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# OpenAL
!missing-pinvoke! alGetBufferiv is not bound
# OpenGL[ES]
# only for iOS and tvOS (not watchOS) and macOS uses OpenGL
## we use OpenTK for bindings
!missing-pinvoke! glActiveTexture is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glAttachShader is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glBindAttribLocation is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glBindBuffer is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glBindFramebuffer is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glBindRenderbuffer is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glBindTexture is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glBlendColor is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glBlendEquation is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glBlendEquationSeparate is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glBlendFunc is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glBlendFuncSeparate is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glBufferData is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glBufferSubData is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glCheckFramebufferStatus is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glClear is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glClearColor is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glClearDepthf is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glClearStencil is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glColorMask is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glCompileShader is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glCompressedTexImage2D is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glCompressedTexSubImage2D is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glCopyTexImage2D is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glCopyTexSubImage2D is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glCreateProgram is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glCreateShader is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glCullFace is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDeleteBuffers is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDeleteFramebuffers is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDeleteProgram is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDeleteRenderbuffers is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDeleteShader is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDeleteTextures is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDepthFunc is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDepthMask is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDepthRangef is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDetachShader is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDisable is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDisableVertexAttribArray is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDrawArrays is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glDrawElements is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glEnable is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glEnableVertexAttribArray is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glFinish is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glFlush is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glFramebufferRenderbuffer is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glFramebufferTexture2D is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glFrontFace is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGenBuffers is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGenerateMipmap is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGenFramebuffers is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGenRenderbuffers is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGenTextures is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetActiveAttrib is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetActiveUniform is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetAttachedShaders is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetAttribLocation is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetBooleanv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetBufferParameteriv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetBufferPointervOES is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetError is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetFloatv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetIntegerv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetObjectLabelEXT is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetProgramInfoLog is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetProgramiv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetRenderbufferParameteriv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetShaderInfoLog is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetShaderiv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetShaderPrecisionFormat is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetShaderSource is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetString is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetTexParameterfv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetTexParameteriv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetUniformfv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetUniformiv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetUniformLocation is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetVertexAttribfv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetVertexAttribiv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glGetVertexAttribPointerv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glHint is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glInsertEventMarkerEXT is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glIsBuffer is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glIsEnabled is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glIsFramebuffer is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glIsProgram is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glIsRenderbuffer is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glIsShader is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glIsTexture is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glLabelObjectEXT is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glLineWidth is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glLinkProgram is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glMapBufferOES is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glPixelStorei is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glPolygonOffset is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glPopGroupMarkerEXT is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glProgramParameteriEXT is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glPushGroupMarkerEXT is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glReadPixels is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glReleaseShaderCompiler is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glRenderbufferStorage is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glSampleCoverage is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glScissor is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glShaderBinary is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glShaderSource is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glStencilFunc is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glStencilFuncSeparate is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glStencilMask is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glStencilMaskSeparate is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glStencilOp is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glStencilOpSeparate is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glTexImage2D is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glTexParameterf is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glTexParameterfv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glTexParameteri is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glTexParameteriv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glTexSubImage2D is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform1f is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform1fv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform1i is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform1iv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform2f is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform2fv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform2i is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform2iv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform3f is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform3fv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform3i is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform3iv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform4f is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform4fv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform4i is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniform4iv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniformMatrix2fv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniformMatrix3fv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUniformMatrix4fv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUnmapBufferOES is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glUseProgram is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glValidateProgram is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glVertexAttrib1f is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glVertexAttrib1fv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glVertexAttrib2f is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glVertexAttrib2fv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glVertexAttrib3f is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glVertexAttrib3fv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glVertexAttrib4f is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glVertexAttrib4fv is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glVertexAttribPointer is not bound
!missing-pinvoke! glViewport is not bound