
276 строки
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#if !__WATCHOS__
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CoreGraphics;
using Foundation;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UIKit;
using XColor = UIKit.UIColor;
using XImage = UIKit.UIImage;
using XImageView = UIKit.UIImageView;
using XViewController = UIKit.UIViewController;
using AppKit;
using XColor = AppKit.NSColor;
using XImage = AppKit.NSImage;
using XImageView = AppKit.NSImageView;
using XViewController = AppKit.NSViewController;
using XImage = Foundation.NSObject;
#nullable enable
partial class TestRuntime {
public static bool RunAsync (TimeSpan timeout, Task task, XImage? imageToShow = null)
return RunAsync (timeout, task, Task.CompletedTask, imageToShow);
public static bool RunAsync (TimeSpan timeout, Func<bool> check_completed, XImage? imageToShow = null)
return RunAsync (timeout, Task.CompletedTask, check_completed, imageToShow);
public static bool RunAsync (TimeSpan timeout, Func<Task> startTask, Func<bool> check_completed, XImage? imageToShow = null)
return RunAsync (timeout, startTask (), check_completed, imageToShow);
public static bool RunAsync (TimeSpan timeout, Func<Task> startTask, Task completionTask, XImage? imageToShow = null)
return RunAsync (timeout, startTask (), completionTask, imageToShow);
public static bool RunAsync (TimeSpan timeout, Action action, Func<bool> check_completed, XImage? imageToShow = null)
var actionTask = Task.Factory.StartNew (
TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext ()
return RunAsync (timeout, actionTask, check_completed, imageToShow);
public static bool RunAsync (TimeSpan timeout, Task startTask, Func<bool> check_completed, XImage? imageToShow = null)
var completionTaskSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> ();
var checkCompletionTimer = NSTimer.CreateRepeatingScheduledTimer (0.1, (NSTimer timer) => {
if (check_completed ()) {
completionTaskSource.SetResult (true);
timer.Invalidate ();
try {
return RunAsync (timeout, startTask, completionTaskSource.Task, imageToShow);
} finally {
checkCompletionTimer.Invalidate ();
public static bool RunAsync (TimeSpan timeout, Task startTask, Task completionTask, XImage? imageToShow = null)
var rv = TryRunAsync (timeout, startTask, completionTask, imageToShow, out var exception);
if (exception is not null)
throw exception;
return rv;
public static bool TryRunAsync (TimeSpan timeout, Func<Task> startTask, out Exception? exception)
return TryRunAsync (timeout, startTask (), Task.CompletedTask, null, out exception);
public static bool TryRunAsync (TimeSpan timeout, Task startTask, out Exception? exception)
return TryRunAsync (timeout, startTask, Task.CompletedTask, null, out exception);
public static bool TryRunAsync (TimeSpan timeout, Task startTask, Task completionTask, out Exception? exception)
return TryRunAsync (timeout, startTask, completionTask, null, out exception);
// This function returns 'false' if the timeout was hit before the two tasks completed.
// This is a bit unconventional: in particular 'true' will return if any of the tasks threw an exception.
public static bool TryRunAsync (TimeSpan timeout, Task startTask, Task completionTask, XImage? imageToShow, out Exception? exception)
using var ui = ShowAsyncUI (imageToShow);
exception = null;
try {
var runLoop = NSRunLoop.Main;
if (!runLoop.RunUntil (startTask, timeout))
return false;
startTask.GetAwaiter ().GetResult (); // Trigger any captured exceptions.
if (!runLoop.RunUntil (completionTask, timeout))
return false;
completionTask.GetAwaiter ().GetResult (); // Trigger any captured exceptions.
} catch (ResultStateException) {
// Don't capture any NUnit-related exceptions, those should bubble up and terminate the test accordingly.
} catch (Exception e) {
exception = e;
// We return 'true' here, because we didn't time out.
return true;
static IDisposable ShowAsyncUI (XImage? imageToShow = null)
var state = new AsyncState ();
state.Show (imageToShow);
return state;
class AsyncState : IDisposable {
UIViewController? initialRootViewController;
UIWindow? window;
UINavigationController? navigation;
NSWindow? window;
#endif // HAS_UIKIT
public void Show (XImage? imageToShow)
var vc = new AsyncController (imageToShow);
window = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow;
initialRootViewController = window.RootViewController;
navigation = initialRootViewController as UINavigationController;
// Pushing something to a navigation controller doesn't seem to work on phones
if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.UserInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Phone)
navigation = null;
if (navigation is not null) {
navigation.PushViewController (vc, false);
} else {
window.RootViewController = vc;
var size = new CGRect (0, 0, 300, 300);
var loc = new CGPoint ((NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame.Width - size.Width) / 2, (NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame.Height - size.Height) / 2);
window = new NSWindow (size, NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Miniaturizable | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.Titled, NSBackingStore.Retained, false);
window.SetFrameOrigin (loc);
window.ContentViewController = vc;
window.MakeKeyAndOrderFront (null);
#endif // HAS_UIKIT
public void Hide ()
if (window is null)
if (navigation is not null) {
navigation.PopViewController (false);
} else {
window.RootViewController = initialRootViewController;
window.Close ();
window.Dispose ();
#endif // HAS_UIKIT
window = null;
public void Dispose ()
Hide ();
class AsyncController : XViewController {
XImage? imageToShow;
static int counter;
public AsyncController (XImage? imageToShow = null)
this.imageToShow = imageToShow;
public override void LoadView ()
View = new NSView ();
#endif // !HAS_UIKIT
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
XColor backgroundColor;
switch (counter % 2) {
case 0:
backgroundColor = XColor.Yellow;
backgroundColor = XColor.LightGray;
View.BackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
View.WantsLayer = true;
View.Layer.BackgroundColor = backgroundColor.CGColor;
#endif // HAS_UIKIT
if (imageToShow is not null) {
var imgView = new XImageView (View.Bounds);
imgView.Image = imageToShow;
imgView.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.Center;
#endif // HAS_UIKIT
View.AddSubview (imgView);
namespace Foundation {
public static class NSRunLoop_Extensions {
// Returns true if task completed before the timeout,
// otherwise returns false
public static bool RunUntil (this NSRunLoop self, Task task, TimeSpan timeout)
var start = Stopwatch.StartNew ();
while (true) {
if (task.IsCompleted)
return true;
if (timeout <= start.Elapsed)
return false;
self.RunUntil (NSDate.Now.AddSeconds (0.1));