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using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Xamarin.Localization.MSBuild;
using Xamarin.Utils;
namespace Xamarin.MacDev.Tasks
public abstract class MetalLibTaskBase : XamarinToolTask
#region Inputs
public ITaskItem[] Items { get; set; }
public string OutputLibrary { get; set; }
public string SdkDevPath { get; set; }
public string SdkRoot { get; set; }
string DevicePlatformBinDir {
get {
switch (Platform) {
case ApplePlatform.iOS:
case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
return AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion.Major >= 11
? Path.Combine (SdkDevPath, "Toolchains", "XcodeDefault.xctoolchain", "usr", "bin")
: Path.Combine (SdkDevPath, "Platforms", "iPhoneOS.platform", "usr", "bin");
case ApplePlatform.MacOSX:
case ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst:
return AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion.Major >= 10
? Path.Combine (SdkDevPath, "Toolchains", "XcodeDefault.xctoolchain", "usr", "bin")
: Path.Combine (SdkDevPath, "Platforms", "MacOSX.platform", "usr", "bin");
throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format (MSBStrings.InvalidPlatform, Platform));
protected override string ToolName {
get { return "metallib"; }
protected override string GenerateFullPathToTool ()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (ToolPath))
return Path.Combine (ToolPath, ToolExe);
var path = Path.Combine (DevicePlatformBinDir, ToolExe);
return File.Exists (path) ? path : ToolExe;
protected override string GenerateCommandLineCommands ()
var args = new CommandLineArgumentBuilder ();
args.Add ("-o");
args.AddQuoted (OutputLibrary);
foreach (var item in Items)
args.AddQuoted (item.ItemSpec);
return args.ToString ();
protected override void LogEventsFromTextOutput (string singleLine, MessageImportance messageImportance)
// TODO: do proper parsing of error messages and such
Log.LogMessage (messageImportance, "{0}", singleLine);
public override bool Execute ()
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (OutputLibrary);
if (!Directory.Exists (dir))
Directory.CreateDirectory (dir);
if (AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion.Major >= 11)
EnvironmentVariables = EnvironmentVariables.CopyAndAdd ($"SDKROOT={SdkRoot}");
return base.Execute ();