123 строки
4.2 KiB
Executable File
123 строки
4.2 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/csharp -s
// arguments are: <platform> <outputPath> <inputDirectory> <version>
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
var args = Args;
var expectedArgumentCount = 4;
if (args.Length != expectedArgumentCount) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Need {expectedArgumentCount} arguments, got {args.Length}");
Environment.Exit (1);
var idx = 0;
var platform = args [idx++];
var outputPath = args [idx++];
var inputDirectory = args [idx++];
var version = args [idx++];
string upgradeGuid;
switch (platform) {
case "iOS":
upgradeGuid = "e17c20f4-e9a6-445a-915a-dac336097012";
case "tvOS":
upgradeGuid = "951a188f-e59a-4db1-bc42-b3ca47edb4c6";
case "watchOS":
upgradeGuid = "b365f5c9-6bbf-4c66-957a-8868576b4ddc";
case "macOS":
upgradeGuid = "b64a436b-db46-4467-953c-bdcfc592d4da";
Console.Error.WriteLine ($"Need to generate an upgradeGuid for {platform}");
List<string> components = new List<string> ();
Func<string, byte[]> GetHash = (string inputString) =>
using (var algorithm = SHA256.Create ())
return algorithm.ComputeHash (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (inputString));
Func<string, string> GetHashString = (string inputString) =>
var sb = new StringBuilder ("S", 65);
foreach (byte b in GetHash (inputString))
sb.Append (b.ToString ("X2"));
Console.WriteLine ($"{inputString} => {sb.ToString ()}");
return sb.ToString ();
Func<string, string> GetId = (string path) =>
var top_dir = inputDirectory;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (path))
return path;
if (path.Length > top_dir.Length + 1) {
path = path.Substring (top_dir.Length + 1);
return GetHashString (path);
Action<TextWriter, string, string> process = new Action<TextWriter, string, string> ((TextWriter writer, string indent, string directory) =>
var entries = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries (directory);
foreach (var entry in entries) {
var name = Path.GetFileName (entry);
var id = GetId (entry);
if (Directory.Exists (entry)) {
writer.WriteLine ($"{indent} <Directory Id=\"{id}\" Name=\"{name}\">");
process (writer, indent + " ", entry);
writer.WriteLine ($"{indent} </Directory>");
} else {
components.Add (id);
writer.WriteLine ($"{indent} <Component Id=\"{id}\" Guid=\"*\">");
writer.WriteLine ($"{indent} <File Id=\"file_{id}\" Name=\"{name}\" KeyPath=\"yes\" Source=\"{entry}\" />");
writer.WriteLine ($"{indent} </Component>");
using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter (outputPath)) {
writer.WriteLine ($"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
writer.WriteLine ($"<Wix xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi\">");
writer.WriteLine ($" <Product Name=\"Microsoft.NET.Workload.{platform}\" Id=\"*\" Language=\"1033\" Version=\"{version}\" Manufacturer=\"Microsoft\" UpgradeCode=\"{upgradeGuid}\">");
writer.WriteLine ($" <Package Id=\"*\" InstallerVersion=\"200\" Compressed=\"yes\" InstallScope=\"perMachine\" />");
writer.WriteLine ($" <MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage=\"A newer version of [ProductName] is already installed.\"/>");
writer.WriteLine ($" <MediaTemplate EmbedCab=\"yes\"/>");
writer.WriteLine ($" <Feature Id=\"ProductFeature\" Title=\"Microsoft.NET.Workload.{platform}\">");
writer.WriteLine ($" <ComponentGroupRef Id=\"ProductComponents\"/>");
writer.WriteLine ($" </Feature>");
writer.WriteLine ($" </Product>");
writer.WriteLine ($" <Fragment>");
writer.WriteLine ($" <Directory Id=\"TARGETDIR\" Name=\"SourceDir\">");
writer.WriteLine ($" <Directory Id=\"ProgramFiles64Folder\">");
writer.WriteLine ($" <Directory Id=\"dotnet\" Name=\"dotnet\">");
process (writer, " ", inputDirectory);
writer.WriteLine ($" </Directory>");
writer.WriteLine ($" </Directory>");
writer.WriteLine ($" </Directory>");
writer.WriteLine ($" </Fragment>");
writer.WriteLine ($" <Fragment>");
writer.WriteLine ($" <ComponentGroup Id=\"ProductComponents\">");
foreach (var component in components)
writer.WriteLine ($" <ComponentRef Id=\"{component}\"/>");
writer.WriteLine ($" </ComponentGroup>");
writer.WriteLine ($" </Fragment>");
writer.WriteLine ($"</Wix>");
Environment.Exit (0);