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// Copyright 2012-2014, 2016 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using Mono.Tuner;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Xamarin.Linker;
namespace MonoTouch.Tuner {
public class OptimizeGeneratedCodeSubStep : CoreOptimizeGeneratedCode {
bool isdirectbinding_check_required;
public OptimizeGeneratedCodeSubStep (LinkerOptions options)
Options = options;
Console.WriteLine ("OptimizeGeneratedCodeSubStep Arch {0} Device: {1}, EnsureUiThread: {2}, FAT 32+64 {3}", Arch, Device, EnsureUIThread, IsDualBuild);
public int Arch {
get { return Options.Arch; }
public bool Device {
get { return Options.Device; }
public bool EnsureUIThread {
get { return Options.EnsureUIThread; }
public bool IsDualBuild {
get { return Options.IsDualBuild; }
LinkerOptions Options { get; set; }
bool ApplyIntPtrSizeOptimization { get; set; }
protected override void Process (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
// The "get_Size" is a performance (over size) optimization.
// It always makes sense for platform assemblies because:
// * Xamarin.TVOS.dll only ship the 64 bits code paths (all 32 bits code is extra weight better removed)
// * Xamarin.WatchOS.dll only ship the 32 bits code paths (all 64 bits code is extra weight better removed)
// * Xamarin.iOS.dll ship different 32/64 bits versions of the assembly anyway (nint... support)
// Each is better to be optimized (it will be smaller anyway)
// However for fat (32/64) apps (i.e. iOS only right now) the optimization can duplicate the assembly
// (metadata) for 3rd parties binding projects, increasing app size for very minimal performance gains.
// For non-fat apps (the AppStore allows 64bits only iOS apps) then it's better to be applied
// TODO: we could make this an option "optimize for size vs optimize for speed" in the future
ApplyIntPtrSizeOptimization = ((Profile.Current as BaseProfile).ProductAssembly == assembly.Name.Name) || !IsDualBuild;
base.Process (assembly);
protected override void Process (TypeDefinition type)
if (!HasGeneratedCode)
isdirectbinding_check_required = type.IsDirectBindingCheckRequired (LinkContext);
base.Process (type);
protected override void Process (MethodDefinition method)
// special processing on generated methods from NSObject-inherited types
// it would be too risky to apply on user-generated code
if (!method.HasBody || !method.IsGeneratedCode (LinkContext) || (!IsExtensionType && !IsExport (method)))
var instructions = method.Body.Instructions;
for (int i = 0; i < instructions.Count; i++) {
switch (instructions [i].OpCode.Code) {
case Code.Call:
ProcessCalls (method, i);
case Code.Ldsfld:
ProcessLoadStaticField (method, i);
void ProcessCalls (MethodDefinition caller, int i)
var instructions = caller.Body.Instructions;
Instruction ins = instructions [i];
var mr = ins.Operand as MethodReference;
// if it could not be resolved to a definition then it won't be NSObject
if (mr == null)
switch (mr.Name) {
case "IsNewRefcountEnabled":
// note: calling IsNSObject would check inheritance (time consuming)
if (!mr.DeclaringType.Is (Namespaces.Foundation, "NSObject"))
Nop (ins); // call bool MonoTouch.Foundation.NSObject::IsNewRefcountEnabled()
ins = instructions [++i]; // brtrue IL_x
while (ins.OpCode.FlowControl != FlowControl.Cond_Branch)
ins = instructions [++i]; // csc debug IL is quite not optimal as can include an _unneeded_ stloc/ldloc[.x] (ref: #32282)
Instruction branch_to = (ins.Operand as Instruction);
while (ins != branch_to) {
//Console.WriteLine ("\t\t{0}", ins.OpCode.Code);
Nop (ins); // for getters: ldarg.0 + ldloc.0 + stfld
ins = instructions [++i]; // for setters: ldarg.0 + ldarg.1 + stfld
case "EnsureUIThread":
if (EnsureUIThread || !mr.DeclaringType.Is (Namespaces.UIKit, "UIApplication"))
Console.WriteLine ("\t{0} EnsureUIThread {1}", caller, EnsureUIThread);
Nop (ins); // call void MonoTouch.UIKit.UIApplication::EnsureUIThread()
case "get_Size":
if (!ApplyIntPtrSizeOptimization)
// This will optimize code of following code:
// if (IntPtr.Size == 8) { ... } else { ... }
// only if we're linking bindings with architecture specific code paths
if (!mr.DeclaringType.Is ("System", "IntPtr"))
if (!(ins.Next.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_8 && (ins.Next.Next.OpCode == OpCodes.Bne_Un || ins.Next.Next.OpCode == OpCodes.Bne_Un_S)))
Console.WriteLine ("\t{0} get_Size {1} bits", caller, Arch * 8);
// remove conditon check
Nop (ins); // call int32 [mscorlib]System.IntPtr::get_Size()
ins = instructions [++i];
if (ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldc_I4_8) {
Console.WriteLine ("Unexpected code sequence for get_Size: {0}", ins);
break; // unexpected code sequence, bail out
Nop (ins); // ldc.i4.8
ins = instructions [++i];
Instruction bne = (ins.Operand as Instruction);
if (ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Bne_Un && ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Bne_Un_S) {
Console.WriteLine ("Unexpected code sequence for get_Size: {0}", ins);
break; // unexpected code sequence, bail out
Nop (ins); // bne.un XXXX
// remove unused branch
if (Arch == 8) {
ins = bne;
var end = bne.Previous.Operand as Instruction;
if (end == null)
Console.WriteLine ();
// keep 64 bits branch and remove 32 bits branch
while (ins != end && ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Ret && ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Leave && ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Leave_S) {
Nop (ins);
ins = ins.Next;
} else {
// keep 32 bits branch and remove 64 bits branch
ins = instructions [++i];
bne = bne.Previous;
while (ins != bne) {
Nop (ins);
ins = instructions [++i];
Nop (ins);
case "get_IsDirectBinding":
// Unified use a property (getter) to check the condition (while Classic used a field)
if (isdirectbinding_check_required)
if (!mr.DeclaringType.Is (Namespaces.Foundation, "NSObject"))
Console.WriteLine ("NSObject.get_IsDirectBinding called inside {0}", caller);
ProcessIsDirectBinding (caller, ins);
static bool IsField (Instruction ins, string nspace, string type, string field)
FieldReference fr = (ins.Operand as FieldReference);
if (fr.Name != field)
return false;
return fr.DeclaringType.Is (nspace, type);
// https://app.asana.com/0/77259014252/77812690163
void ProcessLoadStaticField (MethodDefinition caller, int i)
var instructions = caller.Body.Instructions;
Instruction ins = instructions [i];
if (!IsField (ins, Namespaces.ObjCRuntime, "Runtime", "Arch"))
Console.WriteLine ("Runtime.Arch checked inside {0}", caller);
Nop (ins); // ldsfld valuetype MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Arch MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime::Arch
ins = instructions [++i];
Instruction branch_to = null;
if (Device) {
// a direct brtrue IL_x (optimal) or a longer sequence to compare (likely csc without /optimize)
while (ins.OpCode.FlowControl != FlowControl.Cond_Branch) {
Nop (ins);
ins = instructions [++i];
Instruction start = (ins.Operand as Instruction);
Nop (ins); // brtrue IL_x
ins = start;
branch_to = (ins.Previous.Operand as Instruction);
} else {
branch_to = (ins.Operand as Instruction);
// remove unused (device or simulator) block
while (ins != branch_to) {
Nop (ins);
ins = ins.Next;
static void ProcessIsDirectBinding (MethodDefinition caller, Instruction ins)
Nop (ins.Previous); // ldarg.0
Nop (ins); // ldfld MonoTouch.Foundation.IsDirectBinding
Instruction next = ins.Next; // brfalse IL_x (SuperHandle processing)
Instruction end = null;
// unoptimized compiled code can produce a (unneeded) store/load combo
while (next.OpCode.FlowControl != FlowControl.Cond_Branch) {
Nop (next);
next = next.Next;
ins = (next.Operand as Instruction).Previous; // br end (ret)
if (ins.OpCode.Code == Code.Ret) { // if there's not branch but it returns immediately then do not remove the 'ret' instruction
ins = ins.Next;
end = (ins.Operand as Instruction); // ret
} else if (ins.OpCode.Code == Code.Leave) { // if there's a try/catch, e.g. for a using like "using (x = new NSAutoreleasePool ())"
ins = ins.Next;
end = caller.Body.ExceptionHandlers [0].TryEnd; // leave
} else {
end = (ins.Operand as Instruction); // ret
Nop (next);
while (ins != end) { // remove the 'else' branch
Nop (ins);
ins = ins.Next;