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// UserNotifications bindings
// Authors:
// Alex Soto <alex.soto@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2016 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
using CoreGraphics;
using CoreLocation;
#if !WATCH
using CoreMedia;
namespace UserNotifications {
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[ErrorDomain ("UNErrorDomain")]
public enum UNErrorCode : long {
NotificationsNotAllowed = 1,
AttachmentInvalidUrl = 100,
NotificationInvalidNoDate = 1400,
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
public enum UNNotificationActionOptions : ulong {
None = 0,
AuthenticationRequired = (1 << 0),
Destructive = (1 << 1),
Foreground = (1 << 2)
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
public enum UNNotificationCategoryOptions : ulong {
None = 0,
CustomDismissAction = (1 << 0),
AllowInCarPlay = (2 << 0),
HiddenPreviewsShowTitle = (1 << 2),
HiddenPreviewsShowSubtitle = (1 << 3),
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
public enum UNAuthorizationStatus : long {
NotDetermined = 0,
[iOS (12, 0), TV (12, 0), Watch (5, 0)]
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
public enum UNNotificationSetting : long {
NotSupported = 0,
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.WatchOS)]
public enum UNAlertStyle : long {
None = 0,
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
public enum UNAuthorizationOptions : ulong {
None = 0,
Badge = (1 << 0),
Sound = (1 << 1),
Alert = (1 << 2),
CarPlay = (1 << 3),
[iOS (12, 0), TV(12,0), Watch (5,0)]
CriticalAlert = (1 << 4),
[iOS (12, 0), TV(12,0), Watch (5,0)]
ProvidesAppNotificationSettings = (1 << 5),
[iOS (12, 0), TV(12,0), Watch (5,0)]
Provisional = (1 << 6),
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
public enum UNNotificationPresentationOptions : ulong {
None = 0,
Badge = (1 << 0),
Sound = (1 << 1),
Alert = (1 << 2)
[NoWatch, NoTV, iOS (11,0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
public enum UNShowPreviewsSetting : long
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per docs (not user created)
interface UNNotification : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("date", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate Date { get; }
[Export ("request", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UNNotificationRequest Request { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per docs (use FromIdentifier)
interface UNNotificationAction : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("identifier")]
string Identifier { get; }
[Export ("title")]
string Title { get; }
[Export ("options")]
UNNotificationActionOptions Options { get; }
[Export ("actionWithIdentifier:title:options:")]
UNNotificationAction FromIdentifier (string identifier, string title, UNNotificationActionOptions options);
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[BaseType (typeof (UNNotificationAction))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per docs (use FromIdentifier)
interface UNTextInputNotificationAction {
[Export ("actionWithIdentifier:title:options:textInputButtonTitle:textInputPlaceholder:")]
UNTextInputNotificationAction FromIdentifier (string identifier, string title, UNNotificationActionOptions options, string textInputButtonTitle, string textInputPlaceholder);
[Export ("textInputButtonTitle")]
string TextInputButtonTitle { get; }
[Export ("textInputPlaceholder")]
string TextInputPlaceholder { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per docs (use FromIdentifier)
interface UNNotificationAttachment : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("identifier")]
string Identifier { get; }
[Export ("URL", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrl Url { get; }
[Export ("type")]
string Type { get; }
[Export ("attachmentWithIdentifier:URL:options:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
UNNotificationAttachment FromIdentifier (string identifier, NSUrl url, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
interface UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsKeys {
[Field ("UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsTypeHintKey")]
NSString TypeHint { get; }
[Field ("UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailHiddenKey")]
NSString ThumbnailHidden { get; }
[Field ("UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailClippingRectKey")]
NSString ThumbnailClippingRect { get; }
[Field ("UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailTimeKey")]
NSString ThumbnailTime { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[StrongDictionary ("UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsKeys")]
interface UNNotificationAttachmentOptions {
[Export ("TypeHint")]
string TypeHint { get; set; }
[Export ("ThumbnailHidden")]
bool ThumbnailHidden { get; set; }
#if XAMCORE_2_0
[Export ("ThumbnailClippingRect")]
CGRect ThumbnailClippingRect { get; set; }
// According to apple docs UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailTimeKey
// can be either a CMTime or a NSNumber (in seconds). Exposing both options
// in the strong dictionary because watchOS does not have CMTime or
// CoreMedia framework at all.
#if !WATCH
[Export ("ThumbnailTime")]
CMTime ThumbnailTime { get; set; }
#endif // !WATCH
[Export ("ThumbnailTime")]
double ThumbnailTimeInSeconds { get; set; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per docs (use FromIdentifier)
interface UNNotificationCategory : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("identifier")]
string Identifier { get; }
[Export ("actions", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UNNotificationAction [] Actions { get; }
[Export ("intentIdentifiers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string [] IntentIdentifiers { get; }
[Export ("options")]
UNNotificationCategoryOptions Options { get; }
[NoWatch, iOS (11, 0)]
[Export ("hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder")]
string HiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder { get; }
[Export ("categoryWithIdentifier:actions:intentIdentifiers:options:")]
UNNotificationCategory FromIdentifier (string identifier, UNNotificationAction [] actions, string [] intentIdentifiers, UNNotificationCategoryOptions options);
[NoWatch, iOS (11,0)]
[Export ("categoryWithIdentifier:actions:intentIdentifiers:hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder:options:")]
UNNotificationCategory FromIdentifier (string identifier, UNNotificationAction[] actions, string[] intentIdentifiers, string hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder, UNNotificationCategoryOptions options);
[NoWatch, iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("categoryWithIdentifier:actions:intentIdentifiers:hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder:categorySummaryFormat:options:")]
UNNotificationCategory FromIdentifier (string identifier, UNNotificationAction[] actions, string[] intentIdentifiers, [NullAllowed] string hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder, [NullAllowed] string categorySummaryFormat, UNNotificationCategoryOptions options);
[NoWatch, iOS (12, 0)]
[Export ("categorySummaryFormat")]
string CategorySummaryFormat { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per docs
interface UNNotificationContent : NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("attachments", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UNNotificationAttachment [] Attachments { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("badge", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSNumber Badge { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("body")]
string Body { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("categoryIdentifier")]
string CategoryIdentifier { get; }
[NoTV, NoMac]
[Export ("launchImageName")]
string LaunchImageName { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("sound", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UNNotificationSound Sound { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("subtitle")]
string Subtitle { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("threadIdentifier")]
string ThreadIdentifier { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("title")]
string Title { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("userInfo", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary UserInfo { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, iOS (12, 0)]
[Export ("summaryArgument")]
string SummaryArgument { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, iOS (12, 0)]
[Export ("summaryArgumentCount")]
nuint SummaryArgumentCount { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (UNNotificationContent))]
interface UNMutableNotificationContent {
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("attachments", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UNNotificationAttachment[] Attachments { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("badge", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSNumber Badge { get; set; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("body")]
string Body { get; set; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("categoryIdentifier")]
string CategoryIdentifier { get; set; }
[NoTV, NoMac]
[Export ("launchImageName")]
string LaunchImageName { get; set; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("sound", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UNNotificationSound Sound { get; set; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("subtitle")]
string Subtitle { get; set; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("threadIdentifier")]
string ThreadIdentifier { get; set; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("title")]
string Title { get; set; }
[Export ("userInfo", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary UserInfo { get; set; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, iOS (12, 0)]
[Export ("summaryArgument")]
string SummaryArgument { get; set; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, iOS (12, 0)]
[Export ("summaryArgumentCount")]
nuint SummaryArgumentCount { get; set; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface UNNotificationRequest : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("identifier")]
string Identifier { get; }
[Export ("content", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UNNotificationContent Content { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("trigger", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UNNotificationTrigger Trigger { get; }
[Export ("requestWithIdentifier:content:trigger:")]
UNNotificationRequest FromIdentifier (string identifier, UNNotificationContent content, [NullAllowed] UNNotificationTrigger trigger);
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
interface UNNotificationActionIdentifier {
[Field ("UNNotificationDefaultActionIdentifier")]
NSString Default { get; }
[Field ("UNNotificationDismissActionIdentifier")]
NSString Dismiss { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per docs
interface UNNotificationResponse : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("notification", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UNNotification Notification { get; }
[Export ("actionIdentifier")]
NSString ActionIdentifier { get; }
[Wrap ("ActionIdentifier == UNNotificationActionIdentifier.Default")]
bool IsDefaultAction { get; }
[Wrap ("ActionIdentifier == UNNotificationActionIdentifier.Dismiss")]
bool IsDismissAction { get; }
[Wrap ("!IsDefaultAction && !IsDismissAction")]
bool IsCustomAction { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[BaseType (typeof (UNNotificationResponse))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per docs
interface UNTextInputNotificationResponse {
[Export ("userText")]
string UserText { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.WatchOS)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per docs
interface UNNotificationServiceExtension {
// Not async because app developers are supposed to implement/override this method, not call it themselves.
[Export ("didReceiveNotificationRequest:withContentHandler:")]
void DidReceiveNotificationRequest (UNNotificationRequest request, Action<UNNotificationContent> contentHandler);
[Export ("serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire")]
void TimeWillExpire ();
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per docs
interface UNNotificationSettings : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("authorizationStatus")]
UNAuthorizationStatus AuthorizationStatus { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("soundSetting")]
UNNotificationSetting SoundSetting { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.WatchOS)]
[Export ("badgeSetting")]
UNNotificationSetting BadgeSetting { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("alertSetting")]
UNNotificationSetting AlertSetting { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("notificationCenterSetting")]
UNNotificationSetting NotificationCenterSetting { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.WatchOS)]
[Export ("lockScreenSetting")]
UNNotificationSetting LockScreenSetting { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoMac]
[Export ("carPlaySetting")]
UNNotificationSetting CarPlaySetting { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.WatchOS)]
[Export ("alertStyle")]
UNAlertStyle AlertStyle { get; }
[NoWatch, NoTV, iOS (11, 0)]
[Export ("showPreviewsSetting")]
UNShowPreviewsSetting ShowPreviewsSetting { get; }
[Watch (5, 0), NoTV, Mac (10, 14, onlyOn64: true), iOS (12, 0)]
[Export ("criticalAlertSetting")]
UNNotificationSetting CriticalAlertSetting { get; }
[Watch (5, 0), NoTV, Mac (10, 14, onlyOn64: true), iOS (12, 0)]
[Export ("providesAppNotificationSettings")]
bool ProvidesAppNotificationSettings { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per docs (use provided methods)
interface UNNotificationSound : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("defaultSound")]
UNNotificationSound Default { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.WatchOS)]
[Export ("soundNamed:")]
UNNotificationSound GetSound (string name);
[Watch (5, 0), iOS (12, 0)]
[Export ("defaultCriticalSound", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UNNotificationSound DefaultCriticalSound { get; }
[Watch (5,0), iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("defaultCriticalSoundWithAudioVolume:")]
UNNotificationSound GetDefaultCriticalSound (float volume);
[NoWatch, iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("criticalSoundNamed:")]
UNNotificationSound GetCriticalSound (string name);
[NoWatch, iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("criticalSoundNamed:withAudioVolume:")]
UNNotificationSound GetCriticalSound (string name, float volume);
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Abstract] // as per docs
interface UNNotificationTrigger : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("repeats")]
bool Repeats { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (UNNotificationTrigger))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per docs (system created)
interface UNPushNotificationTrigger {
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (UNNotificationTrigger))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per doc, use supplied method (CreateTrigger)
interface UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger {
[Export ("timeInterval")]
double TimeInterval { get; }
[Export ("triggerWithTimeInterval:repeats:")]
UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger CreateTrigger (double timeInterval, bool repeats);
[NullAllowed, Export ("nextTriggerDate")]
NSDate NextTriggerDate { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per doc, use supplied method (CreateTrigger)
[BaseType (typeof (UNNotificationTrigger))]
interface UNCalendarNotificationTrigger {
[Export ("dateComponents", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDateComponents DateComponents { get; }
[Export ("triggerWithDateMatchingComponents:repeats:")]
UNCalendarNotificationTrigger CreateTrigger (NSDateComponents dateComponents, bool repeats);
[NullAllowed, Export ("nextTriggerDate")]
NSDate NextTriggerDate { get; }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[BaseType (typeof (UNNotificationTrigger))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // as per doc, use supplied method (CreateTrigger)
interface UNLocationNotificationTrigger {
[Export ("region", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
CLRegion Region { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.WatchOS)]
[Export ("triggerWithRegion:repeats:")]
UNLocationNotificationTrigger CreateTrigger (CLRegion region, bool repeats);
interface IUNUserNotificationCenterDelegate { }
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Protocol, Model]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
[Export ("userNotificationCenter:willPresentNotification:withCompletionHandler:")]
void WillPresentNotification (UNUserNotificationCenter center, UNNotification notification, Action<UNNotificationPresentationOptions> completionHandler);
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("userNotificationCenter:didReceiveNotificationResponse:withCompletionHandler:")]
void DidReceiveNotificationResponse (UNUserNotificationCenter center, UNNotificationResponse response, Action completionHandler);
[NoWatch, NoTV, Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true), iOS (12,0)]
[Export ("userNotificationCenter:openSettingsForNotification:")]
void OpenSettings (UNUserNotificationCenter center, [NullAllowed] UNNotification notification);
[iOS (10, 0)]
[TV (10, 0)]
[Watch (3, 0)]
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface UNUserNotificationCenter {
[NullAllowed, Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
IUNUserNotificationCenterDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("supportsContentExtensions")]
bool SupportsContentExtensions { get; }
[Export ("currentNotificationCenter")]
UNUserNotificationCenter Current { get; }
[Export ("requestAuthorizationWithOptions:completionHandler:")]
void RequestAuthorization (UNAuthorizationOptions options, Action<bool, NSError> completionHandler);
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("setNotificationCategories:")]
void SetNotificationCategories (NSSet<UNNotificationCategory> categories);
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("getNotificationCategoriesWithCompletionHandler:")]
void GetNotificationCategories (Action<NSSet<UNNotificationCategory>> completionHandler);
[Export ("getNotificationSettingsWithCompletionHandler:")]
void GetNotificationSettings (Action<UNNotificationSettings> completionHandler);
[Export ("addNotificationRequest:withCompletionHandler:")]
void AddNotificationRequest (UNNotificationRequest request, [NullAllowed] Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("getPendingNotificationRequestsWithCompletionHandler:")]
void GetPendingNotificationRequests (Action<UNNotificationRequest []> completionHandler);
[Export ("removePendingNotificationRequestsWithIdentifiers:")]
void RemovePendingNotificationRequests (string[] identifiers);
[Export ("removeAllPendingNotificationRequests")]
void RemoveAllPendingNotificationRequests ();
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("getDeliveredNotificationsWithCompletionHandler:")]
void GetDeliveredNotifications (Action<UNNotification []> completionHandler);
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("removeDeliveredNotificationsWithIdentifiers:")]
void RemoveDeliveredNotifications (string[] identifiers);
[Unavailable (PlatformName.TvOS)]
[Export ("removeAllDeliveredNotifications")]
void RemoveAllDeliveredNotifications ();