
1055 строки
34 KiB

// corebluetooth.cs: API definitions for CoreBluetooth
// Authors:
// Miguel de Icaza (miguel@xamarin.com)
// Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com)
// Copyright 2011-2013 Xamarin Inc
using System.ComponentModel;
using ObjCRuntime;
using Foundation;
using System;
using CoreFoundation;
namespace CoreBluetooth {
[Watch (4,0)]
[iOS (8,0)]
[Mac (10,13)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface CBAttribute {
[Export ("UUID")]
CBUUID UUID { get; [NotImplemented] set; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[StrongDictionary ("CBCentralManager")]
interface CBCentralInitOptions {
[Export ("OptionShowPowerAlertKey")]
bool ShowPowerAlert { get; set; }
[Export ("OptionRestoreIdentifierKey")]
string RestoreIdentifier { get; set; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[iOS (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface CBManager {
[Export ("state", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CBManagerState State { get; }
#if IOS || WATCH
[iOS (13,0), Watch (6,0)]
[Export ("authorization", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CBManagerAuthorization _IAuthorization { get; }
[iOS (13,1), Watch (6,1)]
[Export ("authorization", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CBManagerAuthorization _SAuthorization { get; }
[TV (13,0), Mac (10, 15)]
[Export ("authorization", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CBManagerAuthorization Authorization { get; }
[iOS (13,0), TV (13,0), Watch (6,0), NoMac]
[StrongDictionary ("CBConnectionEventMatchingOptionsKeys")]
interface CBConnectionEventMatchingOptions {
NSUuid [] PeripheralUuids { get; set; }
CBUUID [] ServiceUuids { get; set;}
[iOS (13,0), TV (13,0), Watch (6,0), NoMac]
interface CBConnectionEventMatchingOptionsKeys {
[Field ("CBConnectionEventMatchingOptionPeripheralUUIDs")]
NSString PeripheralUuidsKey { get; }
[Field ("CBConnectionEventMatchingOptionServiceUUIDs")]
NSString ServiceUuidsKey { get; }
[StrongDictionary ("CBConnectPeripheralOptionsKeys")]
interface CBConnectPeripheralOptions {
[Mac (10,13)]
bool NotifyOnConnection { get; set; }
bool NotifyOnDisconnection { get; set; }
[Mac (10,13)]
bool NotifyOnNotification { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0), TV (13,0), Watch (6,0), NoMac]
bool EnableTransportBridging { get; set; }
[iOS (13,0), TV (13,0), Watch (6,0), NoMac]
bool RequiresAncs { get; set; }
interface CBConnectPeripheralOptionsKeys {
[Mac (10,13)]
[Field ("CBConnectPeripheralOptionNotifyOnConnectionKey")]
NSString NotifyOnConnectionKey { get; }
[Field ("CBConnectPeripheralOptionNotifyOnDisconnectionKey")]
NSString NotifyOnDisconnectionKey { get; }
[Mac (10,13)]
[Field ("CBConnectPeripheralOptionNotifyOnNotificationKey")]
NSString NotifyOnNotificationKey { get; }
[iOS (13,0), TV (13,0), Watch (6,0), NoMac]
[Field ("CBConnectPeripheralOptionEnableTransportBridgingKey")]
NSString EnableTransportBridgingKey { get; }
[iOS (13,0), TV (13,0), Watch (6,0), NoMac]
[Field ("CBConnectPeripheralOptionRequiresANCS")]
NSString RequiresAncsKey {get; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (CBManager), Delegates=new[] {"WeakDelegate"}, Events = new[] { typeof (CBCentralManagerDelegate)})]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // crash (at dispose time) on OSX
interface CBCentralManager {
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign), NullAllowed]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
CBCentralManagerDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("initWithDelegate:queue:")]
[PostGet ("WeakDelegate")]
IntPtr Constructor ([NullAllowed, Protocolize] CBCentralManagerDelegate centralDelegate, [NullAllowed] DispatchQueue queue);
[iOS (7,0), Mac (10,9)]
[Export ("initWithDelegate:queue:options:")]
[PostGet ("WeakDelegate")]
IntPtr Constructor ([NullAllowed, Protocolize] CBCentralManagerDelegate centralDelegate, [NullAllowed] DispatchQueue queue, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options);
[iOS (7,0), Mac (10,9)]
[Wrap ("this (centralDelegate, queue, options == null ? null : options.Dictionary)")]
IntPtr Constructor ([NullAllowed, Protocolize] CBCentralManagerDelegate centralDelegate, [NullAllowed] DispatchQueue queue, CBCentralInitOptions options);
[Availability (Obsoleted = Platform.iOS_9_0)]
[Export ("retrievePeripherals:"), Internal]
void RetrievePeripherals (NSArray peripheralUUIDs);
[Export ("retrieveConnectedPeripherals")]
[Availability (Deprecated = Platform.iOS_7_0, Obsoleted = Platform.iOS_9_0, Message = "Use 'RetrievePeripheralsWithIdentifiers' instead.")]
void RetrieveConnectedPeripherals ();
[Export ("scanForPeripheralsWithServices:options:"), Internal]
void ScanForPeripherals ([NullAllowed] NSArray serviceUUIDs, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options);
[Export ("stopScan")]
void StopScan ();
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[Export ("connectPeripheral:options:")]
void ConnectPeripheral (CBPeripheral peripheral, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options);
[Wrap ("ConnectPeripheral (peripheral, options?.Dictionary)")]
void ConnectPeripheral (CBPeripheral peripheral, [NullAllowed] CBConnectPeripheralOptions options);
[Export ("cancelPeripheralConnection:")]
void CancelPeripheralConnection (CBPeripheral peripheral);
[Field ("CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey")]
NSString ScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'CBConnectPeripheralOptions' instead.")]
[Field ("CBConnectPeripheralOptionNotifyOnDisconnectionKey")]
NSString OptionNotifyOnDisconnectionKey { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'CBConnectPeripheralOptions' instead.")]
[Mac (10,13)]
[Field ("CBConnectPeripheralOptionNotifyOnConnectionKey")]
NSString OptionNotifyOnConnectionKey { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'CBConnectPeripheralOptions' instead.")]
[Mac (10,13)]
[Field ("CBConnectPeripheralOptionNotifyOnNotificationKey")]
NSString OptionNotifyOnNotificationKey { get; }
[Mac (10,14)]
[iOS (11,2)][TV (11,2)][Watch (4,2)]
[Field ("CBConnectPeripheralOptionStartDelayKey")]
NSString OptionStartDelayKey { get; }
[Field ("CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey")]
[iOS (7,0)]
[Mac (10,13)]
NSString OptionRestoreIdentifierKey { get; }
[Field ("CBCentralManagerRestoredStatePeripheralsKey")]
[iOS (7,0)]
[Mac (10,13)]
NSString RestoredStatePeripheralsKey { get; }
[Field ("CBCentralManagerRestoredStateScanServicesKey")]
[iOS (7,0)]
[Mac (10,13)]
NSString RestoredStateScanServicesKey { get; }
[Field ("CBCentralManagerRestoredStateScanOptionsKey")]
[iOS (7,0)]
[Mac (10,13)]
NSString RestoredStateScanOptionsKey { get; }
[iOS (7,0), Mac (10,9)]
[Export ("retrievePeripheralsWithIdentifiers:")]
CBPeripheral [] RetrievePeripheralsWithIdentifiers ([Params] NSUuid [] identifiers);
[iOS (7,0), Mac (10,9)]
[Export ("retrieveConnectedPeripheralsWithServices:")]
CBPeripheral [] RetrieveConnectedPeripherals ([Params] CBUUID [] serviceUUIDs);
[Field ("CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey")]
[iOS (7,0), Mac (10,9)]
NSString OptionShowPowerAlertKey { get; }
[Field ("CBCentralManagerScanOptionSolicitedServiceUUIDsKey")]
[iOS (7,0), Mac (10,9)]
NSString ScanOptionSolicitedServiceUUIDsKey { get; }
[iOS (9,0)]
[Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("isScanning")]
bool IsScanning { get; }
[iOS (13,0), TV (13,0), Watch (6,0), NoMac]
[Export ("supportsFeatures:")]
bool SupportsFeatures (CBCentralManagerFeature features);
[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
[iOS (13,0), TV (13,0), Watch (6,0), NoMac]
[Export ("registerForConnectionEventsWithOptions:")]
void RegisterForConnectionEvents ([NullAllowed] NSDictionary options);
[iOS (13,0), TV (13,0), Watch (6,0), NoMac]
[Wrap ("RegisterForConnectionEvents (options?.Dictionary)")]
void RegisterForConnectionEvents ([NullAllowed] CBConnectionEventMatchingOptions options);
[Watch (4,0)]
[StrongDictionary ("AdvertisementDataKeys")]
interface AdvertisementData {
string LocalName { get; set; }
NSData ManufacturerData { get; set; }
#if XAMCORE_2_0
NSDictionary <CBUUID, NSData> ServiceData { get; set; }
NSDictionary ServiceData { get; set; }
CBUUID [] ServiceUuids { get; set; }
CBUUID [] OverflowServiceUuids { get; set; }
NSNumber TxPowerLevel { get; set; }
bool IsConnectable { get; set; }
CBUUID [] SolicitedServiceUuids { get; set; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[Static, Internal]
interface AdvertisementDataKeys {
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey")]
NSString LocalNameKey { get; }
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataManufacturerDataKey")]
NSString ManufacturerDataKey { get; }
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataServiceDataKey")]
NSString ServiceDataKey { get; }
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey")]
NSString ServiceUuidsKey { get; }
[Mac (10, 9)]
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataOverflowServiceUUIDsKey")]
NSString OverflowServiceUuidsKey { get; }
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataTxPowerLevelKey")]
NSString TxPowerLevelKey { get; }
[iOS (7,0), Mac (10,9)]
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataIsConnectable")]
NSString IsConnectableKey { get; }
[iOS (7,0), Mac (10,9)]
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataSolicitedServiceUUIDsKey")]
NSString SolicitedServiceUuidsKey { get; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[StrongDictionary ("PeripheralScanningOptionsKeys")]
interface PeripheralScanningOptions { }
[Watch (4,0)]
[StrongDictionary ("RestoredStateKeys")]
interface RestoredState {
CBPeripheral [] Peripherals { get; set; }
CBPeripheral [] ScanServices { get; set; }
PeripheralScanningOptions ScanOptions { get; set; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[Static, Internal]
interface RestoredStateKeys {
[iOS (7,0)]
[Mac (10,13)]
[Field ("CBCentralManagerRestoredStatePeripheralsKey")]
NSString PeripheralsKey { get; }
[iOS (7,0)]
[Mac (10,13)]
[Field ("CBCentralManagerRestoredStateScanServicesKey")]
NSString ScanServicesKey { get; }
[iOS (7,0)]
[Mac (10,13)]
[Field ("CBCentralManagerRestoredStateScanOptionsKey")]
NSString ScanOptionsKey { get; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface CBCentralManagerDelegate {
[Export ("centralManagerDidUpdateState:")]
void UpdatedState (CBCentralManager central);
[Availability (Deprecated = Platform.iOS_7_0, Obsoleted = Platform.iOS_8_4)] // Available in iOS 5.0 through iOS 8.4. Deprecated in iOS 7.0.
[Export ("centralManager:didRetrievePeripherals:"), EventArgs ("CBPeripherals")]
void RetrievedPeripherals (CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral [] peripherals);
[Availability (Deprecated = Platform.iOS_7_0, Obsoleted = Platform.iOS_8_4)] // Available in iOS 5.0 through iOS 8.4. Deprecated in iOS 7.0.
[Export ("centralManager:didRetrieveConnectedPeripherals:"), EventArgs ("CBPeripherals")]
void RetrievedConnectedPeripherals (CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral [] peripherals);
[Export ("centralManager:didDiscoverPeripheral:advertisementData:RSSI:"), EventArgs ("CBDiscoveredPeripheral")]
void DiscoveredPeripheral (CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral, NSDictionary advertisementData, NSNumber RSSI);
[Export ("centralManager:didConnectPeripheral:"), EventArgs ("CBPeripheral")]
void ConnectedPeripheral (CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral);
[Export ("centralManager:didFailToConnectPeripheral:error:"), EventArgs ("CBPeripheralError")]
void FailedToConnectPeripheral (CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral, NSError error);
[Export ("centralManager:didDisconnectPeripheral:error:"), EventArgs ("CBPeripheralError")]
void DisconnectedPeripheral (CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral, NSError error);
[Export ("centralManager:willRestoreState:"), EventArgs ("CBWillRestore")]
void WillRestoreState (CBCentralManager central, NSDictionary dict);
[iOS (13,0), TV (13,0), Watch (6,0), NoMac]
[Export ("centralManager:connectionEventDidOccur:forPeripheral:"), EventArgs ("CBPeripheralConnectionEvent")]
void ConnectionEventDidOccur (CBCentralManager central, CBConnectionEvent connectionEvent, CBPeripheral peripheral);
[iOS (13,0), TV (13,0), Watch (6,0), NoMac]
[Export ("centralManager:didUpdateANCSAuthorizationForPeripheral:"), EventArgs ("CBAncsAuthorizationUpdate")]
void DidUpdateAncsAuthorization (CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral peripheral);
[Watch (4,0)]
interface CBAdvertisement {
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey")]
NSString DataServiceUUIDsKey { get; }
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey")]
NSString DataLocalNameKey { get; }
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataTxPowerLevelKey")]
NSString DataTxPowerLevelKey { get; }
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataManufacturerDataKey")]
NSString DataManufacturerDataKey { get; }
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataServiceDataKey")]
NSString DataServiceDataKey { get; }
[Mac (10,9)]
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataOverflowServiceUUIDsKey")]
NSString DataOverflowServiceUUIDsKey { get; }
[iOS (7,0), Mac (10,9)]
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataIsConnectable")]
NSString IsConnectable { get; }
[iOS (7,0), Mac (10,9)]
[Field ("CBAdvertisementDataSolicitedServiceUUIDsKey")]
NSString DataSolicitedServiceUUIDsKey { get; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (CBAttribute))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // crash (at dispose time) on OSX
interface CBCharacteristic {
[Export ("properties")]
CBCharacteristicProperties Properties { get; [NotImplemented ("Not available on CBCharacteristic, only available on CBMutableCharacteristic")] set; }
[Export ("value", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSData Value { get; [NotImplemented ("Not available on CBCharacteristic, only available on CBMutableCharacteristic")] set; }
[Export ("descriptors", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
CBDescriptor [] Descriptors { get; [NotImplemented ("Not available on CBCharacteristic, only available on CBMutableCharacteristic")] set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 8,0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10,13)]
[Export ("isBroadcasted")]
bool IsBroadcasted { get; }
[Export ("isNotifying")]
bool IsNotifying { get; }
[Export ("service", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
CBService Service { get; }
#if !XAMCORE_2_0
[iOS (7,0), Export ("subscribedCentrals"), Mac (10,9)]
CBCentral [] SubscribedCentrals { get; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[Mac (10,9)]
[BaseType (typeof (CBCharacteristic))]
interface CBMutableCharacteristic {
[Export ("initWithType:properties:value:permissions:")]
[PostGet ("UUID")]
[PostGet ("Value")]
IntPtr Constructor (CBUUID uuid, CBCharacteristicProperties properties, [NullAllowed] NSData value, CBAttributePermissions permissions);
[Export ("permissions", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CBAttributePermissions Permissions { get; set; }
[Export ("properties", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CBCharacteristicProperties Properties { get; set; }
[Export ("value", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSData Value { get; set; }
[Export ("descriptors", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
CBDescriptor [] Descriptors { get; set; }
#if XAMCORE_2_0
[iOS (7,0), Export ("subscribedCentrals"), Mac (10,9)]
CBCentral [] SubscribedCentrals { get; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (CBAttribute))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // crash (at dispose time) on OSX
interface CBDescriptor {
[Export ("value", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSObject Value { get; }
[Export ("characteristic", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
CBCharacteristic Characteristic { get; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[Mac (10,9)]
[BaseType (typeof (CBDescriptor))]
interface CBMutableDescriptor {
[Export ("initWithType:value:")]
[PostGet ("UUID")]
[PostGet ("Value")]
IntPtr Constructor (CBUUID uuid, NSObject descriptorValue);
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (CBPeer), Delegates=new string [] { "WeakDelegate" }, Events=new Type [] {typeof (CBPeripheralDelegate)})]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // crash (at dispose time) on OSX
interface CBPeripheral : NSCopying {
[Export ("name", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
string Name { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 8,0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10,13)]
[Export ("RSSI", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSNumber RSSI { get; }
[Availability (Deprecated = Platform.iOS_7_0, Obsoleted = Platform.iOS_9_0)]
[Export ("isConnected")]
bool IsConnected { get; }
[Export ("services", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
CBService [] Services { get; }
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Weak), NullAllowed]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
CBPeripheralDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("readRSSI")]
void ReadRSSI ();
[Export ("discoverServices:"), Internal]
void DiscoverServices ([NullAllowed] NSArray serviceUUIDs);
[Export ("discoverIncludedServices:forService:"), Internal]
void DiscoverIncludedServices ([NullAllowed] NSArray includedServiceUUIDs, CBService forService);
[Export ("discoverCharacteristics:forService:"), Internal]
void DiscoverCharacteristics ([NullAllowed] NSArray characteristicUUIDs, CBService forService);
[Export ("readValueForCharacteristic:")]
void ReadValue (CBCharacteristic characteristic);
[Export ("writeValue:forCharacteristic:type:")]
void WriteValue (NSData data, CBCharacteristic characteristic, CBCharacteristicWriteType type);
[Export ("setNotifyValue:forCharacteristic:")]
void SetNotifyValue (bool enabled, CBCharacteristic characteristic);
[Export ("discoverDescriptorsForCharacteristic:")]
void DiscoverDescriptors (CBCharacteristic characteristic);
[Export ("readValueForDescriptor:")]
void ReadValue (CBDescriptor descriptor);
[Export ("writeValue:forDescriptor:")]
void WriteValue (NSData data, CBDescriptor descriptor);
[iOS (9,0)][Mac (10,12)]
[Export ("maximumWriteValueLengthForType:")]
nuint GetMaximumWriteValueLength (CBCharacteristicWriteType type);
#if !XAMCORE_2_0
[Availability (Deprecated = Platform.iOS_7_0, Obsoleted = Platform.iOS_9_0)]
[Export ("UUID")]
System.IntPtr UUID { get; }
[iOS (7,0), Mac (10,9)]
[Export ("state")]
CBPeripheralState State { get; }
[iOS (11,0)][TV (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("canSendWriteWithoutResponse")]
bool CanSendWriteWithoutResponse { get; }
[iOS (11,0)][TV (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("openL2CAPChannel:")]
void OpenL2CapChannel (ushort psm);
[iOS (13, 0), TV (13,0), Watch (6,0), NoMac]
[Export ("ancsAuthorized")]
bool AncsAuthorized { get; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface CBPeripheralDelegate {
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 13, message : "Use 'RssiRead' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message : "Use 'RssiRead' instead.")]
[Export ("peripheralDidUpdateRSSI:error:"), EventArgs ("NSError", true)]
void RssiUpdated (CBPeripheral peripheral, NSError error);
[iOS (8,0)]
[Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("peripheral:didReadRSSI:error:"), EventArgs ("CBRssi")]
void RssiRead (CBPeripheral peripheral, NSNumber rssi, NSError error);
// FIXME: TYPO: missing 's' (plural)
[Export ("peripheral:didDiscoverServices:"), EventArgs ("NSError", true)]
void DiscoveredService (CBPeripheral peripheral, NSError error);
[Export ("peripheral:didDiscoverIncludedServicesForService:error:"), EventArgs ("CBService")]
void DiscoveredIncludedService (CBPeripheral peripheral, CBService service, NSError error);
[Export ("peripheral:didDiscoverCharacteristicsForService:error:"), EventArgs ("CBService")]
#if XAMCORE_2_0
// FIXME: TYPO: missing 's' (plural)
void DiscoveredCharacteristic (CBPeripheral peripheral, CBService service, NSError error);
void DiscoverCharacteristic (CBPeripheral peripheral, CBService service, NSError error);
[Export ("peripheral:didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:error:"), EventArgs ("CBCharacteristic")]
void UpdatedCharacterteristicValue (CBPeripheral peripheral, CBCharacteristic characteristic, NSError error);
[Export ("peripheral:didWriteValueForCharacteristic:error:"), EventArgs ("CBCharacteristic")]
void WroteCharacteristicValue (CBPeripheral peripheral, CBCharacteristic characteristic, NSError error);
[Export ("peripheral:didUpdateNotificationStateForCharacteristic:error:"), EventArgs ("CBCharacteristic")]
void UpdatedNotificationState (CBPeripheral peripheral, CBCharacteristic characteristic, NSError error);
[Export ("peripheral:didDiscoverDescriptorsForCharacteristic:error:"), EventArgs ("CBCharacteristic")]
void DiscoveredDescriptor (CBPeripheral peripheral, CBCharacteristic characteristic, NSError error);
[Export ("peripheral:didUpdateValueForDescriptor:error:"), EventArgs ("CBDescriptor")]
void UpdatedValue (CBPeripheral peripheral, CBDescriptor descriptor, NSError error);
[Export ("peripheral:didWriteValueForDescriptor:error:"), EventArgs ("CBDescriptor")]
void WroteDescriptorValue (CBPeripheral peripheral, CBDescriptor descriptor, NSError error);
[Availability (Introduced = Platform.iOS_6_0, Deprecated = Platform.iOS_7_0, Obsoleted = Platform.iOS_8_4)]
[Export ("peripheralDidInvalidateServices:")]
void InvalidatedService (CBPeripheral peripheral);
[Export ("peripheralDidUpdateName:")]
void UpdatedName (CBPeripheral peripheral);
[iOS (7,0)]
[Export ("peripheral:didModifyServices:"), EventArgs ("CBPeripheralServices")]
void ModifiedServices (CBPeripheral peripheral, CBService [] services);
[iOS (11,0)][TV (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[EventArgs ("CBPeripheralOpenL2CapChannel")]
[Export ("peripheral:didOpenL2CAPChannel:error:")]
void DidOpenL2CapChannel (CBPeripheral peripheral, [NullAllowed] CBL2CapChannel channel, [NullAllowed] NSError error);
[iOS (11,0)][TV (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("peripheralIsReadyToSendWriteWithoutResponse:")]
void IsReadyToSendWriteWithoutResponse (CBPeripheral peripheral);
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (CBAttribute))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // crash (at dispose time) on OSX
interface CBService {
[Mac (10,9)]
[Export ("isPrimary")]
#if XAMCORE_4_0
bool Primary { get; }
bool Primary { get; [NotImplemented ("Not available on 'CBService', only available on 'CBMutableService'.")] set; }
[Export ("includedServices", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
CBService [] IncludedServices { get; [NotImplemented ("Not available on 'CBService', only available on CBMutableService.")] set; }
[Export ("characteristics", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
CBCharacteristic [] Characteristics { get; [NotImplemented ("Not available on 'CBService', only available on CBMutableService.")] set; }
[Export ("peripheral", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
CBPeripheral Peripheral { get; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (CBService))]
interface CBMutableService {
[Export ("initWithType:primary:")]
[PostGet ("UUID")]
IntPtr Constructor (CBUUID uuid, bool primary);
[Export ("includedServices", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
CBService[] IncludedServices { get; set; } // TODO: check array type
[Export ("characteristics", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
CBCharacteristic[] Characteristics { get; set; } // TODO: check array type
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // crash (at dispose time) on OSX
interface CBUUID : NSCopying {
[Export ("data")]
NSData Data{ get; }
[Export ("UUIDWithString:")]
CBUUID FromString (string theString);
[Export ("UUIDWithData:")]
CBUUID FromData (NSData theData);
[Availability (Deprecated = Platform.iOS_9_0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 13)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0)]
[Export ("UUIDWithCFUUID:")]
[iOS (7,0), Mac (10,9)]
[Export ("UUIDWithNSUUID:")]
CBUUID FromNSUuid (NSUuid theUUID);
#if !XAMCORE_3_0
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0)]
[Obsoleted (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0)]
[Field ("CBUUIDGenericAccessProfileString")]
NSString GenericAccessProfileString { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0)]
[Obsoleted (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0)]
[Field ("CBUUIDGenericAttributeProfileString")]
NSString GenericAttributeProfileString { get; }
[Field ("CBUUIDCharacteristicExtendedPropertiesString")]
NSString CharacteristicExtendedPropertiesString { get; }
[Field ("CBUUIDCharacteristicUserDescriptionString")]
NSString CharacteristicUserDescriptionString { get; }
[Field ("CBUUIDClientCharacteristicConfigurationString")]
NSString ClientCharacteristicConfigurationString { get; }
[Field ("CBUUIDServerCharacteristicConfigurationString")]
NSString ServerCharacteristicConfigurationString { get; }
[Field ("CBUUIDCharacteristicFormatString")]
NSString CharacteristicFormatString { get; }
[Field ("CBUUIDCharacteristicAggregateFormatString")]
NSString CharacteristicAggregateFormatString { get; }
[Field ("CBUUIDValidRangeString")]
[Introduced (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 12)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 13)]
[Obsoleted (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 13)]
NSString CBUUIDValidRangeString { get; }
[Mac (10,13)]
[Field ("CBUUIDCharacteristicValidRangeString")]
NSString CBUUIDCharacteristicValidRangeString { get; }
[iOS (10,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Field ("CBUUIDCharacteristicValidRangeString")]
NSString CharacteristicValidRangeString { get; }
[iOS (11,0)]
[TV (11,0)]
[Mac (10,13)]
[Field ("CBUUIDL2CAPPSMCharacteristicString")]
NSString L2CapPsmCharacteristicString { get; }
#if !XAMCORE_3_0
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0)]
[Obsoleted (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0)]
[Field ("CBUUIDDeviceNameString")]
NSString DeviceNameString { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0)]
[Obsoleted (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0)]
[Field ("CBUUIDAppearanceString")]
NSString AppearanceString { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0)]
[Obsoleted (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0)]
[Field ("CBUUIDPeripheralPrivacyFlagString")]
NSString PeripheralPrivacyFlagString { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0)]
[Obsoleted (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0)]
[Field ("CBUUIDReconnectionAddressString")]
NSString ReconnectionAddressString { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0)]
[Obsoleted (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0)]
[Field ("CBUUIDPeripheralPreferredConnectionParametersString")]
NSString PeripheralPreferredConnectionParametersString { get; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0)]
[Obsoleted (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0)]
[Field ("CBUUIDServiceChangedString")]
NSString ServiceChangedString { get; }
#endif // !XAMCORE_3_0
[iOS (7,1)][Mac (10,10)]
[Export ("UUIDString")]
string Uuid { get; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface CBATTRequest {
[Export ("central", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
CBCentral Central { get; }
[Export ("characteristic", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
CBCharacteristic Characteristic { get; }
[Export ("offset")]
nint Offset { get; }
[Export ("value", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData Value { get; set; }
[Mac (10,9)]
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (CBPeer))]
// `delloc` a default instance crash applications and a default instance, without the ability to change the UUID, does not make sense
interface CBCentral : NSCopying {
#if !XAMCORE_2_0
[Export ("UUID")]
[Availability (Deprecated = Platform.iOS_7_0, Obsoleted = Platform.iOS_9_0)]
IntPtr UUID { get; }
// Introduced with iOS7, but does not have NS_AVAILABLE
// Moved to a new base class, CBPeer, in iOS 8.
[iOS (7,0)]
[Export ("identifier")]
NSUuid Identifier { get; }
// Introduced with iOS7, but does not have NS_AVAILABLE
[iOS (7,0)]
[Export ("maximumUpdateValueLength")]
nuint MaximumUpdateValueLength { get; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (CBManager), Delegates=new[] { "WeakDelegate" }, Events=new[] { typeof (CBPeripheralManagerDelegate) })]
interface CBPeripheralManager {
[Mac (10,9)]
[Export ("init")]
IntPtr Constructor ();
[Export ("initWithDelegate:queue:")]
[PostGet ("WeakDelegate")]
IntPtr Constructor ([Protocolize] CBPeripheralManagerDelegate peripheralDelegate, [NullAllowed] DispatchQueue queue);
[iOS (7,0),Mac (10,9)]
[Export ("initWithDelegate:queue:options:")]
[PostGet ("WeakDelegate")]
IntPtr Constructor ([Protocolize] CBPeripheralManagerDelegate peripheralDelegate, [NullAllowed] DispatchQueue queue, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options);
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
CBPeripheralManagerDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Export ("isAdvertising")]
bool Advertising { get; }
[Export ("addService:")]
void AddService (CBMutableService service);
[Export ("removeService:")]
void RemoveService (CBMutableService service);
[Export ("removeAllServices")]
void RemoveAllServices ();
[Export ("respondToRequest:withResult:")]
void RespondToRequest (CBATTRequest request, CBATTError result); // TODO: Could it return CBATTError?. This won't work because it's a value
[Export ("startAdvertising:")]
void StartAdvertising ([NullAllowed] NSDictionary options);
[Wrap ("StartAdvertising (options == null ? null : options.Dictionary)")]
void StartAdvertising ([NullAllowed] StartAdvertisingOptions options);
[Export ("stopAdvertising")]
void StopAdvertising ();
[Export ("setDesiredConnectionLatency:forCentral:")]
void SetDesiredConnectionLatency (CBPeripheralManagerConnectionLatency latency, CBCentral connectedCentral);
[Export ("updateValue:forCharacteristic:onSubscribedCentrals:")]
bool UpdateValue (NSData value, CBMutableCharacteristic characteristic, [NullAllowed] CBCentral[] subscribedCentrals);
[iOS (11,0)][TV (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("publishL2CAPChannelWithEncryption:")]
void PublishL2CapChannel (bool encryptionRequired);
[iOS (11,0)][TV (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("unpublishL2CAPChannel:")]
void UnpublishL2CapChannel (ushort psm);
[Field ("CBPeripheralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey")]
[iOS (7,0)]
NSString OptionShowPowerAlertKey { get; }
[Field ("CBPeripheralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey")]
[iOS (7,0)]
NSString OptionRestoreIdentifierKey { get; }
[Field ("CBPeripheralManagerRestoredStateServicesKey")]
[iOS (7,0)]
NSString RestoredStateServicesKey { get; }
[Field ("CBPeripheralManagerRestoredStateAdvertisementDataKey")]
[iOS (7,0)]
NSString RestoredStateAdvertisementDataKey { get; }
#if !MONOMAC || !XAMCORE_4_0
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'CBManager.Authorization' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'CBManager.Authorization' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'CBManager.Authorization' instead.")]
[iOS (7,0)]
[Export ("authorizationStatus")]
CBPeripheralManagerAuthorizationStatus AuthorizationStatus { get; }
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface CBPeripheralManagerDelegate {
[Export ("peripheralManagerDidUpdateState:")]
void StateUpdated (CBPeripheralManager peripheral);
[Export ("peripheralManager:willRestoreState:"), EventArgs ("CBWillRestore")]
void WillRestoreState (CBPeripheralManager peripheral, NSDictionary dict);
[Export ("peripheralManagerDidStartAdvertising:error:"), EventArgs ("NSError", true)]
void AdvertisingStarted (CBPeripheralManager peripheral, NSError error);
[Export ("peripheralManager:didAddService:error:"), EventArgs ("CBPeripheralManagerService")]
void ServiceAdded (CBPeripheralManager peripheral, CBService service, NSError error);
[Export ("peripheralManager:central:didSubscribeToCharacteristic:"), EventArgs ("CBPeripheralManagerSubscription")]
void CharacteristicSubscribed (CBPeripheralManager peripheral, CBCentral central, CBCharacteristic characteristic);
[Export ("peripheralManager:central:didUnsubscribeFromCharacteristic:"), EventArgs ("CBPeripheralManagerSubscription")]
void CharacteristicUnsubscribed (CBPeripheralManager peripheral, CBCentral central, CBCharacteristic characteristic);
[Export ("peripheralManager:didReceiveReadRequest:"), EventArgs ("CBATTRequest")]
void ReadRequestReceived (CBPeripheralManager peripheral, CBATTRequest request);
[Export ("peripheralManager:didReceiveWriteRequests:"), EventArgs ("CBATTRequests")]
void WriteRequestsReceived (CBPeripheralManager peripheral, CBATTRequest[] requests);
[Export ("peripheralManagerIsReadyToUpdateSubscribers:")]
void ReadyToUpdateSubscribers (CBPeripheralManager peripheral);
[iOS (11,0)][TV (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[EventArgs ("CBPeripheralManagerOpenL2CapChannel")]
[Export ("peripheralManager:didOpenL2CAPChannel:error:")]
void DidOpenL2CapChannel (CBPeripheralManager peripheral, [NullAllowed] CBL2CapChannel channel, [NullAllowed] NSError error);
[iOS (11,0)][TV (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[EventArgs ("CBPeripheralManagerL2CapChannelOperation")]
[Export ("peripheralManager:didUnpublishL2CAPChannel:error:")]
void DidUnpublishL2CapChannel (CBPeripheralManager peripheral, ushort psm, [NullAllowed] NSError error);
[iOS (11,0)][TV (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[EventArgs ("CBPeripheralManagerL2CapChannelOperation")]
[Export ("peripheralManager:didPublishL2CAPChannel:error:")]
void DidPublishL2CapChannel (CBPeripheralManager peripheral, ushort psm, [NullAllowed] NSError error);
[iOS (8, 0)]
[Mac (10,13)]
[Watch (4,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // CBPeer.h: - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
interface CBPeer : NSCopying {
[Availability (Deprecated = Platform.iOS_7_0, Obsoleted = Platform.iOS_9_0)]
[Export ("UUID")]
IntPtr _UUID { get; }
[iOS (7, 0)]
[Export ("identifier")]
NSUuid Identifier { get; }
// The type is available in 32bits macOS 10.13 even if most properties are 64 bits only
[Watch (4,0)][iOS (11,0)][TV (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject), Name = "CBL2CAPChannel")]
interface CBL2CapChannel {
[Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("peer")]
CBPeer Peer { get; }
[Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("inputStream")]
NSInputStream InputStream { get; }
[Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("outputStream")]
NSOutputStream OutputStream { get; }
[Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("PSM")]
/* uint16_t */ ushort Psm { get; }