
4182 строки
156 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text;
using Xamarin;
using Xamarin.Utils;
using System.Xml;
namespace xharness
public class Jenkins
bool populating = true;
public Harness Harness;
public bool IncludeAll;
public bool IncludeBcl;
public bool IncludeMac = true;
public bool IncludeiOS = true;
public bool IncludeiOS64 = true;
public bool IncludeiOS32 = true;
public bool IncludeiOSExtensions;
public bool ForceExtensionBuildOnly;
public bool IncludetvOS = true;
public bool IncludewatchOS = true;
public bool IncludeMmpTest;
public bool IncludeiOSMSBuild = true;
public bool IncludeMtouch;
public bool IncludeBtouch;
public bool IncludeMacBindingProject;
public bool IncludeSimulator = true;
public bool IncludeOldSimulatorTests;
public bool IncludeDevice;
public bool IncludeXtro;
public bool IncludeDocs;
public bool CleanSuccessfulTestRuns = true;
public bool UninstallTestApp = true;
public Log MainLog;
public Log SimulatorLoadLog;
public Log DeviceLoadLog;
string log_directory;
public string LogDirectory {
get {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (log_directory)) {
log_directory = Path.Combine (Harness.JENKINS_RESULTS_DIRECTORY, "tests");
if (IsServerMode)
log_directory = Path.Combine (log_directory, Harness.Timestamp);
return log_directory;
Logs logs;
public Logs Logs {
get {
return logs ?? (logs = new Logs (LogDirectory));
public Simulators Simulators = new Simulators ();
public Devices Devices = new Devices ();
List<TestTask> Tasks = new List<TestTask> ();
Dictionary<string, MakeTask> DependencyTasks = new Dictionary<string, MakeTask> ();
internal static Resource DesktopResource = new Resource ("Desktop", Environment.ProcessorCount);
internal static Resource NugetResource = new Resource ("Nuget", 1); // nuget is not parallel-safe :(
static Dictionary<string, Resource> device_resources = new Dictionary<string, Resource> ();
internal static Resources GetDeviceResources (IEnumerable<Device> devices)
List<Resource> resources = new List<Resource> ();
lock (device_resources) {
foreach (var device in devices) {
Resource res;
if (!device_resources.TryGetValue (device.UDID, out res))
device_resources.Add (device.UDID, res = new Resource (device.UDID, 1, device.Name));
resources.Add (res);
return new Resources (resources);
Task LoadAsync (ref Log log, ILoadAsync loadable, string name)
loadable.Harness = Harness;
if (log == null)
log = Logs.Create ($"{name}-list-{Harness.Timestamp}.log", $"{name} Listing");
log.Description = $"{name} Listing (in progress)";
var capturedLog = log;
return loadable.LoadAsync (capturedLog, include_locked: false, force: true).ContinueWith ((v) => {
if (v.IsFaulted) {
capturedLog.WriteLine ("Failed to load:");
capturedLog.WriteLine (v.Exception);
capturedLog.Description = $"{name} Listing {v.Exception.Message})";
} else if (v.IsCompleted) {
if (loadable is Devices devices) {
var devicesTypes = new StringBuilder ();
if (devices.Connected32BitIOS.Any ()) {
devicesTypes.Append ("iOS 32 bit");
if (devices.Connected64BitIOS.Any ()) {
devicesTypes.Append (devicesTypes.Length == 0 ? "iOS 64 bit" : ", iOS 64 bit");
if (devices.ConnectedTV.Any ()) {
devicesTypes.Append (devicesTypes.Length == 0 ? "tvOS" : ", tvOS");
if (devices.ConnectedWatch.Any ()) {
devicesTypes.Append (devicesTypes.Length == 0 ? "watchOS" : ", watchOS");
capturedLog.Description = (devicesTypes.Length == 0) ? $"{name} Listing (ok - no devices found)." : $"{name} Listing (ok). Devices types are: {devicesTypes.ToString ()}";
if (loadable is Simulators simulators) {
var simCount = simulators.AvailableDevices.Count ();
capturedLog.Description = ( simCount == 0) ? $"{name} Listing (ok - no simulators found)." : $"{name} Listing (ok - Found {simCount} simulators).";
// Loads both simulators and devices in parallel
Task LoadSimulatorsAndDevicesAsync ()
var devs = LoadAsync (ref DeviceLoadLog, Devices, "Device");
var sims = LoadAsync (ref SimulatorLoadLog, Simulators, "Simulator");
return Task.WhenAll (devs, sims);
AppRunnerTarget[] GetAppRunnerTargets (TestPlatform platform)
switch (platform) {
case TestPlatform.tvOS:
return new AppRunnerTarget [] { AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_tvOS };
case TestPlatform.watchOS:
case TestPlatform.watchOS_32:
case TestPlatform.watchOS_64_32:
return new AppRunnerTarget [] { AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_watchOS };
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified:
return new AppRunnerTarget [] { AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_iOS32, AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_iOS64 };
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified32:
return new AppRunnerTarget [] { AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_iOS32 };
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified64:
case TestPlatform.iOS_TodayExtension64:
return new AppRunnerTarget [] { AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_iOS64 };
throw new NotImplementedException (platform.ToString ());
string GetSimulatorMinVersion (TestPlatform platform)
switch (platform) {
case TestPlatform.iOS:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified:
case TestPlatform.iOS_TodayExtension64:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified32:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified64:
return "iOS " + Xamarin.SdkVersions.MiniOSSimulator;
case TestPlatform.tvOS:
return "tvOS " + Xamarin.SdkVersions.MinTVOSSimulator;
case TestPlatform.watchOS:
case TestPlatform.watchOS_32:
case TestPlatform.watchOS_64_32:
return "watchOS " + Xamarin.SdkVersions.MinWatchOSSimulator;
throw new NotImplementedException (platform.ToString ());
IEnumerable<RunSimulatorTask> CreateRunSimulatorTaskAsync (XBuildTask buildTask)
var runtasks = new List<RunSimulatorTask> ();
AppRunnerTarget [] targets = GetAppRunnerTargets (buildTask.Platform);
TestPlatform [] platforms;
bool [] ignored;
switch (buildTask.Platform) {
case TestPlatform.tvOS:
platforms = new TestPlatform [] { TestPlatform.tvOS };
ignored = new [] { false };
case TestPlatform.watchOS:
platforms = new TestPlatform [] { TestPlatform.watchOS_32 };
ignored = new [] { false };
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified:
platforms = new TestPlatform [] { TestPlatform.iOS_Unified32, TestPlatform.iOS_Unified64 };
ignored = new [] { !IncludeiOS32, false};
case TestPlatform.iOS_TodayExtension64:
targets = new AppRunnerTarget[] { AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_iOS64 };
platforms = new TestPlatform[] { TestPlatform.iOS_TodayExtension64 };
ignored = new [] { false };
throw new NotImplementedException ();
for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++)
runtasks.Add (new RunSimulatorTask (buildTask, Simulators.SelectDevices (targets [i], SimulatorLoadLog, false)) { Platform = platforms [i], Ignored = ignored[i] || buildTask.Ignored });
return runtasks;
bool IsIncluded (TestProject project)
if (!project.IsExecutableProject)
return false;
if (!IncludeBcl && project.IsBclTest)
return false;
if (Harness.IncludeSystemPermissionTests == false && project.Name == "introspection")
return false;
return true;
class TestData
public string Variation;
public string MTouchExtraArgs;
public string MonoBundlingExtraArgs; // mmp
public string KnownFailure;
public bool Debug;
public bool Profiling;
public string LinkMode;
public string Defines;
public string Undefines;
public bool? Ignored;
public bool EnableSGenConc;
public bool UseThumb;
public MonoNativeFlavor MonoNativeFlavor;
public MonoNativeLinkMode MonoNativeLinkMode;
public IEnumerable<IDevice> Candidates;
IEnumerable<TestData> GetTestData (RunTestTask test)
// This function returns additional test configurations (in addition to the default one) for the specific test
MonoNativeFlavor flavor;
switch (test.TestName) {
case "mono-native-compat":
flavor = MonoNativeFlavor.Compat;
case "mono-native-unified":
flavor = MonoNativeFlavor.Unified;
flavor = MonoNativeFlavor.None;
// 32-bit interpreter doesn't work yet: https://github.com/mono/mono/issues/9871
var supports_interpreter = test.Platform != TestPlatform.iOS_Unified32;
var supports_dynamic_registrar_on_device = test.Platform == TestPlatform.iOS_Unified64 || test.Platform == TestPlatform.tvOS;
// arm64_32 is only supported for Release builds for now.
var supports_debug = test.Platform != TestPlatform.watchOS_64_32;
switch (test.ProjectPlatform) {
case "iPhone":
/* we don't add --assembly-build-target=@all=staticobject because that's the default in all our test projects */
if (supports_debug) {
yield return new TestData { Variation = "AssemblyBuildTarget: dylib (debug)", MTouchExtraArgs = $"--assembly-build-target=@all=dynamiclibrary {test.TestProject.MTouchExtraArgs}", Debug = true, Profiling = false, MonoNativeLinkMode = MonoNativeLinkMode.Dynamic, MonoNativeFlavor = flavor };
yield return new TestData { Variation = "AssemblyBuildTarget: SDK framework (debug)", MTouchExtraArgs = $"--assembly-build-target=@sdk=framework=Xamarin.Sdk --assembly-build-target=@all=staticobject {test.TestProject.MTouchExtraArgs}", Debug = true, Profiling = false, MonoNativeLinkMode = MonoNativeLinkMode.Static, MonoNativeFlavor = flavor };
yield return new TestData { Variation = "AssemblyBuildTarget: dylib (debug, profiling)", MTouchExtraArgs = $"--assembly-build-target=@all=dynamiclibrary {test.TestProject.MTouchExtraArgs}", Debug = true, Profiling = true, MonoNativeLinkMode = MonoNativeLinkMode.Dynamic, MonoNativeFlavor = flavor };
yield return new TestData { Variation = "AssemblyBuildTarget: SDK framework (debug, profiling)", MTouchExtraArgs = $"--assembly-build-target=@sdk=framework=Xamarin.Sdk --assembly-build-target=@all=staticobject {test.TestProject.MTouchExtraArgs}", Debug = true, Profiling = true, MonoNativeLinkMode = MonoNativeLinkMode.Static, MonoNativeFlavor = flavor };
if (test.ProjectConfiguration.Contains ("Debug"))
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Release", MTouchExtraArgs = test.TestProject.MTouchExtraArgs, Debug = false, Profiling = false, MonoNativeLinkMode = MonoNativeLinkMode.Static };
if (test.Platform == TestPlatform.iOS_Unified32)
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Release: UseThumb", MTouchExtraArgs = test.TestProject.MTouchExtraArgs, Debug = false, Profiling = false, MonoNativeLinkMode = MonoNativeLinkMode.Static, UseThumb = true };
yield return new TestData { Variation = "AssemblyBuildTarget: SDK framework (release)", MTouchExtraArgs = $"--assembly-build-target=@sdk=framework=Xamarin.Sdk --assembly-build-target=@all=staticobject {test.TestProject.MTouchExtraArgs}", Debug = false, Profiling = false, MonoNativeLinkMode = MonoNativeLinkMode.Static, MonoNativeFlavor = flavor };
switch (test.TestName) {
case "monotouch-test":
if (supports_dynamic_registrar_on_device)
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Debug (dynamic registrar)", MTouchExtraArgs = "--registrar:dynamic", Debug = true, Profiling = false };
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Release (all optimizations)", MTouchExtraArgs = "--registrar:static --optimize:all", Debug = false, Profiling = false, Defines = "OPTIMIZEALL" };
if (supports_debug) {
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Debug (all optimizations)", MTouchExtraArgs = "--registrar:static --optimize:all", Debug = true, Profiling = false, Defines = "OPTIMIZEALL" };
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Debug: SGenConc", MTouchExtraArgs = "", Debug = true, Profiling = false, MonoNativeLinkMode = MonoNativeLinkMode.Static, EnableSGenConc = true};
if (supports_interpreter) {
if (supports_debug) {
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Debug (interpreter)", MTouchExtraArgs = "--interpreter", Debug = true, Profiling = false, Undefines = "FULL_AOT_RUNTIME" };
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Debug (interpreter -mscorlib)", MTouchExtraArgs = "--interpreter=-mscorlib", Debug = true, Profiling = false, Undefines = "FULL_AOT_RUNTIME" };
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Release (interpreter -mscorlib)", MTouchExtraArgs = "--interpreter=-mscorlib", Debug = false, Profiling = false, Undefines = "FULL_AOT_RUNTIME" };
case "mscorlib":
if (supports_debug)
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Debug: SGenConc", MTouchExtraArgs = "", Debug = true, Profiling = false, MonoNativeLinkMode = MonoNativeLinkMode.Static, EnableSGenConc = true};
if (supports_interpreter) {
if (supports_debug) {
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Debug (interpreter)", MTouchExtraArgs = "--interpreter", Debug = true, Profiling = false, Undefines = "FULL_AOT_RUNTIME", KnownFailure = "<a href='https://github.com/xamarin/maccore/issues/1683'>#1683</a>" };
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Debug (interpreter -mscorlib)", MTouchExtraArgs = "--interpreter=-mscorlib", Debug = true, Profiling = false, Undefines = "FULL_AOT_RUNTIME", KnownFailure = "<a href='https://github.com/xamarin/maccore/issues/1682'>#1682</a>" };
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Release (interpreter -mscorlib)", MTouchExtraArgs = "--interpreter=-mscorlib", Debug = false, Profiling = false, Undefines = "FULL_AOT_RUNTIME", KnownFailure = "<a href='https://github.com/xamarin/maccore/issues/1682'>#1682</a>" };
case "iPhoneSimulator":
switch (test.TestName) {
case "monotouch-test":
// The default is to run monotouch-test with the dynamic registrar (in the simulator), so that's already covered
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Debug (LinkSdk)", Debug = true, Profiling = false, LinkMode = "LinkSdk" };
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Debug (static registrar)", MTouchExtraArgs = "--registrar:static", Debug = true, Profiling = false, Undefines = "DYNAMIC_REGISTRAR" };
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Release (all optimizations)", MTouchExtraArgs = "--registrar:static --optimize:all", Debug = false, Profiling = false, LinkMode = "Full", Defines = "OPTIMIZEALL", Undefines = "DYNAMIC_REGISTRAR" };
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Debug (all optimizations)", MTouchExtraArgs = "--registrar:static --optimize:all,-remove-uithread-checks", Debug = true, Profiling = false, LinkMode = "Full", Defines = "OPTIMIZEALL", Undefines = "DYNAMIC_REGISTRAR", Ignored = !IncludeAll };
case "introspection":
foreach (var target in GetAppRunnerTargets (test.Platform))
yield return new TestData {
Variation = $"Debug ({GetSimulatorMinVersion (test.Platform)})",
Debug = true,
Candidates = Simulators.SelectDevices (target, SimulatorLoadLog, true),
Ignored = !IncludeOldSimulatorTests,
case "AnyCPU":
case "x86":
switch (test.TestName) {
case "xammac tests":
switch (test.ProjectConfiguration) {
case "Release":
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Release (all optimizations)", MonoBundlingExtraArgs = "--registrar:static --optimize:all", Debug = false, LinkMode = "Full", Defines = "OPTIMIZEALL"};
case "Debug":
yield return new TestData { Variation = "Debug (all optimizations)", MonoBundlingExtraArgs = "--registrar:static --optimize:all,-remove-uithread-checks", Debug = true, LinkMode = "Full", Defines = "OPTIMIZEALL", Ignored = !IncludeAll };
throw new NotImplementedException (test.ProjectPlatform);
IEnumerable<T> CreateTestVariations<T> (IEnumerable<T> tests, Func<XBuildTask, T, IEnumerable<IDevice>, T> creator) where T: RunTestTask
foreach (var task in tests) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (task.Variation))
task.Variation = task.ProjectConfiguration.Contains ("Debug") ? "Debug" : "Release";
var rv = new List<T> (tests);
foreach (var task in tests.ToArray ()) {
foreach (var test_data in GetTestData (task)) {
var variation = test_data.Variation;
var mtouch_extra_args = test_data.MTouchExtraArgs;
var bundling_extra_args = test_data.MonoBundlingExtraArgs;
var configuration = test_data.Debug ? task.ProjectConfiguration : task.ProjectConfiguration.Replace ("Debug", "Release");
var debug = test_data.Debug;
var profiling = test_data.Profiling;
var link_mode = test_data.LinkMode;
var defines = test_data.Defines;
var undefines = test_data.Undefines;
var ignored = test_data.Ignored;
var known_failure = test_data.KnownFailure;
var candidates = test_data.Candidates;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (known_failure))
ignored = true;
var clone = task.TestProject.Clone ();
var clone_task = Task.Run (async () => {
await task.BuildTask.InitialTask; // this is the project cloning above
await clone.CreateCopyAsync (task);
var isMac = false;
var canSymlink = false;
switch (task.Platform) {
case TestPlatform.Mac:
case TestPlatform.Mac_Modern:
case TestPlatform.Mac_Full:
case TestPlatform.Mac_System:
isMac = true;
case TestPlatform.iOS:
case TestPlatform.iOS_TodayExtension64:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified32:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified64:
canSymlink = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (mtouch_extra_args))
clone.Xml.AddExtraMtouchArgs (mtouch_extra_args, task.ProjectPlatform, configuration);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (bundling_extra_args))
clone.Xml.AddMonoBundlingExtraArgs (bundling_extra_args, task.ProjectPlatform, configuration);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (link_mode))
clone.Xml.SetNode (isMac ? "LinkMode" : "MtouchLink", link_mode, task.ProjectPlatform, configuration);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (defines)) {
clone.Xml.AddAdditionalDefines (defines, task.ProjectPlatform, configuration);
if (clone.ProjectReferences != null) {
foreach (var pr in clone.ProjectReferences) {
pr.Xml.AddAdditionalDefines (defines, task.ProjectPlatform, configuration);
pr.Xml.Save (pr.Path);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (undefines)) {
clone.Xml.RemoveDefines (undefines, task.ProjectPlatform, configuration);
if (clone.ProjectReferences != null) {
foreach (var pr in clone.ProjectReferences) {
pr.Xml.RemoveDefines (undefines, task.ProjectPlatform, configuration);
pr.Xml.Save (pr.Path);
clone.Xml.SetNode (isMac ? "Profiling" : "MTouchProfiling", profiling ? "True" : "False", task.ProjectPlatform, configuration);
if (test_data.MonoNativeFlavor != MonoNativeFlavor.None) {
var mono_native_link = test_data.MonoNativeLinkMode;
if (!canSymlink && mono_native_link == MonoNativeLinkMode.Symlink)
mono_native_link = MonoNativeLinkMode.Static;
MonoNativeHelper.AddProjectDefines (clone.Xml, test_data.MonoNativeFlavor, mono_native_link, task.ProjectPlatform, configuration);
if (test_data.EnableSGenConc)
clone.Xml.SetNode ("MtouchEnableSGenConc", "true", task.ProjectPlatform, configuration);
if (test_data.UseThumb) // no need to check the platform, already done at the data iterator
clone.Xml.SetNode ("MtouchUseThumb", "true", task.ProjectPlatform, configuration);
if (!debug && !isMac)
clone.Xml.SetMtouchUseLlvm (true, task.ProjectPlatform, configuration);
clone.Xml.Save (clone.Path);
var build = new XBuildTask {
Jenkins = this,
TestProject = clone,
ProjectConfiguration = configuration,
ProjectPlatform = task.ProjectPlatform,
Platform = task.Platform,
InitialTask = clone_task,
TestName = clone.Name,
T newVariation = creator (build, task, candidates);
newVariation.Variation = variation;
newVariation.Ignored = ignored ?? task.Ignored;
newVariation.BuildOnly = task.BuildOnly;
newVariation.TimeoutMultiplier = task.TimeoutMultiplier;
newVariation.KnownFailure = known_failure;
rv.Add (newVariation);
return rv;
async Task<IEnumerable<TestTask>> CreateRunSimulatorTasksAsync ()
var runSimulatorTasks = new List<RunSimulatorTask> ();
foreach (var project in Harness.IOSTestProjects) {
if (!project.IsExecutableProject)
bool ignored = !IncludeSimulator;
if (!IsIncluded (project))
ignored = true;
var ps = new List<Tuple<TestProject, TestPlatform, bool>> ();
if (!project.SkipiOSVariation)
ps.Add (new Tuple<TestProject, TestPlatform, bool> (project, TestPlatform.iOS_Unified, ignored || !IncludeiOS64));
if (project.MonoNativeInfo != null)
ps.Add (new Tuple<TestProject, TestPlatform, bool> (project, TestPlatform.iOS_TodayExtension64, ignored || !IncludeiOS64));
if (!project.SkiptvOSVariation)
ps.Add (new Tuple<TestProject, TestPlatform, bool> (project.AsTvOSProject (), TestPlatform.tvOS, ignored || !IncludetvOS));
if (!project.SkipwatchOSVariation)
ps.Add (new Tuple<TestProject, TestPlatform, bool> (project.AsWatchOSProject (), TestPlatform.watchOS, ignored || !IncludewatchOS));
var configurations = project.Configurations;
if (configurations == null)
configurations = new string [] { "Debug" };
foreach (var config in configurations) {
foreach (var pair in ps) {
var derived = new XBuildTask () {
Jenkins = this,
ProjectConfiguration = config,
ProjectPlatform = "iPhoneSimulator",
Platform = pair.Item2,
Ignored = pair.Item3,
TestName = project.Name,
Dependency = project.Dependency,
derived.CloneTestProject (pair.Item1);
var simTasks = CreateRunSimulatorTaskAsync (derived);
runSimulatorTasks.AddRange (simTasks);
foreach (var task in simTasks) {
if (configurations.Length > 1)
task.Variation = config;
task.TimeoutMultiplier = project.TimeoutMultiplier;
var testVariations = CreateTestVariations (runSimulatorTasks, (buildTask, test, candidates) => new RunSimulatorTask (buildTask, candidates?.Cast<SimDevice> () ?? test.Candidates)).ToList ();
foreach (var tv in testVariations) {
if (!tv.Ignored)
await tv.FindSimulatorAsync ();
var rv = new List<AggregatedRunSimulatorTask> ();
foreach (var taskGroup in testVariations.GroupBy ((RunSimulatorTask task) => task.Device?.UDID ?? task.Candidates.ToString ())) {
rv.Add (new AggregatedRunSimulatorTask (taskGroup) {
Jenkins = this,
TestName = $"Tests for {taskGroup.Key}",
return rv;
async Task<IEnumerable<TestTask>> CreateRunDeviceTasksAsync ()
var rv = new List<RunDeviceTask> ();
var projectTasks = new List<RunDeviceTask> ();
foreach (var project in Harness.IOSTestProjects) {
if (!project.IsExecutableProject)
bool ignored = !IncludeDevice;
if (!IsIncluded (project))
ignored = true;
projectTasks.Clear ();
if (!project.SkipiOSVariation) {
var build64 = new XBuildTask {
Jenkins = this,
ProjectConfiguration = "Debug64",
ProjectPlatform = "iPhone",
Platform = TestPlatform.iOS_Unified64,
TestName = project.Name,
build64.CloneTestProject (project);
projectTasks.Add (new RunDeviceTask (build64, Devices.Connected64BitIOS.Where (d => d.IsSupported (project))) { Ignored = !IncludeiOS64 });
var build32 = new XBuildTask {
Jenkins = this,
ProjectConfiguration = "Debug32",
ProjectPlatform = "iPhone",
Platform = TestPlatform.iOS_Unified32,
TestName = project.Name,
build32.CloneTestProject (project);
projectTasks.Add (new RunDeviceTask (build32, Devices.Connected32BitIOS.Where (d => d.IsSupported (project))) { Ignored = !IncludeiOS32 });
var todayProject = project.AsTodayExtensionProject ();
var buildToday = new XBuildTask {
Jenkins = this,
ProjectConfiguration = "Debug64",
ProjectPlatform = "iPhone",
Platform = TestPlatform.iOS_TodayExtension64,
TestName = project.Name,
buildToday.CloneTestProject (todayProject);
projectTasks.Add (new RunDeviceTask (buildToday, Devices.Connected64BitIOS.Where (d => d.IsSupported (project))) { Ignored = !IncludeiOSExtensions, BuildOnly = ForceExtensionBuildOnly });
if (!project.SkiptvOSVariation) {
var tvOSProject = project.AsTvOSProject ();
var buildTV = new XBuildTask {
Jenkins = this,
ProjectConfiguration = "Debug",
ProjectPlatform = "iPhone",
Platform = TestPlatform.tvOS,
TestName = project.Name,
buildTV.CloneTestProject (tvOSProject);
projectTasks.Add (new RunDeviceTask (buildTV, Devices.ConnectedTV.Where (d => d.IsSupported (project))) { Ignored = !IncludetvOS });
if (!project.SkipwatchOSVariation) {
var watchOSProject = project.AsWatchOSProject ();
if (!project.SkipwatchOS32Variation) {
var buildWatch32 = new XBuildTask {
Jenkins = this,
ProjectConfiguration = "Debug32",
ProjectPlatform = "iPhone",
Platform = TestPlatform.watchOS_32,
TestName = project.Name,
buildWatch32.CloneTestProject (watchOSProject);
projectTasks.Add (new RunDeviceTask (buildWatch32, Devices.ConnectedWatch) { Ignored = !IncludewatchOS });
if (!project.SkipwatchOSARM64_32Variation) {
var buildWatch64_32 = new XBuildTask {
Jenkins = this,
ProjectConfiguration = "Release64_32", // We don't support Debug for ARM64_32 yet.
ProjectPlatform = "iPhone",
Platform = TestPlatform.watchOS_64_32,
TestName = project.Name,
buildWatch64_32.CloneTestProject (watchOSProject);
projectTasks.Add (new RunDeviceTask (buildWatch64_32, Devices.ConnectedWatch32_64.Where (d => d.IsSupported (project))) { Ignored = !IncludewatchOS });
foreach (var task in projectTasks) {
task.TimeoutMultiplier = project.TimeoutMultiplier;
task.BuildOnly |= project.BuildOnly;
task.Ignored |= ignored;
rv.AddRange (projectTasks);
return CreateTestVariations (rv, (buildTask, test, candidates) => new RunDeviceTask (buildTask, candidates?.Cast<Device> () ?? test.Candidates));
static string AddSuffixToPath (string path, string suffix)
return Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (path), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (path) + suffix + Path.GetExtension (path));
void SelectTests ()
int pull_request;
if (!int.TryParse (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("ghprbPullId"), out pull_request))
MainLog.WriteLine ("The environment variable 'ghprbPullId' was not found, so no pull requests will be checked for test selection.");
// First check if can auto-select any tests based on which files were modified.
// This will only enable additional tests, never disable tests.
if (pull_request > 0)
SelectTestsByModifiedFiles (pull_request);
// Then we check for labels. Labels are manually set, so those override
// whatever we did automatically.
SelectTestsByLabel (pull_request);
DisableKnownFailingDeviceTests ();
if (!Harness.INCLUDE_IOS) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("The iOS build is disabled, so any iOS tests will be disabled as well.");
IncludeiOS = false;
IncludeiOS64 = false;
IncludeiOS32 = false;
if (!Harness.INCLUDE_WATCH) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("The watchOS build is disabled, so any watchOS tests will be disabled as well.");
IncludewatchOS = false;
if (!Harness.INCLUDE_TVOS) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("The tvOS build is disabled, so any tvOS tests will be disabled as well.");
IncludetvOS = false;
if (!Harness.INCLUDE_MAC) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("The macOS build is disabled, so any macOS tests will be disabled as well.");
IncludeMac = false;
void DisableKnownFailingDeviceTests ()
// https://github.com/xamarin/maccore/issues/1008
ForceExtensionBuildOnly = true;
void SelectTestsByModifiedFiles (int pull_request)
var files = GitHub.GetModifiedFiles (Harness, pull_request);
MainLog.WriteLine ("Found {0} modified file(s) in the pull request #{1}.", files.Count (), pull_request);
foreach (var f in files)
MainLog.WriteLine (" {0}", f);
// We select tests based on a prefix of the modified files.
// Add entries here to check for more prefixes.
var mtouch_prefixes = new string [] {
var mmp_prefixes = new string [] {
var bcl_prefixes = new string [] {
var btouch_prefixes = new string [] {
var mac_binding_project = new string [] {
}.Intersect (btouch_prefixes).ToArray ();
var xtro_prefixes = new string [] {
SetEnabled (files, mtouch_prefixes, "mtouch", ref IncludeMtouch);
SetEnabled (files, mmp_prefixes, "mmp", ref IncludeMmpTest);
SetEnabled (files, bcl_prefixes, "bcl", ref IncludeBcl);
SetEnabled (files, btouch_prefixes, "btouch", ref IncludeBtouch);
SetEnabled (files, mac_binding_project, "mac-binding-project", ref IncludeMacBindingProject);
SetEnabled (files, xtro_prefixes, "xtro", ref IncludeXtro);
void SetEnabled (IEnumerable<string> files, string [] prefixes, string testname, ref bool value)
foreach (var file in files) {
foreach (var prefix in prefixes) {
if (file.StartsWith (prefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
value = true;
MainLog.WriteLine ("Enabled '{0}' tests because the modified file '{1}' matches prefix '{2}'", testname, file, prefix);
void SelectTestsByLabel (int pull_request)
var labels = new HashSet<string> ();
if (Harness.Labels.Any ()) {
labels.UnionWith (Harness.Labels);
MainLog.WriteLine ($"{Harness.Labels.Count} label(s) were passed on the command line.");
} else {
MainLog.WriteLine ($"No labels were passed on the command line.");
if (pull_request > 0) {
var lbls = GitHub.GetLabels (Harness, pull_request);
if (lbls.Any ()) {
labels.UnionWith (lbls);
MainLog.WriteLine ($"Found {lbls.Count ()} label(s) in the pull request #{pull_request}: {string.Join (", ", lbls)}");
} else {
MainLog.WriteLine ($"No labels were found in the pull request #{pull_request}.");
var env_labels = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("XHARNESS_LABELS");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (env_labels)) {
var lbls = env_labels.Split (new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
labels.UnionWith (lbls);
MainLog.WriteLine ($"Found {lbls.Count ()} label(s) in the environment variable XHARNESS_LABELS: {string.Join (", ", lbls)}");
} else {
MainLog.WriteLine ($"No labels were in the environment variable XHARNESS_LABELS.");
MainLog.WriteLine ($"In total found {labels.Count ()} label(s): {string.Join (", ", labels.ToArray ())}");
// disabled by default
SetEnabled (labels, "mtouch", ref IncludeMtouch);
SetEnabled (labels, "mmp", ref IncludeMmpTest);
SetEnabled (labels, "bcl", ref IncludeBcl);
SetEnabled (labels, "btouch", ref IncludeBtouch);
SetEnabled (labels, "mac-binding-project", ref IncludeMacBindingProject);
SetEnabled (labels, "ios-extensions", ref IncludeiOSExtensions);
SetEnabled (labels, "device", ref IncludeDevice);
SetEnabled (labels, "xtro", ref IncludeXtro);
SetEnabled (labels, "old-simulator", ref IncludeOldSimulatorTests);
SetEnabled (labels, "all", ref IncludeAll);
// enabled by default
SetEnabled (labels, "ios-32", ref IncludeiOS32);
SetEnabled (labels, "ios-64", ref IncludeiOS64);
SetEnabled (labels, "ios", ref IncludeiOS); // Needs to be set after `ios-32` and `ios-64` (because it can reset them)
SetEnabled (labels, "tvos", ref IncludetvOS);
SetEnabled (labels, "watchos", ref IncludewatchOS);
SetEnabled (labels, "mac", ref IncludeMac);
SetEnabled (labels, "ios-msbuild", ref IncludeiOSMSBuild);
SetEnabled (labels, "ios-simulator", ref IncludeSimulator);
bool inc_permission_tests = false;
if (SetEnabled (labels, "system-permission", ref inc_permission_tests))
Harness.IncludeSystemPermissionTests = inc_permission_tests;
// docs is a bit special:
// - can only be executed if the Xamarin-specific parts of the build is enabled
// - enabled by default if the current branch is master (or, for a pull request, if the target branch is master)
var changed = SetEnabled (labels, "docs", ref IncludeDocs);
if (Harness.ENABLE_XAMARIN) {
if (!changed) { // don't override any value set using labels
var branchName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("BRANCH_NAME");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (branchName)) {
IncludeDocs = branchName == "master";
if (IncludeDocs)
MainLog.WriteLine ("Enabled 'docs' tests because the current branch is 'master'.");
} else if (pull_request > 0) {
IncludeDocs = GitHub.GetPullRequestTargetBranch (Harness, pull_request) == "master";
if (IncludeDocs)
MainLog.WriteLine ("Enabled 'docs' tests because the target branch is 'master'.");
} else {
if (IncludeDocs) {
IncludeDocs = false; // could have been enabled by 'run-all-tests', so disable it if we can't run it.
MainLog.WriteLine ("Disabled 'docs' tests because the Xamarin-specific parts of the build are not enabled.");
// old simulator tests is also a bit special:
// - enabled by default if using a beta Xcode, otherwise disabled by default
changed = SetEnabled (labels, "old-simulator", ref IncludeOldSimulatorTests);
if (!changed && Harness.IsBetaXcode) {
IncludeOldSimulatorTests = true;
MainLog.WriteLine ("Enabled 'old-simulator' tests because we're using a beta Xcode.");
// Returns true if the value was changed.
bool SetEnabled (HashSet<string> labels, string testname, ref bool value)
if (labels.Contains ("skip-" + testname + "-tests")) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("Disabled '{0}' tests because the label 'skip-{0}-tests' is set.", testname);
if (testname == "ios")
IncludeiOS32 = IncludeiOS64 = false;
value = false;
return true;
} else if (labels.Contains ("run-" + testname + "-tests")) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("Enabled '{0}' tests because the label 'run-{0}-tests' is set.", testname);
if (testname == "ios")
IncludeiOS32 = IncludeiOS64 = true;
value = true;
return true;
} else if (labels.Contains ("skip-all-tests")) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("Disabled '{0}' tests because the label 'skip-all-tests' is set.", testname);
value = false;
return true;
} else if (labels.Contains ("run-all-tests")) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("Enabled '{0}' tests because the label 'run-all-tests' is set.", testname);
value = true;
return true;
// respect any default value
return false;
async Task PopulateTasksAsync ()
// Missing:
// api-diff
SelectTests ();
LoadSimulatorsAndDevicesAsync ().DoNotAwait ();
var loadsim = CreateRunSimulatorTasksAsync ()
.ContinueWith ((v) => { Console.WriteLine ("Simulator tasks created"); Tasks.AddRange (v.Result); });
//Tasks.AddRange (await CreateRunSimulatorTasksAsync ());
var buildiOSMSBuild = new XBuildTask ()
Jenkins = this,
TestProject = new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "..", "msbuild", "Xamarin.MacDev.Tasks.sln"))),
SpecifyPlatform = false,
SpecifyConfiguration = false,
Platform = TestPlatform.iOS,
UseMSBuild = true,
var nunitExecutioniOSMSBuild = new NUnitExecuteTask (buildiOSMSBuild)
TestLibrary = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "..", "msbuild", "tests", "bin", "Xamarin.iOS.Tasks.Tests.dll"),
TestProject = new TestProject (Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (buildiOSMSBuild.TestProject.Path), "tests", "Xamarin.iOS.Tasks.Tests", "Xamarin.iOS.Tasks.Tests.csproj")),
Platform = TestPlatform.iOS,
TestName = "MSBuild tests",
Mode = "iOS",
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (60),
Ignored = !IncludeiOSMSBuild,
Tasks.Add (nunitExecutioniOSMSBuild);
var buildInstallSources = new XBuildTask ()
Jenkins = this,
TestProject = new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "..", "tools", "install-source", "InstallSourcesTests", "InstallSourcesTests.csproj"))),
SpecifyPlatform = false,
SpecifyConfiguration = false,
Platform = TestPlatform.iOS,
buildInstallSources.SolutionPath = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "..", "tools", "install-source", "install-source.sln")); // this is required for nuget restore to be executed
var nunitExecutionInstallSource = new NUnitExecuteTask (buildInstallSources)
TestLibrary = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "..", "tools", "install-source", "InstallSourcesTests", "bin", "Release", "InstallSourcesTests.dll"),
TestProject = buildInstallSources.TestProject,
Platform = TestPlatform.iOS,
TestName = "Install Sources tests",
Mode = "iOS",
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (60),
Ignored = !IncludeMac && !IncludeSimulator,
Tasks.Add (nunitExecutionInstallSource);
foreach (var project in Harness.MacTestProjects) {
bool ignored = !IncludeMac;
if (!IncludeMmpTest && project.Path.Contains ("mmptest"))
ignored = true;
if (!IsIncluded (project))
ignored = true;
var configurations = project.Configurations;
if (configurations == null)
configurations = new string [] { "Debug" };
TestPlatform platform;
switch (project.TargetFrameworkFlavors) {
case MacFlavors.Console:
platform = TestPlatform.Mac;
case MacFlavors.Full:
platform = TestPlatform.Mac_Full;
case MacFlavors.Modern:
platform = TestPlatform.Mac_Modern;
case MacFlavors.System:
platform = TestPlatform.Mac_System;
throw new NotImplementedException (project.TargetFrameworkFlavors.ToString ());
foreach (var config in configurations) {
XBuildTask build = new XBuildTask ();
build.Platform = platform;
build.CloneTestProject (project);
build.Jenkins = this;
build.SolutionPath = project.SolutionPath;
build.ProjectConfiguration = config;
build.ProjectPlatform = project.Platform;
build.SpecifyPlatform = false;
build.SpecifyConfiguration = build.ProjectConfiguration != "Debug";
build.Dependency = project.Dependency;
RunTestTask exec;
IEnumerable<RunTestTask> execs;
var ignored_main = ignored;
if (project.IsNUnitProject) {
var dll = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (build.TestProject.Path), project.Xml.GetOutputAssemblyPath (build.ProjectPlatform, build.ProjectConfiguration).Replace ('\\', '/'));
exec = new NUnitExecuteTask (build) {
Ignored = ignored_main,
TestLibrary = dll,
TestProject = project,
Platform = build.Platform,
TestName = project.Name,
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (120),
Mode = "macOS",
execs = new [] { exec };
} else {
exec = new MacExecuteTask (build) {
Ignored = ignored_main,
BCLTest = project.IsBclTest,
TestName = project.Name,
IsUnitTest = true,
execs = CreateTestVariations (new [] { exec }, (buildTask, test, candidates) => new MacExecuteTask (buildTask) { IsUnitTest = true } );
foreach (var e in execs)
e.Variation = config;
Tasks.AddRange (execs);
var buildMTouch = new MakeTask ()
Jenkins = this,
TestProject = new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "mtouch", "mtouch.sln"))),
SpecifyPlatform = false,
SpecifyConfiguration = false,
Platform = TestPlatform.iOS,
Target = "dependencies",
WorkingDirectory = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "mtouch")),
var nunitExecutionMTouch = new NUnitExecuteTask (buildMTouch)
TestLibrary = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "mtouch", "bin", "Debug", "mtouch.dll"),
TestProject = new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "mtouch", "mtouch.csproj"))),
Platform = TestPlatform.iOS,
TestName = "MTouch tests",
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (180),
Ignored = !IncludeMtouch,
InProcess = true,
Tasks.Add (nunitExecutionMTouch);
var buildGenerator = new MakeTask {
Jenkins = this,
TestProject = new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "..", "src", "generator.sln"))),
SpecifyPlatform = false,
SpecifyConfiguration = false,
Platform = TestPlatform.iOS,
Target = "build-unit-tests",
WorkingDirectory = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "generator")),
var runGenerator = new NUnitExecuteTask (buildGenerator) {
TestLibrary = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "generator", "bin", "Debug", "generator-tests.dll"),
TestProject = new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "generator", "generator-tests.csproj"))),
Platform = TestPlatform.iOS,
TestName = "Generator tests",
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (10),
Ignored = !IncludeBtouch,
Tasks.Add (runGenerator);
var run_mmp = new MakeTask
Jenkins = this,
Platform = TestPlatform.Mac,
TestName = "MMP Regression Tests",
Target = "all", // -j" + Environment.ProcessorCount,
WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "mmptest", "regression"),
Ignored = !IncludeMmpTest || !IncludeMac,
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (30),
SupportsParallelExecution = false, // Already doing parallel execution by running "make -jX"
run_mmp.CompletedTask = new Task (() =>
foreach (var log in Directory.GetFiles (Path.GetFullPath (run_mmp.WorkingDirectory), "*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
run_mmp.Logs.AddFile (log, log.Substring (run_mmp.WorkingDirectory.Length + 1));
run_mmp.Environment.Add ("BUILD_REVISION", "jenkins"); // This will print "@MonkeyWrench: AddFile: <log path>" lines, which we can use to get the log filenames.
Tasks.Add (run_mmp);
var runMacBindingProject = new MakeTask
Jenkins = this,
Platform = TestPlatform.Mac,
TestName = "Mac Binding Projects",
Target = "all",
WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "mac-binding-project"),
Ignored = !IncludeMacBindingProject || !IncludeMac,
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (15),
Tasks.Add (runMacBindingProject);
var buildXtroTests = new MakeTask {
Jenkins = this,
Platform = TestPlatform.All,
TestName = "Xtro",
Target = "wrench",
WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "xtro-sharpie"),
Ignored = !IncludeXtro,
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (15),
var runXtroReporter = new RunXtroTask (buildXtroTests) {
Jenkins = this,
Platform = TestPlatform.Mac,
TestName = buildXtroTests.TestName,
Ignored = buildXtroTests.Ignored,
WorkingDirectory = buildXtroTests.WorkingDirectory,
Tasks.Add (runXtroReporter);
var runDocsTests = new MakeTask {
Jenkins = this,
Platform = TestPlatform.All,
TestName = "Documentation",
Target = "wrench-docs",
WorkingDirectory = Harness.RootDirectory,
Ignored = !IncludeDocs,
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (45),
Tasks.Add (runDocsTests);
var buildSampleTests = new XBuildTask {
Jenkins = this,
TestProject = new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "sampletester", "sampletester.sln"))),
SpecifyPlatform = false,
Platform = TestPlatform.All,
ProjectConfiguration = "Debug",
var runSampleTests = new NUnitExecuteTask (buildSampleTests) {
TestLibrary = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "sampletester", "bin", "Debug", "sampletester.dll"),
TestProject = new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "sampletester", "sampletester.csproj"))),
Platform = TestPlatform.All,
TestName = "Sample tests",
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromDays (1), // These can take quite a while to execute.
InProcess = true,
Ignored = true, // Ignored by default, can be run manually. On CI will execute if the label 'run-sample-tests' is present on a PR (but in Azure Devops on a different bot).
Tasks.Add (runSampleTests);
var loaddev = CreateRunDeviceTasksAsync ().ContinueWith ((v) => {
Console.WriteLine ("Got device tasks completed");
Tasks.AddRange (v.Result);
Task.WaitAll (loadsim, loaddev);
async Task ExecutePeriodicCommandAsync (Log periodic_loc)
periodic_loc.WriteLine ($"Starting periodic task with interval {Harness.PeriodicCommandInterval.TotalMinutes} minutes.");
while (true) {
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew ();
using (var process = new Process ()) {
process.StartInfo.FileName = Harness.PeriodicCommand;
process.StartInfo.Arguments = Harness.PeriodicCommandArguments;
var rv = await process.RunAsync (periodic_loc, timeout: Harness.PeriodicCommandInterval);
if (!rv.Succeeded)
periodic_loc.WriteLine ($"Periodic command failed with exit code {rv.ExitCode} (Timed out: {rv.TimedOut})");
var ticksLeft = watch.ElapsedTicks - Harness.PeriodicCommandInterval.Ticks;
if (ticksLeft < 0)
ticksLeft = Harness.PeriodicCommandInterval.Ticks;
var wait = TimeSpan.FromTicks (ticksLeft);
await Task.Delay (wait);
public int Run ()
try {
Directory.CreateDirectory (LogDirectory);
Log log = Logs.Create ($"Harness-{Harness.Timestamp}.log", "Harness log");
if (Harness.InWrench)
log = Log.CreateAggregatedLog (log, new ConsoleLog ());
Harness.HarnessLog = MainLog = log;
var tasks = new List<Task> ();
if (IsServerMode)
tasks.Add (RunTestServer ());
if (Harness.InJenkins) {
Task.Factory.StartNew (async () => {
while (true) {
await Task.Delay (TimeSpan.FromMinutes (10));
Console.WriteLine ("Still running tests. Please be patient.");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Harness.PeriodicCommand)) {
var periodic_log = Logs.Create ("PeriodicCommand.log", "Periodic command log");
Task.Run (async () => await ExecutePeriodicCommandAsync (periodic_log));
Task.Run (async () =>
await SimDevice.KillEverythingAsync (MainLog);
await PopulateTasksAsync ();
populating = false;
}).Wait ();
GenerateReport ();
BuildTestLibraries ();
if (!IsServerMode) {
foreach (var task in Tasks)
tasks.Add (task.RunAsync ());
Task.WaitAll (tasks.ToArray ());
GenerateReport ();
return Tasks.Any ((v) => v.Failed || v.DeviceNotFound) ? 1 : 0;
} catch (Exception ex) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("Unexpected exception: {0}", ex);
Console.WriteLine ("Unexpected exception: {0}", ex);
return 2;
public bool IsServerMode {
get { return Harness.JenkinsConfiguration == "server"; }
void BuildTestLibraries ()
ProcessHelper.ExecuteCommandAsync ("make", new [] { "all", $"-j{Environment.ProcessorCount}", "-C", Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "test-libraries") }, MainLog, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (10)).Wait ();
Task RunTestServer ()
var server = new HttpListener ();
// Try and find an unused port
int attemptsLeft = 50;
int port = 51234; // Try this port first, to try to not vary between runs just because.
Random r = new Random ((int) DateTime.Now.Ticks);
while (attemptsLeft-- > 0) {
var newPort = port != 0 ? port : r.Next (49152, 65535); // The suggested range for dynamic ports is 49152-65535 (IANA)
server.Prefixes.Clear ();
server.Prefixes.Add ("http://*:" + newPort + "/");
try {
server.Start ();
port = newPort;
} catch (Exception ex) {
MainLog.WriteLine ("Failed to listen on port {0}: {1}", newPort, ex.Message);
port = 0;
MainLog.WriteLine ($"Created server on localhost:{port}");
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> ();
var thread = new System.Threading.Thread (() =>
while (server.IsListening) {
var context = server.GetContext ();
var request = context.Request;
var response = context.Response;
var arguments = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString (request.Url.Query);
try {
var allTasks = Tasks.SelectMany ((v) =>
var rv = new List<TestTask> ();
var runsim = v as AggregatedRunSimulatorTask;
if (runsim != null)
rv.AddRange (runsim.Tasks);
rv.Add (v);
return rv;
IEnumerable<TestTask> find_tasks (StreamWriter writer, string ids)
IEnumerable<TestTask> tasks;
switch (request.Url.Query) {
case "?all":
tasks = Tasks;
case "?selected":
tasks = allTasks.Where ((v) => !v.Ignored);
case "?failed":
tasks = allTasks.Where ((v) => v.Failed);
case "?":
writer.WriteLine ("No tasks specified");
return Array.Empty<TestTask> ();
var id_inputs = ids.Substring (1).Split (',');
var rv = new List<TestTask> (id_inputs.Length);
foreach (var id_input in id_inputs) {
if (int.TryParse (id_input, out var id)) {
var task = Tasks.FirstOrDefault ((t) => t.ID == id);
if (task == null)
task = Tasks.Where ((v) => v is AggregatedRunSimulatorTask).Cast<AggregatedRunSimulatorTask> ().SelectMany ((v) => v.Tasks).FirstOrDefault ((t) => t.ID == id);
if (task == null) {
writer.WriteLine ($"Could not find test {id}");
} else {
rv.Add (task);
} else {
writer.WriteLine ($"Could not parse {arguments ["id"]}");
tasks = rv;
return tasks;
string serveFile = null;
switch (request.Url.LocalPath) {
case "/":
response.ContentType = System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Text.Html;
GenerateReportImpl (response.OutputStream);
case "/set-option":
response.ContentType = System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain;
switch (request.Url.Query) {
case "?clean":
CleanSuccessfulTestRuns = true;
case "?do-not-clean":
CleanSuccessfulTestRuns = false;
case "?uninstall-test-app":
UninstallTestApp = true;
case "?do-not-uninstall-test-app":
UninstallTestApp = false;
case "?skip-permission-tests":
Harness.IncludeSystemPermissionTests = false;
case "?include-permission-tests":
Harness.IncludeSystemPermissionTests = true;
case "?clear-permission-tests":
Harness.IncludeSystemPermissionTests = null;
throw new NotImplementedException (request.Url.Query);
using (var writer = new StreamWriter (response.OutputStream)) {
writer.WriteLine ("OK");
case "/select":
case "/deselect":
response.ContentType = System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain;
using (var writer = new StreamWriter (response.OutputStream)) {
foreach (var task in allTasks) {
bool? is_match = null;
if (!(task.Ignored || task.NotStarted))
switch (request.Url.Query) {
case "?all":
is_match = true;
case "?all-device":
is_match = task is RunDeviceTask;
case "?all-simulator":
is_match = task is RunSimulatorTask;
case "?all-ios":
switch (task.Platform) {
case TestPlatform.iOS:
case TestPlatform.iOS_TodayExtension64:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified32:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified64:
is_match = true;
if (task.Platform.ToString ().StartsWith ("iOS", StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case "?all-tvos":
switch (task.Platform) {
case TestPlatform.tvOS:
is_match = true;
if (task.Platform.ToString ().StartsWith ("tvOS", StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case "?all-watchos":
switch (task.Platform) {
case TestPlatform.watchOS:
case TestPlatform.watchOS_32:
case TestPlatform.watchOS_64_32:
is_match = true;
if (task.Platform.ToString ().StartsWith ("watchOS", StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw new NotImplementedException ();
case "?all-mac":
switch (task.Platform) {
case TestPlatform.Mac:
case TestPlatform.Mac_Modern:
case TestPlatform.Mac_Full:
case TestPlatform.Mac_System:
is_match = true;
if (task.Platform.ToString ().StartsWith ("Mac", StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw new NotImplementedException ();
writer.WriteLine ("unknown query: {0}", request.Url.Query);
if (request.Url.LocalPath == "/select") {
if (is_match.HasValue && is_match.Value)
task.Ignored = false;
} else if (request.Url.LocalPath == "/deselect") {
if (is_match.HasValue && is_match.Value)
task.Ignored = true;
writer.WriteLine ("OK");
case "/stop":
response.ContentType = System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain;
using (var writer = new StreamWriter (response.OutputStream)) {
foreach (var task in find_tasks (writer, request.Url.Query)) {
if (!task.Waiting) {
writer.WriteLine ($"Test '{task.TestName}' is not in a waiting state.");
} else {
task.Reset ();
writer.WriteLine ("OK");
case "/run":
response.ContentType = System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain;
using (var writer = new StreamWriter (response.OutputStream)) {
// We want to randomize the order the tests are added, so that we don't build first the test for one device,
// then for another, since that would not take advantage of running tests on several devices in parallel.
foreach (var task in find_tasks (writer, request.Url.Query).Shuffle ()) {
if (task.InProgress || task.Waiting) {
writer.WriteLine ($"Test '{task.TestName}' is already executing.");
} else {
task.Reset ();
task.BuildOnly = false;
task.RunAsync ();
writer.WriteLine ("OK");
case "/build":
response.ContentType = System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain;
using (var writer = new StreamWriter (response.OutputStream)) {
foreach (var task in find_tasks (writer, request.Url.Query)) {
if (task.InProgress || task.Waiting) {
writer.WriteLine ($"Test '{task.TestName}' is already executing.");
} else if (task is RunTestTask rtt) {
rtt.Reset ();
rtt.BuildAsync ().ContinueWith ((z) => {
if (rtt.ExecutionResult == TestExecutingResult.Built)
rtt.ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.BuildSucceeded;
} else {
writer.WriteLine ($"Test '{task.TestName}' is not a test that can be only built.");
writer.WriteLine ("OK");
case "/reload-devices":
LoadAsync (ref DeviceLoadLog, Devices, "Device").DoNotAwait ();
case "/reload-simulators":
LoadAsync (ref SimulatorLoadLog, Simulators, "Simulator").DoNotAwait ();
case "/quit":
using (var writer = new StreamWriter (response.OutputStream)) {
writer.WriteLine ("<!DOCTYPE html>");
writer.WriteLine ("<html>");
writer.WriteLine ("<body onload='close ();'>Closing web page...</body>");
writer.WriteLine ("</html>");
server.Stop ();
case "/favicon.ico":
serveFile = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "xharness", "favicon.ico");
goto default;
case "/index.html":
var redirect_to = request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace ("/index.html", "/" + Path.GetFileName (LogDirectory) + "/index.html");
response.Redirect (redirect_to);
var filename = Path.GetFileName (request.Url.LocalPath);
if (filename == "index.html" && Path.GetFileName (LogDirectory) == Path.GetFileName (Path.GetDirectoryName (request.Url.LocalPath))) {
// We're asked for the report for the current test run, so re-generate it.
GenerateReport ();
if (serveFile == null)
serveFile = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (LogDirectory), request.Url.LocalPath.Substring (1));
var path = serveFile;
if (File.Exists (path)) {
var buffer = new byte [4096];
using (var fs = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) {
int read;
response.ContentLength64 = fs.Length;
switch (Path.GetExtension (path).ToLowerInvariant ()) {
case ".html":
response.ContentType = System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Text.Html;
case ".css":
response.ContentType = "text/css";
case ".js":
response.ContentType = "text/javascript";
case ".ico":
response.ContentType = "image/png";
response.ContentType = System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain;
while ((read = fs.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
response.OutputStream.Write (buffer, 0, read);
} else {
Console.WriteLine ($"404: {request.Url.LocalPath}");
response.StatusCode = 404;
response.OutputStream.WriteByte ((byte) '?');
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Console.WriteLine (ioe.Message);
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine (e);
response.Close ();
tcs.SetResult (true);
IsBackground = true,
thread.Start ();
var url = $"http://localhost:{port}/" + Path.GetFileName (LogDirectory) + "/index.html";
Console.WriteLine ($"Launching {url} in the system's default browser.");
Process.Start ("open", url);
return tcs.Task;
string GetTestColor (IEnumerable<TestTask> tests)
if (!tests.Any ())
return "black";
var first = tests.First ();
if (tests.All ((v) => v.ExecutionResult == first.ExecutionResult))
return GetTestColor (first);
if (tests.Any ((v) => v.Crashed))
return "maroon";
else if (tests.Any ((v) => v.TimedOut))
return "purple";
else if (tests.Any ((v) => v.BuildFailure))
return "darkred";
else if (tests.Any ((v) => v.Failed))
return "red";
else if (tests.Any ((v) => v.NotStarted))
return "black";
else if (tests.Any ((v) => v.Ignored))
return "gray";
else if (tests.Any ((v) => v.DeviceNotFound))
return "orangered";
else if (tests.All ((v) => v.BuildSucceeded))
return "lightgreen";
else if (tests.All ((v) => v.Succeeded))
return "green";
return "black";
string GetTestColor (TestTask test)
if (test.NotStarted) {
return "black";
} else if (test.InProgress) {
if (test.Building) {
return "darkblue";
} else if (test.Running) {
return "lightblue";
} else {
return "blue";
} else {
if (test.Crashed) {
return "maroon";
} else if (test.HarnessException) {
return "orange";
} else if (test.TimedOut) {
return "purple";
} else if (test.BuildFailure) {
return "darkred";
} else if (test.Failed) {
return "red";
} else if (test.BuildSucceeded) {
return "lightgreen";
} else if (test.Succeeded) {
return "green";
} else if (test.Ignored) {
return "gray";
} else if (test.Waiting) {
return "darkgray";
} else if (test.DeviceNotFound) {
return "orangered";
} else {
return "pink";
object report_lock = new object ();
public void GenerateReport ()
try {
lock (report_lock) {
var report = Path.Combine (LogDirectory, "index.html");
var tmpreport = Path.Combine (LogDirectory, $"index-{Harness.Timestamp}.tmp.html");
var tmpmarkdown = string.IsNullOrEmpty (Harness.MarkdownSummaryPath) ? string.Empty : (Harness.MarkdownSummaryPath + $".{Harness.Timestamp}.tmp");
using (var stream = new FileStream (tmpreport, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) {
using (var markdown_writer = (string.IsNullOrEmpty (tmpmarkdown) ? null : new StreamWriter (tmpmarkdown))) {
GenerateReportImpl (stream, markdown_writer);
if (File.Exists (report))
File.Delete (report);
File.Move (tmpreport, report);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (tmpmarkdown)) {
if (File.Exists (Harness.MarkdownSummaryPath))
File.Delete (Harness.MarkdownSummaryPath);
File.Move (tmpmarkdown, Harness.MarkdownSummaryPath);
var dependentFileLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName (System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().Location);
foreach (var file in new string [] { "xharness.js", "xharness.css" }) {
File.Copy (Path.Combine (dependentFileLocation, file), Path.Combine (LogDirectory, file), true);
File.Copy (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "xharness", "favicon.ico"), Path.Combine (LogDirectory, "favicon.ico"), true);
} catch (Exception e) {
this.MainLog.WriteLine ("Failed to write log: {0}", e);
public bool IsHE0038Error (Log log) {
if (log == null)
return false;
if (File.Exists (log.FullPath) && new FileInfo (log.FullPath).Length > 0) {
using (var reader = log.GetReader ()) {
while (!reader.EndOfStream) {
string line = reader.ReadLine ();
if (line == null)
if (line.Contains ("error HE0038: Failed to launch the app"))
return true;
return false;
string previous_test_runs;
void GenerateReportImpl (Stream stream, StreamWriter markdown_summary = null)
var id_counter = 0;
var allSimulatorTasks = new List<RunSimulatorTask> ();
var allExecuteTasks = new List<MacExecuteTask> ();
var allNUnitTasks = new List<NUnitExecuteTask> ();
var allMakeTasks = new List<MakeTask> ();
var allDeviceTasks = new List<RunDeviceTask> ();
foreach (var task in Tasks) {
var aggregated = task as AggregatedRunSimulatorTask;
if (aggregated != null) {
allSimulatorTasks.AddRange (aggregated.Tasks);
var execute = task as MacExecuteTask;
if (execute != null) {
allExecuteTasks.Add (execute);
var nunit = task as NUnitExecuteTask;
if (nunit != null) {
allNUnitTasks.Add (nunit);
var make = task as MakeTask;
if (make != null) {
allMakeTasks.Add (make);
var run_device = task as RunDeviceTask;
if (run_device != null) {
allDeviceTasks.Add (run_device);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
var allTasks = new List<TestTask> ();
if (!populating) {
allTasks.AddRange (allExecuteTasks);
allTasks.AddRange (allSimulatorTasks);
allTasks.AddRange (allNUnitTasks);
allTasks.AddRange (allMakeTasks);
allTasks.AddRange (allDeviceTasks);
var failedTests = allTasks.Where ((v) => v.Failed);
var deviceNotFound = allTasks.Where ((v) => v.DeviceNotFound);
var unfinishedTests = allTasks.Where ((v) => !v.Finished);
var passedTests = allTasks.Where ((v) => v.Succeeded);
var runningTests = allTasks.Where ((v) => v.Running && !v.Waiting);
var buildingTests = allTasks.Where ((v) => v.Building && !v.Waiting);
var runningQueuedTests = allTasks.Where ((v) => v.Running && v.Waiting);
var buildingQueuedTests = allTasks.Where ((v) => v.Building && v.Waiting);
if (markdown_summary != null) {
if (unfinishedTests.Any () || failedTests.Any () || deviceNotFound.Any ()) {
// Don't print when all tests succeed (cleaner)
markdown_summary.WriteLine ("# Test results");
markdown_summary.WriteLine ();
var details = failedTests.Any ();
if (details) {
markdown_summary.WriteLine ("<details>");
markdown_summary.Write ("<summary>");
if (allTasks.Count == 0) {
markdown_summary.Write ($"Loading tests...");
} else if (unfinishedTests.Any ()) {
var list = new List<string> ();
var grouped = allTasks.GroupBy ((v) => v.ExecutionResult).OrderBy ((v) => (int) v.Key);
foreach (var @group in grouped)
list.Add ($"{@group.Key.ToString ()}: {@group.Count ()}");
markdown_summary.Write ($"# Test run in progress: ");
markdown_summary.Write (string.Join (", ", list));
} else if (failedTests.Any ()) {
markdown_summary.Write ($"{failedTests.Count ()} tests failed, ");
if (deviceNotFound.Any ())
markdown_summary.Write ($"{deviceNotFound.Count ()} tests' device not found, ");
markdown_summary.Write ($"{passedTests.Count ()} tests passed.");
} else if (deviceNotFound.Any ()) {
markdown_summary.Write ($"{deviceNotFound.Count ()} tests' device not found, {passedTests.Count ()} tests passed.");
} else if (passedTests.Any ()) {
markdown_summary.Write ($"# :tada: All {passedTests.Count ()} tests passed :tada:");
} else {
markdown_summary.Write ($"# No tests selected.");
if (details)
markdown_summary.Write ("</summary>");
markdown_summary.WriteLine ();
markdown_summary.WriteLine ();
if (failedTests.Any ()) {
markdown_summary.WriteLine ("## Failed tests");
markdown_summary.WriteLine ();
foreach (var t in failedTests) {
markdown_summary.Write ($" * {t.TestName}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (t.Mode))
markdown_summary.Write ($"/{t.Mode}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (t.Variation))
markdown_summary.Write ($"/{t.Variation}");
markdown_summary.Write ($": {t.ExecutionResult}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (t.FailureMessage))
markdown_summary.Write ($" ({t.FailureMessage})");
markdown_summary.WriteLine ();
if (details)
markdown_summary.WriteLine ("</details>");
using (var writer = new StreamWriter (stream)) {
writer.WriteLine ("<!DOCTYPE html>");
writer.WriteLine ("<html onkeypress='keyhandler(event)' lang='en'>");
if (IsServerMode && populating)
writer.WriteLine ("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1\">");
writer.WriteLine ("<head>");
writer.WriteLine ("<link rel='stylesheet' href='xharness.css'>");
writer.WriteLine ("<title>Test results</title>");
writer.WriteLine (@"<script type='text/javascript' src='xharness.js'></script>");
if (IsServerMode) {
writer.WriteLine ("<script type='text/javascript'>");
writer.WriteLine ("setTimeout (autorefresh, 1000);");
writer.WriteLine ("</script>");
writer.WriteLine ("</head>");
writer.WriteLine ("<body onload='oninitialload ();'>");
if (IsServerMode) {
writer.WriteLine ("<div id='quit' style='position:absolute; top: 20px; right: 20px;'><a href='javascript:quit()'>Quit</a><br/><a id='ajax-log-button' href='javascript:toggleAjaxLogVisibility ();'>Show log</a></div>");
writer.WriteLine ("<div id='ajax-log' style='position:absolute; top: 200px; right: 20px; max-width: 100px; display: none;'></div>");
writer.WriteLine ("<h1>Test results</h1>");
foreach (var log in Logs)
writer.WriteLine ("<span id='x{2}' class='autorefreshable'> <a href='{0}' type='text/plain'>{1}</a></span><br />", log.FullPath.Substring (LogDirectory.Length + 1), log.Description, id_counter++);
var headerColor = "black";
if (unfinishedTests.Any ()) {
; // default
} else if (failedTests.Any ()) {
headerColor = "red";
} else if (deviceNotFound.Any ()) {
headerColor = "orange";
} else if (passedTests.Any ()) {
headerColor = "green";
} else {
headerColor = "gray";
writer.Write ($"<h2 style='color: {headerColor}'>");
writer.Write ($"<span id='x{id_counter++}' class='autorefreshable'>");
if (allTasks.Count == 0) {
writer.Write ($"Loading tests...");
} else if (unfinishedTests.Any ()) {
writer.Write ($"Test run in progress (");
var list = new List<string> ();
var grouped = allTasks.GroupBy ((v) => v.ExecutionResult).OrderBy ((v) => (int) v.Key);
foreach (var @group in grouped)
list.Add ($"<span style='color: {GetTestColor (@group)}'>{@group.Key.ToString ()}: {@group.Count ()}</span>");
writer.Write (string.Join (", ", list));
writer.Write (")");
} else if (failedTests.Any ()) {
writer.Write ($"{failedTests.Count ()} tests failed, ");
if (deviceNotFound.Any ())
writer.Write ($"{deviceNotFound.Count ()} tests' device not found, ");
writer.Write ($"{passedTests.Count ()} tests passed");
} else if (deviceNotFound.Any ()) {
writer.Write ($"{deviceNotFound.Count ()} tests' device not found, {passedTests.Count ()} tests passed");
} else if (passedTests.Any ()) {
writer.Write ($"All {passedTests.Count ()} tests passed");
} else {
writer.Write ($"No tests selected.");
writer.Write ("</span>");
writer.WriteLine ("</h2>");
if (allTasks.Count > 0) {
writer.WriteLine ($"<ul id='nav'>");
if (IsServerMode) {
writer.WriteLine (@"
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/select?all"");'>All tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/select?all-device"");'>All device tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/select?all-simulator"");'>All simulator tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/select?all-ios"");'>All iOS tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/select?all-tvos"");'>All tvOS tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/select?all-watchos"");'>All watchOS tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/select?all-mac"");'>All Mac tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/deselect?all"");'>All tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/deselect?all-device"");'>All device tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/deselect?all-simulator"");'>All simulator tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/deselect?all-ios"");'>All iOS tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/deselect?all-tvos"");'>All tvOS tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/deselect?all-watchos"");'>All watchOS tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/deselect?all-mac"");'>All Mac tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/run?alltests"");'>Run all tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/run?selected"");'>Run all selected tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/run?failed"");'>Run all failed tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/build?all"");'>Build all tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/build?selected"");'>Build all selected tests</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/build?failed"");'>Build all failed tests</a></li>
writer.WriteLine (@"
<li>Toggle visibility
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:toggleAll (true);'>Expand all</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:toggleAll (false);'>Collapse all</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:toggleVisibility (""toggleable-ignored"");'>Hide/Show ignored tests</a></li>
if (IsServerMode) {
var include_system_permission_option = string.Empty;
var include_system_permission_icon = string.Empty;
if (Harness.IncludeSystemPermissionTests == null) {
include_system_permission_option = "include-permission-tests";
include_system_permission_icon = "2753";
} else if (Harness.IncludeSystemPermissionTests.Value) {
include_system_permission_option = "skip-permission-tests";
include_system_permission_icon = "2705";
} else {
include_system_permission_option = "clear-permission-tests";
include_system_permission_icon = "274C";
writer.WriteLine ($@"
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/reload-devices"");'>Devices</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/reload-simulators"");'>Simulators</a></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><span id='{id_counter++}' class='autorefreshable'><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/set-option?{(CleanSuccessfulTestRuns ? "do-not-clean" : "clean")}"");'>&#x{(CleanSuccessfulTestRuns ? "2705" : "274C")} Clean successful test runs</a></span></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><span id='{id_counter++}' class='autorefreshable'><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/set-option?{(UninstallTestApp ? "do-not-uninstall-test-app" : "uninstall-test-app")}"");'>&#x{(UninstallTestApp ? "2705" : "274C")} Uninstall the app from device before and after the test run</a></span></li>
<li class=""adminitem""><span id='{id_counter++}' class='autorefreshable'><a href='javascript:sendrequest (""/set-option?{include_system_permission_option}"");'>&#x{include_system_permission_icon} Run tests that require system permissions (might put up permission dialogs)</a></span></li>
if (previous_test_runs == null) {
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
var previous = Directory.GetDirectories (Path.GetDirectoryName (LogDirectory)).
Select ((v) => Path.Combine (v, "index.html")).
Where (File.Exists);
if (previous.Any ()) {
sb.AppendLine ("\t<li>Previous test runs");
sb.AppendLine ("\t\t<ul>");
foreach (var prev in previous.OrderBy ((v) => v).Reverse ()) {
var dir = Path.GetFileName (Path.GetDirectoryName (prev));
var ts = dir;
var description = File.ReadAllLines (prev).Where ((v) => v.StartsWith ("<h2", StringComparison.Ordinal)).FirstOrDefault ();
if (description != null) {
description = description.Substring (description.IndexOf ('>') + 1); // <h2 ...>
description = description.Substring (description.IndexOf ('>') + 1); // <span id= ...>
var h2end = description.LastIndexOf ("</h2>", StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (h2end > -1)
description = description.Substring (0, h2end);
description = description.Substring (0, description.LastIndexOf ('<'));
} else {
description = "<unknown state>";
sb.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t<li class=\"adminitem\"><a href='/{dir}/index.html'>{ts}: {description}</a></li>");
sb.AppendLine ("\t\t</ul>");
sb.AppendLine ("\t</li>");
previous_test_runs = sb.ToString ();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (previous_test_runs))
writer.Write (previous_test_runs);
writer.WriteLine ("</ul>");
writer.WriteLine ("<div id='test-table' style='width: 100%; display: flex;'>");
writer.WriteLine ("<div id='test-list'>");
var orderedTasks = allTasks.GroupBy ((TestTask v) => v.TestName);
if (IsServerMode) {
// In server mode don't take into account anything that can change during a test run
// when ordering, since it's confusing to have the tests reorder by themselves while
// you're looking at the web page.
orderedTasks = orderedTasks.OrderBy ((v) => v.Key, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
} else {
// Put failed tests at the top and ignored tests at the end.
// Then order alphabetically.
orderedTasks = orderedTasks.OrderBy ((v) =>
if (v.Any ((t) => t.Failed))
return -1;
if (v.All ((t) => t.Ignored))
return 1;
return 0;
ThenBy ((v) => v.Key, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var group in orderedTasks) {
var singleTask = group.Count () == 1;
var groupId = group.Key.Replace (' ', '-');
// Test header for multiple tests
if (!singleTask) {
var autoExpand = !IsServerMode && group.Any ((v) => v.Failed);
var ignoredClass = group.All ((v) => v.Ignored) ? "toggleable-ignored" : string.Empty;
var defaultExpander = autoExpand ? "-" : "+";
var defaultDisplay = autoExpand ? "block" : "none";
writer.Write ($"<div class='pdiv {ignoredClass}'>");
writer.Write ($"<span id='button_container2_{groupId}' class='expander' onclick='javascript: toggleContainerVisibility2 (\"{groupId}\");'>{defaultExpander}</span>");
writer.Write ($"<span id='x{id_counter++}' class='p1 autorefreshable' onclick='javascript: toggleContainerVisibility2 (\"{groupId}\");'>{group.Key}{RenderTextStates (group)}</span>");
if (IsServerMode) {
var groupIds = string.Join (",", group.Where ((v) => string.IsNullOrEmpty (v.KnownFailure)).Select ((v) => v.ID.ToString ()));
writer.Write ($" <span class='runall'><a href='javascript: runtest (\"{groupIds}\");'>Run all</a> <a href='javascript: buildtest (\"{groupIds}\");'>Build all</a></span>");
writer.WriteLine ("</div>");
writer.WriteLine ($"<div id='test_container2_{groupId}' class='togglable' style='display: {defaultDisplay}; margin-left: 20px;'>");
// Test data
var groupedByMode = group.GroupBy ((v) => v.Mode);
foreach (var modeGroup in groupedByMode) {
var multipleModes = modeGroup.Count () > 1;
if (multipleModes) {
var modeGroupId = id_counter++.ToString ();
var autoExpand = !IsServerMode && modeGroup.Any ((v) => v.Failed);
var ignoredClass = modeGroup.All ((v) => v.Ignored) ? "toggleable-ignored" : string.Empty;
var defaultExpander = autoExpand ? "-" : "+";
var defaultDisplay = autoExpand ? "block" : "none";
writer.Write ($"<div class='pdiv {ignoredClass}'>");
writer.Write ($"<span id='button_container2_{modeGroupId}' class='expander' onclick='javascript: toggleContainerVisibility2 (\"{modeGroupId}\");'>{defaultExpander}</span>");
writer.Write ($"<span id='x{id_counter++}' class='p2 autorefreshable' onclick='javascript: toggleContainerVisibility2 (\"{modeGroupId}\");'>{modeGroup.Key}{RenderTextStates (modeGroup)}</span>");
if (IsServerMode) {
var modeGroupIds = string.Join (",", modeGroup.Where ((v) => string.IsNullOrEmpty (v.KnownFailure)).Select ((v) => v.ID.ToString ()));
writer.Write ($" <span class='runall'><a href='javascript: runtest (\"{modeGroupIds}\");'>Run all</a> <a href='javascript: buildtest (\"{modeGroupIds}\");'>Build all</a></span>");
writer.WriteLine ("</div>");
writer.WriteLine ($"<div id='test_container2_{modeGroupId}' class='togglable' style='display: {defaultDisplay}; margin-left: 20px;'>");
foreach (var test in modeGroup.OrderBy ((v) => v.Variation, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
var runTest = test as RunTestTask;
string state;
state = test.ExecutionResult.ToString ();
var log_id = id_counter++;
var logs = test.AggregatedLogs.ToList ();
string title;
if (multipleModes) {
title = test.Variation ?? "Default";
} else if (singleTask) {
title = test.TestName;
} else {
title = test.Mode;
var autoExpand = !IsServerMode && test.Failed;
var ignoredClass = test.Ignored ? "toggleable-ignored" : string.Empty;
var defaultExpander = autoExpand ? "&nbsp;" : "+";
var defaultDisplay = autoExpand ? "block" : "none";
var buildOnly = test.BuildOnly ? ", BuildOnly" : string.Empty;
writer.Write ($"<div class='pdiv {ignoredClass}'>");
writer.Write ($"<span id='button_{log_id}' class='expander' onclick='javascript: toggleLogVisibility (\"{log_id}\");'>{defaultExpander}</span>");
// we have a very common error we want to make this easier for the person that is dealing with the results
var knownFailure = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (test.KnownFailure))
knownFailure = $" {test.KnownFailure}";
writer.Write ($"<span id='x{id_counter++}' class='p3 autorefreshable' onclick='javascript: toggleLogVisibility (\"{log_id}\");'>{title} (<span style='color: {GetTestColor (test)}'>{state}{knownFailure}</span>{buildOnly}) </span>");
if (IsServerMode) {
writer.Write ($" <span id='x{id_counter++}' class='autorefreshable'>");
if (test.Waiting) {
writer.Write ($" <a class='runall' href='javascript:stoptest ({test.ID})'>Stop</a> ");
} else if (test.InProgress && !test.Built) {
// Stopping is not implemented for tasks that are already executing
} else {
writer.Write ($" <a class='runall' href='javascript:runtest ({test.ID})'>Run</a> ");
writer.Write ($" <a class='runall' href='javascript:buildtest ({test.ID})'>Build</a> ");
writer.Write ("</span> ");
writer.WriteLine ("</div>");
writer.WriteLine ($"<div id='logs_{log_id}' class='autorefreshable logs togglable' data-onautorefresh='{log_id}' style='display: {defaultDisplay};'>");
var testAssemblies = test.ReferencedNunitAndXunitTestAssemblies;
if (testAssemblies.Any ())
writer.WriteLine ($"Test assemblies:<br/>- {String.Join ("<br/>- ", testAssemblies)}<br />");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (test.KnownFailure))
writer.WriteLine ($"Known failure: {test.KnownFailure} <br />");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (test.FailureMessage)) {
var msg = HtmlFormat (test.FailureMessage);
var prefix = test.Ignored ? "Ignored" : "Failure";
if (test.FailureMessage.Contains ('\n')) {
writer.WriteLine ($"{prefix}:<br /> <div style='margin-left: 20px;'>{msg}</div>");
} else {
writer.WriteLine ($"{prefix}: {msg} <br />");
var progressMessage = test.ProgressMessage;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (progressMessage))
writer.WriteLine (HtmlFormat (progressMessage) + " <br />");
if (runTest != null) {
if (runTest.BuildTask.Duration.Ticks > 0) {
writer.WriteLine ($"Project file: {runTest.BuildTask.ProjectFile} <br />");
writer.WriteLine ($"Platform: {runTest.BuildTask.ProjectPlatform} Configuration: {runTest.BuildTask.ProjectConfiguration} <br />");
IEnumerable<IDevice> candidates = (runTest as RunDeviceTask)?.Candidates;
if (candidates == null)
candidates = (runTest as RunSimulatorTask)?.Candidates;
if (candidates != null) {
writer.WriteLine ($"Candidate devices:<br />");
foreach (var candidate in candidates)
writer.WriteLine ($"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{candidate.Name} (Version: {candidate.OSVersion})<br />");
writer.WriteLine ($"Build duration: {runTest.BuildTask.Duration} <br />");
if (test.Duration.Ticks > 0)
writer.WriteLine ($"Run duration: {test.Duration} <br />");
var runDeviceTest = runTest as RunDeviceTask;
if (runDeviceTest?.Device != null) {
if (runDeviceTest.CompanionDevice != null) {
writer.WriteLine ($"Device: {runDeviceTest.Device.Name} ({runDeviceTest.CompanionDevice.Name}) <br />");
} else {
writer.WriteLine ($"Device: {runDeviceTest.Device.Name} <br />");
} else {
if (test.Duration.Ticks > 0)
writer.WriteLine ($"Duration: {test.Duration} <br />");
if (logs.Count () > 0) {
foreach (var log in logs) {
log.Flush ();
var exists = File.Exists (log.FullPath);
string log_type = System.Web.MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping (log.FullPath);
string log_target;
switch (log_type) {
case "text/xml":
log_target = "_top";
log_target = "_self";
if (!exists) {
writer.WriteLine ("<a href='{0}' type='{2}' target='{3}'>{1}</a> (does not exist)<br />", LinkEncode (log.FullPath.Substring (LogDirectory.Length + 1)), log.Description, log_type, log_target);
} else if (log.Description == "Build log") {
var binlog = log.FullPath.Replace (".txt", ".binlog");
if (File.Exists (binlog)) {
var textLink = string.Format ("<a href='{0}' type='{2}' target='{3}'>{1}</a>", LinkEncode (log.FullPath.Substring (LogDirectory.Length + 1)), log.Description, log_type, log_target);
var binLink = string.Format ("<a href='{0}' type='{2}' target='{3}' style='display:{4}'>{1}</a><br />", LinkEncode (binlog.Substring (LogDirectory.Length + 1)), "Binlog download", log_type, log_target, test.Building ? "none" : "inline");
writer.Write ("{0} {1}", textLink, binLink);
} else {
writer.WriteLine ("<a href='{0}' type='{2}' target='{3}'>{1}</a><br />", LinkEncode (log.FullPath.Substring (LogDirectory.Length + 1)), log.Description, log_type, log_target);
} else {
writer.WriteLine ("<a href='{0}' type='{2}' target='{3}'>{1}</a><br />", LinkEncode (log.FullPath.Substring (LogDirectory.Length + 1)), log.Description, log_type, log_target);
if (!exists) {
// Don't try to parse files that don't exist
} else if (log.Description == "Test log" || log.Description == "Extension test log" || log.Description == "Execution log") {
string summary;
List<string> fails;
try {
using (var reader = log.GetReader ()) {
Tuple<long, object> data;
if (!log_data.TryGetValue (log, out data) || data.Item1 != reader.BaseStream.Length) {
summary = string.Empty;
fails = new List<string> ();
while (!reader.EndOfStream) {
string line = reader.ReadLine ()?.Trim ();
if (line == null)
if (line.StartsWith ("Tests run:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
summary = line;
} else if (line.StartsWith ("[FAIL]", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
fails.Add (line);
} else {
var data_tuple = (Tuple<string, List<string>>) data.Item2;
summary = data_tuple.Item1;
fails = data_tuple.Item2;
if (fails.Count > 100) {
fails.Add ("...");
if (fails.Count > 0) {
writer.WriteLine ("<div style='padding-left: 15px;'>");
foreach (var fail in fails)
writer.WriteLine ("{0} <br />", HtmlFormat (fail));
writer.WriteLine ("</div>");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (summary))
writer.WriteLine ("<span style='padding-left: 15px;'>{0}</span><br />", summary);
} catch (Exception ex) {
writer.WriteLine ("<span style='padding-left: 15px;'>Could not parse log file: {0}</span><br />", HtmlFormat (ex.Message));
} else if (log.Description == "Build log") {
HashSet<string> errors;
try {
using (var reader = log.GetReader ()) {
Tuple<long, object> data;
if (!log_data.TryGetValue (log, out data) || data.Item1 != reader.BaseStream.Length) {
errors = new HashSet<string> ();
while (!reader.EndOfStream) {
string line = reader.ReadLine ()?.Trim ();
if (line == null)
// Sometimes we put error messages in pull request descriptions
// Then Jenkins create environment variables containing the pull request descriptions (and other pull request data)
// So exclude any lines matching 'ghprbPull', to avoid reporting those environment variables as build errors.
if (line.Contains (": error") && !line.Contains ("ghprbPull")) {
errors.Add (line);
if (errors.Count > 20) {
errors.Add ("...");
log_data [log] = new Tuple<long, object> (reader.BaseStream.Length, errors);
} else {
errors = (HashSet<string>) data.Item2;
if (errors.Count > 0) {
writer.WriteLine ("<div style='padding-left: 15px;'>");
foreach (var error in errors)
writer.WriteLine ("{0} <br />", HtmlFormat (error));
writer.WriteLine ("</div>");
} catch (Exception ex) {
writer.WriteLine ("<span style='padding-left: 15px;'>Could not parse log file: {0}</span><br />", HtmlFormat (ex.Message));
} else if (log.Description == "NUnit results" || log.Description == "XML log") {
try {
if (File.Exists (log.FullPath) && new FileInfo (log.FullPath).Length > 0) {
var doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess (log.FullPath);
var failures = doc.SelectNodes ("//test-case[@result='Error' or @result='Failure']").Cast<System.Xml.XmlNode> ().ToArray ();
if (failures.Length > 0) {
writer.WriteLine ("<div style='padding-left: 15px;'>");
writer.WriteLine ("<ul>");
foreach (var failure in failures) {
writer.WriteLine ("<li>");
var test_name = failure.Attributes ["name"]?.Value;
var message = failure.SelectSingleNode ("failure/message")?.InnerText;
writer.Write (HtmlFormat (test_name));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (message)) {
writer.Write (": ");
writer.Write (HtmlFormat (message));
writer.WriteLine ("<br />");
writer.WriteLine ("</li>");
writer.WriteLine ("</ul>");
writer.WriteLine ("</div>");
} catch (Exception ex) {
writer.WriteLine ($"<span style='padding-left: 15px;'>Could not parse {log.Description}: {HtmlFormat (ex.Message)}</span><br />");
writer.WriteLine ("</div>");
if (multipleModes)
writer.WriteLine ("</div>");
if (!singleTask)
writer.WriteLine ("</div>");
writer.WriteLine ("</div>");
if (IsServerMode) {
writer.WriteLine ("<div id='test-status' style='margin-left: 100px;' class='autorefreshable'>");
if (failedTests.Count () == 0) {
foreach (var group in failedTests.GroupBy ((v) => v.TestName)) {
var enumerableGroup = group as IEnumerable<TestTask>;
if (enumerableGroup != null) {
writer.WriteLine ("<a href='#test_{2}'>{0}</a> ({1})<br />", group.Key, string.Join (", ", enumerableGroup.Select ((v) => string.Format ("<span style='color: {0}'>{1}</span>", GetTestColor (v), string.IsNullOrEmpty (v.Mode) ? v.ExecutionResult.ToString () : v.Mode)).ToArray ()), group.Key.Replace (' ', '-'));
throw new NotImplementedException ();
if (buildingTests.Any ()) {
writer.WriteLine ($"<h3>{buildingTests.Count ()} building tests:</h3>");
foreach (var test in buildingTests) {
var runTask = test as RunTestTask;
var buildDuration = string.Empty;
if (runTask != null)
buildDuration = runTask.BuildTask.Duration.ToString ();
writer.WriteLine ($"<a href='#test_{test.TestName}'>{test.TestName} ({test.Mode})</a> {buildDuration}<br />");
if (runningTests.Any ()) {
writer.WriteLine ($"<h3>{runningTests.Count ()} running tests:</h3>");
foreach (var test in runningTests) {
writer.WriteLine ($"<a href='#test_{test.TestName}'>{test.TestName} ({test.Mode})</a> {test.Duration.ToString ()} {HtmlFormat ("\n\t" + test.ProgressMessage)}<br />");
if (buildingQueuedTests.Any ()) {
writer.WriteLine ($"<h3>{buildingQueuedTests.Count ()} tests in build queue:</h3>");
foreach (var test in buildingQueuedTests) {
writer.WriteLine ($"<a href='#test_{test.TestName}'>{test.TestName} ({test.Mode})</a><br />");
if (runningQueuedTests.Any ()) {
writer.WriteLine ($"<h3>{runningQueuedTests.Count ()} tests in run queue:</h3>");
foreach (var test in runningQueuedTests) {
writer.WriteLine ($"<a href='#test_{test.TestName}'>{test.TestName} ({test.Mode})</a><br />");
var resources = device_resources.Values.Concat (new Resource [] { DesktopResource, NugetResource });
if (resources.Any ()) {
writer.WriteLine ($"<h3>Devices/Resources:</h3>");
foreach (var dr in resources.OrderBy ((v) => v.Description, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
writer.WriteLine ($"{dr.Description} - {dr.Users}/{dr.MaxConcurrentUsers} users - {dr.QueuedUsers} in queue<br />");
writer.WriteLine ("</div>");
writer.WriteLine ("</div>");
writer.WriteLine ("</body>");
writer.WriteLine ("</html>");
Dictionary<Log, Tuple<long, object>> log_data = new Dictionary<Log, Tuple<long, object>> ();
static string HtmlFormat (string value)
var rv = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode (value);
return rv.Replace ("\t", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;").Replace ("\n", "<br/>\n");
static string LinkEncode (string path)
return System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode (path).Replace ("%2f", "/").Replace ("+", "%20");
string RenderTextStates (IEnumerable<TestTask> tests)
// Create a collection of all non-ignored tests in the group (unless all tests were ignored).
var allIgnored = tests.All ((v) => v.ExecutionResult == TestExecutingResult.Ignored);
IEnumerable<TestTask> relevantGroup;
if (allIgnored) {
relevantGroup = tests;
} else {
relevantGroup = tests.Where ((v) => v.ExecutionResult != TestExecutingResult.NotStarted);
if (!relevantGroup.Any ())
return string.Empty;
var results = relevantGroup
.GroupBy ((v) => v.ExecutionResult)
.Select ((v) => v.First ()) // GroupBy + Select = Distinct (lambda)
.OrderBy ((v) => v.ID)
.Select ((v) => $"<span style='color: {GetTestColor (v)}'>{v.ExecutionResult.ToString ()}</span>")
.ToArray ();
return " (" + string.Join ("; ", results) + ")";
abstract class TestTask
static int counter;
public readonly int ID = counter++;
bool? supports_parallel_execution;
public Jenkins Jenkins;
public Harness Harness { get { return Jenkins.Harness; } }
public TestProject TestProject;
public string ProjectFile { get { return TestProject?.Path; } }
public string ProjectConfiguration;
public string ProjectPlatform;
public Dictionary<string, string> Environment = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
public Func<Task> Dependency; // a task that's feteched and awaited before this task's ExecuteAsync method
public Task InitialTask; // a task that's executed before this task's ExecuteAsync method.
public Task CompletedTask; // a task that's executed after this task's ExecuteAsync method.
public bool BuildOnly;
public string KnownFailure;
// VerifyRun is called in RunInternalAsync/ExecuteAsync to verify that the task can be executed/run.
// Typically used to fail tasks that don't have an available device, or if there's not enough disk space.
public virtual Task VerifyRunAsync ()
return VerifyDiskSpaceAsync ();
static DriveInfo RootDrive;
protected Task VerifyDiskSpaceAsync ()
if (Finished)
return Task.CompletedTask;
if (RootDrive == null)
RootDrive = new DriveInfo ("/");
var afs = RootDrive.AvailableFreeSpace;
const long minSpaceRequirement = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; /* 1 GB */
if (afs < minSpaceRequirement) {
FailureMessage = $"Not enough space on the root drive '{RootDrive.Name}': {afs / (1024.0 * 1024):#.##} MB left of {minSpaceRequirement / (1024.0 * 1024):#.##} MB required";
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Failed;
return Task.CompletedTask;
public void CloneTestProject (TestProject project)
// Don't build in the original project directory
// We can build multiple projects in parallel, and if some of those
// projects have the same project dependencies, then we may end up
// building the same (dependent) project simultaneously (and they can
// stomp on eachother).
// So we clone the project file to a separate directory and build there instead.
// This is done asynchronously to speed to the initial test load.
TestProject = project.Clone ();
InitialTask = TestProject.CreateCopyAsync ();
protected Stopwatch duration = new Stopwatch ();
public TimeSpan Duration {
get {
return duration.Elapsed;
TestExecutingResult execution_result;
public virtual TestExecutingResult ExecutionResult {
get {
return execution_result;
set {
execution_result = value;
string failure_message;
public string FailureMessage {
get { return failure_message; }
set {
failure_message = value;
MainLog.WriteLine (failure_message);
public virtual string ProgressMessage { get; }
public bool NotStarted { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.StateMask) == TestExecutingResult.NotStarted; } }
public bool InProgress { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.InProgress) == TestExecutingResult.InProgress; } }
public bool Waiting { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.Waiting) == TestExecutingResult.Waiting; } }
public bool Finished { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.Finished) == TestExecutingResult.Finished; } }
public bool Building { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.Building) == TestExecutingResult.Building; } }
public bool Built { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.Built) == TestExecutingResult.Built; } }
public bool Running { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.Running) == TestExecutingResult.Running; } }
public bool BuildSucceeded { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.BuildSucceeded) == TestExecutingResult.BuildSucceeded; } }
public bool Succeeded { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.Succeeded) == TestExecutingResult.Succeeded; } }
public bool Failed { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.Failed) == TestExecutingResult.Failed; } }
public bool Ignored {
get { return ExecutionResult == TestExecutingResult.Ignored; }
set {
if (ExecutionResult != TestExecutingResult.NotStarted && ExecutionResult != TestExecutingResult.Ignored)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
ExecutionResult = value ? TestExecutingResult.Ignored : TestExecutingResult.NotStarted;
public bool DeviceNotFound { get { return ExecutionResult == TestExecutingResult.DeviceNotFound; } }
public bool Crashed { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.Crashed) == TestExecutingResult.Crashed; } }
public bool TimedOut { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.TimedOut) == TestExecutingResult.TimedOut; } }
public bool BuildFailure { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.BuildFailure) == TestExecutingResult.BuildFailure; } }
public bool HarnessException { get { return (ExecutionResult & TestExecutingResult.HarnessException) == TestExecutingResult.HarnessException; } }
public virtual string Mode { get; set; }
public virtual string Variation { get; set; }
protected static string Timestamp {
get {
return Harness.Timestamp;
public bool HasCustomTestName {
get {
return test_name != null;
string test_name;
public virtual string TestName {
get {
if (test_name != null)
return test_name;
var rv = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (ProjectFile);
if (rv == null)
return $"unknown test name ({GetType ().Name}";
switch (Platform) {
case TestPlatform.Mac:
return rv;
case TestPlatform.Mac_Modern:
return rv;//.Substring (0, rv.Length - "-unified".Length);
case TestPlatform.Mac_Full:
return rv.Substring (0, rv.Length - "-full".Length);
case TestPlatform.Mac_System:
return rv.Substring (0, rv.Length - "-system".Length);
if (rv.EndsWith ("-watchos", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
return rv.Substring (0, rv.Length - 8);
} else if (rv.EndsWith ("-tvos", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
return rv.Substring (0, rv.Length - 5);
} else if (rv.EndsWith ("-unified", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
return rv.Substring (0, rv.Length - 8);
} else if (rv.EndsWith ("-today", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
return rv.Substring (0, rv.Length - 6);
} else {
return rv;
set {
test_name = value;
public TestPlatform Platform { get; set; }
public List<Resource> Resources = new List<Resource> ();
Log test_log;
public Log MainLog {
get {
if (test_log == null)
test_log = Logs.Create ($"main-{Timestamp}.log", "Main log");
return test_log;
public virtual IEnumerable<Log> AggregatedLogs {
get {
return Logs;
public string LogDirectory {
get {
var rv = Path.Combine (Jenkins.LogDirectory, TestName, ID.ToString ());
Directory.CreateDirectory (rv);
return rv;
Logs logs;
public Logs Logs {
get {
return logs ?? (logs = new Logs (LogDirectory));
IEnumerable<string> referencedNunitAndXunitTestAssemblies;
public IEnumerable<string> ReferencedNunitAndXunitTestAssemblies {
get {
if (referencedNunitAndXunitTestAssemblies != null)
return referencedNunitAndXunitTestAssemblies;
if (TestName.Contains ("BCL tests group")) { // avoid loading unrelated projects
if (!File.Exists (ProjectFile))
return Enumerable.Empty<string> ();
var csproj = new XmlDocument ();
try {
csproj.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess (ProjectFile.Replace ("\\", "/"));
referencedNunitAndXunitTestAssemblies = csproj.GetNunitAndXunitTestReferences ();
} catch (Exception e) {
referencedNunitAndXunitTestAssemblies = new string [] { $"Exception: {e.Message}", $"Filename: {ProjectFile}" };
} else {
referencedNunitAndXunitTestAssemblies = Enumerable.Empty<string> ();
return referencedNunitAndXunitTestAssemblies;
Task execute_task;
async Task RunInternalAsync ()
if (Finished)
ExecutionResult = (ExecutionResult & ~TestExecutingResult.StateMask) | TestExecutingResult.InProgress;
try {
if (Dependency != null)
await Dependency ();
if (InitialTask != null)
await InitialTask;
await VerifyRunAsync ();
if (Finished)
duration.Start ();
execute_task = ExecuteAsync ();
await execute_task;
if (CompletedTask != null) {
if (CompletedTask.Status == TaskStatus.Created)
CompletedTask.Start ();
await CompletedTask;
ExecutionResult = (ExecutionResult & ~TestExecutingResult.StateMask) | TestExecutingResult.Finished;
if ((ExecutionResult & ~TestExecutingResult.StateMask) == 0)
throw new Exception ("Result not set!");
} catch (Exception e) {
using (var log = Logs.Create ($"execution-failure-{Timestamp}.log", "Execution failure")) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.HarnessException;
FailureMessage = $"Harness exception for '{TestName}': {e}";
log.WriteLine (FailureMessage);
PropagateResults ();
} finally {
logs?.Dispose ();
duration.Stop ();
Jenkins.GenerateReport ();
protected virtual void PropagateResults ()
public virtual void Reset ()
test_log = null;
failure_message = null;
logs = null;
duration.Reset ();
execution_result = TestExecutingResult.NotStarted;
execute_task = null;
public Task RunAsync ()
if (execute_task == null)
execute_task = RunInternalAsync ();
return execute_task;
protected abstract Task ExecuteAsync ();
public override string ToString ()
return ExecutionResult.ToString ();
protected void SetEnvironmentVariables (Process process)
var xcodeRoot = Harness.XcodeRoot;
switch (Platform) {
case TestPlatform.iOS:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified32:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified64:
case TestPlatform.iOS_TodayExtension64:
case TestPlatform.tvOS:
case TestPlatform.watchOS:
case TestPlatform.watchOS_32:
case TestPlatform.watchOS_64_32:
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MD_APPLE_SDK_ROOT"] = xcodeRoot;
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MD_MTOUCH_SDK_ROOT"] = Path.Combine (Harness.IOS_DESTDIR, "Library", "Frameworks", "Xamarin.iOS.framework", "Versions", "Current");
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["TargetFrameworkFallbackSearchPaths"] = Path.Combine (Harness.IOS_DESTDIR, "Library", "Frameworks", "Mono.framework", "External", "xbuild-frameworks");
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MSBuildExtensionsPathFallbackPathsOverride"] = Path.Combine (Harness.IOS_DESTDIR, "Library", "Frameworks", "Mono.framework", "External", "xbuild");
case TestPlatform.Mac:
case TestPlatform.Mac_Modern:
case TestPlatform.Mac_Full:
case TestPlatform.Mac_System:
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MD_APPLE_SDK_ROOT"] = xcodeRoot;
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["TargetFrameworkFallbackSearchPaths"] = Path.Combine (Harness.MAC_DESTDIR, "Library", "Frameworks", "Mono.framework", "External", "xbuild-frameworks");
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MSBuildExtensionsPathFallbackPathsOverride"] = Path.Combine (Harness.MAC_DESTDIR, "Library", "Frameworks", "Mono.framework", "External", "xbuild");
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["XamarinMacFrameworkRoot"] = Path.Combine (Harness.MAC_DESTDIR, "Library", "Frameworks", "Xamarin.Mac.framework", "Versions", "Current");
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["XAMMAC_FRAMEWORK_PATH"] = Path.Combine (Harness.MAC_DESTDIR, "Library", "Frameworks", "Xamarin.Mac.framework", "Versions", "Current");
case TestPlatform.All:
// Don't set:
// MSBuildExtensionsPath
// TargetFrameworkFallbackSearchPaths
// because these values used by both XM and XI and we can't set it to two different values at the same time.
// Any test that depends on these values should not be using 'TestPlatform.All'
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MD_APPLE_SDK_ROOT"] = xcodeRoot;
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MD_MTOUCH_SDK_ROOT"] = Path.Combine (Harness.IOS_DESTDIR, "Library", "Frameworks", "Xamarin.iOS.framework", "Versions", "Current");
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["XamarinMacFrameworkRoot"] = Path.Combine (Harness.MAC_DESTDIR, "Library", "Frameworks", "Xamarin.Mac.framework", "Versions", "Current");
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["XAMMAC_FRAMEWORK_PATH"] = Path.Combine (Harness.MAC_DESTDIR, "Library", "Frameworks", "Xamarin.Mac.framework", "Versions", "Current");
throw new NotImplementedException ();
foreach (var kvp in Environment)
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables [kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
protected void AddWrenchLogFiles (StreamReader stream)
string line;
while ((line = stream.ReadLine ()) != null) {
if (!line.StartsWith ("@MonkeyWrench: ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
var cmd = line.Substring ("@MonkeyWrench:".Length).TrimStart ();
var colon = cmd.IndexOf (':');
if (colon <= 0)
var name = cmd.Substring (0, colon);
switch (name) {
case "AddFile":
var src = cmd.Substring (name.Length + 1).Trim ();
Logs.AddFile (src);
Harness.HarnessLog.WriteLine ("Unknown @MonkeyWrench command in {0}: {1}", TestName, name);
protected void LogEvent (Log log, string text, params object[] args)
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine (text, args);
log.WriteLine (text, args);
public string GuessFailureReason (Log log)
try {
using (var reader = log.GetReader ()) {
string line;
var error_msg = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ("([A-Z][A-Z][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]:.*)");
while ((line = reader.ReadLine ()) != null) {
var match = error_msg.Match (line);
if (match.Success)
return match.Groups [1].Captures [0].Value;
} catch (Exception e) {
Harness.Log ("Failed to guess failure reason: {0}", e.Message);
return null;
// This method will set (and clear) the Waiting flag correctly while waiting on a resource
// It will also pause the duration.
public async Task<IAcquiredResource> NotifyBlockingWaitAsync (Task<IAcquiredResource> task)
var rv = new BlockingWait ();
// Stop the timer while we're waiting for a resource
duration.Stop ();
ExecutionResult = ExecutionResult | TestExecutingResult.Waiting;
rv.Wrapped = await task;
ExecutionResult = ExecutionResult & ~TestExecutingResult.Waiting;
duration.Start ();
rv.OnDispose = duration.Stop;
return rv;
public virtual bool SupportsParallelExecution {
get {
return supports_parallel_execution ?? true;
set {
supports_parallel_execution = value;
protected Task<IAcquiredResource> NotifyAndAcquireDesktopResourceAsync ()
return NotifyBlockingWaitAsync ((SupportsParallelExecution ? Jenkins.DesktopResource.AcquireConcurrentAsync () : Jenkins.DesktopResource.AcquireExclusiveAsync ()));
class BlockingWait : IAcquiredResource, IDisposable
public IAcquiredResource Wrapped;
public Action OnDispose;
public Resource Resource { get { return Wrapped.Resource; } }
public void Dispose ()
OnDispose ();
Wrapped.Dispose ();
abstract class BuildToolTask : TestTask
public bool SpecifyPlatform = true;
public bool SpecifyConfiguration = true;
public override string Mode {
get { return Platform.ToString (); }
set { throw new NotSupportedException (); }
public virtual Task CleanAsync ()
Console.WriteLine ("Clean is not implemented for {0}", GetType ().Name);
return Task.CompletedTask;
abstract class BuildProjectTask : BuildToolTask
public string SolutionPath;
public bool RestoreNugets {
get {
return TestProject.RestoreNugetsInProject || !string.IsNullOrEmpty (SolutionPath);
public override bool SupportsParallelExecution {
get {
return Platform.ToString ().StartsWith ("Mac", StringComparison.Ordinal);
async Task<TestExecutingResult> RestoreNugetsAsync (string projectPath, Log log, bool useXIBuild=false)
using (var resource = await Jenkins.NugetResource.AcquireExclusiveAsync ()) {
// we do not want to use xibuild on solutions, we will have some failures with Mac Full
var isSolution = projectPath.EndsWith (".sln", StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (!File.Exists (projectPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException ("Could not find the solution whose nugets to restore.", projectPath);
using (var nuget = new Process ()) {
nuget.StartInfo.FileName = useXIBuild && !isSolution ? Harness.XIBuildPath :
var args = new List<string> ();
args.Add ((useXIBuild && !isSolution ? "/" : "") + "restore"); // diff param depending on the tool
args.Add (projectPath);
if (useXIBuild && !isSolution)
args.Add ("/verbosity:detailed");
else {
args.Add ("-verbosity");
args.Add ("detailed");
nuget.StartInfo.Arguments = StringUtils.FormatArguments (args);
SetEnvironmentVariables (nuget);
LogEvent (log, "Restoring nugets for {0} ({1}) on path {2}", TestName, Mode, projectPath);
var timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (15);
var result = await nuget.RunAsync (log, true, timeout);
if (result.TimedOut) {
log.WriteLine ("Nuget restore timed out after {0} seconds.", timeout.TotalSeconds);
return TestExecutingResult.TimedOut;
} else if (!result.Succeeded) {
return TestExecutingResult.Failed;
LogEvent (log, "Restoring nugets completed for {0} ({1}) on path {2}", TestName, Mode, projectPath);
return TestExecutingResult.Succeeded;
List<string> GetNestedReferenceProjects (string csproj)
if (!File.Exists (csproj))
throw new FileNotFoundException ("Could not find the project whose reference projects needed to be found.", csproj);
var result = new List<string> ();
var doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.Load (csproj.Replace ("\\", "/"));
foreach (var referenceProject in doc.GetProjectReferences ()) {
var fixPath = referenceProject.Replace ("\\", "/"); // do the replace in case we use win paths
result.Add (fixPath);
// get all possible references
result.AddRange (GetNestedReferenceProjects (fixPath));
return result;
// This method must be called with the desktop resource acquired
// (which is why it takes an IAcquiredResources as a parameter without using it in the function itself).
protected async Task RestoreNugetsAsync (Log log, IAcquiredResource resource, bool useXIBuild=false)
if (!RestoreNugets)
if (!File.Exists (SolutionPath ?? TestProject.Path))
throw new FileNotFoundException ("Could not find the solution whose nugets to restore.", SolutionPath ?? TestProject.Path);
// might happen that the project does contain reference projects with nugets, grab the reference projects and ensure
// thast they have the nugets restored (usually, watch os test projects
if (SolutionPath == null) {
var references = GetNestedReferenceProjects (TestProject.Path);
foreach (var referenceProject in references) {
var execResult = await RestoreNugetsAsync (referenceProject, log, useXIBuild); // do the replace in case we use win paths
if (execResult == TestExecutingResult.TimedOut) {
ExecutionResult = execResult;
// restore for the main project/solution]
ExecutionResult = await RestoreNugetsAsync (SolutionPath ?? TestProject.Path, log, useXIBuild);
class MakeTask : BuildToolTask
public string Target;
public string WorkingDirectory;
public TimeSpan Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (5);
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync ()
using (var resource = await NotifyAndAcquireDesktopResourceAsync ()) {
using (var make = new Process ()) {
make.StartInfo.FileName = "make";
make.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = WorkingDirectory;
make.StartInfo.Arguments = Target;
SetEnvironmentVariables (make);
var log = Logs.Create ($"make-{Platform}-{Timestamp}.txt", "Build log");
LogEvent (log, "Making {0} in {1}", Target, WorkingDirectory);
if (!Harness.DryRun) {
var timeout = Timeout;
var result = await make.RunAsync (log, true, timeout);
if (result.TimedOut) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.TimedOut;
log.WriteLine ("Make timed out after {0} seconds.", timeout.TotalSeconds);
} else if (result.Succeeded) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Succeeded;
} else {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Failed;
using (var reader = log.GetReader ())
AddWrenchLogFiles (reader);
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine ("Made {0} ({1})", TestName, Mode);
class XBuildTask : BuildProjectTask
public bool UseMSBuild;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync ()
using (var resource = await NotifyAndAcquireDesktopResourceAsync ()) {
var log = Logs.Create ($"build-{Platform}-{Timestamp}.txt", "Build log");
var binlogPath = log.FullPath.Replace (".txt", ".binlog");
await RestoreNugetsAsync (log, resource, useXIBuild: true);
using (var xbuild = new Process ()) {
xbuild.StartInfo.FileName = Harness.XIBuildPath;
var args = new List<string> ();
args.Add ("--");
args.Add ("/verbosity:diagnostic");
args.Add ($"/bl:{binlogPath}");
if (SpecifyPlatform)
args.Add ($"/p:Platform={ProjectPlatform}");
if (SpecifyConfiguration)
args.Add ($"/p:Configuration={ProjectConfiguration}");
args.Add (ProjectFile);
xbuild.StartInfo.Arguments = StringUtils.FormatArguments (args);
SetEnvironmentVariables (xbuild);
if (UseMSBuild)
xbuild.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MSBuildExtensionsPath"] = null;
LogEvent (log, "Building {0} ({1})", TestName, Mode);
if (!Harness.DryRun) {
var timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (60);
var result = await xbuild.RunAsync (log, true, timeout);
if (result.TimedOut) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.TimedOut;
log.WriteLine ("Build timed out after {0} seconds.", timeout.TotalSeconds);
} else if (result.Succeeded) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Succeeded;
} else {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Failed;
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine ("Built {0} ({1})", TestName, Mode);
log.Dispose ();
async Task CleanProjectAsync (Log log, string project_file, string project_platform, string project_configuration)
// Don't require the desktop resource here, this shouldn't be that resource sensitive
using (var xbuild = new Process ()) {
xbuild.StartInfo.FileName = Harness.XIBuildPath;
var args = new List<string> ();
args.Add ("--");
args.Add ("/verbosity:diagnostic");
if (project_platform != null)
args.Add ($"/p:Platform={project_platform}");
if (project_configuration != null)
args.Add ($"/p:Configuration={project_configuration}");
args.Add (project_file);
args.Add ("/t:Clean");
xbuild.StartInfo.Arguments = StringUtils.FormatArguments (args);
SetEnvironmentVariables (xbuild);
LogEvent (log, "Cleaning {0} ({1}) - {2}", TestName, Mode, project_file);
var timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (1);
await xbuild.RunAsync (log, true, timeout);
log.WriteLine ("Clean timed out after {0} seconds.", timeout.TotalSeconds);
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine ("Cleaned {0} ({1})", TestName, Mode);
public async override Task CleanAsync ()
var log = Logs.Create ($"clean-{Platform}-{Timestamp}.txt", "Clean log");
await CleanProjectAsync (log, ProjectFile, SpecifyPlatform ? ProjectPlatform : null, SpecifyConfiguration ? ProjectConfiguration : null);
// Iterate over all the project references as well.
var doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess (ProjectFile);
foreach (var pr in doc.GetProjectReferences ()) {
var path = pr.Replace ('\\', '/');
await CleanProjectAsync (log, path, SpecifyPlatform ? ProjectPlatform : null, SpecifyConfiguration ? ProjectConfiguration : null);
class NUnitExecuteTask : RunTestTask
public string TestLibrary;
public string TestExecutable;
public string WorkingDirectory;
public bool ProduceHtmlReport = true;
public bool InProcess;
public TimeSpan Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (10);
public NUnitExecuteTask (BuildToolTask build_task)
: base (build_task)
public void FindNUnitConsoleExecutable (Log log)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (TestExecutable)) {
log.WriteLine ("Using existing executable: {0}", TestExecutable);
var packages_conf = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (TestProject.Path), "packages.config");
var nunit_version = string.Empty;
var is_packageref = false;
const string default_nunit_version = "3.9.0";
if (!File.Exists (packages_conf)) {
var xml = new XmlDocument ();
xml.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess (TestProject.Path);
var packageref = xml.SelectSingleNode ("//*[local-name()='PackageReference' and @Include = 'NUnit.ConsoleRunner']");
if (packageref != null) {
is_packageref = true;
nunit_version = packageref.Attributes ["Version"].InnerText;
log.WriteLine ("Found PackageReference in {0} for NUnit.ConsoleRunner {1}", TestProject, nunit_version);
} else {
nunit_version = default_nunit_version;
log.WriteLine ("No packages.config found for {0}: assuming nunit version is {1}", TestProject, nunit_version);
} else {
using (var str = new StreamReader (packages_conf)) {
using (var reader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create (str)) {
while (reader.Read ()) {
if (reader.NodeType != System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element)
if (reader.Name != "package")
var id = reader.GetAttribute ("id");
if (id != "NUnit.ConsoleRunner" && id != "NUnit.Runners")
nunit_version = reader.GetAttribute ("version");
if (nunit_version == string.Empty) {
nunit_version = default_nunit_version;
log.WriteLine ("Could not find the NUnit.ConsoleRunner element in {0}, using the default version ({1})", packages_conf, nunit_version);
} else {
log.WriteLine ("Found the NUnit.ConsoleRunner/NUnit.Runners element in {0} for {2}, version is: {1}", packages_conf, nunit_version, TestProject.Path);
if (is_packageref) {
TestExecutable = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "..", "tools", $"nunit3-console-{nunit_version}");
if (!File.Exists (TestExecutable))
throw new FileNotFoundException ($"The helper script to execute the unit tests does not exist: {TestExecutable}");
WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (TestProject.Path);
} else if (nunit_version [0] == '2') {
TestExecutable = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "..", "packages", "NUnit.Runners." + nunit_version, "tools", "nunit-console.exe");
WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (TestExecutable), "lib");
} else {
TestExecutable = Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "..", "packages", "NUnit.ConsoleRunner." + nunit_version, "tools", "nunit3-console.exe");
WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (TestLibrary);
TestExecutable = Path.GetFullPath (TestExecutable);
WorkingDirectory = Path.GetFullPath (WorkingDirectory);
if (!File.Exists (TestExecutable))
throw new FileNotFoundException ($"The nunit executable '{TestExecutable}' doesn't exist.");
public bool IsNUnit3 {
get {
return Path.GetFileName (TestExecutable).Contains ("unit3-console");
public override IEnumerable<Log> AggregatedLogs {
get {
return base.AggregatedLogs.Union (BuildTask.Logs);
public override string Mode {
get {
return base.Mode ?? "NUnit";
set {
base.Mode = value;
protected override async Task RunTestAsync ()
using (var resource = await NotifyAndAcquireDesktopResourceAsync ()) {
var xmlLog = Logs.CreateFile ($"log-{Timestamp}.xml", "XML log");
var log = Logs.Create ($"execute-{Timestamp}.txt", "Execution log");
FindNUnitConsoleExecutable (log);
using (var proc = new Process ()) {
proc.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = WorkingDirectory;
proc.StartInfo.FileName = Harness.XIBuildPath;
var args = new List<string> ();
args.Add ("-t");
args.Add ("--");
args.Add (Path.GetFullPath (TestExecutable));
args.Add (Path.GetFullPath (TestLibrary));
if (IsNUnit3) {
args.Add ("-result=" + xmlLog + ";format=nunit2");
args.Add ("--labels=All");
if (InProcess)
args.Add ("--inprocess");
} else {
args.Add ("-xml=" + xmlLog);
args.Add ("-labels");
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = StringUtils.FormatArguments (args);
SetEnvironmentVariables (proc);
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in proc.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables)
log.WriteLine ($"export {de.Key}={de.Value}");
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine ("Executing {0} ({1})", TestName, Mode);
if (!Harness.DryRun) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Running;
var result = await proc.RunAsync (log, true, Timeout);
if (result.TimedOut) {
FailureMessage = $"Execution timed out after {Timeout.TotalMinutes} minutes.";
log.WriteLine (FailureMessage);
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.TimedOut;
} else if (result.Succeeded) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Succeeded;
} else {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Failed;
FailureMessage = $"Execution failed with exit code {result.ExitCode}";
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine ("Executed {0} ({1})", TestName, Mode);
if (ProduceHtmlReport) {
try {
var output = Logs.Create ($"Log-{Timestamp}.html", "HTML log");
using (var srt = new StringReader (File.ReadAllText (Path.Combine (Harness.RootDirectory, "HtmlTransform.xslt")))) {
using (var sri = File.OpenRead (xmlLog)) {
using (var xrt = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create (srt)) {
using (var xri = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create (sri)) {
var xslt = new System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform ();
xslt.Load (xrt);
using (var xwo = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create (output, xslt.OutputSettings)) // use OutputSettings of xsl, so it can be output as HTML
xslt.Transform (xri, xwo);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.WriteLine ("Failed to produce HTML report: {0}", e);
public override void Reset ()
base.Reset ();
BuildTask?.Reset ();
abstract class MacTask : RunTestTask
public MacTask (BuildToolTask build_task)
: base (build_task)
public override string Mode {
get {
switch (Platform) {
case TestPlatform.Mac:
return "Mac";
case TestPlatform.Mac_Modern:
return "Mac Modern";
case TestPlatform.Mac_Full:
return "Mac Full";
case TestPlatform.Mac_System:
return "Mac System";
throw new NotImplementedException (Platform.ToString ());
set {
throw new NotSupportedException ();
class MacExecuteTask : MacTask
public string Path;
public bool BCLTest;
public bool IsUnitTest;
public MacExecuteTask (BuildToolTask build_task)
: base (build_task)
public override bool SupportsParallelExecution {
get {
if (TestName.Contains ("xammac")) {
// We run the xammac tests in both Debug and Release configurations.
// These tests are not written to support parallel execution
// (there are hard coded paths used for instance), so disable
// parallel execution for these tests.
return false;
if (BCLTest) {
// We run the BCL tests in multiple flavors (Full/Modern),
// and the BCL tests are not written to support parallel execution,
// so disable parallel execution for these tests.
return false;
return base.SupportsParallelExecution;
public override IEnumerable<Log> AggregatedLogs {
get {
return base.AggregatedLogs.Union (BuildTask.Logs);
protected override async Task RunTestAsync ()
var projectDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (ProjectFile);
var name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName (projectDir);
if (string.Equals ("mac", name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (projectDir));
var suffix = string.Empty;
switch (Platform) {
case TestPlatform.Mac_Modern:
suffix = "-modern";
case TestPlatform.Mac_Full:
suffix = "-full";
case TestPlatform.Mac_System:
suffix = "-system";
if (ProjectFile.EndsWith (".sln", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
Path = System.IO.Path.Combine (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (ProjectFile), "bin", BuildTask.ProjectPlatform, BuildTask.ProjectConfiguration + suffix, name + ".app", "Contents", "MacOS", name);
} else {
var project = new System.Xml.XmlDocument ();
project.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess (ProjectFile);
var outputPath = project.GetOutputPath (BuildTask.ProjectPlatform, BuildTask.ProjectConfiguration).Replace ('\\', '/');
var assemblyName = project.GetAssemblyName ();
Path = System.IO.Path.Combine (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (ProjectFile), outputPath, assemblyName + ".app", "Contents", "MacOS", assemblyName);
using (var resource = await NotifyAndAcquireDesktopResourceAsync ()) {
using (var proc = new Process ()) {
proc.StartInfo.FileName = Path;
if (IsUnitTest) {
var xml = Logs.CreateFile ($"test-{Platform}-{Timestamp}.xml", "NUnit results");
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = StringUtils.FormatArguments ($"-result=" + xml);
if (!Harness.GetIncludeSystemPermissionTests (Platform, false))
proc.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["DISABLE_SYSTEM_PERMISSION_TESTS"] = "1";
proc.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MONO_DEBUG"] = "no-gdb-backtrace";
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine ("Executing {0} ({1})", TestName, Mode);
var log = Logs.Create ($"execute-{Platform}-{Timestamp}.txt", "Execution log");
if (!Harness.DryRun) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Running;
var snapshot = new CrashReportSnapshot () { Device = false, Harness = Harness, Log = log, Logs = Logs, LogDirectory = LogDirectory };
await snapshot.StartCaptureAsync ();
ProcessExecutionResult result = null;
try {
var timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (20);
result = await proc.RunAsync (log, true, timeout);
if (result.TimedOut) {
FailureMessage = $"Execution timed out after {timeout.TotalSeconds} seconds.";
log.WriteLine (FailureMessage);
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.TimedOut;
} else if (result.Succeeded) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Succeeded;
} else {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Failed;
FailureMessage = result.ExitCode != 1 ? $"Test run crashed (exit code: {result.ExitCode})." : "Test run failed.";
log.WriteLine (FailureMessage);
} finally {
await snapshot.EndCaptureAsync (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (Succeeded ? 0 : (result?.ExitCode > 1 ? 120 : 5)));
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine ("Executed {0} ({1})", TestName, Mode);
class RunXtroTask : MacExecuteTask {
public string WorkingDirectory;
public RunXtroTask (BuildToolTask build_task) : base (build_task)
protected override async Task RunTestAsync ()
var projectDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (ProjectFile);
var name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName (projectDir);
using (var resource = await NotifyAndAcquireDesktopResourceAsync ()) {
using (var proc = new Process ()) {
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/mono";
var reporter = System.IO.Path.Combine (WorkingDirectory, "xtro-report/bin/Debug/xtro-report.exe");
var results = System.IO.Path.Combine (Logs.Directory, $"xtro-{Timestamp}");
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = $"--debug {reporter} {WorkingDirectory} {results}";
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine ("Executing {0} ({1})", TestName, Mode);
var log = Logs.Create ($"execute-xtro-{Timestamp}.txt", "Execution log");
log.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", proc.StartInfo.FileName, proc.StartInfo.Arguments);
if (!Harness.DryRun) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Running;
var snapshot = new CrashReportSnapshot () { Device = false, Harness = Harness, Log = log, Logs = Logs, LogDirectory = LogDirectory };
await snapshot.StartCaptureAsync ();
try {
var timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (20);
var result = await proc.RunAsync (log, true, timeout);
if (result.TimedOut) {
FailureMessage = $"Execution timed out after {timeout.TotalSeconds} seconds.";
log.WriteLine (FailureMessage);
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.TimedOut;
} else if (result.Succeeded) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Succeeded;
} else {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Failed;
FailureMessage = result.ExitCode != 1 ? $"Test run crashed (exit code: {result.ExitCode})." : "Test run failed.";
log.WriteLine (FailureMessage);
} finally {
await snapshot.EndCaptureAsync (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (Succeeded ? 0 : 5));
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine ("Executed {0} ({1})", TestName, Mode);
Logs.AddFile (System.IO.Path.Combine (results, "index.html"), "HTML Report");
abstract class RunTestTask : TestTask
public readonly BuildToolTask BuildTask;
public double TimeoutMultiplier { get; set; } = 1;
public RunTestTask (BuildToolTask build_task)
this.BuildTask = build_task;
Jenkins = build_task.Jenkins;
TestProject = build_task.TestProject;
Platform = build_task.Platform;
ProjectPlatform = build_task.ProjectPlatform;
ProjectConfiguration = build_task.ProjectConfiguration;
if (build_task.HasCustomTestName)
TestName = build_task.TestName;
public override IEnumerable<Log> AggregatedLogs {
get {
var rv = base.AggregatedLogs;
if (BuildTask != null)
rv = rv.Union (BuildTask.AggregatedLogs);
return rv;
public override TestExecutingResult ExecutionResult {
get {
// When building, the result is the build result.
if ((BuildTask.ExecutionResult & (TestExecutingResult.InProgress | TestExecutingResult.Waiting)) != 0)
return (BuildTask.ExecutionResult & ~TestExecutingResult.InProgressMask) | TestExecutingResult.Building;
return base.ExecutionResult;
set {
base.ExecutionResult = value;
public async Task<bool> BuildAsync ()
if (Finished)
return true;
await VerifyBuildAsync ();
if (Finished)
return BuildTask.Succeeded;
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Building;
await BuildTask.RunAsync ();
if (!BuildTask.Succeeded) {
if (BuildTask.TimedOut) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.TimedOut;
} else {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.BuildFailure;
FailureMessage = BuildTask.FailureMessage;
} else {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Built;
return BuildTask.Succeeded;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync ()
if (Finished)
await VerifyRunAsync ();
if (Finished)
if (!await BuildAsync ())
if (BuildOnly) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.BuildSucceeded;
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Running;
duration.Restart (); // don't count the build time.
await RunTestAsync ();
protected abstract Task RunTestAsync ();
// VerifyBuild is called in BuildAsync to verify that the task can be built.
// Typically used to fail tasks if there's not enough disk space.
public virtual Task VerifyBuildAsync ()
return VerifyDiskSpaceAsync ();
public override void Reset ()
base.Reset ();
BuildTask.Reset ();
abstract class RunXITask<TDevice> : RunTestTask where TDevice: class, IDevice
IEnumerable<TDevice> candidates;
TDevice device;
TDevice companion_device;
public AppRunnerTarget AppRunnerTarget;
protected AppRunner runner;
protected AppRunner additional_runner;
public IEnumerable<TDevice> Candidates => candidates;
public TDevice Device {
get { return device; }
protected set { device = value; }
public TDevice CompanionDevice {
get { return companion_device; }
protected set { companion_device = value; }
public string BundleIdentifier {
get { return runner.BundleIdentifier; }
public RunXITask (BuildToolTask build_task, IEnumerable<TDevice> candidates)
: base (build_task)
this.candidates = candidates;
public override IEnumerable<Log> AggregatedLogs {
get {
var rv = base.AggregatedLogs;
if (runner != null)
rv = rv.Union (runner.Logs);
if (additional_runner != null)
rv = rv.Union (additional_runner.Logs);
return rv;
public override string Mode {
get {
switch (Platform) {
case TestPlatform.tvOS:
case TestPlatform.watchOS:
return Platform.ToString () + " - " + XIMode;
case TestPlatform.watchOS_32:
return "watchOS 32-bits - " + XIMode;
case TestPlatform.watchOS_64_32:
return "watchOS 64-bits (ARM64_32) - " + XIMode;
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified32:
return "iOS Unified 32-bits - " + XIMode;
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified64:
return "iOS Unified 64-bits - " + XIMode;
case TestPlatform.iOS_TodayExtension64:
return "iOS Unified Today Extension 64-bits - " + XIMode;
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified:
return "iOS Unified - " + XIMode;
throw new NotImplementedException ();
set { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
public override async Task VerifyRunAsync ()
await base.VerifyRunAsync ();
if (Finished)
var enumerable = candidates;
var asyncEnumerable = enumerable as IAsyncEnumerable;
if (asyncEnumerable != null)
await asyncEnumerable.ReadyTask;
if (!enumerable.Any ()) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.DeviceNotFound;
FailureMessage = "No applicable devices found.";
protected abstract string XIMode { get; }
public override void Reset ()
base.Reset ();
runner = null;
additional_runner = null;
class RunDeviceTask : RunXITask<Device>
AppInstallMonitorLog install_log;
public override string ProgressMessage {
get {
var log = install_log;
if (log == null)
return base.ProgressMessage;
var percent_complete = log.CopyingApp ? log.AppPercentComplete : log.WatchAppPercentComplete;
var bytes = log.CopyingApp ? log.AppBytes : log.WatchAppBytes;
var total_bytes = log.CopyingApp ? log.AppTotalBytes : log.WatchAppTotalBytes;
var elapsed = log.CopyingApp ? log.AppCopyDuration : log.WatchAppCopyDuration;
var speed_bps = elapsed.Ticks == 0 ? -1 : bytes / elapsed.TotalSeconds;
var estimated_left = TimeSpan.FromSeconds ((total_bytes - bytes) / speed_bps);
var transfer_percent = 100 * (double) bytes / (double) total_bytes;
var str = log.CopyingApp ? "App" : "Watch App";
var rv = $"{str} installation: {percent_complete}% done.\n" +
$"\tApp size: {total_bytes:N0} bytes ({total_bytes/1024.0/1024.0:N2} MB)\n" +
$"\tTransferred: {bytes:N0} bytes ({bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0:N2} MB)\n" +
$"\tTransferred in {elapsed.TotalSeconds:#.#}s ({elapsed})\n" +
$"\tTransfer speed: {speed_bps:N0} B/s ({speed_bps / 1024.0 / 1024.0:N} MB/s, {60 * speed_bps / 1024.0 / 1024.0:N2} MB/m)\n" +
$"\tEstimated time left: {estimated_left.TotalSeconds:#.#}s ({estimated_left})";
return rv;
public RunDeviceTask (XBuildTask build_task, IEnumerable<Device> candidates)
: base (build_task, candidates.OrderBy ((v) => v.DebugSpeed))
switch (build_task.Platform) {
case TestPlatform.iOS:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified32:
case TestPlatform.iOS_Unified64:
AppRunnerTarget = AppRunnerTarget.Device_iOS;
case TestPlatform.iOS_TodayExtension64:
AppRunnerTarget = AppRunnerTarget.Device_iOS;
case TestPlatform.tvOS:
AppRunnerTarget = AppRunnerTarget.Device_tvOS;
case TestPlatform.watchOS:
case TestPlatform.watchOS_32:
case TestPlatform.watchOS_64_32:
AppRunnerTarget = AppRunnerTarget.Device_watchOS;
throw new NotImplementedException ();
protected override async Task RunTestAsync ()
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine ("Running '{0}' on device (candidates: '{1}')", ProjectFile, string.Join ("', '", Candidates.Select ((v) => v.Name).ToArray ()));
var uninstall_log = Logs.Create ($"uninstall-{Timestamp}.log", "Uninstall log");
using (var device_resource = await NotifyBlockingWaitAsync (Jenkins.GetDeviceResources (Candidates).AcquireAnyConcurrentAsync ())) {
try {
// Set the device we acquired.
Device = Candidates.First ((d) => d.UDID == device_resource.Resource.Name);
if (Device.DevicePlatform == DevicePlatform.watchOS)
CompanionDevice = Jenkins.Devices.FindCompanionDevice (Jenkins.DeviceLoadLog, Device);
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine ("Acquired device '{0}' for '{1}'", Device.Name, ProjectFile);
runner = new AppRunner
Harness = Harness,
ProjectFile = ProjectFile,
Target = AppRunnerTarget,
LogDirectory = LogDirectory,
MainLog = uninstall_log,
DeviceName = Device.Name,
CompanionDeviceName = CompanionDevice?.Name,
Configuration = ProjectConfiguration,
TimeoutMultiplier = TimeoutMultiplier,
// Sometimes devices can't upgrade (depending on what has changed), so make sure to uninstall any existing apps first.
if (Jenkins.UninstallTestApp) {
runner.MainLog = uninstall_log;
var uninstall_result = await runner.UninstallAsync ();
if (!uninstall_result.Succeeded)
MainLog.WriteLine ($"Pre-run uninstall failed, exit code: {uninstall_result.ExitCode} (this hopefully won't affect the test result)");
} else {
uninstall_log.WriteLine ($"Pre-run uninstall skipped.");
if (!Failed) {
// Install the app
this.install_log = new AppInstallMonitorLog (Logs.Create ($"install-{Timestamp}.log", "Install log"));
try {
runner.MainLog = this.install_log;
var install_result = await runner.InstallAsync (install_log.CancellationToken );
if (!install_result.Succeeded) {
FailureMessage = $"Install failed, exit code: {install_result.ExitCode}.";
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Failed;
} finally {
this.install_log.Dispose ();
this.install_log = null;
if (!Failed) {
// Run the app
runner.MainLog = Logs.Create ($"run-{Device.UDID}-{Timestamp}.log", "Run log");
await runner.RunAsync ();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (runner.FailureMessage))
FailureMessage = runner.FailureMessage;
else if (runner.Result != TestExecutingResult.Succeeded)
FailureMessage = GuessFailureReason (runner.MainLog);
if (runner.Result == TestExecutingResult.Succeeded && Platform == TestPlatform.iOS_TodayExtension64) {
// For the today extension, the main app is just a single test.
// This is because running the today extension will not wake up the device,
// nor will it close & reopen the today app (but launching the main app
// will do both of these things, preparing the device for launching the today extension).
AppRunner todayRunner = new AppRunner
Harness = Harness,
ProjectFile = TestProject.GetTodayExtension ().Path,
Target = AppRunnerTarget,
LogDirectory = LogDirectory,
MainLog = Logs.Create ($"extension-run-{Device.UDID}-{Timestamp}.log", "Extension run log"),
DeviceName = Device.Name,
CompanionDeviceName = CompanionDevice?.Name,
Configuration = ProjectConfiguration,
additional_runner = todayRunner;
await todayRunner.RunAsync ();
foreach (var log in todayRunner.Logs.Where ((v) => !v.Description.StartsWith ("Extension ", StringComparison.Ordinal)))
log.Description = "Extension " + log.Description [0].ToString ().ToLower () + log.Description.Substring (1);
ExecutionResult = todayRunner.Result;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (todayRunner.FailureMessage))
FailureMessage = todayRunner.FailureMessage;
} else {
ExecutionResult = runner.Result;
} finally {
// Uninstall again, so that we don't leave junk behind and fill up the device.
if (Jenkins.UninstallTestApp) {
runner.MainLog = uninstall_log;
var uninstall_result = await runner.UninstallAsync ();
if (!uninstall_result.Succeeded)
MainLog.WriteLine ($"Post-run uninstall failed, exit code: {uninstall_result.ExitCode} (this won't affect the test result)");
} else {
uninstall_log.WriteLine ($"Post-run uninstall skipped.");
// Also clean up after us locally.
if (Harness.InJenkins || Harness.InWrench || (Jenkins.CleanSuccessfulTestRuns && Succeeded))
await BuildTask.CleanAsync ();
protected override string XIMode {
get {
return "device";
class RunSimulatorTask : RunXITask<SimDevice>
public IAcquiredResource AcquiredResource;
public SimDevice [] Simulators {
get {
if (Device == null) {
return new SimDevice [] { };
} else if (CompanionDevice == null) {
return new SimDevice [] { Device };
} else {
return new SimDevice [] { Device, CompanionDevice };
public RunSimulatorTask (XBuildTask build_task, IEnumerable<SimDevice> candidates = null)
: base (build_task, candidates)
var project = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (ProjectFile);
if (project.EndsWith ("-tvos", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
AppRunnerTarget = AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_tvOS;
} else if (project.EndsWith ("-watchos", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
AppRunnerTarget = AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_watchOS;
} else {
AppRunnerTarget = AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_iOS;
public async Task FindSimulatorAsync ()
if (Device != null)
var asyncEnumerable = Candidates as IAsyncEnumerable;
if (asyncEnumerable != null)
await asyncEnumerable.ReadyTask;
if (!Candidates.Any ()) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.DeviceNotFound;
FailureMessage = "No applicable devices found.";
} else {
Device = Candidates.First ();
if (Platform == TestPlatform.watchOS)
CompanionDevice = Jenkins.Simulators.FindCompanionDevice (Jenkins.SimulatorLoadLog, Device);
public async Task SelectSimulatorAsync ()
if (Finished)
if (!BuildTask.Succeeded) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.BuildFailure;
await FindSimulatorAsync ();
var clean_state = false;//Platform == TestPlatform.watchOS;
runner = new AppRunner ()
Harness = Harness,
ProjectFile = ProjectFile,
EnsureCleanSimulatorState = clean_state,
Target = AppRunnerTarget,
LogDirectory = LogDirectory,
MainLog = Logs.Create ($"run-{Device.UDID}-{Timestamp}.log", "Run log"),
Configuration = ProjectConfiguration,
TimeoutMultiplier = TimeoutMultiplier,
runner.Simulators = Simulators;
runner.Initialize ();
class NondisposedResource : IAcquiredResource
public IAcquiredResource Wrapped;
public Resource Resource {
get {
return Wrapped.Resource;
public void Dispose ()
// Nope, no disposing here.
Task<IAcquiredResource> AcquireResourceAsync ()
if (AcquiredResource != null) {
// We don't own the acquired resource, so wrap it in a class that won't dispose it.
return Task.FromResult<IAcquiredResource> (new NondisposedResource () { Wrapped = AcquiredResource });
} else {
return Jenkins.DesktopResource.AcquireExclusiveAsync ();
protected override async Task RunTestAsync ()
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine ("Running XI on '{0}' ({2}) for {1}", Device?.Name, ProjectFile, Device?.UDID);
ExecutionResult = (ExecutionResult & ~TestExecutingResult.InProgressMask) | TestExecutingResult.Running;
await BuildTask.RunAsync ();
if (!BuildTask.Succeeded) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.BuildFailure;
using (var resource = await NotifyBlockingWaitAsync (AcquireResourceAsync ())) {
if (runner == null)
await SelectSimulatorAsync ();
await runner.RunAsync ();
ExecutionResult = runner.Result;
KnownFailure = null;
if (Jenkins.IsHE0038Error (runner.MainLog))
KnownFailure = $"<a href='https://github.com/xamarin/maccore/issues/581'>HE0038</a>";
protected override string XIMode {
get {
return "simulator";
// This class groups simulator run tasks according to the
// simulator they'll run from, so that we minimize switching
// between different simulators (which is slow).
class AggregatedRunSimulatorTask : TestTask
public IEnumerable<RunSimulatorTask> Tasks;
// Due to parallelization this isn't the same as the sum of the duration for all the build tasks.
Stopwatch build_timer = new Stopwatch ();
public TimeSpan BuildDuration { get { return build_timer.Elapsed; } }
Stopwatch run_timer = new Stopwatch ();
public TimeSpan RunDuration { get { return run_timer.Elapsed; } }
public AggregatedRunSimulatorTask (IEnumerable<RunSimulatorTask> tasks)
this.Tasks = tasks;
protected override void PropagateResults ()
foreach (var task in Tasks) {
task.ExecutionResult = ExecutionResult;
task.FailureMessage = FailureMessage;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync ()
if (Tasks.All ((v) => v.Ignored)) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Ignored;
// First build everything. This is required for the run simulator
// task to properly configure the simulator.
build_timer.Start ();
await Task.WhenAll (Tasks.Select ((v) => v.BuildAsync ()).Distinct ());
build_timer.Stop ();
var executingTasks = Tasks.Where ((v) => !v.Ignored && !v.Failed);
if (!executingTasks.Any ()) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Failed;
using (var desktop = await NotifyBlockingWaitAsync (Jenkins.DesktopResource.AcquireExclusiveAsync ())) {
run_timer.Start ();
// We need to set the dialog permissions for all the apps
// before launching the simulator, because once launched
// the simulator caches the values in-memory.
foreach (var task in executingTasks) {
await task.VerifyRunAsync ();
await task.SelectSimulatorAsync ();
var devices = executingTasks.First ().Simulators;
Jenkins.MainLog.WriteLine ("Selected simulator: {0}", devices.Length > 0 ? devices [0].Name : "none");
foreach (var dev in devices)
await dev.PrepareSimulatorAsync (Jenkins.MainLog, executingTasks.Select ((v) => v.BundleIdentifier).ToArray ());
foreach (var task in executingTasks) {
task.AcquiredResource = desktop;
try {
await task.RunAsync ();
} finally {
task.AcquiredResource = null;
foreach (var dev in devices)
await dev.ShutdownAsync (Jenkins.MainLog);
await SimDevice.KillEverythingAsync (Jenkins.MainLog);
run_timer.Stop ();
if (Tasks.All ((v) => v.Ignored)) {
ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.Ignored;
} else {
ExecutionResult = Tasks.Any ((v) => v.Failed) ? TestExecutingResult.Failed : TestExecutingResult.Succeeded;
// This is a very simple class to manage the general concept of 'resource'.
// Performance isn't important, so this is very simple.
// Currently it's only used to make sure everything that happens on the desktop
// is serialized (Jenkins.DesktopResource), but in the future the idea is to
// make each connected device a separate resource, which will make it possible
// to run tests in parallel across devices (and at the same time use the desktop
// to build the next test project).
class Resource
public string Name;
public string Description;
ConcurrentQueue<TaskCompletionSource<IAcquiredResource>> queue = new ConcurrentQueue<TaskCompletionSource<IAcquiredResource>> ();
ConcurrentQueue<TaskCompletionSource<IAcquiredResource>> exclusive_queue = new ConcurrentQueue<TaskCompletionSource<IAcquiredResource>> ();
int users;
int max_concurrent_users = 1;
bool exclusive;
public int Users => users;
public int QueuedUsers => queue.Count + exclusive_queue.Count;
public int MaxConcurrentUsers {
get {
return max_concurrent_users;
set {
max_concurrent_users = value;
public Resource (string name, int max_concurrent_users = 1, string description = null)
this.Name = name;
this.max_concurrent_users = max_concurrent_users;
this.Description = description ?? name;
public Task<IAcquiredResource> AcquireConcurrentAsync ()
lock (queue) {
if (!exclusive && users < max_concurrent_users) {
return Task.FromResult<IAcquiredResource> (new AcquiredResource (this));
} else {
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IAcquiredResource> (new AcquiredResource (this));
queue.Enqueue (tcs);
return tcs.Task;
public Task<IAcquiredResource> AcquireExclusiveAsync ()
lock (queue) {
if (users == 0) {
exclusive = true;
return Task.FromResult<IAcquiredResource> (new AcquiredResource (this));
} else {
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IAcquiredResource> (new AcquiredResource (this));
exclusive_queue.Enqueue (tcs);
return tcs.Task;
void Release ()
TaskCompletionSource<IAcquiredResource> tcs;
lock (queue) {
exclusive = false;
if (queue.TryDequeue (out tcs)) {
tcs.SetResult ((IAcquiredResource) tcs.Task.AsyncState);
} else if (users == 0 && exclusive_queue.TryDequeue (out tcs)) {
exclusive = true;
tcs.SetResult ((IAcquiredResource) tcs.Task.AsyncState);
class AcquiredResource : IAcquiredResource
Resource resource;
public AcquiredResource (Resource resource)
this.resource = resource;
void IDisposable.Dispose ()
resource.Release ();
public Resource Resource { get { return resource; } }
interface IAcquiredResource : IDisposable
Resource Resource { get; }
class Resources
readonly Resource [] resources;
public Resources (IEnumerable<Resource> resources)
this.resources = resources.ToArray ();
public Task<IAcquiredResource> AcquireAnyConcurrentAsync ()
if (resources.Length == 0)
throw new Exception ("No resources");
if (resources.Length == 1)
return resources [0].AcquireConcurrentAsync ();
// We try to acquire every resource
// When the first one succeeds, we set the result to true
// We immediately release any other resources we acquire.
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IAcquiredResource> ();
for (int i = 0; i < resources.Length; i++) {
resources [i].AcquireConcurrentAsync ().ContinueWith ((v) =>
var ar = v.Result;
if (!tcs.TrySetResult (ar))
ar.Dispose ();
return tcs.Task;
public enum TestPlatform
public enum TestExecutingResult
NotStarted = 0,
InProgress = 0x1,
Finished = 0x2,
Waiting = 0x4,
StateMask = NotStarted + InProgress + Waiting + Finished,
// In progress state
Building = 0x10 + InProgress,
BuildQueued = 0x10 + InProgress + Waiting,
Built = 0x20 + InProgress,
Running = 0x40 + InProgress,
RunQueued = 0x40 + InProgress + Waiting,
InProgressMask = 0x10 + 0x20 + 0x40,
// Finished results
Succeeded = 0x100 + Finished,
Failed = 0x200 + Finished,
Ignored = 0x400 + Finished,
DeviceNotFound = 0x800 + Finished,
// Finished & Failed results
Crashed = 0x1000 + Failed,
TimedOut = 0x2000 + Failed,
HarnessException = 0x4000 + Failed,
BuildFailure = 0x8000 + Failed,
// Other results
BuildSucceeded = 0x10000 + Succeeded,