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// Copyright 2011-2013 Xamarin Inc., All rights reserved.
// adapted from xtouch/tools/mtouch/Touch.Tuner/ManualMarkStep.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Mono.Linker;
using Mono.Tuner;
using Xamarin.Bundler;
using Xamarin.Linker;
using Xamarin.Linker.Steps;
namespace MonoTouch.Tuner {
// XML definition files have their limits, i.e. they are good to keep stuff around unconditionnally
// e.g. we do not want to force all/most Socket code around (non-network apps) because some types have unmanaged representation
// Generated backend fields inside monotouch.dll are also removed if only used (i.e. set to null)
// inside the Dispose method
public class MonoTouchMarkStep : CoreMarkStep {
List<Exception> list = new List<Exception> ();
bool serialization_required = false;
List<MethodDefinition> pending_serialization_constructors = new List<MethodDefinition> ();
bool parameter_info;
public MonoTouchMarkStep ()
public override void Process (LinkContext context)
DebugBuild = context.GetParameter ("debug-build") == "True";
base.Process (context);
if (list.Count > 0)
throw new AggregateException (list);
if (!serialization_required) {
Console.WriteLine ("{0} serialization constructors were removed because no SerializationInfo is created", pending_serialization_constructors.Count);
pending_serialization_constructors.Clear ();
protected override void MarkSerializable (TypeDefinition type)
if (!type.HasMethods)
foreach (MethodDefinition method in type.Methods) {
// skip non-constructors and static methods
if (!method.IsConstructor || method.IsStatic)
// mark the default constructor for every serializable type
if (!method.HasParameters)
MarkMethod (method);
// look for the special serialization constructor
if (!method.HasParameters)
var parameters = method.Parameters;
if (parameters.Count != 2)
if (parameters [0].ParameterType.Name != "SerializationInfo" ||
parameters [1].ParameterType.Name != "StreamingContext")
if (serialization_required) {
MarkMethod (method);
} else {
// keep track of the serialization constructors until we know if we'll need them
pending_serialization_constructors.Add (method);
protected override TypeDefinition MarkType (TypeReference reference)
TypeDefinition type = base.MarkType (reference);
if (type == null)
return null;
switch (type.Module.Assembly.Name.Name) {
case "System.Core":
ProcessSystemCore (type);
return type;
protected override MethodDefinition MarkMethod (MethodReference reference)
var method = base.MarkMethod (reference);
if (method == null)
return null;
// we need to track who's calling ParameterInfo.Name property getter, if it comes from
// user code then it's not possible to remove the parameters from the assemblies metadata
if (!parameter_info && (method.Name == "get_Name") && method.DeclaringType.Is ("System.Reflection", "ParameterInfo")) {
if (current_method == null) {
// This can happen if ParameterInfo.get_Name is preserved in an xml file
Annotations.GetCustomAnnotations ("ParameterInfo").Add (method, null);
} else {
var a = current_method.DeclaringType.Module.Assembly;
if (!Profile.IsSdkAssembly (a) && !Profile.IsProductAssembly (a)) {
// see MetadataReducerSubStep for the consumer part of the data
Annotations.GetCustomAnnotations ("ParameterInfo").Add (method, current_method);
parameter_info = true;
// if the application creates instances of SerializationInfo then we assume serialization is likely
// and include all the .ctor(SerializationInfo,StreamingContext) inside the application
if (!serialization_required && method.IsConstructor && !method.IsStatic &&
method.DeclaringType.Is ("System.Runtime.Serialization", "SerializationInfo")) {
serialization_required = true;
// stop procrastinaing and mark them all
foreach (var m in pending_serialization_constructors)
MarkMethod (m);
pending_serialization_constructors.Clear ();
return method;
MethodReference current_method;
protected override void MarkMethodBody (MethodBody body)
// we need some context about the caller of methods and that's kind of
// unavailable, by default, so we must keep that state around
current_method = body.Method;
base.MarkMethodBody (body);
current_method = null;
// AOT (not MOBILE) specific
void ProcessSystemCore (TypeDefinition type)
switch (type.Namespace) {
case "System.Linq.Expressions":
switch (type.Name) {
case "LambdaExpression":
var expr_t = type.Module.GetType ("System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionCreator`1");
if (expr_t != null) {
MarkNamedMethod (expr_t, "CreateExpressionFunc");
case "System.Linq.Expressions.Interpreter":
switch (type.Name) {
case "LightDelegateCreator":
// TODO: Should be more selective
MarkMethods (type.Module.GetType ("System.Linq.Expressions.Interpreter.LightLambda"));
case "System.Runtime.CompilerServices":
switch (type.Name) {
case "CallSite":
var cs_ops = type.Module.GetType ("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps");
if (cs_ops != null)
MarkMethods (ResolveTypeDefinition (cs_ops));
case "CallSite`1":
MarkNamedMethod (type, "get_Update");
var ud = type.Module.GetType ("System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates");
if (ud != null)
MarkMethods (ResolveTypeDefinition (ud));