
310 строки
12 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Xamarin;
using Xamarin.Tests;
using Xamarin.Utils;
public static class ProcessHelper
static int counter;
static string log_directory;
static string LogDirectory {
get {
if (log_directory == null)
log_directory = Cache.CreateTemporaryDirectory ("execution-logs");
return log_directory;
public static void AssertRunProcess (string filename, string[] arguments, TimeSpan timeout, string workingDirectory, Dictionary<string, string> environment_variables, string message)
AssertRunProcess (filename, arguments, timeout, workingDirectory, environment_variables, message, out _);
public static void AssertRunProcess (string filename, string[] arguments, TimeSpan timeout, string workingDirectory, Dictionary<string, string> environment_variables, string message, out string logfile)
var exitCode = 0;
var output = new List<string> ();
Action<string> output_callback = (v) => {
lock (output)
output.Add ($"{DateTime.Now.ToString ("HH:mm:ss.fffffff")}: {v}");
if (environment_variables == null)
environment_variables = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
environment_variables ["XCODE_DEVELOPER_DIR_PATH"] = null;
environment_variables ["DEVELOPER_DIR"] = Configuration.XcodeLocation;
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew ();
exitCode = ExecutionHelper.Execute (filename, arguments, out var timed_out, workingDirectory, environment_variables, output_callback, output_callback, timeout);
watch.Stop ();
output_callback ($"Exit code: {exitCode} Timed out: {timed_out} Total duration: {watch.Elapsed.ToString ()}");
// Write execution log to disk (and print the path)
logfile = Path.Combine (LogDirectory, $"{filename}-{Interlocked.Increment (ref counter)}.log");
File.WriteAllLines (logfile, output);
TestContext.AddTestAttachment (logfile, $"Execution log for {filename}");
Console.WriteLine ("Execution log for {0}: {1}", filename, logfile);
var errors = new List<string> ();
var errorMessage = "";
if ((!timed_out || exitCode != 0) && output.Count > 0) {
var regex = new Regex (@"error\s*(MSB....)?(CS....)?(MT....)?(MM....)?:", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
foreach (var line in output) {
if (regex.IsMatch (line) && !errors.Contains (line))
errors.Add (line);
if (errors.Count > 0)
errorMessage = "\n\t[Summary of errors from the build output below]\n\t" + string.Join ("\n\t", errors);
Assert.IsFalse (timed_out, $"{message} timed out after {timeout.TotalMinutes} minutes{errorMessage}");
Assert.AreEqual (0, exitCode, $"{message} failed (unexpected exit code){errorMessage}");
public static void BuildSolution (string solution, string platform, string configuration, Dictionary<string, string> environment_variables, TimeSpan timeout, string target = "", string codesignKey = null)
// nuget restore
var solution_dir = string.Empty;
var solutions = new string [] { solution };
var nuget_args = new List<string> ();
nuget_args.Add ("restore");
nuget_args.Add ("sln"); // replaced later
nuget_args.Add ("-Verbosity");
nuget_args.Add ("detailed");
var slndir = Path.GetDirectoryName (solution);
if (!solution.EndsWith (".sln", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
while ((solutions = Directory.GetFiles (slndir, "*.sln", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)).Length == 0 && slndir.Length > 1)
slndir = Path.GetDirectoryName (slndir);
nuget_args.Add ("-SolutionDir");
nuget_args.Add (slndir);
foreach (var sln in solutions) {
nuget_args [1] = sln; // replacing here
AssertRunProcess ("nuget", nuget_args.ToArray (), timeout, Configuration.SampleRootDirectory, environment_variables, "nuget restore");
// msbuild
var sb = new List<string> ();
sb.Add ("/verbosity:diag");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (platform))
sb.Add ($"/p:Platform={platform}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (configuration))
sb.Add ($"/p:Configuration={configuration}");
sb.Add (solution);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (target))
sb.Add ($"/t:{target}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (codesignKey))
sb.Add ($"/p:CodesignKey={codesignKey}");
environment_variables ["MTOUCH_ENV_OPTIONS"] = "--time --time --time --time -vvvv";
environment_variables ["MMP_ENV_OPTIONS"] = "--time --time --time --time -vvvv";
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew ();
var failed = false;
string msbuild_logfile;
try {
AssertRunProcess ("msbuild", sb.ToArray (), timeout, Configuration.SampleRootDirectory, environment_variables, "build", out msbuild_logfile);
} catch {
failed = true;
} finally {
watch.Stop ();
// Write performance data to disk
var subdirs = Directory.GetDirectories (slndir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
// First figure out which .app subdirectory is the actual .app. This is a bit more complicated than it would seem...
var apps = subdirs.Where ((v) => {
var names = v.Substring (slndir.Length).Split (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
if (names.Length < 2)
return false;
if (!names [names.Length - 1].EndsWith (".app", StringComparison.Ordinal))
return false;
if (names.Any ((v2) => v2 == "copySceneKitAssets"))
return false;
var bin_idx = Array.IndexOf (names, "bin");
var conf_idx = Array.IndexOf (names, configuration);
if (bin_idx < 0 || conf_idx < 0)
return false;
if (bin_idx > conf_idx)
return false;
if (platform.Length > 0) {
var platform_idx = Array.IndexOf (names, platform);
if (platform_idx < 0)
return false;
if (bin_idx > platform_idx)
return false;
return true;
}).ToArray ();
if (apps.Length > 1) {
// Found more than one .app subdirectory, use additional logic to choose between them.
var filtered_apps = apps.Where ((v) => {
// If one .app is a subdirectory of another .app, we don't care about the former.
if (apps.Any ((v2) => v2.Length < v.Length && v.StartsWith (v2, StringComparison.Ordinal)))
return false;
// If one .app is contained within another .app, we don't care about the former.
var vname = Path.GetFileName (v);
var otherApps = apps.Where ((v2) => v != v2);
if (otherApps.Any ((v2) => {
var otherSubdirs = subdirs.Where ((v3) => v3.StartsWith (v2, StringComparison.Ordinal));
return otherSubdirs.Any ((v3) => Path.GetFileName (v3) == vname);
return false;
return true;
}).ToArray ();
if (apps.Length == 0)
Assert.Fail ($"Filtered away all the .apps, from:\n\t{string.Join ("\n\t", apps)}");
apps = filtered_apps;
if (apps.Length > 1) {
Assert.Fail ($"Found more than one .app directory:\n\t{string.Join ("\n\t", apps)}");
} else if (apps.Length == 0) {
Assert.Fail ($"Found no .app directories for platform: {platform} configuration: {configuration} target: {target}. All directories:\n\t{string.Join ("\n\t", subdirs)}");
var logfile = Path.Combine (LogDirectory, $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (solution)}-perfdata-{Interlocked.Increment (ref counter)}.xml");
var xmlSettings = new XmlWriterSettings {
Indent = true,
var xml = XmlWriter.Create (logfile, xmlSettings);
xml.WriteStartDocument (true);
xml.WriteStartElement ("performance");
xml.WriteStartElement ("sample-build");
xml.WriteAttributeString ("mono-version", Configuration.MonoVersion);
xml.WriteAttributeString ("os-version", Configuration.OSVersion);
xml.WriteAttributeString ("xamarin-macios-hash", Configuration.TestedHash);
xml.WriteAttributeString ("sample-repository", Configuration.GetCurrentRemoteUrl (slndir));
xml.WriteAttributeString ("sample-hash", Configuration.GetCurrentHash (slndir));
xml.WriteAttributeString ("agent-machinename", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("AGENT_MACHINENAME"));
xml.WriteAttributeString ("agent-name", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("AGENT_NAME"));
foreach (var app in apps) {
xml.WriteStartElement ("test");
xml.WriteAttributeString ("name", TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.FullName);
xml.WriteAttributeString ("result", failed ? "failed" : "success");
if (platform.Length > 0)
xml.WriteAttributeString ("platform", platform);
xml.WriteAttributeString ("configuration", configuration);
if (!failed) {
xml.WriteAttributeString ("duration", watch.ElapsedTicks.ToString ());
xml.WriteAttributeString ("duration-formatted", watch.Elapsed.ToString ());
var files = Directory.GetFiles (app, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).OrderBy ((v) => v).ToArray ();
var lengths = files.Select ((v) => new FileInfo (v).Length).ToArray ();
var total_size = lengths.Sum ();
xml.WriteAttributeString ("total-size", total_size.ToString ());
var appstart = Path.GetDirectoryName (app).Length;
for (var i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) {
xml.WriteStartElement ("file");
xml.WriteAttributeString ("name", files [i].Substring (appstart + 1));
xml.WriteAttributeString ("size", lengths [i].ToString ());
xml.WriteEndElement ();
if (File.Exists (msbuild_logfile)) {
var lines = File.ReadAllLines (msbuild_logfile);
var target_perf_summary = new List<string> ();
var task_perf_summary = new List<string> ();
var timestamps = new List<string> ();
for (var i = lines.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (lines [i].EndsWith ("Target Performance Summary:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
for (var k = i + 1; k < lines.Length && lines [k].EndsWith ("calls", StringComparison.Ordinal); k++) {
target_perf_summary.Add (lines [k].Substring (18).Trim ());
} else if (lines [i].EndsWith ("Task Performance Summary:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
for (var k = i + 1; k < lines.Length && lines [k].EndsWith ("calls", StringComparison.Ordinal); k++) {
task_perf_summary.Add (lines [k].Substring (18).Trim ());
} else if (lines [i].Contains ("!Timestamp")) {
timestamps.Add (lines [i]);
foreach (var tps in target_perf_summary) {
var split = tps.Split (new char [] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
xml.WriteStartElement ("target");
xml.WriteAttributeString ("name", split [2]);
xml.WriteAttributeString ("ms", split [0]);
xml.WriteAttributeString ("calls", split [3]);
xml.WriteEndElement ();
foreach (var tps in task_perf_summary) {
var split = tps.Split (new char [] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
xml.WriteStartElement ("task");
xml.WriteAttributeString ("name", split [2]);
xml.WriteAttributeString ("ms", split [0]);
xml.WriteAttributeString ("calls", split [3]);
xml.WriteEndElement ();
foreach (var ts in timestamps) {
// Sample line:
// 15:04:50.4609520: !Timestamp Setup: 28 ms (TaskId:137)
var splitFirst = ts.Split (new char [] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var splitSecondA = splitFirst [3].Split (new char [] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var splitSecondB = splitFirst [4].Split (new char [] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var name = string.Join (" ", splitSecondA.Skip (1));
var level = splitSecondA [0].Count ((v) => v == '!').ToString ();
var ms = splitSecondB [0];
xml.WriteStartElement ("timestamp");
xml.WriteAttributeString ("name", name);
xml.WriteAttributeString ("level", level);
xml.WriteAttributeString ("ms", ms);
xml.WriteEndElement ();
xml.WriteEndElement ();
xml.WriteEndElement (); // sample-build
xml.WriteEndElement (); // performance
xml.WriteEndDocument ();
xml.Dispose ();
TestContext.AddTestAttachment (logfile, $"Performance data");
internal static string RunProcess (string filename, string arguments = "", string working_directory = null)
using (var p = Process.Start (filename, arguments)) {
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (working_directory))
p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = working_directory;
p.Start ();
var output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ();
p.WaitForExit ();
return output;