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Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода!

Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода, которые могут быть отображены не так, как показано ниже. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы показать скрытые символы.

// The rule reports
// !extra-null-allowed!
// when a method parameters or return value has an [NullAllowed] attribute that is not part of the ObjC headers
// !missing-null-allowed!
// when a method parameters or return value does not have an [NullAllowed] when one is present in the ObjC headers
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Clang.Ast;
namespace Extrospection {
public class NullabilityCheck : BaseVisitor {
// 0 for oblivious, 1 for not annotated, and 2 for annotated
enum Null : byte {
Oblivious = 0,
NotAnnotated = 1,
Annotated = 2,
static Dictionary<string, TypeDefinition> types = new Dictionary<string, TypeDefinition> ();
static Dictionary<string, MethodDefinition> methods = new Dictionary<string, MethodDefinition> ();
static TypeDefinition GetType (ObjCInterfaceDecl decl)
types.TryGetValue (decl.Name, out var td);
return td;
static MethodDefinition GetMethod (ObjCMethodDecl decl)
methods.TryGetValue (decl.GetName (), out var md);
return md;
public override void VisitManagedMethod (MethodDefinition method)
var key = method.GetName ();
if (key == null)
// we still have one case to fix with duplicate selectors :|
if (!methods.ContainsKey (key))
methods.Add (key, method);
// NullableContextAttribute is valid in metadata on type and method declarations.
// https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/master/docs/features/nullable-metadata.md
static Null GetNullableContext (ICustomAttributeProvider cap)
if (cap.HasCustomAttributes) {
foreach (var ca in cap.CustomAttributes) {
if (ca.Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName != "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableContextAttribute")
return (Null) (byte) ca.ConstructorArguments [0].Value;
return Null.Oblivious;
static Dictionary<TypeDefinition, Null> null_type_cache = new Dictionary<TypeDefinition, Null> ();
// most method checks the type so it adds up fast
static Null GetNullableContext (TypeDefinition type)
if (!null_type_cache.TryGetValue (type, out var result)) {
result = GetNullableContext ((ICustomAttributeProvider) type);
null_type_cache.Add (type, result);
return result;
static Null [] GetNullable (ICustomAttributeProvider cap)
if (cap.HasCustomAttributes) {
foreach (var ca in cap.CustomAttributes) {
if (ca.Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName != "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableAttribute")
var first = ca.ConstructorArguments [0];
// encoding is... weird
switch (first.Type.FullName) {
// Type is `System.Byte` and value is a `byte`
case "System.Byte":
return new Null [1] { (Null) (byte) first.Value };
// Type is `System.Byte[]` and value is a `CustomAttributeArgument[]`
// each with a `Type` of `System.Byte` and where value is a `byte`
case "System.Byte[]":
var caa = first.Value as CustomAttributeArgument [];
var length = caa.Length;
var values = new Null [length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
values [i] = (Null) (byte) caa [i].Value;
return values;
return Array.Empty<Null> ();
public override void VisitObjCMethodDecl (ObjCMethodDecl decl, VisitKind visitKind)
if (visitKind != VisitKind.Enter)
// don't process methods (or types) that are unavailable for the current platform
if (!decl.IsAvailable () || !(decl.DeclContext as Decl).IsAvailable ())
// don't process deprecated methods (or types)
if (decl.IsDeprecated () || (decl.DeclContext as Decl).IsDeprecated ())
var method = GetMethod (decl);
// don't report missing nullability on types that are not bound - that's a different problem
if (method == null)
var framework = Helpers.GetFramework (decl);
if (framework == null)
var t = method.DeclaringType;
// look for [NullableContext] for defaults
var managed_default_nullability = GetNullableContext (method);
if (managed_default_nullability == Null.Oblivious)
managed_default_nullability = GetNullableContext (t);
// check parameters
// categories have an offset of 1 for the extension method type (spotted as static types)
int i = t.IsSealed && t.IsAbstract ? 1 : 0;
foreach (var p in decl.Parameters) {
var mp = method.Parameters [i++];
// a managed `out` value does not need to be inialized, won't be null (but can be ignored)
if (mp.IsOut)
var pt = mp.ParameterType;
// if bound as `IntPtr` then nullability attributes won't be present
if (pt.IsValueType)
Null parameter_nullable;
// if we used a type by reference (e.g. `ref float foo`); or a nullable type (e.g. `[BindAs]`)
// then assume it's meant as a nullable type) without additional decorations
if (pt.IsByReference || pt.FullName.StartsWith ("System.Nullable`1<", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
parameter_nullable = Null.Annotated;
} else {
// check C# 8 compiler attributes
var nullable = GetNullable (mp);
if (nullable.Length > 1) {
// check the type itself, TODO check the generics (don't think we have such cases yet)
parameter_nullable = nullable [0];
} else if (nullable.Length == 0) {
parameter_nullable = managed_default_nullability;
} else {
parameter_nullable = nullable [0];
// match with native and, if needed, report discrepancies
p.QualType.Type.GetNullability (p.AstContext, out var nullability);
switch (nullability) {
case NullabilityKind.NonNull:
if (parameter_nullable == Null.Annotated)
Log.On (framework).Add ($"!extra-null-allowed! '{method.FullName}' has a extraneous [NullAllowed] on parameter #{i-1}");
case NullabilityKind.Nullable:
if (parameter_nullable != Null.Annotated)
Log.On (framework).Add ($"!missing-null-allowed! '{method.FullName}' is missing an [NullAllowed] on parameter #{i-1}");
case NullabilityKind.Unspecified:
// with .net a constructor will always return something (or throw)
// that's not the case in ObjC where `init*` can return `nil`
if (method.IsConstructor)
var mrt = method.ReturnType;
// if bound as an `IntPtr` then the nullability will not be visible in the metadata
if (mrt.IsValueType)
Null return_nullable;
// if we used a nullable type (e.g. [BindAs] then assume it's meant as a nullable type) without additional decorations
if (mrt.FullName.StartsWith ("System.Nullable`1<", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
return_nullable = Null.Annotated;
} else {
ICustomAttributeProvider cap;
// the managed attributes are on the property, not the special methods
if (method.IsGetter) {
var property = method.FindProperty ();
// also `null_resettable` will only show something (natively) on the setter (since it does not return null, but accept it)
// in this case we'll trust xtro checking the setter only (if it exists, if not then it can't be `null_resettable`)
if (property.SetMethod != null)
cap = property;
} else {
cap = method.MethodReturnType;
Null [] mrt_nullable = GetNullable (cap);
if (mrt_nullable.Length > 1) {
// check the type itself, TODO check the generics (don't think we have such cases yet)
return_nullable = mrt_nullable [0];
} else if (mrt_nullable.Length == 0) {
return_nullable = managed_default_nullability;
} else {
return_nullable = mrt_nullable [0];
var rt = decl.ReturnQualType;
rt.Type.GetNullability (decl.AstContext, out var rnull);
switch (rnull) {
case NullabilityKind.NonNull:
if (return_nullable == Null.Annotated)
Log.On (framework).Add ($"!extra-null-allowed! '{method}' has a extraneous [NullAllowed] on return type");
case NullabilityKind.Nullable:
if (return_nullable != Null.Annotated)
Log.On (framework).Add ($"!missing-null-allowed! '{method}' is missing an [NullAllowed] on return type");
case NullabilityKind.Unspecified: