 1;
body.Indentation = indent;
body_setup.Indentation = indent;
copyback.Indentation = indent;
invoke.Indentation = indent;
setup_call_stack.Indentation = indent;
setup_return.Indentation = indent;
// A comment describing the managed signature
if (trace) {
nslog_start.Indentation = sb.Indentation;
comment.Indentation = sb.Indentation;
nslog_end.Indentation = sb.Indentation;
comment.AppendFormat ("// {2} {0}.{1} (", method.Method.DeclaringType.FullName, method.Method.Name, method.Method.ReturnType.FullName);
for (int i = 0; i < num_arg; i++) {
var param = method.Method.Parameters [i];
if (i > 0)
comment.Append (", ");
comment.AppendFormat ("{0} {1}", param.ParameterType.FullName, param.Name);
comment.AppendLine (")");
comment.AppendLine ("// ArgumentSemantic: {0} IsStatic: {1} Selector: '{2}' Signature: '{3}'", method.ArgumentSemantic, method.IsStatic, method.Selector, method.Signature);
// a couple of debug printfs
if (trace) {
StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder ();
nslog_start.AppendFormat ("NSLog (@\"{0} (this: %@, sel: %@", name);
for (int i = 0; i < num_arg; i++) {
var type = method.Method.Parameters [i].ParameterType;
bool isRef = type.IsByReference;
if (isRef)
type = type.GetElementType ();
var td = type.Resolve ();
nslog_start.AppendFormat (", {0}: ", method.Method.Parameters [i].Name);
args.Append (", ");
switch (type.FullName) {
case "System.Drawing.RectangleF":
if (isRef) {
nslog_start.Append ("%p : %@");
#if MMP
args.AppendFormat ("p{0}, p{0} ? NSStringFromRect (*p{0}) : @\"NULL\"", i);
args.AppendFormat ("p{0}, p{0} ? NSStringFromCGRect (*p{0}) : @\"NULL\"", i);
} else {
nslog_start.Append ("%@");
#if MMP
args.AppendFormat ("NSStringFromRect (p{0})", i);
args.AppendFormat ("NSStringFromCGRect (p{0})", i);
case "System.Drawing.PointF":
if (isRef) {
nslog_start.Append ("%p: %@");
#if MMP
args.AppendFormat ("p{0}, p{0} ? NSStringFromPoint (*p{0}) : @\"NULL\"", i);
args.AppendFormat ("p{0}, p{0} ? NSStringFromCGPoint (*p{0}) : @\"NULL\"", i);
} else {
nslog_start.Append ("%@");
#if MMP
args.AppendFormat ("NSStringFromPoint (p{0})", i);
args.AppendFormat ("NSStringFromCGPoint (p{0})", i);
bool unknown;
var spec = GetPrintfFormatSpecifier (td, out unknown);
if (unknown) {
nslog_start.AppendFormat ("%{0}", spec);
args.AppendFormat ("&p{0}", i);
} else if (isRef) {
nslog_start.AppendFormat ("%p *= %{0}", spec);
args.AppendFormat ("p{0}, *p{0}", i);
} else {
nslog_start.AppendFormat ("%{0}", spec);
args.AppendFormat ("p{0}", i);
string ret_arg = string.Empty;
nslog_end.Append (nslog_start.ToString ());
if (!isVoid) {
bool unknown;
var spec = GetPrintfFormatSpecifier (method.Method.ReturnType.Resolve (), out unknown);
if (!unknown) {
nslog_end.Append (" ret: %");
nslog_end.Append (spec);
ret_arg = ", res";
nslog_end.Append (") END\", self, NSStringFromSelector (_cmd)");
nslog_end.Append (args.ToString ());
nslog_end.Append (ret_arg);
nslog_end.AppendLine (");");
nslog_start.Append (") START\", self, NSStringFromSelector (_cmd)");
nslog_start.Append (args.ToString ());
nslog_start.AppendLine (");");
// prepare the parameters
var baseMethod = GetBaseMethodInTypeHierarchy (method.Method);
for (int i = 0; i < num_arg; i++) {
var param = method.Method.Parameters [i];
var paramBase = baseMethod.Parameters [i];
var type = method.Parameters [i];
var objctype = ToObjCParameterType (type, descriptiveMethodName, exceptions, method.Method);
var original_objctype = objctype;
var isRef = type.IsByReference;
var isOut = param.IsOut || paramBase.IsOut;
var isArray = type is ArrayType;
var isNativeEnum = false;
var td = type.Resolve ();
var isVariadic = i + 1 == num_arg && method.IsVariadic;
if (isRef) {
type = type.GetElementType ();
td = type.Resolve ();
original_objctype = ToObjCParameterType (type, descriptiveMethodName, exceptions, method.Method);
objctype = ToObjCParameterType (type, descriptiveMethodName, exceptions, method.Method) + "*";
} else if (td.IsEnum) {
type = SharedStatic.GetEnumUnderlyingType (td);
isNativeEnum = IsDualBuild && SharedStatic.HasAttribute (td, ObjCRuntime, StringConstants.NativeAttribute);
td = type.Resolve ();
switch (type.FullName) {
case "System.Int64":
case "System.UInt64":
// We already show MT4145 if the underlying enum type isn't a long or ulong
if (isNativeEnum) {
string tp;
string ntp;
if (type.FullName == "System.UInt64") {
tp = "unsigned long long";
ntp = "NSUInteger";
} else {
tp = "long long";
ntp = "NSInteger";
if (isRef || isOut) {
body_setup.AppendLine ("{1} nativeEnum{0} = 0;", i, tp);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = &nativeEnum{0};", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("*p{0} = ({1}) nativeEnum{0};", ntp);
} else {
body_setup.AppendLine ("{1} nativeEnum{0} = p{0};", i, tp);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = &nativeEnum{0};", i);
goto case "System.SByte";
case "System.SByte":
case "System.Byte":
case "System.Char":
case "System.Int16":
case "System.UInt16":
case "System.Int32":
case "System.UInt32":
case "System.Single":
case "System.Double":
case "System.Boolean":
if (isRef || isOut) {
// The isOut semantics isn't quite correct here: we pass the actual input value to managed code.
// In theory we should create a temp location and then use a writeback when done instead.
// This should be safe though, since managed code (at least C#) can't actually observe the value.
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = p{0};", i);
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = &p{0};", i);
case "System.IntPtr":
if (isVariadic) {
body_setup.AppendLine ("va_list a{0};", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("va_start (a{0}, p{1});", i, i - 1);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = &a{0};", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("va_end (a{0});", i);
} else if (isOut) {
body_setup.AppendLine ("{1} a{0} = 0;", i, objctype);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = &a{0};", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("*p{0} = a{0};", i);
} else if (isRef) {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = p{0};", i);
} else {
body_setup.AppendLine ("{1} a{0} = p{0};", i, original_objctype);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = &a{0};", i);
case "ObjCRuntime.Selector":
case CompatNamespace + ".ObjCRuntime.Selector":
if (isRef) {
if (isOut) {
body_setup.AppendLine ("void *a{0} = NULL;", i);
} else {
body_setup.AppendLine ("void *a{0} = NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("a{0} = *p{0} ? xamarin_get_selector (*p{0}, &exception_gchandle) : NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = &a{0};", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("*p{0} = a{0};", i);
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = p{0} ? xamarin_get_selector (p{0}, &exception_gchandle) : NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
case "ObjCRuntime.Class":
case CompatNamespace + ".ObjCRuntime.Class":
if (isRef) {
if (isOut) {
body_setup.AppendLine ("void *a{0} = NULL;", i);
} else {
body_setup.AppendLine ("void *a{0} = NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("a{0} = *p{0} ? xamarin_get_class (*p{0}, &exception_gchandle) : NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = &a{0};", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("*p{0} = a{0};", i);
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = p{0} ? xamarin_get_class (p{0}, &exception_gchandle) : NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
case "System.String":
// This should always be an NSString and never char*
if (isRef) {
body_setup.AppendLine ("MonoString *a{0} = NULL;", i);
if (!isOut)
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("a{0} = *p{0} ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [(*p{0}) UTF8String]) : NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = &a{0};", i);
body_setup.AppendLine ("char *str{0} = NULL;", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("str{0} = mono_string_to_utf8 (a{0});", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("*p{0} = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str{0}];", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("[*p{0} autorelease];", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("mono_free (str{0});", i);
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = p{0} ? mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [p{0} UTF8String]) : NULL;", i);
if (isArray) {
var elementType = ((ArrayType)type).ElementType;
var isNativeObject = false;
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (p{0}) {{", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("NSArray *arr = (NSArray *) p{0};", i);
if (Driver.EnableDebug)
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("xamarin_check_objc_type (p{0}, [NSArray class], _cmd, self, {0}, managed_method);", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("MonoClass *e_class;");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("MonoArray *marr;");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("MonoType *p;");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("int j;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("p = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, {0});", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("e_class = mono_class_get_element_class (mono_class_from_mono_type (p));");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("marr = mono_array_new (mono_domain_get (), e_class, [arr count]);", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("for (j = 0; j < [arr count]; j++) {{", i);
if (elementType.FullName == "System.String") {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("NSString *sv = (NSString *) [arr objectAtIndex: j];", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("mono_array_set (marr, MonoString *, j, mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), [sv UTF8String]));", i);
} else if (IsNSObject (elementType) || (elementType.Namespace == "System" && elementType.Name == "Object") || (isNativeObject = SharedStatic.IsNativeObject (elementType))) {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("NSObject *nobj = [arr objectAtIndex: j];");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("MonoObject *mobj{0} = NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (nobj) {");
if (isNativeObject) {
TypeDefinition nativeObjType = elementType.Resolve ();
if (nativeObjType.IsInterface) {
var wrapper_type = GetProtocolAttributeWrapperType (nativeObjType);
if (wrapper_type == null)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4125, "The registrar found an invalid type '{0}' in signature for method '{1}': " +
"The interface must have a Protocol attribute specifying its wrapper type.",
td.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
nativeObjType = wrapper_type.Resolve ();
// verify that the type has a ctor with two parameters
if (!HasIntPtrBoolCtor (nativeObjType))
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4103,
"The registrar found an invalid type `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`: " +
"The type implements INativeObject, but does not have a constructor that takes " +
"two (IntPtr, bool) arguments.", nativeObjType.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
if (nativeObjType.IsInterface) {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("mobj{0} = xamarin_get_inative_object_static (nobj, false, \"{1}\", \"{2}\");", i, GetAssemblyQualifiedName (nativeObjType), GetAssemblyQualifiedName (elementType));
} else {
// find the MonoClass for this parameter
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("MonoType *type{0};", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("type{0} = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, {0});", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("mobj{0} = xamarin_get_inative_object_dynamic (nobj, false, mono_type_get_object (mono_domain_get (), mono_class_get_type (e_class)), &exception_gchandle);", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("mobj{0} = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (nobj, &exception_gchandle);", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
if (Driver.EnableDebug) {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("xamarin_verify_parameter (mobj{0}, _cmd, self, nobj, {0}, e_class, managed_method);", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("}");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("mono_array_set (marr, MonoObject *, j, mobj{0});", i);
} else {
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4111, method.Method, "The registrar cannot build a signature for type `{0}' in method `{1}`.", type.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("}");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = marr;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("} else {");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("}");
} else if (IsNSObject (type)) {
if (isRef) {
body_setup.AppendLine ("MonoObject *mobj{0} = NULL;", i);
if (!isOut) {
body_setup.AppendLine ("NSObject *nsobj{0} = NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("nsobj{0} = *(NSObject **) p{0};", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (nsobj{0}) {{", i);
body_setup.AppendLine ("MonoType *paramtype{0} = NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("paramtype{0} = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, {0});", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("mobj{0} = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr (nsobj{0}, false, paramtype{0}, &exception_gchandle);", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
if (Driver.EnableDebug) {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("xamarin_verify_parameter (mobj{0}, _cmd, self, nsobj{0}, {0}, mono_class_from_mono_type (paramtype{0}), managed_method);", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("}");
// argument semantics?
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = (int *) &mobj{0};", i);
body_setup.AppendLine ("void * handle{0} = NULL;", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("if (mobj{0} != NULL)", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("handle{0} = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (mobj{0});", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("*p{0} = (id) handle{0};", i);
} else {
body_setup.AppendLine ("NSObject *nsobj{0} = NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("nsobj{0} = (NSObject *) p{0};", i);
if (method.ArgumentSemantic == ArgumentSemantic.Copy) {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("nsobj{0} = [nsobj{0} copy];", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("[nsobj{0} autorelease];", i);
body_setup.AppendLine ("MonoObject *mobj{0} = NULL;", i);
body_setup.AppendLine ("int32_t created{0} = false;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (nsobj{0}) {{", i);
body_setup.AppendLine ("MonoType *paramtype{0} = NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("paramtype{0} = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, {0});", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("mobj{0} = xamarin_get_nsobject_with_type_for_ptr_created (nsobj{0}, false, paramtype{0}, &created{0}, &exception_gchandle);", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
if (Driver.EnableDebug) {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("xamarin_verify_parameter (mobj{0}, _cmd, self, nsobj{0}, {0}, mono_class_from_mono_type (paramtype{0}), managed_method);", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("}");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = mobj{0};", i);
if (SharedStatic.HasAttribute (paramBase, ObjCRuntime, StringConstants.TransientAttribute)) {
copyback.AppendLine ("if (created{0}) {{", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("xamarin_dispose (mobj{0}, &exception_gchandle);", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
copyback.AppendLine ("}");
} else if (SharedStatic.IsNativeObject (td)) {
TypeDefinition nativeObjType = td;
if (td.IsInterface) {
var wrapper_type = GetProtocolAttributeWrapperType (td);
if (wrapper_type == null)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4125, "The registrar found an invalid type '{0}' in signature for method '{1}': " +
"The interface must have a Protocol attribute specifying its wrapper type.",
td.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
nativeObjType = wrapper_type.Resolve ();
// verify that the type has a ctor with two parameters
if (!HasIntPtrBoolCtor (nativeObjType))
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4103,
"The registrar found an invalid type `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`: " +
"The type implements INativeObject, but does not have a constructor that takes " +
"two (IntPtr, bool) arguments.", nativeObjType.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
if (!td.IsInterface) {
// find the MonoClass for this parameter
body_setup.AppendLine ("MonoType *type{0};", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("type{0} = xamarin_get_parameter_type (managed_method, {0});", i);
if (isRef) {
body_setup.AppendLine ("MonoObject *inobj{0} = NULL;", i);
if (isOut) {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("inobj{0} = NULL;", i);
} else if (td.IsInterface) {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("inobj{0} = xamarin_get_inative_object_static (*p{0}, false, \"{1}\", \"{2}\", &exception_gchandle);", i, GetAssemblyQualifiedName (nativeObjType), GetAssemblyQualifiedName (td));
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("inobj{0} = xamarin_get_inative_object_dynamic (*p{0}, false, mono_type_get_object (mono_domain_get (), type{0}), &exception_gchandle);", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = &inobj{0};", i);
body_setup.AppendLine ("id handle{0} = nil;", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("if (inobj{0} != NULL)", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("handle{0} = xamarin_get_handle_for_inativeobject (inobj{0}, &exception_gchandle);", i);
copyback.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
copyback.AppendLine ("*p{0} = (id) handle{0};", i);
} else {
if (td.IsInterface) {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = xamarin_get_inative_object_static (p{0}, false, \"{1}\", \"{2}\", &exception_gchandle);", i, GetAssemblyQualifiedName (nativeObjType), GetAssemblyQualifiedName (td));
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = xamarin_get_inative_object_dynamic (p{0}, false, mono_type_get_object (mono_domain_get (), type{0}), &exception_gchandle);", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
} else if (type.IsValueType) {
if (isRef || isOut) {
// The isOut semantics isn't quite correct here: we pass the actual input value to managed code.
// In theory we should create a temp location and then use a writeback when done instead.
// This should be safe though, since managed code (at least C#) can't actually observe the value.
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = p{0};", i);
} else {
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = &p{0};", i);
} else if (td.BaseType.FullName == "System.MulticastDelegate") {
if (isRef) {
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4110,
"The registrar cannot marshal the out parameter of type `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`.",
type.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
} else {
// Bug #4858 (also related: #4718)
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (p{0}) {{", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = (void *) xamarin_get_delegate_for_block_parameter (managed_method, {0}, p{0}, &exception_gchandle);", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("} else {");
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("arg_ptrs [{0}] = NULL;", i);
setup_call_stack.AppendLine ("}");
} else {
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4105,
"The registrar cannot marshal the parameter of type `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`.",
type.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
// the actual invoke
if (isCtor) {
invoke.AppendLine ("mthis = mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), mono_method_get_class (managed_method));", counter);
body_setup.AppendLine ("uint8_t flags = NSObjectFlagsNativeRef;");
invoke.AppendLine ("xamarin_set_nsobject_handle (mthis, self);");
invoke.AppendLine ("xamarin_set_nsobject_flags (mthis, flags);");
var marshal_exception = "NULL";
if (App.MarshalManagedExceptions != MarshalManagedExceptionMode.Disable) {
body_setup.AppendLine ("MonoObject *exception = NULL;");
marshal_exception = "&exception";
if (!isVoid) {
body_setup.AppendLine ("MonoObject *retval = NULL;");
invoke.Append ("retval = ");
invoke.AppendLine ("mono_runtime_invoke (managed_method, {0}, arg_ptrs, {1});", isStatic ? "NULL" : "mthis", marshal_exception);
if (isCtor)
invoke.AppendLine ("xamarin_create_managed_ref (self, mthis, true);");
body_setup.AppendLine ("guint32 exception_gchandle = 0;");
// prepare the return value
if (!isVoid) {
switch (rettype) {
case "CGRect":
body_setup.AppendLine ("{0} res = {{{{0}}}};", rettype);
body_setup.AppendLine ("{0} res = {{0}};", rettype);
var isArray = returntype is ArrayType;
var type = returntype.Resolve () ?? returntype;
var retain = method.RetainReturnValue;
if (returntype.IsValueType) {
setup_return.AppendLine ("res = *({0} *) mono_object_unbox ((MonoObject *) retval);", rettype);
} else if (isArray) {
var elementType = ((ArrayType) returntype).ElementType;
setup_return.AppendLine ("if (retval) {");
setup_return.AppendLine ("int length = mono_array_length ((MonoArray *) retval);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("int i;");
setup_return.AppendLine ("id *buf = (id *) malloc (sizeof (void *) * length);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {");
setup_return.AppendLine ("MonoObject *value = mono_array_get ((MonoArray *) retval, MonoObject *, i);");
if (elementType.FullName == "System.String") {
setup_return.AppendLine ("char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) value);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("NSString *sv = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];");
setup_return.AppendLine ("[sv autorelease];");
setup_return.AppendLine ("mono_free (str);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("buf [i] = sv;");
} else if (IsNSObject (elementType)) {
setup_return.AppendLine ("buf [i] = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle ((MonoObject *) value);");
} else if (IsINativeObject (elementType)) {
setup_return.AppendLine ("buf [i] = xamarin_get_handle_for_inativeobject ((MonoObject *) value, &exception_gchandle);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) {");
setup_return.AppendLine ("free (buf);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("goto exception_handling;");
setup_return.AppendLine ("}");
} else {
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4111, method.Method, "The registrar cannot build a signature for type `{0}' in method `{1}`.", returntype.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
setup_return.AppendLine ("}");
setup_return.AppendLine ("NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: buf count: length];");
setup_return.AppendLine ("free (buf);");
if (!retain)
setup_return.AppendLine ("[arr autorelease];");
setup_return.AppendLine ("res = arr;");
setup_return.AppendLine ("} else {");
setup_return.AppendLine ("res = NULL;");
setup_return.AppendLine ("}");
setup_return.AppendLine ("xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();");
setup_return.AppendLine ("mt_dummy_use (retval);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();");
} else {
setup_return.AppendLine ("if (!retval) {");
setup_return.AppendLine ("res = NULL;");
setup_return.AppendLine ("} else {");
if (IsNSObject (type)) {
setup_return.AppendLine ("id retobj;");
setup_return.AppendLine ("retobj = xamarin_get_nsobject_handle (retval);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();");
setup_return.AppendLine ("[retobj retain];");
setup_return.AppendLine ("xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();");
if (!retain)
setup_return.AppendLine ("[retobj autorelease];");
setup_return.AppendLine ("mt_dummy_use (retval);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("res = retobj;");
} else if (type.IsPlatformType ("ObjCRuntime", "Selector")) {
setup_return.AppendLine ("res = xamarin_get_selector_handle (retval, &exception_gchandle);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
} else if (type.IsPlatformType ("ObjCRuntime", "Class")) {
setup_return.AppendLine ("res = xamarin_get_class_handle (retval, &exception_gchandle);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
} else if (SharedStatic.IsNativeObject (type)) {
setup_return.AppendLine ("{0} retobj;", rettype);
setup_return.AppendLine ("retobj = xamarin_get_handle_for_inativeobject ((MonoObject *) retval, &exception_gchandle);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
setup_return.AppendLine ("xamarin_framework_peer_lock ();");
setup_return.AppendLine ("[retobj retain];");
setup_return.AppendLine ("xamarin_framework_peer_unlock ();");
if (!retain)
setup_return.AppendLine ("[retobj autorelease];");
setup_return.AppendLine ("mt_dummy_use (retval);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("res = retobj;");
} else if (type.FullName == "System.String") {
// This should always be an NSString and never char*
setup_return.AppendLine ("char *str = mono_string_to_utf8 ((MonoString *) retval);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("NSString *nsstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:str];");
if (!retain)
setup_return.AppendLine ("[nsstr autorelease];");
setup_return.AppendLine ("mono_free (str);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("res = nsstr;");
} else if (SharedStatic.IsDelegate (type.Resolve ())) {
setup_return.AppendLine ("res = xamarin_get_block_for_delegate (managed_method, retval, &exception_gchandle);");
setup_return.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
} else {
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4104,
"The registrar cannot marshal the return value for type `{0}` in signature for method `{1}`.",
returntype.FullName, descriptiveMethodName);
setup_return.AppendLine ("}");
body.WriteLine ("MONO_ASSERT_GC_SAFE;");
body.WriteLine ("MONO_THREAD_ATTACH;"); // COOP: this will switch to GC_UNSAFE
body.WriteLine ();
// Write out everything
if (merge_bodies) {
body_setup.WriteLine ("MonoMethod *managed_method = *managed_method_ptr;");
} else {
if (!isGeneric)
body.Write ("static ");
body.WriteLine ("MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;");
if (comment.Length > 0)
body.WriteLine (comment.ToString ());
if (isInstanceCategory)
body.WriteLine ("id p0 = self;");
body_setup.WriteLine ("void *arg_ptrs [{0}];", num_arg);
if (!isStatic || isInstanceCategory)
body.WriteLine ("MonoObject *mthis = NULL;");
if (isCtor) {
body.WriteLine ("bool has_nsobject = xamarin_has_nsobject (self, &exception_gchandle);");
body.WriteLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
body.WriteLine ("if (has_nsobject) {");
body.WriteLine ("*call_super = true;");
body.WriteLine ("goto exception_handling;");
body.WriteLine ("}");
if ((!isStatic || isInstanceCategory) && !isCtor) {
body.WriteLine ("if (self) {");
body.WriteLine ("mthis = xamarin_get_managed_object_for_ptr_fast (self, &exception_gchandle);");
body.WriteLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
body.WriteLine ("}");
// no locking should be required here, it doesn't matter if we overwrite the field (it'll be the same value).
body.WriteLine ("if (!managed_method) {");
if (num_arg > 0) {
body.Write ("const char *paramptr[{0}] = {{ ", num_arg);
for (int i = 0; i < num_arg; i++) {
string paramtype;
if (isGeneric) {
paramtype = GetAssemblyQualifiedName (method.Method.Parameters [i].ParameterType);
} else {
paramtype = GetAssemblyQualifiedName (method.Parameters [i]);
if (merge_bodies) {
body.Write ("r{0}", arguments.Count);
arguments.Add (paramtype);
} else {
body.Write ("\"{0}\"", paramtype);
if (i < num_arg - 1)
body.Write (", ");
body.WriteLine (" };");
body.Write ("managed_method = ");
if (isGeneric)
body.Write ("xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (xamarin_get_generic_method_direct (mthis, ");
body.Write ("xamarin_get_reflection_method_method (xamarin_get_method_direct(");
if (merge_bodies) {
body.WriteLine ("r{2}, r{3}, {0}, {1}, &exception_gchandle));",
num_arg, num_arg > 0 ? "paramptr" : "NULL",
arguments.Count, arguments.Count + 1);
arguments.Add (GetAssemblyQualifiedName (method.Method.DeclaringType));
arguments.Add (method.Method.Name);
} else {
body.WriteLine ("\"{0}\", \"{1}\", {2}, {3}, &exception_gchandle));",
GetAssemblyQualifiedName (method.Method.DeclaringType),
method.Method.Name, num_arg, num_arg > 0 ? "paramptr" : "NULL");
body.WriteLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
if (merge_bodies)
body.WriteLine ("*managed_method_ptr = managed_method;");
body.WriteLine ("}");
if (!isStatic && !isInstanceCategory && !isCtor) {
body.WriteLine ("xamarin_check_for_gced_object (mthis, _cmd, self, managed_method, &exception_gchandle);");
body.WriteLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0) goto exception_handling;");
if (trace)
body.AppendLine (nslog_start);
body.AppendLine (setup_call_stack);
body.AppendLine (invoke);
body.AppendLine (copyback);
body.AppendLine (setup_return);
if (trace )
body.AppendLine (nslog_end);
body.StringBuilder.AppendLine ("exception_handling:;");
body.WriteLine ("MONO_THREAD_DETACH;"); // COOP: this will switch to GC_SAFE
body.AppendLine ("if (exception_gchandle != 0)");
body.Indent ().WriteLine ("xamarin_process_managed_exception_gchandle (exception_gchandle);").Unindent ();
if (App.MarshalManagedExceptions != MarshalManagedExceptionMode.Disable)
body.WriteLine ("xamarin_process_managed_exception (exception);");
if (isCtor) {
body.WriteLine ("return self;");
} else if (isVoid) {
body.WriteLine ("return;");
} else {
body.WriteLine ("return res;");
body.WriteLine ("}");
body.StringBuilder.Insert (2, body_setup);
/* We merge duplicated bodies (based on the signature of the method and the entire body) */
var objc_signature = new StringBuilder ().Append (rettype).Append (":");
for (int i = 0; i < method.Method.Parameters.Count; i++)
objc_signature.Append (ToObjCParameterType (method.Method.Parameters [i].ParameterType, descriptiveMethodName, exceptions, method.Method)).Append (":");
Body existing;
Body b = new Body () {
Code = body.ToString (),
Signature = objc_signature.ToString (),
if (merge_bodies && bodies.TryGetValue (b, out existing)) {
/* We already have an identical trampoline, use it instead */
b = existing;
} else {
/* Need to create a new trampoline */
if (merge_bodies)
bodies [b] = b;
b.Name = "native_to_managed_trampoline_" + bodies.Count.ToString ();
if (merge_bodies) {
methods.Append ("static ");
methods.Append (rettype).Append (" ").Append (b.Name).Append (" (id self, SEL _cmd, MonoMethod **managed_method_ptr");
for (int i = (isInstanceCategory ? 1 : 0); i < method.Method.Parameters.Count; i++) {
methods.Append (", ").Append (ToObjCParameterType (method.Method.Parameters [i].ParameterType, descriptiveMethodName, exceptions, method.Method));
methods.Append (" ").Append ("p").Append (i.ToString ());
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++)
methods.Append (", const char *").Append ("r").Append (i.ToString ());
if (isCtor)
methods.Append (", bool* call_super");
methods.AppendLine (")");
methods.AppendLine (body);
methods.AppendLine ();
sb.WriteLine ();
sb.WriteLine (GetObjCSignature (method, exceptions));
if (merge_bodies) {
sb.WriteLine ("{");
if (!isGeneric)
sb.Write ("static ");
sb.WriteLine ("MonoMethod *managed_method = NULL;");
if (isCtor) {
sb.WriteLine ("bool call_super = false;");
sb.Write ("id rv = ");
} else if (!isVoid) {
sb.Write ("return ");
sb.Write (b.Name);
sb.Write (" (self, _cmd, &managed_method");
var paramCount = method.Method.Parameters.Count;
if (isInstanceCategory)
for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
sb.Write (", p{0}", i);
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++)
sb.Write (", \"").Write (arguments [i]).Write ("\"");
if (isCtor)
sb.Write (", &call_super");
sb.WriteLine (");");
if (isCtor) {
sb.WriteLine ("if (call_super && rv) {");
sb.Write ("struct objc_super super = { rv, [").Write (method.DeclaringType.SuperType.ExportedName).WriteLine (" class] };");
sb.Write ("rv = ((id (*)(objc_super*, SEL");
if (method.Parameters != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < method.Parameters.Length; i++)
sb.Append (", ").Append (ToObjCParameterType (method.Parameters [i], method.DescriptiveMethodName, exceptions, method.Method));
if (method.IsVariadic)
sb.Append (", ...");
sb.Write (")) objc_msgSendSuper) (&super, @selector (");
sb.Write (method.Selector);
sb.Write (")");
var split = method.Selector.Split (':');
for (int i = 0; i < split.Length - 1; i++) {
sb.Append (", ");
sb.AppendFormat ("p{0}", i);
sb.WriteLine (");");
sb.WriteLine ("}");
sb.WriteLine ("return rv;");
sb.WriteLine ("}");
} else {
sb.WriteLine (body);
class Body {
public string Code;
public string Signature;
public string Name;
public int Count;
public override int GetHashCode ()
return Code.GetHashCode () ^ Signature.GetHashCode ();
public override bool Equals (object obj)
var other = obj as Body;
if (other == null)
return false;
return Code == other.Code && Signature == other.Signature;
public void GeneratePInvokeWrappersStart (AutoIndentStringBuilder hdr, AutoIndentStringBuilder decls, AutoIndentStringBuilder mthds)
header = hdr;
declarations = decls;
methods = mthds;
public void GeneratePInvokeWrappersEnd ()
header = null;
declarations = null;
methods = null;
namespaces.Clear ();
structures.Clear ();
FlushTrace ();
static string GetParamName (MethodDefinition method, int i)
var p = method.Parameters [i];
if (p.Name != null)
return p.Name;
return "__p__" + i.ToString ();
public void GeneratePInvokeWrapper (PInvokeWrapperGenerator state, MethodDefinition method)
var signatures = state.signatures;
var exceptions = state.exceptions;
var signature = state.signature;
var names = state.names;
var sb = state.sb;
var pinfo = method.PInvokeInfo;
var is_stret = pinfo.EntryPoint.EndsWith ("_stret", StringComparison.Ordinal);
var isVoid = method.ReturnType.FullName == "System.Void";
var descriptiveMethodName = method.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + method.Name;
signature.Clear ();
string native_return_type;
int first_parameter = 0;
if (is_stret) {
native_return_type = ToObjCParameterType (method.Parameters [0].ParameterType.GetElementType (), descriptiveMethodName, exceptions, method);
first_parameter = 1;
} else {
native_return_type = ToObjCParameterType (method.ReturnType, descriptiveMethodName, exceptions, method);
signature.Append (native_return_type);
signature.Append (" ");
signature.Append (pinfo.EntryPoint);
signature.Append (" (");
for (int i = 0; i < method.Parameters.Count; i++) {
if (i > 0)
signature.Append (", ");
signature.Append (ToObjCParameterType (method.Parameters[i].ParameterType, descriptiveMethodName, exceptions, method));
signature.Append (")");
string wrapperName;
if (!signatures.TryGetValue (signature.ToString (), out wrapperName)) {
var name = "xamarin_pinvoke_wrapper_" + method.Name;
var counter = 0;
while (names.Contains (name)) {
name = "xamarin_pinvoke_wrapper_" + method.Name + (++counter).ToString ();
names.Add (name);
signatures [signature.ToString ()] = wrapperName = name;
sb.WriteLine ("// EntryPoint: {0}", pinfo.EntryPoint);
sb.WriteLine ("// Managed method: {0}.{1}", method.DeclaringType.FullName, method.Name);
sb.WriteLine ("// Signature: {0}", signature.ToString ());
sb.Write ("typedef ");
sb.Write (native_return_type);
sb.Write ("(*func_");
sb.Write (name);
sb.Write (") (");
for (int i = first_parameter; i < method.Parameters.Count; i++) {
if (i > first_parameter)
sb.Write (", ");
sb.Write (ToObjCParameterType (method.Parameters[i].ParameterType, descriptiveMethodName, exceptions, method));
sb.Write (" ");
sb.Write (GetParamName (method, i));
sb.WriteLine (");");
sb.WriteLine (native_return_type);
sb.Write (name);
sb.Write (" (", method.Name);
for (int i = first_parameter; i < method.Parameters.Count; i++) {
if (i > first_parameter)
sb.Write (", ");
sb.Write (ToObjCParameterType (method.Parameters[i].ParameterType, descriptiveMethodName, exceptions, method));
sb.Write (" ");
sb.Write (GetParamName (method, i));
sb.WriteLine (")");
sb.WriteLine ("{");
sb.WriteLine ("@try {");
if (!isVoid || is_stret)
sb.Write ("return ");
sb.Write ("((func_{0}) {1}) (", name, pinfo.EntryPoint);
for (int i = first_parameter; i < method.Parameters.Count; i++) {
if (i > first_parameter)
sb.Write (", ");
sb.Write (GetParamName (method, i));
sb.WriteLine (");");
sb.WriteLine ("} @catch (NSException *exc) {");
sb.WriteLine ("xamarin_process_nsexception (exc);");
sb.WriteLine ("}");
sb.WriteLine ("}");
sb.WriteLine ();
} else {
// Console.WriteLine ("Signature already processed: {0} for {1}.{2}", signature.ToString (), method.DeclaringType.FullName, method.Name);
// find the module reference to __Internal
ModuleReference mr = null;
foreach (var mref in method.Module.ModuleReferences) {
if (mref.Name == "__Internal") {
mr = mref;
if (mr == null)
method.Module.ModuleReferences.Add (mr = new ModuleReference ("__Internal"));
pinfo.Module = mr;
pinfo.EntryPoint = wrapperName;
public void GenerateSingleAssembly (IEnumerable<AssemblyDefinition> assemblies, string header_path, string source_path, string assembly)
single_assembly = assembly;
Generate (assemblies, header_path, source_path);
public void Generate (IEnumerable<AssemblyDefinition> assemblies, string header_path, string source_path)
this.input_assemblies = assemblies;
foreach (var assembly in assemblies)
RegisterAssembly (assembly);
Generate (header_path, source_path);
void Generate (string header_path, string source_path)
using (var sb = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ()) {
using (var hdr = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ()) {
using (var decls = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ()) {
using (var mthds = new AutoIndentStringBuilder ()) {
hdr.WriteLine ("#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wdeprecated-declarations\"");
hdr.WriteLine ("#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wtypedef-redefinition\""); // temporary hack until we can stop including glib.h
hdr.WriteLine ("#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wobjc-designated-initializers\"");
if (Driver.EnableDebug)
hdr.WriteLine ("#define DEBUG 1");
hdr.WriteLine ("#include <stdarg.h>");
hdr.WriteLine ("#include <xamarin/xamarin.h>");
hdr.WriteLine ("#include <objc/objc.h>");
hdr.WriteLine ("#include <objc/runtime.h>");
hdr.WriteLine ("#include <objc/message.h>");
header = hdr;
declarations = decls;
methods = mthds;
mthds.WriteLine ($"#include \"{Path.GetFileName (header_path)}\"");
Specialize (sb);
header = null;
declarations = null;
methods = null;
FlushTrace ();
Driver.WriteIfDifferent (header_path, hdr.ToString () + "\n" + decls.ToString () + "\n");
Driver.WriteIfDifferent (source_path, mthds.ToString () + "\n" + sb.ToString () + "\n");
protected override bool SkipRegisterAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
if (assembly.HasCustomAttributes) {
foreach (var ca in assembly.CustomAttributes) {
var t = ca.AttributeType.Resolve ();
while (t != null) {
if (t.Is ("ObjCRuntime", "DelayedRegistrationAttribute"))
return true;
t = t.BaseType?.Resolve ();
return base.SkipRegisterAssembly (assembly);
// Replicate a few attribute types here, with TypeDefinition instead of Type
class ProtocolAttribute : Attribute {
public TypeDefinition WrapperType { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsInformal { get; set; }
public sealed class ProtocolMemberAttribute : Attribute {
public ProtocolMemberAttribute () {}
public bool IsRequired { get; set; }
public bool IsProperty { get; set; }
public bool IsStatic { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Selector { get; set; }
public TypeReference ReturnType { get; set; }
public TypeReference[] ParameterType { get; set; }
public bool[] ParameterByRef { get; set; }
public bool IsVariadic { get; set; }
public TypeReference PropertyType { get; set; }
public string GetterSelector { get; set; }
public string SetterSelector { get; set; }
public ArgumentSemantic ArgumentSemantic { get; set; }
class CategoryAttribute : Attribute {
public CategoryAttribute (TypeDefinition type)
Type = type;
public TypeDefinition Type { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
class RegisterAttribute : Attribute {
public RegisterAttribute () {}
public RegisterAttribute (string name) {
this.Name = name;
public RegisterAttribute (string name, bool isWrapper) {
this.Name = name;
this.IsWrapper = isWrapper;
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsWrapper { get; set; }
public bool SkipRegistration { get; set; }